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wadler 2018-10-16 17:19:14 +02:00
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commit 15cb3a372f
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@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
Require Import PredomCore.
Require Import PredomProd.
Section KnasterTarski.
Section CLattice.
(** printing <= $\sqsubseteq$ *)
(** printing sup $\bigwedge$ *)
(** printing inf $\bigvee$ *)
(** printing == $\equiv$ *)
(** * Complete Lattice
A semi-lattice [(L, \/ )] is a partial order [L = (T, <= )] and a binary operation inf [\/ : L -> L -> L],
such that [forall x y, x \/ y <= x], [forall x y, x \/ y == y \/ x] and [forall z x y, z <= x /\ z <= y -> z <= x \/ y].
A complete lattice is a semi lattice where the inf operation has been generalized to all subsets of [L].
Record CLattice := mk_semilattice
ltord :> ord;
inf : forall S : ltord -> Prop, ltord;
Pinf : forall P : ltord -> Prop, forall t, P t -> inf P <= t;
PinfL : forall P : ltord -> Prop, forall t, (forall x, P x -> t <= x) -> t <= inf P
Variable L : CLattice.
(** A complete lattice has both infima and suprema. Suprema of a set S ([sup S]) is given by [inf { z | S <= z}] *)
Definition sup (S:L -> Prop) : L := inf L (fun D => forall s, S s -> s <= D).
Lemma Psup : forall (S:L -> Prop) t, S t -> t <= sup S.
intros S t St. unfold sup.
refine (PinfL _ _ _ _).
intros l Cl. apply Cl. apply St.
Lemma PsupL : forall (S:L -> Prop) t, (forall x, S x -> x <= t) -> sup S <= t.
intros S t C. unfold sup. refine (Pinf _ _ _ _).
intros l Sl. apply C. apply Sl.
End CLattice.
Section SubLattice.
Variable L : CLattice.
(** Let [P] represent a subset of [L]. *)
Variable P : ltord L -> Prop.
(** We can then define a an ordering on the subset [P] by inheriting the ordering from [L]. *)
Definition Subord : ord.
exists ({t | P t}) (fun (x y:{t | P t}) => match x with exist x _ =>
match y with exist y _ => x <= y
intros x. case x. clear x. intros x _. auto.
intros x y z ; case x ; case y ; case z ; clear x z y. intros x _ y _ z _.
apply Ole_trans.
Definition ForgetSubord : Subord -> ltord L.
intros S. case S. clear S. intros x _. apply x.
(** If [P] is closed under infima then it is a complete lattice *)
Variable PSinf: forall (S:ltord L -> Prop), (forall t, S t -> P t) -> P (inf L S).
Definition Embed (t:ltord L) (p:P t) : Subord.
intros t Pt. exists t. apply Pt.
Definition Extend (S : Subord -> Prop) : ltord L -> Prop.
intros S l. apply (exists p:P l, S (Embed l p)).
Lemma ExtendP: forall (S:Subord -> Prop) t, Extend S t -> P t.
intros S t Ex. unfold Extend in Ex. unfold Embed in Ex. destruct Ex as [E _].
apply E.
Definition SubLattice : CLattice.
exists (Subord) (fun (S:Subord -> Prop) =>
Embed (inf L (Extend S)) (PSinf (Extend S) (ExtendP S))).
intros S t. case t. simpl. clear t. intros l Pl Pe. refine (Pinf _ _ _ _ ).
unfold Extend. unfold Embed. exists Pl. apply Pe.
intros S t. case t. simpl. clear t. intros x Px C. apply PinfL.
intros t et.
unfold Extend in et. unfold Embed in et.
destruct et as [Pt St]. specialize (C _ St). apply C.
End SubLattice.
Variable L : CLattice.
Definition op_ord (O:ord) : ord.
intros O. exists (tord O) (fun x y => y <= x).
auto. intros x y z. intros A B. apply (Ole_trans B A).
Definition op_lat : CLattice.
exists (op_ord L) (sup L).
intros P t Pt. simpl. apply (Psup L P _ Pt).
intros P t C. simpl. refine (PsupL L P _ _). apply C.
Variable f : L -m> L.
Definition PreFixedPoint d := f d <= d.
Lemma PreFixedInfs: (forall S : L -> Prop,
(forall t : L, S t -> PreFixedPoint t) -> PreFixedPoint (inf L S)).
intros S C.
unfold PreFixedPoint in *.
apply (PinfL L S). intros l Sl.
apply Ole_trans with (y:= f l).
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto. apply M.
apply Pinf. apply Sl.
apply (C _ Sl).
Definition PreFixedLattice := SubLattice L (fun x => PreFixedPoint x) PreFixedInfs.
Definition PostFixedPoint d := d <= f d.
Lemma PostFixedSups: forall S : op_lat -> Prop,
(forall t : op_lat, S t -> (fun x : op_lat => PostFixedPoint x) t) ->
(fun x : op_lat => PostFixedPoint x) (inf op_lat S).
unfold PostFixedPoint.
intros S C. simpl in *. refine (PsupL L _ _ _).
intros l Sl. apply Ole_trans with (y:= f l). apply C. apply Sl.
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto. apply M. apply (Psup L _ _ Sl).
Definition PostFixedLattice := SubLattice op_lat (fun x => PostFixedPoint x) PostFixedSups.
Definition lfp := match (inf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)) with exist x _ => x end.
Definition gfp := match (inf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)) with exist x _ => x end.
Lemma lfp_fixedpoint : f lfp == lfp.
unfold lfp.
assert (yy:= Pinf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
generalize yy ; clear yy.
case (inf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
intros x Px yy.
assert (zz:=fun X PX => (yy (exist (fun t => PreFixedPoint t) X PX))). clear yy.
assert (PreFixedPoint (f x)). unfold PreFixedPoint.
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto. apply M. apply Px.
specialize (zz _ H). simpl in zz.
apply Px.
apply zz ; auto.
Lemma gfp_fixedpoint : f gfp == gfp.
unfold gfp.
assert (yy:= Pinf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
generalize yy ; clear yy.
case (inf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
intros x Px yy.
assert (zz:=fun X PX => (yy (exist (fun t => PostFixedPoint t) X PX))). clear yy.
assert (PostFixedPoint (f x)). unfold PostFixedPoint.
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto. apply M. apply Px.
specialize (zz _ H). simpl in zz. apply zz. auto.
apply Px.
Lemma lfp_least: forall fp, f fp <= fp -> lfp <= fp.
unfold lfp.
intros fp ff. assert (PreFixedPoint fp). apply ff.
assert (yy:= Pinf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
generalize yy ; clear yy.
case (inf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
intros x Px yy.
assert (zz:=fun X PX => (yy (exist (fun t => PreFixedPoint t) X PX))). clear yy.
case (inf PreFixedLattice (fun _ : PreFixedLattice => True)).
specialize (zz _ H). simpl in zz. intros _ _. apply zz. auto.
Lemma gfp_greatest: forall fp, fp <= f fp -> fp <= gfp.
unfold gfp.
intros fp ff. assert (PostFixedPoint fp). apply ff.
assert (yy:= Pinf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
generalize yy ; clear yy.
case (inf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
intros x Px yy.
assert (zz:=fun X PX => (yy (exist (fun t => PostFixedPoint t) X PX))). clear yy.
case (inf PostFixedLattice (fun _ : PostFixedLattice => True)).
specialize (zz _ H). simpl in zz. intros _ _. apply zz. auto.
End KnasterTarski.
Definition ProdLattice (L1 L2 : CLattice) : CLattice.
intros L1 L2. exists (Oprod L1 L2) (fun (S:Oprod L1 L2 -> Prop) =>
(inf L1 (fun l1 => exists l2, S (l1,l2)),inf L2 (fun l2 => exists l1, S (l1,l2)))).
intros P t. case t. clear t. intros t0 t1 Pt. simpl. split.
refine (Pinf _ _ _ _). exists t1. apply Pt.
refine (Pinf _ _ _ _). exists t0. apply Pt.
intros P t. case t. clear t. intros t0 t1 Pt. simpl. split.
refine (PinfL _ _ _ _). intros x Px. destruct Px as [y Pxy].
specialize (Pt _ Pxy).
inversion Pt. simpl in *. auto.
refine (PinfL _ _ _ _). intros x Px. destruct Px as [y Pyx].
specialize (Pt _ Pyx). inversion Pt. simpl in *. auto.
Definition LFst L1 L2 : ProdLattice L1 L2 -m> L1.
intros L1 L2. exists (@fst L1 L2). unfold monotonic.
intros x y ; case x ; clear x ; intros x0 x1 ; case y ; clear y ; intros y0 y1.
simpl. intros [A _] ; auto.
Definition LSnd L1 L2 : ProdLattice L1 L2 -m> L2.
intros L1 L2. exists (@snd L1 L2). unfold monotonic.
intros x y ; case x ; clear x ; intros x0 x1 ; case y ; clear y ; intros y0 y1.
simpl. intros [_ A] ; auto.
Definition ArrowLattice (T:Type) (L:CLattice) : CLattice.
intros T L. exists (ford T L) (fun (S:T -o> L -> Prop) => fun t => inf L (fun st => exists s, S s /\ s t = st)).
intros P f Pf. simpl. intros t. refine (Pinf _ _ _ _). exists f. split. auto. auto.
intros P f C. simpl. intros t. refine (PinfL _ _ _ _).
intros l Tl. destruct Tl as [f0 [Pf0 f0t]]. specialize (C _ Pf0). rewrite <- f0t.
Require Import Sets.
Definition Subsetord (T:SetKind) : ord.
intros T. exists (set T) (@subset T).
intros x t ; auto.
intros x y z C1 C2 t. specialize (C1 t). specialize (C2 t).
intros a. apply (C2 (C1 a)).
Definition SubsetLattice (T:SetKind) : CLattice.
intros T. exists (Subsetord T) (@Intersect T).
intros P t Pt. simpl. intros x Px. apply (Px t Pt).
intros P t Pt. simpl in *. intros x Px f Pf. specialize (Pt f Pf).
apply Pt. apply Px.
Definition Supsetord (T:SetKind) := op_ord (Subsetord T).
Definition SupsetLattice (T:SetKind) := op_lat (SubsetLattice T).

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typeddensem.tex: typeddensem.v
typedsubst.tex: typedsubst.v
typedsoundness.tex: typedsoundness.v
typedadequacy.tex: typedadequacy.v
utility.vo: utility.v
Sets.vo: Sets.v
PredomCore.vo: PredomCore.v
PredomProd.vo: PredomProd.v PredomCore.vo
PredomSum.vo: PredomSum.v PredomCore.vo
PredomLift.vo: PredomLift.v PredomCore.vo utility.vo
PredomKleisli.vo: PredomKleisli.v PredomLift.vo PredomProd.vo PredomCore.vo utility.vo
PredomFix.vo: PredomFix.v PredomCore.vo PredomProd.vo PredomLift.vo PredomKleisli.vo
KnasterTarski.vo: KnasterTarski.v Sets.vo PredomCore.vo PredomProd.vo
lc.vo: lc.v PredomCore.vo PredomProd.vo PredomSum.vo PredomLift.vo PredomFix.vo PredomKleisli.vo
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uni.vo: uni.v utility.vo
unisem.vo: unisem.v PredomAll.vo lc.vo uni.vo
uniade.vo: uniade.v unisem.vo KnasterTarski.vo Sets.vo PredomAll.vo
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typedlambda.vo: typedlambda.v utility.vo
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typeddensem.vo: typeddensem.v PredomAll.vo typedlambda.vo
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all: typedadequacy.vo typedsoundness.vo unisound.vo uniade.vo

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Require Export PredomCore.
Require Export PredomProd.
Require Export PredomSum.
Require Export PredomLift.
Require Export PredomKleisli.
Require Export PredomFix.
Implicit Arguments eta [D].

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
Definition of fixpoints and associated lemmas
Require Import PredomCore.
Require Import PredomProd.
Require Import PredomLift.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
(** ** Fixpoints *)
Section Fixpoints.
Variable D : cpo.
Context {dp : Pointed D}.
(* Variable D: cpo. *)
Variable f : D -m>D.
Hypothesis fcont : continuous f.
Fixpoint iter_ n (* D [Pointed D] (f : D -m> D) *) : D := match n with O => PBot | S m => f (iter_ m (* f *)) end.
Lemma iter_incr (* D [Pointed D] (f : D -m> D)*) : forall n, iter_ n (* f *) <= f (iter_ n (*f *)).
induction n; simpl; auto.
(* apply Pleast. *)
Hint Resolve iter_incr.
Definition iter : natO -m> D.
exists iter_; red; intros.
induction H; simpl; auto.
apply Ole_trans with (iter_ m); auto.
Definition fixp : D := lub iter.
Lemma fixp_le : fixp <= f fixp.
unfold fixp.
apply Ole_trans with (lub (fmon_comp f iter)); auto.
Hint Resolve fixp_le.
Lemma fixp_eq : fixp == f fixp.
apply Ole_antisym; auto.
unfold fixp.
apply Ole_trans with (1:= fcont iter).
rewrite (lub_lift_left iter (S O)); auto.
Lemma fixp_inv : forall g, f g <= g -> fixp <= g.
unfold fixp; intros.
apply lub_le.
induction n; intros; auto.
simpl; apply Ole_trans with (f g); auto.
End Fixpoints.
Hint Resolve fixp_le fixp_eq fixp_inv.
Definition fixp_cte D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (d:D), fixp (fmon_cte D d) == d.
intros; apply fixp_eq with (f:=fmon_cte D d); red; intros; auto.
unfold fmon_cte at 1; simpl.
apply (le_lub (fmon_comp (fmon_cte D (O2:=D) d) c) (O)); simpl; auto.
Hint Resolve fixp_cte.
Lemma fixp_le_compat D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (*(D:cpo)*) (f g : D-m>D), f<=g -> fixp f <= fixp g.
intros; unfold fixp.
apply lub_le_compat.
intro n; induction n; simpl; auto.
apply Ole_trans with (g (iter_ (D:=D) f n)); auto.
Hint Resolve fixp_le_compat.
Add Parametric Morphism D {pd : Pointed D} : (@fixp D pd)
with signature (@Oeq (D -m>D)) ==> (@Oeq D)
as fixp_eq_compat.
intros; apply Ole_antisym; auto.
Hint Resolve fixp_eq_compat.
Definition Fixp D {pd: Pointed D} : (D-m>D) -m> D.
intros; exists (@fixp D pd (* (D:=D) *)).
Lemma Fixp_simpl D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (* (D:cpo)*) (f:D-m>D), Fixp f = fixp f.
Definition Iter D {pd:Pointed D} : (D-M->D) -m> (natO -M->D).
intros; exists (fun (f:D-M->D) => iter (D:=D) f); red; intros.
intro n; induction n; simpl; intros; auto.
apply Ole_trans with (y (iter_ (D:=D) x n)); auto.
Lemma IterS_simpl D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (* (D:cpo)*) f n, Iter f (S n) = f (Iter f n).
Lemma iterS_simpl D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (* (D:cpo)*) f n, iter f (S n) = f (iter f n).
Lemma iter_continuous D {pd:Pointed D} :(* forall (D:cpo), *)
forall h : natO -m> (D-M->D), (forall n, continuous (h n)) ->
iter (lub h) <= lub (Iter (* D*) @ h).
red; intros; intro k.
induction k; auto.
(* botbot above just so auto works here *)
rewrite iterS_simpl.
apply Ole_trans with (lub h (lub (c:=natO -M-> D) (Iter (*D*) @ h) k)); auto.
repeat (rewrite fmon_lub_simpl).
apply Ole_trans with
(lub (c:=D) (lub (c:=natO-M->D) (double_app h ((Iter (* D*) @ h) <_> k)))).
apply lub_le_compat; simpl; intros.
apply Ole_trans with (lub ((h x)@((Iter (*D*) @ h) <_> k))); auto.
apply Ole_trans
with (lub (fmon_diag (double_app h ((Iter (*D*) @ h) <_> k)))); auto.
case (double_lub_diag (double_app h ((Iter (*D*) @ h) <_> k))); intros L _.
apply Ole_trans with (1:=L); auto.
Hint Resolve iter_continuous.
Lemma iter_continuous_eq D {pd:Pointed D} :
forall h : natO -m> (D-M->D), (forall n, continuous (h n)) ->
iter (lub h) == lub (Iter (* D*) @ h).
intros; apply Ole_antisym; auto.
exact (lub_comp_le (Iter (*D*)) h).
Lemma fixp_continuous D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (* (D:cpo)*) (h : natO -m> (D-M->D)),
(forall n, continuous (h n)) -> fixp (lub h) <= lub (Fixp (*D*) @ h).
intros; unfold fixp.
rewrite (iter_continuous_eq H).
simpl; rewrite <- lub_exch_eq; auto.
Hint Resolve fixp_continuous.
Lemma fixp_continuous_eq D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (h : natO -m> (D -M-> D)),
(forall n, continuous (h n)) -> fixp (lub h) == lub (Fixp (*D*) @ h).
intros; apply Ole_antisym; auto.
exact (lub_comp_le (D1:=D -M-> D) (Fixp (*D*)) h).
Definition FIXP (D:cpo) {p:Pointed D} : (D-C->D) -c> D.
intros D p.
exists (Fixp @ (Fcontit D D)).
unfold continuous.
intros h.
rewrite fmon_comp_simpl.
rewrite Fixp_simpl.
apply Ole_trans with (fixp (D:=D) (lub (c:=D-M->D) (Fcontit D D@h))); auto.
apply Ole_trans with (lub (Fixp (*D*) @ (Fcontit D D@h))); auto.
apply fixp_continuous; intros n.
change (continuous (D1:=D) (D2:=D) (fcontit (h n))); auto.
Lemma FIXP_simpl D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (*(D:cpo)*) (f:D-c>D), FIXP (*D*) f = Fixp (*D*) (fcontit f).
Lemma FIXP_le_compat D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (*(D:cpo)*) (f g : D-C->D),
f <= g -> FIXP (*D*) f <= FIXP (*D*) g.
intros; repeat (rewrite FIXP_simpl); repeat (rewrite Fixp_simpl).
apply fixp_le_compat; auto.
Hint Resolve FIXP_le_compat.
Add Parametric Morphism (D:cpo) (p:Pointed D) : (@FIXP D p)
with signature (@Ole (D -c> D)) ++> (@Ole D)
as FIXP_leq_compat.
intros; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D:cpo) (p:Pointed D) : (@FIXP D p)
with signature (@Oeq (D -c> D)) ==> (@Oeq D)
as FIXP_eq_compat.
intros; apply Ole_antisym; auto.
Hint Resolve FIXP_eq_compat.
Hint Resolve FIXP_eq_compat_Morphism.
Lemma FIXP_eq D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (f:D-c>D), FIXP (*D*) f == f (FIXP (*D*) f).
intros; rewrite FIXP_simpl; rewrite Fixp_simpl.
apply (fixp_eq (f:=fcontit f)).
Hint Resolve FIXP_eq.
Lemma FIXP_com: forall E D (f:E -C-> (D -C-> D)) {pd:Pointed D}, FIXP << f == EV << <| f, FIXP << f |>.
intros E D f P. apply fcont_eq_intro. intros e. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite FIXP_eq. auto.
Lemma FIXP_inv D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (f:D-c>D)(g : D), f g <= g -> FIXP (*D*) f <= g.
intros; rewrite FIXP_simpl; rewrite Fixp_simpl; apply fixp_inv; auto.
(** *** Iteration of functional *)
Lemma FIXP_comp_com D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (f g:D-c>D),
g << f <= f << g-> FIXP (*D*) g <= f (FIXP (*D*) g).
intros; apply FIXP_inv.
apply Ole_trans with (f (g (FIXP (*D*) g))).
assert (X:=fcont_le_elim H (FIXP (*D*) g)). repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in X). apply X.
apply fcont_monotonic.
case (FIXP_eq g); trivial.
Lemma FIXP_comp D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (f g:D-c>D),
g << f <= f << g -> f (FIXP (*D*) g) <= FIXP (*D*) g -> FIXP (*D*) (f << g) == FIXP (*D*) g.
intros; apply Ole_antisym.
(* fix f << g <= fix g *)
apply FIXP_inv.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
apply Ole_trans with (f (FIXP (*D*) g)); auto.
(* fix g <= fix f << g *)
apply FIXP_inv.
assert (g (f (FIXP (*D*) (f << g))) <= f (g (FIXP (*D*) (f << g)))).
specialize (H (FIXP (f << g))). repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in H). apply H.
case (FIXP_eq (f<<g)); intros.
apply Ole_trans with (2:=H3).
apply Ole_trans with (2:=H1).
apply fcont_monotonic.
apply FIXP_inv.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
apply fcont_monotonic.
apply Ole_trans with (1:=H1); auto.
Fixpoint fcont_compn D {pd:Pointed D} (f:D-c>D) (n:nat) {struct n} : D-c>D :=
match n with O => f | S p => fcont_compn f p << f end.
Lemma fcont_compn_com D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (f:D-c>D) (n:nat),
f << (fcont_compn f n) <= fcont_compn f n << f.
induction n; auto.
simpl fcont_compn.
apply Ole_trans with ((f << fcont_compn (D:=D) f n) << f); auto.
Lemma FIXP_compn D {pd:Pointed D} :
forall (f:D-c>D) (n:nat), FIXP (fcont_compn f n) == FIXP f.
induction n; auto.
simpl fcont_compn.
apply FIXP_comp.
apply fcont_compn_com.
apply Ole_trans with (fcont_compn (D:=D) f n (FIXP (fcont_compn (D:=D) f n))); auto.
apply Ole_trans with (FIXP (fcont_compn (D:=D) f n)); auto.
Lemma fixp_double D {pd:Pointed D} : forall (f:D-c>D), FIXP (f << f) == FIXP f.
intros; exact (FIXP_compn f (S O)).
(** *** Induction principle *)
Definition admissible (D:cpo) (P:D->Prop) :=
forall f : natO -m> D, (forall n, P (f n)) -> P (lub f).
Definition fixp_ind D { pd : Pointed D} : forall (F: D -m> D)(P : D-> Prop),
admissible P -> P PBot -> (forall x, P x -> P (F x)) -> P (fixp F).
intros D pD F P Adm Pb Pc; unfold fixp.
apply Adm. intros n.
induction n; simpl; auto.
Definition SubOrd (D:ord) (P:D -> Prop) : ord.
intros D I. exists ({x : tord D | I x})
(fun (x' y:{x : D | I x}) => match x' with exist x _ => match y with exist y
_ => @Ole D x y end end).
intros x1. case x1. auto.
intros x1. case x1. clear x1. intros x ix y1. case y1. clear y1.
intros y iy z1. case z1. clear z1. intros z iz l1 l2.
apply (Ole_trans l1 l2).
Definition SubOrde (D:cpo) (P:D -> Prop) (d:D) : P d -> SubOrd P.
intros. exists d. auto.
Definition InheritFunm (D E:cpo) (Q:E->Prop) (f:D -m> E) (p:forall d, Q (f d)) :
D -m> SubOrd Q.
intros D E Q f p.
exists (fun d => @SubOrde E Q (f d) (p d)).
unfold monotonic. intros x y lxy. auto.
Definition Forgetm D P : (@SubOrd D P) -m> D.
intros D P. exists (fun (O:SubOrd P) => match O with exist x _ => x end).
unfold monotonic. intros x. case x. clear x. intros x px y. case y. clear y.
intros ; auto.
Definition Subchainlub (D:cpo) (P:D -> Prop) (I:admissible P) (c:natO -m> (SubOrd
P)) : SubOrd P.
intros D P I c.
exists (@lub D (Forgetm P @ c)).
unfold admissible in I. specialize (I (Forgetm P @ c)).
apply I. intros i. simpl. case (c i). auto.
Definition SubCPO (D:cpo) (P:D -> Prop) (I: admissible P) : cpo.
intros D P I. exists (SubOrd P) (Subchainlub I).
intros c n. unfold Subchainlub. simpl. case_eq (c n). intros x Px cn.
refine (Ole_trans _ (@le_lub _ (Forgetm P @ c) n)).
simpl. rewrite cn. auto.
intros c d C. unfold Subchainlub. simpl.
case_eq d. intros dd pd de.
refine (lub_le _). intros n. simpl. specialize (C n).
case_eq (c n). intros d1 pd1 cn. rewrite cn in C.
simpl in C. rewrite de in C. auto.
Definition InheritFun (D E:cpo) (Q:E -> Prop) (IQ : admissible Q) (f:D -c> E)
(p:forall d, Q (f d)) : D -c> SubCPO IQ.
intros. exists (InheritFunm p). unfold continuous.
intros c. simpl.
rewrite lub_comp_eq.
apply lub_le. intros n.
refine (Ole_trans _ (le_lub (Forgetm Q @ (InheritFunm p @ c)) n)).
auto. auto.
Lemma InheritFun_simpl: forall (D E:cpo) (Q:E -> Prop) (IQ : admissible Q) (f:D -c> E)
(p:forall d, Q (f d)) d, InheritFun IQ p d = InheritFunm p d.
intros. auto.
Definition Forget (D:cpo) (P:D -> Prop) (I: admissible P) : (SubCPO I) -c> D.
intros D P I. exists (@Forgetm D P).
unfold continuous. auto.
Lemma ForgetP D P fs d : P (@Forget D P fs d).
intros. case d. auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D:cpo) (P:D -> Prop) (I:admissible P) : (@Forget D P I)
with signature (@Ole _) ++> (@Ole _)
as Forget_le_compat.
intros d0 d1 dle. auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D:cpo) (P:D -> Prop) (I:admissible P) : (@Forget D P I)
with signature (@Oeq _) ==> (@Oeq _)
as Forget_eq_compat.
intros d0 d1 dle. split ; auto.
Lemma Forget_leinj: forall (D:cpo) (P:D -> Prop) (I:admissible P) (d:SubCPO I) e, Forget I d <= Forget I e -> d <= e.
intros D P I d e. case e. clear e. intros e Pe. case d. clear d. intros d Pd.
Hint Resolve Forget_leinj.
Lemma Forget_inj : forall (D:cpo) (P:D -> Prop) (I:admissible P) (d:SubCPO I) e, Forget I d == Forget I e -> d == e.
intros. split ; auto.
Hint Resolve Forget_inj.
Lemma InheritFun_eq_compat D E Q Qcc f g X XX : Oeq f g ->
(@InheritFun D E Q Qcc f X) == (@InheritFun D E Q Qcc g XX).
intros. refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros d. auto.
Lemma ForgetInherit (D E:cpo) (P:D -> Prop) PS f B : Forget PS << @InheritFun E D P PS f B == f.
intros D E P PS f B.
refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros d.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite InheritFun_simpl.
simpl. auto.
Lemma InheritFun_comp: forall D E F P I (f:E -C-> F) X (g:D -C-> E) XX,
@InheritFun _ F P I f X << g == @InheritFun _ F P I (f << g) XX.
intros. refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros d. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
split ; auto.

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@ -1,983 +0,0 @@
Require Import utility.
Require Import PredomCore.
Require Import PredomProd.
Require Import PredomLift.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Definition kleislit (D0 D1 : cpo) (f: D0 -> D1 _BOT) :=
cofix kl (l:DL_ord D0) := match l with Eps l => Eps (kl l) | Val d => f d end.
Lemma kleisli_inv : forall (D0 D1:cpo) (f: D0 -> D1 _BOT) (l : D0 _BOT), kleislit f l =
match l with Eps l' => Eps (kleislit f l')
| Val d => f d
transitivity (match kleislit f l with Eps x => Eps x | Val d => Val d end).
apply (DL_inv (D:=D1)).
case l.
intro d.
apply DL_inv.
(* Monad stuff *)
Lemma left_unit : forall (D0 D1 : cpo) (d:D0) (f : D0 -c> DL D1), kleislit f (Val d) == f d.
intros; auto. rewrite kleisli_inv.
Lemma kleisli_Eps: forall D E (x : DL D) (f:D -> DL E), kleislit f (Eps x) = Eps (kleislit f x).
rewrite kleisli_inv. auto.
Lemma kleisli_Val: forall (D:cpo) E (d:D) (f:D -> DL E), kleislit f (Val d) = f d.
rewrite kleisli_inv.
(* Revising kleislival to work with nats first cos that'll make the induction work better... *)
Lemma kleislipredValVal : forall (D E : cpo) k (e: tcpo E) (M: DL_ord D) (f : D -> DL E), pred_nth (kleislit f M) k = Val e -> exists d, M == Val d /\ f d == Val e.
induction k.
simpl in H.
rewrite kleisli_inv in H.
dcase M; intros.
rewrite H0 in H.
rewrite H0 in H.
exists t.
rewrite H; auto.
rewrite kleisli_inv in H.
dcase M; intros.
rewrite H0 in H.
simpl pred_nth in H.
assert (Hfoo := IHk _ _ _ H).
destruct Hfoo as (d0,(H1,H2)).
exists d0.
rewrite <- H1.
apply Oeq_sym.
apply eq_Eps.
rewrite H0 in H.
exists t.
rewrite <- H.
(* this is bloody obvious, why has auto foresaken me? *)
Lemma predn_DLeq : forall D n (x:DL_ord D), x == pred_nth x n.
induction n; intros.
simpl; auto.
rewrite pred_nth_Sn.
set (GRR := pred_nth x n).
rewrite (IHn x).
subst GRR.
apply predeq.
apply (@predn_DLeq E (S k) (f t)).
Lemma kleisli_Valeq: forall (D E:cpo) v (d:D) (f : D -m> E _BOT), v == Val d ->
kleislit f v == (f d:DL_ord (E)).
intros D E v d M veq.
destruct veq as [v1 v2].
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_pred v2) as [n [dd [pd ld]]].
assert (dd == d) as DD. apply Ole_antisym.
assert (xx:=DLle_pred_nth_left). specialize (xx _ n _ _ v1). rewrite pd in xx.
apply vleinj. apply xx. apply ld. clear ld.
assert (M d == M dd). assert (stable M) by auto. unfold stable in H.
apply H. auto. rewrite H. clear d DD H v1 v2.
generalize dependent v.
induction n.
intros v P. simpl in P. rewrite P in *.
rewrite kleisli_Val. auto.
intros v P. destruct v.
rewrite kleisli_Eps.
simpl in P.
apply Oeq_trans with (kleislit M v). apply (Oeq_sym (@eq_Eps E (kleislit M v))).
rewrite (IHn _ P) ; auto.
inversion P as [Eq]. rewrite Eq in *. simpl in P.
assert (pred_nth (Val dd) n = Val dd). destruct n ; auto.
apply (IHn _ H).
Hint Resolve DLle_leVal.
Lemma kleisliValVal : forall (D E : cpo) (M: D _BOT) (f : D -c> E _BOT) e,
kleislit f M == Val e -> exists d, M == Val d /\ f d == Val e.
intros D E M N e [kv1 kv2].
destruct (DLvalval kv2) as [n [d [pd ld]]].
destruct (kleislipredValVal pd) as [md [vm ndm]].
exists md. split. apply vm. refine (Oeq_trans ndm _).
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit N) vm) in kv1. rewrite ndm in kv1.
split. apply kv1.
Definition kleislim (D E:cpo) : (D-c> DL E) -> (DL_ord D) -m> DL E.
exists (kleislit X).
unfold monotonic.
intros x y L. simpl. apply DLless_cond.
intros e C. destruct (kleisliValVal C) as [dd [P Q]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit X) P).
rewrite P in L.
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_eq L) as [y0 [yv Py]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit X) yv).
assert (monotonic (fcontit X)) as M by auto.
apply M. auto.
Lemma eta_val: forall D f, @eta D f = Val f.
Definition kleisli (D0 D1: cpo) : (D0 -c> DL D1) -> (DL D0) -c> DL D1.
intros D0 D1 f.
exists (kleislim f).
unfold continuous.
intros h.
apply DLless_cond.
intros xx C.
destruct (kleisliValVal C) as [x' [P Q]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit f) P).
apply Ole_trans with (y:=lub (kleislim f <m< h)) ; auto.
clear C Q xx.
destruct (lubval P) as [k [hk [hkv Pk]]].
destruct (DLvalgetchain hkv) as [c Pc].
apply Ole_trans with (y:=((lub (fcontit f <m< c)))).
assert (continuous (fcontit f)) as cf by auto.
rewrite <- (lub_comp_eq c cf).
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto. apply M.
apply vleinj. rewrite <- P.
rewrite <- eta_val.
assert (continuous (fcontit (@eta D0))) as ce by auto.
rewrite (lub_comp_eq c ce).
apply Ole_trans with (y:= lub h) ; auto.
rewrite (lub_lift_left _ k). refine (lub_le_compat _).
apply fmon_le_intro. intros n. destruct (Pc n) ; auto.
rewrite (lub_lift_left (kleislim f <m< h) k).
refine (lub_le_compat _). apply fmon_le_intro.
intros n. repeat (rewrite fmon_comp_simpl).
apply Ole_trans with (y:=kleislit f (h (k+n))) ; auto.
specialize (Pc n). rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit f) Pc).
Lemma kleisli_simpl (D0 D1: cpo) (f:D0 -c> D1 _BOT) v : kleisli f v = kleislit f v.
Definition Kleisli (D0 D1 : cpo) : (D0 -C-> DL D1) -m> (DL D0) -C-> DL D1.
intros. exists (@kleisli D0 D1).
unfold monotonic.
intros f g fgL x.
simpl. apply DLless_cond.
intros e C. destruct (kleisliValVal C) as [d [P Q]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit f) P).
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit g) P). apply fgL.
Lemma Kleisli_simpl (D0 D1 : cpo) (f:D0 -c> D1 _BOT) : Kleisli _ _ f = kleisli f.
Definition KLEISLI (D0 D1: cpo) : (D0 -C-> DL D1) -c> DL D0 -C-> DL D1.
intros D0 D1. exists (Kleisli D0 D1).
unfold continuous.
intros c. intros d0. simpl.
apply DLless_cond.
intros e C.
destruct (kleisliValVal C) as [d [V hd]].
rewrite (@kleisli_Valeq _ _ _ _ (fcontit (fcont_lub c)) V).
apply Ole_trans with (y:=lub (c <__> d)) ; auto.
apply Ole_trans with (y:=lub (Kleisli D0 D1 <m< c <__> d0)) ; auto.
refine (lub_le_compat _). apply fmon_le_intro. intros n.
repeat (rewrite fcont_app_simpl). rewrite fmon_comp_simpl.
rewrite Kleisli_simpl.
rewrite kleisli_simpl.
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit (c n)) V). auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1:cpo) f : (@kleisli D0 D1 f)
with signature (@Ole (D0 _BOT)) ++> (@Ole (D1 _BOT))
as kleisli_le_compat.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1:cpo) f : (@kleisli D0 D1 f)
with signature (@Oeq (D0 _BOT)) ==> (@Oeq (D1 _BOT))
as kleisli_eq_compat.
intros ; split ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1:cpo) : (KLEISLI D0 D1)
with signature (@Ole (D0 -c> D1 _BOT)) ++> (@Ole (D0 _BOT -C-> D1 _BOT))
as KLEISLI_le_compat.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1:cpo) : (KLEISLI D0 D1)
with signature (@Oeq (D0 -c> D1 _BOT)) ==> (@Oeq (D0 _BOT -C-> D1 _BOT))
as KLEISLI_eq_compat.
intros ; split ; auto.
Implicit Arguments KLEISLI [D0 D1].
Lemma KLEISLI_simpl (D0 D1: cpo) (f:D0 -c> D1 _BOT) : KLEISLI f = kleisli f.
Lemma kleislit_comp: forall D E F (f:DL E -c> DL F) (g:D -c> DL E) d,
(forall x xx, f x == Val xx -> exists y, x == Val y) ->
kleislit (f << g) d == f (kleislit g d).
intros D E F f g d S. split. simpl.
apply DLless_cond.
intros ff kv.
destruct (kleisliValVal kv) as [dd [dv fdd]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit (f << g)) dv). rewrite fdd.
assert (f (g dd) == f (kleisli g d)).
assert (stable f) as sf. auto.
unfold stable in sf. apply sf.
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit g) dv). auto.
rewrite <- H. auto.
simpl. apply DLless_cond.
intros xx fx.
specialize (S _ _ fx).
destruct S as [e ke].
destruct (kleisliValVal ke) as [dd [de ge]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit (f << g)) de).
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto.
apply Ole_trans with (y:= (f << g) dd) ; auto.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
apply M. rewrite <- ge in ke.
Lemma kleisli_comp: forall D0 D1 D2 (f:D0 -c> DL D1) (g:D1 -c> DL D2),
kleisli g << kleisli f == kleisli (kleisli g << f).
refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros d. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
repeat (rewrite KLEISLI_simpl).
repeat (rewrite kleisli_simpl).
rewrite kleislit_comp. auto.
intros e ff. rewrite kleisli_simpl.
intros kl. destruct (kleisliValVal kl) as [dd [edd gd]].
exists dd. auto.
Lemma kleisli_leq: forall (D E F:cpo) a b (f:D -C-> DL E) (g: F -C-> DL E),
(forall aa, a == Val aa -> exists bb, b == Val bb /\ f aa <= g bb) ->
@kleisli D E f a <= @kleisli F E g b.
intros D E F a b f g V. simpl. apply DLless_cond.
intros xx [_ kl].
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_pred kl) as [n [dd [pd ld]]].
destruct (kleislipredValVal pd) as [aa [va fa]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit f) va). specialize (V _ va).
destruct V as [bb [vb fg]]. rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit g) vb). apply fg.
Lemma kleisli_eq: forall (D E F:cpo) a b (f:D -C-> DL E) (g: F -C-> DL E),
(forall aa, a == Val aa -> exists bb, b == Val bb /\ f aa == g bb) ->
(forall bb, b == Val bb -> exists aa, a == Val aa /\ f aa == g bb) ->
@kleisli D E f a == @kleisli F E g b.
intros D E F a b f g V1 V2.
apply Ole_antisym.
apply kleisli_leq.
intros aa va. destruct (V1 _ va) as [bb [vb fa]].
exists bb. auto.
apply kleisli_leq. intros bb vb.
destruct (V2 _ vb) as [aa [f1 f2]].
exists aa. auto.
Lemma kleisli_eta_com: forall D E f, @kleisli D E f << eta == f.
intros D E f. refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros d. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
rewrite eta_val. rewrite kleisli_simpl. rewrite kleisli_Val. auto.
Lemma kleisli_point_unit: forall (D:cpo) (d:D _BOT), kleisli eta d == d.
intros D d.
split. simpl. apply DLless_cond.
intros dd kl. destruct (kleisliValVal kl) as [d1 [P1 P2]].
assert (eta d1 == Val dd) as P3 by auto. clear P2.
rewrite eta_val in P3. rewrite P3 in P1.
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit eta) P1). auto.
simpl. apply DLless_cond.
intros dd kl.
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit eta) kl). auto.
Lemma kleisli_unit: forall D, kleisli (@eta D) == ID.
intros D. refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros d. rewrite ID_simpl. simpl.
assert (xx := kleisli_point_unit). simpl. simpl in xx. apply xx.
Lemma kleisli_comp2: forall D E F (f:D -C-> E) (g:E -C-> DL F),
kleisli (g << f) == kleisli g << kleisli (eta << f).
intros D E F f g.
refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros d. repeat (rewrite kleisli_cc_simpl).
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. repeat (rewrite kleisli_cc_simpl).
refine (kleisli_eq _ _).
intros dd dv. exists (f dd). rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. split ; auto.
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (fcontit (eta << f)) dv). auto.
intros ee kl.
destruct (kleisliValVal kl) as [dd P]. exists dd.
split. destruct P ; auto.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in *. destruct P as [_ P].
simpl in P.
assert (stable g) as sg by auto. apply sg.
apply (vinj P).
Definition mu D := kleisli (@ID (D _BOT)).
Lemma mu_natural D E (f:D -c> E) :
kleisli (eta << f) << mu _ == mu _ << kleisli (eta << (kleisli (eta << f))).
intros D E f.
unfold mu. rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite kleisli_comp.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
Lemma mumu D : mu _ << kleisli (eta << mu _) == mu D << mu _.
intros D. unfold mu. rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite kleisli_comp.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_unitL). rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. auto.
Lemma mukl D : mu D << kleisli (eta << eta) == ID.
intros D. unfold mu.
rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. rewrite kleisli_unit. auto.
(* Now that I've got bottomless cpos, I need ones with bottom for fixpoints.
Could work with things that are lifted, but that's a bit literal.
Could work with algebras for the lift monad, but that's probably going to be heavy in Coq
So I'll just add a new class of things with bottom, like Christine's original cpos but with
a new layer of stuff. Hope I can do enough implicit stuff not to make this too disgusting.
Record pcpo : Type := mk_pcpo
{tpcpo:>cpo; D0 : tpcpo; Dbot : forall x:tpcpo, D0 <= x}.
Check DL.
Check DL_bot.
Definition Lift (D:cpo) : pcpo.
intro D; exists (DL D) (DL_bot D).
red. simpl.
apply (DL_bot_least).
Record alg : Type := mk_alg
{ acpo :> cpo; strength : DL acpo -c> acpo;
st_eta : strength << eta == ID;
st_kl : strength << kleisli (eta << strength) == strength << kleisli ID }.
Definition Aprod : alg -> alg -> alg.
intros A1 A2. exists (Dprod (acpo A1) (acpo A2))
(<| strength A1 << (kleisli (eta << FST)),
strength A2 << (kleisli (eta << SND)) |>).
rewrite PROD_fun_compl.
apply (@Dprod_unique A1 A2 (Dprod A1 A2)). rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite kleisli_eta_com. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite st_eta. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite kleisli_eta_com. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite st_eta. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
refine (@Dprod_unique (acpo A1) (acpo A2) _ _ _ _ _). rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite FST_PROD_fun. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite kleisli_comp. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. rewrite kleisli_comp.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitR.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite kleisli_comp2. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite st_kl. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite kleisli_comp. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite kleisli_comp.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitR.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite kleisli_comp2. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite st_kl. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
Definition AF : cpo -> alg.
intros D. exists (DL D) (kleisli ID).
rewrite kleisli_eta_com. auto.
rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
rewrite kleisli_comp. rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. auto.
Definition Application := fun D0 D1 => curry (uncurry (@KLEISLI (D0 -C-> D1 _BOT) D1) <<
<| curry (uncurry KLEISLI << SWAP) << SND, FST |>).
Definition Operator2 := fun A B C (F:Dprod A B -C-> DL C) =>
(Application _ _) << (kleisli (eta << (curry F))).
Definition Smash := fun A B => @Operator2 _ _ (Dprod A B) eta.
Definition LStrength := fun A B => uncurry (Smash A _) << eta *f* (@ID (DL B)).
Definition RStrength := fun A B => uncurry (Smash _ B) << (@ID (DL A)) *f* eta.
Definition KLEISLIR := fun A B C (f:Dprod A B -c> DL C) => kleisli f << LStrength A B.
Definition KLEISLIL := fun A B C (f:Dprod A B -c> DL C) => kleisli f << RStrength A B.
Lemma Operator2Val: forall (D E F:cpo) (h:Dprod D E -C-> DL F) d e f,
Operator2 h d e == Val f -> exists d', exists e', d == Val d' /\ e == Val e' /\ h (d',e') == Val f.
intros D E F h d e f.
unfold Operator2. unfold Application.
repeat (try (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl) ; try (rewrite curry_simpl) ; try (rewrite kliesli_cc_simpl) ;
try (rewrite PROD_fun_simpl) ; simpl ; try (rewrite FST_simpl) ; try (rewrite SND_simpl) ;
try (rewrite fcont_comp2_simpl) ; try (rewrite kleisli_c_simpl) ;
try (rewrite ID_simpl)).
rewrite uncurry_simpl. rewrite KLEISLI_simpl. rewrite kleisli_simpl.
intros c.
destruct (kleisliValVal c) as [f' [cc1 cc2]]. clear c. rewrite curry_simpl in cc2.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in cc2. unfold SWAP in cc2. rewrite PROD_fun_simpl in cc2.
rewrite uncurry_simpl in cc2. rewrite SND_simpl, FST_simpl in cc2. simpl in cc2. rewrite KLEISLI_simpl in cc2.
destruct (kleisliValVal cc2) as [e' [eeq feeq]]. clear cc2.
destruct (kleisliValVal cc1) as [d' [deq deeq]]. clear cc1.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in *.
exists d'. exists e'. split. auto. split. auto.
rewrite eta_val in *. assert (xx:=fcont_eq_elim (vinj deeq) e'). clear deeq deq eeq. rewrite <- feeq.
rewrite curry_simpl in xx. auto.
Lemma Operator2_simpl: forall (E F D:cpo) (f:Dprod E F -C-> DL D) v1 v2,
Operator2 f (Val v1) (Val v2) == f (v1,v2).
intros E F D f.
intros v1 v2.
unfold Operator2. unfold Application. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite kleisli_simpl. rewrite kleisli_Val. rewrite curry_simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite PROD_fun_simpl. rewrite uncurry_simpl.
rewrite FST_simpl. simpl. rewrite KLEISLI_simpl.
rewrite kleisli_simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite eta_val. rewrite kleisli_Val.
rewrite SND_simpl. simpl. rewrite curry_simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
unfold SWAP. rewrite PROD_fun_simpl. rewrite SND_simpl, FST_simpl. simpl.
rewrite uncurry_simpl. rewrite KLEISLI_simpl. rewrite kleisli_simpl. rewrite kleisli_Val.
Lemma strength_proj D E: kleisli (eta << SND) << LStrength _ _ == @SND E (DL D).
intros D E.
unfold LStrength. unfold Smash. refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros p. case p. clear p. simpl. intros u d.
rewrite SND_simpl. simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite PROD_map_simpl. simpl. rewrite ID_simpl. simpl.
rewrite uncurry_simpl. split.
refine (DLless_cond _). intros dd C.
destruct (kleisliValVal C) as [x [P Pd]].
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in *. rewrite eta_val in Pd. assert (Pdd:=vinj Pd). clear Pd.
destruct x as [uu x]. rewrite SND_simpl in *. simpl in Pdd.
destruct (Operator2Val P) as [u1 [d1 [_ Pu]]]. clear P C. rewrite eta_val in Pu.
assert (P := vinj (proj2 Pu)). repeat (rewrite eta_val).
assert (Pd := proj1 Pu).
apply Ole_trans with (y:=kleisli (eta << SND) (Operator2 (eta) (Val (D:=E) u) (Val d1))) ; auto.
refine (app_le_compat (Ole_refl _) _). refine (app_le_compat (Ole_refl _) _) ; auto.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (kleisli (eta << SND))) (Operator2_simpl (@eta (Dprod E D)) _ _)).
repeat (rewrite eta_val). rewrite kleisli_simpl, kleisli_Val. auto.
refine (DLless_cond _). intros dd V.
rewrite <- (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (KLEISLI (eta << SND)))
(app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod E D)) (@eta E u))) (Oeq_sym V))).
rewrite eta_val. rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (KLEISLI (@eta D << @SND E D)))
(Operator2_simpl (@eta (Dprod E D)) _ _)).
rewrite KLEISLI_simpl. rewrite eta_val. rewrite kleisli_simpl, kleisli_Val. auto.
Definition assoc D E F := (PROD_fun (FST << FST) (PROD_fun (@SND D E << FST) (@SND _ F))).
Lemma assoc_simpl D E F d e f : assoc D E F (d,e,f) = (d,(e,f)).
Lemma strength_assoc D E F :
LStrength _ _ << <| FST , LStrength _ _ << SND |> << assoc D E (DL F) ==
kleisli (eta << assoc _ _ _) << LStrength _ _.
intros D E F. refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros p. case p ; clear p. intros p df. case p ; clear p ; intros d e.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). unfold LStrength. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite assoc_simpl. rewrite PROD_fun_simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite FST_simpl. simpl. unfold PROD_map.
repeat (rewrite PROD_fun_simpl). repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite FST_simpl, SND_simpl, ID_simpl. simpl.
rewrite ID_simpl, SND_simpl. simpl. repeat (rewrite uncurry_simpl).
repeat (rewrite FST_simpl, SND_simpl). rewrite ID_simpl. simpl.
unfold Smash. split.
refine (DLless_cond _). intros p C.
destruct (Operator2Val C) as [dd [ee [ed [Ov Pd]]]].
rewrite eta_val in Pd. assert (PPd := vinj Pd). clear Pd. rewrite eta_val in ed.
assert (Ed := vinj ed). clear ed. rewrite <- Ed in PPd. clear dd Ed.
destruct ee as [ee ff].
destruct (Operator2Val Ov) as [e1 [f1 [Eeq [deq Pe]]]].
rewrite eta_val in *. clear Ov. assert (EEq := vinj Eeq). clear Eeq.
assert (PPe := vinj Pe). clear Pe C.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod D (Dprod E F))) (Val (D:=D) d)))
(app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod E F)) (@eta E e))) deq)).
rewrite eta_val.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod D (Dprod E F))) (Val (D:=D) d)))(Operator2_simpl _ _ _)).
repeat (rewrite eta_val). rewrite Operator2_simpl.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (kleisli (@eta (Dprod D (Dprod E F)) << assoc D E F))) (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) deq)).
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (kleisli (@eta (Dprod D (Dprod E F)) << assoc D E F)))
(Operator2_simpl (@eta (Dprod (Dprod D E) F)) _ _)). rewrite kleisli_simpl.
repeat (rewrite eta_val). rewrite kleisli_Val. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite assoc_simpl.
refine (DLless_cond _).
intros p C. rewrite kleisli_simpl in C. destruct (kleisliValVal C) as [pp [OV CC]]. clear C.
destruct (Operator2Val OV) as [p1 [f [fv [def Px]]]].
rewrite eta_val in Px. assert (ppeq := vinj Px). clear Px.
rewrite eta_val in fv. assert (deq := vinj fv). clear fv. clear OV.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (kleisli (@eta (Dprod D (Dprod E F)) << assoc D E F)))
(app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod (Dprod D E) F)) (@eta (Dprod D E) (d, e)))) def)).
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod D (Dprod E F))) (@eta D d)))
(app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod E F)) (@eta E e))) def)).
repeat (rewrite eta_val).
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (kleisli (@eta (Dprod D (Dprod E F)) << assoc D E F))) (Operator2_simpl (@eta (Dprod (Dprod D E) F)) _ _)).
repeat (rewrite eta_val).
rewrite kleisli_simpl, kleisli_Val. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod D (Dprod E F))) (Val (D:=D) d))) (Operator2_simpl (@eta (Dprod E F)) _ _)).
repeat (rewrite eta_val). rewrite Operator2_simpl.
Lemma strength_eta D E : LStrength _ _ << PROD_fun (@FST D E) (eta << SND) == eta.
intros D E.
refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros p. case p ; clear p.
intros d e. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite PROD_fun_simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
rewrite SND_simpl, FST_simpl. simpl.
unfold LStrength. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). unfold PROD_map. rewrite PROD_fun_simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite SND_simpl, FST_simpl. simpl. rewrite ID_simpl. simpl.
rewrite uncurry_simpl. unfold Smash. repeat (rewrite eta_val). rewrite Operator2_simpl. auto.
Lemma strength_tt D E : LStrength _ _ << PROD_fun (@FST D (DL (DL E))) (mu _ << SND) ==
mu _ << kleisli (eta << LStrength _ _) << LStrength _ _.
intros D E. unfold mu.
rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
unfold LStrength. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite <- PROD_fun_compr. unfold Smash.
refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros p ; case p ; clear p ; intros d e.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite PROD_fun_simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite uncurry_simpl.
repeat (rewrite ID_simpl). simpl. rewrite FST_simpl, SND_simpl. simpl.
rewrite PROD_map_simpl. simpl. rewrite ID_simpl. rewrite uncurry_simpl. simpl.
repeat (rewrite eta_val).
split. refine (DLless_cond _). intros p. case p ; clear p ; intros dd ee.
intros C. destruct (Operator2Val C) as [d1 [e1 [V1 [k Pe]]]].
assert (dee := vinj V1). clear V1. assert (ddeq := vinj Pe). clear Pe.
rewrite <- dee in ddeq. clear d1 dee. clear C. rewrite kleisli_simpl in k.
destruct (kleisliValVal k) as [e2 [Pe Pee]]. rewrite ID_simpl in Pee. simpl in Pee.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod D E)) (Val d)))
(app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (kleisli ID)) Pe)).
rewrite kleisli_simpl. rewrite kleisli_Val. rewrite ID_simpl.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod D E)) (Val d))) Pee). rewrite Operator2_simpl.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (kleisli (uncurry (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod D E))) << PROD_map (eta) (ID))))
(app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 (@eta (Dprod D (DL E))) (Val d))) Pe)).
rewrite Operator2_simpl.
repeat (rewrite eta_val). rewrite kleisli_simpl. rewrite kleisli_Val.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl, PROD_map_simpl. rewrite uncurry_simpl. rewrite ID_simpl.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 eta (eta (d)))) Pee).
rewrite eta_val, Operator2_simpl. auto.
refine (DLless_cond _). intros p ; case p ; clear p ; intros dd ee.
intros C. rewrite kleisli_simpl in C. destruct (kleisliValVal C) as [de [Ov Px]].
destruct de as [d1 e1]. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in Px. rewrite PROD_map_simpl, uncurry_simpl in Px.
simpl in Ov,Px. rewrite ID_simpl in *. simpl in Px.
destruct (Operator2Val Ov) as [d2 [e2 [deq [eeq Pv]]]].
assert (ddeq := vinj deq). clear deq. clear Ov C.
rewrite eta_val in Pv. assert (peq := vinj Pv). clear Pv.
rewrite <- ddeq in peq. clear d2 ddeq.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 eta (Val d)))
(app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (kleisli ID)) eeq)).
rewrite kleisli_simpl. rewrite kleisli_simpl, kleisli_Val. rewrite ID_simpl.
destruct (Operator2Val Px) as [d3 [e3 [Pe [Pd Q]]]].
assert (stable (@SND D (DL E))) as sf by auto. specialize (sf _ _ peq). repeat (rewrite SND_simpl in sf). simpl in sf.
rewrite <- sf in *. clear sf e1 Px peq.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 eta (Val d))) Pd). rewrite Operator2_simpl.
rewrite <- kleisli_simpl.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (kleisli (uncurry (Operator2 eta) << eta *f* ID))) (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 eta (Val d))) eeq)).
rewrite Operator2_simpl. rewrite eta_val. rewrite kleisli_simpl.
rewrite kleisli_Val. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
rewrite PROD_map_simpl. rewrite uncurry_simpl. rewrite ID_simpl. rewrite eta_val.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 eta (Val d))) Pd).
rewrite Operator2_simpl. auto.
Lemma KLEISLIL_eq (A A' B B' C:cpo) : forall (f:Dprod A B -C-> DL C) (f':Dprod A' B' -C-> DL C)
a b a' b',
(forall aa aa', a == Val aa -> a' == Val aa' -> f (aa,b) == f' (aa',b')) ->
(forall aa, a == Val aa -> exists aa', a' == Val aa') ->
(forall aa', a' == Val aa' -> exists aa, a == Val aa) ->
@KLEISLIL A B C f (a,b) == @KLEISLIL A' B' C f' (a',b').
intros A A' B B' C f f' a b a' b' V1 V2 V3.
unfold KLEISLIL.
unfold RStrength. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
repeat (rewrite PROD_map_simpl). simpl. repeat (rewrite ID_simpl). simpl.
repeat (rewrite uncurry_simpl). unfold Smash.
refine (kleisli_eq _ _).
intros aa sa.
destruct (Operator2Val sa) as [a1 [b1 [Pa1 [Pb1 pv]]]].
destruct (V2 _ Pa1) as [aa' Paa].
exists (aa', b'). specialize (V1 a1 aa' Pa1 Paa). rewrite <- V1.
rewrite eta_val in *.
refine (Oeq_trans (app_eq_compat (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 eta)) Paa) (Oeq_refl _)) _).
rewrite Operator2_simpl. auto.
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (Oeq_trans (Oeq_sym (vinj pv)) _).
refine (pair_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
apply (Oeq_sym (vinj Pb1)).
intros bb ob. destruct (Operator2Val ob) as [aa' [bb' [av P]]].
specialize (V3 _ av). destruct V3 as [aa va].
specialize (V1 _ _ va av).
exists (aa,b).
split. rewrite eta_val.
refine (Oeq_trans (app_eq_compat (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 eta)) va) (Oeq_refl (Val b))) _).
rewrite Operator2_simpl. rewrite eta_val. auto.
refine (Oeq_trans V1 _).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
destruct P as [P1 P2]. rewrite eta_val in P2. refine (Oeq_trans _ (vinj P2)).
rewrite eta_val in P1.
refine (pair_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (vinj P1)).
Lemma KLEISLIR_eq (A A' B B' C:cpo) : forall (f:Dprod A B -C-> DL C) (f':Dprod A' B' -C-> DL C)
a b a' b',
(forall aa aa', b == Val aa -> b' == Val aa' -> f (a,aa) == f' (a',aa')) ->
(forall aa, b == Val aa -> exists aa', b' == Val aa') ->
(forall aa', b' == Val aa' -> exists aa, b == Val aa) ->
@KLEISLIR A B C f (a,b) == @KLEISLIR A' B' C f' (a',b').
intros A A' B B' C f f' a b a' b' V1 V2 V3.
unfold KLEISLIR.
unfold LStrength. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
repeat (rewrite PROD_map_simpl). repeat (rewrite ID_simpl).
repeat (rewrite uncurry_simpl). unfold Smash.
refine (kleisli_eq _ _).
intros aa sa.
destruct (Operator2Val sa) as [a1 [b1 [Pa1 [Pb1 pv]]]].
destruct (V2 _ Pb1) as [aa' Paa].
exists (a',aa'). specialize (V1 _ aa' Pb1 Paa). rewrite <- V1.
rewrite eta_val in *.
refine (Oeq_trans (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 eta (Val a'))) (Paa )) _).
rewrite Operator2_simpl. auto.
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (Oeq_trans (Oeq_sym (vinj pv)) _).
refine (pair_eq_compat _ (Oeq_refl _)).
apply (Oeq_sym (vinj Pa1)).
intros bb ob. destruct (Operator2Val ob) as [aa' [bb' [av [bv P]]]].
specialize (V3 _ bv). destruct V3 as [aa va].
specialize (V1 _ _ va bv).
exists (a,aa).
split. rewrite eta_val.
refine (Oeq_trans (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (Operator2 eta (Val a))) va) _).
rewrite Operator2_simpl. rewrite eta_val. auto.
refine (Oeq_trans V1 _).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
rewrite eta_val in P. refine (Oeq_trans _ (vinj P)).
rewrite eta_val in av.
refine (pair_eq_compat (vinj av) (Oeq_refl _)).
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F:cpo) : (@KLEISLIL D E F)
with signature (@Oeq (Dprod D E -c> DL F)) ==> (@Oeq (Dprod (DL D) E -c> DL F))
as KLEISLIL_eq_compat.
intros f0 f1 feq.
apply fcont_eq_intro. intros de. simpl.
unfold KLEISLIL. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
repeat (rewrite kleisli_cc_simpl).
refine (app_eq_compat _ (Oeq_refl _)). rewrite feq. auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F:cpo) : (@KLEISLIR D E F)
with signature (@Oeq (Dprod D E -c> DL F)) ==> (@Oeq (Dprod D (DL E) -c> DL F))
as KLEISLIR_eq_compat.
intros f0 f1 feq.
apply fcont_eq_intro. intros de. simpl.
unfold KLEISLIR. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
repeat (rewrite kleisli_cc_simpl). refine (app_eq_compat _ (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite feq ; auto.
Lemma KLEISLIL_comp: forall D E F G (f:Dprod D E -C-> DL F) g h,
KLEISLIL f << PROD_fun g h == KLEISLIL (f << PROD_map ID h) << PROD_fun g (@ID G).
apply fcont_eq_intro.
intros gg. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
repeat (rewrite PROD_fun_simpl). rewrite ID_simpl.
simpl. refine (KLEISLIL_eq _ _ _).
intros d0 d1 vd0 vd1. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite PROD_map_simpl. simpl. repeat (rewrite ID_simpl). simpl.
rewrite vd0 in vd1. assert (vv:=vinj vd1). assert (stable f) as sf by auto. unfold stable in sf.
apply (sf (d0,h gg) (d1,h gg)). auto.
intros d0 vd0. exists d0. auto. intros aa vv. eexists ; apply vv.
Lemma KLEISLIR_comp: forall D E F G (f:Dprod D E -C-> DL F) g h,
KLEISLIR f << PROD_fun h g == KLEISLIR (f << PROD_map h ID) << PROD_fun (@ID G) g.
apply fcont_eq_intro.
intros gg. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
refine (KLEISLIR_eq _ _ _).
intros d0 d1 vd0 vd1. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite PROD_map_simpl. simpl.
rewrite vd0 in vd1. assert (vv:=vinj vd1). assert (stable f) as sf by auto. unfold stable in sf.
apply (sf (h gg,d0) (h gg,d1)). auto.
intros d0 vd0. exists d0. auto. intros aa vv. eexists ; apply vv.
Lemma KLEISLIL_unit: forall D E F G (f:Dprod D E -C-> DL F) (g:G -C-> D) h,
KLEISLIL f << <| eta << g, h |> == f << <| g, h |>.
unfold KLEISLIL. unfold RStrength.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc).
refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros gg. unfold PROD_map. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). repeat (rewrite PROD_fun_simpl).
rewrite uncurry_simpl. unfold Smash. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite eta_val. rewrite FST_simpl, ID_simpl. simpl. rewrite SND_simpl, eta_val. simpl.
refine (Oeq_trans (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (Operator2_simpl _ _ _)) _).
rewrite eta_val. rewrite kleisli_simpl. rewrite kleisli_Val. auto.
Lemma KLEISLIR_unit: forall D E F G (f:Dprod E D -C-> DL F) (g:G -C-> D) h,
KLEISLIR f << PROD_fun h (eta << g) == f << PROD_fun h g.
unfold KLEISLIR. unfold LStrength.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc).
refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros gg. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). repeat (rewrite PROD_map_simpl).
rewrite uncurry_simpl. unfold Smash. rewrite ID_simpl. rewrite eta_val. simpl.
refine (Oeq_trans (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (Operator2_simpl _ _ _)) _).
rewrite eta_val. rewrite kleisli_simpl. rewrite kleisli_Val. auto.
Lemma KLEISLIR_ValVal: forall D E F (f:Dprod D E -C-> DL F) e d r, KLEISLIR f (d,e) == Val r ->
exists ee, e == Val ee /\ f (d,ee) == Val r.
intros D E F f e d r. unfold KLEISLIR. unfold LStrength.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite kleisli_simpl.
intros klv. destruct (kleisliValVal klv) as [dd [Pdd PP]].
rewrite PROD_map_simpl in Pdd. rewrite eta_val in Pdd.
simpl in Pdd. rewrite ID_simpl in Pdd. simpl in Pdd.
rewrite uncurry_simpl in Pdd. unfold Smash in Pdd.
destruct (Operator2Val Pdd) as [d1 [e1 [Pd1 [Pe1 XX]]]]. exists e1.
split. auto. rewrite eta_val in XX. assert (YY:=vinj XX).
assert (stable f) as sf by auto. rewrite <- (vinj Pd1) in YY.
specialize (sf _ _ YY).
refine (Oeq_trans sf PP).
Lemma KLEISLIL_ValVal: forall D E F (f:Dprod D E -C-> DL F) e d r, KLEISLIL f (d,e) == Val r ->
exists dd, d == Val dd /\ f (dd,e) == Val r.
intros D E F f e d r. unfold KLEISLIL. unfold RStrength.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite kleisli_simpl.
intros klv. destruct (kleisliValVal klv) as [dd [Pdd PP]].
rewrite PROD_map_simpl in Pdd. rewrite eta_val in Pdd.
simpl in Pdd. rewrite ID_simpl in Pdd. simpl in Pdd.
rewrite uncurry_simpl in Pdd. unfold Smash in Pdd.
destruct (Operator2Val Pdd) as [d1 [e1 [Pd1 [Pe1 XX]]]]. exists d1.
split. auto. rewrite eta_val in XX. assert (YY:=vinj XX).
assert (stable f) as sf by auto. rewrite <- (vinj Pe1) in YY.
specialize (sf _ _ YY).
refine (Oeq_trans sf PP).
Definition fcont_alg : cpo -> alg -> alg.
intros D A. exists (D -C-> A) (curry (strength A << (KLEISLIL (eta _ << (EV D A))))).
apply fcont_eq_intro. intros f.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite ID_simpl. simpl.
apply fcont_eq_intro. intros d. rewrite curry_simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
assert (kl:=fcont_eq_elim (@KLEISLIL_unit _ _ _ _ (eta A << EV D A) (K _ f) (ID _)) d).
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in kl).
assert ((PROD_fun (A:=DL (D -C-> A)) (B:=D) (C:=D)
(eta (D -C-> A) << K D (D2:=D -C-> A) f)
(ID D) d) == (eta (D -C-> A) f, d)) as F by auto.
assert (X:=app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (KLEISLIL (eta A << EV D A))) F).
rewrite X in kl. clear F X.
rewrite (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (strength A)) kl). clear kl.
assert (X:=fcont_eq_elim (st_eta A) (EV D A
(PROD_fun (A:=D -C-> A) (B:=D) (C:=D) (K D (D2:=D -C-> A) f)
(ID D) d))). auto.
rewrite curry_compr.
refine (Oeq_sym _).
apply curry_unique.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
apply fcont_eq_intro.
intros f''. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros d.
repeat (rewrite curry_simpl).
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
assert (X:=st_kl A).
Record fstricti (D1 D2 : cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) : Type
:= mk_fstricti {fstrictit : D1 -c> D2; fstrict : strict fstrictit}.
Definition fstricti_fun (D1 D2 : cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) (f:fstricti PD1 PD2) : D1 -> D2 := fun x =>
fstrictit f x.
Coercion fstricti_fun : fstricti >-> Funclass.
Definition fstrict_ord (D1 D2:cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) : ord.
intros D1 D2 PD1 PD2.
exists (fstricti PD1 PD2) (fun (f g:fstricti PD1 PD2) => fstrictit f <= fstrictit g).
intros; auto.
intros; auto.
apply Ole_trans with (fstrictit y); auto.
Infix "-s>" := fstrict_ord (at level 30, right associativity) : O_scope.
(* Now Christine has a whole bunch of auxiliary lemmas for continuous
maps, which I copy here, assuming they'll turn out to be useful
Lemma fstrict_le_intro : forall (D1 D2:cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) (f g : PD1 -s> PD2), (forall x, f x <=
g x) -> f <= g.
Lemma fstrict_le_elim : forall (D1 D2:cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) (f g : PD1 -s> PD2), f <= g -> forall x
, f x <= g x.
Lemma fstrict_eq_intro : forall (D1 D2:cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) (f g : PD1 -s> PD2), (forall x, f x ==
g x) -> f == g.
intros; apply Ole_antisym; apply fstrict_le_intro; auto.
Lemma fstrict_eq_elim : forall (D1 D2:cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) (f g : PD1 -s> PD2), f == g -> forall x
, f x == g x.
intros; apply Ole_antisym; apply fstrict_le_elim; auto.
Lemma fstrict_monotonic : forall (D1 D2:cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) (f : PD1 -s> PD2) (x y : D1),
x <= y -> f x <= f y.
intros; apply (fmonotonic (fcontit (fstrictit f)) H).
Hint Resolve fstrict_monotonic.
Lemma fstrict_stable : forall (D1 D2:cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) (f : PD1 -s> PD2) (x y : D1),
x == y -> f x == f y.
intros; apply (fmon_stable (fcontit (fstrictit f)) H).
Hint Resolve fstrict_monotonic.
Lemma strict_lub : forall (D1 D2 : cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) (f:natO -m> (D1 -c> D2)),
(forall n, strict (f n)) ->
strict (lub (c:=D1-C->D2) f).
intros. unfold strict.
rewrite fcont_lub_simpl.
split ; auto.
apply lub_le.
intro n.
rewrite fcont_app_simpl.
unfold strict in H.
rewrite (H n).
Definition Fstrictit (D1 D2 : cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) : (PD1 -s> PD2)-m> (D1-c> D2).
intros D1 D2 PD1 PD2; exists (fstrictit (D1:=D1) (D2:=D2) (PD1:=PD1) (PD2:=PD2)).
Definition fstrict_lub (D1 D2 : cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) : (natO -m> PD1 -s> PD2) -> (PD1 -s> PD2).
intros D1 D2 PD1 PD2 f.
exists (lub (c:= D1 -C->D2) (Fstrictit PD1 PD2 @ f)).
apply strict_lub.
intros; simpl.
apply (fstrict (f n)).
Definition fstrict_cpo (D1 D2:cpo) (PD1:Pointed D1) (PD2:Pointed D2) : cpo.
intros D1 D2 PD1 PD2; exists (fstrict_ord PD1 PD2)
(fstrict_lub (D1:=D1) (D2:=D2) (PD1:=PD1) (PD2:=PD2));
simpl;intros; auto.
apply (le_lub (((Fcontit D1 D2 @ (Fstrictit PD1 PD2 @ c)) <_> x))
Infix "-S->" := fstrict_cpo (at level 30, right associativity) : O_scope.
Definition fstrict_comp : forall (D1 D2 D3:cpo) {PD1:Pointed D1} {PD2:Pointed D2} {PD3:Pointed D3},
(PD2 -s> PD3) -> (PD1-s> PD2) -> PD1 -s> PD3.
intros D1 D2 D3 PD1 DP2 PD3 f g.
exists ((fstrictit f) << (fstrictit g)).
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
apply Oeq_trans with (fstrictit f (PBot)).
apply fcont_stable.
apply (fstrict g).
apply (fstrict f).
Lemma strictVal: forall D E (f:DL D -c> DL E), (forall d e, f d == Val e -> exists dd, d == Val dd) -> strict f.
intros. unfold strict.
split ; auto.
simpl. apply DLless_cond.
intros xx Fx. specialize (H _ _ Fx). destruct H as [d incon].
simpl in incon.
assert (yy := eqValpred incon).
destruct yy as [n [dd [pp _]]].
assert False as F. induction n.
simpl in pp. rewrite DL_bot_eq in pp. inversion pp.
rewrite DL_bot_eq in pp. simpl in pp. auto. inversion F.
Lemma kleisli_bot: forall D E (f:D -c> DL E), kleisli f (@PBot (DL D) _) == PBot.
refine (strictVal (f:=kleisli f) _).
intros d e. rewrite kleisli_simpl.
intros kl. destruct (kleisliValVal kl) as [dd [P _]]. exists dd. auto.

