Michael Zhang 0e0249d113
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ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline failed
2023-10-12 17:22:58 -05:00

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title date draft toc tags
DTT Project 2023-10-11T04:05:23.082Z true true


Agda Imports for the purpose of type-checking
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --allow-incomplete-matches #-}
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Data.String hiding (_<_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (True; toWitness)

Damas-Hindley-Milner type inference

Unification-based algorithm for lambda calculus.

First try

Implement terms, monotypes, and polytypes:

data Term : Set
data Type : Set
data Monotype : Set

Regular lambda calculus terms:

e ::= x \mid () \mid \lambda x. e \mid e e \mid (e : A)

data Term where
    Unit : Term
    Var : String  Term
    Lambda : String  Term  Term
    App : Term  Term  Term
    Annot : Term  Type  Term

Polytypes are types that may include universal quantifiers (\forall)

A, B, C ::= 1 \mid \alpha \mid \forall \alpha. A \mid A \rightarrow B

data Type where
    Unit : Type
    Var : String  Type
    Existential : String  Type
    Forall : String  Type  Type
    Arrow : Type  Type  Type

Monotypes (usually denoted \tau) are types that aren't universally quantified.


In the declarative version of this algorithm, monotypes don't have existential quantifiers either, but the algorithmic type system includes it. TODO: Explain why

data Monotype where
    Unit : Monotype
    Var : String  Monotype
    Existential : String  Monotype
    Arrow : Monotype  Monotype  Monotype


data Context : Set where
    Nil : Context
    Var : Context  String  Context
    Annot : Context  String  Type  Context
    UnsolvedExistential : Context  String  Context
    SolvedExistential : Context  String  Monotype  Context
    Marker : Context  String  Context

contextLength : Context  
contextLength Nil = zero
contextLength (Var Γ _) = suc (contextLength Γ)
contextLength (Annot Γ _ _) = suc (contextLength Γ)
contextLength (UnsolvedExistential Γ _) = suc (contextLength Γ)
contextLength (SolvedExistential Γ _ _) = suc (contextLength Γ)
contextLength (Marker Γ _) = suc (contextLength Γ)

    lookupVar : (Γ : Context)  (n : )  (p : n < contextLength Γ)  Set
-- lookupVar (Var Γ x) n p = {!   !}
-- lookupVar (Annot Γ x x₁) n p = {!   !}
-- lookupVar (UnsolvedExistential Γ x) n p = {!   !}
-- lookupVar (SolvedExistential Γ x x₁) n p = {!   !}
-- lookupVar (Marker Γ x) n p = {!   !}

data CompleteContext : Set where
    Nil : CompleteContext
    Var : CompleteContext  String  CompleteContext
    Annot : CompleteContext  String  Type  CompleteContext
    SolvedExistential : CompleteContext  String  Monotype  CompleteContext
    Marker : CompleteContext  String  CompleteContext


type-well-formed : (A : Type)  Set
type-well-formed Unit = {!   !}
type-well-formed (Var x) = {!   !}
type-well-formed (Existential x) = {!   !}
type-well-formed (Forall x A) = {!   !}
type-well-formed (Arrow A A₁) = {!   !}

Type checking

    check : (Γ : Context)  (e : Term)  (A : Type)  Context
-- check Γ Unit A = Γ
-- check Γ (Var x) A = {!   !}
-- check Γ (Lambda x e) A = {!   !}
-- check Γ (App e e₁) A = {!   !}
-- check Γ (Annot e x) A = {!   !}

Type synthesizing

const x = () => {};
    synthesize : (Γ : Context)  (e : Term)  (Type × Context)
-- synthesize Γ Unit = Unit , Γ
-- synthesize Γ (Var x) = {!   !}
-- synthesize Γ (Lambda x e) = {!   !}
-- synthesize Γ (App e e₁) = {!   !}
-- synthesize Γ (Annot e x) = {!   !}