* chore: use monorepo * chore: scaffold astro-scripts * chore: move tests inside packages/astro * chore: refactor tests, add scripts * chore: move parser to own module * chore: move runtime to packages/astro * fix: move parser to own package * test: fix prettier-plugin-astro tests * fix: tests * chore: update package-lock * chore: add changesets * fix: cleanup examples * fix: starter example * chore: update changeset config * chore: update changeset config * chore: setup changeset release workflow * chore: bump lockfiles * chore: prism => astro-prism * fix: tsc --emitDeclarationOnly * chore: final cleanup, switch to yarn * chore: add lerna * chore: update workflows to yarn * chore: update workflows * chore: remove lint workflow * chore: add astro-dev script * chore: add symlinked README
36 lines
863 B
36 lines
863 B
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