View file

@ -1,979 +0,0 @@
Require Import utility.
Require Import PredomCore.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
(** ** Lifting *)
Section Lift_cpo.
Variable D : cpo.
(** ** Definition of underlying stream type *)
(** printing Eps %\eps% *)
(** printing Val %\val% *)
(** printing Stream %\Stream% *)
CoInductive Stream : Type := Eps : Stream -> Stream | Val : D -> Stream.
Lemma DL_inv : forall d, d = match d with Eps x => Eps x | Val d => Val d end.
destruct d; auto.
Hint Resolve DL_inv.
(** ** Removing Eps steps *)
Definition pred d : Stream := match d with Eps x => x | Val _ => d end.
Fixpoint pred_nth (d:Stream) (n:nat) {struct n} : Stream :=
match n with 0 => d
|S m => match d with Eps x => pred_nth x m
| Val _ => d
Lemma pred_nth_val : forall x n, pred_nth (Val x) n = Val x.
destruct n; simpl; trivial.
Hint Resolve pred_nth_val.
Lemma pred_nth_Sn_acc : forall n d, pred_nth d (S n) = pred_nth (pred d) n.
destruct d; simpl; auto.
Lemma pred_nth_Sn : forall n d, pred_nth d (S n) = pred (pred_nth d n).
induction n; intros; auto.
destruct d.
exact (IHn d).
rewrite pred_nth_val; rewrite pred_nth_val; simpl; trivial.
(** ** Order *)
CoInductive DLle : Stream -> Stream -> Prop :=
| DLleEps : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle (Eps x) (Eps y)
| DLleEpsVal : forall x d, DLle x (Val d) -> DLle (Eps x) (Val d)
| DLleVal : forall d d' n y, pred_nth y n = Val d' -> d <= d' -> DLle (Val d) y.
Hint Constructors DLle.
Lemma DLle_rec : forall R : Stream -> Stream -> Prop,
(forall x y, R (Eps x) (Eps y) -> R x y) ->
(forall x d, R (Eps x) (Val d) -> R x (Val d)) ->
(forall d y, R (Val d) y -> exists n, exists d', pred_nth y n = Val d' /\ d <= d')
-> forall x y, R x y -> DLle x y.
intros R REps REpsVal RVal; cofix; destruct x; intros.
destruct y; intros.
apply DLleEps; apply DLle_rec; auto.
apply DLleEpsVal; apply DLle_rec; auto.
case (RVal t y H); intros n H1.
destruct H1.
apply DLleVal with x n; auto.
(** *** Properties of the order *)
Lemma DLle_refl : forall x, DLle x x.
intros x. apply DLle_rec with (R:= fun x y => forall n, pred_nth x n = pred_nth y n) ; try (clear x).
intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). simpl in C. auto.
intros x d C n. specialize (C (S n)). simpl in C. rewrite C. case n ; auto.
intros d y C. exists 0. exists d. simpl. specialize (C 0). simpl in C. auto.
intros n ; auto.
Hint Resolve DLle_refl.
Lemma DLvalval : forall d x, DLle (Val d) x ->
exists n, exists d', pred_nth x n = Val d' /\ d<=d'.
intros d x H.
inversion H.
exists n; exists d'.
Lemma pred_nth_epsS n x y: Eps y = pred_nth x n -> y = pred_nth x (S n).
intros n. induction n. intros x y E. simpl in E. rewrite <- E. simpl. auto.
intros x. case x ; clear x. intros x y. intros E. simpl in E. specialize (IHn _ _ E). auto.
intros x y. simpl. intros incon. inversion incon.
Lemma pred_nth_valS n d y: Val d = pred_nth y n -> Val d = pred_nth y (S n).
intros n ; induction n. intros d y E. simpl in E. rewrite <- E. auto.
intros d y. case y ; clear y. intros y E. simpl in E. specialize (IHn _ _ E). rewrite IHn. auto.
intros dd E. simpl in E. inversion E. rewrite <- H0 in *. clear dd H0 E. simpl. auto.
Lemma pred_nth_comp y : forall m0 n1 m1 : nat,
m0 = n1 + m1 -> pred_nth y m0 = pred_nth (pred_nth y n1) m1.
intros y m0. induction m0. intros n1 m1. simpl. intros E. assert (n1 = 0) by omega. rewrite H in *.
simpl. assert (m1 = 0) as A by omega. rewrite A in *. auto.
intros n1 m1. case m1 ; clear m1. case n1 ; clear n1. simpl. intros incon. inversion incon.
intros m1 E. assert (m0 = m1) as EE by omega. rewrite EE in *. auto.
intros m1. intros E. assert (m0 = n1 + m1) as A by omega. specialize (IHm0 _ _ A).
clear E A. generalize IHm0. clear IHm0. case_eq (pred_nth y m0).
intros d E. rewrite <- (pred_nth_epsS (sym_eq E)). intros EE. rewrite (pred_nth_epsS EE). auto.
intros d E EE.
rewrite <- (pred_nth_valS (sym_eq E)). rewrite (pred_nth_valS EE). auto.
Lemma DLle_pred_nth x y n : DLle x y -> DLle (pred_nth x n) (pred_nth y n).
intros x y n. induction n. simpl. auto. intros C.
specialize (IHn C). inversion IHn.
rewrite (pred_nth_epsS H) in *. clear H x0. rewrite (pred_nth_epsS H0) in *. clear y0 H0. auto.
rewrite (pred_nth_epsS H) in *. clear H x0. rewrite H0 in *.
rewrite <- (pred_nth_valS H0). rewrite <- H0 in *. auto.
rewrite <- H2 in *. rewrite <- H in *.
rewrite <- (pred_nth_valS H).
apply DLleVal with (n:=n0) (d':=d').
rewrite H2 in H0. rewrite <- (@pred_nth_comp y (n+n0)) in H0 ; auto.
rewrite <- (@pred_nth_comp y (S n+n0)) ; auto. rewrite (pred_nth_valS (sym_eq H0)). auto. auto.
Lemma DLleEps_right : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle x (Eps y).
intros x y C. apply DLle_rec with (R:= fun x y => forall n, DLle (pred_nth x n) (pred_nth y (S n))).
clear x y C. intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). auto.
clear x y C. intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). auto.
clear x y C. intros d y C. specialize (C 0).
assert (DLle (Val d) (pred_nth y 1)) as CC by auto. clear C.
destruct (DLvalval CC) as [n [dd [X Y]]]. exists (S n). exists dd. split ; auto.
generalize X. clear X. destruct y. simpl. auto. simpl. case n ; auto.
intros n. simpl.
apply DLle_pred_nth ; auto.
Hint Resolve DLleEps_right.
Lemma DLleEps_left : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle (Eps x) y.
intros x y C. apply DLle_rec with (R:= fun x y => forall n, DLle (pred_nth x (S n)) (pred_nth y n)).
clear x y C. intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). auto.
clear x y C. intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). destruct n ; auto.
clear x y C. intros d y C. specialize (C 0).
simpl in C.
destruct (DLvalval C) as [n [dd [X Y]]]. exists n. exists dd. split ; auto.
intros n. simpl. apply DLle_pred_nth ; auto.
Hint Resolve DLleEps_left.
Lemma DLle_pred_left : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle (pred x) y.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; intros; trivial.
inversion H; auto.
inversion H; trivial.
Lemma DLle_pred_right : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle x (pred y).
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; intros; trivial.
inversion H; auto.
inversion H; trivial.
destruct n; simpl in H1.
discriminate H1.
apply DLleVal with d' n; auto.
Hint Resolve DLle_pred_left DLle_pred_right.
Lemma DLle_pred : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle (pred x) (pred y).
Hint Resolve DLle_pred.
Lemma DLle_pred_nth_left : forall n x y, DLle x y -> DLle (pred_nth x n) y.
induction n; intros.
simpl; auto.
rewrite pred_nth_Sn; auto.
Lemma DLle_pred_nth_right : forall n x y,
DLle x y -> DLle x (pred_nth y n).
induction n; intros.
simpl; auto.
rewrite pred_nth_Sn; auto.
Hint Resolve DLle_pred_nth_left DLle_pred_nth_right.
(* should be called leq *)
Lemma DLleVal_leq : forall x y, DLle (Val x) (Val y) -> x <= y.
intros x y H; inversion H.
destruct n; simpl in H1; injection H1;intro; subst y; auto.
Hint Immediate DLleVal_leq.
(* New *)
Lemma DLle_leVal : forall x y, x<=y -> DLle (Val x) (Val y).
intros x y H.
apply (DLle_rec (R := fun x' y' => x'=Val x /\ y'=Val y)).
destruct H0; discriminate.
destruct H0; discriminate.
destruct H0.
subst y0.
exists 0.
exists y.
split; trivial.
injection H0.
intro; subst d; auto.
Require Import utility.
Lemma DLnvalval : forall n y d z, pred_nth y n = Val d -> DLle y z ->
exists m, exists d', pred_nth z m = Val d' /\ d <= d'.
induction n.
dcase y.
subst y.
simpl in H.
subst y.
simpl in H.
rewrite H in H0.
apply (DLvalval H0).
apply (IHn (pred y) d z).
rewrite <- (pred_nth_Sn_acc).
apply DLle_pred_left.
Lemma DLleEpsn n x z xx : pred_nth x n = Val xx -> DLle (Val xx) z -> DLle x z.
intros n. induction n.
intros x z xx. simpl. intros C. rewrite C. auto.
intros x. case x ; clear x. intros d z xx. simpl. intros C DD.
specialize (IHn _ z _ C DD).
generalize IHn. case z. intros zz CC. apply DLleEps. apply (DLle_pred_right CC).
intros zz CC. apply DLleEpsVal. apply CC.
intros x z xx C. simpl in C. inversion C. auto.
Lemma DLle_trans : forall x y z, DLle x y -> DLle y z -> DLle x z.
intros x y z D0 D1.
apply DLle_rec with (R:=fun x z => (forall xx n, pred_nth x n = Val xx -> DLle x z)).
clear x y z D0 D1. intros x y C xx n X.
specialize (C xx (S n) X).
apply (DLle_pred C).
clear x y z D0 D1. intros x y C xx n X.
specialize (C _ (S n) X).
apply (DLle_pred_left C).
intros d yy C.
specialize (C d 0).
destruct (fun Z => DLvalval (C Z)) as [n [dd [ZZ Z]]] ; auto.
exists n. exists dd. split ; auto.
intros xx n C.
destruct (DLnvalval C D0) as [m [yy [P Q]]].
destruct (DLnvalval P D1) as [k [zz [Pz Qz]]].
apply (DLleEpsn C). apply (DLleVal Pz). apply (Ole_trans Q Qz).
(** *** Declaration of the ordered set *)
Definition DL_ord : ord.
exists Stream DLle; intros; auto.
apply DLle_trans with y; trivial.
Canonical Structure DL_ord.
(** ** Definition of the cpo structure *)
Lemma eq_Eps : forall x, x == Eps x.
intros; apply Ole_antisym; repeat red; auto.
Hint Resolve eq_Eps.
(** *** Bottom is given by an infinite chain of Eps *)
(** printing DL_bot %\DLbot% *)
CoFixpoint DL_bot : DL_ord := Eps DL_bot.
Lemma DL_bot_eq : DL_bot = Eps DL_bot.
transitivity match DL_bot with Eps x => Eps x | Val d => Val d end; auto.
Lemma DLless_cond : forall (x y : DL_ord), (forall xx, x == Val xx -> x <= y) -> DLle x y.
intros x y P. apply DLle_rec with (R:=fun x y => forall xx, x == Val xx -> x <= y).
intros d0 d1 IH. intros d00 dv.
rewrite (eq_Eps d0) in dv. rewrite (eq_Eps d0).
specialize (IH _ dv).
rewrite (eq_Eps d1). auto.
intros d0 d1 IH dd dv. rewrite (eq_Eps d0) in dv.
specialize (IH _ dv). rewrite (eq_Eps d0). auto.
intros d0 d1 IH.
specialize (IH _ (Oeq_refl _)).
auto using (DLvalval IH).
apply P.
Lemma DL_bot_least : forall x, DL_bot <= x.
intros x. apply DLless_cond.
intros xx [_ C].
destruct (DLvalval C) as [n [dd [P Q]]].
assert False as F. induction n. simpl in P. rewrite DL_bot_eq in P. inversion P.
rewrite DL_bot_eq in P. simpl in P. apply (IHn P). inversion F.
(** *** More properties of elements in the lifted domain *)
(* This is essentially the same, when fixed up, as DLvalval that I proved above
I've repeated it here, though
Lemma DLle_Val_exists_pred :
forall x d, Val d <= x -> exists k, exists d', pred_nth x k = Val d'
/\ d <= d'.
intros x d H; inversion H; eauto.
Lemma Val_exists_pred_le :
forall x d, (exists k, pred_nth x k = Val d) -> Val d <= x.
destruct 1; intros.
apply DLleVal with d x0; trivial.
Hint Immediate DLle_Val_exists_pred Val_exists_pred_le.
Lemma Val_exists_pred_eq :
forall x d, (exists k, pred_nth x k = Val d) -> (Val d:DL_ord) == x.
destruct H.
rewrite <- H.
apply DLle_pred_nth_right.
(** *** Construction of least upper bounds *)
Definition isEps x := match x with Eps _ => True | _ => False end.
Lemma isEps_Eps : forall x, isEps (Eps x).
repeat red; auto.
Lemma not_isEpsVal : forall d, ~ (isEps (Val d)).
repeat red; auto.
Hint Resolve isEps_Eps not_isEpsVal.
Lemma isEps_dec : forall x, {d:D|x=Val d}+{isEps x}.
destruct x; auto.
exists t; auto.
(* Slightly more radical rewrite, trying to use equality *)
Lemma allvalsfromhere : forall (c:natO -m> DL_ord) n d i,
c n == Val d -> exists d', c (n+i) == Val d' /\ d <= d'.
intros c n d i (Hnv1,Hnv2).
assert (((Val d):DL_ord) <= c (n+i)).
apply Ole_trans with (c n); auto.
apply fmonotonic.
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_pred H) as [k [d' Hkd']].
exists d'.
apply Oeq_sym; apply Val_exists_pred_eq; firstorder.
Definition hasVal x := exists j, exists d, pred_nth x j = Val d.
Definition valuable := {x | hasVal x}.
Definition projj : valuable -> DL_ord.
destruct X.
exact x.
(* Redoing extract using constructive epsilon *)
Require Import ConstructiveEpsilon.
Definition findindexandval (x : valuable) : {kd | match kd with (k,d) => (pred_nth (projj x) k) = Val d end}.
intro x; destruct x.
unfold hasVal in h; simpl.
cut {n | exists d, pred_nth x n = Val d}.
intro; destruct H.
dcase (pred_nth x x0).
intros. rewrite H in e. absurd (exists d, Eps s = Val d).
destruct H0.
exists (x0,t).
apply constructive_indefinite_description_nat.
case (isEps_dec (pred_nth x x0)).
intro; left.
destruct s.
exists x1.
intro H; right.
intro; destruct H0.
rewrite H0 in H; simpl in H.
exact h.
Definition extract (x : valuable) : D.
intro x; generalize (findindexandval x); intro.
destruct X.
destruct x0.
exact t.
Lemma extractworks : forall x, projj x == Val (extract x).
intro x; unfold extract.
dcase (findindexandval x).
destruct x0.
apply Oeq_sym.
apply Val_exists_pred_eq.
exists n.
Lemma vinj : forall d d', Val d == Val d' -> d == d'.
intros d d' (H1,H2).
split; auto.
Lemma vleinj : forall d d', Val d <= Val d' -> d <= d'.
Lemma extractmono : forall (x y : valuable), (projj x) <= (projj y) -> extract x <= extract y.
intros x y H.
apply vleinj.
rewrite <- (extractworks x).
rewrite <- (extractworks y).
(* This is the simpler one that just takes an equality *)
Lemma eqValpred : forall x d, x == Val d -> exists k, exists d', pred_nth x k = Val d' /\ d==d'.
destruct H as (H1,H2).
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_pred H2) as [k [d' HH]].
exists k; exists d';split.
apply vleinj.
destruct HH.
rewrite <- H.
Definition makechain (c:natO -m> DL_ord) k d (Hck:c k == Val d) : nat -> D.
intros c k d Hck i.
eapply extract.
exists (c (k+i)).
destruct (allvalsfromhere i Hck) as [d' [Hd' HHH]].
unfold hasVal.
generalize (eqValpred Hd').
Definition makechainm (c:natO -m> DL_ord) k d (Hck:c k == Val d) : natO -m> D.
exists (makechain Hck).
unfold monotonic.
unfold makechain.
apply extractmono.
apply (fmonotonic c).
Definition cpred (c:natO -m> DL_ord) : natO-m>DL_ord.
intro c; exists (fun n => pred (c n)); red.
intros x y H; apply DLle_pred.
apply (fmonotonic c); auto.
Lemma fValIdx : forall (c:natO -m> DL_ord) (n : nat),
{dk: (D*nat)%type | match dk with (d,k) => k<n /\ c k == Val d end} + {forall k, k<n -> isEps (c k)}.
induction n.
right; intros. destruct (lt_n_O k H).
case IHn; intros.
destruct s as [(d,k) [H ck]].
left; exists (d,k).
auto with arith.
case (isEps_dec (c n)); intros.
destruct s as [d H]. left.
exists (d,n); intuition.
right; intros.
assert (L:=lt_n_Sm_le _ _ H). destruct L ; auto with arith.
Definition createchain (c:natO -m> DL_ord) (n:nat)
(X:{dk: (D*nat)%type | match dk with (d,k) => k<n /\ c k == Val d end}) :
(natO -m> D) :=
match X with | exist (d,k) (conj Hk Hck) => @makechainm c k d Hck
CoFixpoint DL_lubn (c:natO-m> DL_ord) (n:nat) : DL_ord :=
match fValIdx c n with inleft X => Val (lub (createchain X))
| inright _ => Eps (DL_lubn (cpred c) (S n))
Lemma DL_lubn_inv : forall (c:natO-m> DL_ord) (n:nat), DL_lubn c n =
match fValIdx c n with inleft X => Val (lub (createchain X))
| inright _ => Eps (DL_lubn (cpred c) (S n))
intros; rewrite (DL_inv (DL_lubn c n)).
simpl; case (fValIdx c n); trivial.
Lemma makechainworks : forall (c:natO -m> DL_ord) k dk (H2:c k == Val dk) i (d:D), c (k+i) == (Val d) -> makechain H2 i == d.
apply vinj.
rewrite <- H.
apply Oeq_sym.
unfold makechain.
rewrite <- extractworks.
Lemma chainluble : forall (c:natO -m> DL_ord) k dk (Hkdk : c k == Val dk) k' dk' (Hkdk': c k' == Val dk'),
lub (makechainm Hkdk) <= lub (makechainm Hkdk').
intros;apply lub_le.
intro n.
assert (Hkn := allvalsfromhere n Hkdk).
destruct Hkn as (dkn,(Hckn,Hdkdkn)).
setoid_replace (makechainm Hkdk n) with (dkn).
destruct (allvalsfromhere (n+k) Hkdk') as [dkk'n [Hckk'n Hddd]].
apply Ole_trans with dkk'n.
apply vleinj; rewrite <- Hckn; rewrite <- Hckk'n.
apply fmonotonic.
setoid_replace dkk'n with (makechainm Hkdk' (n+k)).
apply le_lub.
unfold makechainm.
apply Oeq_sym; apply makechainworks.
unfold makechainm; apply makechainworks.
Lemma chainlubinv : forall (c:natO -m> DL_ord) k dk (Hkdk : c k == Val dk) k' dk' (Hkdk': c k' == Val dk'),
lub (makechainm Hkdk) == lub (makechainm Hkdk').
intros;split;apply chainluble.
Lemma pred_lubn_Val : forall (d:D)(n k p:nat) (c:natO-m> DL_ord),
(n <k+p)%nat -> pred_nth (c n) k = Val d
-> exists d', DL_lubn c p == Val d'.
induction k; intros.
(* Base case *)
rewrite (DL_lubn_inv c p); simpl.
simpl in H0.
case (fValIdx c p); intros.
case s; intros (d',k) (H1,H2); auto.
exists (lub (makechainm H2)).
absurd (c n = Val d).
intro Hsilly.
assert (isEps (c n)).
apply i.
rewrite Hsilly in H1.
simpl in H1.
(* Induction *)
rewrite (DL_lubn_inv c p).
case (fValIdx c p); intros.
unfold createchain.
dependent inversion s.
destruct x.
dependent inversion y.
exists (lub (makechainm o)).
assert (n<k + S p).
assert (pred_nth (cpred c n) k = Val d).
unfold cpred.
rewrite <- pred_nth_Sn_acc.
specialize (IHk (S p) (cpred c) H1 H2 ).
destruct IHk as (d',IH); exists d'.
rewrite <-IH; auto.
Lemma eqDLeq : forall d d', d == d' -> Val d == (Val d').
destruct H; split; apply DLle_leVal.
Lemma predeq : forall x, x == pred x.
intro; split; auto.
Lemma cpredsamelub : forall (c:natO -m> DL_ord) k dk (H1:c k == Val dk) (H2: (cpred c) k == Val dk),
lub (makechainm H1) == lub (makechainm H2).
intros; split.
apply lub_le; intro.
setoid_replace (makechainm H1 n) with (makechainm H2 n).
apply le_lub.
assert (Hkn := allvalsfromhere n H1).
destruct Hkn as (dkn,(Hckn,Hdkdkn)).
unfold makechainm; simpl.
setoid_rewrite (makechainworks H1 Hckn).
assert (HH : ((cpred c) (k+n) == Val dkn)).
unfold cpred; simpl.
rewrite <- Hckn.
apply Oeq_sym; apply predeq.
setoid_rewrite (makechainworks H2 HH).
apply lub_le; intro.
setoid_replace (makechainm H2 n) with (makechainm H1 n).
apply le_lub.
destruct (allvalsfromhere n H2) as (dkn,(Hckn,Hdkdkn)).
unfold makechainm; simpl.
setoid_rewrite (makechainworks H2 Hckn).
assert (HH : ((c) (k+n) == Val dkn)).
unfold cpred in Hckn; simpl in Hckn.
rewrite <- Hckn; apply predeq.
setoid_rewrite (makechainworks H1 HH); auto.
Lemma attempt2 : forall kl (c:natO -m> DL_ord) p d, pred_nth (DL_lubn c p) kl = Val d
-> exists k, exists dk, exists Hkdk:c k == Val dk, d == lub (makechainm Hkdk).
induction kl; intros.
rewrite DL_lubn_inv in H; simpl in H.
dcase (fValIdx c p).
rewrite H0 in H.
destruct s; destruct x; inversion y.
unfold createchain in H.
exists n; exists t.
exists H2.
clear H0.
generalize H.
clear H.
dependent inversion y.
apply vinj.
rewrite <- H.
apply eqDLeq.
apply chainlubinv.
(* then we get an impossible case *)
Focus 2.
(* this is the tricky one *)
assert (HH := IHkl (cpred c) (S p) d).
dcase (fValIdx c p).
(* making it up as I go along *)
rewrite DL_lubn_inv in H.
rewrite H0 in H; simpl in H.
clear H0.
destruct s.
destruct x.
generalize H; dependent inversion y; intros.
unfold createchain in H0.
exists n; exists t; exists o.
apply vinj.
rewrite <- H0.
clear IHkl.
rewrite DL_lubn_inv in H.
rewrite H0 in H; simpl in H.
specialize (HH H).
(* AHA now we're getting somewhere at last, albeit rather clunkily! *)
destruct HH as (k,(dk,(Hkdk,HH))).
exists k; exists dk.
unfold cpred in Hkdk; simpl in Hkdk.
assert (HHH : c k == Val dk).
rewrite <- Hkdk.
apply predeq.
exists HHH.
rewrite HH.
apply Oeq_sym.
apply cpredsamelub.
(* now back to trivial one *)
rewrite H0 in H.
Lemma pred_nth_sum : forall x m n, pred_nth x (m+n) = pred_nth (pred_nth x m) n.
induction m.
intro n; replace (S m + n) with (m + S n); intuition.
rewrite IHm.
rewrite (@pred_nth_Sn_acc n (pred_nth x m)).
rewrite pred_nth_Sn.
(* first just wrap pred_lubn_Val to use equality *)
Lemma chainVallubnVal : forall (c:natO -m> DL_ord) n d p, c n == Val d -> exists d', DL_lubn c p == Val d'.
destruct (eqValpred H) as (k,(d'',(Hcnk,Hdd''))).
apply (pred_lubn_Val (n:=n) (k:=k+n+1) (p:=p) (c:=c) (d:=d'')).
replace (k+n+1) with (k+(n+1)).
rewrite pred_nth_sum.
rewrite Hcnk.
Lemma chainVallubnlub : forall (c:natO -m> DL_ord) n d (H : c n == Val d) p, exists d', DL_lubn c p == Val d' /\ d' == lub (makechainm H).
destruct (chainVallubnVal p H) as (d',HH).
exists d'.
split. assumption.
destruct (eqValpred HH) as (k,(d'',(Hk,Hd'd''))).
destruct (attempt2 Hk) as (p',(dp',(Hp',Heq))).
rewrite Hd'd''.
rewrite Heq.
apply chainlubinv.
Definition DL_lub (c:natO-m> DL_ord) := DL_lubn c 1.
Lemma DL_lub_upper : forall c:natO-m> DL_ord, forall n, c n <= DL_lub c.
intros c n. apply DLless_cond.
intros d C.
destruct (chainVallubnlub C 1) as [d' [Ln L]].
unfold DL_lub. rewrite Ln.
assert (X:=makechainworks C). specialize (X 0 d). assert (n+0 = n) as A by omega. rewrite A in X. clear A.
specialize (X C). apply Ole_trans with (y:=Val d). auto.
assert (pred_nth (Val d') 0 = Val d') as Y by auto.
apply (DLleVal Y). rewrite L.
apply Ole_trans with (y:=(makechainm (c:=c) (k:=n) (d:=d) C) 0). simpl. auto.
apply le_lub.
(* Just realized I should have had Val as a morphism ages ago *)
Add Parametric Morphism : Val
with signature (@Oeq D) ==> (@Oeq DL_ord)
as Val_eq_compat.
apply eqDLeq.
Add Parametric Morphism : Val
with signature (@Ole D) ++> (@Ole DL_ord)
as Val_le_compat.
apply DLle_leVal.
Lemma DLle_Val_exists_eq : forall y d, Val d <= y -> exists d', y == Val d' /\ d <= d'.
intros y d H; inversion H.
exists d'.
apply Val_exists_pred_eq.
exists n; trivial.
Lemma DL_lub_least : forall (c : natO -m> DL_ord) a,
(forall n, c n <= a) -> DL_lub c <= a.
intros c a C.
apply DLless_cond. intros d X.
destruct (eqValpred X) as [n [dd [P Q]]].
destruct (attempt2 P) as [m [d' [cm Y]]].
apply Ole_trans with (y:= (Val dd)).
refine (proj2 (Val_exists_pred_eq _)). exists n. auto.
assert (Z:= C m). rewrite cm in Z.
destruct (DLvalval Z) as [mm [e [R S]]].
apply (DLleVal R). rewrite Y.
apply lub_le.
intros nn.
assert (A:=makechainworks cm).
specialize (A nn).
clear S Y Z.
destruct (allvalsfromhere nn cm) as [nnv [S T]].
specialize (A _ S). rewrite A. clear A.
assert (a == Val e) as E.
apply Oeq_sym.
apply (Val_exists_pred_eq). exists mm. apply R.
assert (Z := C (m+nn)).
rewrite E in Z. rewrite S in Z. apply (vleinj Z).
(** *** Declaration of the lifted cpo *)
Definition DL : cpo.
exists DL_ord DL_lub; intros.
(* apply DL_bot_least. *)
apply DL_lub_upper.
apply DL_lub_least; trivial.
Lemma lubval: forall (c:natO -m> DL) d, lub c == Val d ->
exists k, exists d', c k == Val d' /\ d' <= d.
intros c d l.
destruct l as [lubval1 lubval2].
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_pred lubval2) as [k xx].
destruct xx as [f' [lubval lf]].
assert (lub c == Val f') as lubval'.
apply Ole_antisym.
eapply Ole_trans. apply lubval1. auto using DLle_leVal.
eapply (DLleVal). apply lubval. apply Ole_refl.
assert (f' <= d).
destruct lubval' as [v1 v2].
assert (Val f' <= Val d).
apply (Ole_trans v2 lubval1).
apply (DLleVal_leq H).
assert (d == f') as feq. auto.
clear H lubval1 lubval2 lf.
assert (xx:=attempt2 lubval).
destruct xx as [n [f0 [chnval lf']]].
exists n. exists f0. split. apply chnval.
assert (w:=makechainworks chnval).
specialize (w 0 f0). assert (n+0 = n) by omega. rewrite H in w.
specialize (w chnval).
destruct w as [_ L2].
refine (Ole_trans L2 (Ole_trans (le_lub (makechainm chnval) 0) _)).
rewrite <- lf'. auto.
Lemma DLvalgetchain: forall (c:natO -m> DL) k d, c k == Val d -> exists c':natO -m> D, forall n, c(k+n) == Val (c' n).
intros c k d chk.
exists (makechainm chk).
intros n.
destruct (allvalsfromhere n chk) as [d' [chd ld]].
refine (Oeq_trans chd _).
apply eqDLeq.
apply (Oeq_sym (makechainworks chk chd)).
Hint Immediate DLle_leVal.
Definition eta_m : D -m> DL.
exists (fun (x:D) => Val x).
unfold monotonic.
(** printing eta %\ensuremath{\eta}% *)
Definition eta : D -c> DL.
exists (eta_m).
intro c.
set (LHS := eta_m (lub c)).
unfold DL, DL_lub.
unfold lub.
rewrite DL_lubn_inv.
subst LHS.
apply DLle_leVal.
apply lub_le; intro n.
setoid_replace (c n) with (makechainm (c:= eta_m @ c) (k:=0) (d := c 0) (Oeq_refl_eq (refl_equal (Val (c 0)))) n).
apply le_lub.
unfold makechainm.
symmetry. apply makechainworks.
Add Parametric Morphism : (@eta)
with signature (@Ole D) ++> (@Ole (DL))
as eta_le_compat.
intros d0 d1 Eq.
assert (monotonic (eta)). auto. apply H.
Add Parametric Morphism : (@eta)
with signature (@Oeq D) ==> (@Oeq (DL))
as eta_eq_compat.
intros d0 d1 Eq. split ; auto.
Hint Resolve eta_eq_compat.
End Lift_cpo.
Implicit Arguments eta [D].
(** printing _BOT %\LIFTED% *)
Notation "x '_BOT'" := (DL x) (at level 28).
Instance lift_pointed D : Pointed (D _BOT).
intro D.
exists (DL_bot D).
intro. red. simpl.
apply DL_bot_least.
Lemma PBot_app D E {pd:Pointed E} : forall d, @PBot _ (fun_pointed D E) d == PBot.
intros D E pd d. split. case pd. auto.
Lemma PBot_comp D F {pd:Pointed F} : forall E (h:E -C-> D),
@PBot _ (fun_pointed D F) << h == @PBot _ (fun_pointed E F).
intros D F pd E h. apply fcont_eq_intro.
intros e. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite PBot_app. rewrite PBot_app.

