import type { Expression, Super } from 'estree'; import Slugger from 'github-slugger'; import type { MdxTextExpression } from 'mdast-util-mdx-expression'; import type { Node } from 'unist'; import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'; import { InvalidAstroDataError, safelyGetAstroData } from './frontmatter-injection.js'; import type { MarkdownAstroData, MarkdownHeading, MarkdownVFile, RehypePlugin } from './types.js'; const rawNodeTypes = new Set(['text', 'raw', 'mdxTextExpression']); const codeTagNames = new Set(['code', 'pre']); export function rehypeHeadingIds(): ReturnType { return function (tree, file: MarkdownVFile) { const headings: MarkdownHeading[] = []; const slugger = new Slugger(); const isMDX = isMDXFile(file); const astroData = safelyGetAstroData(; visit(tree, (node) => { if (node.type !== 'element') return; const { tagName } = node; if (tagName[0] !== 'h') return; const [_, level] = tagName.match(/h([0-6])/) ?? []; if (!level) return; const depth = Number.parseInt(level); let text = ''; visit(node, (child, __, parent) => { if (child.type === 'element' || parent == null) { return; } if (child.type === 'raw') { if (child.value.match(/^\n?<.*>\n?$/)) { return; } } if (rawNodeTypes.has(child.type)) { if (isMDX || codeTagNames.has(parent.tagName)) { let value = child.value; if (isMdxTextExpression(child) && !(astroData instanceof InvalidAstroDataError)) { const frontmatterPath = getMdxFrontmatterVariablePath(child); if (Array.isArray(frontmatterPath) && frontmatterPath.length > 0) { const frontmatterValue = getMdxFrontmatterVariableValue(astroData, frontmatterPath); if (typeof frontmatterValue === 'string') { value = frontmatterValue; } } } text += value; } else { text += child.value.replace(/\{/g, '${'); } } }); = || {}; if (typeof !== 'string') { let slug = slugger.slug(text); if (slug.endsWith('-')) slug = slug.slice(0, -1); = slug; } headings.push({ depth, slug:, text }); }); = headings; }; } function isMDXFile(file: MarkdownVFile) { return Boolean(file.history[0]?.endsWith('.mdx')); } /** * Check if an ESTree entry is `frontmatter.*.VARIABLE`. * If it is, return the variable path (i.e. `["*", ..., "VARIABLE"]`) minus the `frontmatter` prefix. */ function getMdxFrontmatterVariablePath(node: MdxTextExpression): string[] | Error { if (! || !== 1) return new Error(); const statement =[0]; // Check for "[ANYTHING].[ANYTHING]". if (statement?.type !== 'ExpressionStatement' || statement.expression.type !== 'MemberExpression') return new Error(); let expression: Expression | Super = statement.expression; const expressionPath: string[] = []; // Traverse the expression, collecting the variable path. while ( expression.type === 'MemberExpression' && === (expression.computed ? 'Literal' : 'Identifier') ) { expressionPath.push( === 'Literal' ? String( : ); expression = expression.object; } // Check for "frontmatter.[ANYTHING]". if (expression.type !== 'Identifier' || !== 'frontmatter') return new Error(); return expressionPath.reverse(); } function getMdxFrontmatterVariableValue(astroData: MarkdownAstroData, path: string[]) { let value: MdxFrontmatterVariableValue = astroData.frontmatter; for (const key of path) { if (!value[key]) return undefined; value = value[key]; } return value; } function isMdxTextExpression(node: Node): node is MdxTextExpression { return node.type === 'mdxTextExpression'; } type MdxFrontmatterVariableValue = MarkdownAstroData['frontmatter'][keyof MarkdownAstroData['frontmatter']];