* feat: improve HMR handling for styles, persisted islands * Also using data-persist to keep injected <style>'s during HMR * Updating E2E tests to validate that .astro HMR doesn't blow away component styles * chore: add changeset * copy/paste error when cleaning up tests * big change - using inline <style> blocks instead of <link>s in dev * Updating tests that were expecting <link> stylesheets in dev * updating all E2E tests to use workspace versions for astro deps * TEMP: adding debug logging to see why the Ubuntu test only fails in CI * fix: Svelte styles are automatically handled by Vite, we can skip them in dev * fix: svelte is more interesting, we need Astro to inject styles only until hydration * avoiding extra HMTL noise by only including the data-astro-injected URL for svelte components * TEMP: ubuntu CI doesn't like the svelte HMR test... * disabling the svelte component test on ubuntu for now Co-authored-by: Tony Sullivan <tony.f.sullivan@outlook.com>
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import { devices } from '@playwright/test';
const config = {
testMatch: 'e2e/*.test.js',
/* Maximum time one test can run for. */
timeout: 30 * 1000,
expect: {
* Maximum time expect() should wait for the condition to be met.
* For example in `await expect(locator).toHaveText();`
timeout: 5000,
/* Fail the build on CI if you accidentally left test in the source code. */
forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI,
/* Retry on CI only */
retries: process.env.CI ? 5 : 0,
/* Opt out of parallel tests on CI. */
workers: 1,
/* Shared settings for all the projects below. See https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-testoptions. */
use: {
/* Maximum time each action such as `click()` can take. Defaults to 0 (no limit). */
actionTimeout: 0,
/* Base URL to use in actions like `await page.goto('/')`. */
baseURL: process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_TEST_BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:3000',
/* Collect trace when retrying the failed test. See https://playwright.dev/docs/trace-viewer */
trace: 'on-first-retry',
projects: [
name: 'Chrome Stable',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
channel: 'chrome',
export default config;