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@ -1,907 +0,0 @@
Definition of products and associated lemmas
Require Import PredomCore.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Order-theoretic definitions
Definition Oprod : ord -> ord -> ord.
intros O1 O2; exists (O1 * O2)%type (fun x y => fst x <= fst y /\ snd x <= snd y); intuition.
apply Ole_trans with a0; trivial.
apply Ole_trans with b0; trivial.
Definition Fst (O1 O2 : ord) : Oprod O1 O2 -m> O1.
intros O1 O2; exists (fst (A:=O1) (B:=O2)); red; simpl; intuition.
Implicit Arguments Fst [O1 O2].
Definition Snd (O1 O2 : ord) : Oprod O1 O2 -m> O2.
intros O1 O2; exists (snd (A:=O1) (B:=O2)); red; simpl; intuition.
Implicit Arguments Snd [O1 O2].
Definition Pairr (O1 O2 : ord) : O1 -> O2 -m> Oprod O1 O2.
intros O1 O2 x.
exists (fun (y:O2) => (x,y)).
red; auto.
Definition Pair (O1 O2 : ord) : O1 -m> O2 -m> Oprod O1 O2.
intros O1 O2; exists (Pairr (O1:=O1) O2); red; auto.
Lemma Fst_simpl : forall (O1 O2 : ord) (p:Oprod O1 O2), Fst p = fst p.
Lemma Snd_simpl : forall (O1 O2 : ord) (p:Oprod O1 O2), Snd p = snd p.
Lemma Pair_simpl : forall (O1 O2 : ord) (x:O1)(y:O2), Pair O1 O2 x y = (x,y).
Lemma Oprod_unique: forall O1 O2 O3 (f g:O1 -m> Oprod O2 O3),
Fst @ f == Fst @ g -> Snd @ f == Snd @ g -> f == g.
intros O1 O2 O3 f g ff ss.
apply fmon_eq_intro. intros x.
split ; auto using (fmon_eq_elim ff x), (fmon_eq_elim ss x).
Definition prod0 (D1 D2:cpo) : Oprod D1 D2 := (0: D1,0: D2).
Definition prod_lub (D1 D2:cpo) (f : natO -m> Oprod D1 D2) := (lub (Fst @f), lub (Snd @f)).
Definition Dprod : cpo -> cpo -> cpo.
intros D1 D2; exists (Oprod D1 D2)
(* (prod0 D1 D2) *)
(prod_lub (D1:=D1) (D2:=D2)); unfold prod_lub; intuition.
apply Ole_trans with (fst (fmonot c n), snd (fmonot c n)); simpl; intuition.
apply (le_lub (Fst @ c) (n)).
apply (le_lub (Snd @ c) (n)).
apply Ole_trans with (fst x, snd x); simpl; intuition.
apply lub_le; simpl; intros.
case (H n); auto.
apply lub_le; simpl; intros.
case (H n); auto.
(** printing DOne %\DOne% *)
Definition DOne : cpo := Discrete unit.
Lemma DOne_final: forall D (f g : D -C-> DOne), f == g.
intros. refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros d. case (f d) ; case (g d) ; auto.
Instance DOne_pointed : Pointed DOne.
exists tt.
intros d. case d. auto.
Domain-theoretic definitions
(** printing *c* %\ensuremath{\times}% *)
Infix "*c*" := Dprod (at level 28, left associativity).
Lemma Dprod_eq_intro : forall (D1 D2:cpo) (p1 p2 : D1 *c* D2),
fst p1 == fst p2 -> snd p1 == snd p2 -> p1 == p2.
split; simpl; auto.
Hint Resolve Dprod_eq_intro.
Lemma Dprod_eq_pair : forall (D1 D2 : cpo) (x1 y1 : D1) (x2 y2 : D2),
x1==y1 -> x2==y2 -> ((x1,x2):Dprod D1 D2) == (y1,y2).
Hint Resolve Dprod_eq_pair.
Lemma Dprod_eq_elim_fst : forall (D1 D2 : cpo) (p1 p2 : Dprod D1 D2),
p1==p2 -> fst p1 == fst p2.
split; case H; simpl; intuition.
Hint Immediate Dprod_eq_elim_fst.
Lemma Dprod_eq_elim_snd : forall (D1 D2:cpo) (p1 p2: Dprod D1 D2),
p1==p2 -> snd p1 == snd p2.
split; case H; simpl; intuition.
Hint Immediate Dprod_eq_elim_snd.
Lemma Dprod_le_elim_snd: forall (D1 D2:cpo) (p1 p2 : Dprod D1 D2),
p1 <= p2 -> snd p1 <= snd p2.
simpl. intros D1 D2 p1 p2. intros x. destruct x. auto.
Hint Immediate Dprod_le_elim_snd.
Lemma Dprod_le_elim_fst: forall (D1 D2:cpo) (p1 p2:Dprod D1 D2),
p1 <= p2 -> fst p1 <= fst p2.
simpl. intros D1 D2 p1 p2 x. destruct x. auto.
Hint Immediate Dprod_le_elim_fst.
(** printing FST %\FST% *)
Definition FST (D1 D2 : cpo) : D1 *c* D2 -c> D1.
intros; exists (@Fst D1 D2); red; intros; auto.
Implicit Arguments FST [D1 D2].
Add Parametric Morphism (D E : cpo) : (@FST D E)
with signature (@Ole (Dprod D E)) ++> (@Ole D)
as PROD_FST_le_compat.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E : cpo) : (@FST D E)
with signature (@Oeq (Dprod D E)) ==> (@Oeq D)
as PROD_FST_eq_compat.
intros ; split ; auto.
(** printing SND %\SND% *)
Definition SND (D1 D2 : cpo) : D1 *c* D2 -c> D2.
intros; exists (@Snd D1 D2); red; intros; auto.
Implicit Arguments SND [D1 D2].
Add Parametric Morphism (D E : cpo) : (@SND D E)
with signature (@Ole (Dprod D E)) ++> (@Ole E)
as PROD_SND_le_compat.
intros ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E : cpo) : (@SND D E)
with signature (@Oeq (Dprod D E)) ==> (@Oeq E)
as PROD_SND_eq_compat.
intros ; split ; auto.
Definition Pairr (O1 O2 : ord) : O1 -> O2 -m> Oprod O1 O2.
intros O1 O2 x.
exists (fun (y:O2) => (x,y)).
red; auto.
Definition Pair (O1 O2 : ord) : O1 -m> O2 -m> Oprod O1 O2.
intros O1 O2; exists (Pairr (O1:=O1) O2); red; auto.
Lemma Pair_continuous2 : forall (D1 D2 : cpo), continuous2 (D3:=Dprod D1 D2) (Pair D1 D2).
red; intros; auto.
Definition PAIR (D1 D2:cpo) : D1 -c> D2 -C-> Dprod D1 D2
:= continuous2_cont (Pair_continuous2 (D1:=D1) (D2:=D2)).
Implicit Arguments PAIR [D1 D2].
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1:cpo) : (@pair D0 D1)
with signature (@Ole D0) ++> (@Ole D1) ++> (@Ole (Dprod D0 D1))
as pair_le_compat.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1:cpo) : (@pair D0 D1)
with signature (@Oeq D0) ==> (@Oeq D1) ==> (@Oeq (Dprod D0 D1))
as pair_eq_compat.
Lemma Dprod_unique: forall D E F (f g : F -C-> D *c* E),
FST << f == FST << g ->
SND << f == SND << g ->
f == g.
intros D E F f g ff ss.
refine (Oprod_unique ff ss).
Lemma FST_simpl : forall (D1 D2 :cpo) (p:Dprod D1 D2), FST p = Fst p.
Lemma SND_simpl : forall (D1 D2 :cpo) (p:Dprod D1 D2), SND p = Snd p.
Definition Prod_fun (O1 O2 O3:ord)(f:O1-m>O2)(g:O1-m>O3) : O1 -m> Oprod O2 O3.
intros O1 O2 O3 f g. exists (fun p => (f p, g p)). auto.
Lemma Prod_fun_simpl (O1 O2 O3:ord)(f:O1-m>O2)(g:O1-m>O3) x : Prod_fun f g x = (f x,g x).
Definition PROD_fun (D1 D2 D3:cpo)(f:D1-c>D2)(g:D1-c>D3) : D1 -c> D2 *c* D3.
intros D1 D2 D3 f g. exists (Prod_fun (fcontit f) (fcontit g)).
unfold continuous.
intros c.
simpl. split.
apply Ole_trans with (y:= f (lub c)) ; auto.
rewrite (fcont_continuous f) ; auto.
apply Ole_trans with (y:= g (lub c)) ; auto.
rewrite (fcont_continuous g) ; auto.
Lemma FST_PAIR_simpl : forall (D1 D2 :cpo) (p1:D1) (p2:D2),
FST (PAIR p1 p2) = p1.
Lemma SND_PAIR_simpl : forall (D1 D2 :cpo) (p1:D1) (p2:D2),
SND (PAIR p1 p2) = p2.
Lemma PAIR_simpl : forall (D1 D2 :cpo) (p1:D1) (p2:D2), PAIR p1 p2 = Pair D1 D2 p1 p2.
(** printing <| %\ensuremath{\langle}% *)
(** printing |> %\ensuremath{\rangle}% *)
Notation "'<|' f , g '|>'" := (PROD_fun f g) (at level 30).
Lemma PROD_fun_simpl (D E F : cpo) (f : D -C-> E) (g : D -C-> F) d :
<| f, g |> d = (f d , g d).
Lemma FST_PROD_fun: forall D0 D1 D2 (f:D0 -C-> D1) (g:D0 -C-> D2), FST << PROD_fun f g == f.
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro ; auto.
Lemma SND_PROD_fun: forall D0 D1 D2 (f:D0 -C-> D1) (g:D0 -C-> D2), SND << PROD_fun f g == g.
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1 D2:cpo) : (@PROD_fun D0 D1 D2)
with signature (@Ole (D0 -c> D1)) ++> (@Ole (D0 -c> D2)) ++> (@Ole (D0 -c> @Dprod D1 D2))
as PROD_fun_le_compat.
intros f g feq s r seq.
intros x.
assert (fd:=fcont_le_elim feq x). assert (fe := fcont_le_elim seq x).
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1 D2:cpo) : (@PROD_fun D0 D1 D2)
with signature (@Oeq (D0 -c> D1)) ==> (@Oeq (D0 -c> D2)) ==> (@Oeq (D0 -c> @Dprod D1 D2))
as PROD_fun_eq_compat.
intros f g feq s r geq.
destruct feq as [fle1 fle2].
destruct geq as [gle1 gle2].
split ; auto.
Definition PROD_map (D1 D2 D3 D4:cpo)(f:D1-c>D3)(g:D2-c>D4) :
D1 *c* D2 -c> D3 *c* D4 := PROD_fun (f << FST) (g << SND).
Implicit Arguments PROD_map [D1 D2 D3 D4].
(** printing *f* %\crossf% *)
Infix "*f*" := PROD_map (at level 28).
Lemma PROD_fun_compl (D E F G : cpo) (f : D -C-> E) (g : D -C-> F) (h : G -C-> D) :
<| f, g|> << h == <| f << h , g << h |>.
intros D E F G f g h.
simpl. apply (@Dprod_unique E F G).
rewrite FST_PROD_fun. rewrite <-fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. auto.
Lemma PROD_fun_compr (D E F G H : cpo) (f : H -c> D) (g : D -c> E) (h : H -c> F) (k : F -c> G) :
<| g << f, k << h |> == g *f* k << <| f, h |>.
intros D E F G H f g h k. apply (@Dprod_unique E G H).
rewrite FST_PROD_fun. rewrite <-fcont_comp_assoc. unfold PROD_map.
rewrite FST_PROD_fun. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite <-fcont_comp_assoc. unfold PROD_map.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F G:cpo) : (@PROD_map D E F G)
with signature (@Ole (D -c> F)) ++> (@Ole (E -c> G)) ++> (@Ole (@Dprod D E -c> @Dprod F G))
as PROD_map_le_compat.
intros f g feq s r seq.
intros x. case x. clear x. intros d e.
assert (fd:=fcont_le_elim feq d). assert (fe := fcont_le_elim seq e).
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F G:cpo) : (@PROD_map D E F G)
with signature (@Oeq (D -c> F)) ==> (@Oeq (E -c> G)) ==> (@Oeq (@Dprod D E -c> @Dprod F G))
as PROD_map_eq_compat.
intros f g feq s r geq.
destruct feq as [fle1 fle2].
destruct geq as [gle1 gle2].
split ; auto.
Lemma PROD_map_simpl : forall (D1 D2 D3 D4 : cpo) (f : D1 -c> D3) (g : D2 -c> D4) (p : D1 *c* D2),
(f *f* g) p = pair (f (fst p)) (g (snd p)).
Definition PROD_Map1 (D E F G:cpo) : (D -C-> F) -> (E -C-> G) -M-> Dprod D E -C-> Dprod F G.
intros. exists (@PROD_map D E F G X). unfold monotonic.
intros f0 f1 leq. intros x. simpl ; auto.
Definition PROD_Map (D E F G:cpo) : (D -C-> F) -M-> (E -C-> G) -M-> Dprod D E -C-> Dprod F G.
intros. exists (@PROD_Map1 D E F G). unfold monotonic.
intros f0 f1 leq. intros x. simpl ; auto.
Lemma PROD_Map_continuous2 : forall D E F G, continuous2 (PROD_Map D E F G).
intros. unfold continuous2. intros c1 c2.
intros p. auto.
Definition PROD_MAP (D E F G:cpo) : (D -C-> F) -C-> (E -C-> G) -C-> Dprod D E -C-> Dprod F G :=
(continuous2_cont (@PROD_Map_continuous2 D E F G)).
Definition SWAP D E := <| @SND D E, FST |>.
Implicit Arguments SWAP [D E].
Instance prod_pointed A B { pa : Pointed A} {pb : Pointed B} : Pointed (A *c* B).
destruct pa as [pa Pa0].
destruct pb as [pb Pb0].
exists (pa,pb).
Lemma PROD_map_compl D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 (f:D0 -c> D1) (g:D1 -c> D2) (h:D3 -c> D4) : (g << f) *f* h == (g *f* ID) << (f *f* h).
intros ; refine (Dprod_unique _ _). unfold PROD_map. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
auto. unfold PROD_map. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
Lemma PROD_map_compr D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 (f:D0 -c> D1) (g:D1 -c> D2) (h:D3 -c> D4) : h *f* (g << f) == (ID *f* g) << (h *f* f).
intros ; refine (Dprod_unique _ _). unfold PROD_map. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
unfold PROD_map. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
Definition curry (D1 D2 D3 : cpo) (f:Dprod D1 D2 -c> D3) : D1 -c> (D2-C->D3) :=
fcont_COMP D1 (D2-C->Dprod D1 D2) (D2-C->D3)
(fcont_COMP D2 (Dprod D1 D2) D3 f) (PAIR).
Definition EV D0 D1 := ((AP D0 D1) @2_ FST) SND.
Implicit Arguments EV [D0 D1].
Lemma EV_simpl D0 D1 (f : D0 -c> D1) a : EV (f,a) = f a.
Add Parametric Morphism D0 D1 : (@EV D0 D1)
with signature (@Ole (Dprod (D0 -C-> D1) D0)) ++> (@Ole D1)
as EV_le_compat.
Add Parametric Morphism D E : (@EV D E)
with signature (@Oeq (Dprod (D -C-> E) D)) ==> (@Oeq E)
as EV_eq_compat.
split ; auto.
Definition CURRY (D0 D1 D2:cpo) : (Dprod D0 D1 -C-> D2) -c> (D0 -C-> D1 -C-> D2) :=
curry (curry (EV << <| FST << FST, <| SND << FST, SND |> |>)).
Implicit Arguments CURRY [D0 D1 D2].
Lemma CURRY_simpl : forall (D1 D2 D3 : cpo) (f:Dprod D1 D2 -C-> D3),
CURRY f == curry f.
intros. unfold CURRY.
simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro. intros x. simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro. intros y. auto.
Lemma curry_com: forall D E F (f : D *c* E -C-> F),
f == EV << (PROD_map (curry f) ID).
intros. simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro. intros d. case d. clear d.
intros d e. auto.
Lemma curry_unique: forall D E F (f:D -c> E -C-> F) g,
g == EV << (PROD_map f ID) -> f == curry g.
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro. intros a. simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro. intros b.
assert (xx:=fcont_eq_elim H (a,b)). auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1 D2 : cpo) : (@curry D0 D1 D2)
with signature (@Ole (Dprod D0 D1 -c> D2)) ++> (@Ole (D0 -c> (D1 -C-> D2)))
as curry_le_compat.
intros f g lf.
simpl. intros x0 x1. auto.
Hint Resolve curry_le_compat_Morphism.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1 D2 : cpo) : (@curry D0 D1 D2)
with signature (@Oeq (Dprod D0 D1 -c> D2)) ==> (@Oeq (D0 -c> (D1 -C-> D2)))
as curry_eq_compat.
intros f1 f2 Eqf.
destruct Eqf as [fle1 fle2].
apply (curry_le_compat fle1).
apply (curry_le_compat fle2).
Hint Resolve curry_eq_compat_Morphism.
Lemma curry_simpl: forall D E F (f:(Dprod E F) -C-> D) x y, curry f x y = f (x,y).
intros D E F f x y.
unfold curry.
repeat (try (rewrite fcont_COMP_simpl) ; try (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl) ; try (rewrite PAIR_simpl)).
simpl. auto.
Lemma Dext (D0 D1 D2:cpo) (f g : D0 -c> D1 -C-> D2) : EV << (f *f* ID) == EV << (g *f* ID) -> f == g.
intros D0 D1 D2 f g C.
rewrite (curry_unique (Oeq_refl (EV << (f *f* ID)))).
rewrite (curry_unique (Oeq_refl (EV << (g *f* ID)))).
apply (curry_eq_compat C).
Definition uncurry D0 D1 D2 :=
curry (EV << <| EV << <| @FST (D0 -C-> D1 -C-> D2) _, FST << SND |>,
SND << SND |>).
Implicit Arguments uncurry [D0 D1 D2].
Lemma uncurry_simpl: forall D E F (f:D -c> E -C-> F) p1 p2, uncurry f (p1,p2) = f p1 p2.
intros ; auto.
Lemma PROD_fun_comp (D0 D1 D2 D3:cpo) (f:D0 -c> D1) (g:D0 -c> D2) (h:D3 -c> D0) : <| f,g |> << h == <| f << h, g << h |>.
refine (Dprod_unique _ _); rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite FST_PROD_fun ; rewrite FST_PROD_fun ; auto.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun ; rewrite SND_PROD_fun ; auto.
Lemma curry_uncurry (D0 D1 D2:cpo) : @CURRY D0 D1 D2 << uncurry == ID.
intros D0 D1 D2.
assert (forall D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 (f:D0 -c> D1) (g:D1 -C-> D2) (h:D3 -c> D4), (g << f) *f* h == (g *f* ID) << (f *f* h)).
intros. refine (Dprod_unique _ _) ; unfold PROD_map. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite FST_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
apply Dext. rewrite H.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
unfold CURRY. rewrite <- curry_com.
apply Dext.
rewrite H.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite <- curry_com.
unfold uncurry.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
assert ((<| FST << FST, <| SND << FST, SND |> |> <<
(curry (D1:=D0 -C-> D1 -C-> D2) (D2:=D0 *c* D1) (D3:=D2)
(EV << <| EV << <| FST, FST << SND |>, SND << SND |>) *f*
@ID D0) *f* @ID D1) ==
(curry (EV << <| EV << <| FST, FST << SND |>, SND << SND |>) *f* (ID *f* ID)) <<
<| FST << FST, <| SND << FST, SND |> |>).
refine (Dprod_unique _ _) ; unfold PROD_map.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite FST_PROD_fun. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite FST_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
refine (Dprod_unique _ _). rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_unitL).
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun).
repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite H0. clear H0. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
assert (@ID D0 *f* @ID D1 == ID) as Ide. refine (Dprod_unique _ _) ; unfold PROD_map.
rewrite FST_PROD_fun. rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
rewrite (PROD_map_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) Ide). rewrite <- curry_com.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc).
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (Dprod_unique _ _) ; unfold PROD_map.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc).
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (Dprod_unique _ _). repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc). repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto. repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc). repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun).
rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. auto.
repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc). repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun).
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun). rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
Lemma uncurry_curry (D0 D1 D2:cpo) : uncurry << @CURRY D0 D1 D2 == ID.
apply Dext. unfold uncurry.
assert (forall D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 (f:D0 -c> D1) (g:D1 -C-> D2) (h:D3 -c> D4), (g << f) *f* h == (g *f* ID) << (f *f* h)).
intros. refine (Dprod_unique _ _) ; unfold PROD_map. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite FST_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
rewrite H. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite <- curry_com. unfold CURRY.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1 D2:cpo) : (@uncurry D0 D1 D2)
with signature (@Oeq (D0 -c> (D1 -C-> D2))) ==> (@Oeq ((Dprod D0 D1) -c> D2))
as uncurry_eq_compat.
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro ; auto.
Hint Resolve uncurry_eq_compat_Morphism.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1 D2:cpo) : (@uncurry D0 D1 D2)
with signature (@Ole (D0 -c> (D1 -C-> D2))) ++> (@Ole ((Dprod D0 D1) -c> D2))
as uncurry_le_compat.
intros. apply fcont_le_intro ; auto.
Hint Resolve uncurry_le_compat_Morphism.
Lemma Uncurry_simpl : forall (D1 D2 D3 : cpo) (f:D1 -c> (D2-C->D3)) (p:Dprod D1 D2),
uncurry f p = f (fst p) (snd p).
Lemma FST_SWAP : forall D E F (f:D -c> F), f << FST << SWAP == f << SND (D1:=E).
intros; apply fcont_eq_intro; auto.
Lemma SND_SWAP : forall D E F (f:E -c> F), f << SND << SWAP == f << FST (D2:=D).
intros; apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Lemma SND_PAIR : forall D E F (f:E -c> F) x, f << SND << PAIR (D1:=D) x == f.
intros; apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Lemma FST_PAIR : forall D E F (f:D -c> F) (x:D), f << FST << PAIR x == @K E _ (f x).
intros; apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Lemma FST_PROD_fun_aux : forall C D E F (f:C -c> D) (g:C -c> E) (k:D -c> F), k << FST << PROD_fun f g == k << f.
intros; apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Lemma SND_PROD_fun_aux : forall C D E F (f:C -c> D) (g:C -c> E) (k:E -c> F), k << SND << PROD_fun f g == k << g.
intros; apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Lemma PROD_map_ID_ID :
forall C D, PROD_map (D1 := C) (D2 := D) ID ID == ID.
intros C D.
apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Lemma PROD_map_PROD_map : forall A B C D E F (f:A -c> B) (g : C -c> D) (h :B -c> E) (i :D -c> F),
PROD_map h i << PROD_map f g == PROD_map (h << f) (i << g).
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Lemma Curry_EV : forall C D E (f:C -c> D -C-> E) , curry (EV << PROD_map f ID) == f.
intros C D E f.
apply curry_unique. trivial.
Lemma EV_Curry : forall C D E (f:Dprod C D -c> E) , EV << PROD_map (curry f) ID == f.
intros C D E f.
rewrite <- curry_com. trivial.
Lemma Curry_comp : forall A B C D (f:Dprod A B -c> C) (g:D -c> A), curry f << g == curry (f << PROD_map g ID).
intros A B C D f g.
assert (H := curry_com f). rewrite H.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite PROD_map_PROD_map.
rewrite Curry_EV. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
rewrite Curry_EV. trivial.
(** ** Indexed product of cpo's *)
Definition Oprodi (I:Type)(O:I->ord) : ord.
intros; exists (forall i:I, O i) (fun p1 p2 => forall i:I, p1 i <= p2 i); intros; auto.
apply Ole_trans with (y i); trivial.
Lemma Oprodi_eq_intro : forall (I:Type)(O:I->ord) (p q : Oprodi O), (forall i, p i == q i) -> p==q.
intros; apply Ole_antisym; intro i; auto.
Lemma Oprodi_eq_elim : forall (I:Type)(O:I->ord) (p q : Oprodi O), p==q -> forall i, p i == q i.
intros; apply Ole_antisym; case H; auto.
Definition Proj (I:Type)(O:I->ord) (i:I) : Oprodi O -m> O i.
exists (fun (x:Oprodi O) => x i); red; intuition.
Lemma Proj_simpl : forall (I:Type)(O:I->ord) (i:I) (x:Oprodi O),
Proj O i x = x i.
Definition Dprodi (I:Type)(D:I->cpo) : cpo.
intros; exists (Oprodi D) (fun (f : natO -m> Oprodi D) (i:I) => lub (Proj D i @ f));
intros; simpl; intros; auto.
apply (le_lub (Proj (fun x : I => D x) i @ c) (n)).
apply lub_le; simpl; intros.
apply (H n i).
Lemma Dprodi_lub_simpl : forall (I:Type)(Di:I->cpo)(h:natO-m>Dprodi Di)(i:I),
lub h i = lub (c:=Di i) (Proj Di i @ h).
Lemma Dprodi_eq_intro : forall I O (p1 p2:@Dprodi I O),
(forall i, Proj O i p1 == Proj O i p2) -> p1 == p2.
intros I O p1 p2 C.
split ; intro i ; specialize (C i) ; simpl in C; auto.
Lemma Dprodi_eq_elim : forall I O i (p1 p2: @Dprodi I O),
p1 == p2 -> Proj O i p1 == Proj O i p2.
intros. simpl. simpl in H. destruct H as [X Y].
split ; auto.
Hint Resolve Dprodi_eq_intro.
Hint Immediate Dprodi_eq_elim.
Lemma Dprodi_le_intro : forall I O (p1 p2:@Dprodi I O),
(forall i, Proj O i p1 <= Proj O i p2) -> p1 <= p2.
intros I O p1 p2 C.
intro i ; specialize (C i) ; simpl in C; auto.
Lemma Dprodi_le_elim : forall I O i (p1 p2: @Dprodi I O),
p1 <= p2 -> Proj O i p1 <= Proj O i p2.
Hint Resolve Dprodi_le_intro.
Hint Immediate Dprodi_le_elim.
Lemma Proj_cont : forall (I:Type)(Di:I->cpo) (i:I),
continuous (D1:=Dprodi Di) (D2:=Di i) (Proj Di i).
red; intros; simpl; trivial.
Definition PROJ (I:Type)(Di:I->cpo) (i:I) : Dprodi Di -c> Di i :=
mk_fconti (Proj_cont (Di:=Di) i).
Lemma PROJ_simpl : forall (I:Type)(Di:I->cpo) (i:I)(d:Dprodi Di),
PROJ Di i d = d i.
Lemma Dprodi_unique: forall I O D (f g : D -C-> @Dprodi I O),
(forall i, PROJ O i << f == PROJ O i << g) -> f == g.
intros. simpl.
apply fcont_eq_intro. intros x. simpl.
refine (Dprodi_eq_intro _).
intros i. specialize (H i). assert (h:=fcont_eq_elim H x).
Definition Prodi_fun I O D (f:forall i:I, D -m> O i) : D -m> Oprodi O.
intros. exists (fun d => fun i => f i d).
unfold monotonic. intros d0 d1 deq. simpl. intros i.
assert (monotonic (f i)) as M by auto.
apply M. auto.
Definition PRODI_fun I O D (f:forall i:I, D -c> O i) : D -c> Dprodi O.
intros. exists (@Prodi_fun I _ D (fun i => fcontit (f i))).
unfold continuous. intros c. simpl.
intros i. assert (continuous (fcontit (f i))) as C by auto.
unfold continuous in C. rewrite C.
refine (lub_le_compat _). auto.
Lemma PROJ_com_point: forall D I O (f:forall i, D -C-> O i) (i:I) d,
PROJ O i (PRODI_fun f d) = f i d.
Lemma PROJ_com: forall D I O (f:forall i, D -C-> O i) (i:I),
PROJ O i << PRODI_fun f == f i.
auto using fcont_eq_intro.
Definition PRODI_map I O1 O2 (f:forall i:I, O1 i -c> O2 i) :=
PRODI_fun (fun i => f i << PROJ O1 i).
Lemma Dprodi_continuous : forall (D:cpo)(I:Type)(Di:I->cpo)
(f:D -m> Dprodi Di), (forall i, continuous (Proj Di i @ f)) ->
continuous f.
red; intros; intro i.
apply Ole_trans with (lub (c:=Di i) ((Proj Di i @ f) @ c)); auto.
exact (H i c).
Definition Dprodi_lift : forall (I J:Type)(Di:I->cpo)(f:J->I),
Dprodi Di -m> Dprodi (fun j => Di (f j)).
exists (fun (p:Dprodi Di) j => p (f j)); red; auto.
Lemma Dprodi_lift_simpl : forall (I J:Type)(Di:I->cpo)(f:J->I)(p:Dprodi Di),
Dprodi_lift Di f p = fun j => p (f j).
Lemma Dprodi_lift_cont : forall (I J:Type)(Di:I->cpo)(f:J->I),
continuous (Dprodi_lift Di f).
intros; apply Dprodi_continuous; red; simpl; intros; auto.
Definition DLIFTi (I J:Type)(Di:I->cpo)(f:J->I) : Dprodi Di -c> Dprodi (fun j => Di (f j))
:= mk_fconti (Dprodi_lift_cont (Di:=Di) f).
Definition Dmapi : forall (I:Type)(Di Dj:I->cpo)(f:forall i, Di i -m> Dj i),
Dprodi Di -m> Dprodi Dj.
intros; exists (fun p i => f i (p i)); red; auto.
Lemma Dmapi_simpl : forall (I:Type)(Di Dj:I->cpo)(f:forall i, Di i -m> Dj i) (p:Dprodi Di) (i:I),
Dmapi f p i = f i (p i).
(* Stuff
(** *** Particular cases with one or two elements *)
Section Product2.
Definition I2 := bool.
Variable DI2 : bool -> cpo.
Definition DP1 := DI2 true.
Definition DP2 := DI2 false.
Definition PI1 : Dprodi DI2 -c> DP1 := PROJ DI2 true.
Definition pi1 (d:Dprodi DI2) := PI1 d.
Definition PI2 : Dprodi DI2 -c> DP2 := PROJ DI2 false.
Definition pi2 (d:Dprodi DI2) := PI2 d.
Definition pair2 (d1:DP1) (d2:DP2) : Dprodi DI2 := bool_rect DI2 d1 d2.
Lemma pair2_le_compat : forall (d1 d'1:DP1) (d2 d'2:DP2), d1 <= d'1 -> d2 <= d'2
-> pair2 d1 d2 <= pair2 d'1 d'2.
intros; intro b; case b; simpl; auto.
Definition Pair2 : DP1 -m> DP2 -m> Dprodi DI2 := le_compat2_mon pair2_le_compat.
Definition PAIR2 : DP1 -c> DP2 -C-> Dprodi DI2.
apply continuous2_cont with (f:=Pair2).
red; intros; intro b.
case b; simpl; apply lub_le_compat; auto.
Lemma PAIR2_simpl : forall (d1:DP1) (d2:DP2), PAIR2 d1 d2 = Pair2 d1 d2.
Lemma Pair2_simpl : forall (d1:DP1) (d2:DP2), Pair2 d1 d2 = pair2 d1 d2.
Lemma pi1_simpl : forall (d1: DP1) (d2:DP2), pi1 (pair2 d1 d2) = d1.
Lemma pi2_simpl : forall (d1: DP1) (d2:DP2), pi2 (pair2 d1 d2) = d2.
Definition DI2_map (f1 : DP1 -c> DP1) (f2:DP2 -c> DP2)
: Dprodi DI2 -c> Dprodi DI2 :=
DMAPi (bool_rect (fun b:bool => DI2 b -c>DI2 b) f1 f2).
Lemma Dl2_map_eq : forall (f1 : DP1 -c> DP1) (f2:DP2 -c> DP2) (d:Dprodi DI2),
DI2_map f1 f2 d == pair2 (f1 (pi1 d)) (f2 (pi2 d)).
intros; simpl; apply Oprodi_eq_intro; intro b; case b; trivial.
End Product2.
Hint Resolve Dl2_map_eq.
Section Product1.
Definition I1 := unit.
Variable D : cpo.
Definition DI1 (_:unit) := D.
Definition PI : Dprodi DI1 -c> D := PROJ DI1 tt.
Definition pi (d:Dprodi DI1) := PI d.
Definition pair1 (d:D) : Dprodi DI1 := unit_rect DI1 d.
Definition pair1_simpl : forall (d:D) (x:unit), pair1 d x = d.
destruct x; trivial.
Definition Pair1 : D -m> Dprodi DI1.
exists pair1; red; intros; intro d.
repeat (rewrite pair1_simpl);trivial.
Lemma Pair1_simpl : forall (d:D), Pair1 d = pair1 d.
Definition PAIR1 : D -c> Dprodi DI1.
exists Pair1; red; intros; repeat (rewrite Pair1_simpl).
intro d; rewrite pair1_simpl.
rewrite (Dprodi_lub_simpl (Di:=DI1)).
apply lub_le_compat; intros.
intro x; simpl; rewrite pair1_simpl; auto.
Lemma pi_simpl : forall (d:D), pi (pair1 d) = d.
Definition DI1_map (f : D -c> D)
: Dprodi DI1 -c> Dprodi DI1 :=
DMAPi (fun t:unit => f).
Lemma DI1_map_eq : forall (f : D -c> D) (d:Dprodi DI1),
DI1_map f d == pair1 (f (pi d)).
intros; simpl; apply Oprodi_eq_intro; intro b; case b; trivial.
End Product1.
Hint Resolve DI1_map_eq.
End of Stuff *)

View file

@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
Definition of co-products and associated lemmas
Require Import PredomCore.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Order-theoretic definitions
Definition Osum: ord -> ord -> ord.
intros O1 O2. exists ((O1 + O2)%type)
(fun x y => match x, y with | inl x, inl y => x <= y | inr x, inr y => x <= y | _,_ => False end).
intros x. case x ; intros t ; apply Ole_refl.
intros x y z. case x ; clear x ; intros x.
case y ; clear y ; intros y ; try (intros ; intuition ; fail).
case z ; clear z ; intros z ; try (intros ; intuition ; fail). apply Ole_trans.
case y ; clear y ; intros y ; try (intros ; intuition ; fail).
case z ; clear z ; intros z ; try (intros ; intuition ; fail). apply Ole_trans.
Definition Inl (O1 O2:ord) : O1 -m> (Osum O1 O2).
intros. exists (fun x => @inl O1 O2 x). unfold monotonic.
intros. auto.
Definition Inr (O1 O2 :ord) : O2 -m> (Osum O1 O2).
intros. exists (fun x => @inr O1 O2 x). unfold monotonic. auto.
Definition sum_left (D1 D2:cpo) (c:natO -m> Osum D1 D2) (ex:{d| c O = inl D2 d}) : (natO -m> D1).
intros D1 D2 c ex.
destruct ex as [d ex].
exists (fun x => match c x with | inl y => y | inr _ => d end).
unfold monotonic.
intros n m lm. assert (c n <= c m). auto. generalize H. clear H.
assert ((O <= n) % nat) as no by omega. assert (c O <= c n) as con by auto. rewrite ex in con. clear ex no.
generalize con. clear con.
case (c n). intros d1 _. case (c m). intros d1'. auto.
intros d2' incon. inversion incon. intros d1' incon. inversion incon.
Definition sum_right (D1 D2:cpo) (c:natO -m> Osum D1 D2) (ex:{d | c O = inr D1 d}) : (natO -m> D2).
intros D1 D2 c ex.
destruct ex as [d ex].
exists (fun x => match c x with | inr y => y | inl _ => d end).
unfold monotonic.
intros n m lm. assert (c n <= c m). auto. generalize H. clear H.
assert ((O <= n) % nat) as no by omega. assert (c O <= c n) as con by auto. rewrite ex in con. clear ex no.
generalize con. clear con.
case (c n). intros d1 _. case (c m). intros d1'. auto.
intros d2' incon. inversion incon. intros d1' _. case (c m). intros tt incon. inversion incon.
intros d2' l. auto.
Definition SuminjProof: forall (D1 D2:cpo) (c:natO -m> Osum D1 D2) (n:nat),
{d | c n = inl D2 d} + {d | c n = inr D1 d}.
intros D1 D2 c n.
assert ((0 <= n)%nat). omega.
assert (c 0 <= c n). auto. clear H.
case_eq (c 0).
intros d1 c0.
case_eq (c n). intros dn cnd.
exists dn. auto.
intros d2 incon. rewrite incon in H0. rewrite c0 in H0. inversion H0.
intros d2 c0. right.
case_eq (c n). intros dn cnd.
rewrite cnd in H0. rewrite c0 in H0. inversion H0.
intros dn cn. exists dn. auto.
Definition sum_lub (D1 D2:cpo) (c: natO -m> Osum D1 D2) : (Osum D1 D2).
intros D1 D2 c. case (SuminjProof c 0).
intros X. refine (inl D2 (lub (sum_left X))).
intro X. refine (inr D1 (lub (sum_right X))).
Domain-theoretic definitions
Definition Dsum : cpo -> cpo -> cpo.
intros D1 D2. exists (Osum D1 D2) (@sum_lub D1 D2).
intros c n.
case_eq (c 0).
intros d1 c0.
simpl. case_eq (c n). intros dn cn.
unfold sum_lub. destruct (SuminjProof c 0) as [inj|inj].
assert (sum_left inj n = dn).
destruct inj. simpl. rewrite cn. auto.
rewrite <- H.
apply le_lub.
destruct inj as [dd c0n]. rewrite c0n in c0. inversion c0.
intros d2 cn.
assert ((0 <= n) % nat) as A by omega.
assert (c 0 <= c n) by auto. rewrite c0 in H. rewrite cn in H. inversion H.
intros d2 c0. simpl. case_eq (c n). intros dn cn.
unfold sum_lub. destruct (SuminjProof c 0) as [[d inj] | inj].
rewrite inj in c0. inversion c0.
assert ((0 <= n) % nat) as A by omega. assert (c 0 <= c n) by auto.
rewrite c0 in H. rewrite cn in H. inversion H.
intros dn cn. unfold sum_lub. destruct (SuminjProof c 0) as [[dd inj]|[d inj]].
rewrite c0 in inj. inversion inj.
assert (sum_right (exist (fun dd => c 0 = inr D1 dd) d inj) n = dn).
simpl. rewrite cn. auto.
rewrite <- H.
apply (le_lub).
intros c x. case x ; clear x ; intros x cn. unfold sum_lub.
case (SuminjProof c 0). intros s.
assert (lub (sum_left s) <= x).
apply (lub_le). intros n. specialize (cn n). destruct s as [d c0].
simpl. case_eq (c n). intros dn dnl. rewrite dnl in cn. auto.
intros dn cnr. rewrite cnr in cn. inversion cn. auto.
intros s. destruct s. simpl. specialize (cn 0).
rewrite e in cn. inversion cn.
unfold sum_lub. case (SuminjProof c 0). intros s.
destruct s. simpl. specialize (cn 0). rewrite e in cn. inversion cn.
intros s. assert (lub (sum_right s) <= x).
apply lub_le. intros n. specialize (cn n). destruct s as [d c0].
simpl. case_eq (c n). intros dl cnl. rewrite cnl in cn. inversion cn.
intros dl dll. rewrite dll in cn. auto. auto.
Definition Sum_fun : forall (D1 D2 D3:cpo) (f:D1 -m> D3) (g:D2-m> D3),
Dsum D1 D2 -m> D3.
intros. exists (fun p => match p with inl y => (f y) | inr y => (g y) end).
unfold monotonic. intros x y.
case_eq x. intros xx _. clear x. case_eq y. intros yy _ ll. auto.
intros yy _ incon. inversion incon.
intros xx _. case_eq y. intros yy _ incon. inversion incon.
intros yy _ ll. auto.
Definition SUM_fun (D1 D2 D3:cpo)(f:D1 -c> D3) (g:D2 -c> D3) :
Dsum D1 D2 -c> D3.
intros. exists (Sum_fun (fcontit f) (fcontit g)).
unfold continuous. intros c.
simpl. case_eq (sum_lub c).
intros ll. intros sl. unfold sum_lub in sl.
destruct (SuminjProof c 0).
inversion sl. clear sl.
destruct s as [dd c0]. assert (continuous (fcontit f)) as fC by auto.
unfold continuous in fC. rewrite fC.
apply lub_le_compat. simpl. intros n.
case_eq (c n). intros t cn. simpl. simpl in cn. rewrite cn. auto.
intros t cn. simpl. simpl in cn. rewrite cn.
assert (c 0 <= c n). assert (0 <= n) % nat by omega. auto.
simpl in c0. simpl in H. rewrite c0 in H. rewrite cn in H. inversion H.
inversion sl.
intros ll. intros sl. unfold sum_lub in sl. destruct (SuminjProof c 0).
inversion sl. inversion sl. clear sl. destruct s as [dd c0].
assert (continuous (fcontit g)) as gC by auto.
unfold continuous in gC. rewrite gC. apply lub_le_compat.
simpl. intros n.
simpl. case_eq (c n). intros t cn. simpl. simpl in cn. rewrite cn.
assert (c 0 <= c n). assert (0 <= n)%nat as A by omega. auto.
simpl in H. rewrite c0 in H. rewrite cn in H. inversion H.
intros t cn. simpl in cn. rewrite cn. auto.
Implicit Arguments SUM_fun [D1 D2 D3].
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F:cpo) : (@SUM_fun D E F)
with signature (@Ole (D -c> F)) ++> (@Ole (E -c> F)) ++> (@Ole ((Dsum D E) -c> F))
as SUM_fun_le_compat.
intros f f' lf g g' lg.
simpl. intros x ; case x ; clear x ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F:cpo) : (@SUM_fun D E F)
with signature (@Oeq (D -c> F)) ==> (@Oeq (E -c> F)) ==> (@Oeq ((Dsum D E) -c> F))
as SUM_fun_eq_compat.
intros f f' lf g g' lg.
simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro.
destruct lg. destruct lf.
intros x ; split ; case x ; clear x ; auto.
Definition INL (D1 D2:cpo) : D1 -c> Dsum D1 D2.
intros. exists (@Inl D1 D2). unfold continuous.
intros c. simpl. apply lub_le_compat.
simpl. auto.
Implicit Arguments INL [D1 D2].
Add Parametric Morphism (D E:cpo) : (@INL D E)
with signature (@Ole D) ++> (@Ole (Dsum D E))
as SUM_INL_le_compat.
intros ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E:cpo) : (@INL D E)
with signature (@Oeq D) ==> (@Oeq (Dsum D E))
as SUM_INL_eq_compat.
intros ; auto.
Definition INR (D1 D2:cpo) : D2 -c> Dsum D1 D2.
intros. exists (@Inr D1 D2). unfold continuous. intros c. simpl. apply lub_le_compat.
Implicit Arguments INR [D1 D2].
Add Parametric Morphism (D E:cpo) : (@INR D E)
with signature (@Ole E) ++> (@Ole (Dsum D E))
as SUM_INR_le_compat.
intros ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E:cpo) : (@INR D E)
with signature (@Oeq E) ==> (@Oeq (Dsum D E))
as SUM_INR_eq_compat.
intros ; auto.
Definition SUM_map D1 D2 D3 D4 (f:D1 -c> D3) (g:D2 -c> D4) :=
SUM_fun (INL << f) (INR << g).
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F G:cpo) : (@SUM_map D E F G)
with signature (@Ole (D -c> F)) ++> (@Ole (E -c> G)) ++> (@Ole ((Dsum D E) -c> (Dsum F G)))
as SUM_map_le_compat.
intros f f' lf g g' lg.
simpl. intros x ; case x ; clear x ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F G:cpo) : (@SUM_map D E F G)
with signature (@Oeq (D -c> F)) ==> (@Oeq (E -c> G)) ==> (@Oeq ((Dsum D E) -c> (Dsum F G)))
as SUM_map_eq_compat.
intros f f' lf g g' lg.
simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro.
destruct lg. destruct lf.
intros x ; split ; case x ; clear x ; auto.
Definition SUM_Map1 (D E F G:cpo) : (D -C-> F) -> (E -C-> G) -M-> Dsum D E -C-> Dsum F G.
intros. exists (@SUM_map D E F G X).
unfold monotonic. intros x y xyl. intros xx ; case xx ; auto.
Definition SUM_Map (D E F G:cpo) : (D -C-> F) -M-> (E -C-> G) -M-> Dsum D E -C-> Dsum F G.
intros. exists (@SUM_Map1 D E F G). unfold monotonic.
intros x y xyl. intros xx yy ; case xx ; case yy ; simpl ; auto.
Lemma SUM_Map_continuous2 : forall D E F G, continuous2 (SUM_Map D E F G).
intros. unfold continuous2. intros c1 c2.
intros p. case p ; auto.
Definition SUM_MAP (D E F G:cpo) : (D -C-> F) -C-> (E -C-> G) -C-> Dsum D E -C-> Dsum F G :=
(continuous2_cont (@SUM_Map_continuous2 D E F G)).
Lemma SUM_map_simpl (D E F G:cpo) f g : SUM_MAP D E F G f g = SUM_map f g.
intros. auto.
Lemma SUM_fun_simpl (D E F:cpo) f g s : @SUM_fun D E F f g s = Sum_fun (fcontit f) (fcontit g) s.
intros. auto.
Lemma Dsum_lcom: forall D1 D2 D3 f g, @SUM_fun D1 D2 D3 f g << INL == f.
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro. intros s. auto.
Lemma Dsum_rcom: forall D1 D2 D3 f g, @SUM_fun D1 D2 D3 f g << INR == g.
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Lemma Dsum_unique: forall D1 D2 D3 f g h, h << INL == f -> h << INR == g ->
h == @SUM_fun D1 D2 D3 f g.
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro. intros x.
case x. clear x. intros t.
assert (xx:= fcont_eq_elim H t). auto.
intros t. assert (xx:= fcont_eq_elim H0 t). auto.
Lemma SUM_fun_comp :
forall C D E F (f:C-c>E) (g:D-c>E) (h:E-c>F), h << SUM_fun f g == SUM_fun (h << f) (h << g).
intros C D E F f g h.
apply fcont_eq_intro. intro x. case x; auto.

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@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
Require Export Setoids.Setoid.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Record SetKind :=
tSetKind :> Type;
eq_rel : tSetKind -> tSetKind -> Prop;
Peq_rel : equiv _ eq_rel
Record set (sk:SetKind) :=
car : tSetKind sk -> Prop;
car_eq : forall x y, @eq_rel sk x y -> car x -> car y
Lemma set_trans : forall (T:SetKind) a b c, (@eq_rel T a b) -> (eq_rel b c) -> (eq_rel a c).
intros T a b c ab bc.
assert (xx:=Peq_rel T). unfold equiv in *. destruct xx as [_ [tt _]].
unfold transitive in tt. apply (tt _ _ _ ab bc).
Hint Resolve set_trans.
Lemma set_refl : forall (T:SetKind) a, @eq_rel T a a.
intros T a. assert (xx:=Peq_rel T). unfold equiv in *. destruct xx as [tt [_ _]].
unfold reflexive in tt. apply (tt a).
Hint Resolve set_refl.
Lemma set_sym : forall (T:SetKind) a b, (@eq_rel T a b) -> (eq_rel b a).
intros T a b. assert (xx:=Peq_rel T). unfold equiv in *. destruct xx as [_ [_ tt]].
unfold symmetric in tt. apply (tt a b).
Hint Resolve set_sym.
Definition union T (S R:set T) : set T.
intros T S R. exists (fun x => car S x \/ car R x).
intros x y Rel xy. destruct xy as [Sx | Sy].
left. apply (car_eq Rel Sx). right. apply (car_eq Rel Sy).
Definition Union T (S:set T -> Prop) : set T.
intros T S. exists (fun x => exists s, S s /\ car s x).
intros x y Rel xy. destruct xy as [s [Ss cx]].
exists s. split. auto. refine (car_eq Rel cx).
Definition intersect T (S R:set T) : set T.
intros T S R. exists (fun x => car S x /\ car R x).
intros x y Rel [Sx Rx]. split.
apply (car_eq Rel Sx). apply (car_eq Rel Rx).
Definition Intersect T (S: set T -> Prop) : set T.
intros T S. exists (fun x => forall s, S s -> car s x).
intros x y Rel C s Ss.
apply (car_eq Rel (C _ Ss)).
Definition subset T (S R:set T) := forall x, car S x -> car R x.
Definition set_eq T (S R:set T) := subset S R /\ subset R S.
Definition setmorphism (T T':SetKind) (f: T -> set T') :=
forall x y, @eq_rel T x y -> set_eq (f x) (f y).
Record fsetm (T T':SetKind) :=
fsett :> T -> set T';
fsetmorphism : setmorphism fsett
Definition Sarrow (T:Type) (T':SetKind) : SetKind.
intros T T'. exists (T -> T') (fun f g => forall x, eq_rel (f x) (g x)).
assert (equiv _ (@eq_rel T')). apply Peq_rel.
unfold equiv in *. unfold reflexive in *. unfold transitive in *. unfold symmetric in *.
destruct H as [r [t s]]. split.
intros f x. auto. split. intros f g h a b x. specialize (a x). specialize (b x).
specialize (t _ _ _ a b). apply t.
intros f g a x. specialize (a x). specialize (s _ _ a). apply s.
Definition Sprod (T T' : SetKind) : SetKind.
intros T T'. exists (T * T')%type (fun p0 p1 => @eq_rel T (fst p0) (fst p1) /\ @eq_rel T' (snd p0) (snd p1)).
assert (equiv _ (@eq_rel T)) as [sr [st ss]] by (apply Peq_rel).
assert (equiv _ (@eq_rel T')) as [s'r [s't s's]] by (apply Peq_rel).
unfold equiv. unfold reflexive in *. unfold transitive in *. unfold symmetric in *.
split. intros x. case x. clear x. intros ; auto. split.
intros x ; case x ; clear x. intros x0 x1 y ; case y ; clear y.
intros y0 y1 z ; case z ; clear z ; intro z0. simpl. intros z1 [E0 E1] [E2 E3].
specialize (st _ _ _ E0 E2). specialize (s't _ _ _ E1 E3).
split ; auto.
intros x ; case x ; clear x ; intros x0 x1 y ; case y ; clear y ; intros y0 y1.
simpl. intros [E0 E1]. specialize (ss _ _ E0). specialize (s's _ _ E1).
split ; auto.
Definition SFst T T' : set (Sprod T T') -> set T.
intros T T' S. exists (fun t => exists t', car S (t,t')).
intros t0 t1. intros Rel ex. destruct ex as [t' c0]. exists t'.
simpl in *. assert (@eq_rel (Sprod T T') (t0,t') (t1,t')) as Rel'.
simpl. split. apply Rel. apply set_refl.
refine (car_eq Rel' c0).
Definition SSnd T T' : set (Sprod T T') -> set T'.
intros T T' S. exists (fun t' => exists t, car S (t,t')).
intros t0 t1. intros Rel ex. destruct ex as [t' c0]. exists t'.
simpl in *. assert (@eq_rel (Sprod T T') (t',t0) (t',t1)) as Rel'.
simpl. split. apply set_refl. apply Rel.
refine (car_eq Rel' c0).
Definition Ssum (T T':SetKind) : SetKind.
intros T T'. exists (T + T') % type
(fun x y => match x, y with | inl x, inl y => eq_rel x y
| inr x, inr y => eq_rel x y | _,_ => False
unfold equiv. split. unfold reflexive. intros x ; case x ; auto.
split. unfold transitive.
intros x y z ; case x ; clear x ; intros x ; case y ; clear y ; intros y ;
case z ; clear z ; intros z ; auto.
refine (@set_trans T x y z).
intros incon. inversion incon. intros incon. inversion incon.
refine (@set_trans T' x y z).
unfold symmetric.
intros x y ; case x ; clear x ; intro x ; case y ; clear y ; intros y ; auto.
Definition SingleSet (T:SetKind) (v:T) : set T.
intros T x. exists (fun (y:T) => eq_rel x y).
intros x0 y0. intros veq xeq. assert (tt:= proj1 (proj2 (Peq_rel T))).
unfold transitive in tt. apply (tt _ _ _ xeq veq).
Definition EmptySet (T:SetKind) : set T.
intros T. exists (fun (x:T) => False).
Definition inv_Kind (T:SetKind) S (f:S -> T) : SetKind.
intros T S f. exists (S) (fun x y => eq_rel (f x) (f y)).
unfold equiv. split. unfold reflexive.
intros s. auto. split. unfold transitive. intros x y z xy yz.
apply (proj1 (proj2 (Peq_rel T)) (f x) (f y) (f z)) ; auto.
intros x y. apply (proj2 (proj2 (Peq_rel T)) (f x) (f y)).
Definition inv_image (T:SetKind) S (f:S -> T) : set T -> set (inv_Kind f).
intros T S f t.
exists (fun x => car t (f x)).
simpl. intros x y xy cx.
refine (car_eq xy cx).
Definition LeibnizKind (T:Type) : SetKind.
intros T. exists T (@eq T).
unfold equiv. split. unfold reflexive. auto. split.
unfold transitive. intros x y z xy yz. apply (trans_eq xy yz).
unfold symmetric. intros x y xy. apply (sym_eq xy).
Definition LeibnizSet (T:Type) (car:T -> Prop) : set (LeibnizKind T).
intros T c. exists c.
intros x y eq. simpl in eq. rewrite eq. auto.
Definition EqSetKind T eq_rel (Peq_rel:equiv T eq_rel) : SetKind.
intros T eq equiv. exists T eq. auto.
Definition UNIV T : set T.
intros T. exists (fun x => True). auto.
Definition set_respect (T T':SetKind) (f:T -> T') := forall x y, eq_rel x y -> eq_rel (f x) (f y).
Definition Inv_image (T T':SetKind) (f:T -> T') (sf:set_respect f) : (set T') -> set T.
intros T T' f sf s. exists (fun x => car s (f x)).
intros x y eq c. refine (car_eq _ c). unfold set_respect in sf.
refine (sf _ _ eq).
Lemma fst_set_respect : forall (T T':SetKind), @set_respect (Sprod T T') T (@fst T T').
intros T T'. unfold set_respect.
simpl. intros x y [R _]. apply R.
Lemma snd_set_respect : forall (T T':SetKind), @set_respect (Sprod T T') T' (@snd T T').
intros T T' x y [_ R]. apply R.

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@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
Require Import utility.
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import typedlambda.
Require Import typedopsem.
Require Import typeddensem.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Logical relation between semantics and terms, used to prove adequacy
See Winskel Chapter 11, Section 11.4.
(** printing senv %\ensuremath{\rho}% *)
(** printing d1 %\ensuremath{d_1}% *)
(* Lift a value-relation to a computation-relation *)
Definition liftRel ty (R : SemTy ty -> CValue ty -> Prop) :=
fun (d:DL _) e => forall d', d == Val d' -> exists v, e =>> v /\ R d' v.
(* Logical relation between semantics and closed value terms *)
Unset Implicit Arguments.
Fixpoint relVal ty : SemTy ty -> CValue ty -> Prop :=
match ty with
| Int => fun d v => v = TINT d
| Bool => fun d v => v = TBOOL d
| ty1 --> ty2 => fun d v => exists e, v = TFIX e /\ forall d1 v1, relVal ty1 d1 v1 -> liftRel (relVal ty2) (d d1) (substExp [ v1, v ] e)
| ty1 ** ty2 => fun d v => exists v1, exists v2, v = TPAIR v1 v2 /\ relVal ty1 (FST d) v1 /\ relVal ty2 (SND d) v2
(* Logical relation between semantic environments and value environments *)
Fixpoint relEnv env : SemEnv env -> Subst env nil -> Prop :=
match env with
| nil => fun _ _ => True
| ty :: env => fun d s => relVal ty (SND d) (hdMap s) /\ relEnv env (FST d) (tlMap s)
(* Computation relation, already inlined into relVal *)
Definition relExp ty := liftRel (relVal ty).
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Lemma relVal_lower_lift :
forall ty,
(forall d d' (v:CValue ty), d <= d' -> relVal ty d' v -> relVal ty d v) ->
(forall d d' (e:CExp ty), d <= d' -> relExp ty d' e -> relExp ty d e).
intros t IH d d' e l R.
unfold relExp, liftRel in *.
intros d'0 eq.
rewrite eq in l.
assert (S := DLle_Val_exists_eq l).
destruct S as [d'1 [d'eq l']].
clear eq l. specialize (R d'1 d'eq).
destruct R as [v [ev grl]].
exists v. split; auto. specialize (IH d'0 d'1 v l'). auto.
(* Lemma 11.12 (ii) from Winskel *)
Lemma relVal_lower: forall ty d d' v, d <= d' -> relVal ty d' v -> relVal ty d v.
induction ty.
(* Int *)
simpl. intros. subst. auto.
(* Bool *)
simpl. intros. subst. auto.
(* Arrow *)
intros d d' v l. simpl relVal. intros [b [veq C]]. subst. exists b.
split; auto.
intros d1 v1 gl1.
assert (S := fcont_le_elim l d1).
specialize (C d1 v1 gl1). unfold liftRel in *.
assert (A := relVal_lower_lift IHty2 S (e := (substExp (env':= nil) [v1,TFIX b] b))). unfold relExp, liftRel in A. auto.
(* Pair *)
simpl. intros p1 p2 v [leq1 leq2] [v1 [v2 [veq [gl1 gl2]]]].
exists v1. exists v2. split; auto.
specialize (IHty1 _ _ v1 leq1 gl1).
specialize (IHty2 _ _ v2 leq2 gl2). split ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism ty (v:CValue ty) : (fun d => relVal ty d v)
with signature (@Oeq (SemTy ty)) ==> iff as relVal_eq_compat.
intros x y xyeq.
destruct xyeq as [xy1 xy2].
split; apply relVal_lower; trivial.
Add Parametric Morphism ty (v:CExp ty) : (fun d => relExp ty d v)
with signature (@Oeq (DL (SemTy ty))) ==> iff as relExp_eq_compat.
intros x y xyeq.
destruct xyeq as [xy1 xy2].
split; apply (relVal_lower_lift (relVal_lower (ty:=ty))); trivial.
Lemma rel_admissible_lift : forall ty,
(forall v, admissible (fun d => relVal ty d v)) ->
(forall e, admissible (fun d => relExp ty d e)).
intros t IH e.
unfold admissible in *.
intros c C.
unfold relExp, liftRel in *.
intros d eq.
destruct (lubval eq) as [k [dv [ck dvd]]].
destruct (C _ _ ck) as [v [ev rv]].
exists v. split ; auto.
destruct (DLvalgetchain ck) as [c' P].
specialize (IH v c').
assert ((lub (c:=SemTy t) c') == d) as deq. apply vinj.
rewrite <- eq. rewrite <- eta_val. apply (Oeq_trans (y:=lub (fcontit eta @ c'))).
apply lub_comp_eq ; auto.
apply Oeq_sym.
refine (Oeq_trans (lub_lift_left _ k) _).
apply lub_eq_compat. apply fmon_eq_intro. intros x. simpl. apply P.
refine (relVal_lower (proj2 deq) _).
apply IH. intros n.
specialize (P n). specialize (C _ _ P).
destruct C as [vv [evv rvv]].
rewrite (Determinacy ev evv). apply rvv.
Require Import Program.Equality.
(* Lemma 11.12 (iii) from Winskel *)
Lemma rel_admissible: forall ty v, admissible (fun d => relVal ty d v).
induction ty.
(* Int *)
intros v c C. simpl. apply (C 0).
(* Bool *)
intros v c C. simpl. apply (C 0).
(* Arrow *)
unfold admissible in *.
intros v c C.
simpl relVal.
assert (rv := C 0). simpl in rv. destruct rv as [b [tbeq C0]].
exists b.
split; auto.
intros d1 v1 R1.
refine (rel_admissible_lift _ _). unfold admissible.
intros vv cc CC. apply IHty2. apply CC.
intros n. unfold relExp. unfold liftRel.
intros d' CC.
assert (Cn := C n). simpl in Cn.
destruct Cn as [bb [tteq Cn]].
assert (b = bb) as bbeq. rewrite tteq in *.
clear C0 d1 v1 R1 CC tteq v Cn C.
generalize bb tbeq. clear bb tbeq.
intros bb. intros eq.
apply (TFIX_injective (sym_equal eq)).
rewrite <- bbeq in *. clear bb bbeq.
clear tteq.
specialize (Cn _ _ R1).
unfold liftRel in Cn. specialize (Cn _ CC). apply Cn.
(* Pair *)
unfold admissible.
intros v c C. simpl. unfold prod_lub.
generalize C.
destruct (ClosedPair v) as [v1 [v2 veq]]. subst.
intros _.
exists v1. exists v2.
specialize (IHty1 v1). specialize (IHty2 v2).
split. rewrite FST_simpl. rewrite Fst_simpl. simpl fst. apply IHty1. intros n. specialize (C n). simpl. simpl in C.
destruct C as [v3 [v4 [veq [C1 C2]]]]. clear C2.
destruct (TPAIR_injective veq) as [E1 E2]. subst.
rewrite SND_simpl. rewrite Snd_simpl. simpl snd. apply IHty2. intros n. specialize (C n). simpl. simpl in C.
destruct C as [v3 [v4 [veq [C1 C2]]]]. clear C1.
destruct (TPAIR_injective veq) as [E1 E2]. subst.
Lemma PBot_val_incon: forall D x, DL_bot D == Val (D:=D) x -> False.
intros D x incon. assert (xx := proj2 incon). clear incon.
simpl in xx. inversion xx. subst. clear H1 xx. induction n.
simpl in H0. rewrite DL_bot_eq in H0. inversion H0.
rewrite DL_bot_eq in H0. simpl in H0. apply (IHn H0).
Lemma choose_t_simpl: forall (D:cpo) e1 e2, choose D e1 e2 true = e1.
intros D e1 e2. unfold choose. auto.
Lemma choose_f_simpl: forall (D:cpo) e1 e2, choose D e1 e2 false = e2.
intros D e1 e2. unfold choose. auto.
Lemma chooseVal: forall (D:cpo) b (e1 e2:DL D) v , choose _ e1 e2 b == Val v ->
(b = true /\ e1 == Val v) \/ (b = false /\ e2 == Val v).
intros D b e1 e2 v.
assert (choose _ e1 e2 b = fcontit (choosec e1 e2) b). auto.
rewrite H. simpl. clear H.
destruct b. intros e1val. left. split ; auto.
intros ; right ; split ; auto.
Lemma SemEnvCons : forall t E (env : SemEnv (t :: E)), exists d, exists ds, env = PAIR ds d.
intros. dependent inversion env. exists t1. exists t0. auto.
Lemma Discrete_injective : forall t (v1 v2:Discrete t), v1 == v2 -> v1 = v2.
intros t v1 v2 eq.
destruct eq. destruct H. destruct H0. trivial.
Lemma relEnv_ext env senv s s' : (forall x y, s x y = s' x y) -> relEnv env senv s -> relEnv env senv s'.
intros E env s s' C r. induction E. auto.
simpl. simpl in r. destruct r as [rl rr].
split. rewrite SND_simpl. rewrite SND_simpl in rl. unfold hdMap. unfold hdMap in rl.
simpl. simpl in rl. rewrite <- (C a (ZVAR E a)). apply rl.
rewrite FST_simpl. unfold tlMap. simpl. rewrite FST_simpl in rr. unfold tlMap in rr. simpl in rr.
refine (IHE _ _ _ _ rr). intros x y. specialize (C x (SVAR a y)). auto.
Theorem FundamentalTheorem:
(forall env ty v senv s, relEnv env senv s -> relVal ty (SemVal v senv) (substVal s v))
(forall env ty e senv s, relEnv env senv s -> liftRel (relVal ty) (SemExp e senv) (substExp s e)).
apply ExpVal_ind.
(* TINT *)
simpl; auto.
(* TBOOL *)
simpl; auto.
(* TVAR *)
intros E t v env s Renv.
induction v.
destruct (SemEnvCons env) as [d [ds eq]]. subst. simpl. fold SemEnv in *.
simpl in Renv. destruct Renv as [R1 _]. trivial.
destruct (SemEnvCons env) as [d [ds eq]]. subst. simpl. fold SemEnv in *.
simpl in Renv. destruct Renv as [_ R2]. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
specialize (IHv ds (tlMap s) R2). auto.
(* TFIX *)
intros E t1 t2 e IH env s R.
simpl SemVal.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
rewrite substTFIX.
rewrite FIXP_simpl. rewrite Fixp_simpl.
apply (@fixp_ind _ _ (fcontit (curry (curry (SemExp e)) env))).
refine (@rel_admissible (t1 --> t2) _).
simpl. exists (substExp (liftSubst t1 (liftSubst (t1 --> t2) s)) e) ; split ; auto.
intros d1 v1 rv1. unfold liftRel. intros dd. rewrite K_simpl.
intros CC. assert False as F by (apply (PBot_val_incon CC)). inversion F.
intros f rf.
exists (substExp (liftSubst t1 (liftSubst (t1 --> t2) s)) e). split ; auto.
intros d1 v1 rv1. unfold liftRel. intros dd fd.
assert (SemExp e (env,f,d1) == Val dd) as se by auto. clear fd.
rewrite <- (proj2 substComposeSubst).
rewrite <- substTFIX.
assert (relEnv ((t1 :: t1 --> t2 :: E)) (env,f,d1) (consMap v1 (consMap (substVal (env':=nil) s (TFIX e)) s))).
simpl relEnv. rewrite SND_simpl. simpl. split.
unfold hdMap. simpl. apply rv1. split.
unfold tlMap. unfold hdMap. simpl. rewrite substTFIX. exists (substExp
(liftSubst t1 (liftSubst (t1 --> t2) s)) e). split ; auto.
intros d2 v2 rv2. rewrite FST_simpl. rewrite SND_simpl. simpl.
simpl in rf. destruct rf as [bb [bbeq Pb]].
assert (bb = (substExp (liftSubst t1 (liftSubst (t1 --> t2) s)) e)) as beq.
apply (TFIX_injective (sym_equal bbeq)).
rewrite beq in *. clear bb beq bbeq. specialize (Pb d2 v2 rv2). apply Pb.
rewrite FST_simpl. rewrite FST_simpl. simpl. unfold tlMap. simpl.
refine (relEnv_ext _ R). intros x y ; auto.
specialize (IH _ _ H). unfold liftRel in IH. specialize (IH _ se).
rewrite composeCons. rewrite composeCons.
rewrite composeSubstIdLeft. apply IH.
(* TP *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
exists (substVal s v1). exists (substVal s v2). split; auto.
(* TFST *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d1 eq.
rewrite substTFST.
destruct (ClosedPair (substVal s v)) as [v1 [v2 veq]].
rewrite veq in *. clear veq.
exists v1. split. apply e_Fst. simpl relVal in IH.
destruct IH as [v3 [v4 [veq [gl1 gl2]]]]. destruct (TPAIR_injective veq) as [v1eq v2eq]. subst. clear veq.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq.
rewrite eta_val in eq.
assert (H := vinj eq).
apply (relVal_lower (proj2 H) gl1).
(* TSND *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH env s R.
simpl. fold SemTy. specialize (IH env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d2 eq. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq.
rewrite substTSND.
destruct (ClosedPair (substVal s v)) as [v1 [v2 veq]].
rewrite veq in *. clear veq.
exists v2. split. apply e_Snd. simpl relVal in IH.
destruct IH as [v3 [v4 [veq [gl1 gl2]]]]. destruct (TPAIR_injective veq) as [v1eq v2eq]. subst. clear veq.
rewrite eta_val in eq.
assert (H := vinj eq).
apply (relVal_lower (proj2 H) gl2).
(* TOP *)
intros E op v1 IH1 v2 IH2 env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d eq. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq. rewrite eta_val in eq. assert (H := vinj eq). clear eq.
rewrite substTOP.
destruct (ClosedInt (substVal s v1)) as [i1 eq1].
destruct (ClosedInt (substVal s v2)) as [i2 eq2].
rewrite eq1 in *. rewrite eq2 in *. clear eq1 eq2.
exists (TINT (op i1 i2)).
split. apply e_Op. rewrite PROD_fun_simpl in H. rewrite uncurry_simpl in H.
unfold relVal in *. inversion IH1. inversion IH2. clear IH1 IH2 H1 H2.
assert ((op (SemVal v1 env) (SemVal v2 env) : Discrete nat) == d) by auto. clear H.
unfold SemTy in d.
assert (H := Discrete_injective H0). rewrite <- H. trivial.
(* TGT *)
intros E v1 IH1 v2 IH2 env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d eq. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq. rewrite eta_val in eq. assert (H := vinj eq). clear eq.
rewrite substTGT.
destruct (ClosedInt (substVal s v1)) as [i1 eq1].
destruct (ClosedInt (substVal s v2)) as [i2 eq2].
rewrite eq1 in *. rewrite eq2 in *. clear eq1 eq2.
exists (TBOOL (ble_nat i2 i1)).
split. apply e_Gt.
rewrite PROD_fun_simpl in H. rewrite uncurry_simpl in H.
unfold relVal in *. inversion IH1. inversion IH2. clear IH1 IH2 H1 H2.
assert ((ble_nat (SemVal v2 env) (SemVal v1 env) : Discrete bool) == d) by auto. clear H.
unfold SemTy in d.
assert (H := Discrete_injective H0). rewrite <- H. trivial.
(* VAL *)
intros E t v IH env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d eq. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq. rewrite eta_val in eq. assert (H := vinj eq). clear eq.
exists (substVal s v).
split. apply e_Val.
apply (relVal_lower (proj2 H) IH).
(* TLET *)
intros E t1 t2 e1 IH1 e2 IH2 env s R.
unfold liftRel. intros d2 d2eq.
specialize (IH1 env s R). unfold liftRel in *.
simpl in d2eq.
rewrite substTLET. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in d2eq. rewrite PROD_fun_simpl in d2eq.
rewrite ID_simpl in d2eq. simpl in d2eq.
destruct (KLEISLIR_ValVal d2eq) as [d1 [d1eq d2veq]]. clear d2eq.
specialize (IH1 _ d1eq).
destruct IH1 as [v1 [ev1 R1]].
specialize (IH2 (env,d1) (consMap v1 s)).
assert (RR : relEnv (t1::E) (env,d1) (consMap v1 s)).
simpl relEnv. split.
rewrite SND_simpl. assumption.
rewrite tlConsMap.
rewrite FST_simpl. assumption.
specialize (IH2 RR d2 d2veq).
destruct IH2 as [v2 [ev2 R2]].
exists v2. split.
refine (e_Let ev1 _).
rewrite <- (proj2 substComposeSubst). rewrite composeCons. rewrite composeSubstIdLeft. apply ev2. assumption.
(* TAPP *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 env s R.
specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d eq. simpl SemExp in eq. fold SemTy in eq. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in eq.
rewrite substTAPP.
destruct (ClosedFunction (substVal s v1)) as [e1 eq1].
unfold relVal in IH1. fold relVal in IH1. destruct IH1 as [e1' [eq' R']].
rewrite eq' in eq1.
assert (H := TFIX_injective eq1).
subst. clear eq1.
specialize (R' (SemVal v2 env) (substVal s v2) IH2).
clear IH2.
unfold liftRel in R'. specialize (R' d eq).
destruct R' as [v [ev Rv]].
exists v. rewrite eq' in ev.
assert (H := e_App ev).
split. simpl. rewrite eq'. apply H.
apply Rv.
(* TIF *)
intros E t v IH e1 IH1 e2 IH2 env s R.
specialize (IH env s R). specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
unfold liftRel in *. intros d eq. simpl SemExp in eq.
rewrite substTIF.
destruct (ClosedBool (substVal s v)) as [b beq].
rewrite beq in IH.
unfold relVal in IH.
inversion IH. clear IH.
simpl substExp. rewrite beq.
rewrite fcont_comp3_simpl in eq.
case (chooseVal eq).
(* chooseVal eq = true *)
intros [H1 H2].
destruct b.
(* b=true *)
specialize (IH1 d H2).
destruct IH1 as [v' [ev Rv]].
exists v'.
apply (e_IfTrue (substExp s e2) ev).
apply Rv.
(* b=false *)
rewrite H1 in H0. inversion H0.
(* chooseVal eq = false *)
intros [H1 H2].
destruct b.
(* b=true *)
rewrite H1 in H0. inversion H0.
(* b=false *)
specialize (IH2 d H2).
destruct IH2 as [v' [ev Rv]].
exists v'.
apply (e_IfFalse (substExp s e1) ev).
apply Rv.
Corollary Adequacy: forall ty (e : CExp ty) d, SemExp e tt == Val d -> exists v, e =>> v.
intros t e d val.
destruct FundamentalTheorem as [_ FT].
specialize (FT nil t e tt (idSubst nil)).
assert (relEnv nil (tt:DOne) (idSubst nil)). unfold relEnv. auto. specialize (FT H).
unfold liftRel in FT. specialize (FT d val).
destruct FT as [v [ev _]]. exists v. rewrite (proj2 applyIdSubst) in ev. trivial.

