For my desktop environment, I've got [i3](, a tiling window manager. I like it because it's lightweight and doesn't use much battery. My config can be found [here]( I tried i3gaps at one point but didn't feel like trying to fix the rendering artifacts so I switched back.
### Coding
I use the trial version of [Sublime Text 3]( on my personal computer, and [neovim]( in the terminal. I use the default theme with the [VSCode Dark]( theme.
### Passwords
For passwords, I'm using [pass](, which is a GPG-encrypted password store. The passwords are checked into a git repository in order to maintain consistency between multiple devices (I'm using [Android Password Store]( on my phone). Then, I bind `$mod+p` to a [rofi script]( so I can access them easily.
### Music
On my personal computer, I'm using [mpd](, the music player daemon along with [sonata](, which is a GTK frontend. I like using mpd because this also allows me to display my current playing song in my i3 bar.
### Social Media
I'm using [Rambox](, which is essentially just an Electron app that combines multiple services into a single view.
### Screenshot
I'm using a [custom screenshot tool](
## This Website
The stack for this website looks like:
- The [source code]( is written as a set of Gutenberg config files.
- This is then transpiled into static HTML + resources using [Gutenberg](, a static site generator.
- Static files are served from a web root using [nginx]( through a virtual host.
- And here it is!
For deployment, I'm using [dip](, a customizable webhook server that I wrote that rebuilds the source code on push.