import type { RootContent } from "hast"; import { fromMarkdown } from "mdast-util-from-markdown"; import { fromHtml } from "hast-util-from-html"; import { toHtml } from "hast-util-to-html"; import { spawnSync } from "node:child_process"; import { mkdirSync, mkdtempSync, readFileSync, existsSync, readdirSync, copyFileSync, writeFileSync, } from "node:fs"; import { tmpdir } from "node:os"; import { join, parse, resolve, basename } from "node:path"; import { visit } from "unist-util-visit"; import type { RemarkPlugin } from "@astrojs/markdown-remark"; interface Options { base: string; outDir: string; publicDir: string; } const remarkAgda: RemarkPlugin = ({ base, publicDir }: Options) => { const destDir = join(publicDir, "generated", "agda"); mkdirSync(destDir, { recursive: true }); return (tree, { history }) => { const path: string = history[history.length - 1]!; if (!(path.endsWith("") || path.endsWith(".agda"))) return; console.log("AGDA:processing path", path); const tempDir = mkdtempSync(join(tmpdir(), "agdaRender.")); const agdaOutDir = join(tempDir, "output"); mkdirSync(agdaOutDir, { recursive: true }); const childOutput = spawnSync( "agda", [ "--html", `--html-dir=${agdaOutDir}`, "--highlight-occurrences", "--html-highlight=code", path, ], {}, ); // Locate output file const directory = readdirSync(agdaOutDir); const outputFilename = directory.find((name) => name.endsWith(".md")); if (childOutput.status !== 0 || outputFilename === undefined) { throw new Error( `Agda output: Stdout: ${childOutput.stdout} Stderr: ${childOutput.stderr} `, { cause: childOutput.error, }, ); } const outputFile = join(agdaOutDir, outputFilename); // // TODO: Handle child output // console.error("--AGDA OUTPUT--"); // console.error(childOutput); // console.error(childOutput.stdout?.toString()); // console.error(childOutput.stderr?.toString()); // console.error("--AGDA OUTPUT--"); const referencedFiles = new Set(); for (const file of readdirSync(agdaOutDir)) { referencedFiles.add(file); const fullPath = join(agdaOutDir, file); const fullDestPath = join(destDir, file); if (file.endsWith(".html")) { const src = readFileSync(fullPath); writeFileSync( fullDestPath, `
`, ); } else { copyFileSync(fullPath, fullDestPath); } } const htmlname = basename(resolve(outputFile)).replace( /(\.lagda)?\.md/, ".html", ); const doc = readFileSync(outputFile); // This is the post-processed markdown with HTML code blocks replacing the Agda code blocks const tree2 = fromMarkdown(doc); const collectedCodeBlocks: RootContent[] = []; visit(tree2, "html", (node) => { const html = fromHtml(node.value, { fragment: true }); const firstChild: RootContent = html.children[0]!; visit(html, "element", (node) => { if (node.tagName !== "a") return; if ( { // Trim off end const [href, hash,] ="#"); if (rest.length > 0) throw new Error("come look at this"); if (href === htmlname) { = `#${hash}`; } if (referencedFiles.has(href)) { = `${base}generated/agda/${href}${hash ? `#${hash}` : ""}`; = "_blank"; } } }); if (!firstChild?.properties?.className?.includes("Agda")) return; const stringContents = toHtml(firstChild); collectedCodeBlocks.push({ contents: stringContents, }); }); let idx = 0; try { visit(tree, "code", (node) => { if (!(node.lang === null || node.lang === "agda")) return; if (idx > collectedCodeBlocks.length) { throw new Error("failed"); } node.type = "html"; node.value = collectedCodeBlocks[idx].contents; idx += 1; }); } catch (e) { // TODO: Figure out a way to handle this correctly // Possibly by diffing? console.log( "Mismatch in number of args. Perhaps there was an empty block?", ); } }; }; export default remarkAgda;