48 lines
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48 lines
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import { expect } from 'chai';
import { z } from 'zod';
import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi';
import { formatConfigError, validateConfig } from '../dist/core/config.js';
describe('Config Validation', () => {
it('empty user config is valid', async () => {
expect(() => validateConfig({}, process.cwd()).catch((err) => err)).not.to.throw();
it('Zod errors are returned when invalid config is used', async () => {
const configError = await validateConfig({ buildOptions: { sitemap: 42 } }, process.cwd()).catch((err) => err);
expect(configError instanceof z.ZodError).to.equal(true);
it('errors when an older markdownOptions format is used', async () => {
const configError = await validateConfig({ markdownOptions: { rehypePlugins: ['rehype-autolink-headings'] } }, process.cwd()).catch((err) => err);
expect(configError instanceof z.ZodError).to.equal(true);
expect(configError.issues[0].message).to.equal("Unrecognized key(s) in object: 'rehypePlugins'");
it('A validation error can be formatted correctly', async () => {
const configError = await validateConfig({ buildOptions: { sitemap: 42 } }, process.cwd()).catch((err) => err);
expect(configError instanceof z.ZodError).to.equal(true);
const formattedError = stripAnsi(formatConfigError(configError));
`[config] Astro found issue(s) with your configuration:
! buildOptions.sitemap Expected boolean, received number.`
it('Multiple validation errors can be formatted correctly', async () => {
const veryBadConfig = {
renderers: [42],
buildOptions: { pageUrlFormat: 'invalid' },
pages: {},
const configError = await validateConfig(veryBadConfig, process.cwd()).catch((err) => err);
expect(configError instanceof z.ZodError).to.equal(true);
const formattedError = stripAnsi(formatConfigError(configError));
`[config] Astro found issue(s) with your configuration:
! pages Expected string, received object.
! renderers.0 Expected string, received number.
! buildOptions.pageUrlFormat Invalid input.`