better Agda support for computing reductions
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 184 additions and 34 deletions
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ standard library, wherever they overlap.
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.String using (String)
-- open import Data.String using (String)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_; refl; _≢_; trans; sym)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ we repeat its definition here.
data Id : Set where
id : String → Id
id : ℕ → Id {- String → Id -}
We recall a standard fact of logic.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ by deciding equality on the underlying strings.
_≟_ : (x y : Id) → Dec (x ≡ y)
id x ≟ id y with x Data.String.≟ y
id x ≟ id y with x Data.Nat.≟ y {- x Data.String.≟ y -}
id x ≟ id y | yes refl = yes refl
id x ≟ id y | no x≢y = no (contrapositive id-inj x≢y)
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ We define some identifiers for future use.
x y z : Id
x = id "x"
y = id "y"
z = id "z"
x = id 0 -- id "x"
y = id 1 -- id "y"
z = id 2 -- id "z"
## Total Maps
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ This chapter defines the simply-typed lambda calculus.
open import Maps using (Id; id; _≟_; PartialMap; module PartialMap)
open PartialMap using (∅) renaming (_,_↦_ to _,_∶_)
open import Data.String using (String)
-- open import Data.String using (String)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
@ -44,8 +45,8 @@ data Term : Set where
Example terms.
f x : Id
f = id "f"
x = id "x"
f = id 0 -- id "f"
x = id 1 -- id "x"
not two : Term
not = λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] (if var x then false else true)
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ data _⟹_ : Term → Term → Set where
## Reflexive and transitive closure
Rel : Set → Set₁
Rel A = A → A → Set
@ -118,11 +120,52 @@ infix 10 _⟹*_
_⟹*_ : Rel Term
_⟹*_ = (_⟹_) *
## Notation for setting out reductions
infix 10 _⟹*_
infixr 2 _⟹⟨_⟩_
infix 3 _∎
data _⟹*_ : Term → Term → Set where
_∎ : ∀ M → M ⟹* M
_⟹⟨_⟩_ : ∀ L {M N} → L ⟹ M → M ⟹* N → L ⟹* N
reduction₁ : not · true ⟹* false
reduction₁ =
not · true
⟹⟨ (β⇒ value-true) ⟩
if true then false else true
⟹⟨ β𝔹₁ ⟩
reduction₂ : two · not · true ⟹* true
reduction₂ =
two · not · true
⟹⟨ γ⇒₁ (β⇒ value-λ) ⟩
(λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] not · (not · var x)) · true
⟹⟨ β⇒ value-true ⟩
not · (not · true)
⟹⟨ γ⇒₂ value-λ (β⇒ value-true) ⟩
not · (if true then false else true)
⟹⟨ γ⇒₂ value-λ β𝔹₁ ⟩
not · false
⟹⟨ β⇒ value-false ⟩
if false then false else true
⟹⟨ β𝔹₂ ⟩
Much of the above, though not all, can be filled in using C-c C-r and C-c C-s.
infixr 2 _⟹⟨_⟩_
infix 3 _∎
@ -131,17 +174,19 @@ L ⟹⟨ L⟹M ⟩ M⟹*N = ⟨ L⟹M ⟩ >> M⟹*N
_∎ : ∀ M → M ⟹* M
M ∎ = ⟨⟩
## Example reduction derivations
reduction₁ : not · true ⟹* false
reduction₁ =
not · true
⟹⟨ β⇒ value-true ⟩
if true then false else true
⟹⟨ β𝔹₁ ⟩
⟹⟨ β𝔹₁ ⟩
@ -161,6 +206,7 @@ reduction₂ =
⟹⟨ β𝔹₂ ⟩
## Type rules
@ -128,6 +128,15 @@ progress (𝔹-E ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) with progress ⊢L
... | canonical-false = steps β𝔹₂
This code reads neatly in part because we look at the
`steps` option before the `done` option. We could, of course,
look at it the other way around, but then the `...` abbreviation
no longer works, and we will need to write out all the arguments
in full. In general, the rule of thumb is to look at the easy case
(here `steps`) before the hard case (her `done`).
If you have two hard cases, you will have to expand out `...`
or introduce subsidiary functions.
#### Exercise: 3 stars, optional (progress_from_term_ind)
Show that progress can also be proved by induction on terms
instead of induction on typing derivations.
@ -140,54 +149,54 @@ postulate
## Preservation
The other half of the type soundness property is the preservation
of types during reduction. For this, we need to develop some
of types during reduction. For this, we need to develop
technical machinery for reasoning about variables and
substitution. Working from top to bottom (from the high-level
property we are actually interested in to the lowest-level
technical lemmas that are needed by various cases of the more
interesting proofs), the story goes like this:
technical lemmas), the story goes like this:
- The _preservation theorem_ is proved by induction on a typing
derivation, pretty much as we did in the [Stlc]({{ "Stlc" | relative_url }})
derivation, pretty much as we did in the [Types]({{ "Types" | relative_url }})
chapter. The one case that is significantly different is the one for the
`red` rule, whose definition uses the substitution operation. To see that
`β⇒` rule, whose definition uses the substitution operation. To see that
this step preserves typing, we need to know that the substitution itself
does. So we prove a...
does. So we prove a ...
