+++ title = "Getting a shell in a Docker Compose container without any shells" date = 2023-03-29 tags = ["docker", "linux"] +++ First (published) blog post of the year! :raising_hands: Here is a rather dumb way of entering a Docker Compose container that didn't have a shell. In this specific case, I was trying to enter a Woodpecker CI container without exiting it. Some Docker containers are incredibly stripped down to optimize away bloat (which is good!) but this may make debugging them relatively annoying. > These are my specific steps for running it, please replace the paths and > container names with the ones relevant to your specific use-case. At first, I tried an approach following [this][1] document. But once I got to actually running commands within the namespace, I realized that this exposes the exact same interface as Docker compose; if there was no shell available from the Docker container entirely, then I couldn't run something from outside. I would need to get some shell into the container. [1]: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/container-namespaces-nsenter Fortunately, there's a software that contains a lot of handy tools in one binary: [busybox][2]. It's a GPL software that contains a small implementation of some coreutils (the Unix utilities like `ls` and `cp`) in a single static binary. [2]: https://busybox.net/ I grabbed a copy of the busybox tool using: ``` $ nix build nixpkgs#pkgsStatic.busybox ``` (if you aren't using [Nix][3], you may want to grab one of the pre-built binaries from their website) [3]: https://nixos.org/ To make sure it's statically linked (this means it doesn't depend on any libraries already existing on your system, which may not be available within the container), run this: ``` $ ldd ./result/bin/busybox not a dynamic executable ``` You should be all good if it comes back with "not a dynamic executable". Otherwise, if you're downloading off the website, make sure you look for something that indicates you're downloading a version built with [`musl`][4], which means it's using a static implementation of libc. [4]: https://musl.libc.org/ Now it's just a matter of getting this binary into the container. ``` $ docker compose cp ./result/bin/busybox woodpecker-server:/ ``` Now, I can run a shell, using the busybox program: ``` $ docker compose exec woodpecker-server /busybox sh / # ``` If you just ran busybox without the `sh` param, then it would list all the busybox utilities that were built into your static binary. At this point, I also ran: ``` / # /busybox --install -s /bin ``` within the container. This installs symlinks to busybox so it acts as each of the individual programs it emulates. Now I can type `ls` instead of having to run `busybox ls` every single time.