import { suite } from 'uvu'; import * as assert from 'uvu/assert'; import { doc } from './test-utils.js'; import { setup } from './helpers.js'; const Collections = suite('Collections'); setup(Collections, './fixtures/astro-collection'); Collections('generates list & sorts successfully', async ({ runtime }) => { const result = await runtime.load('/posts'); const $ = doc(result.contents); const urls = [ ...$('#posts a').map(function () { return $(this).attr('href'); }), ]; assert.equal(urls, ['/post/three', '/post/two']); }); Collections('generates pagination successfully', async ({ runtime }) => { const result = await runtime.load('/posts'); const $ = doc(result.contents); const prev = $('#prev-page'); const next = $('#next-page'); assert.equal(prev.length, 0); // this is first page; should be missing assert.equal(next.length, 1); // this should be on-page });;