116 lines
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116 lines
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import type { AstroConfig, AstroIntegration } from 'astro';
import { ssgBuild } from './build/ssg.js';
import { ssrBuild } from './build/ssr.js';
import { PKG_NAME, ROUTE_PATTERN } from './constants.js';
import { ImageService, TransformOptions } from './loaders/index.js';
import { filenameFormat, propsToFilename } from './utils/paths.js';
import { createPlugin } from './vite-plugin-astro-image.js';
export { getImage } from './lib/get-image.js';
export { getPicture } from './lib/get-picture.js';
export * from './loaders/index.js';
export type { ImageMetadata } from './vite-plugin-astro-image.js';
interface ImageIntegration {
loader?: ImageService;
addStaticImage?: (transform: TransformOptions) => void;
filenameFormat?: (transform: TransformOptions, searchParams: URLSearchParams) => string;
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-var
var astroImage: ImageIntegration | undefined;
export interface IntegrationOptions {
* Entry point for the @type {HostedImageService} or @type {LocalImageService} to be used.
serviceEntryPoint?: string;
export default function integration(options: IntegrationOptions = {}): AstroIntegration {
const resolvedOptions = {
serviceEntryPoint: '@astrojs/image/sharp',
// During SSG builds, this is used to track all transformed images required.
const staticImages = new Map<string, Map<string, TransformOptions>>();
let _config: AstroConfig;
let output: 'server' | 'static';
function getViteConfiguration() {
return {
plugins: [createPlugin(_config, resolvedOptions)],
optimizeDeps: {
include: ['image-size', 'sharp'],
ssr: {
noExternal: ['@astrojs/image', resolvedOptions.serviceEntryPoint],
return {
name: PKG_NAME,
hooks: {
'astro:config:setup': ({ command, config, injectRoute, updateConfig }) => {
_config = config;
// Always treat `astro dev` as SSR mode, even without an adapter
output = command === 'dev' ? 'server' : config.output;
updateConfig({ vite: getViteConfiguration() });
if (output === 'server') {
command === 'dev' ? '@astrojs/image/endpoints/dev' : '@astrojs/image/endpoints/prod',
'astro:server:setup': async () => {
globalThis.astroImage = {};
'astro:build:setup': () => {
// Used to cache all images rendered to HTML
// Added to globalThis to share the same map in Node and Vite
function addStaticImage(transform: TransformOptions) {
const srcTranforms = staticImages.has(transform.src)
? staticImages.get(transform.src)!
: new Map<string, TransformOptions>();
srcTranforms.set(propsToFilename(transform), transform);
staticImages.set(transform.src, srcTranforms);
// Helpers for building static images should only be available for SSG
globalThis.astroImage =
output === 'static'
? {
: {};
'astro:build:done': async ({ dir }) => {
if (output === 'server') {
// for SSR builds, copy all image files from src to dist
// to make sure they are available for use in production
await ssrBuild({ srcDir: _config.srcDir, outDir: dir });
} else {
// for SSG builds, build all requested image transforms to dist
const loader = globalThis?.astroImage?.loader;
if (loader && 'transform' in loader && staticImages.size > 0) {
await ssgBuild({ loader, staticImages, srcDir: _config.srcDir, outDir: dir });