## 👩🏽‍💻 Command Line Interface

### Global Flags

#### `--config path`

Specify the path to the config file. Defaults to `astro.config.mjs`. Use this if you use a different name for your configuration file or have your config file in another folder.

astro --config config/astro.config.mjs dev

#### `--project-root path`

Specify the path to the project root. If not specified the current working directory is assumed to be the root.

The root is used for finding the Astro configuration file.

astro --project-root examples/snowpack dev

#### `--version`

Print the Astro version number and exit.

#### `--help`

Print the help message and exit.

### Commands

#### `astro dev`

Runs the Astro development server. This starts an HTTP server that responds to requests for pages stored in `src/pages` (or which folder is specified in your [configuration](../README.md##%EF%B8%8F-configuration)).

See the [dev server](./dev.md) docs for more information on how the dev server works.


##### `--port`

Specifies should port to run on. Defaults to `3000`.