import type { AstroConfig } from './@types/astro'; import { join as pathJoin, resolve as pathResolve } from 'path'; import { existsSync } from 'fs'; /** Type util */ const type = (thing: any): string => (Array.isArray(thing) ? 'Array' : typeof thing); /** Throws error if a user provided an invalid config. Manually-implemented to avoid a heavy validation library. */ function validateConfig(config: any): void { // basic if (config === undefined || config === null) throw new Error(`[astro config] Config empty!`); if (typeof config !== 'object') throw new Error(`[astro config] Expected object, received ${typeof config}`); // strings for (const key of ['projectRoot', 'astroRoot', 'dist', 'public', 'site']) { if (config[key] !== undefined && config[key] !== null && typeof config[key] !== 'string') { throw new Error(`[astro config] ${key}: ${JSON.stringify(config[key])}\n Expected string, received ${type(config[key])}.`); } } // booleans for (const key of ['sitemap']) { if (config[key] !== undefined && config[key] !== null && typeof config[key] !== 'boolean') { throw new Error(`[astro config] ${key}: ${JSON.stringify(config[key])}\n Expected boolean, received ${type(config[key])}.`); } } } /** Set default config values */ function configDefaults(userConfig?: any): any { const config: any = { ...(userConfig || {}) }; if (!config.projectRoot) config.projectRoot = '.'; if (!config.astroRoot) config.astroRoot = './astro'; if (!config.dist) config.dist = './_site'; if (!config.public) config.public = './public'; if (typeof config.sitemap === 'undefined') config.sitemap = true; return config; } /** Turn raw config values into normalized values */ function normalizeConfig(userConfig: any, root: string): AstroConfig { const config: any = { ...(userConfig || {}) }; const fileProtocolRoot = `file://${root}/`; config.projectRoot = new URL(config.projectRoot + '/', fileProtocolRoot); config.astroRoot = new URL(config.astroRoot + '/', fileProtocolRoot); config.public = new URL(config.public + '/', fileProtocolRoot); return config as AstroConfig; } /** Attempt to load an `astro.config.mjs` file */ export async function loadConfig(rawRoot: string | undefined): Promise { if (typeof rawRoot === 'undefined') { rawRoot = process.cwd(); } const root = pathResolve(rawRoot); const astroConfigPath = pathJoin(root, 'astro.config.mjs'); // load let config: any; if (existsSync(astroConfigPath)) { config = configDefaults((await import(astroConfigPath)).default); } else { config = configDefaults(); } // validate validateConfig(config); // normalize config = normalizeConfig(config, root); return config as AstroConfig; }