Alexander Niebuhr 5b0b3c9a8e
fix(@astrojs/cloudflare): support for nodejs_compat (#8595)
Co-authored-by: Sarah Rainsberger <>
Co-authored-by: Florian Lefebvre <>
2023-09-19 11:51:06 +02:00

604 lines
18 KiB

import type { IncomingRequestCfProperties } from '@cloudflare/workers-types/experimental';
import type { AstroAdapter, AstroConfig, AstroIntegration, RouteData } from 'astro';
import { createRedirectsFromAstroRoutes } from '@astrojs/underscore-redirects';
import { CacheStorage } from '@miniflare/cache';
import { NoOpLog } from '@miniflare/shared';
import { MemoryStorage } from '@miniflare/storage-memory';
import { AstroError } from 'astro/errors';
import esbuild from 'esbuild';
import * as fs from 'node:fs';
import * as os from 'node:os';
import { sep } from 'node:path';
import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'node:url';
import glob from 'tiny-glob';
import { getEnvVars } from './parser.js';
export type { AdvancedRuntime } from './server.advanced.js';
export type { DirectoryRuntime } from './';
type Options = {
mode?: 'directory' | 'advanced';
functionPerRoute?: boolean;
* 'off': current behaviour (wrangler is needed)
* 'local': use a static object, and env vars defined in wrangler.toml & .dev.vars (astro dev is enough)
* 'remote': use a dynamic real-live object, and env vars defined in wrangler.toml & .dev.vars (astro dev is enough)
runtime?: 'off' | 'local' | 'remote';
interface BuildConfig {
server: URL;
client: URL;
serverEntry: string;
split?: boolean;
class StorageFactory {
storages = new Map();
storage(namespace: string) {
let storage = this.storages.get(namespace);
if (storage) return storage;
this.storages.set(namespace, (storage = new MemoryStorage()));
return storage;
export function getAdapter({
}: {
isModeDirectory: boolean;
functionPerRoute: boolean;
}): AstroAdapter {
return isModeDirectory
? {
name: '@astrojs/cloudflare',
serverEntrypoint: '@astrojs/cloudflare/',
exports: ['onRequest', 'manifest'],
adapterFeatures: {
edgeMiddleware: false,
supportedAstroFeatures: {
hybridOutput: 'stable',
staticOutput: 'unsupported',
serverOutput: 'stable',
assets: {
supportKind: 'stable',
isSharpCompatible: false,
isSquooshCompatible: false,
: {
name: '@astrojs/cloudflare',
serverEntrypoint: '@astrojs/cloudflare/server.advanced.js',
exports: ['default'],
supportedAstroFeatures: {
hybridOutput: 'stable',
staticOutput: 'unsupported',
serverOutput: 'stable',
assets: {
supportKind: 'stable',
isSharpCompatible: false,
isSquooshCompatible: false,
async function getCFObject(runtimeMode: string): Promise<IncomingRequestCfProperties | void> {
const CF_ENDPOINT = '';
const CF_FALLBACK: IncomingRequestCfProperties = {
asOrganization: '',
asn: 395747,
colo: 'DFW',
city: 'Austin',
region: 'Texas',
regionCode: 'TX',
metroCode: '635',
postalCode: '78701',
country: 'US',
continent: 'NA',
timezone: 'America/Chicago',
latitude: '30.27130',
longitude: '-97.74260',
clientTcpRtt: 0,
httpProtocol: 'HTTP/1.1',
requestPriority: 'weight=192;exclusive=0',
tlsCipher: 'AEAD-AES128-GCM-SHA256',
tlsVersion: 'TLSv1.3',
tlsClientAuth: {
certPresented: '0',
certVerified: 'NONE',
certRevoked: '0',
certIssuerDN: '',
certSubjectDN: '',
certIssuerDNRFC2253: '',
certSubjectDNRFC2253: '',
certIssuerDNLegacy: '',
certSubjectDNLegacy: '',
certSerial: '',
certIssuerSerial: '',
certSKI: '',
certIssuerSKI: '',
certFingerprintSHA1: '',
certFingerprintSHA256: '',
certNotBefore: '',
certNotAfter: '',
edgeRequestKeepAliveStatus: 0,
hostMetadata: undefined,
clientTrustScore: 99,
botManagement: {
corporateProxy: false,
verifiedBot: false,
ja3Hash: '25b4882c2bcb50cd6b469ff28c596742',
staticResource: false,
detectionIds: [],
score: 99,
if (runtimeMode === 'local') {
} else if (runtimeMode === 'remote') {
try {
const res = await fetch(CF_ENDPOINT);
const cfText = await res.text();
const storedCf = JSON.parse(cfText);
return storedCf;
} catch (e: any) {
const SHIM = `globalThis.process = {
argv: [],
env: {},
const SERVER_BUILD_FOLDER = '/$server_build/';
* These route types are candiates for being part of the `_routes.json` `include` array.
