77 lines
2.7 KiB
77 lines
2.7 KiB
import { suite } from 'uvu';
import * as assert from 'uvu/assert';
import { doc } from './test-utils.js';
import { setup, setupBuild } from './helpers.js';
const PreactComponent = suite('Preact component test');
setup(PreactComponent, './fixtures/preact-component');
setupBuild(PreactComponent, './fixtures/preact-component');
PreactComponent('Can load class component', async ({ runtime }) => {
const result = await runtime.load('/class');
assert.ok(!result.error, `build error: ${result.error}`);
const $ = doc(result.contents);
assert.equal($('#class-component').length, 1, 'Can use class components');
PreactComponent('Can load function component', async ({ runtime }) => {
const result = await runtime.load('/fn');
assert.ok(!result.error, `build error: ${result.error}`);
const $ = doc(result.contents);
assert.equal($('#fn-component').length, 1, 'Can use function components');
assert.equal($('#arrow-fn-component').length, 1, 'Can use function components');
PreactComponent('Can load TS component', async ({ runtime }) => {
const result = await runtime.load('/ts-components');
assert.ok(!result.error, `build error: ${result.error}`);
const $ = doc(result.contents);
assert.equal($('.ts-component').length, 1, 'Can use TS components');
PreactComponent('Can use hooks', async ({ runtime }) => {
const result = await runtime.load('/hooks');
assert.ok(!result.error, `build error: ${result.error}`);
const $ = doc(result.contents);
assert.equal($('#world').length, 1);
PreactComponent('Can export a Fragment', async ({ runtime }) => {
const result = await runtime.load('/frag');
assert.ok(!result.error, `build error: ${result.error}`);
const $ = doc(result.contents);
assert.equal($('body').children().length, 0, "nothing rendered but it didn't throw.");
PreactComponent('Can use a pragma comment', async ({ runtime }) => {
const result = await runtime.load('/pragma-comment');
assert.ok(!result.error, `build error: ${result.error}`);
const $ = doc(result.contents);
assert.equal($('.pragma-comment').length, 2, 'rendered the PragmaComment component.');
PreactComponent('Uses the new JSX transform', async ({ runtime }) => {
const result = await runtime.load('/pragma-comment');
// Grab the imports
const exp = /import\("(.+?)"\)/g;
let match, componentUrl;
while ((match = exp.exec(result.contents))) {
if (match[1].includes('PragmaComment.js')) {
componentUrl = match[1];
const component = await runtime.load(componentUrl);
const jsxRuntime = component.imports.filter((i) => i.specifier.includes('jsx-runtime'));
assert.ok(jsxRuntime, 'preact/jsx-runtime is used for the component');