* fix: apply Astro defaults on empty md config * chore: changeset
215 lines
6.5 KiB
215 lines
6.5 KiB
import { nodeTypes } from '@mdx-js/mdx';
import type { PluggableList } from '@mdx-js/mdx/lib/core.js';
import type { Options as MdxRollupPluginOptions } from '@mdx-js/rollup';
import type { Options as AcornOpts } from 'acorn';
import { parse } from 'acorn';
import type { AstroConfig, SSRError } from 'astro';
import matter from 'gray-matter';
import { bold, yellow } from 'kleur/colors';
import type { MdxjsEsm } from 'mdast-util-mdx';
import rehypeRaw from 'rehype-raw';
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm';
import remarkSmartypants from 'remark-smartypants';
import { remarkInitializeAstroData } from './astro-data-utils.js';
import rehypeCollectHeadings from './rehype-collect-headings.js';
import remarkPrism from './remark-prism.js';
import remarkShiki from './remark-shiki.js';
export type MdxOptions = {
remarkPlugins?: PluggableList;
rehypePlugins?: PluggableList;
* Choose which remark and rehype plugins to inherit, if any.
* - "markdown" (default) - inherit your project’s markdown plugin config ([see Markdown docs](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/markdown-content/#configuring-markdown))
* - "astroDefaults" - inherit Astro’s default plugins only ([see defaults](https://docs.astro.build/en/reference/configuration-reference/#markdownextenddefaultplugins))
* - false - do not inherit any plugins
extendPlugins?: 'markdown' | 'astroDefaults' | false;
function appendForwardSlash(path: string) {
return path.endsWith('/') ? path : path + '/';
interface FileInfo {
fileId: string;
fileUrl: string;
const DEFAULT_REMARK_PLUGINS: PluggableList = [remarkGfm, remarkSmartypants];
const DEFAULT_REHYPE_PLUGINS: PluggableList = [];
/** @see 'vite-plugin-utils' for source */
export function getFileInfo(id: string, config: AstroConfig): FileInfo {
const sitePathname = appendForwardSlash(
config.site ? new URL(config.base, config.site).pathname : config.base
// Try to grab the file's actual URL
let url: URL | undefined = undefined;
try {
url = new URL(`file://${id}`);
} catch {}
const fileId = id.split('?')[0];
let fileUrl: string;
const isPage = fileId.includes('/pages/');
if (isPage) {
fileUrl = fileId.replace(/^.*?\/pages\//, sitePathname).replace(/(\/index)?\.mdx$/, '');
} else if (url && url.pathname.startsWith(config.root.pathname)) {
fileUrl = url.pathname.slice(config.root.pathname.length);
} else {
fileUrl = fileId;
if (fileUrl && config.trailingSlash === 'always') {
fileUrl = appendForwardSlash(fileUrl);
return { fileId, fileUrl };
* Match YAML exception handling from Astro core errors
* @see 'astro/src/core/errors.ts'
export function parseFrontmatter(code: string, id: string) {
try {
return matter(code);
} catch (e: any) {
if (e.name === 'YAMLException') {
const err: SSRError = e;
err.id = id;
err.loc = { file: e.id, line: e.mark.line + 1, column: e.mark.column };
err.message = e.reason;
throw err;
} else {
throw e;
export function jsToTreeNode(
jsString: string,
acornOpts: AcornOpts = {
ecmaVersion: 'latest',
sourceType: 'module',
): MdxjsEsm {
return {
type: 'mdxjsEsm',
value: '',
data: {
estree: {
body: [],
...parse(jsString, acornOpts),
type: 'Program',
sourceType: 'module',
export async function getRemarkPlugins(
mdxOptions: MdxOptions,
config: AstroConfig
): Promise<MdxRollupPluginOptions['remarkPlugins']> {
let remarkPlugins: PluggableList = [
// Set "vfile.data.astro" for plugins to inject frontmatter
switch (mdxOptions.extendPlugins) {
case false:
case 'astroDefaults':
remarkPlugins = [...remarkPlugins, ...DEFAULT_REMARK_PLUGINS];
remarkPlugins = [
...(markdownShouldExtendDefaultPlugins(config) ? DEFAULT_REMARK_PLUGINS : []),
...ignoreStringPlugins(config.markdown.remarkPlugins ?? []),
if (config.markdown.syntaxHighlight === 'shiki') {
remarkPlugins.push([await remarkShiki(config.markdown.shikiConfig)]);
if (config.markdown.syntaxHighlight === 'prism') {
remarkPlugins = [...remarkPlugins, ...(mdxOptions.remarkPlugins ?? [])];
return remarkPlugins;
export function getRehypePlugins(
mdxOptions: MdxOptions,
config: AstroConfig
): MdxRollupPluginOptions['rehypePlugins'] {
let rehypePlugins: PluggableList = [
// getHeadings() is guaranteed by TS, so we can't allow user to override
// rehypeRaw allows custom syntax highlighters to work without added config
[rehypeRaw, { passThrough: nodeTypes }] as any,
switch (mdxOptions.extendPlugins) {
case false:
case 'astroDefaults':
rehypePlugins = [...rehypePlugins, ...DEFAULT_REHYPE_PLUGINS];
rehypePlugins = [
...(markdownShouldExtendDefaultPlugins(config) ? DEFAULT_REHYPE_PLUGINS : []),
...ignoreStringPlugins(config.markdown.rehypePlugins ?? []),
rehypePlugins = [...rehypePlugins, ...(mdxOptions.rehypePlugins ?? [])];
return rehypePlugins;
function markdownShouldExtendDefaultPlugins(config: AstroConfig): boolean {
return (
config.markdown.extendDefaultPlugins ||
(config.markdown.remarkPlugins.length === 0 && config.markdown.rehypePlugins.length === 0)
function ignoreStringPlugins(plugins: any[]) {
let validPlugins: PluggableList = [];
let hasInvalidPlugin = false;
for (const plugin of plugins) {
if (typeof plugin === 'string') {
console.warn(yellow(`[MDX] ${bold(plugin)} not applied.`));
hasInvalidPlugin = true;
} else if (Array.isArray(plugin) && typeof plugin[0] === 'string') {
console.warn(yellow(`[MDX] ${bold(plugin[0])} not applied.`));
hasInvalidPlugin = true;
} else {
if (hasInvalidPlugin) {
`To inherit Markdown plugins in MDX, please use explicit imports in your config instead of "strings." See Markdown docs: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/markdown-content/#markdown-plugins`
return validPlugins;
// TODO: remove for 1.0
export function handleExtendsNotSupported(pluginConfig: any) {
if (
typeof pluginConfig === 'object' &&
pluginConfig !== null &&
(pluginConfig as any).hasOwnProperty('extends')
) {
throw new Error(
`[MDX] The "extends" plugin option is no longer supported! Astro now extends your project's \`markdown\` plugin configuration by default. To customize this behavior, see the \`extendPlugins\` option instead: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/integrations-guide/mdx/#extendplugins`