Replace use of impossible idiom with proof by reflection (#409)

* Added section on proof by reflection to Decidable.
* Define True in Decidable.
* Add exercise for defining False in Decidable.
* Rewrote text in Lambda to reflection new section on proof by reflection.
* Replace S constructor in Lambda with a version which checks the inequality implicitly.
* Define product and unit types as records in Connectives.
* Explain difference between data and records w.r.t. definitional equality in Connectives.
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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ open plfa.part1.Isomorphism.≃-Reasoning
Given two propositions `A` and `B`, the conjunction `A × B` holds
if both `A` holds and `B` holds. We formalise this idea by
declaring a suitable inductive type:
declaring a suitable record type:
data _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
@ -76,27 +76,6 @@ proj₂ ⟨ x , y ⟩ = y
If `L` provides evidence that `A × B` holds, then `proj₁ L` provides evidence
that `A` holds, and `proj₂ L` provides evidence that `B` holds.
Equivalently, we could also declare conjunction as a record type:
record _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
proj₁ : A
proj₂ : B
open _×_
Here record construction
{ proj₁ = M
; proj₂ = N
corresponds to the term
⟨ M , N ⟩
where `M` is a term of type `A` and `N` is a term of type `B`.
When `⟨_,_⟩` appears in a term on the right-hand side of an equation
we refer to it as a _constructor_, and when it appears in a pattern on
the left-hand side of an equation we refer to it as a _destructor_.
@ -114,10 +93,7 @@ formula for the connective, which appears in a hypothesis but not in
the conclusion. An introduction rule describes under what conditions
we say the connective holds---how to _define_ the connective. An
elimination rule describes what we may conclude when the connective
holds---how to _use_ the connective.
(The paragraph above was adopted from "Propositions as Types", Philip Wadler,
_Communications of the ACM_, December 2015.)
holds---how to _use_ the connective.[^from-wadler-2015]
In this case, applying each destructor and reassembling the results with the
constructor is the identity over products:
@ -136,6 +112,33 @@ infixr 2 _×_
Thus, `m ≤ n × n ≤ p` parses as `(m ≤ n) × (n ≤ p)`.
Alternatively, we can declare conjunction as a record type:
record _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
constructor ⟨_,_⟩
proj₁ : A
proj₂ : B
open _×_
The record construction `record { proj₁ = M ; proj₂ = N }` corresponds to the
term `⟨ M , N ⟩` where `M` is a term of type `A` and `N` is a term of type `B`.
The constructor declaration allows us to write `⟨ M , N ⟩′` in place of the
record construction.
The data type `_x_` and the record type `_×_` behave similarly. One
difference is that for data types we have to prove η-equality, but for record
types, η-equality holds *by definition*. While proving `η-×`, we do not have to
pattern match on `w` to know that η-equality holds:
η-× : ∀ {A B : Set} (w : A × B) → ⟨ proj₁ w , proj₂ w ⟩′ ≡ w
η-× w = refl
It can be very convenient to have η-equality *definitionally*, and so the
standard library defines `_×_` as a record type. We use the definition from the
standard library in later chapters.
Given two types `A` and `B`, we refer to `A × B` as the
_product_ of `A` and `B`. In set theory, it is also sometimes
called the _Cartesian product_, and in computing it corresponds
@ -245,7 +248,7 @@ is isomorphic to `(A → B) × (B → A)`.
## Truth is unit
Truth `` always holds. We formalise this idea by
declaring a suitable inductive type:
declaring a suitable record type:
data : Set where
@ -266,10 +269,33 @@ value of type `` must be equal to `tt`:
η- : ∀ (w : ) → tt ≡ w
η- tt = refl
The pattern matching on the left-hand side is essential. Replacing
The pattern matching on the left-hand side is essential. Replacing
`w` by `tt` allows both sides of the propositional equality to
simplify to the same term.
Alternatively, we can declare truth as an empty record:
record : Set where
constructor tt
The record construction `record {}` corresponds to the term `tt`. The
constructor declaration allows us to write `tt`.
As with the product, the data type `` and the record type `` behave
similarly, but η-equality holds *by definition* for the record type. While
proving `η-`, we do not have to pattern match on `w`---Agda *knows* it is
equal to `tt`:
η- : ∀ (w : ) → tt ≡ w
η- w = refl
Agda knows that *any* value of type `` must be `tt`, so any time we need a
value of type ``, we can tell Agda to figure it out:
truth :
truth = _
We refer to `` as the _unit_ type. And, indeed,
type `` has exactly one member, `tt`. For example, the following
function enumerates all possible arguments of type ``:
@ -790,3 +816,6 @@ This chapter uses the following unicode:
₁ U+2081 SUBSCRIPT ONE (\_1)
₂ U+2082 SUBSCRIPT TWO (\_2)
[^from-wadler-2015]: This paragraph was adopted from "Propositions as Types", Philip Wadler, _Communications of the ACM_, December 2015.

