
267 lines
8.1 KiB

/* eslint no-console: 'off' */
import degit from 'degit';
import { execa, execaCommand } from 'execa';
import fs from 'fs';
import { bgCyan, black, bold, cyan, dim, gray, green, red, yellow } from 'kleur/colors';
import ora from 'ora';
import path from 'path';
import prompts from 'prompts';
import yargs from 'yargs-parser';
import { loadWithRocketGradient, rocketAscii } from './gradient.js';
import { defaultLogLevel, logger } from './logger.js';
import { TEMPLATES } from './templates.js';
function wait(ms: number) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function logAndWait(message: string, ms = 100) {
return wait(ms);
// NOTE: In the v7.x version of npm, the default behavior of `npm init` was changed
// to no longer require `--` to pass args and instead pass `--` directly to us. This
// broke our arg parser, since `--` is a special kind of flag. Filtering for `--` here
// fixes the issue so that create-astro now works on all npm version.
const cleanArgv = process.argv.filter((arg) => arg !== '--');
const args = yargs(cleanArgv);
export function mkdirp(dir: string) {
try {
fs.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true });
} catch (e: any) {
if (e.code === 'EEXIST') return;
throw e;
function isEmpty(dirPath: string) {
return !fs.existsSync(dirPath) || fs.readdirSync(dirPath).length === 0;
const { version } = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(new URL('../package.json', import.meta.url), 'utf-8')
const FILES_TO_REMOVE = ['.stackblitzrc', 'sandbox.config.json', '']; // some files are only needed for online editors when using Remove for create-astro installs.
// Please also update the installation instructions in the docs at if you make any changes to the flow or wording here.
export async function main() {
const pkgManager = pkgManagerFromUserAgent(process.env.npm_config_user_agent);
logger.debug('Verbose logging turned on');
console.log(`\n${bold('Welcome to Astro!')} ${gray(`(create-astro v${version})`)}`);
console.log(`Lets walk through setting up your new Astro project.\n`);
let cwd = args['_'][2] as string;
if (cwd && isEmpty(cwd)) {
let acknowledgeProjectDir = ora({
color: 'green',
text: `Using ${bold(cwd)} as project directory.`,
if (!cwd || !isEmpty(cwd)) {
const notEmptyMsg = (dirPath: string) => `"${bold(dirPath)}" is not empty!`;
if (!isEmpty(cwd)) {
let rejectProjectDir = ora({ color: 'red', text: notEmptyMsg(cwd) });;
const dirResponse = await prompts({
type: 'text',
name: 'directory',
message: 'Where would you like to create your new project?',
initial: './my-astro-site',
validate(value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
return notEmptyMsg(value);
return true;
cwd =;
if (!cwd) {
const options = await prompts([
type: 'select',
name: 'template',
message: 'Which template would you like to use?',
choices: TEMPLATES,
if (!options.template) {
const templateSpinner = await loadWithRocketGradient('Copying project files...');
const hash = args.commit ? `#${args.commit}` : '';
const templateTarget = `withastro/astro/examples/${options.template}#latest`;
const emitter = degit(`${templateTarget}${hash}`, {
cache: false,
force: true,
verbose: defaultLogLevel === 'debug' ? true : false,
logger.debug('Initialized degit with following config:', `${templateTarget}${hash}`, {
cache: false,
force: true,
verbose: defaultLogLevel === 'debug' ? true : false,
// Copy
if (!args.dryRun) {
try {
emitter.on('info', (info) => {
await emitter.clone(cwd);
} catch (err: any) {
// degit is compiled, so the stacktrace is pretty noisy. Only report the stacktrace when using verbose mode.
// Warning for issue #655
if (err.message === 'zlib: unexpected end of file') {
"This seems to be a cache related problem. Remove the folder '~/.degit/github/withastro' to fix this error."
'For more information check out this issue:'
// Helpful message when encountering the "could not find commit hash for ..." error
if (err.code === 'MISSING_REF') {
"This seems to be an issue with degit. Please check if you have 'git' installed on your system, and install it if you don't have ("
"If you do have 'git' installed, please run this command with the --verbose flag and file a new issue with the command output here:"
// Post-process in parallel
await Promise.all( (file) => {
const fileLoc = path.resolve(path.join(cwd, file));
if (fs.existsSync(fileLoc)) {
return fs.promises.rm(fileLoc, {});
templateSpinner.text = green('Template copied!');
const installResponse = await prompts({
type: 'confirm',
name: 'install',
message: `Would you like us to run "${pkgManager} install?"`,
initial: true,
if (args.dryRun) {
ora().info(dim(`--dry-run enabled, skipping.`));
} else if (installResponse.install) {
const installExec = execa(pkgManager, ['install'], { cwd });
const installingPackagesMsg = `Installing packages${emojiWithFallback(' 📦', '...')}`;
const installSpinner = await loadWithRocketGradient(installingPackagesMsg);
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
installExec.stdout?.on('data', function (data) {
installSpinner.text = `${rocketAscii} ${installingPackagesMsg}\n${bold(
)} ${data}`;
installExec.on('error', (error) => reject(error));
installExec.on('close', () => resolve());
installSpinner.text = green('Packages installed!');
} else {
ora().info(dim(`No problem! You can install dependencies yourself after setup.`));
const gitResponse = await prompts({
type: 'confirm',
name: 'git',
message: `Initialize a new git repository? ${dim('This can be useful to track changes.')}`,
initial: true,
if (args.dryRun) {
ora().info(dim(`--dry-run enabled, skipping.`));
} else if (gitResponse.git) {
await execaCommand('git init', { cwd });
} else {
ora().info(dim(`Sounds good! You can come back and run ${cyan(`git init`)} later.`));
ora().succeed('Setup complete.');
ora({ text: green('Ready for liftoff!') }).succeed();
await wait(300);
console.log(`\n${bgCyan(black(' Next steps '))}\n`);
let projectDir = path.relative(process.cwd(), cwd);
const devCmd = pkgManager === 'npm' ? 'npm run dev' : `${pkgManager} dev`;
await logAndWait(
`You can now ${bold(cyan('cd'))} into the ${bold(cyan(projectDir))} project directory.`
await logAndWait(
`Run ${bold(cyan(devCmd))} to start the Astro dev server. ${bold(cyan('CTRL-C'))} to close.`
await logAndWait(
`Add frameworks like ${bold(cyan('react'))} and ${bold(
)} to your project using ${bold(cyan('astro add'))}`
await logAndWait('');
await logAndWait(`Stuck? Come join us at ${bold(cyan(''))}`, 1000);
await logAndWait(dim('Good luck out there, astronaut.'));
await logAndWait('', 300);
function emojiWithFallback(char: string, fallback: string) {
return process.platform !== 'win32' ? char : fallback;
function pkgManagerFromUserAgent(userAgent?: string) {
if (!userAgent) return 'npm';
const pkgSpec = userAgent.split(' ')[0];
const pkgSpecArr = pkgSpec.split('/');
return pkgSpecArr[0];
function pkgManagerExecCommand(pkgManager: string) {
if (pkgManager === 'pnpm') {
return 'pnpx';
} else {
// note: yarn does not have an "npx" equivalent
return 'npx';