- _substitution lemma_, stating that substituting a (closed)
term `s` for a variable `x` in a term `t` preserves the type
of `t`. The proof goes by induction on the form of `t` and
term `V` for a variable `x` in a term `N` preserves the type
of `N`. The proof goes by induction on the form of `N` and
requires looking at all the different cases in the definition
of substitition. This time, the tricky cases are the ones for
of substitition. The tricky cases are the ones for
variables and for function abstractions. In both cases, we
discover that we need to take a term `s` that has been shown
to be well-typed in some context `\Gamma` and consider the same
term `s` in a slightly different context `\Gamma'`. For this
discover that we need to take a term `V` that has been shown
to be well-typed in some context `Γ` and consider the same
term in a different context `Γ′`. For this
we prove a...
- _context invariance_ lemma, showing that typing is preserved
under "inessential changes" to the context `\Gamma`---in
particular, changes that do not affect any of the free
variables of the term. And finally, for this, we need a
careful definition of...
under "inessential changes" to the context---a term `M`
well typed in `Γ` is also well typed in `Γ′`, so long as
all the free variables of `M` appear in both contexts.
And finally, for this, we need a careful definition of ...
- the _free variables_ of a term---i.e., those variables
- _free variables_ of a term---i.e., those variables
mentioned in a term and not in the scope of an enclosing
function abstraction binding a variable of the same name.
To make Agda happy, we need to formalize the story in the opposite
### Free Occurrences
A variable `x` _appears free in_ a term `M` if `M` contains some
occurrence of `x` that is not under an abstraction over `x`.
A variable `x` appears _free_ in a term `M` if `M` contains an
occurrence of `x` that is not bound in an outer lambda abstraction.
For example:
- `y` appears free, but `x` does not, in `λ[ x ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] x · y`
- both `x` and `y` appear free in `(λ[ x ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] x · y) · x`
- no variables appear free in `λ[ x ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] (λ[ y ∶ A ] x · y)`
- `x` appears free, but `f` does not, in `λ[ f ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] f · x`
- both `f` and `x` appear free in `(λ[ f ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] f · x) · f`;
note that `f` appears both bound and free in this term
- no variables appear free in `λ[ f ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] (λ[ x ∶ A ] f · x)`
@ -205,11 +214,30 @@ data _∈_ : Id → Term → Set where
A term in which no variables appear free is said to be _closed_.
_∉_ : Id → Term → Set
x ∉ M = x ∈ M → ⊥
closed : Term → Set
closed M = ∀ {x} → ¬ (x ∈ M)
closed M = ∀ {x} → x ∉ M
#### Exercise: 1 star (free-in)
Prove formally the properties listed above.
example-free₁ : x ∈ (λ[ f ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] f · x)
example-free₁ = ?
example-free₂ : f ∉ (λ[ f ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] f · x)
example-free₂ = ?
example-free₃ : x ∈ (λ[ f ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] f · x)
example-free₃ = ?
example-free₄ : f ∈ (λ[ f ∶ (A ⇒ B) ] f · x)
example-free₄ = ?
If the definition of `_∈_` is not crystal clear to
you, it is a good idea to take a piece of paper and write out the
rules in informal inference-rule notation. (Although it is a
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Old version of reduction
## Imports
open import Maps using (Id; id; _≟_; PartialMap; module PartialMap)
open PartialMap using (∅) renaming (_,_↦_ to _,_∶_)
-- open import Data.String using (String)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
open import Stlc hiding (_⟹*_; _⟹⟨_⟩_; _∎; reduction₁; reduction₂)
## Reflexive and transitive closure
Rel : Set → Set₁
Rel A = A → A → Set
infixl 10 _>>_
data _* {A : Set} (R : Rel A) : Rel A where
⟨⟩ : ∀ {x : A} → (R *) x x
⟨_⟩ : ∀ {x y : A} → R x y → (R *) x y
_>>_ : ∀ {x y z : A} → (R *) x y → (R *) y z → (R *) x z
infix 10 _⟹*_
_⟹*_ : Rel Term
_⟹*_ = (_⟹_) *
## Notation for setting out reductions
infixr 2 _⟹⟨_⟩_
infix 3 _∎
_⟹⟨_⟩_ : ∀ L {M N} → L ⟹ M → M ⟹* N → L ⟹* N
L ⟹⟨ L⟹M ⟩ M⟹*N = ⟨ L⟹M ⟩ >> M⟹*N
_∎ : ∀ M → M ⟹* M
M ∎ = ⟨⟩
## Example reduction derivations
reduction₁ : not · true ⟹* false
reduction₁ =
not · true
⟹⟨ β⇒ value-true ⟩
if true then false else true
⟹⟨ β𝔹₁ ⟩
reduction₂ : two · not · true ⟹* true
reduction₂ =
two · not · true
⟹⟨ γ⇒₁ (β⇒ value-λ) ⟩
(λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] not · (not · var x)) · true
⟹⟨ β⇒ value-true ⟩
not · (not · true)
⟹⟨ γ⇒₂ value-λ (β⇒ value-true) ⟩
not · (if true then false else true)
⟹⟨ γ⇒₂ value-λ β𝔹₁ ⟩
not · false
⟹⟨ β⇒ value-false ⟩
if false then false else true
⟹⟨ β𝔹₂ ⟩
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