import type { SSRManifest } from 'astro'; import { App } from 'astro/app'; const clientAddressSymbol = Symbol.for('astro.clientAddress'); export function createExports(manifest: SSRManifest) { const app = new App(manifest); const handler = async (request: Request): Promise => { const url = new URL(request.url); // If this matches a static asset, just return and Netlify will forward it // to its static asset handler. if (manifest.assets.has(url.pathname)) { return; } if (app.match(request)) { const ip = request.headers.get('x-nf-client-connection-ip'); Reflect.set(request, clientAddressSymbol, ip); const response = await app.render(request); if(app.setCookieHeaders) { for(const setCookieHeader of app.setCookieHeaders(response)) { response.headers.append('Set-Cookie', setCookieHeader); } } return response; } return new Response(null, { status: 404, statusText: 'Not found', }); }; return { default: handler }; }