"description":"Use light or dark mode based on the system settings."
"title":"Markdown formatting",
"description":"Format messages with markdown before sending"
"title":"Hide membership events",
"description":"Hide membership change messages from room timeline. (Join, Leave, Invite, Kick and Ban)"
"title":"Hide nick/avatar events",
"description":"Hide nickname and avatar change messages from the room timeline."
"title":"Notifications & Sound",
"title":"Desktop notifications",
"description":"Show desktop notifications when new messages arrive."
"title":"Notification sound",
"description":"Play a sound when new messages arrive."
"title":"Cross signing and backup"
"title":"Export / Import encryption keys"
"title":"Export E2E room keys",
"description":"Export end-to-end encryption room keys to decrypt old messages in other session. In order to encrypt keys you need to set a password, which will be used while importing."
"title":"Import E2E room keys",
"description":"To decrypt older messages, Export E2EE room keys from Element (Settings > Security & Privacy > Encryption > Cryptography) and import them here. Imported keys are encrypted so you\\'ll have to enter the password you set in order to decrypt it."
"restore_failed_bad_key":"Failed to restore backup. Key is invalid!",
"restore_failed_unknown":"Failed to restore backup.",
"delete_key_backup_title":"Delete key backup",
"delete_key_backup_tooltip":"Delete backup",
"delete_key_backup_subtitle":"Deleting key backup is permanent.",
"delete_key_backup_message":"All encrypted message keys stored on the server will be permanently deleted.",
"encrypted_messages_backup_description":"Online backup your encrypted messages keys with your account data in case you lose access to your sessions. Your keys will be secured with a unique Security Key.",
"session_name_privacy_message":"Session names are visible to everyone, so do not put any private info here."
"title":"Cross Signing",
"setup_failed":"Failed to setup cross signing. Please try again",
"setup":"Setup cross signing",
"save_security_key_message":"Please save this security key somewhere safe",
"security_key_dialog_title":"Security Key",
"security_key_generation_message":"We will generate a Security Key, which you can use to manage message backups and session verification.",
"security_key_generation_button":"Generate Key",
"security_phrase_message":"Alternatively you can set a 'Security Phrase' so you don't have to remember the long Security Key, and optionally save the key as a backup",
"setup_message":"Setup to verify and keep track of all your sessions. Also required to backup encrypted message.",
"reset_keys_subtitle":"Resetting cross-signing keys is permanent.",
"reset_keys_message":"Anyone you have verified with will see security alerts and your message backup will lost. You almost certainly do not want to do this, unless you have lost Security Key or Phrase and every session you can cross-sign from."
"wrong_password":"Wrong password. Please enter the correct password",
"request_failed":"Request failed!",
"password_label":"Account password"
"description":"Type # for rooms, @ for DMs and * for spaces. Hotkey: Ctrl + k"
"could_not_join_alias":"Unable to join {{alias}}. Either the room is private or doesn't exist",
"try_joining_alias":"Try joining {{alias}}",
"joining_alias":"Joining {{alias}}...",
"no_public_rooms":"No public rooms on {{homeserver}}",
"no_result_found":"No result found for '{{input}}' on {{homeserver}}",
"title":"Public Rooms",
"search_room_name_alias":"Room name or alias",
"loading":"Loading public rooms from {{homeserver}}...",
"searching":"Searching for '{{query}}' on {{homeserver}}...",
"result_title":"Public rooms on {{homeserver}}",
"search_result_title":"Search result for '{{query}}' on {{homeserver}}"
"kick_reason_label":"Kick Reason",
"ban_reason_label":"Ban reason",
"loading_sessions":"Loading sessions...",
"no_sessions_found":"No sessions found.",
"view_sessions_one":"View session",
"view_sessions_other":"View {{count}} sessions",
"creating_dm_room":"Creating room...",
"change_power_level":"Change power level",
"shared_power_message":"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself. Are you sure?",
"demoting_self_message":"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself. Are you sure?"
"members_one":"{{count}} member",
"members_other":"{{count}} members",
"search_no_results":"No results found",
"view_more":"View more",
"remove_avatar":"Remove avatar",
"remove_avatar_confirmation":"Are you sure that you want to remove your avatar?",
"display_name_message":"Display name of {{user_name}}"
"users_following_1":"<bold><user_one/></bold> is following the conversation",
"users_following_2":"<bold><user_one/></bold> and <bold><user_two/></bold> are following the conversation",
"users_following_3":"<bold><user_one/></bold>, <bold><user_two/></bold>, and <bold><user_three/></bold> are following the conversation",
"users_following_other":"<bold><user_one/></bold>, <bold><user_two/></bold>, <bold><user_three/></bold> and {{other_count}} others are following the conversation"
"user_reacted_1":"<bold><user_one/></bold> reacted with <emoji/>",
"user_reacted_2":"<bold><user_one/></bold> and <bold><user_two/></bold> reacted with <emoji/>",
"user_reacted_3":"<bold><user_one/></bold>, <bold><user_two/></bold> and <bold><user_three/></bold> reacted with <emoji/>",
"user_reacted_other":"<bold><user_one/></bold>, <bold><user_two/></bold>, <bold><user_three/></bold> and {{other_count}} others reacted with <emoji/>",
"delete_message_confirmation":"Are you sure that you want to delete this message?",
"placeholder":"Power level"
"invalid_characters":"Invalid character: only letter, numbers and _- are allowed.",
"validating_alias":"validating {{alias}}...",
"alias_available":"{{alias}} is available.",
"alias_unavailable":"{{alias}} is unavailable.",
"set_main_alias":"Set as Main",
"title":"Publish to room directory",
"publish_room_message":"Publish this room to the {{homeserver}} publish directory?",
"publish_space_message":"Publish this space to the {{homeserver}} publish directory?"
"title":"Published addresses",
"none":"No published addresses",
"no_main_address":"No main address (select one from below)",
"message_room":"Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your room. To publish an address, it needs to be set as a local address first.",
"message_space":"Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your space. To publish an address, it needs to be set as a local address first."
"title":"Local addresses",
"none":"No local addresses",
"message_room":"Set local addresses for this room so users can find this room through your homeserver.",
"message_space":"Set local addresses for this space so users can find this space through your homeserver.",
"add":"Add local address",
"hide":"Hide local addresses",
"view":"View local addresses"
"encryption_public_room_message":"It is not recommended to add encryption in public room. Anyone can find and join public rooms, so anyone should be able to read messages in them.",
"encryption_message":"Once enabled, encryption for a room cannot be disabled. Messages sent in an encrypted room cannot be seen by the server, only by the participants of the room. Enabling encryption may prevent many bots and bridges from working correctly",
"encryption_cannot_be_disabled":"Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.",
"changes_only_affect_future":"Changes to history visibility will only apply to future messages. The visibility of existing history will have no effect."
"looking_for_homeserver":"Looking for homeserver...",
"connecting_to_homeserver":"Connecting to {{homeserver}}...",
"unable_to_connect":"Unable to connect. Please check your input",
"username_taken":"Username is already taken",
"registration_in_progress":"Registration in progress...",
"link_matrix":"Powered by Matrix",
"dont_have_an_account":"Dont have an account?",
"already_have_an_account":"Already have an account?",
"login_in_progress":"Login in progress...",
"bad_localpart_error":"Username can only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'",
"user_id_too_long_error":"Your user ID, including the hostname, can't be more than 255 characters long.",
"bad_password_error":"Password must contain at least 1 lowercase, 1 uppercase, 1 number, 1 non-alphanumeric character, 8-127 characters with no space.",