completed progress

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wadler 2017-06-23 13:10:30 +01:00
parent 1b6e887f05
commit 10214fef6c
2 changed files with 66 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ not[𝔹] = (λᵀ x ∈ 𝔹 ⇒ (ifᵀ (varᵀ x) then falseᵀ else trueᵀ
data value : Term → Set where
value-λᵀ : ∀ x A N → value (λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N)
value-λᵀ : ∀ {x A N} → value (λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N)
value-trueᵀ : value (trueᵀ)
value-falseᵀ : value (falseᵀ)
@ -83,17 +83,18 @@ _[_:=_] : Term → Id → Term → Term
data _⟹_ : Term → Term → Set where
β⇒ : ∀ {x A N V} → value V →
((λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N) ·ᵀ V) ⟹ (N [ x := V ])
γ·₁ : ∀ {L L' M} →
γ₁ : ∀ {L L' M} →
L ⟹ L' →
(L ·ᵀ M) ⟹ (L' ·ᵀ M)
γ·₂ : ∀ {V M M'} → value V →
γ⇒₂ : ∀ {V M M'} →
value V →
M ⟹ M' →
(V ·ᵀ M) ⟹ (V ·ᵀ M)
βif₁ : ∀ {M N} →
β𝔹₁ : ∀ {M N} →
(ifᵀ trueᵀ then M else N) ⟹ M
βif₂ : ∀ {M N} →
β𝔹₂ : ∀ {M N} →
(ifᵀ falseᵀ then M else N) ⟹ N
γif : ∀ {L L' M N} →
γ𝔹 : ∀ {L L' M N} →
L ⟹ L' →
(ifᵀ L then M else N) ⟹ (ifᵀ L' then M else N)

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ layout : page
permalink : /StlcProp
<div class="foldable">
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
@ -13,10 +12,10 @@ open import Data.Product using (∃; ∃₂; _,_; ,_)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
open import MapsOld
open import StlcOld
open import Maps
open Maps.PartialMap
open import Stlc
In this chapter, we develop the fundamental theory of the Simply
Typed Lambda Calculus---in particular, the type safety
@ -32,14 +31,22 @@ belonging to each type. For $$bool$$, these are the boolean values $$true$$ and
$$false$$. For arrow types, the canonical forms are lambda-abstractions.
CanonicalForms : Term → Type → Set
CanonicalForms t bool = t ≡ true ⊎ t ≡ false
CanonicalForms t (A ⇒ B) = ∃₂ λ x t → t ≡ abs x A t
data canonical_for_ : Term → Type → Set where
canonical-λᵀ : ∀ {x A N B} → canonical (λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N) for (A ⇒ B)
canonical-trueᵀ : canonical trueᵀ for 𝔹
canonical-falseᵀ : canonical falseᵀ for 𝔹
-- canonical_for_ : Term → Type → Set
-- canonical L for 𝔹 = L ≡ trueᵀ ⊎ L ≡ falseᵀ
-- canonical L for (A ⇒ B) = ∃₂ λ x N → L ≡ λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N
canonicalForms : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t A → Value t → CanonicalForms t A
canonicalForms (abs t) abs = _ , _ , refl
canonicalForms true true = inj₁ refl
canonicalForms false false = inj₂ refl
canonicalFormsLemma : ∀ {L A} → ∅ ⊢ L ∈ A → value L → canonical L for A
canonicalFormsLemma (Ax ⊢x) ()
canonicalFormsLemma (⇒-I ⊢N) value-λᵀ = canonical-λᵀ -- _ , _ , refl
canonicalFormsLemma (⇒-E ⊢L ⊢M) ()
canonicalFormsLemma 𝔹-I₁ value-trueᵀ = canonical-trueᵀ -- inj₁ refl
canonicalFormsLemma 𝔹-I₂ value-falseᵀ = canonical-falseᵀ -- inj₂ refl
canonicalFormsLemma (𝔹-E ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) ()
## Progress
@ -52,7 +59,7 @@ straightforward extension of the progress proof we saw in the
first, then the formal version.
progress : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t A → Value t ⊎ ∃ λ t → t ==> t
progress : ∀ {M A} → ∅ ⊢ M ∈ A → value M ⊎ ∃ λ N → M ⟹ N
_Proof_: By induction on the derivation of $$\vdash t : A$$.