const potentialFunctionRouteTypes = ['endpoint', 'page'];
export default function createIntegration(args?: Options): AstroIntegration {
let _config: AstroConfig;
let _buildConfig: BuildConfig;
let _entryPoints = new Map<RouteData, URL>();
const isModeDirectory = args?.mode === 'directory';
const functionPerRoute = args?.functionPerRoute ?? false;
const runtimeMode = args?.runtime ?? 'off';
return {
name: '@astrojs/cloudflare',
hooks: {
'astro:config:setup': ({ config, updateConfig }) => {
build: {
client: new URL(`.${config.base}`, config.outDir),
server: new URL(`.${SERVER_BUILD_FOLDER}`, config.outDir),
serverEntry: '_worker.mjs',
redirects: false,
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter, config }) => {
setAdapter(getAdapter({ isModeDirectory, functionPerRoute }));
_config = config;
_buildConfig =;
if (config.output === 'static') {
throw new AstroError(
'[@astrojs/cloudflare] `output: "server"` or `output: "hybrid"` is required to use this adapter. Otherwise, this adapter is not necessary to deploy a static site to Cloudflare.'
if (config.base === SERVER_BUILD_FOLDER) {
throw new AstroError(
'[@astrojs/cloudflare] `base: "${SERVER_BUILD_FOLDER}"` is not allowed. Please change your `base` config to something else.'
'astro:server:setup': ({ server }) => {
if (runtimeMode !== 'off') {
server.middlewares.use(async function middleware(req, res, next) {
try {
const cf = await getCFObject(runtimeMode);
const vars = await getEnvVars();
const clientLocalsSymbol = Symbol.for('astro.locals');
Reflect.set(req, clientLocalsSymbol, {
runtime: {
env: {
// default binding for static assets will be dynamic once we support mocking of bindings
// this is just a VAR for CF to change build behavior, on dev it should be 0
CF_PAGES: '0',
// will be fetched from git dynamically once we support mocking of bindings
// will be fetched from git dynamically once we support mocking of bindings
CF_PAGES_URL: `http://${}`,
cf: cf,
waitUntil: (_promise: Promise<any>) => {
caches: new CacheStorage(
{ cache: true, cachePersist: false },
new NoOpLog(),
new StorageFactory(),
} catch {
'astro:build:setup': ({ vite, target }) => {
if (target === 'server') {
vite.resolve ||= {};
vite.resolve.alias ||= {};
const aliases = [{ find: 'react-dom/server', replacement: 'react-dom/server.browser' }];
if (Array.isArray(vite.resolve.alias)) {
vite.resolve.alias = [...vite.resolve.alias, ...aliases];
} else {
for (const alias of aliases) {
(vite.resolve.alias as Record<string, string>)[alias.find] = alias.replacement;
vite.ssr ||= {}; = 'webworker';
// Cloudflare env is only available per request. This isn't feasible for code that access env vars
// in a global way, so we shim their access as `process.env.*`. We will populate `process.env` later
// in its fetch handler.
