+++ title = "Setup" +++ # Setup List of software and services I use and endorse, mostly FOSS. ## Desktop - [**Arch Linux**](https://archlinux.org/) OS with rolling releases. - [**Home manager** (MIT)](https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager) Dotfile manager. - [**Firefox** (MPL-2.0)](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox) Browser. - [**Thunderbird** (MPL-2.0)](https://www.thunderbird.net) Email + calendar client. ## Development - [**Neovim** (Apache-2.0/Vim)](https://neovim.io/) Text editor. ## Server - [**NixOS** (MIT)](https://nixos.org/) Declarative and reproducible operating system. - [**Hugo** (Apache-2.0)](https://gohugo.io/) Static site generator that powers this site. - [**Gitea** (MIT)](https://gitea.io/) Self-hosted git. ## Mobile - [**DAVx5** (GPL-3.0)](https://www.davx5.com/) CalDAV and CardDAV sync for Android. - [**Gadgetbridge** (AGPL-3.0)](https://gadgetbridge.org/) Smartwatch client. - [**K-9 Mail** (Apache-2.0)](https://k9mail.app/) Mail client. - [**Feeder** (GPL-3.0)](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.nononsenseapps.feeder/) RSS aggregator. ## Music - [**Navidrome** (GPL-3.0)](https://navidrome.com) Self-hosted Subsonic-compatible streaming server. - [**Sublime Music** (GPL-3.0)](https://sublimemusic.app) GTK Subsonic-compatible music client. - [**Subtracks** (GPL-3.0)](https://github.com/austinried/subtracks) Android Subsonic-compatible music client. ## Services - [**SourceHut** (AGPL-3.0)](https://sourcehut.org) Git, mailing list, IRC bouncer, etc. hosting. - [**Element**](https://element.io/) Federated chat provider. - [**ProtonMail** (Proprietary)](https://protonmail.com/) Encrypted email. - [**Signal** (GPL-3.0/AGPL-3.0)](https://signal.org/) Encrypted chat. ## Games Mostly from Steam.