completed progress
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 66 additions and 38 deletions
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ not[𝔹] = (λᵀ x ∈ 𝔹 ⇒ (ifᵀ (varᵀ x) then falseᵀ else trueᵀ
data value : Term → Set where
data value : Term → Set where
value-λᵀ : ∀ x A N → value (λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N)
value-λᵀ : ∀ {x A N} → value (λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N)
value-trueᵀ : value (trueᵀ)
value-trueᵀ : value (trueᵀ)
value-falseᵀ : value (falseᵀ)
value-falseᵀ : value (falseᵀ)
@ -83,17 +83,18 @@ _[_:=_] : Term → Id → Term → Term
data _⟹_ : Term → Term → Set where
data _⟹_ : Term → Term → Set where
β⇒ : ∀ {x A N V} → value V →
β⇒ : ∀ {x A N V} → value V →
((λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N) ·ᵀ V) ⟹ (N [ x := V ])
((λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N) ·ᵀ V) ⟹ (N [ x := V ])
γ·₁ : ∀ {L L' M} →
γ⇒₁ : ∀ {L L' M} →
L ⟹ L' →
L ⟹ L' →
(L ·ᵀ M) ⟹ (L' ·ᵀ M)
(L ·ᵀ M) ⟹ (L' ·ᵀ M)
γ·₂ : ∀ {V M M'} → value V →
γ⇒₂ : ∀ {V M M'} →
value V →
M ⟹ M' →
M ⟹ M' →
(V ·ᵀ M) ⟹ (V ·ᵀ M)
(V ·ᵀ M) ⟹ (V ·ᵀ M)
βif₁ : ∀ {M N} →
β𝔹₁ : ∀ {M N} →
(ifᵀ trueᵀ then M else N) ⟹ M
(ifᵀ trueᵀ then M else N) ⟹ M
βif₂ : ∀ {M N} →
β𝔹₂ : ∀ {M N} →
(ifᵀ falseᵀ then M else N) ⟹ N
(ifᵀ falseᵀ then M else N) ⟹ N
γif : ∀ {L L' M N} →
γ𝔹 : ∀ {L L' M N} →
L ⟹ L' →
L ⟹ L' →
(ifᵀ L then M else N) ⟹ (ifᵀ L' then M else N)
(ifᵀ L then M else N) ⟹ (ifᵀ L' then M else N)
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ layout : page
permalink : /StlcProp
permalink : /StlcProp
<div class="foldable">
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
@ -13,10 +12,10 @@ open import Data.Product using (∃; ∃₂; _,_; ,_)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
open import MapsOld
open import Maps
open import StlcOld
open Maps.PartialMap
open import Stlc
In this chapter, we develop the fundamental theory of the Simply
In this chapter, we develop the fundamental theory of the Simply
Typed Lambda Calculus---in particular, the type safety
Typed Lambda Calculus---in particular, the type safety
@ -32,14 +31,22 @@ belonging to each type. For $$bool$$, these are the boolean values $$true$$ and
$$false$$. For arrow types, the canonical forms are lambda-abstractions.
$$false$$. For arrow types, the canonical forms are lambda-abstractions.
CanonicalForms : Term → Type → Set
data canonical_for_ : Term → Type → Set where
CanonicalForms t bool = t ≡ true ⊎ t ≡ false
canonical-λᵀ : ∀ {x A N B} → canonical (λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N) for (A ⇒ B)
CanonicalForms t (A ⇒ B) = ∃₂ λ x t′ → t ≡ abs x A t′
canonical-trueᵀ : canonical trueᵀ for 𝔹
canonical-falseᵀ : canonical falseᵀ for 𝔹
-- canonical_for_ : Term → Type → Set
-- canonical L for 𝔹 = L ≡ trueᵀ ⊎ L ≡ falseᵀ
-- canonical L for (A ⇒ B) = ∃₂ λ x N → L ≡ λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N
canonicalForms : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t ∶ A → Value t → CanonicalForms t A
canonicalFormsLemma : ∀ {L A} → ∅ ⊢ L ∈ A → value L → canonical L for A
canonicalForms (abs t′) abs = _ , _ , refl
canonicalFormsLemma (Ax ⊢x) ()
canonicalForms true true = inj₁ refl
canonicalFormsLemma (⇒-I ⊢N) value-λᵀ = canonical-λᵀ -- _ , _ , refl
canonicalForms false false = inj₂ refl
canonicalFormsLemma (⇒-E ⊢L ⊢M) ()
canonicalFormsLemma 𝔹-I₁ value-trueᵀ = canonical-trueᵀ -- inj₁ refl
canonicalFormsLemma 𝔹-I₂ value-falseᵀ = canonical-falseᵀ -- inj₂ refl
canonicalFormsLemma (𝔹-E ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) ()
## Progress
## Progress
@ -52,7 +59,7 @@ straightforward extension of the progress proof we saw in the
first, then the formal version.