View file

@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
(* typeddensem.v
denotational semantics
This is the second attempt, this time using predomains with lifing
Require Import utility.
Require Export typedlambda.
Require Import PredomAll.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Open Scope O_scope.
Meaning of types and contexts
Delimit Scope Ty_scope with Ty.
Open Scope Ty_scope.
Fixpoint SemTy ty :=
match ty with
| Int => Discrete nat
| Bool => Discrete bool
| ty1 --> ty2 => SemTy ty1 -C-> (SemTy ty2) _BOT
| ty1 ** ty2 => SemTy ty1 *c* SemTy ty2
(* We define the semantics of an environment "from the right";
this avoids need for SWAP in the semantics *)
Fixpoint SemEnv env :=
match env with
| nil => DOne
| ty :: env => SemEnv env *c* SemTy ty
(* Lookup in an environment *)
Fixpoint SemVar env ty (var : Var env ty) : SemEnv env -c> SemTy ty :=
match var with
| ZVAR _ _ => SND
| SVAR _ _ _ v => SemVar v << FST
(* A coercion to allow embedding values of type X into its lifted
discrete domain. DL_discrete is funny because we need to put in the
stuff the existing coercions are already adding or else the matching
will fail. The Id type operator is there because coercions are by
name. *)
Definition Id (x : Type) := x.
Definition DL_discrete X := tord (tcpo (DL (Discrete X))).
Definition discrete_lift : forall X : Set, Id X -> DL_discrete X :=
fun X x => eta (x : Discrete X).
Implicit Arguments discrete_lift [X].
Coercion discrete_lift : Id >-> DL_discrete.
(* The need to use the defined operator names -- especially Id --
makes it seem like a marginal benefit. But maybe it's worth
it as an example of how coercions work.
Definition top : DL_discrete unit := (tt : Id unit).
Definition top': DL (Discrete unit) := discrete_lift tt.
Definition indiscrete (X:Type) (x:X) : Discrete X := x.
Definition SimpleOpm (A:Type) (B:cpo) (op : A -> ((tord B) : Type)) : Discrete A -m> B.
exists op.
unfold monotonic.
simpl in *.
rewrite H. auto.
Definition SimpleOp (A:Set) (B:cpo) (op : A -> B) : Discrete A -c> B.
exists (SimpleOpm op).
unfold continuous.
intros c.
assert (c 0 = lub c). auto.
rewrite <- H. simpl.
assert (op (c 0) <= (SimpleOpm op @ c) 0). auto.
eapply Ole_trans. apply H0.
apply le_lub.
Definition SimpleOp2mm (A B C : Type) (op : A -> B -> C) : Discrete A -> Discrete B -m> Discrete C.
exists (op X).
unfold monotonic.
simpl in *.
rewrite H. auto.
Definition SimpleOp2c A B C (op:A -> B -> C) :
Discrete A -> Discrete B -c> Discrete C.
exists (SimpleOp2mm op X).
simpl in *.
unfold continuous.
simpl. auto.
Definition SimpleOp2m (A B C:Type) (op : A -> B -> C) :
Discrete A -m> Discrete B -C-> Discrete C.
exists (SimpleOp2c op).
unfold monotonic.
simpl in *.
rewrite H. auto.
Definition SimpleOp2 A B C (op:A -> B -> C) :
Discrete A -c> Discrete B -C-> Discrete C.
exists (SimpleOp2m op).
unfold continuous ; intros ; simpl ; auto.
Definition choosemm : forall (D : cpo), D -> D -> Discrete bool -m> D.
intros D X Y.
exists (fun (b:bool) => if b then X else Y).
unfold monotonic ; intros ; simpl in *; rewrite H ; auto.
Definition choosec : forall (D : cpo), D -> D -> Discrete bool -c> D.
intros D X Y.
exists (choosemm X Y).
unfold continuous.
intros c ; simpl in *.
assert ((if c 0 then X else Y) = ((choosemm X Y @ c) 0)).
simpl ; auto. rewrite H. apply le_lub.
Definition choosem : forall (D : cpo), D -> D -m> Discrete bool -C-> D.
exists (@choosec D X).
unfold monotonic.
simpl. intro.
destruct x0 ; auto.
Definition choosecc : forall (D : cpo), D -> D -c> Discrete bool -C-> D.
exists (@choosem D X).
unfold continuous.
intros c.
destruct x.
eapply Ole_trans.
assert (X <= ((Fcontit (Discrete bool) D @ (choosem X @ c) <_> true) 0)).
simpl ; auto. apply H.
apply le_lub.
refine (lub_le_compat _).
refine (fmon_le_intro _).
intros n.
Definition choosecm : forall (D:cpo), D -m> D -C-> Discrete bool -C-> D.
exists (@choosecc D).
unfold monotonic.
destruct x1. auto. auto.
Definition choose : forall (D:cpo), D -c> D -C-> Discrete bool -C-> D.
exists (@choosecm D).
unfold continuous.
intros c.
simpl. intros.
destruct x0.
refine (lub_le_compat (fmon_le_intro _)).
intros n. auto.
eapply Ole_trans.
assert (x <= ((Fcontit (Discrete bool) D @ ((Fcontit D (Discrete bool -C-> D) @ (choosecm D @ c)) <_> x)) <_> false) 0).
simpl ; auto. apply H.
apply le_lub.
Canonical Structure Discrete.
Meaning of values and expressions
Fixpoint SemExp env ty (e : Exp env ty) : SemEnv env -c> (SemTy ty) _BOT :=
match e with
| TOP _ op v1 v2 => eta << uncurry (SimpleOp2 op) << <| SemVal v1 , SemVal v2 |>
| TGT _ v1 v2 => eta << uncurry (SimpleOp2 ble_nat) << <| SemVal v2 , SemVal v1 |>
| TAPP _ _ _ v1 v2 => EV << <| SemVal v1 , SemVal v2 |>
| TVAL _ _ v => eta << SemVal v
| TLET _ _ _ e1 e2 => KLEISLIR (SemExp e2) << <| ID , SemExp e1 |>
| TIF _ _ v e1 e2 => (choose _ @3_ (SemExp e1)) (SemExp e2) (SemVal v)
| TFST _ _ _ v => eta << FST << SemVal v
| TSND _ _ _ v => eta << SND << SemVal v
with SemVal env ty (v : Value env ty) : SemEnv env -c> SemTy ty :=
match v with
| TINT _ n => K _ (n : Discrete nat)
| TBOOL _ b => K _ (b : Discrete bool)
| TVAR _ _ i => SemVar i
| TFIX _ _ _ e => FIXP << curry (curry (SemExp e))
| TPAIR _ _ _ v1 v2 => <| SemVal v1 , SemVal v2 |>
Lemma choosec_t_simpl: forall (D:cpo) (a b:D), choosec a b true = a.
intros D a b.
Lemma choosec_f_simpl: forall (D:cpo) (a b:D), choosec a b false = b.
intros D a b.
Lemma choose_t_simpl: forall D a b, choose D a b true = a.
Lemma choose_f_simpl: forall D a b, choose D a b false = b.
Add Parametric Morphism E t (e:Exp E t) : (SemExp e)
with signature (@Oeq (SemEnv E)) ==> (@Oeq (DL (SemTy t)))
as SemExp_eq_compat.
intros e0 e1 eeq.
destruct eeq. split ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism E t (e:Value E t) : (SemVal e)
with signature (@Oeq (SemEnv E)) ==> (@Oeq (SemTy t))
as SemVal_eq_compat.
intros e0 e1 eeq.
destruct eeq. split ; auto.

View file

@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
Call-by-value simply-typed lambda-calculus with recursion, pairs, and arithmetic
Require Import utility.
Require Import List.
Require Import Program.Equality.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Set Printing Implicit Defensive.
(*====== coqdoc printing directives ========================================*)
(** printing --> %\ensuremath{\mathrel{\texttt{->}}}% *)
(** printing ** %\ensuremath{\mathrel{\texttt{*}}}% *)
(** printing Int %{\textsf{Int}}% *)
(** printing Bool %{\textsf{Bool}}% *)
(** printing Arrow %{\textsf{Arrow}}% *)
(** printing Prod %{\textsf{Prod}}% *)
(** printing Ty %{\textsf{Ty}}% *)
(** printing Env %{\textsf{Env}}% *)
(** printing env %{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}% *)
(** printing env' %{\ensuremath{\Gamma'}}% *)
(** printing ty %{\ensuremath{\tau}}% *)
(** printing ty1 %\ensuremath{\tau_1}% *)
(** printing ty2 %\ensuremath{\tau_2}% *)
(** printing ty' %\ensuremath{\tau'}% *)
Types and contexts
Inductive Ty := Int | Bool | Arrow (ty1 ty2 : Ty) | Prod (ty1 ty2 : Ty).
Infix " --> " := Arrow. (* (at level 55). *)
Infix " ** " := Prod (at level 55).
Definition Env := list Ty.
(* begin hide *)
Notation "[ x , .. , y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..) : list_scope.
(* end hide *)
Typed terms in context
Inductive Var : Env -> Ty -> Type :=
| ZVAR : forall env ty, Var (ty :: env) ty
| SVAR : forall env ty ty', Var env ty -> Var (ty' :: env) ty.
Inductive Value : Env -> Ty -> Type :=
| TINT : forall env, nat -> Value env Int
| TBOOL : forall env, bool -> Value env Bool
| TVAR :> forall env ty, Var env ty -> Value env ty
| TFIX : forall env ty1 ty2, Exp (ty1 :: ty1 --> ty2 :: env) ty2 -> Value env (ty1 --> ty2)
| TPAIR : forall env ty1 ty2, Value env ty1 -> Value env ty2 -> Value env (ty1 ** ty2)
with Exp : Env -> Ty -> Type :=
| TFST : forall env ty1 ty2, Value env (ty1 ** ty2) -> Exp env ty1
| TSND : forall env ty1 ty2, Value env (ty1 ** ty2) -> Exp env ty2
| TOP : forall env, (nat -> nat -> nat) -> Value env Int -> Value env Int -> Exp env Int
| TGT : forall env, Value env Int -> Value env Int -> Exp env Bool
| TVAL : forall env ty, Value env ty -> Exp env ty
| TLET : forall env ty1 ty2, Exp env ty1 -> Exp (ty1 :: env) ty2 -> Exp env ty2
| TAPP : forall env ty1 ty2, Value env (ty1 --> ty2) -> Value env ty1 -> Exp env ty2
| TIF : forall env ty, Value env Bool -> Exp env ty -> Exp env ty -> Exp env ty.
Implicit Arguments TBOOL [env].
Implicit Arguments TINT [env].
(* begin hide *)
Scheme Val_rec2 := Induction for Value Sort Set
with Exp_rec2 := Induction for Exp Sort Set.
Scheme Val_type2 := Induction for Value Sort Type
with Exp_type2 := Induction for Exp Sort Type.
Scheme Val_ind2 := Induction for Value Sort Prop
with Exp_ind2 := Induction for Exp Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme ExpVal_ind from Val_ind2, Exp_ind2.
(* end hide *)
(* Closed expressions and values *)
Definition CExp ty := Exp nil ty.
Definition CValue ty := Value nil ty.
Variable-domain maps.
By instantiating P with Var we get renamings.
By instantiating P with Val we get substitutions.
Definition Map (P:Env -> Ty -> Type) E E' := forall t, Var E t -> P E' t.
(* Head, tail and cons *)
Definition tlMap P E E' t (m:Map P (t::E) E') : Map P E E' := fun t' v => m t' (SVAR t v).
Definition hdMap P E E' t (m:Map P (t::E) E') : P E' t := m t (ZVAR _ _).
Implicit Arguments tlMap [P E E' t].
Implicit Arguments hdMap [P E E' t].
Program Definition consMap P E E' t (v:P E' t) (m:Map P E E') : Map P (t::E) E' :=
fun t' (var:Var (t::E) t') =>
match var with
| ZVAR _ _ => v
| SVAR _ _ _ var => m _ var
Implicit Arguments consMap [P E E' t].
Axiom MapExtensional : forall P E E' (r1 r2 : Map P E E'), (forall t var, r1 t var = r2 t var) -> r1 = r2.
Lemma hdConsMap : forall P env env' ty (v : P env' ty) (s : Map P env env'), hdMap (consMap v s) = v. Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma tlConsMap : forall P env env' ty (v : P env' ty) (s : Map P env env'), tlMap (consMap v s) = s. Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. auto. Qed.
Lemma consMapInv : forall P env env' ty (m:Map P (ty :: env) env'), exists m', exists v, m = consMap v m'.
intros. exists (tlMap m). exists (hdMap m).
apply MapExtensional. dependent destruction var; auto.
Package of operations used with a Map
vr maps a Var into Var or Value (so is either the identity or TVAR)
vl maps a Var or Value to a Value (so is either TVAR or the identity)
wk weakens a Var or Value (so is either SVAR or renaming through SVAR on a value)
Record MapOps (P : Env -> Ty -> Type) :=
vr : forall env ty, Var env ty -> P env ty;
vl : forall env ty, P env ty -> Value env ty;
wk : forall env ty ty', P env ty -> P (ty' :: env) ty
Section MapOps.
Variable P : Env -> Ty -> Type.
Variable ops : MapOps P.
Program Definition lift env env' ty (m : Map P env env') : Map P (ty :: env) (ty :: env') :=
fun ty' => fun var => match var with
| ZVAR _ _ => vr ops (ZVAR _ _)
| SVAR _ _ _ x => wk ops _ (m _ x)
Implicit Arguments lift [env env'].
Definition shiftMap env env' ty (m : Map P env env') : Map P env (ty :: env') := fun ty' => fun var => wk ops _ (m ty' var).
Implicit Arguments shiftMap [env env'].
Lemma shiftConsMap : forall env env' ty (m : Map P env env') (x : P env' ty) ty', shiftMap ty' (consMap x m) = consMap (wk ops _ x) (shiftMap ty' m).
intros env env' ty m x ty'. apply MapExtensional.
intros ty0 var0. dependent destruction var0; auto.
Fixpoint travVal env env' ty (v : Value env ty) : Map P env env' -> Value env' ty :=
match v with
| TINT _ i => fun m => TINT i
| TBOOL _ b => fun m => TBOOL b
| TVAR _ _ v => fun m => vl ops (m _ v)
| TFIX _ _ _ e => fun m => TFIX (travExp e (lift _ (lift _ m)))
| TPAIR _ _ _ e1 e2 => fun m => TPAIR (travVal e1 m) (travVal e2 m)
with travExp env env' ty (e : Exp env ty) : Map P env env' -> Exp env' ty :=
match e with
| TOP _ op e1 e2 => fun m => TOP op (travVal e1 m) (travVal e2 m)
| TGT _ e1 e2 => fun m => TGT (travVal e1 m) (travVal e2 m)
| TFST _ _ _ e => fun m => TFST (travVal e m)
| TSND _ _ _ e => fun m => TSND (travVal e m)
| TVAL _ _ v => fun m => TVAL (travVal v m)
| TIF _ _ v e1 e2 => fun m => TIF (travVal v m) (travExp e1 m) (travExp e2 m)
| TAPP _ _ _ e1 e2 => fun m => TAPP (travVal e1 m) (travVal e2 m)
| TLET _ _ _ e1 e2 => fun m => TLET (travExp e1 m) (travExp e2 (lift _ m))
Definition mapVal env env' ty m v := @travVal env env' ty v m.
Definition mapExp env env' ty m e := @travExp env env' ty e m.
Variable env env' : Env.
Variable m : Map P env env'.
Variable ty1 ty2 : Ty.
Lemma mapTVAR : forall (var : Var _ ty1), mapVal m (TVAR var) = vl ops (m var). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTINT : forall n, mapVal m (TINT n) = TINT n. auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTBOOL : forall n, mapVal m (TBOOL n) = TBOOL n. auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTPAIR : forall (v1 : Value _ ty1) (v2 : Value _ ty2), mapVal m (TPAIR v1 v2) = TPAIR (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTFST : forall (v : Value _ (ty1 ** ty2)), mapExp m (TFST v) = TFST (mapVal m v). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTSND : forall (v : Value _ (ty1 ** ty2)), mapExp m (TSND v) = TSND (mapVal m v). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTFIX : forall (e : Exp (ty1 :: ty1-->ty2 :: _) ty2), mapVal m (TFIX e) = TFIX (mapExp (lift _ (lift _ m)) e). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTOP : forall op v1 v2, mapExp m (TOP op v1 v2) = TOP op (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTGT : forall v1 v2, mapExp m (TGT v1 v2) = TGT (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTVAL : forall (v : Value _ ty1), mapExp m (TVAL v) = TVAL (mapVal m v). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTLET : forall (e1 : Exp _ ty1) (e2 : Exp _ ty2), mapExp m (TLET e1 e2) = TLET (mapExp m e1) (mapExp (lift _ m) e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTIF : forall v (e1 e2 : Exp _ ty1), mapExp m (TIF v e1 e2) = TIF (mapVal m v) (mapExp m e1) (mapExp m e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTAPP : forall (v1 : Value _ (ty1 --> ty2)) v2, mapExp m (TAPP v1 v2) = TAPP (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). auto. Qed.
End MapOps.
Hint Rewrite mapTVAR mapTINT mapTBOOL mapTPAIR mapTFST mapTSND mapTFIX mapTOP mapTGT mapTVAL mapTLET mapTIF mapTAPP : mapHints.
Implicit Arguments lift [P env env'].
Implicit Arguments shiftMap [P env env'].
Variable renamings: Map Var
Definition Renaming := Map Var.
Definition RenamingMapOps := (Build_MapOps (fun _ _ v => v) TVAR SVAR).
Definition renameVal := mapVal RenamingMapOps.
Definition renameExp := mapExp RenamingMapOps.
Definition liftRenaming := lift RenamingMapOps.
Implicit Arguments liftRenaming [env env'].
Definition shiftRenaming := shiftMap RenamingMapOps.
Implicit Arguments shiftRenaming [env env'].
Section RenamingDefs.
Variable env env' : Env.
Variable r : Renaming env env'.
Variable ty1 ty2 : Ty.
Lemma renameTVAR : forall (var : Var env ty1), renameVal r (TVAR var) = TVAR (r var). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTINT : forall n, renameVal r (TINT n) = TINT n. auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTBOOL : forall n, renameVal r (TBOOL n) = TBOOL n. auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTPAIR : forall (v1 : Value _ ty1) (v2 : Value _ ty2), renameVal r (TPAIR v1 v2) = TPAIR (renameVal r v1) (renameVal r v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTFST : forall (v : Value _ (ty1 ** ty2)), renameExp r (TFST v) = TFST (renameVal r v). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTSND : forall (v : Value _ (ty1 ** ty2)), renameExp r (TSND v) = TSND (renameVal r v). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTFIX : forall (e : Exp (ty1 :: ty1-->ty2 :: _) ty2), renameVal r (TFIX e) = TFIX (renameExp (liftRenaming _ (liftRenaming _ r)) e). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTOP : forall op v1 v2, renameExp r (TOP op v1 v2) = TOP op (renameVal r v1) (renameVal r v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTGT : forall v1 v2, renameExp r (TGT v1 v2) = TGT (renameVal r v1) (renameVal r v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTVAL : forall (v : Value env ty1), renameExp r (TVAL v) = TVAL (renameVal r v). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTLET : forall (e1 : Exp _ ty1) (e2 : Exp _ ty2), renameExp r (TLET e1 e2) = TLET (renameExp r e1) (renameExp (liftRenaming _ r) e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTIF : forall v (e1 e2 : Exp _ ty1), renameExp r (TIF v e1 e2) = TIF (renameVal r v) (renameExp r e1) (renameExp r e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTAPP : forall (v1 : Value _ (ty1-->ty2)) v2, renameExp r (TAPP v1 v2) = TAPP (renameVal r v1) (renameVal r v2). auto. Qed.
End RenamingDefs.
Hint Rewrite renameTVAR renameTINT renameTBOOL renameTPAIR renameTFST renameTSND renameTFIX renameTOP renameTGT renameTVAL renameTLET renameTIF renameTAPP : renameHints.
Lemma LiftRenamingDef : forall env env' (r : Renaming env' env) ty, liftRenaming _ r = consMap (ZVAR _ ty) (shiftRenaming _ r).
intros. apply MapExtensional. auto. Qed.
Identity renaming
Definition idRenaming env : Renaming env env := fun ty (var : Var env ty) => var.
Implicit Arguments idRenaming [].
Lemma liftIdRenaming : forall E t, liftRenaming _ (idRenaming E) = idRenaming (t::E).
intros. apply MapExtensional.
dependent destruction var; auto.
Lemma applyIdRenaming :
(forall env ty (v : Value env ty), renameVal (idRenaming env) v = v)
/\ (forall env ty (e : Exp env ty), renameExp (idRenaming env) e = e).
apply ExpVal_ind;
(intros; try (autorewrite with renameHints using try rewrite liftIdRenaming; try rewrite liftIdRenaming; try rewrite H; try rewrite H0; try rewrite H1); auto).
Lemma idRenamingDef : forall ty env, idRenaming (ty :: env) = consMap (ZVAR _ _) (shiftRenaming ty (idRenaming env)).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros. dependent destruction var; auto. Qed.
Composition of renaming
Definition composeRenaming P env env' env'' (m : Map P env' env'') (r : Renaming env env') : Map P env env'' := fun t var => m _ (r _ var).
Lemma liftComposeRenaming : forall P ops E env' env'' t (m:Map P env' env'') (r:Renaming E env'), lift ops t (composeRenaming m r) = composeRenaming (lift ops t m) (liftRenaming t r).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros t0 var.
dependent destruction var; auto.
Lemma applyComposeRenaming :
(forall env ty (v : Value env ty) P ops env' env'' (m:Map P env' env'') (s : Renaming env env'),
mapVal ops (composeRenaming m s) v = mapVal ops m (renameVal s v))
/\ (forall env ty (e : Exp env ty) P ops env' env'' (m:Map P env' env'') (s : Renaming env env'),
mapExp ops (composeRenaming m s) e = mapExp ops m (renameExp s e)).
apply ExpVal_ind; intros;
autorewrite with mapHints renameHints; try rewrite liftComposeRenaming; try rewrite liftComposeRenaming; try rewrite <- H;
try rewrite <- H0; try rewrite <- H1; auto.
Lemma composeRenamingAssoc :
forall P env env' env'' env''' (m : Map P env'' env''') r' (r : Renaming env env'),
composeRenaming m (composeRenaming r' r) = composeRenaming (composeRenaming m r') r.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma composeRenamingIdLeft : forall env env' (r : Renaming env env'), composeRenaming (idRenaming _) r = r.
Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. auto. Qed.
Lemma composeRenamingIdRight : forall P env env' (m:Map P env env'), composeRenaming m (idRenaming _) = m.
Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. auto. Qed.
Definition Subst := Map Value.
Definition SubstMapOps := Build_MapOps TVAR (fun _ _ v => v) (fun env ty ty' => renameVal (fun _ => SVAR ty')).
(* Convert a renaming into a substitution *)
Definition renamingToSubst env env' (r : Renaming env env') : Subst env env' := fun ty => fun v => TVAR (r ty v).
Definition substVal := mapVal SubstMapOps.
Definition substExp := mapExp SubstMapOps.
Definition shiftSubst := shiftMap SubstMapOps.
Implicit Arguments shiftSubst [env env'].
Definition liftSubst := lift SubstMapOps.
Implicit Arguments liftSubst [env env'].
Section SubstDefs.
Variable env env' : Env.
Variable s : Subst env env'.
Variable ty1 ty2 : Ty.
Lemma substTVAR : forall (var : Var env ty1), substVal s (TVAR var) = s var. auto. Qed.
Lemma substTINT : forall n, substVal s (TINT n) = TINT n. auto. Qed.
Lemma substTBOOL : forall n, substVal s (TBOOL n) = TBOOL n. auto. Qed.
Lemma substTPAIR : forall (v1 : Value _ ty1) (v2:Value _ ty2), substVal s (TPAIR v1 v2) = TPAIR (substVal s v1) (substVal s v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTFST : forall (v : Value _ (ty1 ** ty2)), substExp s (TFST v) = TFST (substVal s v). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTSND : forall (v : Value _ (ty1 ** ty2)), substExp s (TSND v) = TSND (substVal s v). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTFIX : forall (e : Exp (ty1 :: ty1-->ty2 :: _) ty2), substVal s (TFIX e) = TFIX (substExp (liftSubst _ (liftSubst _ s)) e). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTOP : forall op v1 v2, substExp s (TOP op v1 v2) = TOP op (substVal s v1) (substVal s v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTGT : forall v1 v2, substExp s (TGT v1 v2) = TGT (substVal s v1) (substVal s v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTVAL : forall (v : Value _ ty1), substExp s (TVAL v) = TVAL (substVal s v). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTLET : forall (e1 : Exp _ ty1) (e2 : Exp _ ty2), substExp s (TLET e1 e2) = TLET (substExp s e1) (substExp (liftSubst _ s) e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTIF : forall v (e1 e2 : Exp _ ty1), substExp s (TIF v e1 e2) = TIF (substVal s v) (substExp s e1) (substExp s e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTAPP : forall (v1:Value _ (ty1 --> ty2)) v2, substExp s (TAPP v1 v2) = TAPP (substVal s v1) (substVal s v2). auto. Qed.
End SubstDefs.
Hint Rewrite substTVAR substTPAIR substTINT substTBOOL substTFST substTSND substTFIX substTOP substTGT substTVAL substTLET substTIF substTAPP : substHints.
Identity substitution
Definition idSubst env : Subst env env := fun ty (x:Var env ty) => TVAR x.
Implicit Arguments idSubst [].
Lemma liftIdSubst : forall env ty, liftSubst ty (idSubst env) = idSubst (ty :: env).
intros env ty. apply MapExtensional. unfold liftSubst. intros.
dependent destruction var; auto.
Lemma applyIdSubst :
(forall env ty (v : Value env ty), substVal (idSubst env) v = v)
/\ (forall env ty (e : Exp env ty), substExp (idSubst env) e = e).
apply ExpVal_ind; intros; autorewrite with substHints; try rewrite liftIdSubst; try rewrite liftIdSubst; try rewrite H; try rewrite H0; try rewrite H1; auto.
Notation "[ x , .. , y ]" := (consMap x .. (consMap y (idSubst _)) ..) : Subst_scope.
Delimit Scope Subst_scope with subst.
Arguments Scope substExp [_ _ Subst_scope].
Arguments Scope substVal [_ _ Subst_scope].
Lemma LiftSubstDef : forall env env' ty (s : Subst env' env), liftSubst ty s = consMap (TVAR (ZVAR _ _)) (shiftSubst ty s).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros. dependent destruction var; auto. Qed.
Composition of substitution followed by renaming
Definition composeRenamingSubst env env' env'' (r : Renaming env' env'') (s : Subst env env') : Subst env env'' := fun t var => renameVal r (s _ var).
Lemma liftComposeRenamingSubst : forall E env' env'' t (r:Renaming env' env'') (s:Subst E env'), liftSubst t (composeRenamingSubst r s) = composeRenamingSubst (liftRenaming t r) (liftSubst t s).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros t0 var. dependent induction var; auto.
simpl. unfold composeRenamingSubst. unfold liftSubst. simpl. unfold renameVal at 1. rewrite <- (proj1 applyComposeRenaming). unfold renameVal. rewrite <- (proj1 applyComposeRenaming).
Lemma applyComposeRenamingSubst :
(forall E t (v:Value E t) env' env'' (r:Renaming env' env'') (s : Subst E env'),
substVal (composeRenamingSubst r s) v = renameVal r (substVal s v))
/\ (forall E t (e:Exp E t) env' env'' (r:Renaming env' env'') (s : Subst E env'),
substExp (composeRenamingSubst r s) e = renameExp r (substExp s e)).
apply ExpVal_ind;
(intros; try (autorewrite with substHints renameHints using try rewrite liftComposeRenamingSubst; try rewrite liftComposeRenamingSubst; try rewrite H; try rewrite H0; try rewrite H1); auto).
Composition of substitutions
Definition composeSubst env env' env'' (s' : Subst env' env'') (s : Subst env env') : Subst env env'' := fun ty var => substVal s' (s _ var).
Arguments Scope composeSubst [_ _ _ Subst_scope Subst_scope].
Lemma liftComposeSubst : forall env env' env'' ty (s' : Subst env' env'') (s : Subst env env'), liftSubst ty (composeSubst s' s) = composeSubst (liftSubst ty s') (liftSubst ty s).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros t0 var. dependent destruction var. auto.
unfold composeSubst. simpl.
rewrite <- (proj1 applyComposeRenamingSubst). unfold composeRenamingSubst. unfold substVal.
rewrite <- (proj1 applyComposeRenaming). auto.
Lemma substComposeSubst :
(forall env ty (v : Value env ty) env' env'' (s' : Subst env' env'') (s : Subst env env'),
substVal (composeSubst s' s) v = substVal s' (substVal s v))
/\ (forall env ty (e : Exp env ty) env' env'' (s' : Subst env' env'') (s : Subst env env'),
substExp (composeSubst s' s) e = substExp s' (substExp s e)).
apply ExpVal_ind;
(intros; try (autorewrite with substHints using try rewrite liftComposeSubst; try rewrite liftComposeSubst; try rewrite H; try rewrite H0; try rewrite H1); auto).
Lemma composeCons : forall env env' env'' ty (s':Subst env' env'') (s:Subst env env') (v:Value _ ty),
composeSubst (consMap v s') (liftSubst ty s) = consMap v (composeSubst s' s).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros t0 var. dependent destruction var. auto.
unfold composeSubst. simpl. unfold substVal. rewrite <- (proj1 applyComposeRenaming). unfold composeRenaming. simpl.
assert ((fun (t0:Ty) (var0:Var env' t0) => s' t0 var0) = s') by (apply MapExtensional; auto).
rewrite H. auto.
Lemma composeSubstIdLeft : forall env env' (s : Subst env env'), composeSubst (idSubst _) s = s.
Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. intros. unfold composeSubst. apply (proj1 applyIdSubst). Qed.
Lemma composeSubstIdRight : forall env env' (s:Subst env env'), composeSubst s (idSubst _) = s.
Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. auto.
Constructors are injective
Lemma TPAIR_injective :
forall env ty1 ty2 (v1 : Value env ty1) (v2 : Value env ty2) v3 v4,
TPAIR v1 v2 = TPAIR v3 v4 ->
v1 = v3 /\ v2 = v4.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Lemma TFST_injective :
forall env ty1 ty2 (v1 : Value env (ty1 ** ty2)) v2,
TFST v1 = TFST v2 ->
v1 = v2.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Lemma TSND_injective :
forall env ty1 ty2 (v1 : Value env (ty1 ** ty2)) v2,
TSND v1 = TSND v2 ->
v1 = v2.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Lemma TVAL_injective :
forall env ty (v1 : Value env ty) v2,
TVAL v1 = TVAL v2 ->
v1 = v2.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Lemma TFIX_injective :
forall env ty1 ty2 (e1 : Exp (ty1 :: _ :: env) ty2) e2,
TFIX e1 = TFIX e2 ->
e1 = e2.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Closed forms
Lemma ClosedFunction : forall ty1 ty2 (v : CValue (ty1 --> ty2)), exists b, v = TFIX b.
unfold CValue.
intros ty1 ty2 v.
dependent destruction v.
(* TVAR case: impossible *)
dependent destruction v.
(* TFIX case *)
exists e. trivial.
Lemma ClosedPair : forall ty1 ty2 (v : CValue (ty1 ** ty2)), exists v1, exists v2, v = TPAIR v1 v2.
unfold CValue.
intros ty1 ty2 v.
dependent destruction v.
(* TVAR case: impossible *)
dependent destruction v.
(* TPAIR case *)
exists v1. exists v2. trivial.
Lemma ClosedInt : forall (v : CValue Int), exists i, v = TINT i.
unfold CValue.
intros v. dependent destruction v.
exists n. trivial.
dependent destruction v.
Lemma ClosedBool : forall (v : CValue Bool), exists b, v = TBOOL b.
unfold CValue.
intros v. dependent destruction v.
exists b. trivial.
dependent destruction v.
Unset Implicit Arguments.

View file

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
(* typedopsem.v
Standard operational semantics
Require Import utility.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import EqdepFacts.
Require Import typedlambda.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Evaluation relation
(** printing =>> %\ensuremath{\Downarrow}% *)
(** printing n1 %\ensuremath{n_1}% *)
(** printing n2 %\ensuremath{n_2}% *)
(** printing v1 %\ensuremath{v_1}% *)
(** printing v2 %\ensuremath{v_2}% *)
(** printing e1 %\ensuremath{e_1}% *)
(** printing e2 %\ensuremath{e_2}% *)
Reserved Notation "e =>> v" (at level 70, no associativity).
Open Scope Subst_scope.
Inductive Ev: forall ty, CExp ty -> CValue ty -> Prop :=
| e_Val: forall ty (v : CValue ty), TVAL v =>> v
| e_Op: forall op n1 n2, TOP op (TINT n1) (TINT n2) =>> TINT (op n1 n2)
| e_Gt : forall n1 n2, TGT (TINT n1) (TINT n2) =>> TBOOL (ble_nat n2 n1)
| e_Fst : forall ty1 ty2 (v1 : CValue ty1) (v2 : CValue ty2), TFST (TPAIR v1 v2) =>> v1
| e_Snd : forall ty1 ty2 (v1 : CValue ty1) (v2 : CValue ty2), TSND (TPAIR v1 v2) =>> v2
| e_App : forall ty1 ty2 e (v1 : CValue ty1) (v2 : CValue ty2), substExp [ v1, TFIX e ] e =>> v2 -> TAPP (TFIX e) v1 =>> v2
| e_Let : forall ty1 ty2 e1 e2 (v1 : CValue ty1) (v2 : CValue ty2), e1 =>> v1 -> substExp [ v1 ] e2 =>> v2 -> TLET e1 e2 =>> v2
| e_IfTrue : forall ty (e1 e2 : CExp ty) v, e1 =>> v -> TIF (TBOOL true) e1 e2 =>> v
| e_IfFalse : forall ty (e1 e2 : CExp ty) v, e2 =>> v -> TIF (TBOOL false) e1 e2 =>> v
where "e '=>>' v" := (Ev e v).
Determinacy of evaluation
Lemma Determinacy: forall ty, forall (e : CExp ty) v1, e =>> v1 -> forall v2, e =>> v2 -> v1 = v2.
intros ty e v1 Ev1.
induction Ev1.
(* e_Val *)
intros v2 Ev2. dependent destruction Ev2; trivial.
(* e_Op *)
intros v2 Ev2. dependent destruction Ev2; trivial.
(* e_Gt *)
intros v2 Ev2. dependent destruction Ev2; trivial.
(* e_Fst *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; trivial.
(* e_Snd *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; trivial.
(* e_App *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; auto.
(* e_Let *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3. rewrite (IHEv1_1 _ Ev3_1) in *. auto.
(* e_IfTrue *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; auto.
(* e_IfFalse *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; auto.
Unset Implicit Arguments.

View file

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
Require Import utility.
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import typeddensem.
Require Import typedopsem.
Require Import typedsubst.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Theorem Soundness: forall ty (e : CExp ty) v, e =>> v -> SemExp e == eta << SemVal v.
intros t e v Ev.
induction Ev.
(* e_Val *)
simpl. trivial.
(* e_Op *)
simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. apply fcont_eq_intro; auto.
(* e_Gt *)
simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro; auto.
(* e_Fst *)
simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro; auto.
(* e_Snd *)
simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro; auto.
(* e_App *)
rewrite <- IHEv. clear IHEv. clear Ev.
rewrite <- (proj2 SemCommutesWithSubst _ _ e nil (consMap v1 (consMap (TFIX e) (idSubst _)))).
assert (H := DOne_final (D := DOne) ID (K DOne (tt:DOne))). rewrite <- H.
rewrite hdConsMap.
rewrite FIXP_com at 1. refine (fcont_eq_intro _) ; auto.
(* e_Let *)
simpl. rewrite <- IHEv2. clear IHEv2.
rewrite <- (proj2 SemCommutesWithSubst _ _ e2 _ (consMap v1 (idSubst _))).
simpl. rewrite <- (KLEISLIR_unit (SemExp e2) (SemVal v1) (K DOne (tt:DOne))).
rewrite <- IHEv1. clear IHEv1.
rewrite (DOne_final (D := DOne) ID (K DOne (tt:DOne))).
(* e_Iftrue *)
simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro; auto.
(* e_Iffalse *)
simpl. apply fcont_eq_intro; auto.

View file

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
Require Import utility.
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import typedlambda.
Require Import typeddensem.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
(* Need this for nice pretty-printing *)
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Semantics of substitution and renaming
(* Apply semantic function pointwise to a renaming or substitution *)
Fixpoint SemSubst env env' : Subst env' env -> SemEnv env -c> SemEnv env' :=
match env' with
| nil => fun s => K _ (tt : DOne)
| _ :: _ => fun s => <| SemSubst (tlMap s) , SemVal (hdMap s) |>
Fixpoint SemRenaming env env' : Renaming env' env -> SemEnv env -c> SemEnv env' :=
match env' with
| nil => fun s => K _ (tt : DOne)
| _ :: _ => fun s => <| SemRenaming (tlMap s) , SemVar (hdMap s) |>
Lemma SemLiftRenaming :
forall env env' (r : Renaming env env') ty, SemRenaming (tlMap (liftRenaming ty r)) == SemRenaming r << FST.
induction env. intros. simpl.
apply (DOne_final (K (Dprod (SemEnv env') (SemTy ty)) (tt:DOne)) _).
simpl. destruct (consMapInv r) as [r' [var eq]].
subst. simpl. rewrite hdConsMap. rewrite tlConsMap.
specialize (IHenv env' r' ty).
rewrite PROD_fun_comp.
refine (PROD_fun_eq_compat _ _).
rewrite IHenv. auto. auto.
Lemma SemLift2Renaming :
forall env env' (r : Renaming env env') ty ty', SemRenaming (tlMap (tlMap (liftRenaming ty' (liftRenaming ty r)))) == SemRenaming r << FST << FST.
induction env. intros. simpl.
apply (DOne_final (K (Dprod (Dprod (SemEnv env') (SemTy ty)) (SemTy ty')) (tt:DOne)) _).
simpl. destruct (consMapInv r) as [r' [var eq]].
subst. simpl. rewrite hdConsMap. rewrite tlConsMap.
specialize (IHenv env' r' ty).
rewrite PROD_fun_comp. rewrite PROD_fun_comp.
refine (PROD_fun_eq_compat _ _).
rewrite IHenv. auto. auto.
Semantic function commutes with renaming
Lemma SemCommutesWithRenaming:
(forall env ty (v : Value env ty) env' (r : Renaming env env'),
SemVal v << SemRenaming r == SemVal (renameVal r v))
/\ (forall env ty (exp : Exp env ty) env' (r : Renaming env env'),
SemExp exp << SemRenaming r == SemExp (renameExp r exp)).
apply ExpVal_ind.
(* TINT *)
intros. simpl. rewrite <- K_com; trivial.
(* TBOOL *)
intros. simpl. rewrite <- K_com; trivial.
(* TVAR *)
intros env ty var env' r.
induction var.
simpl. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
destruct (consMapInv r) as [r' [v eq]]. subst.
simpl. rewrite hdConsMap. trivial.
destruct (consMapInv r) as [r' [v eq]]. subst.
specialize (IHvar r').
rewrite <- IHvar. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite tlConsMap. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. trivial.
(* TFIX *)
intros E t t1 body IH E' s.
specialize (IH _ (liftRenaming _ (liftRenaming _ s))).
rewrite renameTFIX.
simpl SemVal.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite Curry_comp. rewrite Curry_comp. rewrite <- IH.
clear IH. simpl. unfold PROD_map. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
rewrite PROD_fun_comp. rewrite SemLift2Renaming. trivial.
(* TPAIR *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s.
rewrite renameTPAIR. simpl SemVal. rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2. rewrite <- PROD_fun_comp. trivial.
(* TFST *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH E' s. rewrite renameTFST. simpl.
rewrite <- IH. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). trivial.
(* TSND *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH E' s. rewrite renameTSND. simpl.
rewrite <- IH. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). trivial.
(* TOP *)
intros E n v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite renameTOP. simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2.
rewrite PROD_fun_comp. trivial.
(* TGT *)
intros E v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite renameTGT. simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2.
rewrite PROD_fun_comp. trivial.
(* TVAL *)
intros E t v IH E' s. rewrite renameTVAL. simpl.
rewrite <- IH. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. trivial.
(* TLET *)
intros E t1 t2 e2 IH2 e1 IH1 E' s. rewrite renameTLET. simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
specialize (IH2 _ s).
specialize (IH1 _ (liftRenaming _ s)).
rewrite PROD_fun_comp.
rewrite KLEISLIR_comp.
rewrite <- IH2. clear IH2. rewrite <- IH1. clear IH1. simpl.
unfold PROD_map. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
rewrite SemLiftRenaming. trivial.
(* TAPP *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite renameTAPP. simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2.
rewrite PROD_fun_comp. trivial.
(* TIF *)
intros E t ec IHc te1 IH1 te2 IH2 E' s. rewrite renameTIF. simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp3_comp. rewrite <- IHc. rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2. trivial.
Set Printing Implicit Defensive.
Lemma SemShiftRenaming :
forall env env' (r : Renaming env env') ty, SemRenaming (shiftRenaming ty r) == SemRenaming r << FST.
induction env. intros. simpl.
apply (DOne_final (K (Dprod (SemEnv env') (SemTy ty)) (tt:DOne)) _).
simpl. destruct (consMapInv r) as [r' [var eq]].
subst. simpl. rewrite hdConsMap. rewrite tlConsMap.
specialize (IHenv env' r' ty).
rewrite PROD_fun_comp.
refine (PROD_fun_eq_compat IHenv _); auto.
Lemma SemIdRenaming : forall env, SemRenaming (idRenaming env) == ID.
induction env.
apply (DOne_final (K DOne _) _).
rewrite idRenamingDef. simpl SemRenaming. rewrite tlConsMap. rewrite SemShiftRenaming.
rewrite IHenv. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
apply fcont_eq_intro. intros. destruct x. auto.
Lemma SemShiftSubst :
forall env env' (s : Subst env env') ty, SemSubst (shiftSubst ty s) == SemSubst s << FST.
induction env. intros. simpl.
apply (DOne_final (K (Dprod (SemEnv env') (SemTy ty)) (tt:DOne)) _).
simpl. destruct (consMapInv s) as [s' [var eq]].
subst. simpl. rewrite hdConsMap. rewrite tlConsMap.
specialize (IHenv env' s' ty).
rewrite PROD_fun_comp.
refine (PROD_fun_eq_compat _ _).
rewrite IHenv. auto. unfold shiftSubst.
rewrite shiftConsMap. rewrite hdConsMap.
simpl. rewrite <- (proj1 SemCommutesWithRenaming).
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat _ _). trivial.
(* Seems a bit round-about *)
assert ((fun t0 => SVAR ty) = tlMap (liftRenaming ty (idRenaming env'))).
rewrite LiftRenamingDef. rewrite tlConsMap. apply MapExtensional. auto.
rewrite H.
rewrite SemLiftRenaming. rewrite SemIdRenaming. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
Lemma SemLiftSubst :
forall env env' (s : Subst env env') ty, SemSubst (tlMap (liftSubst ty s)) == SemSubst s << FST.
rewrite LiftSubstDef. rewrite tlConsMap. apply SemShiftSubst.
Lemma SemLift2Subst :
forall env env' (s : Subst env env') ty ty', SemSubst (tlMap (tlMap (liftSubst ty' (liftSubst ty s)))) == SemSubst s << FST << FST.
rewrite LiftSubstDef. rewrite tlConsMap. rewrite LiftSubstDef. unfold shiftSubst. rewrite shiftConsMap. rewrite tlConsMap.
rewrite SemShiftSubst. rewrite SemShiftSubst. auto.
Semantic function commutes with substitution
Lemma SemCommutesWithSubst:
(forall env ty (v : Value env ty) env' (s : Subst env env'),
SemVal v << SemSubst s == SemVal (substVal s v))
/\ (forall env ty (e : Exp env ty) env' (s : Subst env env'),
SemExp e << SemSubst s == SemExp (substExp s e)).
apply ExpVal_ind.
(* TINT *)
intros. simpl. rewrite <- K_com; trivial.
(* TBOOL *)
intros. simpl. rewrite <- K_com; trivial.
(* TVAR *)
intros env ty var env' s.
unfold substVal. simpl travVal.
induction var. simpl. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
destruct (consMapInv s) as [s' [v eq]]. subst.
simpl. rewrite hdConsMap. trivial.
destruct (consMapInv s) as [s' [v eq]]. subst.
specialize (IHvar s').
rewrite <- IHvar. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite tlConsMap. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. trivial.
(* TFIX *)
intros E t t1 body IH E' s. rewrite substTFIX. simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite Curry_comp. rewrite Curry_comp. rewrite <- IH.
clear IH. simpl. unfold PROD_map. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
rewrite SemLift2Subst. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite PROD_fun_comp. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. trivial.
(* TPAIR *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite substTPAIR. simpl.
rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2. rewrite PROD_fun_comp. trivial.
(* TFST *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH E' s. rewrite substTFST. simpl.
rewrite <- IH. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). trivial.
(* TSND *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH E' s. rewrite substTSND. simpl.
rewrite <- IH. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). trivial.
(* TOP *)
intros E n v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite substTOP. simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2.
rewrite PROD_fun_comp. trivial.
(* TGT *)
intros E v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite substTGT. simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2.
rewrite PROD_fun_comp. trivial.
(* TVAL *)
intros E t v IH E' s. rewrite substTVAL. simpl.
rewrite <- IH. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. trivial.
(* TLET *)
intros E t1 t2 e2 IH2 e1 IH1 E' s. rewrite substTLET. simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
specialize (IH2 _ s).
specialize (IH1 _ (liftSubst _ s)).
rewrite PROD_fun_comp.
rewrite KLEISLIR_comp.
rewrite <- IH2. clear IH2. rewrite <- IH1. clear IH1. simpl.
unfold PROD_map. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. rewrite SemLiftSubst. trivial.
(* TAPP *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite substTAPP. simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2.
rewrite PROD_fun_comp. trivial.
(* TIF *)
intros E t ec IHc te1 IH1 te2 IH2 E' s. rewrite substTIF. simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp3_comp.
rewrite <- IHc. rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2. trivial.