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@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ postulate
#### Exercise `iff-erasure` (recommended)
Give analogues of the `_⇔_` operation from
Chapter [Isomorphism]({{ site.baseurl }}/Isomorphism/#iff),
Chapter [Isomorphism]({{ site.baseurl}}/Isomorphism/#iff),
operation on booleans and decidables, and also show the corresponding erasure:
@ -561,13 +561,86 @@ postulate
-- Your code goes here
## Proof by reflection {#proof-by-reflection}
Let's revisit our definition of monus from
Chapter [Naturals]({{ site.baseurl}}/Naturals/).
If we subtract a larger number from a smaller number, we take the result to be
zero. We had to do something, after all. What could we have done differently? We
could have defined a *guarded* version of minus, a function which subtracts `n`
from `m` only if `n ≤ m`:
minus : (m n : ) (n≤m : n ≤ m) →
minus m zero _ = m
minus (suc m) (suc n) (s≤s m≤n) = minus m n m≤n
Unfortunately, it is painful to use, since we have to explicitly provide
the proof that `n ≤ m`:
_ : minus 5 3 (s≤s (s≤s (s≤s z≤n))) ≡ 2
_ = refl
We cannot solve this problem in general, but in the scenario above, we happen to
know the two numbers *statically*. In that case, we can use a technique called
*proof by reflection*. Essentially, we can ask Agda to run the decidable
equality `n ≤? m` while type checking, and make sure that `n ≤ m`!
We do this by using a feature of implicits. Agda will fill in an implicit of a
record type if it can fill in all its fields. So Agda will *always* manage to
fill in an implicit of an *empty* record type, since there aren't any fields
after all. This is why `` is defined as an empty record.
The trick is to have an implicit argument of the type `T ⌊ n ≤? m ⌋`. Let's go
through what this means step-by-step. First, we run the decision procedure, `n
≤? m`. This provides us with evidence whether `n ≤ m` holds or not. We erase the
evidence to a boolean. Finally, we apply `T`. Recall that `T` maps booleans into
the world of evidence: `true` becomes the unit type ``, and `false` becomes the
empty type `⊥`. Operationally, an implicit argument of this type works as a
- If `n ≤ m` holds, the type of the implicit value reduces to ``. Agda then
happily provides the implicit value.
- Otherwise, the type reduces to `⊥`, which Agda has no chance of providing, so
it will throw an error. For instance, if we call `3 - 5` we get `_n≤m_254 : ⊥`.
We obtain the witness for `n ≤ m` using `toWitness`, which we defined earlier:
_-_ : (m n : ) {n≤m : T ⌊ n ≤? m ⌋} →
_-_ m n {n≤m} = minus m n (toWitness n≤m)
We can safely use `_-_` as long as we statically know the two numbers:
_ : 5 - 3 ≡ 2
_ = refl
It turns out that this idiom is very common. The standard library defines a
synonym for `T ⌊ ? ⌋` called `True`:
True : ∀ {Q} → Dec Q → Set
True Q = T ⌊ Q ⌋
#### Exercise `False`
Give analogues of `True`, `toWitness`, and `fromWitness` which work with *negated* properties. Call these `False`, `toWitnessFalse`, and `fromWitnessFalse`.
## Standard Library
import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool; true; false; T; _∧_; __; not)
import Data.Nat using (_≤?_)
import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋; toWitness; fromWitness)
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋; True; toWitness; fromWitness)
import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬?)
import Relation.Nullary.Product using (_×-dec_)
import Relation.Nullary.Sum using (_⊎-dec_)

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@ -170,8 +170,7 @@ the fourth that `to ∘ from` is the identity, hence the names.
The declaration `open _≃_` makes available the names `to`, `from`,
`from∘to`, and `to∘from`, otherwise we would need to write `_≃` and so on.
The above is our first use of records. A record declaration is equivalent
to a corresponding inductive data declaration:
The above is our first use of records. A record declaration behaves similar to a single-constructor data declaration (there are minor differences, which we discuss in [Connectives]({{ site.baseurl }}/Connectives/)):
data _≃_ (A B : Set): Set where
mk-≃′ : ∀ (to : A → B) →