first, then the formal version.
progress : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t ∶ A → Value t ⊎ ∃ λ t′ → t ==> t′
progress : ∀ {M A} → ∅ ⊢ M ∈ A → value M ⊎ ∃ λ N → M ⟹ N
_Proof_: By induction on the derivation of $$\vdash t : A$$.
_Proof_: By induction on the derivation of $$\vdash t : A$$.
@ -94,26 +101,21 @@ _Proof_: By induction on the derivation of $$\vdash t : A$$.
- Otherwise, $$t_1$$ takes a step, and therefore so does $$t$$ (by `if`).
- Otherwise, $$t_1$$ takes a step, and therefore so does $$t$$ (by `if`).
progress (var x ())
progress (Ax ())
progress true = inj₁ true
progress (⇒-I ⊢N) = inj₁ value-λᵀ
progress false = inj₁ false
progress (⇒-E ⊢L ⊢M) with progress ⊢L
progress (abs t∶A) = inj₁ abs
... | inj₂ (_ , L⟹L′) = inj₂ (_ , γ⇒₁ L⟹L′)
progress (app t₁∶A⇒B t₂∶B)
... | inj₁ valueL with progress ⊢M
with progress t₁∶A⇒B
... | inj₂ (_ , M⟹M′) = inj₂ (_ , γ⇒₂ valueL M⟹M′)
... | inj₂ (_ , t₁⇒t₁′) = inj₂ (_ , app1 t₁⇒t₁′)
... | inj₁ valueM with canonicalFormsLemma ⊢L valueL
... | inj₁ v₁
... | canonical-λᵀ = inj₂ (_ , β⇒ valueM)
with progress t₂∶B
progress 𝔹-I₁ = inj₁ value-trueᵀ
... | inj₂ (_ , t₂⇒t₂′) = inj₂ (_ , app2 v₁ t₂⇒t₂′)
progress 𝔹-I₂ = inj₁ value-falseᵀ
... | inj₁ v₂
progress (𝔹-E ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) with progress ⊢L
with canonicalForms t₁∶A⇒B v₁
... | inj₂ (_ , L⟹L′) = inj₂ (_ , γ𝔹 L⟹L′)
... | (_ , _ , refl) = inj₂ (_ , red v₂)
... | inj₁ valueL with canonicalFormsLemma ⊢L valueL
progress (if t₁∶bool then t₂∶A else t₃∶A)
... | canonical-trueᵀ = inj₂ (_ , β𝔹₁)
with progress t₁∶bool
... | canonical-falseᵀ = inj₂ (_ , β𝔹₂)
... | inj₂ (_ , t₁⇒t₁′) = inj₂ (_ , if t₁⇒t₁′)
... | inj₁ v₁
with canonicalForms t₁∶bool v₁
... | inj₁ refl = inj₂ (_ , iftrue)
... | inj₂ refl = inj₂ (_ , iffalse)
#### Exercise: 3 stars, optional (progress_from_term_ind)
#### Exercise: 3 stars, optional (progress_from_term_ind)
@ -121,8 +123,10 @@ Show that progress can also be proved by induction on terms
instead of induction on typing derivations.
instead of induction on typing derivations.
progress′ : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t ∶ A → Value t ⊎ ∃ λ t′ → t ==> t′
progress′ : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t ∶ A → Value t ⊎ ∃ λ t′ → t ==> t′
## Preservation
## Preservation
@ -180,6 +184,7 @@ For example:
data _FreeIn_ (x : Id) : Term → Set where
data _FreeIn_ (x : Id) : Term → Set where
var : x FreeIn var x
var : x FreeIn var x
abs : ∀ {y A t} → y ≢ x → x FreeIn t → x FreeIn abs y A t
abs : ∀ {y A t} → y ≢ x → x FreeIn t → x FreeIn abs y A t
@ -188,13 +193,16 @@ data _FreeIn_ (x : Id) : Term → Set where
if1 : ∀ {t₁ t₂ t₃} → x FreeIn t₁ → x FreeIn (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
if1 : ∀ {t₁ t₂ t₃} → x FreeIn t₁ → x FreeIn (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
if2 : ∀ {t₁ t₂ t₃} → x FreeIn t₂ → x FreeIn (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
if2 : ∀ {t₁ t₂ t₃} → x FreeIn t₂ → x FreeIn (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
if3 : ∀ {t₁ t₂ t₃} → x FreeIn t₃ → x FreeIn (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
if3 : ∀ {t₁ t₂ t₃} → x FreeIn t₃ → x FreeIn (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
A term in which no variables appear free is said to be _closed_.
