import { createRedirectsFromAstroRoutes } from '@astrojs/underscore-redirects'; import type { AstroAdapter, AstroConfig, AstroIntegration, RouteData } from 'astro'; import esbuild from 'esbuild'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import { dirname } from 'path'; import glob from 'tiny-glob'; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'url'; type Options = { mode: 'directory' | 'advanced'; }; interface BuildConfig { server: URL; client: URL; serverEntry: string; split?: boolean; } export function getAdapter(isModeDirectory: boolean): AstroAdapter { return isModeDirectory ? { name: '@astrojs/cloudflare', serverEntrypoint: '@astrojs/cloudflare/', exports: ['onRequest', 'manifest'], } : { name: '@astrojs/cloudflare', serverEntrypoint: '@astrojs/cloudflare/server.advanced.js', exports: ['default'], }; } const SHIM = `globalThis.process = { argv: [], env: {}, };`; const SERVER_BUILD_FOLDER = '/$server_build/'; export default function createIntegration(args?: Options): AstroIntegration { let _config: AstroConfig; let _buildConfig: BuildConfig; const isModeDirectory = args?.mode === 'directory'; let _entryPoints = new Map(); return { name: '@astrojs/cloudflare', hooks: { 'astro:config:setup': ({ config, updateConfig }) => { updateConfig({ build: { client: new URL(`.${config.base}`, config.outDir), server: new URL(`.${SERVER_BUILD_FOLDER}`, config.outDir), serverEntry: '_worker.mjs', redirects: false, }, }); }, 'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter, config }) => { setAdapter(getAdapter(isModeDirectory)); _config = config; _buildConfig =; if (config.output === 'static') { throw new Error(` [@astrojs/cloudflare] \`output: "server"\` or \`output: "hybrid"\` is required to use this adapter. Otherwise, this adapter is not necessary to deploy a static site to Cloudflare. `); } if (config.base === SERVER_BUILD_FOLDER) { throw new Error(` [@astrojs/cloudflare] \`base: "${SERVER_BUILD_FOLDER}"\` is not allowed. Please change your \`base\` config to something else.`); } }, 'astro:build:setup': ({ vite, target }) => { if (target === 'server') { vite.resolve ||= {}; vite.resolve.alias ||= {}; const aliases = [{ find: 'react-dom/server', replacement: 'react-dom/server.browser' }]; if (Array.isArray(vite.resolve.alias)) { vite.resolve.alias = [...vite.resolve.alias, ...aliases]; } else { for (const alias of aliases) { (vite.resolve.alias as Record)[alias.find] = alias.replacement; } } vite.ssr ||= {}; = 'webworker'; } }, 'astro:build:ssr': ({ entryPoints }) => { _entryPoints = entryPoints; }, 'astro:build:done': async ({ pages, routes, dir }) => { const functionsUrl = new URL('functions/', _config.root); if (isModeDirectory) { await fs.promises.mkdir(functionsUrl, { recursive: true }); } if (isModeDirectory && _buildConfig.split) { const entryPointsRouteData = [..._entryPoints.keys()]; const entryPointsURL = [..._entryPoints.values()]; const entryPaths = => fileURLToPath(entry)); const outputDir = fileURLToPath(new URL('.astro', _buildConfig.server)); // NOTE: AFAIK, esbuild keeps the order of the entryPoints array const { outputFiles } = await{ target: 'es2020', platform: 'browser', conditions: ['workerd', 'worker', 'browser'], entryPoints: entryPaths, outdir: outputDir, allowOverwrite: true, format: 'esm', bundle: true, minify: _config.vite?.build?.minify !== false, banner: { js: SHIM, }, logOverride: { 'ignored-bare-import': 'silent', }, write: false, }); // loop through all bundled files and write them to the functions folder for (const [index, outputFile] of outputFiles.entries()) { // we need to make sure the filename in the functions folder // matches to cloudflares routing capabilities (see their docs) // IN: src/pages/[language]/files/[...path].astro // OUT: [language]/files/[[path]].js const fileName = entryPointsRouteData[index].component .replace('src/pages/', '') .replace('.astro', '.js') .replace(/(\[\.\.