@ -94,26 +101,21 @@ _Proof_: By induction on the derivation of $$\vdash t : A$$.
- Otherwise, $$t_1$$ takes a step, and therefore so does $$t$$ (by `if`).
progress (var x ())
progress true = inj₁ true
progress false = inj₁ false
progress (abs tA) = inj₁ abs
progress (app t₁A⇒B t₂B)
with progress t₁A⇒B
... | inj₂ (_ , t₁⇒t₁) = inj₂ (_ , app1 t₁⇒t₁)
... | inj₁ v₁
with progress t₂B
... | inj₂ (_ , t₂⇒t₂) = inj₂ (_ , app2 v₁ t₂⇒t₂)
... | inj₁ v₂
with canonicalForms t₁A⇒B v₁
... | (_ , _ , refl) = inj₂ (_ , red v₂)
progress (if t₁bool then t₂A else t₃A)
with progress t₁bool
... | inj₂ (_ , t₁⇒t₁) = inj₂ (_ , if t₁⇒t₁)
... | inj₁ v₁
with canonicalForms t₁bool v₁
... | inj₁ refl = inj₂ (_ , iftrue)
... | inj₂ refl = inj₂ (_ , iffalse)
progress (Ax ())
progress (⇒-I ⊢N) = inj₁ value-λᵀ
progress (⇒-E ⊢L ⊢M) with progress ⊢L
... | inj₂ (_ , L⟹L) = inj₂ (_ , γ⇒₁ L⟹L)
... | inj₁ valueL with progress ⊢M
... | inj₂ (_ , M⟹M) = inj₂ (_ , γ⇒₂ valueL M⟹M)
... | inj₁ valueM with canonicalFormsLemma ⊢L valueL
... | canonical-λᵀ = inj₂ (_ , β⇒ valueM)
progress 𝔹-I₁ = inj₁ value-trueᵀ
progress 𝔹-I₂ = inj₁ value-falseᵀ
progress (𝔹-E ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) with progress ⊢L
... | inj₂ (_ , L⟹L) = inj₂ (_ , γ𝔹 L⟹L)
... | inj₁ valueL with canonicalFormsLemma ⊢L valueL
... | canonical-trueᵀ = inj₂ (_ , β𝔹₁)
... | canonical-falseᵀ = inj₂ (_ , β𝔹₂)
#### Exercise: 3 stars, optional (progress_from_term_ind)
@ -121,8 +123,10 @@ Show that progress can also be proved by induction on terms
instead of induction on typing derivations.
progress : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t A → Value t ⊎ ∃ λ t → t ==> t
## Preservation
@ -180,6 +184,7 @@ For example:
data _FreeIn_ (x : Id) : Term → Set where
var : x FreeIn var x
abs : ∀ {y A t} → y ≢ x → x FreeIn t → x FreeIn abs y A t
@ -188,13 +193,16 @@ data _FreeIn_ (x : Id) : Term → Set where
if1 : ∀ {t₁ t₂ t₃} → x FreeIn t₁ → x FreeIn (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
if2 : ∀ {t₁ t₂ t₃} → x FreeIn t₂ → x FreeIn (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
if3 : ∀ {t₁ t₂ t₃} → x FreeIn t₃ → x FreeIn (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
A term in which no variables appear free is said to be _closed_.