View file

@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
Require Export utility.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Inductive Value : Set :=
| VAR : nat -> Value
| NUM : nat -> Value
| LAMBDA : Exp -> Value
with Exp : Set :=
| VAL : Value -> Exp
| APP : Value -> Value -> Exp
| LET : Exp -> Exp -> Exp
| IFZ : Value -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
| OP : (nat -> nat -> nat) -> Value -> Value -> Exp.
Scheme Value_rec2 := Induction for Value Sort Set
with Exp_rec2 := Induction for Exp Sort Set.
Scheme Value_type2 := Induction for Value Sort Type
with Exp_type2 := Induction for Exp Sort Type.
Scheme Value_ind2 := Induction for Value Sort Prop
with Exp_ind2 := Induction for Exp Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme ExpValue_ind from Value_ind2, Exp_ind2.
Inductive VTyping (n:nat) : Value -> Type :=
| TVAR : forall m, m < n -> VTyping n (VAR m)
| TNUM : forall m, VTyping n (NUM m)
| TLAMBDA : forall e, ETyping (S n) e -> VTyping n (LAMBDA e)
with ETyping (n:nat) : Exp -> Type :=
| TVAL : forall v, VTyping n v -> ETyping n (VAL v)
| TAPP : forall e1 e2, VTyping n e1 -> VTyping n e2 -> ETyping n (APP e1 e2)
| TLET : forall e1 e2, ETyping n e1 -> ETyping (S n) e2 -> ETyping n (LET e1 e2)
| TIFZ : forall v e1 e2, VTyping n v -> ETyping n e1 -> ETyping n e2 -> ETyping n (IFZ v e1 e2)
| TOP : forall op v1 v2, VTyping n v1 -> VTyping n v2 -> ETyping n (OP op v1 v2).
Scheme VTyping_rec2 := Induction for VTyping Sort Set
with ETyping_rec2 := Induction for ETyping Sort Set.
Scheme VTyping_rect2 := Induction for VTyping Sort Type
with ETyping_rect2 := Induction for ETyping Sort Type.
Scheme VTyping_ind2 := Induction for VTyping Sort Prop
with ETyping_ind2 := Induction for ETyping Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme Typing_ind from VTyping_ind2, ETyping_ind2.
Fixpoint shiftV (k n:nat) (e:Value) {struct e} : Value :=
match e with
| VAR m => (if bleq_nat k m then VAR (m + n) else VAR m)
| NUM m => NUM m
| LAMBDA e => LAMBDA (shiftE (S k) n e)
with shiftE (k n:nat) (e:Exp) {struct e} : Exp :=
match e with
| VAL v => VAL (shiftV k n v)
| APP e1 e2 => APP (shiftV k n e1) (shiftV k n e2)
| LET e1 e2 => LET (shiftE k n e1) (shiftE (S k) n e2)
| IFZ v e1 e2 => IFZ (shiftV k n v) (shiftE k n e1) (shiftE k n e2)
| OP op v1 v2 => OP op (shiftV k n v1) (shiftV k n v2)
Lemma WeakeningV n v (tv:VTyping n v) x k : VTyping (n + x) (shiftV k x v).
intros n v tv x.
apply (@VTyping_rect2 (fun m v tv => forall k, VTyping (m + x) (shiftV k x v))
(fun m e te => forall k, ETyping (m + x) (shiftE k x e))) ;
try (intros ; simpl ; auto ; fail).
intros y m ym k. simpl.
case (bleq_nat k m).
eapply TVAR. omega.
eapply TVAR. omega.
Lemma WeakeningE n e (te:ETyping n e) x k : ETyping (n + x) (shiftE k x e).
intros n e te x.
apply (@ETyping_rect (fun m e te => forall k, ETyping (m + x) (shiftE k x e))) ;
try (intros ; simpl ; auto ; fail).
intros m v tv k.
simpl. eapply TVAL. eapply WeakeningV. apply tv.
intros m v1 v2 tv1 tv2 k. simpl. eapply TAPP. eapply WeakeningV. apply tv1.
eapply WeakeningV. apply tv2.
intros m v e1 e2 tv te1 IH1 te2 IH2 k.
simpl. eapply TIFZ. eapply WeakeningV. apply tv. apply IH1. apply IH2.
intros m op v1 v2 tv1 tv2 k. simpl.
eapply TOP ; eapply WeakeningV ; auto.
Fixpoint substVal (vl:list Value) (e:Value) : Value :=
match e with
| VAR m => (match nth_error vl m with | value ee => ee | error => VAR m end)
| NUM m => NUM m
| LAMBDA e => LAMBDA (substExp (VAR 0 :: (map (shiftV 0 1) vl)) e)
with substExp (vl:list Value) (e:Exp) : Exp :=
match e with
| VAL v => VAL (substVal vl v)
| APP e1 e2 => APP (substVal vl e1) (substVal vl e2)
| LET e1 e2 => LET (substExp vl e1) (substExp (VAR 0 :: map (shiftV 0 1) vl) e2)
| IFZ v e1 e2 => IFZ (substVal vl v) (substExp vl e1) (substExp vl e2)
| OP op v1 v2 => OP op (substVal vl v1) (substVal vl v2)
Lemma subst_typingV:
forall n v (tv:VTyping n v) n' vs, n = length vs ->
(forall i v', nth_error vs i = Some v' -> VTyping n' v') ->
VTyping n' (substVal vs v).
apply (@VTyping_rect2
(fun n v dv => forall n' vs, n = length vs ->
(forall i v', nth_error vs i = Some v' -> VTyping n' v') ->
VTyping n' (substVal vs v))
(fun n e de => forall n' vs, n = length vs ->
(forall i v', nth_error vs i = Some v' -> VTyping n' v') ->
ETyping n' (substExp vs e))) ; intros n.
intros m mn n' vs nl C.
simpl. case_eq (nth_error vs m).
intros v nth.
specialize (C _ _ nth).
apply C.
intros nth.
assert False as F. clear C n'.
generalize dependent m.
generalize dependent n.
induction vs. intros n nl m mn.
rewrite nl in mn. simpl in mn. intros. omega.
intros n nl m. simpl in nl. specialize (IHvs (length vs) (refl_equal _)).
case m. intros _ incon. simpl in incon. inversion incon.
clear m. intros m sm. simpl. rewrite nl in sm.
specialize (IHvs _ (lt_S_n _ _ sm)). auto.
inversion F.
simpl. intros. eapply TNUM.
intros e te IH1 n' vs nl C.
eapply TLAMBDA. apply IH1.
simpl. rewrite map_length. auto.
intros i v'. case i ; clear i.
simpl. intros va. inversion va. eapply TVAR. omega.
intros i. simpl. rewrite nth_error_map.
case_eq (nth_error vs i). intros v nth va.
inversion va. clear H0 va.
assert (S n' = n' + 1) as A by omega. rewrite A.
eapply (WeakeningV). eapply (C _ _ nth).
intros _ incon. inversion incon.
intros v tv IH n' vs nl C. simpl.
eapply (TVAL). apply IH ; auto.
intros v1 v2 tv1 IH1 tv2 IH2 n' vs nl C.
simpl. eapply (TAPP). eapply IH1 ; auto. eapply IH2 ; auto.
intros e1 e2 te1 IH1 te2 IH2 n' vs nl C.
simpl. eapply TLET. eapply IH1 ; auto.
eapply IH2 ; simpl ; auto. rewrite map_length. auto.
intros i v'. case i. simpl. intros va. inversion va.
eapply TVAR. omega.
clear i. intros i. simpl.
rewrite nth_error_map. case_eq (nth_error vs i).
intros v nth va. inversion va. clear H0 va.
assert (S n' = n' + 1) as A by omega. rewrite A.
eapply (WeakeningV).
apply (C _ _ nth).
intros _ incon. inversion incon.
intros v e1 e2 tv IHv te1 IH1 te2 IH2 n' vs nl C. simpl.
eapply TIFZ. apply IHv ; auto. apply IH1 ; auto. apply IH2 ; auto.
intros op v1 v2 tv1 IH1 tv2 IH2 n' vs nl C. simpl.
eapply TOP. apply IH1 ; auto. apply IH2 ; auto.
Lemma subst_typingE:
forall n e (te:ETyping n e) n' vs, n = length vs ->
(forall i v', nth_error vs i = Some v' -> VTyping n' v') ->
ETyping n' (substExp vs e).
eapply (@ETyping_rect (fun n e _ => forall n' vs, n = length vs ->
(forall i v', nth_error vs i = Some v' -> VTyping n' v') ->
ETyping n' (substExp vs e))).
intros n v tv n' vs nl C. simpl. eapply TVAL.
apply (subst_typingV tv) ; auto.
intros n v1 v2 tv1 tv2 n' vs nl C.
simpl. eapply TAPP. apply (subst_typingV tv1) ; auto.
apply (subst_typingV tv2) ; auto.
intros n e1 e2 te1 IH1 te2 IH2 n' vs nl C.
simpl. eapply TLET ; auto.
apply IH2. simpl. rewrite map_length. auto.
intros i v'. case i. simpl. intros va. inversion va. eapply TVAR ; auto. omega.
clear i ; intros i. simpl. rewrite nth_error_map.
case_eq (nth_error vs i). intros v nth va. inversion va. clear H0 va.
assert (S n' = n' + 1) as A by omega. rewrite A.
eapply (WeakeningV). apply (C _ _ nth).
intros nth incon. inversion incon.
intros n v e1 e2 tv te1 IH1 te2 IH2 n' vs nl C. simpl.
eapply TIFZ.
eapply (subst_typingV (n:=n)) ; auto. apply IH1 ; auto. apply IH2 ; auto.
intros n op v1 v2 tv1 tv2 n' vs nl C. simpl.
eapply TOP ; eapply (subst_typingV (n:=n)) ; auto.
Reserved Notation "e '=>>' v" (at level 75).
Inductive Evaluation : Exp -> Value -> Type :=
| e_Value : forall v, VAL v =>> v
| e_App : forall e1 v2 v,
substExp [v2] e1 =>> v ->
(APP (LAMBDA e1) v2) =>> v
| e_Let : forall e1 v1 e2 v2, e1 =>> v1 -> substExp [v1] e2 =>> v2 ->
(LET e1 e2) =>> v2
| e_Ifz1 : forall e1 e2 v1, e1 =>> v1 -> IFZ (NUM 0) e1 e2 =>> v1
| e_Ifz2 : forall e1 e2 v2 n, e2 =>> v2 -> IFZ (NUM (S n)) e1 e2 =>> v2
| e_Op : forall op n1 n2, OP op (NUM n1) (NUM n2) =>> NUM (op n1 n2)
where "e =>> v" := (Evaluation e v).
Lemma eval_preserve_type: forall e v, e =>> v -> ETyping 0 e -> VTyping 0 v.
intros e v ev.
induction ev ; intros ty ; auto.
inversion ty. auto.
apply IHev. eapply (subst_typingE (n:=1)) ; auto.
inversion ty. inversion H1. auto.
intros i. case i ; clear i. simpl. intros v' va. inversion va.
rewrite <- H0.
inversion ty. auto.
intros i v'. simpl. intro incon. destruct i ; simpl in incon ; inversion incon.
apply IHev2. inversion ty.
clear e0 e3 H H0.
eapply (subst_typingE (n:=1)) ; simpl ; auto.
intros i. case i ; clear i. intros v. simpl. intros va. inversion va.
rewrite <- H0. apply IHev1. apply H1.
intros n v'. simpl. intros incon. destruct n ; simpl in * ; inversion incon.
inversion ty.
apply IHev ; auto.
inversion ty. apply IHev ; auto.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Export lc.
Require Export uni.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Definition SimpleOpm (A B : Type) (op : A -> B) : Discrete A -m> Discrete B.
intros A B op.
exists (op).
unfold monotonic.
simpl in *.
rewrite H. auto.
Definition SimpleOp A B (op:A -> B) :
Discrete A -c> Discrete B.
exists (SimpleOpm op).
simpl in *.
unfold continuous.
simpl. auto.
Definition SimpleOp2mm (A B C : Type) (op : A -> B -> C) : Discrete A -> Discrete B -m> Discrete C.
exists (op X).
unfold monotonic.
simpl in *.
rewrite H. auto.
Definition SimpleOp2c A B C (op:A -> B -> C) :
Discrete A -> Discrete B -c> Discrete C.
exists (SimpleOp2mm op X).
simpl in *.
unfold continuous.
simpl. auto.
Definition SimpleOp2m (A B C:Type) (op : A -> B -> C) :
Discrete A -m> Discrete B -C-> Discrete C.
exists (SimpleOp2c op).
unfold monotonic.
simpl in *.
rewrite H. auto.
Definition SimpleOp2 A B C (op:A -> B -> C) :
Discrete A -c> Discrete B -C-> Discrete C.
exists (SimpleOp2m op).
unfold continuous ; intros ; simpl ; auto.
Definition FS := BiLift_strict (BiSum (BiConst (Discrete nat)) BiArrow).
Definition DInf := DInf FS.
Definition VInf := Dsum (Discrete nat) (DInf -C-> DInf).
Definition Roll : DL VInf -C-> DInf := ROLL FS.
Definition Unroll : DInf -C-> DL VInf := UNROLL FS.
Lemma UR_eq : forall x, Unroll (Roll x) == x.
intros y. rewrite <- fcont_comp_simpl.
apply Oeq_trans with (y:= ID y).
refine (app_eq_compat _ (Oeq_refl _)). unfold Unroll. unfold Roll. apply (DIso_ur FS). auto.
Lemma RU_eq : forall x, Roll (Unroll x) == x.
intros x.
assert (xx := fcont_eq_elim (DIso_ru FS) x). rewrite fcont_comp_simpl in xx. rewrite ID_simpl in xx.
simpl in xx. unfold Unroll. unfold Roll. apply xx.
Definition monic D E (f:D -c> E) := forall x y, f x <= f y -> x <= y.
Lemma Roll_monic: monic Roll.
unfold monic.
assert (zz:=@ROLL_monic _ FS). fold Roll in zz. fold DInf in zz. unfold VInf.
apply zz.
Lemma Unroll_monic: monic Unroll.
assert (yy:=@UNROLL_monic _ FS). fold Unroll in yy. fold DInf in yy.
unfold monic. apply yy.
Lemma inj_monic: forall D E (f:D -c> E), monic f -> forall x y, f x == f y -> x == y.
intros D E f mm. unfold monic in mm. intros x y.
assert (xx:= mm x y). specialize (mm y x).
intros [xy1 xy2]. split ; auto.
Fixpoint SemEnv n : cpo :=
match n with
| O => DOne
| S n => SemEnv n *c* VInf
Fixpoint projenv (m n:nat) : (m < n) -> SemEnv n -c> VInf :=
match m,n with
| m,O => fun inconsistant => match (lt_n_O m inconsistant) with end
| O, S n => fun _ => SND
| S m, S n => fun h => projenv (lt_S_n _ _ h) << FST
Lemma K_com2: forall E F (f:E -C-> F),
EV << PROD_fun (@K E _ f) ID == f.
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Lemma uncurry_PROD_fun: forall D D' E F G f g1 (g2:G -C-> D') h,
uncurry D E F f << PROD_fun (g1 << g2) h == uncurry D' E F (f << g1) << PROD_fun g2 h.
intros. apply fcont_eq_intro. auto.
Add Parametric Morphism D E F : (@curry D E F)
with signature (@Oeq (Dprod D E -C-> F)) ==> (@Oeq (D -C-> E -C-> F))
as Curry_eq_compat.
intros f0 f1 feq. refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros d. refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros e.
repeat (rewrite curry_simpl). auto.
Definition Dlift : (VInf -C-> DInf) -C-> DInf -C-> DInf := curry (Roll << EV <<
PROD_map (KLEISLI << (fcont_COMP VInf DInf _ Unroll)) Unroll).
Definition Dapp := EV << PROD_map (SUM_fun (PBot : Discrete nat -C-> DInf -C-> DL VInf)
(fcont_COMP _ _ _ Unroll))
(Roll << eta) : Dprod VInf VInf -C-> DL VInf.
Definition zeroCasem : Discrete nat -m> Dsum DOne (Discrete nat).
exists (fun (n:Discrete nat) => match n with | O => @INL DOne _ tt | S m => @INR _ (Discrete nat) m end).
unfold monotonic. intros x y xy. assert (x = y) as E by auto.
rewrite E in *. auto.
Definition zeroCase : Discrete nat -c> Dsum DOne (Discrete nat).
exists zeroCasem. unfold continuous. intros c.
refine (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ 0)). auto.
Lemma zeroCase_simplS: forall n, zeroCase (S n) = @INR _ (Discrete nat) n.
intros n ; auto.
Lemma zeroCase_simplO: zeroCase O = @INL DOne _ tt.
Definition DiscProdm S T : Dprod (Discrete S) (Discrete T) -m> Discrete (S * T).
intros S T. exists (fun (p:Dprod (Discrete S) (Discrete T)) => (fst p, snd p)).
unfold monotonic. intros. destruct x. destruct y. inversion H. simpl in *.
rewrite H0. rewrite H1. auto.
Definition DiscProd S T : Dprod (Discrete S) (Discrete T) -c> Discrete (S * T).
intros S T. exists (DiscProdm S T).
unfold continuous. auto.
Fixpoint SemVal v n (vt : VTyping n v) : (SemEnv n -C-> VInf) :=
match vt with
| TNUM n => INL << (@K _ (Discrete nat) n)
| TVAR m nthm => projenv nthm
| TLAMBDA _ e => INR << Dlift << curry (Roll << SemExp e)
with SemExp pe n (e : ETyping n pe) : (SemEnv n -C-> DL VInf) :=
match e with
| TAPP _ _ v1 v2 => Dapp << <| SemVal v1, SemVal v2 |>
| TVAL _ v => eta << SemVal v
| TLET _ _ e1 e2 => EV << <| curry (KLEISLIR (SemExp e2)), SemExp e1 |>
| TOP op _ _ v1 v2 =>
uncurry (Operator2 (eta << INL << (SimpleOp (fun p => op (fst p) (snd p))) << DiscProd _ _)) <<
<| SUM_fun eta (PBot : _ -C-> DL _) << SemVal v1,
SUM_fun eta (PBot : _ -C-> DL _) << SemVal v2 |>
| TIFZ _ _ _ v e1 e2 => EV <<
<| SUM_fun (SUM_fun (K _ (SemExp e1)) (K _ (SemExp e2)) << zeroCase)
(PBot : _ -C-> SemEnv n -C-> DL VInf) << SemVal v, ID |>
Lemma Sem_eq:
(forall n v (tv0:VTyping n v) n' k x
(tv1:VTyping n' (shiftV x k v)) env0 env1,
(forall i (nli:i < n) nlik,
projenv nli env0 ==
@projenv (i+(if bleq_nat x i then k else 0)) _ nlik env1) ->
SemVal tv0 env0 == SemVal tv1 env1) /\
(forall n e (te0:ETyping n e) n' k x
(te1:ETyping n' (shiftE x k e)) env0 env1,
(forall i (nli:i < n) nlik,
projenv nli env0 == @projenv (i+(if bleq_nat x i then k else 0)) _ nlik env1) ->
SemExp te0 env0 == SemExp te1 env1).
apply Typing_ind.
intros n m l n' k x.
simpl. case_eq (bleq_nat x m) ; intros xm tv1; dependent inversion tv1 ; clear tv1 ; intros env0 env1 C.
specialize (C _ l). rewrite xm in C. specialize (C l0). apply C.
specialize (C _ l). rewrite xm in C. assert (m+0 = m) as A by omega. rewrite A in C.
apply (C l0).
intros n m n' k x tv1. dependent inversion tv1 ; clear tv1 ; intros env0 env1 C.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (@INL (Discrete nat) (DInf -C-> DInf))) _).
repeat (rewrite K_simpl). auto.
intros n e te IHe n' k x tv1 ; dependent inversion tv1 ; clear tv1 ; intros env0 env1 C.
simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (@INR (Discrete nat) (DInf -C-> DInf))) _).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros v. repeat (rewrite curry_simpl).
specialize (IHe _ _ _ e1 (env0,v) (env1,v)).
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
apply IHe. intros i ; case i ; clear i ; simpl. intros _ _.
repeat (rewrite SND_simpl). auto.
intros i nli nlik. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl ; rewrite FST_simpl).
simpl. apply C.
intros n v tv IHv n' k x te ; dependent inversion te ; intros env0 env1 C.
simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
apply IHv. apply C.
intros n v1 v2 tv1 IH1 tv2 IH2 n' k x ta ; dependent inversion ta ; intros env0 env1 C.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
repeat (rewrite PROD_fun_simpl). repeat (rewrite PAIR_simpl). simpl.
specialize (IH1 _ _ _ v env0 env1 C).
specialize (IH2 _ _ _ v0 env0 env1 C).
refine (pair_eq_compat IH1 IH2).
intros n e1 e2 te1 IH1 te2 IH2 n' k x ta ; dependent inversion ta ; intros env0 env1 C.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
repeat (rewrite PROD_fun_simpl).
repeat (rewrite curry_simpl).
specialize (IH1 _ _ _ e env0 env1 C).
refine (Oeq_trans (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (pair_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) IH1)) _).
refine (KLEISLIR_eq _ _ _).
intros v0 v1 sv0 sv1.
specialize (IH2 _ _ _ e4 (env0,v0) (env1,v1)).
refine (IH2 _). intros i. case i ; clear i.
simpl. intros _ _. repeat (rewrite SND_simpl). simpl.
apply (vinj (Oeq_trans (Oeq_sym sv0) sv1)).
simpl. intros i nli nlik.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl ; rewrite FST_simpl). simpl.
apply C.
intros vv v1. exists vv. auto.
intros vv v1. exists vv. auto.
intros n v e1 e2 tv IHv te1 IH1 te2 IH2 n' k x tif env0 env1 C.
dependent inversion tif.
simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). repeat (rewrite PROD_fun_simpl).
repeat (rewrite ID_simpl). simpl.
rewrite EV_simpl. rewrite EV_simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
specialize (IH1 _ _ _ e env0 env1 C).
specialize (IHv _ _ _ v1 env0 env1 C).
specialize (IH2 _ _ _ e4 env0 env1 C).
refine (Oeq_trans _ (App_eq_compat (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (SUM_fun _ _)) IHv) (Oeq_refl env1))).
repeat (rewrite SUM_fun_simpl). fold VInf. case (SemVal tv env0) ; intros tt ; simpl ; case tt.
unfold INL ; auto. unfold INR ; auto. intros ff _. auto.
(* TOP *)
intros n op v1 v2 tv1 IH1 tv2 IH2 n' k x te1 env0 env1 C.
dependent inversion te1. simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
rewrite PROD_fun_simpl. rewrite PROD_fun_simpl. simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
refine (@pair_eq_compat (DL (Discrete nat)) (DL (Discrete nat)) _ _ _ _ _ _).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
apply (IH1 _ _ _ v env0 env1 C).
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
apply (IH2 _ _ _ v4 env0 env1 C).
Lemma shift_nil: (forall v k, shiftV k 0 v = v) /\
(forall e k, shiftE k 0 e = e).
apply ExpValue_ind ; intros ; simpl ;
try (try (rewrite (H0 k)) ; try (rewrite (H1 k)) ; try (rewrite (H2 k));
try (rewrite (H k)) ; try (rewrite (H (S k))) ; try (rewrite (H0 (S k))) ;
try (rewrite (H (S (S k)))) ; auto).
case_eq (bleq_nat k n) ; intros beq ; auto.
Lemma projenv_irr: forall n i (p1:i < n) (p2:i < n), projenv p1 == projenv p2.
intros n. induction n.
intros i incon. inversion incon.
intros i. case i. simpl. auto. clear i.
intros i p1 p2. simpl. specialize (IHn _ (lt_S_n i n p1) (lt_S_n i n p2)).
rewrite IHn. auto.
Lemma Sem_eqV: forall n v (ty0: VTyping n v) (ty1: VTyping n v), SemVal ty0 == SemVal ty1.
intros n v tv1 tv2.
simpl. refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros e.
assert (xx := proj1 Sem_eq _ _ tv1).
specialize (xx n 0 0). rewrite (proj1 shift_nil) in xx.
specialize (xx tv2 e e). apply xx.
intros i. simpl. assert (i + 0 = i) as A by omega. rewrite A.
intros nli nlik.
apply (fcont_eq_elim (projenv_irr nli nlik) e).
Lemma Sem_eqE: forall n v (ty0: ETyping n v) (ty1: ETyping n v), SemExp ty0 == SemExp ty1.
intros n v tv1 tv2.
simpl. refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros e.
assert (xx := proj2 Sem_eq _ _ tv1).
specialize (xx n 0 0). rewrite (proj2 shift_nil) in xx.
specialize (xx tv2 e e). apply xx.
intros i. simpl. assert (i + 0 = i) as A by omega. rewrite A.
intros nli nlik.
apply (fcont_eq_elim (projenv_irr nli nlik) e).

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@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import unisem.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Fixpoint NSem n n' : (forall i, i < n -> SemEnv n' -C-> VInf) -> SemEnv n' -C-> SemEnv n :=
match n as n0 return (forall i, i < n0 -> SemEnv n' -C-> VInf) -> SemEnv n' -C-> SemEnv n0 with
| O => (fun _ => @K (SemEnv n') DOne tt)
| S n => (fun C => PROD_fun (NSem (fun i nth => C (S i) (lt_n_S _ _ nth))) (C 0 (lt_O_Sn _)))
Lemma NSem_proof_irr: forall n n'
(tvs1:forall i, i < n -> SemEnv n' -C-> VInf)
(tvs2:forall i, i < n -> SemEnv n' -C-> VInf),
(forall i (p:i < n), tvs1 i p == tvs2 i p) ->
NSem tvs1 == NSem tvs2.
intros n. induction n ; auto.
intros n' tvs1 tvs2 C. refine (Dprod_unique _ _).
repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
apply (IHn n'). intros. apply (C (S i) (lt_n_S _ _ p)).
repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun).
refine (C 0 _).
Fixpoint getTyping n n' vs : n = length vs -> (forall i v, nth_error vs i = value v -> VTyping n' v) ->
forall i, i < n -> SemEnv n' -C-> VInf :=
match n as n0, vs as vs0 return n0 = length vs0 -> (forall i v, nth_error vs0 i = value v -> VTyping n' v) ->
forall i, i < n0 -> SemEnv n' -C-> VInf with
| O,_ => (fun _ _ i incon => match (lt_n_O i incon) with end)
| S n, nil => (fun l _ i _ => match (O_S _ (sym_eq l)) with end)
| S n, v :: vs => (fun l C i =>
match i with
| O => (fun _ => SemVal (C 0 v (refl_equal _)))
| S i => (fun li => getTyping (eq_add_S _ _ l) (fun i v nth => C (S i) v nth) (lt_S_n _ _ li))
Definition getTyping: forall n n' vs (l:n = length vs)
(tvs:forall i v, nth_error vs i = value v -> VTyping n' v),
(forall i, i < n -> SemEnv n' -C-> VInf).
intros n.
induction n.
intros n' vs l C i p. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
intros n' vs. destruct vs.
intros incon. simpl in incon. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
intros l C i. case i. clear i. intros _.
apply (SemVal (C 0 v (refl_equal _))).
clear i ; intros i si.
specialize (IHn n' vs (eq_add_S _ _ l)).
eapply (IHn (fun i v nth => C (S i) v nth) i (lt_S_n _ _ si)).
Lemma getTyping_irr: forall n n' vs (l1 l2:n = length vs)
(tvs1: forall i v, nth_error vs i = value v -> VTyping n' v)
(tvs2: forall i v, nth_error vs i = value v -> VTyping n' v)
i (nth1 nth2 : i < n), @getTyping n n' vs l1 tvs1 i nth1 == getTyping l2 tvs2 nth2.
intros n. induction n. intros n' vs l1 l2 tvs1 tvs2 i incon. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
intros n' vs. destruct vs.
intros l1. simpl in l1. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
intros l1 l2 tvs1 tvs2 i nth1 nth2. destruct i. simpl. refine (Sem_eqV _ _).
simpl. refine (IHn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Lemma NSem_ext: forall n n' f g, (forall a b, f a b == g a b) -> @NSem n n' f == NSem g.
intros n n' f g C.
induction n. simpl. auto.
simpl. refine (Dprod_unique _ _).
repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
apply IHn. apply (fun a ll => C (S a) (lt_n_S _ _ ll)).
repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun).
refine (C 0 _).
Lemma projNSem: forall n' v (tv:VTyping n' v) n vs (l:n = length vs) m
(nm : m < n)
(nthv: nth_error vs m = value v)
(tvs : forall (i : nat) (v : Value),
nth_error vs i = value v -> VTyping n' v),
@projenv m n nm << NSem (getTyping l tvs) == SemVal tv.
intros n' v tv n.
induction n. intros vs ntht m. intros incon. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
intros vs l m. destruct m. destruct vs. simpl in l. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
simpl. intros _ vv. inversion vv.
generalize l. rewrite H0 in *. clear H0 v0 l. intros l tvs. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
refine (Sem_eqV _ _).
destruct vs. simpl in l. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
intros nm nth tvs. simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
refine (Oeq_trans _ (IHn vs (eq_add_S _ _ l) m (lt_S_n m n nm) nth (fun i v nth => tvs (S i) v nth))).
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (NSem_ext _). intros. refine (getTyping_irr _ _ _ _ _ _).
Lemma NSemShift: forall n n' vs (l1:n = length vs) (l2:n = length (map (shiftV 0 1) vs))
(tvs1:forall i v, nth_error vs i = value v -> VTyping n' v)
(tvs2:forall i v, nth_error (map (shiftV 0 1) vs) i = value v -> VTyping (S n') v),
NSem (getTyping l1 tvs1) << FST == NSem (getTyping l2 tvs2).
intros n. induction n.
intros n' vs. destruct vs. intros l1 l2 tvs1 tvs2.
simpl. rewrite <- K_com. auto.
intros l. simpl in l. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
intros n' vs. destruct vs. intros l. simpl in l. assert False as F by omega. inversion l.
intros l1 l2 tvs1 tvs2.
simpl. refine (Dprod_unique _ _).
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
refine (Oeq_trans _ (Oeq_trans (IHn n' vs (eq_add_S _ _ l1) (eq_add_S _ _ l2) (fun i => tvs1 (S i)) (fun i => tvs2 (S i))) _)).
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat _ (Oeq_refl _)).
refine (NSem_ext _). intros. apply getTyping_irr.
refine (@NSem_ext n (S n') _ _ _). intros. refine (getTyping_irr _ _ _ _ _ _).
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros E.
rewrite (fcont_comp_simpl).
apply (proj1 Sem_eq _ _ (tvs1 0 v (refl_equal (value v))) (S n') 1 0
(tvs2 0 (shiftV 0 1 v) (refl_equal (value (shiftV 0 1 v))))
(FST E) E).
intros i nli.
case_eq (bleq_nat 0 i).
assert (i+1 = S i) as A by omega. rewrite A. clear A.
intros _ nlik.
simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl.
refine (fcont_eq_elim (projenv_irr _ _) _).
intros incon. inversion incon.
Lemma Substitution:
(forall n v (tv : VTyping n v) n' vs (l:n = length vs)
(tvs:forall i v, nth_error vs i = value v -> VTyping n' v),
SemVal tv << NSem (getTyping l tvs) == SemVal (subst_typingV tv l tvs)) /\
(forall n e (te : ETyping n e) n' vs (l:n = length vs)
(tvs:(forall i v, nth_error vs i = value v -> VTyping n' v)),
SemExp te << NSem (getTyping l tvs) == SemExp (subst_typingE te l tvs)).
apply Typing_ind.
(* TVAR *)
intros n m ntht n' vs l tvs.
assert (exists v, nth_error vs m = value v).
clear tvs n'.
rewrite l in ntht. clear n l. generalize vs ntht. clear ntht vs. induction m.
intros vs l. destruct vs. simpl in l. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
exists v. auto.
intros vs l. destruct vs. simpl in l. assert False as F by omega. inversion F.
apply IHm. simpl in l. omega.
destruct H as [v nthv]. simpl.
assert (tv := tvs m v nthv).
assert (ss:=Sem_eqV (subst_typingV (TVAR ntht) l tvs)).
assert (tv2 : VTyping n' (substVal vs (VAR m))).
simpl. rewrite nthv. simpl. apply tv.
rewrite (ss tv2). clear ss.
generalize tv2. clear tv2. simpl substVal. rewrite nthv. simpl.
intros tv2. refine (Oeq_trans _ (Sem_eqV tv tv2)). clear tv2.
apply (projNSem tv) ; auto.
(* TNUM *)
intros n m n' vs l tvs. simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite <- K_com. auto.
(* LAMBDA *)
intros n body tyb IH n' vs l tvs.
assert (tt:=subst_typingV (TLAMBDA tyb) l tvs).
refine (Oeq_trans _ (Sem_eqV tt _)).
generalize tt. clear tt. simpl substVal.
specialize (IH (S n') (VAR 0 :: (map (shiftV 0 1) vs))).
simpl length in IH. assert (S n = length (VAR 0 :: map (shiftV 0 1) vs)).
simpl. rewrite map_length. auto.
specialize (IH H).
assert (forall i v, nth_error (VAR 0:: map (shiftV 0 1) vs) i = value v -> VTyping (S n') v).
intros i v. destruct i. simpl. intros ta. inversion ta.
eapply TVAR. omega.
simpl. specialize (tvs i). rewrite nth_error_map.
case_eq (nth_error vs i). intros vv. intros nthvv. specialize (tvs _ nthvv).
intros vvv. inversion vvv.
assert (xx:=WeakeningV tvs 1 0). assert (n'+1 = S n') as A by omega. rewrite A in xx.
apply xx.
intros ; discriminate.
specialize (IH H0).
intros tt.
dependent inversion tt. clear e H2.
simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc).
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
apply curry_unique.
assert (PROD_map (curry (Roll << SemExp tyb) << NSem (getTyping l tvs)) ID ==
PROD_map (curry (Roll << SemExp tyb)) ID << PROD_fun (NSem (getTyping l tvs) << FST) (SND (D2:=VInf))).
unfold PROD_map.
refine (Dprod_unique _ _).
rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc).
rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite FST_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun. repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite SND_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite H1. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite <- curry_com.
clear H1. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
rewrite <- (Sem_eqE e0) in IH.
rewrite <- IH. clear IH tt e0.
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
clear tyb body. simpl.
refine (Dprod_unique _ _).
repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc).
repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
assert (ss := NSemShift (n':= n') l (eq_add_S _ _ H) tvs).
assert (forall (i : nat) (v : Value),
nth_error (map (shiftV 0 1) vs) i = value v ->
VTyping (S n') v). intros i v.
rewrite nth_error_map. case_eq (nth_error vs i). intros vv nth va. inversion va.
assert (xx:=WeakeningV (tvs i _ nth) 1 0). assert (S n' = n'+1) as A by omega. rewrite A.
apply xx.
intros _ incon. inversion incon.
refine (Oeq_trans _ (Oeq_trans (Oeq_sym (ss H1)) _)). clear ss.
refine (@NSem_ext n (S n') _ _ _). intros. refine (getTyping_irr _ _ _ _ _ _).
rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
assert (tv:= @TVAR (S n') 0 (lt_O_Sn _)).
rewrite <- (@Sem_eqV (S n') _ tv).
dependent inversion tv. simpl.
intros n v tv IH n' vs l tvs.
assert (tt:= subst_typingE (TVAL tv) l tvs).
rewrite <- (Sem_eqE tt).
dependent inversion tt.
simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
rewrite IH. rewrite <- (Sem_eqV v1). auto.
(* TAPP *)
intros n e1 e2 te1 IH1 te2 IH2 E' vs l tvs.
assert (tt:= subst_typingE (TAPP te1 te2) l tvs).
rewrite <- (Sem_eqE tt).
dependent inversion tt.
simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (Dprod_unique _ _).
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
rewrite (IH1 _ _ l tvs). rewrite <- (Sem_eqV v) ; auto.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun).
rewrite (IH2 _ _ l tvs). rewrite <- (Sem_eqV v0) ; auto.
(* TLET *)
intros n e1 e2 te2 IH2 te1 IH1 n' vs l tvs.
assert (tt:= subst_typingE (TLET te2 te1) l tvs).
rewrite <- (Sem_eqE tt).
dependent inversion tt.
assert (xx:= subst_typingE te2 l tvs).
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
specialize (IH2 _ _ l tvs).
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (Dprod_unique _ _).
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
refine (curry_unique _).
assert (PROD_map (curry (KLEISLIR (SemExp te1)) << NSem (getTyping l tvs)) ID ==
PROD_map (curry (KLEISLIR (SemExp te1))) ID << PROD_map (NSem (getTyping l tvs)) (ID (D:=DL VInf))).
unfold PROD_map.
refine (Dprod_unique _ _).
repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
auto. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
rewrite H. clear H. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite <- curry_com.
unfold PROD_map.
rewrite KLEISLIR_comp.
assert (PROD_map (NSem (getTyping l tvs) << FST) ID ==
PROD_map (NSem (getTyping l tvs)) ID << PROD_map (FST (D2:=DL VInf)) (ID( D:=VInf))).
rewrite PROD_map_PROD_map. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
rewrite H. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite <- KLEISLIR_comp. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
rewrite (fun D E => Dprod_unique (f := <| @FST D E, SND |>) (g:=ID)).
rewrite fcont_comp_unitR.
clear H.
refine (KLEISLIR_eq_compat _).
specialize (IH1 (S n') (VAR 0::map (shiftV 0 1) vs)).
assert (S n = S (length (map (shiftV 0 1) vs))). rewrite map_length. auto.
specialize (IH1 H).
assert (forall i v,
nth_error (VAR 0 :: map (shiftV 0 1) vs) i = value v -> VTyping (S n') v).
intros i s. destruct i. simpl.
intros vv. inversion vv.
eapply TVAR. omega. simpl.
intros nthv. rewrite nth_error_map in nthv. case_eq (nth_error vs i).
intros v nthvv. rewrite nthvv in nthv. inversion nthv.
assert (S n' = n' + 1) as A by omega. rewrite A.
eapply (WeakeningV). apply (tvs i v nthvv). intros nth. rewrite nth in nthv. inversion nthv.
specialize (IH1 H2).
rewrite <- (Sem_eqE e4) in IH1. rewrite <- IH1. clear IH1 H1.
simpl. unfold PROD_map.
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (PROD_fun_eq_compat _ _ )).
assert (sh := NSemShift l (eq_add_S _ _ H) tvs (fun i => H2 (S i))).
rewrite sh. clear sh. refine (@NSem_ext n (S n') _ _ _).
intros. refine (getTyping_irr _ _ _ _ _ _).
assert (VTyping (S n') (VAR 0)) as tv by (eapply TVAR ; omega).
rewrite <- (Sem_eqV tv).
dependent inversion tv. simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL. auto.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. apply FST_PROD_fun. rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. apply SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite SND_PROD_fun.
rewrite IH2. refine (Sem_eqE _ _).
(* TIFZ *)
intros n v e1 e2 tv IHv te1 IH1 te2 IH2 n' vs l tvs.
specialize (IHv _ _ l tvs). specialize (IH1 _ _ l tvs). specialize (IH2 _ _ l tvs).
assert (tt := subst_typingE (TIFZ tv te1 te2) (vs:=vs) l tvs). rewrite <- (Sem_eqE tt).
generalize tt. simpl. clear tt. intros tt.
dependent inversion tt. clear H0 H1 H2 v0 e0 e3. simpl.
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
rewrite PROD_fun_compl.
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _) (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite <- (Sem_eqV v1) in IHv. rewrite IHv. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
rewrite <- (PROD_fun_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (fcont_comp_unitR (NSem (getTyping l tvs)))).
Lemma xx D E F G (f:E -C-> F -C-> G) (h:D -C-> F) (g: E -C-> D) :
EV << PROD_fun f (h << g) ==
EV << PROD_fun (curry (uncurry f << SWAP << PROD_map h ID << SWAP)) g.
intros ; apply fcont_eq_intro ; auto.
rewrite xx. refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (PROD_fun_eq_compat _ (Oeq_refl _)). apply Oeq_sym.
refine (curry_unique _). rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite fcont_comp_assoc.
assert (forall D, SWAP << ((NSem (n:=n) (n':=n') (getTyping (vs:=vs) l tvs) *f* ID) << SWAP) ==
@ID D *f* (NSem (n:=n) (n':=n') (getTyping (vs:=vs) l tvs))) as eeq by
(intros D ; rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc ; apply fcont_eq_intro ; auto).
rewrite eeq. clear eeq.
rewrite <- (Sem_eqE e4) in IH2.
rewrite <- (Sem_eqE e) in IH1.
apply fcont_eq_intro.
intros d. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). case d ; clear d. intros ds dn.
repeat (rewrite PROD_map_simpl). rewrite ID_simpl. simpl. repeat (rewrite ID_simpl). simpl.
repeat (rewrite EV_simpl). rewrite uncurry_simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite SUM_fun_simpl.
unfold VInf. rewrite SUM_fun_simpl. fold VInf. simpl.
case (SemVal v1 ds). intros t. case t ; auto. unfold INL. simpl.
auto using (fcont_eq_elim IH1 dn). clear t. intros t. auto using (fcont_eq_elim IH2 dn).
(* TOP *)
intros n op v1 v2 tv1 IH1 tv2 IH2 n' vs l tvs.
specialize (IH1 _ _ l tvs). specialize (IH2 _ _ l tvs).
simpl subst_typingE. simpl.
refine (Oeq_trans (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _) _).
refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (Dprod_unique _ _). rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
rewrite <- IH1. clear IH1.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. auto.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc.
repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun). rewrite <- IH2. clear IH2.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. auto.
Lemma Soundness: forall e v, (e =>> v) -> forall (et : ETyping 0 e) (vt : VTyping 0 v), SemExp et == eta << SemVal vt.
intros e v ev. induction ev ; intros te ; dependent inversion te.
clear H0 v0 te. intros tv. simpl. refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
apply (Sem_eqV v1 tv).
clear e2 H0 H1 te. intros tv. simpl. assert (ETyping 1 e1) as te1 by (inversion v0 ; auto).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (Sem_eqV v0 (TLAMBDA te1)) (Oeq_refl _)).
clear e0 v0. unfold Dapp.
assert (forall D E F G H (a: D -c> F) (b : E -c> G) (c : H -c> D) (d : H -c> E), a *f* b << <|c, d|> == <| a << c, b << d |>).
intros. unfold PROD_map. refine (Dprod_unique _ _). rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun). rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. auto.
rewrite (fun D E => @fcont_comp_assoc D E (Dprod (DInf -C-> (DL VInf)) DInf) (DL VInf) (EV )).
rewrite H. clear H.
assert (SUM_fun (D1:=Discrete nat) (D2:=DInf -C-> DInf) (D3:=
DInf -C-> DL VInf)
(K (Discrete nat) (D2:=DInf -C-> DL VInf)
(K DInf (D2:=DL VInf) (DL_bot VInf)))
(fcont_COMP DInf DInf (DL VInf) Unroll) <<
((@INR (Discrete nat) (DInf -C-> DInf) << Dlift) <<
curry (D1:=DOne) (D2:=VInf) (D3:=DInf) (Roll << SemExp te1)) ==
(fcont_COMP DInf DInf (DL VInf) Unroll) << Dlift << curry (Roll << SemExp te1)).
repeat (rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc). rewrite Dsum_rcom. auto.
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat H (Oeq_refl ((Roll << eta) << SemVal v1))). clear H.
unfold Dlift.
refine (fcont_eq_intro _).
intros tt. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite PROD_fun_simpl. simpl. rewrite EV_simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite fcont_COMP_simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite curry_simpl.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl). rewrite PROD_map_simpl. simpl. rewrite EV_simpl.
rewrite UR_eq.
rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite fcont_COMP_simpl. rewrite KLEISLI_simpl.
rewrite UR_eq.
rewrite eta_val. rewrite kleisli_simpl. rewrite kleisli_Val.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite <- fcont_comp_simpl.
assert (xx := subst_typingE te1).
assert (1 = length [v2]) as A by (simpl ; auto). specialize (xx 0 _ A).
assert ((forall (i : nat) (v' : Value),
nth_error [v2] i = Some v' -> VTyping 0 v')) as C. intros i. destruct i. intros vv. simpl. intro incon. inversion incon.
rewrite <- H0. apply v1. simpl. intros vv. destruct i ; simpl ; intros incon ; inversion incon.
specialize (xx C).
specialize (IHev xx).
specialize (IHev tv).
rewrite <- (fcont_eq_elim IHev tt).
refine (app_eq_compat _ (Oeq_refl tt)).
assert (yy:=Oeq_trans (proj2 Substitution 1 _ te1 0 _ A C) (Sem_eqE _ xx)).
rewrite <- yy.
simpl. assert (zz:=Sem_eqV (C 0 v2 (refl_equal (value v2))) v1).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (Oeq_refl (K DOne (D2:=DOne) zz).
clear zz yy xx IHev. refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros t. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite curry_simpl. rewrite fcont_comp_simpl. rewrite UR_eq.
refine (app_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _). rewrite PROD_fun_simpl. simpl. rewrite K_simpl. case tt. auto.
(* TLET *)
intros tv2. simpl.
assert (<|curry (KLEISLIR (SemExp e4)), SemExp e |> == (curry (KLEISLIR (SemExp e4)) *f* ID) << <| ID, SemExp e|>).
unfold PROD_map.
refine (Dprod_unique _ _). rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun). rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite FST_PROD_fun.
rewrite fcont_comp_unitR. auto.
rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun). rewrite fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite SND_PROD_fun. rewrite fcont_comp_unitL.
rewrite H. clear H. rewrite <- fcont_comp_assoc. rewrite <- curry_com.
specialize (IHev1 e). assert (tv1 := eval_preserve_type ev1 e).
specialize (IHev1 tv1). rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (Oeq_refl ID) IHev1).
rewrite KLEISLIR_unit.
clear H0 H1 e0 e3 te.
assert (1 = length [v1]) as l by (simpl ; auto).
assert ((forall (i : nat) (v' : Value),
nth_error [v1] i = Some v' -> VTyping 0 v')) as C.
intros i ; destruct i. simpl. intros vv incon ; inversion incon. rewrite <- H0. clear H0 incon vv.
apply tv1. simpl. intros vv incon ; destruct i ; simpl in incon ; inversion incon.
assert (xx:=subst_typingE e4 l C).
specialize (IHev2 xx tv2). rewrite <- IHev2.
assert (yy:=proj2 Substitution 1 _ e4 0 _ l C).
rewrite <- (Sem_eqE xx) in yy. rewrite <- yy.
simpl. refine (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) _).
refine (Dprod_unique _ _).
repeat (rewrite FST_PROD_fun).
refine (DOne_final _ _).
repeat (rewrite SND_PROD_fun). refine (Sem_eqV tv1 _).
(* TIFZ zero *)
intros tv1. clear e0 e3 H0 H1 H2 te. rewrite <- (IHev e tv1). clear IHev.
simpl. rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (Sem_eqV v0 (TNUM 0 0))) (Oeq_refl _)).
clear v0.
rewrite <- (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _) (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Dsum_lcom _ _) (Oeq_refl _)) (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _) (Oeq_refl _)).
assert ((zeroCase << K DOne (D2:=Discrete nat) 0) == INL << ID) as zeq by
(apply fcont_eq_intro ;intros x ; case x ; auto).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) zeq) (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite <- (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _) (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Dsum_lcom _ _) (Oeq_refl _)) (Oeq_refl _)).
apply fcont_eq_intro ; auto.
(* TIFZ > 0 *)
intros tv2. clear e0 e3 H0 H1 H2 te. rewrite <- (IHev e4 tv2). clear IHev.
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (Sem_eqV v0 (TNUM 0 _))) (Oeq_refl _)).
clear v0.
rewrite <- (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _) (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Dsum_lcom _ _) (Oeq_refl _)) (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _) (Oeq_refl _)).
assert ((zeroCase << K DOne (D2:=Discrete nat) (S n)) == INR << (K DOne (n:Discrete nat))) as zeq by
(apply fcont_eq_intro ; auto).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) zeq) (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite <- (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _) (Oeq_refl _)).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Dsum_rcom _ _) (Oeq_refl _)) (Oeq_refl _)).
apply fcont_eq_intro ; auto.
intros tv. clear op0 H0 H1 H2.
dependent inversion tv. clear m H0. simpl.
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (Sem_eqV v (TNUM 0 n1)))
(fcont_comp_eq_compat (Oeq_refl _) (Sem_eqV v0 (TNUM 0 n2)))).
simpl. clear v v1 v2 te.
rewrite <- (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _) (fcont_comp_assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite (PROD_fun_eq_compat (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Dsum_lcom _ _) (Oeq_refl _)) (fcont_comp_eq_compat (Dsum_lcom _ _) (Oeq_refl _))).
refine (fcont_eq_intro _). intros tt.
repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite PROD_fun_simpl. simpl. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
rewrite eta_val. rewrite eta_val. rewrite uncurry_simpl.
repeat (rewrite K_simpl). rewrite Operator2_simpl. auto.

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@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
(* utility.v
Generally useful stuff that doesn't belong anywhere else for
Abstracting Allocation : The New New Thing
Nick Benton
(c) 2006 Microsoft Research
This also exports a bunch of pervasive stuff from the standard library
Require Export Arith.
Require Export EqNat.
Require Export Bool.
Require Export BoolEq.
Require Export Setoid.
Require Export Omega.
Require Export Bool_nat.
Require Export List.
Require Export Max.
Require Export Min.
Lemma generalise_recursion : forall (P:nat->Prop), (forall k , P k) <-> (forall k k0, k0<=k -> P k0).
intuition; apply (H k k); trivial.
Ltac dcase x := generalize (refl_equal x); pattern x at -1; case x.
Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).
Tactic Notation "hreplace" constr(h) "with" constr(t) := let id:=fresh in (assert (id := t); clear h; rename id into h).
Tactic Notation "omega_replace" constr(m) "with" constr(n) := replace m with n ; try omega.
(*Tactic Notation "deconstruct" hyp(h) := _deconstruct h.*)
Tactic Notation "deconstruct" hyp(h) "as" simple_intropattern(ip) := generalize h; clear h; intros ip.
Tactic Notation "witness" ident(p) "in" hyp(h) := elim h; clear h; intros p h.
Axiom Extensionality : forall (A B : Type) (f g : A->B), (forall a:A, f a = g a) <-> f =g.
Lemma strictPosSucc: forall n, n>0 -> exists m , S m =n.
induction n.
destruct H.
exists n; trivial.
exists m; trivial.
exists n; trivial.
Ltac unfold_plus:=
try repeat rewrite <- plus_n_Sm;
try rewrite plus_0_r;
try rewrite plus_0_l.
Tactic Notation (at level 0) "unfold_plus" "in" constr(H) := try repeat rewrite <- plus_n_Sm in H;
try rewrite plus_0_r in H;
try rewrite plus_0_l in H.
Lemma beq_nat_neq :forall m n, m<>n -> false = (beq_nat m n).
double induction m n; simpl in |-*.
set(Hn := (H0 n)).
assert (n1 <> n).
apply (Hn H2).
(* bleq_nat, ble_nat ... *)
Fixpoint bleq_nat (n m: nat) {struct n} : bool :=
match n with
| 0 => true
| S n1 => match m with
| 0 => false
| S m1 => bleq_nat n1 m1
Fixpoint ble_nat (n m : nat) {struct n} : bool :=
match n with
| 0 => match m with
| 0 => false
| S _ => true
| S n1 => match m with
| 0 => false
| S m1 => ble_nat n1 m1
Lemma ble_nat_false : forall m n, m >=n -> false = ble_nat m n.
double induction m n.
Lemma bleq_nat_false : forall m n, m > n -> false = bleq_nat m n.
double induction m n.
intro; absurd (0>0).
absurd (0> S n0).
apply H0.
Lemma bleq_nat_true : forall m n, m <= n -> true = bleq_nat m n.
double induction m n; intros; simpl.
absurd (S n <=0).
apply H0.
Lemma true_bleq_nat : forall m n, true = bleq_nat m n -> m <= n.
double induction m n.
simpl; intros.
simpl; intros.
discriminate H0.
simpl; intros.
Lemma false_bleq_nat : forall m n, false = bleq_nat m n -> m > n.
assert (~ m <= n).
intro Habs; generalize (bleq_nat_true m n Habs); intro.
rewrite <- H0 in H; discriminate H.
Lemma ble_nat_true : forall m n, m < n -> true = ble_nat m n.
double induction m n.
intro; absurd (0<0).
absurd (S n < 0).
apply H0.
Lemma booleq : forall (a b : bool), ((true = a) <-> (true = b)) -> (a = b).
intros; dcase a.
dcase b.
rewrite H0 in H2.
intro; symmetry; apply H2; symmetry; assumption.
Definition compose (A B C : Type) (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) a := g(f a).
Implicit Arguments compose [A B C].
Definition opt_map : forall (A B : Type), (A -> B) -> (option A -> option B) :=
fun A B f o =>
match o with
| None => None
| Some a => Some (f a)
Implicit Arguments opt_map [A B].
Definition opt_lift : forall (A B : Type), (A -> option B) -> option A -> option B :=
fun A B f o =>
match o with
| Some a => f a
| None => None
Implicit Arguments opt_lift [A B].
Section Lists_extras.
Variable A : Type.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* cons_nth *)
Fixpoint cons_nth (a:A) (l:list A) (m:nat) {struct l} : list A :=
match l with
| nil => a :: nil
| b :: bs =>
match m with
| 0 => a :: l
| S m' => b :: cons_nth a bs m'
Lemma cons_nth_S : forall a b l m, cons_nth a (b::l) (S m) = b :: (cons_nth a l m).
Lemma nth_error_nil : forall n, nth_error (nil : list A) n = error.
destruct n; trivial.
Lemma nth_error_cons : forall (l:list A) n a b, (nth_error l n = Some a) = (nth_error (b::l) (S n) = Some a).
simpl; auto.
Lemma nth_error_cons_nth_lt : forall (l:list A) n a b m (h:n<m),
(nth_error l n = Some a) -> (nth_error (cons_nth b l m) n = Some a).
induction l.
intros; rewrite (nth_error_nil n) in H; inversion H.
intros until m; case m.
intro h; absurd (n < 0); [apply (lt_n_O n) | assumption].
case n ;[ trivial | simpl; intros ; apply (IHl n0 a0 b n1) ; [omega |trivial]].
Lemma nth_error_cons_nth_ltI : forall (l:list A) n a b m (h : n < m) (hn:n < length l),
(nth_error (cons_nth b l m) n = Some a) -> (nth_error l n = Some a).
induction l.
intros. simpl in hn. destruct (lt_n_O n). auto.
intros. destruct n. simpl in H. destruct m. destruct (lt_irrefl 0) ; auto.
auto. simpl. simpl in H ; destruct m. destruct (lt_n_O (S n)). auto.
assert (S n < S (length l)). auto.
apply (IHl n a0 b m (lt_S_n _ _ h) (lt_S_n _ _ H0)). auto.
Lemma nth_error_cons_nth_ge : forall (l:list A) n a b m (h:n>=m),
(nth_error l n = Some a) -> (nth_error (cons_nth b l m) (S n) = Some a).
induction l.
intro n; rewrite (nth_error_nil n); intros; inversion H.
intros until m;case m.
case n.
intros n0 h; absurd (0 >= S n0) ; [omega | trivial].
intros n0 n1 h; simpl; simpl in IHl.
apply IHl; omega.
Lemma nth_error_cons_nth_geI : forall (l:list A) n a b m (h:n>=m),
(nth_error (cons_nth b l m) (S n) = Some a) -> (nth_error l n = Some a).
induction l.
intro n. auto.
intros. destruct m. simpl in H. auto.
simpl in H. destruct n. destruct (le_not_gt _ _ h).
apply neq_O_lt. auto.
apply (IHl n a0 b _ (le_S_n _ _ h) H).
Lemma nth_error_cons_nth_eq : forall a l n,
n <= length l -> nth_error (cons_nth a l n) n = value a.
generalize dependent l.
induction n. intros. destruct l ; simpl ; reflexivity.
destruct l. simpl in H.
destruct (absurd False H (le_Sn_O n)).
assert (length (a0 :: l) = S (length l)). auto.
rewrite -> H0 in H.
apply (IHn _ (le_S_n _ _ H)).
Lemma nth_error_length : forall l n (a:A), nth_error l n = value a -> n < length l.
intros. generalize dependent l.
induction n. destruct l. simpl.
intros. inversion H.
simpl. intros. apply gt_Sn_O.
intro l. destruct l. simpl. intro. inversion H.
simpl. intro. apply gt_n_S. apply (IHn _ H).
Lemma nth_error_lengthI : forall (l:list A) n, n < length l -> exists a, nth_error l n = value a.
intros l. induction l. simpl. intros n incon. inversion incon.
intros n ; case n ; clear n. simpl. intros _. exists a. auto.
intros n. simpl. intros C ; apply IHl. omega.
Lemma cons_nth_length_S: forall a l n, length (cons_nth a l n) = S (length l).
intros. generalize dependent l. induction n.
intros. destruct l ; auto.
intros. destruct l. auto.
simpl. apply eq_S. apply IHn.
Lemma nth_error_0 : forall (l:list A) (a:A), nth_error l 0 = Some a <-> (exists l', l = a::l').
intros; split.
induction l.
simpl; intro.
inversion H.
simpl; intro.
inversion H.
exists l;trivial.
intro; destruct H.
rewrite H.
Lemma nth_error_Sn : forall (l:list A) (a:A) (n:nat),
nth_error l (S n) = Some a <-> (exists l', exists a0, l = a0::l' /\ nth_error l' n = Some a).
intros; split.
induction l.
simpl; intro.
inversion H.
simpl; intro.
exists l;exists a0;intuition.
intro; destruct H as [l' [a0 (H0,H1)]].
rewrite H0.
Lemma nth_error_map: forall B (f:A -> B) (l:list A) i,
nth_error (map f l) i = (match nth_error l i with Some e => Some (f e) | error => error end).
intros B f l.
induction l.
simpl. intros i. destruct i ; simpl ; auto.
intros i. destruct i. simpl. auto.
simpl. apply IHl.
Lemma split_list : forall (a:A) l , a :: l = (a :: nil) ++ l.
Fixpoint takedrop n (l1 l2 : list A) {struct n} := match n with
| 0 => (l1,l2)
| S n => match l2 with
| nil => (l1,l2)
| h::t => takedrop n (l1++(h::nil)) t
Definition fuse (couple:list A * list A) := match couple with (l1,l2) => l1++l2 end.
Lemma fuse_unfold : forall l1 l2, fuse (l1,l2) = l1++l2.
unfold fuse; intuition.
Opaque fuse.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
End Lists_extras.