\.)(\w+)(\])/g, (_match, _p1, p2) => { return `[[${p2}]]`; }); const fileUrl = new URL(fileName, functionsUrl); const newFileDir = dirname(fileURLToPath(fileUrl)); if (!fs.existsSync(newFileDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(newFileDir, { recursive: true }); } await fs.promises.writeFile(fileUrl, outputFile.contents); } } else { const entryPath = fileURLToPath(new URL(_buildConfig.serverEntry, _buildConfig.server)); const entryUrl = new URL(_buildConfig.serverEntry, _config.outDir); const buildPath = fileURLToPath(entryUrl); // A URL for the final build path after renaming const finalBuildUrl = pathToFileURL(buildPath.replace(/\.mjs$/, '.js')); await{ target: 'es2020', platform: 'browser', conditions: ['workerd', 'worker', 'browser'], entryPoints: [entryPath], outfile: buildPath, allowOverwrite: true, format: 'esm', bundle: true, minify: _config.vite?.build?.minify !== false, banner: { js: SHIM, }, logOverride: { 'ignored-bare-import': 'silent', }, }); // Rename to worker.js await fs.promises.rename(buildPath, finalBuildUrl); if (isModeDirectory) { const directoryUrl = new URL('[[path]].js', functionsUrl); await fs.promises.rename(finalBuildUrl, directoryUrl); } } // // // throw the server folder in the bin const serverUrl = new URL(_buildConfig.server); await fs.promises.rm(serverUrl, { recursive: true, force: true }); // move cloudflare specific files to the root const cloudflareSpecialFiles = ['_headers', '_redirects', '_routes.json']; if (_config.base !== '/') { for (const file of cloudflareSpecialFiles) { try { await fs.promises.rename( new URL(file, _buildConfig.client), new URL(file, _config.outDir) ); } catch (e) { // ignore } } } const routesExists = await fs.promises .stat(new URL('./_routes.json', _config.outDir)) .then((stat) => stat.isFile()) .catch(() => false); // this creates a _routes.json, in case there is none present to enable // cloudflare to handle static files and support _redirects configuration // (without calling the function) if (!routesExists) { const staticPathList: Array = ( await glob(`${fileURLToPath(_buildConfig.client)}/**/*`, { cwd: fileURLToPath(_config.outDir), filesOnly: true, }) ) .filter((file: string) => cloudflareSpecialFiles.indexOf(file) < 0) .map((file: string) => `/${file}`); for (let page of pages) { let pagePath = prependForwardSlash(page.pathname); if (_config.base !== '/') { const base = _config.base.endsWith('/') ? _config.base.slice(0, -1) : _config.base; pagePath = `${base}${pagePath}`; } staticPathList.push(pagePath); } const redirectsExists = await fs.promises .stat(new URL('./_redirects', _config.outDir)) .then((stat) => stat.isFile()) .catch(() => false); // convert all redirect source paths into a list of routes // and add them to the static path if (redirectsExists) { const redirects = ( await fs.promises.readFile(new URL('./_redirects', _config.outDir), 'utf-8') ) .split(os.EOL) .map((line) => { const parts = line.split(' '); if (parts.length < 2) { return null; } else { // convert /products/:id to /products/* return ( parts[0] .replace(/\/:.*?(?=\/|$)/g, '/*') // remove query params as they are not supported by cloudflare .replace(/\?.*$/, '') ); } }) .filter( (line, index, arr) => line !== null && arr.indexOf(line) === index ) as string[]; if (redirects.length > 0) { staticPathList.push(...redirects); } } const redirectRoutes = routes.filter((r) => r.type === 'redirect'); const trueRedirects = createRedirectsFromAstroRoutes({ config: _config, routes: redirectRoutes, dir, }); if (!trueRedirects.empty()) { await fs.promises.appendFile( new URL('./_redirects', _config.outDir), trueRedirects.print() ); } await fs.promises.writeFile( new URL('./_routes.json', _config.outDir), JSON.stringify( { version: 1, include: ['/*'], exclude: staticPathList, }, null, 2 ) ); } }, }, }; } function prependForwardSlash(path: string) { return path[0] === '/' ? path : '/' + path; }