import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import './ChannelView.scss'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import RoomTimeline from '../../../client/state/RoomTimeline'; import ScrollView from '../../atoms/scroll/ScrollView'; import ChannelViewHeader from './ChannelViewHeader'; import ChannelViewContent from './ChannelViewContent'; import ChannelViewFloating from './ChannelViewFloating'; import ChannelViewInput from './ChannelViewInput'; import ChannelViewCmdBar from './ChannelViewCmdBar'; import { scrollToBottom, isAtBottom, autoScrollToBottom } from './common'; const viewEvent = new EventEmitter(); let lastScrollTop = 0; let lastScrollHeight = 0; let isReachedBottom = true; let isReachedTop = false; function ChannelView({ roomId }) { const [roomTimeline, updateRoomTimeline] = useState(null); const timelineSVRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { roomTimeline?.removeInternalListeners(); updateRoomTimeline(new RoomTimeline(roomId)); isReachedBottom = true; isReachedTop = false; }, [roomId]); const timelineScroll = { reachBottom() { scrollToBottom(timelineSVRef); }, autoReachBottom() { autoScrollToBottom(timelineSVRef); }, tryRestoringScroll() { const sv = timelineSVRef.current; const { scrollHeight } = sv; if (lastScrollHeight === scrollHeight) return; if (lastScrollHeight < scrollHeight) { sv.scrollTop = lastScrollTop + (scrollHeight - lastScrollHeight); } else { timelineScroll.reachBottom(); } }, enableSmoothScroll() { = 'smooth'; }, disableSmoothScroll() { = 'auto'; }, isScrollable() { const oHeight = timelineSVRef.current.offsetHeight; const sHeight = timelineSVRef.current.scrollHeight; if (sHeight > oHeight) return true; return false; }, }; function onTimelineScroll(e) { const { scrollTop, scrollHeight, offsetHeight } =; const scrollBottom = scrollTop + offsetHeight; lastScrollTop = scrollTop; lastScrollHeight = scrollHeight; const PLACEHOLDER_HEIGHT = 96; const PLACEHOLDER_COUNT = 3; const topPagKeyPoint = PLACEHOLDER_COUNT * PLACEHOLDER_HEIGHT; const bottomPagKeyPoint = scrollHeight - (offsetHeight / 2); if (!isReachedBottom && isAtBottom(timelineSVRef)) { isReachedBottom = true; viewEvent.emit('toggle-reached-bottom', true); } if (isReachedBottom && !isAtBottom(timelineSVRef)) { isReachedBottom = false; viewEvent.emit('toggle-reached-bottom', false); } // TOP of timeline if (scrollTop < topPagKeyPoint && isReachedTop === false) { isReachedTop = true; viewEvent.emit('reached-top'); return; } isReachedTop = false; // BOTTOM of timeline if (scrollBottom > bottomPagKeyPoint) { // TODO: } } return (
{roomTimeline !== null && ( )} {roomTimeline !== null && ( )}
{roomTimeline !== null && (
); } ChannelView.propTypes = { roomId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }; export default ChannelView;