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ the next step is to define relations, such as _less than or equal_.
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; cong)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-comm)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-comm; +-identityʳ)
@ -129,13 +129,25 @@ One may also identify implicit arguments by name:
_ : 2 ≤ 4
_ = s≤s {m = 1} {n = 3} (s≤s {m = 0} {n = 2} (z≤n {n = 2}))
In the latter format, you may only supply some implicit arguments:
In the latter format, you can choose to only supply some implicit arguments:
_ : 2 ≤ 4
_ = s≤s {n = 3} (s≤s {n = 2} z≤n)
It is not permitted to swap implicit arguments, even when named.
We can ask Agda to use the same inference to try and infer an _explicit_ term,
by writing `_`. For instance, we can define a variant of the proposition
`+-identityʳ` with implicit arguments:
+-identityʳ : ∀ {m : } → m + zero ≡ m
+-identityʳ = +-identityʳ _
We use `_` to ask Agda to infer the value of the _explicit_ argument from
context. There is only one value which gives us the correct proof, `m`, so Agda
happily fills it in.
If Agda fails to infer the value, it reports an error.
## Precedence

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@ -53,12 +53,15 @@ four.
## Imports
open import Data.Bool using (T; not)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (∃-syntax; _×_)
open import Data.String using (String; _≟_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋; False; toWitnessFalse)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬?)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
@ -1087,6 +1090,26 @@ Constructor `S` takes an additional parameter, which ensures that
when we look up a variable that it is not _shadowed_ by another
variable with the same name to its left in the list.
It can be rather tedious to use the `S` constructor, as you have to provide
proofs that `x ≢ y` each time. For example:
_ : ∅ , "x" ⦂ ` ⇒ ` , "y" ⦂ ` , "z" ⦂ ` ∋ "x" ⦂ ` ⇒ `
_ = S (λ()) (S (λ()) Z)
Instead, we'll use a "smart constructor", which uses [proof by reflection]({{ site.baseurl }}/Decidable/#proof-by-reflection) to check the inequality while type checking:
S : ∀ {Γ x y A B}
→ {x≢y : False (x ≟ y)}
→ Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
→ Γ , y ⦂ B ∋ x ⦂ A
S {x≢y = x≢y} x = S (toWitnessFalse x≢y) x
### Typing judgment
The second judgment is written
@ -1214,7 +1237,7 @@ Ch A = (A ⇒ A) ⇒ A ⇒ A
⊢twoᶜ : ∀ {Γ A} → Γ ⊢ twoᶜ ⦂ Ch A
⊢twoᶜ = ⊢ƛ (⊢ƛ (⊢` ∋s · (⊢` ∋s · ⊢` ∋z)))
∋s = S (λ()) Z
∋s = S Z
∋z = Z
@ -1227,11 +1250,11 @@ Here are the typings corresponding to computing two plus two:
⊢plus = ⊢μ (⊢ƛ (⊢ƛ (⊢case (⊢` ∋m) (⊢` ∋n)
(⊢suc (⊢` ∋+ · ⊢` ∋m · ⊢` ∋n)))))
∋+ = (S (λ()) (S (λ()) (S (λ()) Z)))
∋m = (S (λ()) Z)
∋+ = S (S (S Z))
∋m = S Z
∋n = Z
∋m = Z
∋n = (S (λ()) Z)
∋n = S Z
⊢2+2 : ∅ ⊢ plus · two · two ⦂ `
⊢2+2 = ⊢plus · ⊢two · ⊢two
@ -1250,9 +1273,9 @@ And here are typings for the remainder of the Church example:
⊢plusᶜ : ∀ {Γ A} → Γ ⊢ plusᶜ ⦂ Ch A ⇒ Ch A ⇒ Ch A
⊢plusᶜ = ⊢ƛ (⊢ƛ (⊢ƛ (⊢ƛ (⊢` ∋m · ⊢` ∋s · (⊢` ∋n · ⊢` ∋s · ⊢` ∋z)))))
∋m = S (λ()) (S (λ()) (S (λ()) Z))
∋n = S (λ()) (S (λ()) Z)
∋s = S (λ()) Z
∋m = S (S (S Z))
∋n = S (S Z)
∋s = S Z
∋z = Z
⊢sucᶜ : ∀ {Γ} → Γ ⊢ sucᶜ ⦂ ` ⇒ `