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62 lines
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import type { AstroIntegration, AstroRenderer } from 'astro';
import solid, { type Options as ViteSolidPluginOptions } from 'vite-plugin-solid';
async function getViteConfiguration(isDev: boolean, { include, exclude }: Options = {}) {
// https://github.com/solidjs/vite-plugin-solid
// We inject the dev mode only if the user explicitly wants it or if we are in dev (serve) mode
const nestedDeps = ['solid-js', 'solid-js/web', 'solid-js/store', 'solid-js/html', 'solid-js/h'];
return {
resolve: {
conditions: ['solid', ...(isDev ? ['development'] : [])],
dedupe: nestedDeps,
alias: [{ find: /^solid-refresh$/, replacement: '/@solid-refresh' }],
optimizeDeps: {
include: [...nestedDeps],
exclude: ['@astrojs/solid-js/server.js'],
plugins: [
solid({ include, exclude, dev: isDev, ssr: true }),
name: '@astrojs/solid:config-overrides',
enforce: 'post',
config() {
return {
esbuild: {
// To support using alongside other JSX frameworks, still let
// esbuild compile stuff. Solid goes first anyways.
include: /\.(m?ts|[jt]sx)$/,
ssr: {
external: ['babel-preset-solid'],
function getRenderer(): AstroRenderer {
return {
name: '@astrojs/solid-js',
clientEntrypoint: '@astrojs/solid-js/client.js',
serverEntrypoint: '@astrojs/solid-js/server.js',
export type Options = Pick<ViteSolidPluginOptions, 'include' | 'exclude'>;
export default function (opts: Options = {}): AstroIntegration {
return {
name: '@astrojs/solid-js',
hooks: {
'astro:config:setup': async ({ command, addRenderer, updateConfig }) => {
vite: await getViteConfiguration(command === 'dev', opts),