import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; import { loadFixture } from '../../../astro/test/test-utils.js'; import mdx from '@astrojs/mdx'; describe('build css from the component', async () => { let fixture; before(async () => { fixture = await loadFixture({ root: new URL('./fixtures/astro-content-css/', import.meta.url),integrations: [mdx()], }); await; }); describe('Build', () => { before(async () => { await; }); it('including css and js from the component in pro', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('link[href$=".css"]').attr('href')).to.match(/^\/_astro\//); expect($('script[src$=".js"]').attr('src')).to.match(/^\/_astro\//); }); }) describe('Dev', () => { let devServer before(async () => { devServer = await fixture.startDevServer(); }); after(async () => { devServer.stop(); }); it('ncluding css and js from the component in Dev', async () => { let res = await fixture.fetch(`/`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); const html = await res.text(); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($.html()).to.include('CornflowerBlue'); expect($('script[src$=".js"]').attr('src')).to.include('astro'); }); }) })