* Moved types arround * Removed `rehype-slug` in favor of our own implementation * Changeset * Removed rehype-slug from examples * Remove rehype-slug from tests * Updated reference * rehypeCollectHeaders is a function again * Reverted rehype-slug removes * Re-added rehype-slug to reference
101 lines
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101 lines
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import type { MarkdownRenderingOptions, MarkdownRenderingResult } from './types';
import createCollectHeaders from './rehype-collect-headers.js';
import scopedStyles from './remark-scoped-styles.js';
import { remarkExpressions, loadRemarkExpressions } from './remark-expressions.js';
import rehypeExpressions from './rehype-expressions.js';
import rehypeIslands from './rehype-islands.js';
import { remarkJsx, loadRemarkJsx } from './remark-jsx.js';
import rehypeJsx from './rehype-jsx.js';
import rehypeEscape from './rehype-escape.js';
import remarkPrism from './remark-prism.js';
import remarkShiki from './remark-shiki.js';
import remarkUnwrap from './remark-unwrap.js';
import { loadPlugins } from './load-plugins.js';
import { unified } from 'unified';
import markdown from 'remark-parse';
import markdownToHtml from 'remark-rehype';
import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify';
import rehypeRaw from 'rehype-raw';
export * from './types.js';
export const DEFAULT_REMARK_PLUGINS = ['remark-gfm', 'remark-smartypants'];
export const DEFAULT_REHYPE_PLUGINS = [];
/** Shared utility for rendering markdown */
export async function renderMarkdown(
content: string,
opts: MarkdownRenderingOptions
): Promise<MarkdownRenderingResult> {
let { mode, syntaxHighlight, shikiConfig, remarkPlugins, rehypePlugins } = opts;
const scopedClassName = opts.$?.scopedClassName;
const isMDX = mode === 'mdx';
const { headers, rehypeCollectHeaders } = createCollectHeaders();
await Promise.all([loadRemarkExpressions(), loadRemarkJsx()]); // Vite bug: dynamically import() these because of CJS interop (this will cache)
let parser = unified()
.use(isMDX ? [remarkJsx, remarkExpressions] : [])
if (remarkPlugins.length === 0 && rehypePlugins.length === 0) {
remarkPlugins = [...DEFAULT_REMARK_PLUGINS];
rehypePlugins = [...DEFAULT_REHYPE_PLUGINS];
const loadedRemarkPlugins = await Promise.all(loadPlugins(remarkPlugins));
const loadedRehypePlugins = await Promise.all(loadPlugins(rehypePlugins));
loadedRemarkPlugins.forEach(([plugin, opts]) => {
parser.use([[plugin, opts]]);
if (scopedClassName) {
if (syntaxHighlight === 'shiki') {
parser.use([await remarkShiki(shikiConfig, scopedClassName)]);
} else if (syntaxHighlight === 'prism') {
markdownToHtml as any,
allowDangerousHtml: true,
passThrough: ['raw', 'mdxTextExpression', 'mdxJsxTextElement', 'mdxJsxFlowElement'],
loadedRehypePlugins.forEach(([plugin, opts]) => {
parser.use([[plugin, opts]]);
.use(isMDX ? [rehypeJsx, rehypeExpressions] : [rehypeRaw])
let result: string;
try {
const vfile = await parser
.use(rehypeStringify, { allowDangerousHtml: true })
result = vfile.toString();
} catch (err) {
throw err;
return {
metadata: { headers, source: content, html: result.toString() },
code: result.toString(),