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@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
* Fin.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Finite nats and maps *)
Require Export ssreflect ssrnat.
Require Export NaryFunctions.
Require Import Program.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Inductive Fin : nat -> Type :=
| FinZ : forall n, Fin n.+1
| FinS : forall n, Fin n -> Fin n.+1.
Definition FMap n D := Fin n -> D.
(* Head, tail and cons *)
Definition tl n D (m:FMap n.+1 D) : FMap n D := fun v => m (FinS v).
Definition hd n D (m:FMap n.+1 D) : D := m (FinZ _).
Definition cons n D (hd:D) (tl : FMap n D) : FMap n.+1 D :=
(fun var =>
match var in Fin n return FMap n.-1 D -> D with
| FinZ _ => fun _ => hd
| FinS _ var' => fun tl' => tl' var'
end tl).
Fixpoint nth n D (v : Fin n) : FMap n D -> D :=
match v with
| FinZ _ => fun m => hd m
| FinS _ i => fun m => nth i (tl m)
Fixpoint asTuple n D : FMap n D -> D ^ n :=
match n with
| 0 => fun m => tt
| n.+1 => fun m => (hd m, asTuple (tl m))
Lemma hdCons : forall n D (v : D) (m : FMap n D), hd (cons v m) = v.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Axiom Extensionality : forall n D (m1 m2 : FMap n D), (forall i, m1 i = m2 i) -> m1 = m2.
Lemma tlCons : forall n D (v : D) (s : FMap n D), tl (cons v s) = s.
Proof. move => n D v s. by apply Extensionality. Qed.
Ltac extFMap i := (apply Extensionality; intros i; dependent destruction i).
Lemma consEta : forall n D (m:FMap n.+1 D), m = cons (hd m) (tl m).
Proof. move => n D m. extFMap i; by []. Qed.

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@ -1,947 +0,0 @@
* Finmap.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Finite maps with comparison on the domain *)
Summary of things:
compType is is the type of computable linear orders.
[compType of nat] is the linear order of natural numbers.
FinDom (C:compType) (T:Type) : Type
is the type finite maps from C to T.
If T is an equality type then findom_eqType C T is an equality type.
fdEmpty : FinDom C T
the every undefined finite map.
dom_fdEmpty : dom fdEmpty = [::]
findom_undef (f:FinDom C T) (c \notin dom f) : f c = None
findom_indom f c : (c \in dom f) = isSome (f c)
updMap (c:T) (t:T) (f:FinDom C T) : FinDom C T
add the pair (c,t) to the finite map f. If c \in dom f then f c is
changed to t.
updMap_simpl : updMap c t f c = Seom t
updMap_simpl2 : c != c' -> updMap c t f c' = f c'
indomUpdMap c (f:FinDom C T) c' t : c \in dom (updMap c' t f) = c == c' || c \in dom f
remMap c (f:FinDom C T) : FinDom C T
removes c from the domain of f.
remMap_simpl c (f:FinDom C T) : remMap c f c = None
remMap_simpl2 c c' (f:FinDom C T) : c != c' -> remMap c f c' = f c'
indomRemMap c f t : c \in remMap t f = a != t && a \in dom f
updMapCom f c t c' t' : c != c' -> updMap c t (updMap c' t' f) = updMap c' t' (updMap c t f)
remUpdMap (f:FinDom C T) c c' t : c != c' -> remMap c (updMap c' t f) = updMap c' t (remMap c f)
create_findom (C:compType) (T1:Type) (l:seq T0) (f:T0 -> option T1) : uniq l -> sorted l -> FinDom C T1
takes a sorted list to a finite map.
dom_create_findom gives you the domain of a create_findom.
findom_map (m:FinDom T T') (f:forall x, x \in dom m -> T'') : FinDom T T''
maps f over the domain of m.
dom_findom_map ...
post_comp (g:T -> option T') (f:FinDom C T) : FinDom C T'
post composition of f with g.
post_comp_simpl g (f:FinDom C T) c : post_comp g f c = option_bind g (f c)
dom_post_comp g (f:FinDom C T) : dom (post_copm g f) = filter (fun x => isSome (option_bind g (f x))) (dom f)
Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
Require Import ssrfun.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Module Comparison.
Definition axiomAS (T:Type) l := forall x y : T, reflect (x = y) (l x y && l y x).
Definition axiomCL T (l:T -> T -> bool) (comp:T -> T -> unit + bool) :=
forall x y, ((comp x y == inl _ tt) = l x y && l y x) /\ (comp x y == inr _ true) = l x y && negb (l y x) /\
(comp x y == inr _ false) = l y x && negb (l x y).
Definition axiomT T l := forall x y z : T, l x y && l y z ==> l x z.
Record mixin_of (T:Type) : Type :=
Mixin { leq : T -> T -> bool;
comp : T -> T -> unit + bool;
_ : axiomAS leq;
_ : axiomT leq;
_ : axiomCL leq comp
Notation class_of := mixin_of (only parsing).
Section ClassDef.
Structure type : Type := Pack {sort : Type; _ : class_of sort; _ : Type}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Definition class cT := let: Pack _ c _ := cT return class_of cT in c.
Definition eqop (T:type) (x y : T) := comp (class T) x y == inl _ tt.
Lemma eqP T : Equality.axiom (@eqop T).
case:T. move => T. case => l c A0 A1 A2 T'. unfold eqop. simpl.
move => x y. simpl. specialize (A0 x y). have A:=proj1 (A2 x y). simpl in A. rewrite <- A in A0. by apply A0.
Lemma leq_refl (T:type) (x:T) : leq (class T) x x.
case:T x. move => T. case. move => l c AS Tr CL X. simpl. move => x. case_eq (l x x) => L; first by [].
specialize (AS x x). rewrite L in AS. simpl in AS. by case AS.
Lemma leq_trans (T:type) (x y z:T) : leq (class T) x y -> leq (class T) y z -> leq (class T) x z.
case:T x y z => T. case. move => l c AS Tr CL X. simpl. move => x y z A B.
specialize (Tr x y z). rewrite -> A, -> B in Tr. rewrite implyTb in Tr. by apply Tr.
Fixpoint sorted (T:type) (s:seq T) : bool :=
match s with
| nil => true
| x::s' => match s' with | nil => true | y::_ => leq (class T) x y && sorted s' end
Lemma leq_seq_trans T x t s : leq (class T) x t -> all (leq (class T) t) s -> all (leq (class T) x) s.
elim:s ; first by [].
move => e s IH X. specialize (IH X). simpl. move => Y. rewrite (IH (proj2 (andP Y))). rewrite andbT.
apply (@leq_trans _ x t e). by rewrite X. by rewrite (proj1 (andP Y)).
Lemma ltn_trans T x y t : leq (class T) x y -> leq (class T) t x -> ~~ eqop t x -> ~~ eqop t y.
move: T (@eqP T) x y t. case => T. simpl. case => l c AS Tr CL X E. simpl. unfold eqop in E. simpl in E.
move => x y t L L'. unfold eqop. simpl. case_eq (c t y) ; last by case.
case. move => e. have e':c t y == inl bool tt by rewrite e.
have ee:=E _ _ e'. rewrite <- ee in L. specialize (AS t x). rewrite L in AS. rewrite L' in AS. simpl in AS.
specialize (E t x). simpl in E. case: E ; first by [].
have a:= elimT AS. specialize (a is_true_true). by rewrite a.
Lemma ltn_seq_trans T x t s : leq (class T) x t -> negb (eqop x t) -> all (leq (class T) t) s ->
all (leq (class T) x) s && all (fun y => negb (eqop x y)) s.
elim:s ; first by [].
move => e s IH L N A. simpl in A. simpl. specialize (IH L N (proj2 (andP A))).
rewrite (leq_trans (y:=t) L) ; last by rewrite -> (proj1 (andP A)). simpl.
rewrite (leq_seq_trans L (proj2 (andP A))). simpl. rewrite (proj2 (andP IH)).
by rewrite (ltn_trans (proj1 (andP A)) L N).
Lemma sorted_cons (T:type) (s:seq T) (x:T) : sorted (x::s) = all (leq (class T) x) s && sorted s.
elim:s x ; first by [].
move => t s IH x. simpl @all.
apply trans_eq with (y:=leq (class T) x t && sorted (t::s)) ; first by []. rewrite (IH t). clear IH.
case_eq (leq (class T) x t) ; last by []. move => xt. simpl.
case_eq (all (leq (class T) t) s) ; last by simpl ; rewrite andbF.
move => ts. simpl. by rewrite (leq_seq_trans xt ts).
Definition unpack K (k : forall T (c : class_of T), K T c) cT :=
let: Pack T c _ := cT return K _ (class cT) in k _ c.
Definition repack cT : _ -> Type -> type := let k T c p := p c in unpack k cT.
Definition pack T c := @Pack T c T.
Definition eqType cT := Equality.Pack (Equality.Mixin (@eqP cT)) cT.
Lemma comp_ne cT x y b : comp (class cT) x y = inr unit b -> negb (@eqop cT x y).
unfold eqop. move => e. by rewrite e.
End ClassDef.
Module Import Exports.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Notation compType := type.
Notation CompType := pack.
Notation CompMixin := Mixin.
Canonical Structure eqType.
Notation "[ 'compType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" :=
(@repack cT (@Pack T) T)
(at level 0, format "[ 'compType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'compType' 'of' T ]" :=
(repack (fun c => @Pack T c) T)
(at level 0, format "[ 'compType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.
End Comparison.
Export Comparison.Exports.
Definition comparison (T:compType) (x y:T) := Comparison.comp (Comparison.class T) x y.
Definition leq (T:compType) (x y:T) := Comparison.leq (Comparison.class T) x y.
Definition sorted (T:compType) (s:seq T) := Comparison.sorted s.
Lemma leq_trans (T:compType) (x y z:T) : leq x y -> leq y z -> leq x z.
move => E. by apply (Comparison.leq_trans E).
Lemma leq_refl (T:compType) (x:T) : leq x x.
by apply (Comparison.leq_refl).
Lemma leq_seq_trans (T:compType) (x:T) t s : leq x t -> all (leq t) s -> all (leq x) s.
move => L A. by apply (Comparison.leq_seq_trans L A).
Lemma ltn_trans (T:compType) (x y t:T) : leq x y -> leq t x -> t != x -> t != y.
move => L L' N. by apply (Comparison.ltn_trans L L' N).
Lemma ltn_seq_trans (T:compType) (x t:T) s : leq x t -> x != t -> all (leq t) s ->
all (leq x) s && all (fun y => x != y) s.
move => L N A. by apply (Comparison.ltn_seq_trans L N A).
Lemma sorted_cons (T:compType) (s:seq T) (x:T) : sorted (x::s) = all (leq x) s && sorted s.
by apply Comparison.sorted_cons.
Lemma comp_eq (T:compType) (x y:T) : (comparison x y == inl bool tt) = (x == y).
case_eq (comparison x y == inl bool tt) => E.
apply sym_eq. by apply E.
case_eq (x == y) => E' ; last by [].
case: T x y E E'. move => T. case => l c A0 A1 A2 T'. simpl.
move => x y. have a:= (A0 x y). have A:=proj1 (A2 x y). move => F. simpl in A. rewrite F in A.
move => e. rewrite (eqP e) in A. by rewrite (introT (A0 y y) (refl_equal _)) in A.
Lemma comp_leq (T:compType) (x y:T) : (comparison x y == inr unit true) = (leq x y && (x != y)).
case_eq (x == y) => E. have e:=comp_eq x y. rewrite E in e.
rewrite (eqP e). simpl. by rewrite andbF.
simpl. rewrite andbT. have e:(comparison x y != inl bool tt) by rewrite comp_eq ; rewrite E. clear E.
move: T x y e.
case => T. case => l c A0 A1 A2 T'. unfold comparison. unfold leq. simpl.
move => x y. have a:= (proj1 (proj2 (A2 x y))). simpl in a. rewrite a. clear a.
case_eq (l x y) => E ; last by []. simpl. case_eq (l y x) => L ; last by [].
specialize (A2 x y). rewrite E in A2. rewrite L in A2. simpl in A2. by rewrite (proj1 A2).
Lemma comp_geq (T:compType) (x y:T) : (comparison x y == inr unit false) = (leq y x && (x != y)).
case_eq (x == y) => E. have e:=comp_eq x y. rewrite E in e.
rewrite (eqP e). simpl. by rewrite andbF.
simpl. rewrite andbT. have e:(comparison x y != inl bool tt) by rewrite comp_eq ; rewrite E. clear E.
move: T x y e.
case => T. case => l c A0 A1 A2 T'. unfold comparison. unfold leq. simpl.
move => x y. have a:= (proj2 (proj2 (A2 x y))). simpl in a. rewrite a. clear a.
case_eq (l y x) => E ; last by []. simpl. case_eq (l x y) => L ; last by [].
specialize (A2 x y). rewrite E in A2. rewrite L in A2. simpl in A2. by rewrite (proj1 A2).
Lemma comp_neq (T:compType) (x y:T) b : comparison x y = inr _ b -> x != y.
move => E. by apply (Comparison.comp_ne E).
Lemma comp_leqT (T:compType) (x y:T) : comparison x y = inr unit true -> leq x y.
case:T x y => T. case => l c AS Tr CL X. simpl. move => x y. have A:= (CL x y). unfold comparison. simpl. unfold leq. simpl.
move => E. rewrite E in A. simpl in A. have a:=proj1 (proj2 A). by case: (l x y) a.
Lemma comp_leqF (T:compType) (x y:T) : comparison x y = inr unit false -> leq y x.
case:T x y => T. case => l c AS Tr CL X. simpl. move => x y. have A:= (CL x y). unfold comparison. simpl. unfold leq. simpl.
move => E. rewrite E in A. simpl in A. have a:=proj2 (proj2 A). by case: (l y x) a.
Lemma leq_anti (T:compType) (x y : T) : leq x y -> leq y x -> x = y.
unfold leq. case: T x y. move => T. case. move => le comp A B C T'. simpl.
move => x y l l'. specialize (A x y). rewrite l in A. rewrite l' in A. simpl in A.
by inversion A.
Fixpoint compare_nat (m n : nat) : unit + bool :=
match m,n with
| O,O => inl _ tt
| S m, O => inr _ false
| O, S n => inr _ true
| S m, S n => compare_nat m n
Lemma comp_natAS : Comparison.axiomAS ssrnat.leq.
move => x y. apply: (iffP idP) ; last by move => X ; rewrite X ; rewrite leqnn.
move => L. by apply (anti_leq L).
Lemma nat_leqT : Comparison.axiomT ssrnat.leq.
move => x y z. case_eq (x <= y <= z) ; last by rewrite implyFb.
move => E. rewrite implyTb. by apply (ssrnat.leq_trans (proj1 (andP E)) (proj2 (andP E))).
Lemma comp_natCL : Comparison.axiomCL ssrnat.leq compare_nat.
move => x y. simpl. elim: x y ; first by case.
move => x IH. case ; first by []. move => y. simpl. specialize (IH y).
rewrite (proj1 IH). rewrite (proj1 (proj2 IH)). by rewrite (proj2 (proj2 IH)).
Canonical Structure nat_compMixin := CompMixin (comp:=compare_nat) comp_natAS nat_leqT comp_natCL.
Canonical Structure nat_compType := Eval hnf in CompType nat_compMixin.
Lemma map_map T T' T'' (f:T -> T') (g:T' -> T'') l : map g (map f l) = map (fun x => g (f x)) l.
elim:l ; first by [].
move => e l IH. simpl. by rewrite IH.
Section FinDom.
Variable T:compType.
Section Def.
Variable T':Type.
(*=FinDom *)
Record FinDom : Type := mk_findom
{ findom_t : seq (T * T');
findom_P : sorted (map (@fst T T') findom_t) &&
uniq (map (@fst T T') findom_t) }.
(*=End *)
Fixpoint findom_fun (f:seq (T * T')) (x:T) : option T' :=
match f with
| nil => None
| (x0,y) :: r => if x == x0 then Some y else findom_fun r x
Definition findom_f f := findom_fun (findom_t f).
Definition dom f := map (@fst _ _) (findom_t f).
Definition codom f := map (@snd _ _) (findom_t f).
End Def.
Coercion findom_f : FinDom >-> Funclass.
Variable T' : Type.
Fixpoint updpair (x:T * T') (l:seq (T * T')) : seq (T * T') :=
match l with
| nil => [:: x]
| y::yr => match comparison (fst x) (fst y) with inl _ => x::yr | inr true => x::y::yr | inr false => y::updpair x yr end
Lemma all_leq_upd x (s:seq (T * T')) t : all (leq t) (map (@fst _ _) s) -> leq t x.1 ->
all (leq t) (map (@fst _ _) (updpair x s)).
elim:s t ; first simpl. move => t. by rewrite andbT.
case => t0 t0' s IH t. simpl. move => A L.
case: (comparison x.1 t0) (comp_eq x.1 t0) (comp_leq x.1 t0) (comp_geq x.1 t0) ; case ; rewrite eq_refl.
- move => B _ _. rewrite (eqP (sym_eq B)) in L. simpl. rewrite (proj2 (andP A)).
rewrite <- (eqP (sym_eq B)) in L. by rewrite L.
- move => _ B _. simpl. rewrite L. simpl. by apply A.
- move => _ _ B. simpl. rewrite (proj1 (andP A)). simpl. apply IH ; first by apply (proj2 (andP A)).
by apply L.
Lemma notin_updpair x s t : t != x.1 -> t \notin map (@fst _ _) s -> t \notin map (@fst _ _) (updpair x s).
elim: s t. simpl. move => t e _. rewrite in_cons. by case: (t == x.1) e.
case => t t' s IH t0 e. simpl. rewrite in_cons.
case: (comparison x.1 t) (comp_eq x.1 t) (comp_leq x.1 t) (comp_geq x.1 t) ; case ; rewrite eq_refl.
- move => E. rewrite (eqP (sym_eq E)) in e. simpl. rewrite in_cons.
by rewrite (eqP (sym_eq E)).
- move => _ A _. simpl. do 2 rewrite in_cons.
case: (t0 == t) ; first by []. simpl. by case: (t0 == x.1) e.
- move=> _ _ A. simpl. rewrite in_cons. case: (t0 == t) ; first by [].
simpl. move => X. by apply IH.
Lemma findom_fun_notin T0 t s : t \notin map (@fst _ T0) s -> findom_fun s t = None.
elim: s ; first by [].
case => e2 e3 s IH. simpl. rewrite in_cons. rewrite negb_or. move => P.
specialize (IH (proj2 (andP P))). rewrite IH. rewrite <- if_neg. by rewrite (proj1 (andP P)).
Lemma findom_upd (a:T') l s : findom_fun (updpair (l, a) s) l = Some a.
elim: s. simpl. by rewrite eq_refl.
- case => e0 e1 s IH. simpl. case_eq (comparison l e0) ; case => E.
+ simpl. by rewrite eq_refl.
+ simpl. by rewrite eq_refl.
+ simpl. have b:=comp_geq l e0. rewrite E in b. rewrite eq_refl in b. have c:=sym_eq b.
have N:=proj2 (andP c). rewrite <- if_neg. rewrite N. by apply IH.
Lemma findom_upd2 (a:T') x l s : x != l -> findom_fun (updpair (l, a) s) x = findom_fun s x.
move => P. elim: s. simpl. rewrite <- if_neg. by rewrite P.
case => e0 e1 s IH. simpl. case_eq (comparison l e0) ; case => E.
- have e:=comp_eq l e0. rewrite E in e. rewrite eq_refl in e. simpl. rewrite <- (eqP (sym_eq e)).
rewrite <- if_neg. rewrite P. rewrite <- if_neg. by rewrite P.
- simpl. rewrite <- if_neg. by rewrite P.
- simpl. case_eq (x == e0) ; first by []. move => E'. by apply IH.
Lemma all_diff_notin (t:T) s : all (fun y : T => t != y) s = (t \notin s).
elim: s ; first by [].
move => t0 s IH. simpl. rewrite in_cons. rewrite negb_or. case_eq (t != t0) ; last by []. move => e. by apply IH.
Lemma updpairP (x:T * T') f : sorted (T:=T) (map (@fst _ T') (updpair x (findom_t f))) &&
uniq (map (@fst _ _) (updpair x (findom_t f))).
case: f. elim ; first by [].
case => t t' s IH. simpl @map. rewrite sorted_cons.
case: (comparison x.1 t) (comp_eq x.1 t) (comp_leq x.1 t) (comp_geq x.1 t) ; case ; rewrite eq_refl.
- move => A. simpl @map. rewrite sorted_cons. simpl. by rewrite (eqP (sym_eq A)).
- move => _ A _. simpl @map. do 2 rewrite sorted_cons. simpl. move => B.
rewrite (proj2 (andP B)). rewrite (proj1 (andP B)). rewrite (proj1 (andP (sym_eq A))). simpl.
have C:=(ltn_seq_trans (proj1 (andP (sym_eq A))) (proj2 (andP (sym_eq A))) (proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP B))))).
rewrite (proj1 (andP C)). rewrite -> all_diff_notin in C. rewrite in_cons.
case: (x.1 == t) (proj2 (andP (sym_eq A))) ; first by []. simpl.
by rewrite (proj2 (andP C)).
- move => _ _ A. simpl @map. rewrite sorted_cons. simpl. move => B.
have Y:sorted (map (@fst _ _) s) && uniq (map (@fst _ _) s).
rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP B)))). by rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP B)))).
specialize (IH Y). simpl in IH. rewrite (proj1 (andP IH)). rewrite (proj2 (andP IH)).
do 2 rewrite andbT. rewrite (all_leq_upd (proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP B)))) (proj1 (andP (sym_eq A)))).
simpl. apply notin_updpair ; last by apply (proj1 (andP (proj2 (andP B)))).
rewrite eq_sym. by apply (proj2 (andP (sym_eq A))).
Definition updMap (t:T) (t':T') (f:FinDom T') : FinDom T' := mk_findom (@updpairP (t,t') f).
Lemma updMap_simpl t t' f : updMap t t' f t = Some t'.
case: f => s f. unfold findom_f. simpl. clear f. elim:s ; first by simpl ; rewrite eq_refl.
move => e s IH. simpl. case_eq (comparison t e.1) ; case.
+ move => eq. rewrite eq. simpl. by rewrite -> eq_refl.
+ move => eq ; rewrite eq. simpl. by rewrite eq_refl.
+ move => eq ; rewrite eq. simpl. case: e eq. move => e0 e1. rewrite IH. simpl. move => X. have a:=comp_geq t e0. rewrite X in a.
rewrite eq_refl in a. have b:= sym_eq a. have f:=(proj2 (andP b)). case_eq (t == e0) => E ; first by rewrite E in f.
by [].
Lemma updMap_simpl2 t t0 t' f : t0 != t -> updMap t t' f t0 = f t0.
case:f => s f. unfold findom_f. simpl. clear f. move => ne. elim: s.
- simpl. case_eq (t0 == t) =>e ; last by []. by rewrite e in ne.
- move => e s IH. simpl. case_eq (comparison t e.1) ; case.
+ move => E. rewrite E. simpl. rewrite <- if_neg. rewrite ne. have te:=comp_eq t e.1. rewrite E in te. rewrite eq_refl in te.
have te':=sym_eq te. rewrite (eqP te') in ne. clear E te te'. case: e ne. simpl. move => e0 e1 e. rewrite <- if_neg.
by rewrite e.
+ move => eq ; rewrite eq. simpl. rewrite <- if_neg. by rewrite ne.
+ move => eq ; rewrite eq. simpl. by rewrite IH.
Lemma NoneP : sorted (T:=T) (map (@fst T T') [::]) && uniq (map (@fst T T') [::]).
by [].
Definition fdEmpty : FinDom T' := mk_findom NoneP.
Lemma findom_ind (f:FinDom T') (P:FinDom T' -> Prop) : P fdEmpty ->
(forall f n x, all (leq n) (dom f) -> n \notin dom f -> P f -> P (updMap n x f)) -> P f.
move => E C. case: f. elim.
- simpl. move => X. unfold fdEmpty in E. rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance NoneP X) in E. by apply E.
- case => a b s. move => IH X.
have X':=X. simpl @map in X'. rewrite sorted_cons in X'. simpl in X'.
have Y:sorted (map (@fst _ _) s) && uniq (map (@fst _ _) s).
rewrite -> (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP X')))). by rewrite -> (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP X')))).
specialize (IH Y). specialize (C (mk_findom Y) a b).
have d:a \notin dom (mk_findom Y). unfold dom. simpl. simpl in X. by apply (proj1 (andP (proj2 (andP X)))).
specialize (C (proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP X')))) d IH).
have e:(updMap a b (mk_findom Y)) = (mk_findom X). simpl @map in X.
unfold updMap. have A:= (updpairP (a, b) (mk_findom Y)).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance (updpairP (a, b) (mk_findom Y)) A).
simpl in A.
have ee:(updpair (a, b) s) = (a,b)::s. clear Y C IH X d. case: s X' A ; first by [].
case => a0 b0 s. simpl. move => A B. have L:= comp_leq a a0.
rewrite (proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP A)))))) in L. simpl in L.
have ee:=(proj1 (andP (proj2 (andP A)))). rewrite in_cons in ee.
have x:(a != a0). by case: (a == a0) ee. rewrite x in L. clear ee x. by rewrite (eqP L).
move: A. rewrite ee. simpl @map. move => A. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance X A).
rewrite <- e. by apply C.
Lemma dom_fdEmpty : dom fdEmpty = [::].
by [].
Lemma dom_empty_eq f : dom f = [::] -> f = fdEmpty.
unfold dom. case: f. simpl. case ; last by [].
simpl. move => X _. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance X NoneP).
Fixpoint rempair (x:T) (l:seq (T * T')) : seq (T * T') :=
match l with
| nil => [::]
| y::yr => match comparison x (fst y) with inl _ => yr | inr true => y::yr | inr false => y::rempair x yr end
Lemma remMapP t f : sorted (T:=T) (map (@fst _ _) (rempair t (findom_t f))) &&
uniq (map (@fst _ _) (rempair t (findom_t f))).
case: f => s P. simpl. elim: s P ; first by [].
case. move => t0 t0' s IH P. simpl.
case_eq (comparison t t0) ; case.
- move => C. simpl @map in P. rewrite sorted_cons in P. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP P)))). simpl.
simpl in P. by rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP P)))).
- by [].
- move => C. simpl @map. simpl @map in P. rewrite sorted_cons in P. simpl in P.
rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP P)))) in IH. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP P)))) in IH.
specialize (IH is_true_true). rewrite sorted_cons. rewrite (proj1 (andP IH)). simpl. rewrite (proj2 (andP IH)).
do 2 rewrite andbT. clear IH.
have a:=(proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP P)))). have b:=(proj1 (andP (proj2 (andP P)))). clear C P.
elim: s a b ; first by []. case => e0 e1 s IH P Q. simpl. simpl in P. simpl in Q.
case_eq (comparison t e0) ; case.
+ rewrite in_cons in Q. rewrite negb_or in Q. rewrite (proj2 (andP Q)). by rewrite (proj2 (andP P)).
+ simpl. rewrite Q. by rewrite P.
+ simpl. specialize (IH (proj2 (andP P))). rewrite in_cons in Q. rewrite negb_or in Q. specialize (IH (proj2 (andP Q))).
rewrite in_cons. rewrite negb_or. rewrite (proj1 (andP IH)). rewrite (proj2 (andP IH)).
rewrite (proj1 (andP Q)). by rewrite (proj1 (andP P)).
Definition remMap (t:T) (f:FinDom T') : FinDom T' := mk_findom (@remMapP t f).
Lemma updpair_least n x s : all (leq n) (map (@fst _ _) s) -> n \notin (map (@fst _ _) s) ->
(updpair (n, x) s) = (n,x)::s.
case:s ; first by [].
case => t t' s X Y. simpl. simpl in X. simpl in Y. rewrite in_cons in Y.
case: (comparison n t) (comp_eq n t) (comp_leq n t) (comp_geq n t) ; case ; rewrite eq_refl.
- move => A _ _. by rewrite (sym_eq A) in Y.
- by [].
- move => _ _ A. have e:=leq_anti (proj1 (andP X)) (proj1 (andP (sym_eq A))). rewrite e in A.
rewrite eq_refl in A. by rewrite andbF in A.
Lemma seq_ext_nil (g:seq T) : [::] =i g -> g = [::].
case: g ; first by [].
move => s r X. specialize (X s). rewrite in_nil in X. rewrite in_cons in X. by rewrite eq_refl in X.
Lemma findom_ext (f g:FinDom T') : dom f =i dom g -> (forall x, x \in dom g -> f x = g x) -> g = f.
case: f g. unfold findom_f. unfold dom. simpl. move => f Pf. case. simpl. move => g Pg D C.
have e:f = g. elim: f g Pf Pg C D. simpl. move => g _ e X a. move: (seq_ext_nil a). clear. by case: g.
case => c e f IH. case. simpl. move => _ _ _ F. specialize (F c). rewrite in_nil in F.
by rewrite in_cons in F ; simpl in F ; rewrite eq_refl in F.
case => c' e' g. simpl @map. do 2 rewrite sorted_cons.
move => A B C X.
have Y:= X c. have XX:=X. specialize (X c'). do 2 rewrite in_cons in X. do 2 rewrite in_cons in Y.
rewrite (eq_sym c' c) in X. rewrite eq_refl in X. rewrite eq_refl in Y. simpl in X. simpl in Y.
have F:c != c' -> False. simpl in A,B.
have Z:c != c' -> c = c'.
case: (c == c') X Y ; first by []. simpl. move => X Y _.
have l:= allP (proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP A)))) _ X.
have l':= allP (proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP B)))) _ (sym_eq Y).
by apply (leq_anti l l'). move => F. specialize (Z F). rewrite Z in F. by rewrite eq_refl in F.
have e0:(c == c') ; case: (c == c') F ; first by []. move => Z. by case (Z is_true_true).
move => _. rewrite <- (eqP e0).
have C':=C c. rewrite in_cons in C'. rewrite e0 in C'. specialize (C' is_true_true).
simpl in C'. rewrite eq_refl in C'. rewrite e0 in C'. case: C' => C'. rewrite <- C'. f_equal.
apply IH. simpl in A. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP A)))). by rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP A)))).
simpl in B. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP B)))). by rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP B)))).
move => x ix.
specialize (C x). rewrite in_cons in C. rewrite ix in C. rewrite orbT in C. specialize (C is_true_true).
simpl in C. simpl in B. have F:x == c -> False. move => F. rewrite (eqP F) in ix. rewrite (eqP e0) in ix.
rewrite ix in B. by rewrite andbF in B.
rewrite <- (eqP e0) in C. case: (x == c) F C ; last by [].
move => F. by case: (F is_true_true).
move => a. specialize (XX a). rewrite <- (eqP e0) in XX.
do 2 rewrite in_cons in XX. rewrite <- (eqP e0) in B. simpl in A. simpl in B.
case_eq (a == c) => aa. rewrite (eqP aa). move: (proj1 (andP (proj2 (andP A)))).
move: (proj1 (andP (proj2 (andP B)))). case: (c \in map (@fst _ _) f) ; first by [].
case: (c \in map (@fst _ _) g) ; by [].
rewrite aa in XX. simpl in XX. by apply XX.
move => F. case: (F is_true_true).
move: C D Pg Pf. rewrite e. clear f e. move => C D Pg Pf. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance Pg Pf).
Lemma in_filter (Te:eqType) P l (x:Te) : x \in filter P l = (x \in l) && P x.
elim:l x ; first by [].
move => t s IH x. simpl. rewrite in_cons. have e:x == t -> P t = P x. move => E. by rewrite (eqP E).
case: (P t) e.
- rewrite in_cons. case: (x == t) ; last move => F. simpl. move => X. by apply (X is_true_true).
simpl. by apply IH.
- case: (x == t) ; simpl. move => X. specialize (X is_true_true). specialize (IH x). rewrite <- X in IH.
rewrite andbF in IH. rewrite IH. by rewrite <- X.
move => A. by apply IH.
Lemma indomEmpty i : (i \in dom fdEmpty) = false.
by [].
Lemma indomUpdMap i f x y : i \in dom (updMap x y f) = (i == x) || (i \in dom f).
move: x y. apply (findom_ind f).
- move => x y. rewrite indomEmpty. rewrite orbF. unfold updMap. unfold fdEmpty. unfold dom. simpl. rewrite in_cons.
rewrite in_nil. by rewrite orbF.
- clear f. move => f n x A I IH x' y'. unfold dom. simpl. rewrite (updpair_least _ A).
simpl. rewrite in_cons. case: (comparison x' n) (comp_eq x' n) (comp_leq x' n) (comp_geq x' n) ; case ; rewrite eq_refl.
+ move => B _ _. simpl. rewrite in_cons. rewrite (eqP (sym_eq B)). clear x' B y'.
by case: (i == n).
+ move => _ B _. simpl. rewrite in_cons. by rewrite in_cons.
+ move => _ _ B. simpl. rewrite in_cons. specialize (IH x' y'). unfold dom in IH. simpl in IH. rewrite IH.
case: (i == n) ; simpl. by rewrite orbT.
+ by [].
by apply I.
Lemma updMapCom f x y x' y' : x != x' -> updMap x y (updMap x' y' f) = updMap x' y' (updMap x y f).
move => e. apply findom_ext.
- move => a. do 4 rewrite indomUpdMap.
case: (a == x') ; simpl ; first by rewrite orbT. by [].
- move => n I. do 2 rewrite indomUpdMap in I.
case_eq (n == x') => F.
+ rewrite (eqP F). rewrite updMap_simpl. rewrite eq_sym in e.
rewrite (updMap_simpl2 y _ e). by rewrite updMap_simpl.
+ have ee:n != x' by case: (n == x') F. clear F.
rewrite (updMap_simpl2 y' _ ee). case_eq (x == n).
* move => e0. rewrite (eqP e0). by do 2 rewrite updMap_simpl.
* move => e0. have e1:x != n by case: (x == n) e0.
clear e0. rewrite eq_sym in e1. do 2 rewrite (updMap_simpl2 y _ e1).
by rewrite (updMap_simpl2 y' _ ee).
Lemma indomRemMap a f t : (a \in dom (remMap t f)) = (a != t) && (a \in dom f).
move: t ; apply (findom_ind f) ; clear f.
- move => t. rewrite indomEmpty. by rewrite andbF.
- move => f n x A I IH t.
rewrite indomUpdMap. unfold dom. simpl. rewrite (updpair_least _ A) ; last by apply I.
simpl. case: (comparison t n) (comp_eq t n) (comp_leq t n) (comp_geq t n) ; case ; rewrite eq_refl.
+ move => B _ _. rewrite (eqP (sym_eq B)). clear t B.
case_eq (a == n) ; last by []. simpl. move => e. rewrite <- (eqP e) in I. unfold dom in I.
by case: (a \in map (@fst _ _) (findom_t f)) I.
+ move => _ B _. simpl. rewrite in_cons.
case_eq (a == n) => e. simpl. rewrite eq_sym. rewrite (eqP e). by rewrite (proj2 (andP (sym_eq B))).
simpl. case_eq (a == t) ; last by [].
move => e'. rewrite (eqP e'). rewrite -> (eqP e') in IH, e. clear e' a.
rewrite e in B. simpl in B. rewrite andbT in B. have aa:=ltn_seq_trans (sym_eq B) _ A.
rewrite e in aa. simpl in aa. specialize (aa is_true_true).
have bb:=proj2 (andP aa). rewrite all_diff_notin in bb. simpl. unfold dom in bb.
by case: (t \in map (@fst _ _) (findom_t f)) bb.
+ move => _ _ B. simpl. rewrite in_cons. rewrite IH. case_eq (a == n) ; simpl ; last by [].
move => e. rewrite (eqP e). rewrite eq_sym. by rewrite (proj2 (andP (sym_eq B))).
Lemma remMap_simpl t (f:FinDom T') : remMap t f t = None.
case: f => s P. unfold findom_f. simpl.
elim: s P ; first by [].
case => e0 e1 s IH. simpl @map. rewrite sorted_cons. move => P. simpl.
case_eq (comparison t e0) ;case.
- have Q:=proj1 (andP (proj2 (andP P))). clear IH P. move => C. have a:=comp_eq t e0. rewrite C in a. rewrite eq_refl in a.
have b:=sym_eq a. rewrite <- (eqP b) in Q. clear a b C. by rewrite (findom_fun_notin Q).
- simpl. move => C. have a:=comp_leq t e0. rewrite C in a. rewrite eq_refl in a. have b:=sym_eq a.
rewrite <- if_neg. rewrite (proj2 (andP b)).
have c:=ltn_seq_trans (proj1 (andP b)) (proj2 (andP b)) (proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP P)))).
rewrite ((all_diff_notin _ _)) in c. by rewrite (findom_fun_notin (proj2 (andP c))).
- move => C. simpl in P. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP P)))) in IH. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP P)))) in IH.
simpl. rewrite IH ; last by []. rewrite <- if_neg. have a:=comp_geq t e0. rewrite C in a. rewrite eq_refl in a.
have b:=sym_eq a. by rewrite (proj2 (andP b)).
Lemma remMap_simpl2 t t' (f:FinDom T') : t' != t -> remMap t f t' = f t'.
case:f => s P. unfold findom_f. simpl. move => E.
elim: s P ; first by [].
case => e0 e1 s IH. simpl @map. rewrite sorted_cons. move => P. simpl.
case_eq (comparison t e0) ;case.
- have Q:=proj1 (andP (proj2 (andP P))). clear IH P. move => C. have a:=comp_eq t e0. rewrite C in a. rewrite eq_refl in a.
have b:=sym_eq a. rewrite <- (eqP b) in Q. rewrite <- (eqP b). rewrite <- if_neg. by rewrite E.
- by [].
- move => C. simpl in P. simpl. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP P)))) in IH. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP P)))) in IH.
simpl. by rewrite IH.
Lemma remUpdMap f n t x : t != n -> remMap t (updMap n x f) = updMap n x (remMap t f).
move => e. apply findom_ext.
- move => a. rewrite indomUpdMap. do 2 rewrite indomRemMap. rewrite indomUpdMap.
case_eq (a == n) => ee ; last by []. simpl. rewrite <- (eqP ee) in e. rewrite eq_sym. by rewrite e.
- move => a X. rewrite indomRemMap in X. rewrite indomUpdMap in X.
case_eq (a == n) => ee. rewrite (eqP ee). rewrite updMap_simpl. rewrite (eqP ee) in X.
rewrite (remMap_simpl2 _ (proj1 (andP X))). by rewrite updMap_simpl.
have en:a != n by case: (a == n) ee. clear ee.
rewrite (updMap_simpl2 _ _ en). do 2 rewrite (remMap_simpl2 _ (proj1 (andP X))).
by rewrite (updMap_simpl2 _ _ en).
Section Eq.
Variable Teq : eqType.
Definition findom_eq (f f':FinDom Teq) : bool := findom_t f == findom_t f'.
Lemma findom_eqP : Equality.axiom findom_eq.
move => f f'. apply: (iffP idP) ; last by move => e ; rewrite e ; apply eq_refl.
unfold findom_eq. case: f. move => l s. case: f'. simpl. move => l' s'.
move => X. move: s. rewrite (eqP X). clear. move => s. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance s s').
Definition findom_leq (f f':FinDom Teq) : bool := all (fun x => f x == f' x) (dom f).
Lemma findom_leq_refl (f:FinDom Teq) : findom_leq f f.
case: f. unfold findom_leq. unfold dom. unfold findom_f. simpl. move => s P.
by apply (introT (@allP T _ (map (@fst _ _) s))).
End Eq.
Lemma map_pmap X Y (f:X -> Y) Z (g:Z -> option X) s : map f (pmap g s) = pmap (fun x => option_map f (g x)) s.
elim: s ; first by [].
move => t s IH. simpl. case_eq (g t). move => gt e. simpl. by rewrite IH. simpl. by rewrite IH.
Lemma all_map_filter X Y (f:X -> Y) p g l : all p (map f l) -> all p (map f (filter g l)).
elim: l ; first by []. move => t s IH P.
simpl. simpl in P. specialize (IH (proj2 (andP P))). case_eq (g t) ; last by [].
move => e. simpl. rewrite IH. by rewrite (proj1 (andP P)).
Lemma sorted_map_filter X (f:X -> T) g l : sorted (map f l) -> sorted (T:=T) (map f (filter g l)).
elim: l ; first by []. move => t s IH. simpl @map. rewrite sorted_cons. move => P.
specialize (IH (proj2 (andP P))).
case (g t) ; last by []. simpl @map ; rewrite sorted_cons. rewrite IH. by rewrite (all_map_filter _ (proj1 (andP P))).
Lemma notin_map_filter X (Y:eqType) (f:X -> Y) p s x :x \notin map f s -> (x \notin map f (filter p s)).
elim: s ; first by [].
move => t s IH. simpl. rewrite in_cons. rewrite negb_or. move => P. specialize (IH (proj2 (andP P))).
case (p t) ; last by []. simpl. rewrite in_cons ; rewrite negb_or. rewrite IH. by rewrite (proj1 (andP P)).
Lemma uniq_map_filter X (Y:eqType) (f:X -> Y) p l : uniq (map f l) -> uniq (map f (filter p l)).
elim: l ; first by []. move => t s IH. simpl. move => P. specialize (IH (proj2 (andP P))).
case (p t) ; last by []. simpl. rewrite IH. by rewrite (notin_map_filter _ (proj1 (andP P))).
Lemma post_compP T0 (g : T' -> option T0) (f:FinDom T') : sorted (T:=T)
(map (@fst _ _) (pmap (fun p : T * T' => option_map (fun r => (p.1,r)) (g p.2)) (findom_t f))) &&
uniq (map (@fst _ _) (pmap (fun p : T * T' => option_map (fun r => (p.1,r)) (g p.2)) (findom_t f))).
case: f. simpl. move => l. rewrite map_pmap.
have e:pmap (fun x => option_map (@fst _ _) (option_map [eta pair x.1] (g x.2))) l = (map (@fst _ T') (filter (fun p => g p.2) l)). elim: l ; first by []. case => e0 e1 s IH. simpl. case (g e1) ; simpl ; by rewrite IH.
rewrite e. clear e. move => P. rewrite (sorted_map_filter _ (proj1 (andP P))). simpl.
by rewrite (uniq_map_filter _ (proj2 (andP P))).
Definition post_comp T0 (g : T' -> option T0) (f:FinDom T') : FinDom T0 := mk_findom (post_compP g f).
Definition option_bind Y Z (g:Y -> option Z) (y:option Y) : option Z :=
match y with | None => None | Some fx => g fx end.
Lemma in_pmap (A B : eqType) (f:A -> option B) x s y : Some x = f y -> y \in s -> x \in pmap f s.
elim: s y. simpl. move => y. by do 2 rewrite in_nil.
move => a s IH y. simpl. rewrite in_cons.
move => E. specialize (IH _ E). case_eq (y == a) => e. rewrite (eqP e) in E. rewrite <- E. simpl. rewrite in_cons.
by rewrite eq_refl.
simpl. move => X. specialize (IH X). case: (f a) ; simpl ; last by [].
move => aa. rewrite in_cons. rewrite IH. by rewrite orbT.
Lemma notin_pmap (A B : eqType) (f:A -> option B) x s : (forall y, Some x = f y -> y \notin s) -> x \notin pmap f s.
elim: s. simpl. by [].
move => t s IH C. simpl. case_eq (f t) => e ; simpl.
have C':=C.
specialize (C t). move => ee. rewrite ee in C. rewrite in_cons. case_eq (x == e) => aa.
rewrite (eqP aa) in C. specialize (C (refl_equal _)). rewrite in_cons in C. rewrite eq_refl in C. by [].
simpl. apply IH. move => y X. specialize (C' _ X). rewrite in_cons in C'. by case: (y == t) C'.
apply IH. move => y E. specialize (C y E). rewrite in_cons in C. by case: (y == t) C.
Lemma post_comp_simpl T0 (g : T' -> option T0) (f:FinDom T') t : post_comp g f t = option_bind g (f t).
apply (findom_ind f) ; clear f ; first by [].
move => f n x A I X. unfold post_comp. unfold findom_f. simpl. rewrite (updpair_least _ A I). simpl.
case_eq (t == n) => e. rewrite (eqP e). rewrite (eqP e) in X. clear e t. simpl. case: (g x). simpl. by rewrite eq_refl.
simpl. rewrite findom_fun_notin ; first by []. rewrite map_pmap.
have ll:forall s, n \notin (map (@fst _ _) s) -> n \notin pmap (fun x0 : T * T' => option_map (@fst _ _) (option_map [eta pair x0.1] (g x0.2))) s.
elim ; first by [].
case => t0 t1 s IH. simpl. rewrite in_cons. case (g t1). simpl. rewrite in_cons. by case: (n == t0).
simpl. move => aa. apply IH. by case: (n == t0) aa.
rewrite ll ; first by []. clear ll. by apply I.
case_eq (f t) => ft. move => ee. unfold findom_f in ee. rewrite ee. simpl.
case: (g x). simpl. rewrite e. move => _. unfold findom_f in X. rewrite ee in X. simpl in X.
by rewrite <- X.
simpl. unfold findom_f in X. rewrite ee in X. simpl in X. by rewrite <- X.
unfold findom_f in ft. rewrite ft. simpl. case: (g x) ; simpl. rewrite e.
move => _. unfold findom_f in X. rewrite ft in X. simpl in X. by apply X.
unfold findom_f in X. rewrite ft in X. by apply X.
Lemma dom_post_comp T0 (g : T' -> option T0) (f:FinDom T') : dom (post_comp g f) =
filter (fun x => isSome (option_bind g (f x))) (dom f).
case: f. unfold findom_f. unfold dom. simpl. move => s Ps. have U:=proj2 (andP Ps). clear Ps.
elim: s U ; first by [].
case => c e f. simpl. move => IH. rewrite eq_refl. simpl. case_eq (g e).
- move => ge E. simpl. move => X.
rewrite IH ; last by rewrite (proj2 (andP X)). f_equal. apply: eq_in_filter => x I.
case_eq (x == c) => E' ; last by []. by rewrite (eqP E') in I ; rewrite I in X.
- move => E. simpl. move => X.
rewrite IH ; last by rewrite (proj2 (andP X)). apply: eq_in_filter => x I.
case_eq (x == c) => E' ; last by []. by rewrite (eqP E') in I ; rewrite I in X.
Lemma findom_undef (f:FinDom T') x (P:x \notin dom f) : f x = None.
case:f x P => s P x C. unfold dom in C. simpl in C. by apply findom_fun_notin.
Lemma findom_indom (f:FinDom T') t : (t \in dom f) = isSome (f t).
case: f. unfold dom. unfold findom_f. simpl. move => s P.
elim: s P ; first by [].
case => t0 t0' s IH P. simpl. rewrite in_cons. case_eq (t == t0) => E ; first by [].
- simpl. apply IH. simpl @map in P. rewrite sorted_cons in P. simpl in P.
rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP P)))). by rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP P)))).
Lemma filter_some T0 (s:seq T0) : filter some s = s.
elim: s ; first by [].
move => t s IH. simpl. by rewrite IH.
Lemma dom_post_compS T0 (g : T' -> T0) (f:FinDom T') : dom (post_comp (fun x => Some (g x)) f) = dom f.
rewrite dom_post_comp. apply trans_eq with (y:=filter [eta some] (dom f)) ; last by rewrite filter_some.
apply: eq_in_filter => x I. rewrite findom_indom in I. by case: (f x) I.
End FinDom.
Canonical Structure findom_eqMixin T T' := EqMixin (@findom_eqP T T').
Canonical Structure findom_eqType T T' := Eval hnf in EqType _ (findom_eqMixin T T').
Lemma leq_upd T (T':eqType) (f:FinDom T T') l a : l \notin (dom f) -> findom_leq f (updMap l a f).
apply (findom_ind f) ; first by [].
clear f. move => f n x A I C. rewrite indomUpdMap. case_eq (l == n) ; first by [].
move => e. simpl. move => I'. specialize (C I'). rewrite updMapCom ; last by rewrite e.
unfold findom_leq. apply (introT (@allP T _ _)). move => b. rewrite indomUpdMap.
case_eq (b == n) => ee ; simpl.
- move => _. rewrite (eqP ee). by do 2 rewrite updMap_simpl.
- move => d. have N:(b != n) by case: (b == n) ee. do 2 rewrite (updMap_simpl2 _ _ N).
have NN:(l != n) by case: (l == n) e. have F:(b == l) -> False. move => ex. rewrite (eqP ex) in d. by rewrite d in I'.
have FF:(b != l). case: (b == l) F ; last by []. move => X. by case: (X is_true_true).
by rewrite (updMap_simpl2 _ _ FF).
Lemma create_findomP (T:compType) (T':Type) (l:seq T) (f:T -> option T') : (uniq l) -> (sorted l) ->
sorted (map (@fst _ _) (pmap (fun x : T => option_map [eta pair x] (f x)) l)) &&
uniq (map (@fst _ _) (pmap (fun x : T => option_map [eta pair x] (f x)) l)).
move => U S.
have A:= (@pmap_uniq T _ _ id _ l U). rewrite map_pmap. rewrite -> A ; last by move => x ; simpl ; case (f x).
rewrite andbT. clear A. clear U.
elim: l S ; first by [].
move => t s IH S. rewrite sorted_cons in S. specialize (IH (proj2 (andP S))).
simpl. case (f t) ; last by apply IH.
move => t'. simpl @oapp. rewrite sorted_cons. rewrite IH. rewrite andbT. clear IH t'.
elim: s S ;first by []. move => x s IH A. rewrite sorted_cons in A. simpl in A.
rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP A)))) in IH. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP A)))) in IH. specialize (IH is_true_true).
simpl. case (f x) ; last by apply IH. move => y. simpl. rewrite (proj1 (andP (proj1 (andP A)))). simpl.
by apply IH.
Definition create_findom (T:compType) (T':Type) (l:seq T) (f:T -> option T') (U:uniq l) (S:sorted l) : FinDom T T' :=
mk_findom (create_findomP f U S).
Lemma create_findom_simpl (T:compType) (T':Type) (l:seq T) (f:T -> option T') (U:uniq l) (S:sorted l) :
findom_t (create_findom f U S) = (pmap (fun x => option_map (fun y => (x,y)) (f x)) l).
by [].
Definition create_findomF (T:compType) (X T':Type) (l:FinDom T X) (f:T -> option T') : FinDom T T'.
case:l f => l Pl f. by apply (create_findom f (proj2 (andP Pl)) (proj1 (andP Pl))).
Lemma dom_create_findom (T:compType) T' (f:T -> option T') x U S :
dom (@create_findom _ _ x f U S) = filter [eta f] x.
unfold dom.
rewrite create_findom_simpl.
rewrite pmap_filter. apply eq_filter => a. by case (f a).
move => a. simpl. by case (f a).
Lemma dom_create_findomF (T:compType) T' T'' (f:T -> option T') (x:FinDom T T'') :
dom (create_findomF x f) = filter [eta f] (dom x).
case: x. simpl. move => x P. by rewrite dom_create_findom.
Lemma create_findomF_simpl (T:compType) T' T'' (f:T -> option T') (x:FinDom T T'') i :
create_findomF x f i = if i \in dom x then f i else None.
unfold findom_f. case: x => x P. simpl. unfold dom. simpl.
elim: x P ; first by [].
case => j x s IH. simpl @map. rewrite sorted_cons. simpl. move => P.
rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj1 (andP P)))) in IH. rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP P)))) in IH. specialize (IH is_true_true).
case_eq (f j).
- move => t fj. simpl. rewrite in_cons. case_eq (i == j) => IJ ; first by rewrite <- (eqP IJ) in fj ; rewrite fj.
simpl. by apply IH.
- move => fj. simpl. rewrite in_cons. rewrite IH. case_eq (i == j) => E ; last by [].
simpl. rewrite <- (eqP E) in fj. rewrite fj. simpl. case_eq (i \in map (@fst _ _) s) => X ; by rewrite X.
Section FinMap.
Variable T:compType.
Lemma Pemp T' (x:T) (P:x \in map (@fst _ T') nil) : False.
by [].
Fixpoint indom_app_fi T' (s:seq (T * T')) x (P:x \in map (@fst _ _) s) :=
match s as s0 return x \in map (@fst _ _) s0 -> T' with
| nil => fun F => match Pemp F with end
| (a,b)::r => fun P => (match (x == a) as b return b || (x \in map (@fst _ _) r) -> T'
with true => fun _ => b
| false => fun P => @indom_app_fi _ r x P end) P
end P.
Definition indom_app T' (f:FinDom T T') x (P:x \in dom f) : T' := @indom_app_fi T' (findom_t f) x P.
Lemma indom_app_eq T' (f:FinDom T T') x (P:x \in dom f) : Some (indom_app P) = f x.
case: f x P . move => s P x I. elim: s P I ; first by [].
case => a b s IH. simpl @map. simpl @uniq. unfold dom. simpl @map. move => P. unfold in_mem. simpl.
move => I. have X:= proj1 (andP P). rewrite sorted_cons in X.
have Y:sorted (map (@fst _ _) s) && uniq (map (@fst _ _) s). rewrite (proj2 (andP X)). simpl.
by rewrite (proj2 (andP (proj2 (andP P)))).
specialize (IH Y). unfold dom in IH. simpl in IH.
case_eq (x == a) => A.
- move: I. unfold findom_f. simpl. move: A. clear. move => A. unfold indom_app. simpl. by rewrite A.
- unfold findom_f. unfold indom_app. move: I. simpl. rewrite A. simpl. move => I. specialize (IH I).
unfold indom_app in IH. simpl in IH. by rewrite IH.
Lemma mem_cons x y (s:seq T) : x \in s -> x \in (y::s).
move => I. rewrite in_cons. rewrite I. by rewrite orbT.
Fixpoint indom_app_map T' P' (f:forall x, P' x -> T') (s:seq T) (I:forall x, x \in s -> P' x) : seq (T * T') :=
match s as s0 return (forall x, x \in s0 -> P' x) -> seq (T * T') with
| nil => fun _ => nil
| cons x rs => fun P => (x,f x (P x (mem_head x rs))) :: (@indom_app_map _ P' f rs (fun y X => P _ (mem_cons x X)))
end I.
Lemma list_fst_map T' P' (f:forall x, P' x -> T') (s:seq T) (I:forall x, x \in s -> P' x) :
map (@fst _ _) (indom_app_map f I) = s.
elim: s I ; first by [].
move=> t s IH I. simpl. specialize (IH (fun (y : T) (X : y \in s) => I y (mem_cons t X))).
f_equal. by apply IH.
Definition findom_map T' T'' (m:FinDom T T') (f:forall x, x \in dom m -> T'') : FinDom T T''.
exists (@indom_app_map T'' (fun x => x \in dom m) f (dom m) (fun x X => X)).
case: m f => s P f. rewrite list_fst_map. unfold dom. by apply P.
Lemma dom_findom_map T' T'' (m:FinDom T T') (f:forall x, x \in dom m -> T'') : dom m = dom (findom_map f).
have A:=list_fst_map f (fun x => id). by rewrite <- A.
Lemma findom_fun_map T' P (f:forall x, P x -> T') (s:seq T) (I:forall x, x \in s -> P x) x (I':x \in s) :
findom_fun (@indom_app_map _ P f s I) x = Some (f x (I _ I')).
elim:s I x I' ; first by [].
move => t s IH I x I'. simpl. case_eq (x == t) => E. move: I'. rewrite (eqP E). move => I'.
by rewrite (eq_irrelevance (mem_head t s) I').
specialize (IH (fun (y : T) (X : y \in s) => I y (mem_cons t X))). specialize (IH x).
have I0:= I'. rewrite in_cons in I0. rewrite E in I0. simpl in I0. specialize (IH I0). rewrite IH.
by rewrite (eq_irrelevance (mem_cons t I0) I').
Lemma findom_map_app T' T'' (m:FinDom T T') x (I:x \in dom m) (f:forall x, x \in dom m -> T'') :
findom_map f x = Some (f x I).
case: m x I f. move => s P. unfold findom_f. simpl. unfold dom. simpl.
move => x I f. apply (findom_fun_map f (fun x => id) I).
End FinMap.