Closed : Term → Set
Closed t = ∀ {x} → ¬ (x FreeIn t)
#### Exercise: 1 star (free-in)
@ -213,7 +221,9 @@ well typed in context $$\Gamma$$, then it must be the case that
$$\Gamma$$ assigns a type to $$x$$.
freeInCtxt : ∀ {x t A Γ} → x FreeIn t → Γ ⊢ t A → ∃ λ B → Γ x ≡ just B
_Proof_: We show, by induction on the proof that $$x$$ appears
@ -246,6 +256,7 @@ _Proof_: We show, by induction on the proof that $$x$$ appears
`_≟_`, noting that $$x$$ and $$y$$ are different variables.
freeInCtxt var (var _ xA) = (_ , xA)
freeInCtxt (app1 x∈t₁) (app t₁A _ ) = freeInCtxt x∈t₁ t₁A
freeInCtxt (app2 x∈t₂) (app _ t₂A) = freeInCtxt x∈t₂ t₂A
@ -258,6 +269,7 @@ freeInCtxt {x} (abs {y} y≠x x∈t) (abs tB)
with y ≟ x
... | yes y=x = ⊥-elim (y≠x y=x)
... | no _ = xA
Next, we'll need the fact that any term $$t$$ which is well typed in
@ -266,12 +278,15 @@ the empty context is closed (it has no free variables).
#### Exercise: 2 stars, optional (∅⊢-closed)
∅⊢-closed : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t A → Closed t
<div class="hidden">
∅⊢-closed : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t A → Closed t
∅⊢-closed (var x ())
∅⊢-closed (app t₁A⇒B t₂A) (app1 x∈t₁) = ∅⊢-closed t₁A⇒B x∈t₁
@ -285,6 +300,7 @@ postulate
∅⊢-closed (abs {x = x} tA) {y} (abs x≠y y∈t) | A , yA with x ≟ y
∅⊢-closed (abs {x = x} tA) {y} (abs x≠y y∈t) | A , yA | yes x=y = x≠y x=y
∅⊢-closed (abs {x = x} tA) {y} (abs x≠y y∈t) | A , () | no _
@ -296,10 +312,12 @@ that appear free in $$t$$. In fact, this is the only condition that
is needed.
replaceCtxt : ∀ {Γ Γ′ t A}
→ (∀ {x} → x FreeIn t → Γ x ≡ Γ′ x)
→ Γ ⊢ t A
→ Γ′ ⊢ t A
_Proof_: By induction on the derivation of
@ -345,6 +363,7 @@ $$\Gamma \vdash t \in T$$.
hence the desired result follows from the induction hypotheses.
replaceCtxt f (var x xA) rewrite f var = var x xA
replaceCtxt f (app t₁A⇒B t₂A)
= app (replaceCtxt (f ∘ app1) t₁A⇒B) (replaceCtxt (f ∘ app2) t₂A)
@ -361,8 +380,10 @@ replaceCtxt f (if t₁bool then t₂A else t₃A)
= if replaceCtxt (f ∘ if1) t₁bool
then replaceCtxt (f ∘ if2) t₂A
else replaceCtxt (f ∘ if3) t₃A
Now we come to the conceptual heart of the proof that reduction
preserves types---namely, the observation that _substitution_
preserves types.
@ -380,10 +401,12 @@ _Lemma_: If $$\Gamma,x:U \vdash t : T$$ and $$\vdash v : U$$, then
$$\Gamma \vdash [x:=v]t : T$$.
[:=]-preserves-⊢ : ∀ {Γ x A t v B}
→ ∅ ⊢ v A
→ Γ , x A ⊢ t B
→ Γ , x A ⊢ [ x := v ] t B
One technical subtlety in the statement of the lemma is that
@ -462,6 +485,7 @@ generalization is a little tricky. The term $$t$$, on the other
hand, _is_ completely generic.
[:=]-preserves-⊢ {Γ} {x} vA (var y y∈Γ) with x ≟ y
... | yes x=y = {!!}
... | no x≠y = {!!}
@ -474,6 +498,7 @@ hand, _is_ completely generic.
if [:=]-preserves-⊢ vA t₁bool
then [:=]-preserves-⊢ vA t₂B
else [:=]-preserves-⊢ vA t₃B
@ -764,3 +789,5 @@ with arithmetic. Specifically:
- Extend the proofs of all the properties (up to $$soundness$$) of
the original STLC to deal with the new syntactic forms. Make
sure Agda accepts the whole file.