vite.define = {
'process.env': 'process.env',
'astro:build:ssr': ({ entryPoints }) => {
_entryPoints = entryPoints;
'astro:build:done': async ({ pages, routes, dir }) => {
const functionsUrl = new URL('functions/', _config.root);
if (isModeDirectory) {
await fs.promises.mkdir(functionsUrl, { recursive: true });
// TODO: remove _buildConfig.split in Astro 4.0
if (isModeDirectory && (_buildConfig.split || functionPerRoute)) {
const entryPointsURL = [..._entryPoints.values()];
const entryPaths = => fileURLToPath(entry));
const outputUrl = new URL('$astro', _buildConfig.server);
const outputDir = fileURLToPath(outputUrl);
target: 'es2020',
platform: 'browser',
conditions: ['workerd', 'worker', 'browser'],
external: [
entryPoints: entryPaths,
outdir: outputDir,
allowOverwrite: true,
format: 'esm',
bundle: true,
minify: _config.vite?.build?.minify !== false,
banner: {
js: SHIM,
logOverride: {
'ignored-bare-import': 'silent',
const outputFiles: Array<string> = await glob(`**/*`, {
cwd: outputDir,
filesOnly: true,
// move the files into the functions folder
// & make sure the file names match Cloudflare syntax for routing
for (const outputFile of outputFiles) {
const path = outputFile.split(sep);
const finalSegments = =>
.replace(/(\_)(\w+)(\_)/g, (_, __, prop) => {
return `[${prop}]`;
.replace(/(\_\-\-\-)(\w+)(\_)/g, (_, __, prop) => {
return `[[${prop}]]`;
finalSegments[finalSegments.length - 1] = finalSegments[finalSegments.length - 1]
.replace('entry.', '')
.replace(/(.*)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)$/g, (_, fileName, __, newExt) => {
return `${fileName}.${newExt}`;
const finalDirPath = finalSegments.slice(0, -1).join(sep);
const finalPath = finalSegments.join(sep);
const newDirUrl = new URL(finalDirPath, functionsUrl);
await fs.promises.mkdir(newDirUrl, { recursive: true });
const oldFileUrl = new URL(`$astro/${outputFile}`, outputUrl);
const newFileUrl = new URL(finalPath, functionsUrl);
await fs.promises.rename(oldFileUrl, newFileUrl);
} else {
const entryPath = fileURLToPath(new URL(_buildConfig.serverEntry, _buildConfig.server));
const entryUrl = new URL(_buildConfig.serverEntry, _config.outDir);
const buildPath = fileURLToPath(entryUrl);
// A URL for the final build path after renaming
const finalBuildUrl = pathToFileURL(buildPath.replace(/\.mjs$/, '.js'));
target: 'es2020',
platform: 'browser',
conditions: ['workerd', 'worker', 'browser'],
external: [
entryPoints: [entryPath],
outfile: buildPath,
allowOverwrite: true,
format: 'esm',
bundle: true,
minify: _config.vite?.build?.minify !== false,
banner: {
js: SHIM,
logOverride: {
'ignored-bare-import': 'silent',
// Rename to worker.js
await fs.promises.rename(buildPath, finalBuildUrl);
if (isModeDirectory) {
const directoryUrl = new URL('[[path]].js', functionsUrl);
await fs.promises.rename(finalBuildUrl, directoryUrl);
// throw the server folder in the bin
const serverUrl = new URL(_buildConfig.server);
await fs.promises.rm(serverUrl, { recursive: true, force: true });
// move cloudflare specific files to the root
const cloudflareSpecialFiles = ['_headers', '_redirects', '_routes.json'];
if (_config.base !== '/') {
for (const file of cloudflareSpecialFiles) {
try {
await fs.promises.rename(
new URL(file, _buildConfig.client),
new URL(file, _config.outDir)
} catch (e) {
// ignore
const routesExists = await fs.promises
.stat(new URL('./_routes.json', _config.outDir))
.then((stat) => stat.isFile())
.catch(() => false);
// this creates a _routes.json, in case there is none present to enable
// cloudflare to handle static files and support _redirects configuration
// (without calling the function)
if (!routesExists) {
const functionEndpoints = routes