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@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
* Finmap.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Export NSetoid MetricCore Finmap.
Section SET.
Variable T:compType.
Variable S:setoidType.
Lemma finmap_setoid_axiom : Setoid.axiom (fun f f' : FinDom T S => dom f =i dom f' /\ forall t, t \in dom f -> f t =-= f' t).
split ; last split.
- by move => f ; simpl ; split ; last by [].
- move => x y z ; simpl => X Y. case: X => D X. case: Y => D' Y.
split. move => a. rewrite (D a). by rewrite (D' a).
move => a A. rewrite -> (X a A). rewrite D in A. by apply (Y _ A).
- move => x y ; simpl => X. case: X => D X.
split => a. by rewrite (D a). move => A. rewrite <- D in A. by rewrite -> (X a A).
Definition findom_setoidMixin := SetoidMixin finmap_setoid_axiom.
Canonical Structure findom_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType findom_setoidMixin.
Lemma indom_app_respect (f f': findom_setoidType) x (P:x \in dom f) (P':x \in dom f') : f =-= f' -> indom_app P =-= indom_app P'.
move => e. have X:Some (indom_app P) =-= Some (indom_app P') ; last by apply X.
do 2 rewrite indom_app_eq. case: f e P => s A. case: f' P' => s' A'. move => P e P'.
unfold tset_eq in e. simpl in e. by apply (proj2 e).
Lemma respect_domeq (f f':findom_setoidType) : f =-= f' -> dom f =i dom f'.
case:f => s P. case:f' => s' P'.
unfold dom. simpl. unfold tset_eq. simpl. unfold dom. simpl. by move => [A _].
Lemma findom_sapp_respect (x:T) : setoid_respect (fun f:findom_setoidType => f x).
move => f f' e. case_eq (x \in dom f) => D. by apply (proj2 e x D).
rewrite findom_undef ; last by rewrite D. rewrite (proj1 e) in D.
rewrite findom_undef ; last by rewrite D. by [].
Definition findom_sapp (x:T) : findom_setoidType =-> option_setoidType S :=
Eval hnf in mk_fset (findom_sapp_respect x).
End SET.
Section MET.
Variable T:compType.
Variable M:metricType.
Lemma findom_metric_axiom : Metric.axiom (fun n => (fun f f' : FinDom T M => match n with O => True | S _ =>
dom f =i dom f' /\ forall i, i \in dom f -> i \in dom f' -> f i = n = f' i end)).
move => n x y z. split ; last split ; last split ; last split ; clear.
- split => X.
+ split. specialize (X 1). simpl in X. by apply (proj1 X).
move => t I. apply: (proj1 (Mrefl _ _)) => n. case: n ; first by []. move => n. specialize (X n.+1).
simpl in X. apply (proj2 X). by apply I. rewrite (proj1 X) in I. by apply I.
+ case ; first by []. move => n. split ; first by apply (proj1 X). move => i I I'.
apply (proj2 (Mrefl _ _)). by apply (proj2 X _ I).
- move => A. simpl. simpl in A. case: n A ; first by []. move => n [A B]. split ; first by move => a ; rewrite -> A.
move => i I I'. specialize (B i I' I). by apply (Msym B).
- move => A B. simpl in A,B. simpl. case: n A B ; first by [].
move => n [A D] [A' D']. split ; first by move => a ; rewrite A; rewrite A'.
move => i I I'. specialize (D i I). rewrite A in I. specialize (D I). specialize (D' i I I').
by apply (Mrel_trans D D').
- move => A. simpl. simpl in A. case: n A ; first by []. move => n [D A]. split ; first by [].
move => i I I'. specialize (A i I I'). by apply Mmono.
- by [].
Canonical Structure findom_metricMixin := MetricMixin findom_metric_axiom.
Canonical Structure findom_metricType := Eval hnf in MetricType findom_metricMixin.
Lemma findom_f_nonexp (f f':findom_metricType) n x : f = n = f' -> f x = n = f' x.
case: n x ; first by [].
move => n x [E P]. case_eq (x \in dom f) => D.
- have D':=D. rewrite E in D'. specialize (P x D D'). by apply P.
rewrite findom_undef ; last by rewrite D.
rewrite E in D. rewrite findom_undef ; last by rewrite D. by [].
Lemma findom_sapp_ne (x:T) : nonexpansive (fun f:findom_metricType => f x).
move => n f f' e. by apply: findom_f_nonexp.
Definition findom_napp (x:T) : findom_metricType =-> option_metricType M :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmet (findom_sapp_ne x).
End MET.
Section CMET.
Variable T:compType.
Variable M:cmetricType.
Lemma findom_chain_dom x n (c:cchain (findom_metricType T M)) : x \in dom (c 1) -> x \in dom (c n.+1).
elim: n c ; first by [].
move => n IH c X. specialize (IH (cutn 1 c)). simpl in IH. do 2 rewrite -> addSn, -> add0n in IH.
apply IH. clear IH. have C:=cchain_cauchy c. specialize (C 1 1 2 (ltnSn _) (ltnW (ltnSn _))).
by rewrite (proj1 C) in X.
Definition findom_chainx (c:cchain (findom_metricType T M)) x (P:x \in dom (c 1)) : cchain M.
exists (fun n => @indom_app _ _ (c n.+1) _ (findom_chain_dom _ n _ P)).
case ; first by [].
move => n i j l l'.
have X: Some (indom_app (findom_chain_dom x i c P)) = n.+1 = Some (indom_app (findom_chain_dom x j c P)) ; last by apply X.
do 2 rewrite indom_app_eq. have a:= (@cchain_cauchy _ c n.+1 i.+1 j.+1 (ltnW l) (ltnW l')).
by apply findom_f_nonexp.
Definition findom_lub (c:cchain (findom_metricType T M)) : findom_metricType T M :=
@findom_map _ _ _ (c 1) (fun x X => umet_complete (@findom_chainx c x X)).
Lemma ff (P:T -> nat -> Prop) (A:forall x n m, n <= m -> P x n -> P x m) (s:seq T) :
(forall x, x \in s -> exists m, P x m) -> exists m, forall x, x \in s -> P x m.
elim: s ; first by move => X; exists 0.
move => t s IH X. specialize (IH (fun x A => X x (mem_cons t A))). destruct IH as [m IH].
have X':=X t (mem_head t _). destruct X' as [m' Pm']. exists (maxn m m'). move => x I.
rewrite in_cons in I. case_eq (x == t) => E.
- rewrite (eqP E). apply: (A _ _ _ _ Pm'). rewrite leq_maxr. rewrite leqnn. by rewrite orbT.
- rewrite E in I. simpl in I. specialize (IH _ I). apply: (A _ _ _ _ IH). rewrite leq_maxr. by rewrite leqnn.
Lemma findom_lubP (c:cchain (findom_metricType T M)) : mconverge c (findom_lub c).
unfold findom_lub. case ; first by exists 0. move => n.
have A:exists m, forall x, x \in dom (c 1) -> forall (X: x \in dom (c 1)) i, m < i -> c i x = n.+1 = Some (umet_complete (findom_chainx _ _ X)).
apply (@ff (fun x m => forall (X:x \in dom (c 1)) i, m < i -> c i x = n.+1 = Some (umet_complete (findom_chainx _ _ X)))).
clear. move => x j i A Y X k L. apply Y. by apply (@ssrnat.leq_ltn_trans _ _ _ A L).
move => x I. destruct (cumet_conv (findom_chainx _ _ I) n.+1) as [m P].
exists m. move => X. case ; first by []. move => i L. specialize (P i L). simpl in P.
rewrite <- (indom_app_eq (findom_chain_dom _ i _ I)).
apply: (Mrel_trans P). apply umet_complete_extn. move=> j. simpl.
have A:Some (indom_app (findom_chain_dom _ j _ I)) = n.+1 = Some (indom_app (findom_chain_dom _ j _ X)) ; last by apply A.
rewrite (indom_app_eq (findom_chain_dom _ j _ I)). by rewrite (indom_app_eq (findom_chain_dom _ j _ X)).
destruct A as [m A]. exists m.+1. case ; first by []. move => i L. split. rewrite <- dom_findom_map.
have B:=cchain_cauchy c. specialize (B 1 i.+1 1 (ltn0Sn i) (ltn0Sn _)). apply (proj1 B).
move => x I I'. specialize (A x).
have J:x \in dom (c 1). have J:=cchain_cauchy c. specialize (J 1 i.+1 1 (ltn0Sn _) (ltn0Sn _)). have X:= (proj1 J).
rewrite X in I. by [].
specialize (A J J i.+1 L). apply (Mrel_trans A).
by rewrite -> (findom_map_app J).
Canonical Structure findom_cmetricMixin := CMetricMixin findom_lubP.
Canonical Structure findom_cmetricType := Eval hnf in CMetricType findom_cmetricMixin.
Lemma dom_findom_lub (c:cchain findom_cmetricType) : dom (umet_complete c) = dom (c 1).
unfold umet_complete. simpl. unfold findom_lub.
by rewrite <- dom_findom_map.
Lemma findom_lub_eq (c:cchain findom_cmetricType) x : umet_complete c x =-= umet_complete (liftc (findom_napp _ _ x) c).
apply: (proj1 (Mrefl _ _)) => n.
case: (cumet_conv c n). move => m X.
case: (cumet_conv (liftc (findom_napp T M x) c) n). move => m' Y.
specialize (X ((m+m')%N.+1)%N). specialize (X (leqW (leq_addr _ _))). specialize (Y ((m+m')%N.+1) (leqW (leq_addl _ _))).
case: n X Y ; first by [].
move => n X Y. case: X => D X. specialize (X x).
- case_eq (x \in dom (umet_complete c)) => e.
have e':=e. rewrite dom_findom_lub in e'. specialize (X (findom_chain_dom _ _ _ e') e).
rewrite <- X. by rewrite <- Y.
- rewrite findom_undef ; last by rewrite e. clear X. rewrite <- Y. clear Y. simpl.
rewrite findom_undef ; first by []. rewrite D. by rewrite e.

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@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* KSOp.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Operational semantics of the kitchen sink language *)
Require Import Finmap KSTm Fin.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Import Tm.
Definition Heap := FinDom [compType of nat] (Value O).
Definition subSingle E (v:Value E) e := subExp (cons v (@idSub _)) e.
(*=EV *)
Inductive EV : nat -> Exp 0 -> Heap -> Value O -> Heap -> Type :=
| EvVAL h v : EV O (VAL v) h v h
| EvFST h v0 v1 : EV O (FST (PAIR v0 v1)) h v0 h
| EvSND h v0 v1 : EV O (SND (PAIR v0 v1)) h v1 h
| EvOP h op n0 n1 : EV O (OP op (PAIR (INT n0) (INT n1))) h (INT (op n0 n1)) h
| EvUNFOLD h v : EV 1 (UNFOLD (FOLD v)) h v h
| EvREF (h:Heap) v (l:nat) : l \notin dom h -> EV 1 (REF v) h (LOC l) (updMap l v h)
| EvBANG (h:Heap) v (l:nat) : h l = Some v -> EV 1 (BANG (LOC l)) h v h
| EvASSIGN (h:Heap) v l : h l -> EV 1 (ASSIGN (LOC l) v) h UNIT (updMap l v h)
| EvLET h n0 e0 v0 h0 n1 e1 v h1 : EV n0 e0 h v0 h0 ->
EV n1 (subSingle v0 e1) h0 v h1 -> EV (n0 + n1) (LET e0 e1) h v h1
| EvAPP h n e v0 v h0 : EV n (subSingle v e) h v0 h0 ->
EV n (APP (LAM e) v) h v0 h0
| EvTAPP h n e v0 h0 : EV n e h v0 h0 -> EV n (TAPP (TLAM e)) h v0 h0
| EvCASEL h n v e0 e1 v0 h0 : EV n (subSingle v e0) h v0 h0 ->
EV n (CASE (INL v) e0 e1) h v0 h0
| EvCASER h n v e0 e1 v0 h0 : EV n (subSingle v e1) h v0 h0 ->
EV n (CASE (INR v) e0 e1) h v0 h0.
(*=End *)

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@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
* KSTy.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Kitchen sink language, well-scoped by construction *)
Require Export ssreflect ssrnat.
Require Import Program.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Require Import Fin.
Ltac Rewrites E :=
(intros; simpl; try rewrite E;
repeat (match goal with | [H : context[eq _ _] |- _] => rewrite H end);
Module Tm.
Definition Env := nat.
Definition Var := Fin.
(*=ValueExp *)
Inductive Value E :=
| VAR: Var E -> Value E
| LOC: nat -> Value E
| INT: nat -> Value E
| TLAM: Exp E -> Value E
| LAM: Exp E.+1 -> Value E
| UNIT : Value E
| PAIR: Value E -> Value E -> Value E
| INL : Value E -> Value E
| INR : Value E -> Value E
| FOLD : Value E -> Value E
with Exp E :=
| VAL: Value E -> Exp E
| FST: Value E -> Exp E
| SND: Value E -> Exp E
| OP: (nat -> nat -> nat) -> Value E -> Exp E
| UNFOLD: Value E -> Exp E
| REF: Value E -> Exp E
| BANG: Value E -> Exp E
| ASSIGN: Value E -> Value E -> Exp E
| LET: Exp E -> Exp E.+1 -> Exp E
| APP: Value E -> Value E -> Exp E
| TAPP: Value E -> Exp E
| CASE: Value E -> Exp E.+1 -> Exp E.+1 -> Exp E.
(*=End *)
Implicit Arguments INT [E].
Implicit Arguments LOC [E].
Implicit Arguments UNIT [E].
Scheme Value_ind2 := Induction for Value Sort Prop
with Exp_ind2 := Induction for Exp Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme ExpValue_ind from Value_ind2, Exp_ind2.
Variable-domain maps.
By instantiating P with Var we get renamings.
By instantiating P with Value we get substitutions.
Module Map.
Section MAP.
Variable P : Env -> Type.
Definition Map E E' := FMap E (P E').
Package of operations used with a Map
vr maps a Var into Var or Value (so is either the identity or TVAR)
vl maps a Var or Value to a Value (so is either TVAR or the identity)
wk weakens a Var or Value (so is either SVAR or renaming through SVAR on a value)
Record Ops :=
vr : forall E, Var E -> P E;
vl : forall E, P E -> Value E;
wk : forall E, P E -> P E.+1;
wkvr : forall E (var : Var E), wk (vr var) = vr (FinS var);
vlvr : forall E (var : Var E), vl (vr var) = VAR var
Variable ops : Ops.
Definition lift E E' (m : Map E E') : Map E.+1 E'.+1 :=
(fun var => match var in Fin E return Map E.-1 E' -> P E'.+1 with
| FinZ _ => fun _ => vr ops (FinZ _)
| FinS _ x => fun m => wk ops (m x)
end m).
Definition shift E E' (m : Map E E') : Map E E'.+1 := fun var => wk ops (m var).
Definition id E : Map E E := fun (var : Var E) => vr ops var.
Lemma shiftCons : forall E E' (m : Map E E') (x : P E'), shift (cons x m) = cons (wk ops x) (shift m).
Proof. move => E E' m x. apply Extensionality. intros var. by dependent destruction var. Qed.
Lemma liftAsCons : forall E E' (m : Map E' E), lift m = cons (vr ops (FinZ _)) (shift m).
Proof. move => E E' m. apply Extensionality. intros var. by dependent destruction var. Qed.
Fixpoint mapVal E E' (m : Map E E') (v : Value E) : Value E' :=
match v with
| VAR v => vl ops (m v)
| INT i => INT i
| LAM e => LAM (mapExp (lift m) e)
| TLAM e => TLAM (mapExp m e)
| LOC l => LOC l
| PAIR v1 v2 => PAIR (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2)
| INL v => INL (mapVal m v)
| INR v => INR (mapVal m v)
| FOLD v => FOLD (mapVal m v)
with mapExp E E' (m : Map E E') (e : Exp E) : Exp E' :=
match e with
| VAL v => VAL (mapVal m v)
| APP v0 v1 => APP (mapVal m v0) (mapVal m v1)
| LET e0 e1 => LET (mapExp m e0) (mapExp (lift m) e1)
| FST v => FST (mapVal m v)
| SND v => SND (mapVal m v)
| UNFOLD v => UNFOLD (mapVal m v)
| OP op v => OP op (mapVal m v)
| REF v => REF (mapVal m v)
| ASSIGN v1 v2 => ASSIGN (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2)
| BANG v => BANG (mapVal m v)
| TAPP v => TAPP (mapVal m v)
| CASE v e1 e2 => CASE (mapVal m v) (mapExp (lift m) e1) (mapExp (lift m) e2)
Variable E E' : Env.
Variable m : Map E E'.
Lemma mapVAR : forall (var : Var _), mapVal m (VAR var) = vl ops (m var). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapINT : forall n, mapVal m (INT n) = INT n. by []. Qed.
Lemma mapLOC : forall n, mapVal m (LOC n) = LOC n. by []. Qed.
Lemma mapLAM : forall (e : Exp _), mapVal m (LAM e) = LAM (mapExp (lift m) e). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapOP : forall op v, mapExp m (OP op v) = OP op (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapVAL : forall (v : Value _), mapExp m (VAL v) = VAL (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapLET : forall (e1 : Exp _) (e2 : Exp _), mapExp m (LET e1 e2) = LET (mapExp m e1) (mapExp (lift m) e2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapAPP : forall (v1 : Value _) v2, mapExp m (APP v1 v2) = APP (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapPAIR : forall v1 v2, mapVal m (PAIR v1 v2) = PAIR (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapINL : forall v, mapVal m (INL v) = INL (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapINR : forall v, mapVal m (INR v) = INR (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapFOLD : forall v, mapVal m (FOLD v) = FOLD (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapTLAM : forall e, mapVal m (TLAM e) = TLAM (mapExp m e). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapUNIT : mapVal m UNIT = UNIT. by []. Qed.
Lemma mapFST : forall v, mapExp m (FST v) = FST (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapSND : forall v, mapExp m (SND v) = SND (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapBANG : forall v, mapExp m (BANG v) = BANG (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapREF : forall v, mapExp m (REF v) = REF (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapASSIGN : forall v1 v2, mapExp m (ASSIGN v1 v2) = ASSIGN (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapTAPP : forall v, mapExp m (TAPP v) = TAPP (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapUNFOLD : forall v, mapExp m (UNFOLD v) = UNFOLD (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapCASE : forall v e1 e2, mapExp m (CASE v e1 e2) = CASE (mapVal m v) (mapExp (lift m) e1) (mapExp (lift m) e2). by []. Qed.
Lemma liftId : lift (@id E) = @id E.+1.
Proof. apply Extensionality. intros var. dependent destruction var; [by [] | by apply wkvr].
Lemma idAsCons : @id E.+1 = cons (vr ops (FinZ _)) (shift (@id E)).
Proof. apply Extensionality. intros var. dependent destruction var; first by []. unfold id, shift. simpl. by rewrite wkvr. Qed.
End MAP.
Hint Rewrite mapVAR mapINT mapLAM mapOP mapVAL mapLET mapAPP mapPAIR mapINL mapINR mapFOLD mapTLAM mapUNIT mapFST mapSND mapBANG mapREF mapASSIGN mapTAPP mapUNFOLD mapCASE : mapHints.
Implicit Arguments id [P].
Lemma applyId P (ops:Ops P) E :
(forall (v : Value E), mapVal ops (id ops E) v = v)
/\ (forall (e : Exp E), mapExp ops (id ops E) e = e).
Proof. move: E ; apply ExpValue_ind; intros; autorewrite with mapHints; Rewrites liftId. by apply vlvr.
End Map.
Variable renamings: Map Var
Definition Ren := Map.Map Var.
Definition RenOps : Map.Ops Var. refine (@Map.Build_Ops _ (fun _ v => v) VAR FinS _ _). by []. by []. Defined.
Definition renVal := Map.mapVal RenOps.
Definition renExp := Map.mapExp RenOps.
Definition liftRen := Map.lift RenOps.
Definition shiftRen := Map.shift RenOps.
Definition idRen := RenOps.
Composition of renaming
Definition composeRen P E E' E'' (m : Map.Map P E' E'') (r : Ren E E') : Map.Map P E E'' := fun var => m (r var).
Lemma liftComposeRen : forall E E' E'' P ops (m:Map.Map P E' E'') (r:Ren E E'), Map.lift ops (composeRen m r) = composeRen (Map.lift ops m) (liftRen r).
Proof. move => E E' E'' P ops m r. apply Extensionality. intros var. by dependent destruction var. Qed.
Lemma applyComposeRen E :
(forall (v : Value E) E' E'' P ops (m:Map.Map P E' E'') (s : Ren E E'),
Map.mapVal ops (composeRen m s) v = Map.mapVal ops m (renVal s v))
/\ (forall (e : Exp E) E' E'' P ops (m:Map.Map P E' E'') (s : Ren E E'),
Map.mapExp ops (composeRen m s) e = Map.mapExp ops m (renExp s e)).
move: E ; apply ExpValue_ind; intros; autorewrite with mapHints; Rewrites liftComposeRen. Qed.
Definition Sub := Map.Map Value.
Definition SubOps : Map.Ops Value. refine (@Map.Build_Ops _ VAR (fun _ v => v) (fun E => renVal (fun v => FinS v)) _ _). by []. by []. Defined.
Definition subVal := Map.mapVal SubOps.
Definition subExp := Map.mapExp SubOps.
Definition shiftSub := Map.shift SubOps.
Definition liftSub := Map.lift SubOps.
Definition idSub := SubOps.
Ltac UnfoldRenSub := (unfold subVal; unfold subExp; unfold renVal; unfold renExp; unfold liftSub; unfold liftRen).
Ltac FoldRenSub := (fold subVal; fold subExp; fold renVal; fold renExp; fold liftSub; fold liftRen).
Ltac SimplMap := (UnfoldRenSub; autorewrite with mapHints; FoldRenSub).
Composition of substitution followed by renaming
Definition composeRenSub E E' E'' (r : Ren E' E'') (s : Sub E E') : Sub E E'' := fun var => renVal r (s var).
Lemma liftComposeRenSub : forall E E' E'' (r:Ren E' E'') (s:Sub E E'), liftSub (composeRenSub r s) = composeRenSub (liftRen r) (liftSub s).
intros. apply Extensionality. intros var. dependent destruction var; first by [].
unfold composeRenSub, liftSub. simpl. unfold renVal at 1 3. by do 2 rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)).
Lemma applyComposeRenSub E :
(forall (v:Value E) E' E'' (r:Ren E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subVal (composeRenSub r s) v = renVal r (subVal s v))
/\ (forall (e:Exp E) E' E'' (r:Ren E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subExp (composeRenSub r s) e = renExp r (subExp s e)).
Proof. move: E ; apply ExpValue_ind; intros; SimplMap; Rewrites liftComposeRenSub. Qed.
Composition of substitutions
Definition composeSub E E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E') : Sub E E'' := fun var => subVal s' (s var).
Lemma liftComposeSub : forall E E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E'), liftSub (composeSub s' s) = composeSub (liftSub s') (liftSub s).
intros. apply Extensionality. intros var. dependent destruction var; first by [].
unfold composeSub. simpl. rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRenSub _)). unfold composeRenSub, subVal. by rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)).
Lemma applyComposeSub E :
(forall (v : Value E) E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subVal (composeSub s' s) v = subVal s' (subVal s v))
/\ (forall (e : Exp E) E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subExp (composeSub s' s) e = subExp s' (subExp s e)).
Proof. move: E ; apply ExpValue_ind; intros; SimplMap; Rewrites liftComposeSub. Qed.
Lemma composeCons : forall E E' E'' (s':Sub E' E'') (s:Sub E E') (v:Value _),
composeSub (cons v s') (liftSub s) = cons v (composeSub s' s).
intros. apply Extensionality. intros var. dependent destruction var; first by [].
unfold composeSub. unfold subVal. simpl. rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)). unfold composeRen.
simpl. replace ((fun (var0:Fin E') => s' var0)) with s' by (by apply Extensionality). by [].
Lemma composeSubIdLeft : forall E E' (s : Sub E E'), composeSub (@idSub _) s = s.
Proof. intros. apply Extensionality. intros var. by apply (proj1 (Map.applyId _ _)). Qed.
Lemma composeSubIdRight : forall E E' (s:Sub E E'), composeSub s (@idSub _) = s.
Proof. intros. by apply Extensionality. Qed.
Notation "[ x , .. , y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y ( _ SubOps _)) ..) : Sub_scope.
Arguments Scope composeSub [_ _ _ Sub_scope Sub_scope].
Arguments Scope subExp [_ _ Sub_scope].
Arguments Scope subVal [_ _ Sub_scope].
Delimit Scope Sub_scope with sub.
Lemma composeSingleSub : forall E E' (s:Sub E E') (v:Value _), composeSub [v] (liftSub s) = cons v s.
Proof. intros. rewrite composeCons. by rewrite composeSubIdLeft. Qed.
End Tm.

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@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
* KSTy.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Kitchen sink types *)
Require Export ssreflect ssrnat.
Require Import Program.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Require Import Fin.
Ltac Rewrites E :=
(intros; simpl; try rewrite E;
repeat (match goal with | [H : context[eq _ _] |- _] => rewrite H end);
Module Ty.
Definition Env := nat.
(*=Ty *)
Inductive Ty E :=
| TVar: Fin E -> Ty E
| Int: Ty E
| Unit: Ty E
| Product: Ty E -> Ty E -> Ty E
| Sum: Ty E -> Ty E -> Ty E
| Mu: Ty E.+1 -> Ty E
| All: Ty E.+1 -> Ty E
| Arrow: Ty E -> Ty E -> Ty E
| Ref: Ty E -> Ty E.
(*=End *)
Implicit Arguments Unit [E].
Implicit Arguments Int [E].
Scheme Ty_ind2 := Induction for Ty Sort Prop.
Variable-domain maps.
By instantiating P with Var we get renamings.
By instantiating P with Value we get substitutions.
Module Map.
Section MAP.
Variable P : Env -> Type.
Definition Map E E' := FMap E (P E').
Package of operations used with a Map
vr maps a Var into Var or Value (so is either the identity or TVAR)
vl maps a Var or Value to a Value (so is either TVAR or the identity)
wk weakens a Var or Value (so is either SVAR or renaming through SVAR on a value)
Record Ops :=
vr : forall E, Fin E -> P E;
vl : forall E, P E -> Ty E;
wk : forall E, P E -> P E.+1;
wkvr : forall E (var : Fin E), wk (vr var) = vr (FinS var);
vlvr : forall E (var : Fin E), vl (vr var) = TVar var
Variable ops : Ops.
Definition lift E E' (m : Map E E') : Map E.+1 E'.+1 :=
(fun var => match var in Fin E return Map E.-1 E' -> P E'.+1 with
| FinZ _ => fun _ => vr ops (FinZ _)
| FinS _ x => fun m => wk ops (m x)
end m).
Definition shift E E' (m : Map E E') : Map E E'.+1 := fun var => wk ops (m var).
Definition id E : Map E E := fun (var : Fin E) => vr ops var.
Lemma shiftCons : forall E E' (m : Map E E') (x : P E'), shift (cons x m) = cons (wk ops x) (shift m).
Proof. move => E E' m x. apply Extensionality. by dependent destruction i. Qed.
Lemma liftAsCons : forall E E' (m : Map E' E), lift m = cons (vr ops (FinZ _)) (shift m).
Proof. move => E E' m. apply Extensionality. by dependent destruction i. Qed.
Fixpoint mapTy E E' (m : Map E E') (t : Ty E) : Ty E' :=
match t with
| TVar v => vl ops (m v)
| Int => Int
| Unit => Unit
| Product t1 t2 => Product (mapTy m t1) (mapTy m t2)
| Sum t1 t2 => Sum (mapTy m t1) (mapTy m t2)
| Mu t => Mu (mapTy (lift m) t)
| All t => All (mapTy (lift m) t)
| Arrow t1 t2 => Arrow (mapTy m t1) (mapTy m t2)
| Ref t => Ref (mapTy m t)
Variable E E' : Env.
Variable m : Map E E'.
Lemma mapTVar : forall (var : Fin _), mapTy m (TVar var) = vl ops (m var). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapInt : mapTy m Int = Int. by []. Qed.
Lemma mapUnit : mapTy m Unit = Unit. by []. Qed.
Lemma mapMu : forall t, mapTy m (Mu t) = Mu (mapTy (lift m) t). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapAll : forall t, mapTy m (All t) = All (mapTy (lift m) t). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapProduct : forall t1 t2, mapTy m (Product t1 t2) = Product (mapTy m t1) (mapTy m t2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapSum : forall t1 t2, mapTy m (Sum t1 t2) = Sum (mapTy m t1) (mapTy m t2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapArrow : forall t1 t2, mapTy m (Arrow t1 t2) = Arrow (mapTy m t1) (mapTy m t2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapRef : forall t, mapTy m (Ref t) = Ref (mapTy m t). by []. Qed.
Lemma liftId : lift (@id E) = @id E.+1.
Proof. apply Extensionality. dependent destruction i; [by [] | by apply wkvr].
Lemma idAsCons : @id E.+1 = cons (vr ops (FinZ _)) (shift (@id E)).
Proof. apply Extensionality. dependent destruction i; first by []. unfold id, shift. simpl. by rewrite wkvr. Qed.
End MAP.
Hint Rewrite mapTVar mapInt mapUnit mapMu mapAll mapProduct mapSum mapArrow mapRef : mapHints.
Implicit Arguments id [P].
Lemma applyId P (ops:Ops P) E : (forall (t : Ty E), mapTy ops (id ops E) t = t).
Proof. induction t; intros; autorewrite with mapHints; Rewrites liftId. by apply vlvr. Qed.
End Map.
Variable renamings: Map Var
Definition Ren := Map.Map Fin.
Definition RenOps : Map.Ops Fin. refine (@Map.Build_Ops _ (fun _ v => v) TVar FinS _ _). by []. by []. Defined.
Definition renTy := Map.mapTy RenOps.
Definition liftRen := Map.lift RenOps.
Definition shiftRen := Map.shift RenOps.
Definition idRen := RenOps.
Composition of renaming
Definition composeRen P E E' E'' (m : Map.Map P E' E'') (r : Ren E E') : Map.Map P E E'' := fun var => m (r var).
Lemma liftComposeRen : forall E E' E'' P ops (m:Map.Map P E' E'') (r:Ren E E'), Map.lift ops (composeRen m r) = composeRen (Map.lift ops m) (liftRen r).
Proof. move => E E' E'' P ops m r. apply Extensionality. by dependent destruction i. Qed.
Lemma applyComposeRen E :
(forall (t : Ty E) E' E'' P ops (m:Map.Map P E' E'') (s : Ren E E'),
Map.mapTy ops (composeRen m s) t = Map.mapTy ops m (renTy s t)).
Proof. induction t; intros; autorewrite with mapHints; Rewrites liftComposeRen. Qed.
Definition Sub := Map.Map Ty.
Definition SubOps : Map.Ops Ty. refine (@Map.Build_Ops _ TVar (fun _ v => v) (fun E => renTy (fun v => FinS v)) _ _). by []. by []. Defined.
Definition subTy := Map.mapTy SubOps.
Definition shiftSub := Map.shift SubOps.
Definition liftSub := Map.lift SubOps.
Definition idSub := SubOps.
Ltac UnfoldRenSub := (unfold subTy; unfold renTy; unfold liftSub; unfold liftRen).
Ltac FoldRenSub := (fold subTy; fold renTy; fold liftSub; fold liftRen).
Ltac SimplMap := (UnfoldRenSub; autorewrite with mapHints; FoldRenSub).
Composition of substitution followed by renaming
Definition composeRenSub E E' E'' (r : Ren E' E'') (s : Sub E E') : Sub E E'' := fun var => renTy r (s var).
Lemma liftComposeRenSub : forall E E' E'' (r:Ren E' E'') (s:Sub E E'), liftSub (composeRenSub r s) = composeRenSub (liftRen r) (liftSub s).
intros. apply Extensionality. dependent destruction i; first by [].
unfold composeRenSub, liftSub. simpl. unfold renTy at 1 3. by do 2 rewrite <- applyComposeRen.
Lemma applyComposeRenSub E :
(forall (t:Ty E) E' E'' (r:Ren E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subTy (composeRenSub r s) t = renTy r (subTy s t)).
Proof. induction t; intros; SimplMap; Rewrites liftComposeRenSub. Qed.
Composition of substitutions
Definition composeSub E E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E') : Sub E E'' := fun var => subTy s' (s var).
Lemma liftComposeSub : forall E E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E'), liftSub (composeSub s' s) = composeSub (liftSub s') (liftSub s).
intros. apply Extensionality. dependent destruction i; first by [].
unfold composeSub. simpl. rewrite <- applyComposeRenSub. unfold composeRenSub, subTy. by rewrite <- applyComposeRen.
Lemma applyComposeSub E :
(forall (t : Ty E) E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subTy (composeSub s' s) t = subTy s' (subTy s t)).
Proof. induction t; intros; SimplMap; Rewrites liftComposeSub. Qed.
Lemma composeCons : forall E E' E'' (s':Sub E' E'') (s:Sub E E') (v:Ty _),
composeSub (cons v s') (liftSub s) = cons v (composeSub s' s).
intros. apply Extensionality. dependent destruction i; first by [].
unfold composeSub. unfold subTy. simpl. rewrite <- applyComposeRen. unfold composeRen.
simpl. replace ((fun (var0:Fin E') => s' var0)) with s' by (by apply Extensionality). by [].
Lemma composeSubIdLeft : forall E E' (s : Sub E E'), composeSub (@idSub _) s = s.
Proof. intros. apply Extensionality. intros var. by apply Map.applyId. Qed.
Lemma composeSubIdRight : forall E E' (s:Sub E E'), composeSub s (@idSub _) = s.
Proof. intros. by apply Extensionality. Qed.
Notation "[ x , .. , y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y ( _ SubOps _)) ..) : Sub_scope.
Arguments Scope composeSub [_ _ _ Sub_scope Sub_scope].
Arguments Scope subTy [_ _ Sub_scope].
Delimit Scope Sub_scope with sub.
Lemma composeSingleSub : forall E E' (s:Sub E E') (t:Ty _), composeSub [t] (liftSub s) = cons t s.
Proof. intros. rewrite composeCons. by rewrite composeSubIdLeft. Qed.
End Ty.
Notation "a --> b" := (Ty.Arrow a b) (at level 55, right associativity).
Notation "a ** b" := (Ty.Product a b) (at level 55).

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
* KSTyping.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Typing relation for kitchen sink language *)
Require Export ssreflect ssrnat. Require Import KSTy. Require Import KSTm.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Require Import Fin.
Definition StoreType E := nat -> Ty.Ty E.
Definition TEnv E n := FMap n (Ty.Ty E).
Definition shiftTy E : Ty.Ty E -> Ty.Ty E.+1 := Ty.renTy (fun v => FinS v).
Definition subOneTy E (t' : Ty.Ty E) t := Ty.subTy (cons t' (@Ty.idSub _)) t.
Definition unfoldTy E (t : Ty.Ty E.+1) := subOneTy (Ty.Mu t) t.
Require Import Program.
Definition emptyTEnv : TEnv O O.
move => var. dependent destruction var.
Import Tm.
Inductive VTy E (se:StoreType E) : forall n, TEnv E n -> Tm.Value n -> Ty.Ty E -> Type :=
| TvVAR: forall n (env : TEnv E n) v, VTy se env (VAR v) (env v)
| TvLOC: forall n (env : TEnv E n) l, VTy se env (LOC l) (Ty.Ref (se l))
| TvINT: forall n (env : TEnv E n) i , VTy se env (INT i) Ty.Int
| TvUNIT: forall n (env : TEnv E n), VTy se env UNIT Ty.Unit
| TvLAM: forall n (env : TEnv E n) t1 t2 e, ETy se (cons t1 env) e t2 -> VTy se env (LAM e) (t1 --> t2)
| TvTLAM: forall n (env : TEnv E n) t e, ETy (E:=E.+1) (fun l => shiftTy (se l)) (fun v => shiftTy (env v)) e t -> VTy se env (TLAM e) (Ty.All t)
| TvPAIR: forall n (env : TEnv E n) t1 t2 e1 e2, VTy se env e1 t1 -> VTy se env e2 t2 -> VTy se env (PAIR e1 e2) (t1 ** t2)
| TvINL: forall n (env:TEnv E n) v t1 t2, VTy se env v t1 -> VTy se env (INL v) (Ty.Sum t1 t2)
| TvINR: forall n (env:TEnv E n) v t1 t2, VTy se env v t2 -> VTy se env (INR v) (Ty.Sum t1 t2)
| TvFOLD: forall n (env:TEnv E n) v t, VTy se env v (unfoldTy t) -> VTy se env (FOLD v) (Ty.Mu t)
with ETy E (se:StoreType E) : forall n, TEnv E n -> Tm.Exp n -> Ty.Ty E -> Type :=
| TeVAL: forall n (env:TEnv E n) v t, VTy se env v t -> ETy se env (VAL v) t
| TeLET: forall n (env:TEnv E n) e1 e2 t1 t2, ETy se env e1 t1 -> ETy se (cons t1 env) e2 t2 -> ETy se env (LET e1 e2) t2
| TvFST: forall n (env:TEnv E n) v t1 t2, VTy se env v (t1**t2) -> ETy se env (FST v) t1
| TvSND: forall n (env:TEnv E n) v t1 t2, VTy se env v (t1**t2) -> ETy se env (SND v) t2
| TvOP: forall n (env:TEnv E n) op v, VTy se env v (Ty.Int**Ty.Int) -> ETy se env (OP op v) Ty.Int
| TvUNFOLD: forall n (env:TEnv E n) t v, VTy se env v (Ty.Mu t) -> ETy se env (UNFOLD v) (unfoldTy t)
| TvREF: forall n (env:TEnv E n) v t, VTy se env v t -> ETy se env (REF v) (Ty.Ref t)
| TvBANG: forall n (env:TEnv E n) v t, VTy se env v (Ty.Ref t) -> ETy se env (BANG v) t
| TvASSIGN: forall n (env:TEnv E n) v1 v2 t, VTy se env v1 (Ty.Ref t) -> VTy se env v2 t -> ETy se env (ASSIGN v1 v2) Ty.Unit
| TeAPP: forall n (env:TEnv E n) t1 t2 v1 v2, VTy se env v1 (t1 --> t2) -> VTy se env v2 t1 -> ETy se env (APP v1 v2) t2
| TeTAPP: forall n (env:TEnv E n) t v t', VTy se env v (Ty.All t) -> ETy se env (TAPP v) (subOneTy t' t)
| TeCASE: forall n (env:TEnv E n) t1 t2 v e1 e2 t, VTy se env v (Ty.Sum t1 t2) -> ETy se (cons t1 env) e1 t -> ETy se (cons t2 env) e2 t -> ETy se env (CASE v e1 e2) t
Scheme VTy_rec2 := Induction for VTy Sort Set
with ETy_rec2 := Induction for ETy Sort Set.
Scheme VTy_rect2 := Induction for VTy Sort Type
with ETy_rect2 := Induction for ETy Sort Type.
Scheme VTy_ind2 := Induction for VTy Sort Prop
with ETy_ind2 := Induction for ETy Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme Typing_ind from VTy_ind2, ETy_ind2.

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@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
* KnasterTarski.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Complete Lattices *)
Require Export PredomCore.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(** printing <= $\sqsubseteq$ *)
(** printing sup $\bigwedge$ *)
(** printing inf $\bigvee$ *)
(** printing == $\equiv$ *)
(** * Complete Lattice
A semi-lattice [(L, \/ )] is a partial order [L = (T, <= )] and a binary operation inf [\/ : L -> L -> L],
such that [forall x y, x \/ y <= x], [forall x y, x \/ y == y \/ x] and [forall z x y, z <= x /\ z <= y -> z <= x \/ y].
A complete lattice is a semi lattice where the inf operation has been generalized to all subsets of [L].
Open Scope C_scope.
Module CLattice.
Section Mixin.
Variable T:ordType.
Definition axiom (inf : (T -> Prop) -> T) :=
forall P:T -> Prop, (forall t, (P t -> inf P <= t) /\ ((forall x, P x -> t <= x) -> t <= inf P)).
Record mixin_of : Type := Mixin
{ inf : (T -> Prop) -> T;
_ : axiom inf
End Mixin.
Section ClassDef.
Record class_of (T:Type) : Type :=
Class { base : PreOrd.class_of T ;
ext : mixin_of (PreOrd.Pack base T) }.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> PreOrd.class_of.
Local Coercion ext : class_of >-> mixin_of.
Structure type : Type := Pack { sort : Type; _ : class_of sort ; _ : Type}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Definition class cT := let: Pack _ c _ := cT return class_of cT in c.
Definition unpack K (k : forall T (c : class_of T), K T c) cT :=
let: Pack T c _ := cT return K _ (class cT) in k _ c.
Definition repack cT : _ -> Type -> type := let k T c p := p c in unpack k cT.
Definition pack := let k T c m := Pack (@Class T c m) T in PreOrd.unpack k.
Definition ordType cT := PreOrd.Pack (class cT) cT.
Definition setoidType cT := Setoid.Pack (class cT) cT.
End ClassDef.
Module Import Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> PreOrd.class_of.
Coercion ext : class_of >-> mixin_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Coercion ordType : type >-> PreOrd.type.
Coercion setoidType : type >-> Setoid.type.
Notation clatType := type.
Notation ClatMixin := Mixin.
Notation ClatType := pack.
Canonical Structure ordType.
Canonical Structure setoidType.
End Exports.
End CLattice.
Export CLattice.Exports.
Definition inf (cT:clatType) : (cT -> Prop) -> cT := CLattice.inf (CLattice.class cT).
Implicit Arguments inf [cT].
Lemma Pinf (T:clatType) : forall P : T -> Prop, forall t, P t -> inf P <= t.
unfold inf. case:T => A. case => O. simpl. case. simpl.
move => I X a P t x. by apply (proj1 (X P t) x).
Lemma PinfL (T:clatType) : forall P : T -> Prop, forall t, (forall x, P x -> t <= x) -> t <= inf P.
unfold inf. case:T => A. case => O. simpl. case. simpl.
move => I X T P t x. by apply (proj2 (X P t) x).
Lemma inf_ext (T:clatType) (P P' : T -> Prop) : (forall x, P x <-> P' x) -> inf P =-= inf P'.
move => C. split.
- apply: PinfL. move => x Px'. apply Pinf. by apply (proj2 (C x) Px').
- apply: PinfL. move => x Px'. apply Pinf. by apply (proj1 (C x) Px').
Add Parametric Relation (O:clatType) : O (@tset_eq O : O -> O -> Prop)
reflexivity proved by (@Oeq_refl O) symmetry proved by (@Oeq_sym O)
transitivity proved by (@Oeq_trans O) as Oeq_ClatRelation.
Add Parametric Relation (O:clatType) : O (@Ole O)
reflexivity proved by (@Ole_refl O)
transitivity proved by (@Ole_trans O) as Ole_ClatRelation.
Definition imageSet (T0 T1:clatType) (f:ordCatType T0 T1) : (T0 -> Prop) -> T1 -> Prop :=
fun S x => exists y, S y /\ f y = x.
Definition limitpres (T0 T1:clatType) (f: ordCatType T0 T1) :=
forall S, f (inf S) =-= inf (imageSet f S).
Module FLimit.
Section flimit.
Variable O1 O2 : clatType.
Record mixin_of (f:fmono O1 O2) := Mixin { cont :> limitpres f }.
Record class_of (f : O1 -> O2) := Class { base : FMon.mixin_of f; ext : mixin_of (FMon.Pack base f) }.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> FMon.mixin_of.
Local Coercion ext : class_of >-> mixin_of.
Structure type : Type := Pack {sort : O1 -> O2; _ : class_of sort; _ : O1 -> O2}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Funclass.
Definition class cT := let: Pack _ c _ := cT return class_of cT in c.
Definition unpack K (k : forall T (c : class_of T), K T c) cT :=
let: Pack T c _ := cT return K _ (class cT) in k _ c.
Definition repack cT : _ -> Type -> type := let k T c p := p c in unpack k cT.
Definition pack := let k T c m := Pack (@Class T c m) T in FMon.unpack k.
Definition fmono f : fmono O1 O2 := FMon.Pack (class f) f.
End flimit.
Module Import Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> FMon.mixin_of.
Coercion ext : class_of >-> mixin_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Funclass.
Coercion fmono : type >-> FMon.type.
Notation flimit := type.
Notation flimitMixin := Mixin.
Notation flimitType := pack.
Canonical Structure fmono.
End Exports.
End FLimit.
Export FLimit.Exports.
Lemma flimitpres (T0 T1:clatType) (f:flimit T0 T1) : limitpres f.
case:f => f. case ; case => m. case => l s. by apply l.
Lemma flimitp_ord_axiom (D1 D2 :clatType) : PreOrd.axiom (fun (f g:flimit D1 D2) => (f:fmono D1 D2) <= g).
move => f ; split ; first by [].
move => g h ; by apply Ole_trans.
Canonical Structure flimitp_ordMixin (D1 D2 :clatType) := OrdMixin (@flimitp_ord_axiom D1 D2).
Canonical Structure flimitp_ordType (D1 D2 :clatType) := Eval hnf in OrdType (flimitp_ordMixin D1 D2).
Lemma clatMorphSetoidAxiom (O0 O1:clatType) : @Setoid.axiom (flimit O0 O1) (fun x y => (x:fmono O0 O1) =-= y).
split ; first by move => x ; apply: tset_refl. split.
- by apply: Oeq_trans.
- by apply: Oeq_sym.
Canonical Structure clatMorphSetoidMixin (T0 T1 : clatType) := SetoidMixin (@clatMorphSetoidAxiom T0 T1).
Canonical Structure clatMorphSetoidType (T0 T1 : clatType) := Eval hnf in SetoidType (clatMorphSetoidMixin T0 T1).
(* flimit <= *)
Definition flimit_less (A B: clatType): relation (flimit A B) := (@Ole _).
Definition flimit_less_preorder (A B: clatType): PreOrder (@flimit_less A B).
split ;first by move => x.
move => x y z. by apply Ole_trans.
Existing Instance flimit_less_preorder.
Add Parametric Morphism (A B : clatType) :
(@FLimit.sort A B) with signature (@flimit_less A B ++> @Ole A ++> @Ole B)
as flimit_le_compat.
move => x y l x' y' l'. apply Ole_trans with (y:=x y') ; first by apply: fmonotonic.
by apply l.
(* fcont == *)
Definition flimit_equal (A B: clatType): relation (flimit A B) := (@tset_eq _).
Definition flimit_equal_equivalence (A B: clatType): Equivalence (@flimit_equal A B).
- move => x. by apply: Oeq_refl.
- move => x y. by apply: Oeq_sym.
- move => x y z. by apply: Oeq_trans.
Existing Instance flimit_equal_equivalence.
Add Parametric Morphism (A B : clatType) :
(@FLimit.sort A B) with signature (@flimit_equal A B ==> @tset_eq A ==> @tset_eq B)
as flimit_eq_compat.
move => x y l x' y' l'. apply Oeq_trans with (y:=x y') ; first by apply: fmon_stable.
by apply (fmon_eq_elim l y').
Lemma fcomplp (D0 D1 D2 : clatType) (f : flimit D1 D2) (g: flimit D0 D1) :
limitpres (ocomp f g).
move => S. simpl.
have gg:=flimitpres g S. rewrite -> gg.
have ff:=flimitpres f (imageSet g S). rewrite -> ff. clear gg ff.
apply: inf_ext. move => x. unfold imageSet. split.
- case => t1. case. case => t0. case => iS gt0 ft1. exists t0. split ; first by []. rewrite <- ft1.
by rewrite <- gt0.
- case => t0. case => iS fg0. exists (g t0). split ; last by []. exists t0. by split.
Canonical Structure mk_flimitM (D0 D1:clatType) (f:fmono D0 D1) (c:limitpres (FMon.Pack (FMon.class f) f)) := flimitMixin c.
Definition mk_flimit (D0 D1:clatType) (f:fmono D0 D1) (c:limitpres (FMon.Pack (FMon.class f) f)) := Eval hnf in @flimitType D0 D1 f (mk_flimitM c).
Definition complp (D0 D1 D2 : clatType) (f : flimit D1 D2) (g: flimit D0 D1) := Eval hnf in mk_flimit (fcomplp f g).
Lemma oidlp (T:clatType) : limitpres (@oid T).
move => S. simpl. apply: inf_ext.
move => x. split.
- move => iS. exists x. by split. unfold imageSet.
- case => y [iS P]. simpl in P. rewrite <- P. by apply iS.
Definition lpid (T:clatType) := Eval hnf in mk_flimit (@oidlp T).
Lemma clatCatAxiom : @Category.axiom _ clatMorphSetoidType complp lpid.
split ; last split ; last split.
move => T T' f. by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
move => T T' f. by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
move => T0 T1 T2 T3 f g h. by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
move => T0 T1 T2 f f' g g' e e'.
apply: fmon_eq_intro => a. simpl. rewrite -> e. by rewrite -> e'.
Canonical Structure clatCatMixin := CatMixin clatCatAxiom.
Canonical Structure clatCat := Eval hnf in CatType clatCatMixin.
Section KnasterTarski.
Section Lat.
Variable L : clatType.
Definition aboveSet : (L -> Prop) -> L -> Prop := (fun D e => forall s, D s -> s <= e).
Definition sup (S: L -> Prop) : L := inf (aboveSet S).
Lemma Psup : forall (S : L -> Prop) t, S t -> t <= sup S.
intros S t St. unfold sup.
refine (PinfL _).
intros l Cl. apply Cl. by apply St.
Lemma PsupL : forall (S: L -> Prop) t, (forall x, S x -> x <= t) -> sup S <= t.
intros S t C. unfold sup. refine (Pinf _).
intros l Sl. apply C. apply Sl.
(** A complete lattice has both infima and suprema. Suprema of a set S ([sup S]) is given by [inf { z | S <= z}] *)
End Lat.
Section SubLattice.
Variable L : clatType.
(** Let [P] represent a subset of [L]. *)
Variable P : L -> Prop.
(** We can then define a an ordering on the subset [P] by inheriting the ordering from [L]. *)
(** If [P] is closed under infima then it is a complete lattice *)
Variable PSinf: forall (S:L -> Prop), (forall t, S t -> P t) -> P (inf S).
Definition Embed (t:L) (p:P t) : sub_ordType P.
by exists t.
Definition Extend (S : sub_ordType P -> Prop) : L -> Prop := (fun l => (exists p:P l, S (Embed p))).
Lemma ExtendP: forall S t, Extend S t -> P t.
intros S t Ex. unfold Extend in Ex. unfold Embed in Ex. destruct Ex as [E _].
apply E.
Lemma sublatAxiom : CLattice.axiom (fun (S:sub_ordType P -> Prop) =>
@Embed (inf (Extend S)) (@PSinf (Extend S) (@ExtendP S))).
intros S t. split.
- case t. simpl. clear t. intros l Pl Pe. refine (Pinf _ ).
unfold Extend. unfold Embed. exists Pl. by apply Pe.
- case t. simpl. clear t. intros x Px C. apply: PinfL.
intros t et. unfold Extend in et. unfold Embed in et.
destruct et as [Pt St]. specialize (C _ St). by apply C.
Canonical Structure sub_clatMixin := ClatMixin sublatAxiom.
Canonical Structure sub_clatType := Eval hnf in ClatType sub_clatMixin.
End SubLattice.
Variable L : clatType.
Lemma op_ordAxiom (O:ordType) : PreOrd.axiom (fun (x y:O) => y <= x).
move => x.
split ; first by apply Ole_refl.
move => y z ; by apply (fun X Y => Ole_trans Y X).
Definition op_ordMixin O := OrdMixin (@op_ordAxiom O).
Definition op_ordType O := Eval hnf in OrdType (op_ordMixin O).
Lemma oplatAxiom : @CLattice.axiom (op_ordType L) (@sup L).
intros P t. split.
- move => Pt. simpl. by apply (Psup Pt).
- intros C. simpl. refine (PsupL _). by apply C.
Definition op_latMixin := ClatMixin oplatAxiom.
Definition op_latType := Eval hnf in @ClatType (op_ordType L) op_latMixin.
Variable f : ordCatType L L.
Definition PreFixedPoint d := f d <= d.
Lemma PreFixedInfs: (forall S : L -> Prop,
(forall t : L, S t -> PreFixedPoint t) -> PreFixedPoint (inf S)).
intros S C.
unfold PreFixedPoint in *.
apply (PinfL ). intros l Sl.
apply Ole_trans with (y:= f l).
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto. apply M.
apply Pinf. apply Sl.
apply (C _ Sl).
Definition PreFixedLattice := @sub_clatType L (fun x => PreFixedPoint x) PreFixedInfs.
Definition PostFixedPoint d := d <= f d.
Lemma PostFixedSups: forall S : op_latType -> Prop,
(forall t : op_latType, S t -> (fun x : op_latType => PostFixedPoint x) t) ->
(fun x : op_latType => PostFixedPoint x) (@inf op_latType S).
unfold PostFixedPoint.
intros S C. simpl in *. refine (PsupL _).
intros l Sl. apply Ole_trans with (y:= f l). apply C. apply Sl.
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto. apply M. apply (Psup Sl).
Definition PostFixedLattice := @sub_clatType op_latType (fun x => PostFixedPoint x) PostFixedSups.
Definition lfp := match (@inf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)) with exist x _ => x end.
Definition gfp := match (@inf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)) with exist x _ => x end.
Lemma lfp_fixedpoint : f lfp =-= lfp.
unfold lfp.
assert (yy:= @Pinf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
generalize yy ; clear yy.
case (@inf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
intros x Px yy.
assert (zz:=fun X PX => (yy (exist (fun t => PreFixedPoint t) X PX))). clear yy.
assert (PreFixedPoint (f x)). unfold PreFixedPoint.
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto. apply M. apply Px.
split ; first by apply Px.
simpl in zz. specialize (zz _ H I). by apply zz.
Lemma gfp_fixedpoint : f gfp =-= gfp.
unfold gfp.
assert (yy:= @Pinf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
generalize yy ; clear yy.
case (@inf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
intros x Px yy.
assert (zz:=fun X PX => (yy (exist (fun t => PostFixedPoint t) X PX))). clear yy.
assert (PostFixedPoint (f x)). unfold PostFixedPoint.
assert (monotonic f) as M by auto. apply M. apply Px.
specialize (zz _ H). simpl in zz. apply zz. auto.
apply Px.
Lemma lfp_least: forall fp, f fp <= fp -> lfp <= fp.
unfold lfp.
intros fp ff. assert (PreFixedPoint fp). apply ff.
assert (yy:= @Pinf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
generalize yy ; clear yy.
case (@inf PreFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
intros x Px yy.
assert (zz:=fun X PX => (yy (exist (fun t => PreFixedPoint t) X PX))). clear yy.
case (@inf PreFixedLattice (fun _ : PreFixedLattice => True)).
specialize (zz _ H). simpl in zz. intros _ _. by apply zz.
Lemma gfp_greatest: forall fp, fp <= f fp -> fp <= gfp.
unfold gfp.
intros fp ff. assert (PostFixedPoint fp). apply ff.
assert (yy:= @Pinf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
generalize yy ; clear yy.
case (@inf PostFixedLattice (fun _ => True)).
intros x Px yy.
assert (zz:=fun X PX => (yy (exist (fun t => PostFixedPoint t) X PX))). clear yy.
case (@inf PostFixedLattice (fun _ : PostFixedLattice => True)).
specialize (zz _ H). simpl in zz. intros _ _. by apply zz.
End KnasterTarski.
Section ClatProd.
Variable L1 L2 : clatType.
Lemma prodCLatAxiom : CLattice.axiom (fun (S:L1 * L2 -> Prop) =>
(@inf L1 (fun l1 => exists l2, S (l1,l2)),@inf L2 (fun l2 => exists l1, S (l1,l2)))).
move => P t. split.
- case t. clear t. intros t0 t1 Pt. simpl. split.
* refine (Pinf _). exists t1. by apply Pt.
* refine (Pinf _). exists t0. by apply Pt.
- case t. clear t. intros t0 t1 Pt. simpl. split.
* refine (PinfL _). intros x Px. destruct Px as [y Pxy]. specialize (Pt _ Pxy).
inversion Pt. simpl in *. by auto.
* refine (PinfL _). intros x Px. destruct Px as [y Pyx].
specialize (Pt _ Pyx). inversion Pt. simpl in *. by auto.
Canonical Structure prod_clatMixin := ClatMixin prodCLatAxiom.
Canonical Structure prod_clatType := Eval hnf in ClatType prod_clatMixin.
Lemma Fst_lp : limitpres (@Fst L1 L2).
move => S. unfold imageSet. simpl. apply: inf_ext.
move => x. split ; case.
- move => y iS. exists (x,y). by split.
- case => x' y. simpl. case => iS e. exists y. by rewrite <- e.
Definition lfst := Eval hnf in mk_flimit Fst_lp.
Lemma Snd_lp : limitpres (@Snd L1 L2).
move => S. unfold imageSet. simpl. apply: inf_ext.
move => x. split ; case.
- move => y iS. exists (y,x). by split.
- case => x' y. simpl. case => iS e. exists x'. by rewrite <- e.
Definition lsnd := Eval hnf in mk_flimit Snd_lp.
Variable L:clatType.
Variable (f:L =-> L1) (g:L =-> L2).
Lemma prod_fun_lp : limitpres (<|f:ordCatType _ _,g|>).
move => S. simpl. rewrite -> (pair_eq_compat (flimitpres f S) (flimitpres g S)).
case_eq (inf (imageSet (<| (f : ordCatType _ _), g |>) S)).
move => l0 l1 e. unfold imageSet in e. simpl in e. apply: pair_eq_compat.
- have aa:=f_equal (Fst _ _) e. simpl in aa. rewrite <- aa. apply: inf_ext. move => x. unfold imageSet.
split ; case.
+ move => x1 [iS ee]. exists (g x1). exists x1. split ; first by []. by rewrite ee.
+ move => x3. case => x1 [iS ee]. exists x1. by split ; case: ee.
- have aa:=f_equal (Snd _ _) e. simpl in aa. rewrite <- aa. apply: inf_ext. move => x. unfold imageSet.
split ; case.
+ move => x1 [iS ee]. exists (f x1). exists x1. split ; first by []. by rewrite ee.
+ move => x3. case => x1 [iS ee]. exists x1. by split ; case: ee.
Definition lprod_fun : L =-> prod_clatType :=
Eval hnf in mk_flimit prod_fun_lp.
End ClatProd.
Lemma clatProdCatAxiom : CatProduct.axiom lfst lsnd lprod_fun.
move => X Y Z f g. split ; first split.
- by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
- by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
- move => m A. apply: fmon_eq_intro => x.
simpl. have A0:=fmon_eq_elim (proj1 A) x. have A1:=fmon_eq_elim (proj2 A) x. by rewrite <- (pair_eq_compat A0 A1).
Canonical Structure prod_clatCatMixin := prodCatMixin clatProdCatAxiom.
Canonical Structure prod_clatCatType := Eval hnf in prodCatType prod_clatCatMixin.
Lemma arrow_latAxiom (T:Type) (L:clatType) : @CLattice.axiom (ford_ordType T L)
(fun (S:ford_ordType T L -> Prop) => fun t => @inf L (fun st => exists s, S s /\ s t = st)).
intros P f. split.
- move => Pf. simpl. intros t. refine (Pinf _ ). exists f. by split.
- simpl. intros C t. refine (PinfL _).
intros l Tl. destruct Tl as [f0 [Pf0 f0t]]. specialize (C _ Pf0). by rewrite <- f0t.
Canonical Structure arrow_clatMixin (T:Type) (L:clatType) := ClatMixin (@arrow_latAxiom T L).
Canonical Structure arrow_clatType (T:Type) (L:clatType) := Eval hnf in @ClatType (ford_ordType T L) (@arrow_clatMixin T L).
Require Export NSetoid.
Open Scope C_scope.
Lemma setOrdAxiom T : @PreOrd.axiom (T =-> Props) (fun A B => forall x, A x -> B x).
move => c. split ; first by [].
move => y z A B a Ca. apply B. by apply A.
Canonical Structure set_ordMixin T := OrdMixin (@setOrdAxiom T).
Definition set_ordType T := Eval hnf in OrdType (set_ordMixin T).
Lemma intersect_respect T (S:(T =-> Props) -> Prop) : setoid_respect (fun t, forall A, S A -> A t).
move => x y e. simpl.
split => X A sa ; specialize (X A sa).
- by apply (proj1 (frespect A e)).
- by apply (proj2 (frespect A e)).
Definition intersect T (S:(T =-> Props) -> Prop) : T =-> Props := Eval hnf in mk_fset (intersect_respect S).
Lemma set_clatAxiom T : @CLattice.axiom (set_ordType T) (fun S => intersect S).
move => P x. split.
- move => iP a A. by apply (A x).
- move => A a ix B Pb. by apply (A B Pb a ix).
Canonical Structure set_clatMixin T := ClatMixin (@set_clatAxiom T).
Definition set_clatType T := Eval hnf in @ClatType (@set_ordType T) (@set_clatMixin T).
Definition set_ordSupType T := Eval hnf in op_ordType (set_ordType T).
Definition set_clatSubType T := Eval hnf in op_latType (@set_clatType T).

