2022-03-29 23:01:37 -03:00

95 lines
2.4 KiB

import { Readable } from 'stream';
import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http';
Credits to the SvelteKit team
function get_raw_body(req: IncomingMessage) {
return new Promise<Uint8Array | null>((fulfil, reject) => {
const h = req.headers;
if (!h['content-type']) {
return fulfil(null);
req.on('error', reject);
const length = Number(h['content-length']);
if (isNaN(length) && h['transfer-encoding'] == null) {
return fulfil(null);
let data = new Uint8Array(length || 0);
if (length > 0) {
let offset = 0;
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
const new_len = offset + Buffer.byteLength(chunk);
if (new_len > length) {
return reject({
status: 413,
reason: 'Exceeded "Content-Length" limit',
data.set(chunk, offset);
offset = new_len;
} else {
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
const new_data = new Uint8Array(data.length + chunk.length);
new_data.set(data, 0);
new_data.set(chunk, data.length);
data = new_data;
req.on('end', () => {
export async function getRequest(base: string, req: IncomingMessage): Promise<Request> {
let headers = req.headers as Record<string, string>;
if (req.httpVersionMajor === 2) {
// we need to strip out the HTTP/2 pseudo-headers because node-fetch's
// Request implementation doesn't like them
headers = Object.assign({}, headers);
delete headers[':method'];
delete headers[':path'];
delete headers[':authority'];
delete headers[':scheme'];
return new Request(base + req.url, {
method: req.method,
body: await get_raw_body(req), // TODO stream rather than buffer
export async function setResponse(res: ServerResponse, response: Response): Promise<void> {
const headers = Object.fromEntries(response.headers);
if (response.headers.has('set-cookie')) {
// @ts-expect-error (headers.raw() is non-standard)
headers['set-cookie'] = response.headers.raw()['set-cookie'];
res.writeHead(response.status, headers);
if (response.body instanceof Readable) {
} else {
if (response.body) {
res.write(await response.arrayBuffer());