boolean equivalences
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Michael Zhang 2024-06-28 17:46:08 -05:00
parent 85c10d012b
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@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ const remarkAgda: RemarkPlugin = ({ base, publicDir }: Options) => {

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@ -49,3 +49,26 @@ transport {l₁} {l₂} {A} {x} {y} P refl = id
infix 4 _≢_
_≢_ : {A : Set} A A Set
x y = ¬ (x y)
module dependent-product where
infixr 4 _,_
infixr 2 _×_
record Σ {l₁ l₂} (A : Set l₁) (B : A Set l₂) : Set (l₁ l₂) where
constructor _,_
fst : A
snd : B fst
open Σ
syntax Σ A (λ x B) = Σ[ x A ] B
_×_ : {l : Level} (A B : Set l) Set l
_×_ A B = Σ A (λ _ B)
open dependent-product public
_∘_ : {A B C : Set} (g : B C) (f : A B) A C
(g f) a = g (f a)
__ : {A B : Set} (f g : A B) Set
__ {A} f g = (x : A) f x g x

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
title: "Boolean equivalences"
slug: 2024-06-28-boolean-equivalences
date: 2024-06-28T21:37:04.299Z
tags: ["agda", "type-theory", "hott"]
draft: true
This post is about a problem I recently proved that seemed simple going in, but
I struggled with it for quite a while. The problem statement is as follows:
Show that:
(2 \simeq 2) \simeq 2
This problem is exercise 2.13 of the [Homotopy Type Theory book][book]. If you
are planning to attempt this problem, spoilers ahead!
<small>The following line imports some of the definitions used in this post.</small>
open import Prelude
## The problem explained
With just the notation, the problem may not be clear.
$2$ represents the set with only 2 elements in it, which is the booleans. The
elements of $2$ are $\textrm{true}$ and $\textrm{false}$.
In this expression, $\simeq$ denotes [_homotopy equivalence_][1] between sets,
which you can think of as an isomorphism.
For some function $f : A \rightarrow B$, we say that $f$ is an equivalence if:
- there exists a $g : B \rightarrow A$
- $f \circ g$ is homotopic to the identity map $\textrm{id}_B : B \rightarrow B$
- $g \circ f$ is homotopic to the identity map $\textrm{id}_A : A \rightarrow A$
We can write this in Agda like this:
record isEquiv {A B : Set} (f : A → B) : Set where
constructor mkEquiv
g : B → A
f∘g : (f ∘ g) id
g∘f : (g ∘ f) id
Then, the expression $2 \simeq 2$ simply expresses an equivalence between the
boolean set to itself. Here's an example of a function that satisfies this equivalence:
bool-id : Bool → Bool
bool-id b = b
We can prove that it satisfies the equivalence, by giving it an inverse function
(itself), and proving that the inverse is homotopic to identity (which is true
bool-id-eqv : isEquiv bool-id
bool-id-eqv = mkEquiv bool-id id-homotopy id-homotopy
id-homotopy : (bool-id ∘ bool-id) id
id-homotopy _ = refl
We can package these together into a single definition that combines the
function along with proof of its equivalence properties using a dependent
[^1]: A dependent pair (or $\Sigma$-type) is like a regular pair $\langle x, y\rangle$, but where $y$ can depend on $x$.
For example, $\langle x , \textrm{isPrime}(x) \rangle$.
In this case it's useful since we can carry the equivalence information along with the function itself.
This type is rather core to Martin-Löf Type Theory, you can read more about it [here][dependent-pair].
_≃_ : (A B : Set) → Set
A ≃ B = Σ (A → B) (λ f → isEquiv f)
<small>Hint: (click the $\Sigma$ to see how it's defined!)</small>
This gives us an equivalence:
bool-eqv : Bool ≃ Bool
bool-eqv = bool-id , bool-id-eqv
Great! Now what?
## The space of equivalences
Turns out, the definition I gave above is just _one_ of multiple possible
equivalences between the boolean type and itself. Here is another possible
bool-neg : Bool → Bool
bool-neg true = false
bool-neg false = true
The remarkable thing about this is that nothing is changed by flipping true and
false. Someone using booleans would not be able to tell if you gave them a
boolean type where true and false were flipped. Simply put, the constructors
true and false are simply names and nothing can distinguish them.
We can show this by proving that `bool-neg` also forms an equivalence by using
itself as the inverse.
bool-neg-eqv : isEquiv bool-neg
bool-neg-eqv = mkEquiv bool-neg neg-homotopy neg-homotopy
neg-homotopy : (bool-neg ∘ bool-neg) id
neg-homotopy true = refl
neg-homotopy false = refl
bool-eqv2 : Bool ≃ Bool
bool-eqv2 = bool-neg , bool-neg-eqv
You could imagine more complicated functions over booleans that may also exhibit
this equivalence property. So how many different elements of the type $2 \simeq
2$ exist?
## Proving $2 \simeq 2$ only has 2 inhabitants
It turns out there are only 2 equivalences, the 2 that we already found. But how
do we know this for a fact? Well, if there are only 2 equivalences, that means
there are only 2 inhabitants of the type $2 \simeq 2$. We can prove that this
type only has 2 inhabitants by establishing an equivalence between this type and
another type that is known to have 2 inhabitants, such as the boolean type!
That's where the main exercise statement comes in: "show that" $(2 \simeq 2)
\simeq 2$, or in other words, find an inhabitant of this type.
_ : (Bool ≃ Bool) ≃ Bool
_ = {! !}