A term in which no variables appear free is said to be _closed_.
Closed : Term → Set
Closed : Term → Set
Closed t = ∀ {x} → ¬ (x FreeIn t)
Closed t = ∀ {x} → ¬ (x FreeIn t)
#### Exercise: 1 star (free-in)
#### Exercise: 1 star (free-in)
@ -213,7 +221,9 @@ well typed in context $$\Gamma$$, then it must be the case that
$$\Gamma$$ assigns a type to $$x$$.
$$\Gamma$$ assigns a type to $$x$$.
freeInCtxt : ∀ {x t A Γ} → x FreeIn t → Γ ⊢ t ∶ A → ∃ λ B → Γ x ≡ just B
freeInCtxt : ∀ {x t A Γ} → x FreeIn t → Γ ⊢ t ∶ A → ∃ λ B → Γ x ≡ just B
_Proof_: We show, by induction on the proof that $$x$$ appears
_Proof_: We show, by induction on the proof that $$x$$ appears
@ -246,6 +256,7 @@ _Proof_: We show, by induction on the proof that $$x$$ appears
`_≟_`, noting that $$x$$ and $$y$$ are different variables.
`_≟_`, noting that $$x$$ and $$y$$ are different variables.
freeInCtxt var (var _ x∶A) = (_ , x∶A)
freeInCtxt var (var _ x∶A) = (_ , x∶A)
freeInCtxt (app1 x∈t₁) (app t₁∶A _ ) = freeInCtxt x∈t₁ t₁∶A
freeInCtxt (app1 x∈t₁) (app t₁∶A _ ) = freeInCtxt x∈t₁ t₁∶A
freeInCtxt (app2 x∈t₂) (app _ t₂∶A) = freeInCtxt x∈t₂ t₂∶A
freeInCtxt (app2 x∈t₂) (app _ t₂∶A) = freeInCtxt x∈t₂ t₂∶A
@ -258,6 +269,7 @@ freeInCtxt {x} (abs {y} y≠x x∈t) (abs t∶B)
with y ≟ x
with y ≟ x
... | yes y=x = ⊥-elim (y≠x y=x)
... | yes y=x = ⊥-elim (y≠x y=x)
... | no _ = x∶A
... | no _ = x∶A
Next, we'll need the fact that any term $$t$$ which is well typed in
Next, we'll need the fact that any term $$t$$ which is well typed in
@ -266,12 +278,15 @@ the empty context is closed (it has no free variables).
#### Exercise: 2 stars, optional (∅⊢-closed)
#### Exercise: 2 stars, optional (∅⊢-closed)
∅⊢-closed : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t ∶ A → Closed t
∅⊢-closed : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t ∶ A → Closed t
<div class="hidden">
<div class="hidden">
∅⊢-closed′ : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t ∶ A → Closed t
∅⊢-closed′ : ∀ {t A} → ∅ ⊢ t ∶ A → Closed t
∅⊢-closed′ (var x ())
∅⊢-closed′ (var x ())
∅⊢-closed′ (app t₁∶A⇒B t₂∶A) (app1 x∈t₁) = ∅⊢-closed′ t₁∶A⇒B x∈t₁
∅⊢-closed′ (app t₁∶A⇒B t₂∶A) (app1 x∈t₁) = ∅⊢-closed′ t₁∶A⇒B x∈t₁
@ -285,6 +300,7 @@ postulate
∅⊢-closed′ (abs {x = x} t′∶A) {y} (abs x≠y y∈t′) | A , y∶A with x ≟ y
∅⊢-closed′ (abs {x = x} t′∶A) {y} (abs x≠y y∈t′) | A , y∶A with x ≟ y
∅⊢-closed′ (abs {x = x} t′∶A) {y} (abs x≠y y∈t′) | A , y∶A | yes x=y = x≠y x=y
∅⊢-closed′ (abs {x = x} t′∶A) {y} (abs x≠y y∈t′) | A , y∶A | yes x=y = x≠y x=y
∅⊢-closed′ (abs {x = x} t′∶A) {y} (abs x≠y y∈t′) | A , () | no _
∅⊢-closed′ (abs {x = x} t′∶A) {y} (abs x≠y y∈t′) | A , () | no _
@ -296,10 +312,12 @@ that appear free in $$t$$. In fact, this is the only condition that
is needed.
