## 👩🏽💻 Command Line Interface ### Global Flags #### `--config path` Specify the path to the config file. Defaults to `astro.config.mjs`. Use this if you use a different name for your configuration file or have your config file in another folder. ```shell astro --config config/astro.config.mjs dev ``` #### `--project-root path` Specify the path to the project root. If not specified the current working directory is assumed to be the root. The root is used for finding the Astro configuration file. ```shell astro --project-root examples/snowpack dev ``` #### `--version` Print the Astro version number and exit. #### `--help` Print the help message and exit. ### Commands #### `astro dev` Runs the Astro development server. This starts an HTTP server that responds to requests for pages stored in `src/pages` (or which folder is specified in your [configuration](../README.md##%EF%B8%8F-configuration)). See the [dev server](./dev.md) docs for more information on how the dev server works. **Flags** ##### `--port` Specifies should port to run on. Defaults to `3000`.