+++ layout = "home" +++ Hi there! I'm an incoming graduate student at the University of Minnesota. I currently work as a Software Developer at [AWS][1] (previously at [SIFT][2]). My computing-related interests lie in programming language design and formal verification, systems security, cryptography, and distributed systems. [1]: https://aws.amazon.com/ [2]: https://www.sift.net/ ## Contact - Email: {{% obfuscate %}}inbox@mzhang.io{{% /obfuscate %}} - PGP Key: [`925ECC02890D5CDAE26180D4BDA47A31A3C8EE6B`][PGP] - IRC: `mzh` on [libera.chat] [PGP]: https://keybase.io/michaelz/pgp_keys.asc?fingerprint=925ecc02890d5cdae26180d4bda47a31a3c8ee6b [libera.chat]: https://libera.chat