is needed.
replaceCtxt : ∀ {Γ Γ′ t A}
replaceCtxt : ∀ {Γ Γ′ t A}
→ (∀ {x} → x FreeIn t → Γ x ≡ Γ′ x)
→ (∀ {x} → x FreeIn t → Γ x ≡ Γ′ x)
→ Γ ⊢ t ∶ A
→ Γ ⊢ t ∶ A
→ Γ′ ⊢ t ∶ A
→ Γ′ ⊢ t ∶ A
_Proof_: By induction on the derivation of
_Proof_: By induction on the derivation of
@ -345,6 +363,7 @@ $$\Gamma \vdash t \in T$$.
hence the desired result follows from the induction hypotheses.
hence the desired result follows from the induction hypotheses.
replaceCtxt f (var x x∶A) rewrite f var = var x x∶A
replaceCtxt f (var x x∶A) rewrite f var = var x x∶A
replaceCtxt f (app t₁∶A⇒B t₂∶A)
replaceCtxt f (app t₁∶A⇒B t₂∶A)
= app (replaceCtxt (f ∘ app1) t₁∶A⇒B) (replaceCtxt (f ∘ app2) t₂∶A)
= app (replaceCtxt (f ∘ app1) t₁∶A⇒B) (replaceCtxt (f ∘ app2) t₂∶A)
@ -361,8 +380,10 @@ replaceCtxt f (if t₁∶bool then t₂∶A else t₃∶A)
= if replaceCtxt (f ∘ if1) t₁∶bool
= if replaceCtxt (f ∘ if1) t₁∶bool
then replaceCtxt (f ∘ if2) t₂∶A
then replaceCtxt (f ∘ if2) t₂∶A
else replaceCtxt (f ∘ if3) t₃∶A
else replaceCtxt (f ∘ if3) t₃∶A
Now we come to the conceptual heart of the proof that reduction
Now we come to the conceptual heart of the proof that reduction
preserves types---namely, the observation that _substitution_
preserves types---namely, the observation that _substitution_
preserves types.
preserves types.
@ -380,10 +401,12 @@ _Lemma_: If $$\Gamma,x:U \vdash t : T$$ and $$\vdash v : U$$, then
$$\Gamma \vdash [x:=v]t : T$$.
$$\Gamma \vdash [x:=v]t : T$$.
[:=]-preserves-⊢ : ∀ {Γ x A t v B}
[:=]-preserves-⊢ : ∀ {Γ x A t v B}
→ ∅ ⊢ v ∶ A
→ ∅ ⊢ v ∶ A
→ Γ , x ∶ A ⊢ t ∶ B
→ Γ , x ∶ A ⊢ t ∶ B
→ Γ , x ∶ A ⊢ [ x := v ] t ∶ B
→ Γ , x ∶ A ⊢ [ x := v ] t ∶ B
One technical subtlety in the statement of the lemma is that
One technical subtlety in the statement of the lemma is that
@ -462,6 +485,7 @@ generalization is a little tricky. The term $$t$$, on the other
hand, _is_ completely generic.
hand, _is_ completely generic.
[:=]-preserves-⊢ {Γ} {x} v∶A (var y y∈Γ) with x ≟ y
[:=]-preserves-⊢ {Γ} {x} v∶A (var y y∈Γ) with x ≟ y
... | yes x=y = {!!}
... | yes x=y = {!!}
... | no x≠y = {!!}
... | no x≠y = {!!}
@ -474,6 +498,7 @@ hand, _is_ completely generic.
if [:=]-preserves-⊢ v∶A t₁∶bool
if [:=]-preserves-⊢ v∶A t₁∶bool
then [:=]-preserves-⊢ v∶A t₂∶B
then [:=]-preserves-⊢ v∶A t₂∶B
else [:=]-preserves-⊢ v∶A t₃∶B
else [:=]-preserves-⊢ v∶A t₃∶B
@ -764,3 +789,5 @@ with arithmetic. Specifically:
- Extend the proofs of all the properties (up to $$soundness$$) of
- Extend the proofs of all the properties (up to $$soundness$$) of
the original STLC to deal with the new syntactic forms. Make
the original STLC to deal with the new syntactic forms. Make
sure Agda accepts the whole file.
sure Agda accepts the whole file.
Add table
Reference in a new issue