From 198f3727e21b94d967bd84409437cf215c7a0431 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michael Zhang Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 03:06:17 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] wip --- .../ | 53 +++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/content/posts/2024-09-15-circle-is-a-suspension-over-booleans/ b/src/content/posts/2024-09-15-circle-is-a-suspension-over-booleans/ index 687e38b..851c0c2 100644 --- a/src/content/posts/2024-09-15-circle-is-a-suspension-over-booleans/ +++ b/src/content/posts/2024-09-15-circle-is-a-suspension-over-booleans/ @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ draft: true {-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-} module 2024-09-15-circle-is-a-suspension-over-booleans.index where open import Cubical.Core.Primitives -open import Cubical.Foundations.Function +open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude +open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism -open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Base open import Cubical.HITs.S1.Base -open import Data.Bool.Base +open import Data.Bool.Base hiding (_∧_; _∨_) open import Data.Nat.Base ``` @@ -118,19 +118,52 @@ We can write functions going back and forth: Σ2→S¹ (merid false i) = loop i -- for the path going through false, let's map this to the loop Σ2→S¹ (merid true i) = base -- for the path going through true, let's map this to refl --- S¹→Σ2 : S¹ → Susp Bool --- S¹→Σ2 base = north --- S¹→Σ2 (loop i) = {! !} +S¹→Σ2 : S¹ → Susp Bool +S¹→Σ2 base = north +S¹→Σ2 (loop i) = (merid false ∙ sym (merid true)) i ``` Now, to finish showing the equivalence, we need to prove that these functions concatenate into the identity in both directions: ``` --- rightInv : section Σ2→S¹ S¹→Σ2 --- rightInv = {! !} +rightInv : section Σ2→S¹ S¹→Σ2 +rightInv base = refl +rightInv (loop i) = + -- Trying to prove that Σ2→S¹ (S¹→Σ2 loop) ≡ loop + -- Σ2→S¹ (merid false ∙ sym (merid true)) ≡ loop --- leftInv : retract Σ2→S¹ S¹→Σ2 --- leftInv = {! !} + -- Σ2→S¹ (merid false) = loop + -- Σ2→S¹ (sym (merid true)) = refl_base + cong (λ p → p i) ( + cong Σ2→S¹ (merid false ∙ sym (merid true)) ≡⟨ congFunct {x = merid false _} Σ2→S¹ refl refl ⟩ + loop ∙ refl ≡⟨ sym (rUnit loop) ⟩ + loop ∎ + ) + + +leftInv : retract Σ2→S¹ S¹→Σ2 +leftInv north = refl +leftInv south = merid true +leftInv (merid true i) j = + -- i0 = north, i1 = merid true j (j = i0 => north, j = i1 => south) + merid true (i ∧ j) +leftInv (merid false i) j = + -- j = i0 ⊢ (merid false ∙ (λ i₁ → merid true (~ i₁))) i + -- j = i1 ⊢ merid false i + -- i = i0 ⊢ north + -- i = i1 ⊢ merid true j + + -- (i, j) = (i0, i0) = north + -- (i, j) = (i0, i1) = north + -- (i, j) = (i1, i0) = merid true i0 = north + -- (i, j) = (i1, i1) = merid true i1 = south + let f = λ k → λ where + (i = i0) → north + (i = i1) → merid true (j ∨ ~ k) + -- j = i0 ⊢ (merid false ∙ (λ i₁ → merid true (~ i₁))) i + (j = i0) → compPath-filler (merid false) (sym (merid true)) k i + (j = i1) → merid false i + in hcomp f (merid false i) ``` And this gives us our equivalence!