126 lines
3.8 KiB
126 lines
3.8 KiB
/* eslint no-console: 'off' */
import { color, label } from '@astrojs/cli-kit';
import { sleep } from '@astrojs/cli-kit/utils';
import { exec } from 'node:child_process';
import { get } from 'node:https';
import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi';
export const welcome = [
`Let's claim your corner of the internet.`,
`I'll be your assistant today.`,
`Let's build something awesome!`,
`Let's build something great!`,
`Let's build something fast!`,
`Let's make the web weird!`,
`Let's make the web a better place!`,
`Let's create a new project!`,
`Let's create something unique!`,
`Time to build a new website.`,
`Time to build a faster website.`,
`Time to build a sweet new website.`,
`We're glad to have you on board.`,
`Keeping the internet weird since 2021.`,
`Initiating launch sequence...`,
`Initiating launch sequence... right... now!`,
`Awaiting further instructions.`,
export function getName() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
exec('git config user.name', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, (_1, gitName, _2) => {
if (gitName.trim()) {
return resolve(gitName.split(' ')[0].trim());
exec('whoami', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, (_3, whoami, _4) => {
if (whoami.trim()) {
return resolve(whoami.split(' ')[0].trim());
return resolve('astronaut');
let v: string;
export function getVersion() {
return new Promise<string>((resolve) => {
if (v) return resolve(v);
get('https://registry.npmjs.org/astro/latest', (res) => {
let body = '';
res.on('data', (chunk) => (body += chunk));
res.on('end', () => {
const { version } = JSON.parse(body);
v = version;
export async function banner(version: string) {
return console.log(
`\n${label('astro', color.bgGreen, color.black)} ${color.green(
)} ${color.bold('Launch sequence initiated.')}\n`
export async function info(prefix: string, text: string) {
await sleep(100);
if (process.stdout.columns < 80) {
console.log(`${color.cyan('◼')} ${color.cyan(prefix)}`);
console.log(`${' '.repeat(3)}${color.dim(text)}\n`);
} else {
console.log(`${color.cyan('◼')} ${color.cyan(prefix)} ${color.dim(text)}\n`);
export async function error(prefix: string, text: string) {
if (process.stdout.columns < 80) {
console.log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${color.red('▲')} ${color.red(prefix)}`);
console.log(`${' '.repeat(9)}${color.dim(text)}`);
} else {
console.log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${color.red('▲')} ${color.red(prefix)} ${color.dim(text)}`);
export async function typescriptByDefault() {
await info(`Cool!`, 'Astro comes with TypeScript support enabled by default.');
`${' '.repeat(3)}${color.dim(`We'll default to the most relaxed settings for you.`)}`
await sleep(300);
export async function nextSteps({ projectDir, devCmd }: { projectDir: string; devCmd: string }) {
const max = process.stdout.columns;
const prefix = max < 80 ? ' ' : ' '.repeat(9);
await sleep(200);
`\n ${color.bgCyan(` ${color.black('next')} `)} ${color.bold(
'Liftoff confirmed. Explore your project!'
await sleep(100);
if (projectDir !== '') {
const enter = [
`\n${prefix}Enter your project directory using`,
color.cyan(`cd ./${projectDir}`, ''),
const len = enter[0].length + stripAnsi(enter[1]).length;
console.log(enter.join(len > max ? '\n' + prefix : ' '));
`${prefix}Run ${color.cyan(devCmd)} to start the dev server. ${color.cyan('CTRL+C')} to stop.`
await sleep(100);
`${prefix}Add frameworks like ${color.cyan(`react`)} or ${color.cyan(
)} using ${color.cyan('astro add')}.`
await sleep(100);
console.log(`\n${prefix}Stuck? Join us at ${color.cyan(`https://astro.build/chat`)}`);
await sleep(200);