* fix: add `.markdown ` file extension support adds `.markdown` file extension support for markdown files * test: add test case * chore: adds changeset * test: move test and fixture to relevant locations * test: update test * feat: add multiple markdown file extension support * feat: add module declaration for different markdown file extensions * refactor: markdown module declarations for ease of TS refactoring * fix: add .js extension to module imports * test: update test * chore: update changeset * chore: update changeset * test: add new test cases * test: update tests * fix: correct typo
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169 lines
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import { XMLValidator } from 'fast-xml-parser';
import { createCanonicalURL, isValidURL } from './util.js';
type GlobResult = Record<string, () => Promise<{ [key: string]: any }>>;
type RSSOptions = {
/** (required) Title of the RSS Feed */
title: string;
/** (required) Description of the RSS Feed */
description: string;
* Specify the base URL to use for RSS feed links.
* We recommend "import.meta.env.SITE" to pull in the "site"
* from your project's astro.config.
site: string;
* List of RSS feed items to render. Accepts either:
* a) list of RSSFeedItems
* b) import.meta.glob result. You can only glob ".md" (or alternative extensions for markdown files like ".markdown") files within src/pages/ when using this method!
items: RSSFeedItem[] | GlobResult;
/** Specify arbitrary metadata on opening <xml> tag */
xmlns?: Record<string, string>;
* Specifies a local custom XSL stylesheet. Ex. '/public/custom-feed.xsl'
stylesheet?: string | boolean;
/** Specify custom data in opening of file */
customData?: string;
type RSSFeedItem = {
/** Link to item */
link: string;
/** Title of item */
title: string;
/** Publication date of item */
pubDate: Date;
/** Item description */
description?: string;
/** Append some other XML-valid data to this item */
customData?: string;
type GenerateRSSArgs = {
rssOptions: RSSOptions;
items: RSSFeedItem[];
function isGlobResult(items: RSSOptions['items']): items is GlobResult {
return typeof items === 'object' && !items.length;
function mapGlobResult(items: GlobResult): Promise<RSSFeedItem[]> {
return Promise.all(
Object.values(items).map(async (getInfo) => {
const { url, frontmatter } = await getInfo();
if (url === undefined || url === null) {
throw new Error(
`[RSS] When passing an import.meta.glob result directly, you can only glob ".md" (or alternative extensions for markdown files like ".markdown") files within /pages! Consider mapping the result to an array of RSSFeedItems. See the RSS docs for usage examples: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/rss/#2-list-of-rss-feed-objects`
if (!Boolean(frontmatter.title) || !Boolean(frontmatter.pubDate)) {
throw new Error(`[RSS] "${url}" is missing a "title" and/or "pubDate" in its frontmatter.`);
return {
link: url,
title: frontmatter.title,
pubDate: frontmatter.pubDate,
description: frontmatter.description,
customData: frontmatter.customData,
export default async function getRSS(rssOptions: RSSOptions) {
const { site } = rssOptions;
let { items } = rssOptions;
if (!site) {
throw new Error('[RSS] the "site" option is required, but no value was given.');
if (isGlobResult(items)) {
items = await mapGlobResult(items);
return {
body: await generateRSS({
/** Generate RSS 2.0 feed */
export async function generateRSS({ rssOptions, items }: GenerateRSSArgs): Promise<string> {
const { site } = rssOptions;
let xml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>`;
if (typeof rssOptions.stylesheet === 'string') {
xml += `<?xml-stylesheet href="${rssOptions.stylesheet}" type="text/xsl"?>`;
xml += `<rss version="2.0"`;
// xmlns
if (rssOptions.xmlns) {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(rssOptions.xmlns)) {
xml += ` xmlns:${k}="${v}"`;
xml += `>`;
xml += `<channel>`;
// title, description, customData
xml += `<title><![CDATA[${rssOptions.title}]]></title>`;
xml += `<description><![CDATA[${rssOptions.description}]]></description>`;
xml += `<link>${createCanonicalURL(site).href}</link>`;
if (typeof rssOptions.customData === 'string') xml += rssOptions.customData;
// items
for (const result of items) {
xml += `<item>`;
xml += `<title><![CDATA[${result.title}]]></title>`;
// If the item's link is already a valid URL, don't mess with it.
const itemLink = isValidURL(result.link)
? result.link
: createCanonicalURL(result.link, site).href;
xml += `<link>${itemLink}</link>`;
xml += `<guid>${itemLink}</guid>`;
if (result.description) xml += `<description><![CDATA[${result.description}]]></description>`;
if (result.pubDate) {
// note: this should be a Date, but if user provided a string or number, we can work with that, too.
if (typeof result.pubDate === 'number' || typeof result.pubDate === 'string') {
result.pubDate = new Date(result.pubDate);
} else if (result.pubDate instanceof Date === false) {
throw new Error('[${filename}] rss.item().pubDate must be a Date');
xml += `<pubDate>${result.pubDate.toUTCString()}</pubDate>`;
if (typeof result.customData === 'string') xml += result.customData;
xml += `</item>`;
xml += `</channel></rss>`;
// validate user’s inputs to see if it’s valid XML
const isValid = XMLValidator.validate(xml);
if (isValid !== true) {
// If valid XML, isValid will be `true`. Otherwise, this will be an error object. Throw.
throw new Error(isValid as any);
return xml;
const requiredFields = Object.freeze(['link', 'title']);
// Perform validation to make sure all required fields are passed.
function validate(item: RSSFeedItem) {
for (const field of requiredFields) {
if (!(field in item)) {
throw new Error(
`@astrojs/rss: Required field [${field}] is missing. RSS cannot be generated without it.`