import shiki from 'shiki'; import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'; export interface ShikiConfig { /** * The languages loaded to Shiki. * Supports all languages listed here: * Instructions for loading a custom language: * * @default [] */ langs?: shiki.ILanguageRegistration[]; /** * The styling theme. * Supports all themes listed here: * Instructions for loading a custom theme: * * @default "github-dark" */ theme?: shiki.IThemeRegistration; /** * Enable word wrapping. * - true: enabled. * - false: enabled. * - null: All overflow styling removed. Code will overflow the element by default. * * @default false */ wrap?: boolean | null; } const remarkShiki = async ({ langs = [], theme = 'github-dark', wrap = false }: ShikiConfig) => { const highlighter = await shiki.getHighlighter({ theme }); for (const lang of langs) { await highlighter.loadLanguage(lang); } return () => (tree: any) => { visit(tree, 'code', (node) => { let html = highlighter.codeToHtml(node.value, { lang: node.lang ?? 'plaintext' }); // Replace "shiki" class naming with "astro". html = html.replace('