// Certain route types, when their prerender option is set to false, a run on the server as function invocations
.filter((route) => potentialFunctionRouteTypes.includes(route.type) && !route.prerender)
.map((route) => {
const includePattern =
'/' +
.map((segment) => (segment.dynamic ? '*' : segment.content))
const regexp = new RegExp(
'^\\/' +
.map((segment) => (segment.dynamic ? '(.*)' : segment.content))
.join('\\/') +
return {
const staticPathList: Array<string> = (
await glob(`${fileURLToPath(_buildConfig.client)}/**/*`, {
cwd: fileURLToPath(_config.outDir),
filesOnly: true,
.filter((file: string) => cloudflareSpecialFiles.indexOf(file) < 0)
.map((file: string) => `/${file.replace(/\\/g, '/')}`);
for (let page of pages) {
let pagePath = prependForwardSlash(page.pathname);
if (_config.base !== '/') {
const base = _config.base.endsWith('/') ? _config.base.slice(0, -1) : _config.base;
pagePath = `${base}${pagePath}`;
const redirectsExists = await fs.promises
.stat(new URL('./_redirects', _config.outDir))
.then((stat) => stat.isFile())
.catch(() => false);
// convert all redirect source paths into a list of routes
// and add them to the static path
if (redirectsExists) {
const redirects = (
await fs.promises.readFile(new URL('./_redirects', _config.outDir), 'utf-8')
.map((line) => {
const parts = line.split(' ');
if (parts.length < 2) {
return null;
} else {
// convert /products/:id to /products/*
return (
.replace(/\/:.*?(?=\/|$)/g, '/*')
// remove query params as they are not supported by cloudflare
.replace(/\?.*$/, '')
(line, index, arr) => line !== null && arr.indexOf(line) === index
) as string[];
if (redirects.length > 0) {
const redirectRoutes: [RouteData, string][] = routes
.filter((r) => r.type === 'redirect')
.map((r) => {
return [r, ''];
const trueRedirects = createRedirectsFromAstroRoutes({
config: _config,
routeToDynamicTargetMap: new Map(Array.from(redirectRoutes)),
if (!trueRedirects.empty()) {
await fs.promises.appendFile(
new URL('./_redirects', _config.outDir),
staticPathList.push(...routes.filter((r) => r.type === 'redirect').map((r) => r.route));
// In order to product the shortest list of patterns, we first try to
// include all function endpoints, and then exclude all static paths
let include = deduplicatePatterns( => endpoint.includePattern)
let exclude = deduplicatePatterns(
staticPathList.filter((file: string) =>
functionEndpoints.some((endpoint) => endpoint.regexp.test(file))
// Cloudflare requires at least one include pattern:
// So we add a pattern that we immediately exclude again
if (include.length === 0) {
include = ['/'];
exclude = ['/'];
// If using only an exclude list would produce a shorter list of patterns,
// we use that instead
if (include.length + exclude.length > staticPathList.length) {
include = ['/*'];
exclude = deduplicatePatterns(staticPathList);
await fs.promises.writeFile(
new URL('./_routes.json', _config.outDir),
version: 1,
function prependForwardSlash(path: string) {
return path[0] === '/' ? path : '/' + path;
* Remove duplicates and redundant patterns from an `include` or `exclude` list.
* Otherwise Cloudflare will throw an error on deployment. Plus, it saves more entries.
* E.g. `['/foo/*', '/foo/*', '/foo/bar'] => ['/foo/*']`
* @param patterns a list of `include` or `exclude` patterns
* @returns a deduplicated list of patterns
function deduplicatePatterns(patterns: string[]) {
const openPatterns: RegExp[] = [];
return [ Set(patterns)]
.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length)
.filter((pattern) => {
if (openPatterns.some((p) => p.test(pattern))) {
return false;
if (pattern.endsWith('*')) {
openPatterns.push(new RegExp(`^${pattern.replace(/(\*\/)*\*$/g, '.*')}`));
return true;