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* MetricRec.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Categories enriched over bounded complete ultrametric spaces and solving domain
equations therein
Require Export Categories MetricCore NSetoid.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(** printing T0 %\ensuremath{T_0}% *)
(** printing T1 %\ensuremath{T_1}% *)
(** printing T2 %\ensuremath{T_2}% *)
(** printing T3 %\ensuremath{T_3}% *)
(** printing T4 %\ensuremath{T_4}% *)
(** printing T5 %\ensuremath{T_5}% *)
(** printing T6 %\ensuremath{T_6}% *)
Open Scope C_scope.
(*=BaseCat *)
Module BaseCat.
Record mixin_of (C:catType) := Mixin
{ terminal :> CatTerminal.mixin_of C;
metric : forall (X Y : C),
Metric.mixin_of (Setoid.Pack (Setoid.class (C X Y)) (C X Y));
cmetric : forall (X Y : C),
CMetric.mixin_of (Metric.Pack (Metric.Class (metric X Y)) (C X Y)) ;
comp: forall (X Y Z : C), (CMetric.Pack (CMetric.Class (cmetric Y Z)) (C Y Z)) *
(CMetric.Pack (CMetric.Class (cmetric X Y)) (C X Y)) =->
(CMetric.Pack (CMetric.Class (cmetric X Z)) (C X Z));
comp_comp : forall X Y Z m m', (comp X Y Z (m,m'):C _ _) =-= m << m' }.
(*=End *)
Section ClassDef.
Record class_of (T:Type) (M:T -> T -> setoidType) : Type :=
Class { base : Category.class_of M;
ext: mixin_of (Category.Pack base T) }.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> Category.class_of.
Local Coercion ext : class_of >-> mixin_of.
Definition base2 (T:Type) (M:T -> T -> setoidType) (c:class_of M) := CatTerminal.Class c.
Local Coercion base2 : class_of >-> CatTerminal.class_of.
Structure cat : Type := Pack {object : Type; morph : object -> object -> setoidType ; _ : class_of morph; _ : Type}.
Local Coercion object : cat >-> Sortclass.
Local Coercion morph : cat >-> Funclass.
Definition class cT := let: Pack _ _ c _ := cT return class_of (@morph cT) in c.
Definition unpack (K:forall O (M:O -> O -> setoidType) (c:class_of M), Type)
(k : forall O (M: O -> O -> setoidType) (c : class_of M), K _ _ c) (cT:cat) :=
let: Pack _ M c _ := cT return @K _ _ (class cT) in k _ _ c.
Definition repack cT : _ -> Type -> cat := let k T M c p := p c in unpack k cT.
Definition pack := let k T M c m := Pack (@Class T M c m) T in Category.unpack k.
Definition terminalCat (cT:cat) : terminalCat := CatTerminal.Pack (class cT) cT.
Definition catType (cT:cat) : catType := Category.Pack (class cT) cT.
Definition metricType (cT:cat) (X Y:cT) : metricType := Metric.Pack (Metric.Class (metric (class cT) X Y)) (cT X Y).
Definition cmetricType (cT:cat) (X Y:cT) : cmetricType := CMetric.Pack (CMetric.Class (cmetric (class cT) X Y)) (cT X Y).
End ClassDef.
Module Import Exports.
Coercion terminalCat : cat >->
Coercion base : class_of >-> Category.class_of.
Coercion ext : class_of >-> mixin_of.
Coercion object : cat >-> Sortclass.
Coercion morph : cat >-> Funclass.
Canonical Structure terminalCat.
Canonical Structure catType.
Canonical Structure metricType.
Canonical Structure cmetricType.
Notation cmetricMorph := cmetricType.
Notation cmetricECat := cat.
Notation CmetricECatMixin := Mixin.
Notation CmetricECatType := pack.
End Exports.
End BaseCat.
Export BaseCat.Exports.
Definition ccomp (cT:cmetricECat) (X Y Z : cT) : cmetricMorph Y Z * cmetricMorph X Y =-> cmetricMorph X Z :=
BaseCat.comp (BaseCat.class cT) X Y Z.
Lemma ccomp_eq (cT:cmetricECat) (X Y Z : cT) (f : cT Y Z) (f' : cT X Y) : ccomp X Y Z (f,f') =-= f << f'.
apply (@BaseCat.comp_comp cT (BaseCat.class cT) X Y Z f f').
Section Msolution.
Variable M:cmetricECat.
Open Scope C_scope.
Open Scope S_scope.
(*=BiFunctor *)
Record BiFunctor : Type := mk_functor
{ ob : M -> M -> M ;
morph : forall (T0 T1 T2 T3 : M),
(cmetricMorph T1 T0) * (cmetricMorph T2 T3) =->
(cmetricMorph (ob T0 T2) (ob T1 T3)) ;
morph_comp: forall T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
(f:cmetricMorph T4 T1) (g:cmetricMorph T3 T5)
(h:cmetricMorph T1 T0) (k:cmetricMorph T2 T3),
(morph T1 T4 T3 T5 (f,g)) << morph T0 T1 T2 T3 (h, k)
=-= morph _ _ _ _ (h << f, g << k) ;
morph_id : forall T0 T1, morph T0 _ T1 _ (Id , Id) =-= Id}.
(*=End *)
(*=Tower *)
Definition retract (T0 T1 : M) (f: T0 =-> T1) (g: T1 =-> T0) := g << f =-= Id.
Record Tower : Type := mk_tower
{ tobjects : nat -> M;
tmorphisms : forall i, tobjects (S i) =-> (tobjects i);
tmorphismsI : forall i, (tobjects i) =-> (tobjects (S i));
tretract : forall i, retract (tmorphismsI i) (tmorphisms i);
tlimitD : forall n i, n <= i ->
(tmorphismsI i << tmorphisms i : cmetricMorph _ _) = n = Id}.
(*=End *)
(*=Cone *)
Record Cone (To:Tower) : Type := mk_basecone
{ tcone :> M;
mcone : forall i, tcone =-> (tobjects To i);
mconeCom : forall i, tmorphisms To i << mcone (S i) =-= mcone i }.
(*=End *)
Record CoCone (To:Tower) : Type := mk_basecocone
{ tcocone :> M;
mcocone : forall i, (tobjects To i) =-> tcocone;
mcoconeCom : forall i, mcocone (S i) << tmorphismsI To i =-= mcocone i }.
(*=Limit *)
Record Limit (To:Tower) : Type := mk_baselimit
{ lcone :> Cone To;
limitExists : forall (A:Cone To), (tcone A) =-> (tcone lcone);
limitCom : forall (A:Cone To), forall n, mcone A n =-= mcone lcone n << limitExists A;
limitUnique : forall (A:Cone To) (h: (tcone A) =-> (tcone lcone))
(C:forall n, mcone A n =-= mcone lcone n << h), h =-= limitExists A }.
(*=End *)
Record CoLimit (To:Tower) : Type := mk_basecolimit
{ lcocone :> CoCone To;
colimitExists : forall (A:CoCone To), (tcocone lcocone) =-> (tcocone A) ;
colimitCom : forall (A:CoCone To), forall n, mcocone A n =-= colimitExists A << mcocone lcocone n;
colimitUnique : forall (A:CoCone To) (h: (tcocone lcocone) =-> (tcocone A))
(C:forall n, mcocone A n =-= h << mcocone lcocone n), h =-= colimitExists A }.
Variable L:forall T:Tower, Limit T.
Section RecursiveDomains.
Variable F : BiFunctor.
Add Parametric Morphism C X Y Z W : (fun (x: _ =-> _) (y: _ =-> _) => @morph C X Y Z W (pair x y))
with signature (@tset_eq _) ==> (@tset_eq _) ==> (@tset_eq _)
as morph_eq_compat.
move => x x' e y y' e'. apply: (frespect (morph C X Y Z W)). by split.
Lemma BiFuncRtoR: forall (T0 T1:M) (f: T0 =-> T1) (g: T1 =-> T0), retract f g ->
retract (morph F _ _ _ _ (g,f)) (morph F _ _ _ _ (f,g)).
move => A B f g X. unfold retract.
- rewrite -> morph_comp. rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F X X).
by rewrite morph_id.
Section Tower.
Variable DTower : Tower.
Lemma lt_gt_dec n m : (n < m) + (m = n) + (m < n).
case: (ltngtP m n) => e.
by right.
left. by left.
left. by right.
Definition Diter_coercion n m (Eq:n = m) : M (tobjects DTower n) (tobjects DTower m).
rewrite Eq. by apply: Id.
Lemma leqI m n : (m <= n)%N = false -> n <= m.
move => I. have t:=(leq_total m n). rewrite I in t. by apply t.
Lemma lt_subK n m : m < n -> n = (n - m + m)%N.
move => l. apply sym_eq. apply subnK. have x:= (leqnSn m). by apply (leq_trans x l).
Fixpoint Projection_nm m (n:nat) : (tobjects DTower (n+m)) =-> (tobjects DTower m) :=
match n as n0 return (tobjects DTower (n0+m)) =-> (tobjects DTower m) with
| O => Id
| S n => Projection_nm m n << tmorphisms DTower (n+m)%N
Fixpoint Injection_nm m (n:nat) : (tobjects DTower m) =-> (tobjects DTower (n+m)) :=
match n as n0 return (tobjects DTower m) =-> (tobjects DTower (n0+m)) with
| O => Id
| S n => tmorphismsI DTower (n+m) << Injection_nm m n
Definition t_nm n m : (tobjects DTower n) =-> (tobjects DTower m) :=
match (lt_gt_dec m n) return (tobjects DTower n) =-> (tobjects DTower m) with
| inl (inl ee) => (Projection_nm m (n - m)%N) << (Diter_coercion (lt_subK ee))
| inl (inr ee) => Diter_coercion ee : (tobjects DTower n) =-> (tobjects DTower m)
| inr ee => Diter_coercion (sym_eq (lt_subK ee)) << Injection_nm n (m - n)
Lemma Diter_coercion_simpl: forall n (Eq:n = n), Diter_coercion Eq = Id.
intros n Eq. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance Eq (refl_equal _)).
Lemma Proj_left_comp : forall k m, Projection_nm m (S k) =-=
tmorphisms DTower m << Projection_nm (S m) k << Diter_coercion (sym_eq (addnS k m)).
- move => m. simpl.
rewrite comp_idL. rewrite comp_idR.
rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). by rewrite -> comp_idR.
- move => n IH m. simpl. simpl in IH. rewrite -> IH.
have P:=(sym_eq (addnS n m)). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (addnS n m)) P).
have Q:=(sym_eq (addnS n.+1 m)). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (addnS n.+1 m)) Q).
move: P Q. unfold addn. simpl. fold addn. move => P. generalize P. rewrite P. clear P.
move => P Q. do 2 rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
do 2 rewrite comp_idR. clear P Q. by rewrite comp_assoc.
Lemma Inject_right_comp: forall k m, Injection_nm m (S k) =-=
Diter_coercion (addnS k m) << Injection_nm (S m) k << tmorphismsI DTower m.
- move => m. simpl. do 2 rewrite comp_idR. rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). by rewrite -> comp_idL.
- move => n IH m. simpl. simpl in IH. rewrite -> IH. clear IH.
have P:= (addnS n.+1 m). have Q:=(addnS n m). rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ P).
rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ Q). move: P Q. unfold addn. simpl. fold addn.
move => P Q. generalize P Q. rewrite <- Q. clear P Q. move => P Q. do 2 rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
do 2 rewrite comp_idL. by rewrite comp_assoc.
Lemma Diter_coercion_comp: forall x y z (Eq1:x = y) (Eq2 : y = z),
Diter_coercion Eq2 << Diter_coercion Eq1 =-= Diter_coercion (trans_equal Eq1 Eq2).
intros x y z Eq1. generalize Eq1. rewrite Eq1. clear x Eq1.
intros Eq1 Eq2. generalize Eq2. rewrite <- Eq2. clear Eq2. intros Eq2.
repeat (rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl). by rewrite -> comp_idL.
Lemma Diter_coercion_eq n m (e e': n = m) : Diter_coercion e =-= Diter_coercion e'.
by rewrite (eq_irrelevance e e').
Lemma lt_gt_dec_lt n m : n < m -> exists e, lt_gt_dec n m = inl _ (inl _ e).
move => e. case_eq (lt_gt_dec n m) ; first case.
- move => i _. by exists i.
- move => f. rewrite f in e. by rewrite ltnn in e.
- move => f. have a:=leq_trans (leqnSn _) f. have Fx:=leq_ltn_trans a e. by rewrite ltnn in Fx.
Lemma lt_gt_dec_gt n m : m < n -> exists e, lt_gt_dec n m = (inr _ e).
move => e. case_eq (lt_gt_dec n m) ; first case.
- move => i _. have a:=leq_trans (leqnSn _) i. have Fx:=leq_ltn_trans a e. by rewrite ltnn in Fx.
- move => f. rewrite f in e. by rewrite ltnn in e.
- move => i _. by exists i.
Lemma lt_gt_dec_eq n m : forall e : m = n, lt_gt_dec n m = (inl _ (inr _ e)).
move => e. generalize e. rewrite e. clear e m. move => e. case_eq (lt_gt_dec n n) ; first case.
- move => i _. have f:=i. by rewrite ltnn in f.
- move => f _. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance e f).
- move => i _. have f:=i. by rewrite ltnn in f.
Lemma t_nmProjection: forall n m, t_nm n m =-= tmorphisms DTower m << t_nm n (S m).
move => n m. unfold t_nm. case (lt_gt_dec m n) ; first case.
- case (lt_gt_dec m.+1 n) ; first case.
+ move => l l'. rewrite comp_assoc.
have X:=Proj_left_comp (n - m.+1) m. have XX:= addnS (n - m.+1) m.
have Y:=comp_eq_compat X (tset_refl (Diter_coercion XX)).
repeat (rewrite <- comp_assoc in Y). rewrite -> Diter_coercion_comp in Y.
rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl in Y. rewrite -> comp_idR in Y. rewrite <- Y.
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite Diter_coercion_comp.
have P:=(trans_equal (lt_subK l) XX). have Q:=(lt_subK l').
rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ P). rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ Q).
generalize P. have e:= (ltn_subS l'). have ee:(n - m).-1 = (n - m.+1). by rewrite e.
rewrite <- ee. clear ee e P. have e:0 < n - m. rewrite <- ltn_add_sub. by rewrite addn0.
move => P. have PP:n = ((n - m).-1.+1 + m)%N. rewrite (ltn_predK e). apply Q.
rewrite (eq_irrelevance P PP). move: PP. rewrite (ltn_predK e). clear. move => PP.
by rewrite (eq_irrelevance Q PP).
+ move => e. generalize e. rewrite e. clear n e. move => e i. have x:= subSnn m.
have a:=(lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) i). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) i) a).
move: a. rewrite x. clear x. move => a. rewrite (eq_irrelevance e a). simpl. by rewrite comp_idL.
+ move => i j. have Fx:=leq_trans i j. by rewrite ltnn in Fx.
- move => e. generalize e. rewrite e. clear n e. move => e. destruct (lt_gt_dec_gt (leqnn (S m))) as [p A].
rewrite A. clear A.
have ee:=subSnn m. have x:=(sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) p)).
rewrite <- (eq_irrelevance x (sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) p))). move: x. rewrite ee. simpl.
move => x. do 2 rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite comp_idL. rewrite comp_idR.
unfold addn. simpl. by rewrite -> (tretract DTower m).
- move => i. have l:=leq_trans i (leqnSn m). destruct (lt_gt_dec_gt l) as [p A]. rewrite A. clear A l.
have x:=(sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=n) p)). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=n) p)) x).
move: x. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. simpl. move => x. do 2 rewrite comp_assoc.
refine (comp_eq_compat _ (tset_refl _)). have y:=(sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m) (m:=n) i)).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m) (m:=n) i)) y). have a:=(trans_eq (sym_eq (addSn _ _)) x).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance x a).
apply tset_trans with (y:=(tmorphisms DTower m << Diter_coercion a) << tmorphismsI DTower (m - n + n)) ; last by [].
move: a. generalize y. rewrite -> y. clear. move => y a. do 2 rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
rewrite comp_idR. by rewrite (tretract DTower m).
Lemma t_nn_ID: forall n, t_nm n n =-= Id.
intros n.
unfold t_nm. rewrite (lt_gt_dec_eq (refl_equal n)). by rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
Lemma t_nmProjection2 n m : (m <= n) % nat -> t_nm (S n) m =-= (t_nm n m) << tmorphisms DTower n.
move => nm.
assert (exists x, n - m = x) as X by (exists (n - m) ; auto).
destruct X as [x X]. elim: x n m X nm.
- move => n m E EE. have e:=eqn_leq n m. rewrite EE in e. have l:(n <= m)%N. unfold leq. by rewrite E.
rewrite l in e. have ee:=eqP e. rewrite ee. rewrite t_nn_ID. rewrite comp_idL.
rewrite -> t_nmProjection. rewrite t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idR.
- move => nm IH. case ; first by []. move => n m e l. have ll:n.+1 - m > 0 by rewrite e. rewrite subn_gt0 in ll.
rewrite leq_subS in e ; last by []. specialize (IH n m). have ee: n - m = nm by auto.
rewrite -> (IH ee ll).
clear IH. have l0:=leq_trans ll (leqnSn _). destruct (lt_gt_dec_lt l0) as [p A].
unfold t_nm. rewrite A. clear A. case_eq (lt_gt_dec m n) ; first case.
+ move => p' _. have x:=(lt_subK (n:=n.+2) (m:=m) p). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=n.+2) (m:=m) p) x).
move: x. have x:n.+2 - m = (n-m).+2. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. rewrite leq_subS ; by [].
rewrite x. clear x. move => x. simpl. do 4 rewrite <- comp_assoc. refine (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl _) _).
have x':=(lt_subK (n:=n) (m:=m) p'). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=n) (m:=m) p') x').
have x1:((n - m).+2 + m)%N = ((n - m) + m).+2 by [].
have x2:=trans_eq x x1.
apply tset_trans with (y:=tmorphisms DTower (n - m + m) << (tmorphisms DTower (S(n - m + m)) << Diter_coercion x2)) ;
first by simpl ; rewrite (eq_irrelevance x2 x).
move: x2. generalize x' ; rewrite <- x'. clear x' x x1 p p'. move => x x'. do 2 rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl).
rewrite comp_idR. by rewrite -> comp_idL.
+ move => e'. generalize e'. move: p. rewrite e'. clear e' n l ll e l0 ee. move => p e _.
rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite comp_idL.
have x:=(lt_subK (n:=m.+2) (m:=m) p).
have ee:(m.+2 - m) = (m - m).+2. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. rewrite leq_subS ; by [].
rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=m.+2) (m:=m) p) x). generalize x. rewrite ee. clear ee. rewrite subnn.
move => xx. clear x e p. simpl. rewrite comp_idL.
rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). by rewrite -> comp_idR.
+ move => f. have lx:=leq_trans f ll. by rewrite ltnn in lx.
Lemma t_nmEmbedding: forall n i, t_nm n i =-= (t_nm (S n) i) << tmorphismsI DTower n.
intros n m. unfold t_nm. case (lt_gt_dec m n) ; first case.
- move => i. have l:=leq_trans i (leqnSn _). destruct (lt_gt_dec_lt l) as [p A]. rewrite A. clear A l.
have x:=((lt_subK p)). rewrite (eq_irrelevance ((lt_subK p)) x).
move: x. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. simpl. move => x. do 2 rewrite <- comp_assoc.
refine (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl _) _). have y:=((lt_subK i)).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance ((lt_subK i)) y). have a:=(trans_eq x ((addSn _ _))).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance x a).
apply tset_trans with (y:=tmorphisms DTower (n - m + m) << (Diter_coercion a << tmorphismsI DTower n)) ; last by [].
move: a. generalize y. rewrite <- y. clear. move => y a. do 2 rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
rewrite comp_idL. by rewrite <- (tretract DTower n).
- move => e. generalize e. rewrite e. clear n e. move => e. destruct (lt_gt_dec_lt (leqnn (S m))) as [p A].
rewrite A. clear A.
have ee:=subSnn m. have x:=((lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) p)).
rewrite <- (eq_irrelevance x ((lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) p))). move: x. rewrite ee. simpl.
move => x. do 2 rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite comp_idR. rewrite comp_idL.
by rewrite -> (tretract DTower m).
- case (lt_gt_dec m n.+1) ; first case.
+ move => i j. have Fx:=leq_trans i j. by rewrite ltnn in Fx.
+ move => e. generalize e. rewrite <- e. clear m e. move => e i. have x:= subSnn n.
have a:=(lt_subK i). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK i) a).
move: a. rewrite x. clear x. move => a. rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq a) e).
simpl. by rewrite comp_idR.
+ move => l l'. rewrite <- comp_assoc. have X:=Inject_right_comp (m - n.+1) n. have XX:= sym_eq (addnS (m - n.+1) n).
have Y:=comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (Diter_coercion XX)) X. rewrite -> comp_assoc in Y.
rewrite -> (comp_assoc (Injection_nm _ _)) in Y. rewrite -> Diter_coercion_comp in Y.
rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl in Y. rewrite -> comp_idL in Y. rewrite <- Y.
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite Diter_coercion_comp.
have ee:=(trans_equal XX (sym_eq (lt_subK l))). rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ ee).
clear XX X Y. have e:m - n.+1 = (m - n).-1. by rewrite (ltn_subS l').
move: ee. rewrite -> e. have ll:0 < (m - n). rewrite <- ltn_add_sub. by rewrite addn0.
move => Q.
have PP:((m - n).-1.+1 + n)%N = m. rewrite -> (ltn_predK ll). by rewrite (sym_eq (lt_subK l')).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance Q PP). move: PP. have P:=(sym_eq (lt_subK l')). rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ P).
move: P. clear Q. clear e. move => P Q. move: P. rewrite -{1 2 3 4} (ltn_predK ll).
move => P. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance P Q).
Lemma t_nmEmbedding2: forall n m, (n <= m) % nat -> t_nm n (S m) =-= tmorphismsI DTower m << t_nm n m.
move => n m nm.
assert (exists x, m - n = x) as X by (eexists ; apply refl_equal).
destruct X as [x X]. elim: x n m X nm.
- move => n m E EE. have e:=eqn_leq n m. rewrite EE in e. have l:(m <= n)%N. unfold leq. by rewrite E.
rewrite l in e. have ee:=eqP e. rewrite ee. rewrite -> t_nn_ID. rewrite comp_idR.
rewrite -> t_nmEmbedding. rewrite t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idL.
- move => nm IH. move => n. case ; first by []. move => m e l. have ll:m.+1 - n > 0 by rewrite e. rewrite subn_gt0 in ll.
rewrite leq_subS in e ; last by []. specialize (IH n m). have ee:m - n = nm by auto.
rewrite (IH ee ll). clear IH. have l0:=leq_trans ll (leqnSn _). destruct (lt_gt_dec_gt l0) as [p A].
unfold t_nm. rewrite A. clear A. case_eq (lt_gt_dec m n) ; first case.
+ move => f. have lx:=leq_trans f ll. by rewrite ltnn in lx.
+ move => e'. generalize e'. move: p. rewrite e'. clear e' n l ll e l0 ee. move => p e _.
rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite comp_idR. have x:=(lt_subK p).
have ee:(m.+2 - m) = (m - m).+2. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. rewrite leq_subS ; by [].
rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=m.+2) (m:=m) p) x). generalize x. rewrite ee. clear ee. rewrite subnn.
move => xx. clear x e p. simpl. rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite -> comp_idL. by rewrite comp_idR.
+ move => p' _. have x:=(lt_subK p). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK p) x).
move: x. have x:m.+2 - n = (m-n).+2. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. rewrite leq_subS ; by [].
rewrite x. clear x. move => x. simpl. do 4 rewrite -> comp_assoc. refine (comp_eq_compat _ (tset_refl _)).
have x':=sym_eq(lt_subK p'). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (lt_subK _)) x').
have x1:((m - n).+2 + n)%N = ((m - n) + n).+2 by [].
have x2:=sym_eq (trans_eq x x1).
apply tset_trans with (y:=(Diter_coercion x2 << tmorphismsI DTower (S (m - n + n))) << tmorphismsI DTower ((m - n + n))) ;
first by simpl ; rewrite (eq_irrelevance x2 (sym_eq x)).
move: x2. generalize x' ; rewrite x'. clear x' x x1 p p'. move => x x'. do 2 rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl).
rewrite -> comp_idR. by rewrite comp_idL.
Lemma t_nm_EP i n : (i <= n)%N -> retract (t_nm i n) (t_nm n i).
have e:exists x, x == n - i by eexists.
case: e => x e. elim: x i n e.
- move => i n e l. have ee:i = n. apply anti_leq. rewrite l. simpl. unfold leq. by rewrite <- (eqP e).
rewrite -> ee. unfold retract. rewrite -> t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idL.
- move => x IH i. case ; first by rewrite sub0n.
move => n e l. have ll:(i <= n)%N. have aa:0 < n.+1 - i. by rewrite <- (eqP e). rewrite subn_gt0 in aa. by apply aa.
clear l. specialize (IH i n). rewrite (leq_subS ll) in e. specialize (IH e ll). unfold retract.
rewrite (t_nmProjection2 ll). rewrite -> (t_nmEmbedding2 ll). rewrite comp_assoc.
rewrite <- (comp_assoc (tmorphismsI _ _)). rewrite (tretract DTower n). rewrite comp_idR. by apply (IH).
Add Parametric Morphism A B C n : (@Category.comp M A B C)
with signature (fun x y => @Mrel (cmetricMorph B C) n x y) ==> (fun x y => @Mrel (cmetricMorph A B) n x y) ==>
(fun x y => @Mrel (cmetricMorph A C) n x y)
as comp_neq_compat.
move => x y e x' y' e'.
rewrite <- (ccomp_eq x). rewrite <- (proj2 (Mrefl (ccomp _ _ _ (y,y')) _) (ccomp_eq y y') n).
apply: fnonexpansive. by split.
Lemma chainPEp (C:CoCone DTower) (C':Cone DTower) : cchainp (fun n : nat => mcocone C n << mcone C' n:cmetricMorph (tcone C') (tcocone C)).
move => n i j l l'. have X:= tlimitD DTower.
have A: forall k, n <= k -> (mcocone C n << mcone C' n:cmetricMorph (tcone C') (tcocone C)) = n = (mcocone C k << mcone C' k).
- elim ; first by move => lx ; rewrite leqn0 in lx ; rewrite (eqP lx).
move => x IH lx. case_eq (n <= x) => a.
+ specialize (IH a). refine (Mrel_trans IH _).
have Cx:=comp_eq_compat (mcoconeCom C x) ((mconeCom C' x)).
simpl in Cx. rewrite <- comp_assoc in Cx. rewrite -> (comp_assoc (mcone C' _)) in Cx.
refine (Mrel_trans ((proj2 (@Mrefl (cmetricMorph (tcone C') (tcocone C)) _ _) (tset_sym Cx) n)) _). clear Cx. specialize (X _ _ a).
apply comp_neq_compat ; first by [].
apply Mrel_trans with (y:=Id << mcone C' x.+1) ; last by apply: (proj2 (Mrefl _ _)) ; apply: comp_idL.
apply comp_neq_compat ; last by [].
by apply X.
+ have b:= ltnP x n. rewrite a in b. have c:(x < n) by inversion b. clear b.
have b:=@anti_leq n (x.+1). rewrite c in b. rewrite lx in b. specialize (b is_true_true).
by rewrite b.
have B:=A _ l. specialize (A _ l'). by apply (Mrel_trans (Msym B) A).
Definition chainPE (C:CoCone DTower) (C':Cone DTower) : cchain (cmetricMorph (tcone C') (tcocone C)) :=
mk_cchain (@chainPEp C C').
Definition coneN (n:nat) : Cone DTower.
exists (tobjects DTower n) (t_nm n).
move => m. simpl. by rewrite ->(t_nmProjection n m).
Lemma coneCom_l (X:Cone DTower) n i : (i <= n)%nat -> mcone X i =-= t_nm n i << mcone X n.
move => l.
assert (exists x, n - i = x) as E by (eexists ; auto).
destruct E as [x E]. elim: x n i l E.
- move => n i l E. have A:=@anti_leq n i. rewrite l in A. unfold leq in A. rewrite E in A.
rewrite andbT in A. specialize (A (eqtype.eq_refl _)). rewrite A. clear l E A n.
rewrite t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idL.
- move => x IH n i l E. rewrite -> (comp_eq_compat (t_nmProjection n i) (tset_refl _)).
rewrite <- comp_assoc. specialize (IH n i.+1). have l0:i < n by rewrite <- subn_gt0 ; rewrite E.
have ee:n - i.+1 = x. have Y:= subn_gt0 i n. rewrite E in Y. rewrite ltn_subS in E ; first by auto. by rewrite <- Y.
specialize (IH l0 ee). rewrite <- IH.
by rewrite -> (mconeCom X i).
Lemma coconeCom_l (X:CoCone DTower) n i : (n <= i)%nat -> mcocone X n =-= mcocone X i << (t_nm n i).
move => l.
assert (exists x, i - n = x) as E by (eexists ; auto).
destruct E as [x E]. elim: x n i l E.
- move => n i l E. have A:=@anti_leq n i. rewrite l in A. unfold leq in A. rewrite E in A.
specialize (A is_true_true). rewrite A. rewrite -> t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idR.
- move => x IH n i l E. rewrite -> t_nmEmbedding.
rewrite -> comp_assoc. specialize (IH n.+1 i).
have ll:n < i by rewrite <- subn_gt0 ; rewrite E.
have ee:i - n.+1 = x by have Y:= subn_gt0 n i ; rewrite E in Y ;
rewrite ltn_subS in E ; try rewrite <- Y ; by auto.
rewrite <- (IH ll ee). by apply (tset_sym (mcoconeCom X n)).
End Tower.
Fixpoint Diter (n:nat) :=
match n return M with
| O => One
| S n => ob F (Diter n) (Diter n)
Variable tmorph_ne : One =-> (ob F One One).
Fixpoint Injection (n:nat) : (Diter n) =-> (Diter (S n)) :=
match n with
| O => tmorph_ne
| S n => morph F (Diter n) (Diter (S n)) (Diter n) (Diter (S n))
(Projection n, Injection n)
with Projection (n:nat) : (Diter (S n)) =-> (Diter n) :=
match n with
| O => terminal_morph _
| S n => morph F (Diter (S n)) (Diter n) (Diter (S n)) (Diter n)
(Injection n,Projection n)
Lemma retract_IP: forall n, retract (Injection n) (Projection n).
elim ; first by apply: terminal_unique.
move => n IH. unfold retract. simpl. rewrite -> morph_comp.
unfold retract in IH. rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F IH IH).
by rewrite -> morph_id.
Lemma IP_nonexp i j n : i <= j -> (Injection i << Projection i:cmetricMorph _ _) = n = Id -> (Injection j << Projection j : cmetricMorph _ _) = n = Id.
move => l.
have M':exists m, m = j - i by eexists ; apply refl_equal. destruct M' as [m M'].
elim: m i j l M'.
- move => i j l e. have E:= (subn_eq0 j i). rewrite e in E. rewrite eqtype.eq_refl in E.
have A:= anti_leq. specialize (A i j). rewrite l in A. rewrite <- E in A. specialize (A is_true_true).
by rewrite A.
- move => m IH i. case ; first by [].
move=> j l e. specialize (IH i j). have ll: 0 < j.+1 - i. by rewrite <- e.
rewrite subn_gt0 in ll. specialize (IH ll). clear l. move => X. have I:= (IH _ X). clear IH X.
simpl. refine (Mrel_trans (proj2 (Mrefl (_ : cmetricMorph _ _) _) (morph_comp F _ _ _ _) n) _).
apply: (Mrel_trans _ (proj2 (Mrefl (_ : cmetricMorph _ _) _) (morph_id F _ _) n)).
apply: fnonexpansive. split ; apply I ; rewrite leq_subS in e ; by auto.
Variable morph_contractive : forall (T0 T1 T2 T3:M), contractive (morph F T0 T1 T2 T3).
Lemma IP_cauchy n i : n <= i -> (Injection i << Projection i:cmetricMorph (Diter i.+1) (Diter i.+1)) = n = Id.
- elim:n i ; first by [].
move => n IH. case ; first by []. move => i l. specialize (IH i l).
simpl. refine (Mrel_trans (proj2 (Mrefl (_ : cmetricMorph _ _) _) (morph_comp F _ _ _ _) (S n)) _).
refine (Mrel_trans _ (proj2 (Mrefl (_ : cmetricMorph _ _) _) (morph_id F _ _) (S n))).
apply morph_contractive. simpl. by split.
Definition DTower := mk_tower retract_IP IP_cauchy.
(** printing DInf %\ensuremath{D_\infty}% *)
(*=DInf *)
Definition DInf : M := tcone (L DTower).
(*=End *)
Definition Embeddings n : (tobjects DTower n) =-> DInf := limitExists (L DTower) (coneN DTower n).
Definition Projections n : DInf =-> Diter n := mcone (L DTower) n.
Lemma coCom i : Embeddings i.+1 << Injection i =-= Embeddings i.
unfold Embeddings.
rewrite -> (limitUnique (h:=(Embeddings (S i) << Injection _ : (tcone (coneN DTower i)) =-> DInf))) ; first by [].
move => m. simpl. unfold Embeddings. rewrite -> comp_assoc. have e:= (limitCom (L DTower) (coneN DTower i.+1) m).
simpl in e. rewrite <- e. by rewrite -> (t_nmEmbedding DTower).
Definition DCoCone : CoCone DTower := @mk_basecocone _ DInf Embeddings coCom.
Lemma retract_EP n : Projections n << Embeddings n =-= Id.
unfold Projections. unfold Embeddings.
- rewrite <- (limitCom (L DTower) (coneN DTower n) n). simpl. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
Lemma emp: forall i j, Projections i << Embeddings j =-= t_nm DTower j i.
intros i j. have A:= leq_total i j. case_eq (i <= j)%N ; move => X ; rewrite X in A.
- unfold Projections. rewrite -> (comp_eq_compat (coneCom_l (L DTower) X) (tset_refl _)).
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite -> (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl _) (retract_EP j)). by rewrite -> comp_idR.
- simpl in A. have e:= (coconeCom_l DCoCone A). simpl in e. rewrite -> e.
rewrite -> comp_assoc. rewrite -> (retract_EP i). by rewrite comp_idL.
Definition chainPEc (C:CoCone DTower) : cchain (cmetricMorph DInf (tcocone C)) := chainPE C (L DTower).
Lemma EP_id : umet_complete (chainPEc DCoCone) =-= Id.
have Z:forall n : nat, mcone (L DTower) n =-= mcone (L DTower) n << Id by move => n ; rewrite -> comp_idR.
rewrite <- (tset_sym (@limitUnique _ (L DTower) (L DTower) Id Z)).
apply: limitUnique. move => n.
have A:= (nonexp_continuous (exp_fun (ccomp _ _ _) (mcone (L DTower) n)) (chainPEc DCoCone)).
simpl in A. rewrite -> (ccomp_eq (mcone _ n) (umet_complete (chainPEc DCoCone))) in A.
apply: (tset_trans _ (tset_sym A)). clear A. simpl. rewrite -> (cut_complete_eq n). clear Z.
apply tset_trans with (y:=umet_complete (const_cchain (mcone (L DTower) n:cmetricMorph _ _))) ; first by rewrite -> umet_complete_const. refine (@umet_complete_ext (cmetricMorph _ _) _ _ _).
move => i. simpl. rewrite ccomp_eq. rewrite -> comp_assoc.
rewrite -> (emp n (n+i)). by rewrite -> (coneCom_l (L DTower) (leq_addr i n)).
Lemma chainPE_simpl X n : chainPEc X n = mcocone X n << Projections n.
by [].
Definition DCoLimit : CoLimit DTower.
exists DCoCone (fun C => umet_complete (chainPEc C)).
- move => C n. simpl. have ne:nonexpansive (fun x => x << Embeddings n:cmetricMorph _ _).
move => t m e e' R. by apply comp_neq_compat. rewrite -> (cut_complete_eq n _).
apply: (proj1 (Mrefl (_ : cmetricMorph _ _) _)). move => m.
destruct (cumet_conv (cutn n (chainPEc C)) m) as [m' X]. specialize (X m' (leqnn _)).
specialize (ne _ _ _ _ X). simpl in ne. refine (Mrel_trans _ ne).
apply: (proj2 (Mrefl _ _)). rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite (emp _ _).
by apply (coconeCom_l C (leq_addr m' n)).
- move => C h X. rewrite <- (comp_idR h). rewrite <- EP_id.
have ne:= nonexp_continuous (exp_fun (@ccomp M _ _ _) h) (chainPEc DCoCone).
simpl in ne. rewrite -> (ccomp_eq h (umet_complete (chainPEc DCoCone))) in ne.
rewrite -> ne. clear ne. refine (@umet_complete_ext (cmetricMorph _ _) _ _ _) => i. simpl.
rewrite ccomp_eq. rewrite comp_assoc. by rewrite <- X.
Definition ECoCone : CoCone DTower.
exists (ob F DInf DInf) (fun i => morph F _ _ _ _ (Projections i, Embeddings i) << Injection i).
move => i. simpl. rewrite -> morph_comp.
by rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (mconeCom (L DTower) i) (mcoconeCom DCoCone i)).
Lemma Tcomp_nonexpL (T0 T1 T2:M) (f: T0 =-> T1) : nonexpansive (fun x: T1 =-> T2 => x << f:cmetricMorph _ _).
move => n e e' R. by apply: comp_neq_compat.
Lemma Tcomp_nonexpR (T0 T1 T2:M) (f: T2 =-> T0) : nonexpansive (fun x: T1 =-> T2 => f << x:cmetricMorph _ _).
move => n e e' R. by apply: comp_neq_compat.
Definition FCone : Cone DTower.
exists (ob F DInf DInf) (fun n => Projection n << morph F _ _ _ _ (Embeddings n, Projections n)).
move => i. refine (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl _) _). unfold Projections.
rewrite <- (morph_eq_compat F (coCom i) (mconeCom (L DTower) i)). simpl.
by rewrite -> morph_comp.
Definition chainFPE (C:CoCone DTower) := chainPE C FCone.
Lemma subS_leq j i m : j.+1 - i == m.+1 -> i <= j.
move => X. have a:=subn_gt0 i (j.+1). have x:=ltn0Sn m.
rewrite <- (eqP X) in x. rewrite a in x. by [].
Lemma morph_tnm n m : morph F _ _ _ _ (t_nm DTower m n, t_nm DTower n m) =-= t_nm DTower n.+1 m.+1.
have t:= (leq_total n m). case_eq (n <= m)%N ; move => l ; rewrite l in t.
clear t. have M':exists x, m - n == x by eexists ; by []. destruct M' as [x M'].
elim: x m n l M'.
- move => j i l e. rewrite subn_eq0 in e.
have A:= @anti_leq i j. rewrite l in A. rewrite e in A. specialize (A is_true_true).
rewrite A. rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (t_nn_ID DTower j) (t_nn_ID DTower j)).
rewrite -> morph_id. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
- move => m IH. case.
+ move=> i l e. rewrite leqn0 in l. have ee:=eqP l. rewrite ee.
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (t_nn_ID DTower O) (t_nn_ID DTower O)).
rewrite -> morph_id. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
+ move => j i e l. specialize (IH j i). have l':=l. have l0:=subS_leq l'. rewrite (leq_subS l0) in l.
specialize (IH l0 l). clear l l' e.
have e:= morph_eq_compat F (t_nmProjection2 DTower l0) (t_nmEmbedding2 DTower l0).
rewrite <- morph_comp in e. rewrite -> e. rewrite -> IH. clear e.
have a:= (tset_sym (t_nmEmbedding2 DTower _)).
specialize (a i.+1 j.+1 l0). by apply a.
simpl in t. clear l.
have M':exists x, n - m == x by eexists ; by []. destruct M' as [x M'].
elim: x m n t M'.
- move => j i l e. rewrite subn_eq0 in e.
have A:= @anti_leq i j. rewrite l in A. rewrite e in A. specialize (A is_true_true).
rewrite A. rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (t_nn_ID DTower j) (t_nn_ID DTower j)).
rewrite -> morph_id. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
- move => m IH i. case.
+ move=> l e. rewrite leqn0 in l. have ee:=eqP l. rewrite ee.
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (t_nn_ID DTower O) (t_nn_ID DTower O)).
rewrite -> morph_id. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
+ move => j e l. specialize (IH i j). have l':=l. have l0:=subS_leq l'. rewrite (leq_subS l0) in l.
specialize (IH l0 l). clear l l' e.
have e:= morph_eq_compat F (t_nmEmbedding2 DTower l0) (t_nmProjection2 DTower l0).
rewrite <-morph_comp in e. rewrite -> e. rewrite -> IH.
clear e. have a:= (tset_sym (t_nmProjection2 DTower _)).
specialize (a j.+1 i.+1 l0). by apply a.
Lemma ECoLCom : forall (A : CoCone DTower) (n : nat),
mcocone A n =-= umet_complete (chainFPE A) << mcocone ECoCone n.
move => C n. simpl.
have ne:=Tcomp_nonexpL (morph F (Diter n) DInf (Diter n) DInf (Projections n, Embeddings n) << Injection n).
rewrite -> (cut_complete_eq n _).
apply: (proj1 (Mrefl (_:cmetricMorph _ _) _)). move => m.
destruct (cumet_conv (cutn n (chainFPE C)) m) as [m' X]. specialize (X m' (leqnn _)).
specialize (ne _ _ _ _ X). simpl in ne. refine (Mrel_trans _ ne). clear ne.
apply: (proj2 (Mrefl _ _)).
do 2 rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (morph F _ _ _ _ _)). rewrite -> morph_comp.
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (emp n (n+m')) (emp (n+m') n)). rewrite morph_tnm.
rewrite <- (comp_assoc (t_nm DTower n.+1 (n+m').+1) (Projection (n + m')) (mcocone C (n + m'))).
rewrite <- (t_nmProjection DTower). rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite <- (t_nmEmbedding DTower).
apply: (coconeCom_l C _). by apply (leq_addr _ _).
Lemma CoLimitUnique : forall (A : CoCone DTower) h,
(forall n : nat, mcocone A n =-= h << mcocone ECoCone n) ->
h =-= umet_complete (chainFPE A).
move => C h X. rewrite <- (comp_idR h).
have a:= morph_eq_compat F EP_id EP_id. rewrite -> morph_id in a. rewrite <- a. clear a.
have b:= pair_limit (chainPEc DCoCone) (chainPEc DCoCone).
have c:= (nonexp_continuous (morph F _ _ _ _) _).
specialize (c _ _ _ _ (cchain_pair (chainPEc DCoCone) (chainPEc DCoCone))).
have a:=frespect ( (morph F DInf DInf DInf DInf)) b. rewrite -> a in c. clear a b.
rewrite -> c. clear c.
have ne:= nonexp_continuous (exp_fun (@ccomp M _ _ _) h) ((liftc (morph F DCoCone DInf DInf DCoCone)
(cchain_pair (chainPEc DCoCone) (chainPEc DCoCone)))). simpl in ne.
rewrite -> (@ccomp_eq M _ _ _ h (umet_complete (liftc (morph F DCoCone DInf DInf DCoCone) _))) in ne.
apply: (tset_trans ne). rewrite -> (cut_complete_eq 1 (chainFPE C)).
refine (@umet_complete_ext (cmetricMorph _ _) _ _ _) => i. simpl.
rewrite ccomp_eq. clear ne. rewrite -> morph_comp.
rewrite <- (morph_comp F (mcone (L DTower) i) (Embeddings i) (Embeddings i) (mcone (L DTower) i)).
rewrite comp_assoc. apply: comp_eq_compat.
+ specialize (X i.+1). simpl in X. unfold addn. simpl. rewrite -> X. apply: comp_eq_compat ; first by [].
rewrite -> morph_comp. apply morph_eq_compat.
* by rewrite -> (mconeCom (L DTower) i).
* by rewrite -> (@mcoconeCom DTower DCoCone i).
+ apply morph_eq_compat.
* by rewrite -> (@mcoconeCom DTower DCoCone i).
* by rewrite -> (mconeCom (L DTower) i).
Definition ECoLimit : CoLimit DTower.
exists ECoCone (fun C => umet_complete (chainFPE C)).
by apply ECoLCom.
by apply CoLimitUnique.
(*=FoldUnfoldIso *)
Definition Fold : (ob F DInf DInf) =-> DInf := (*CLEAR*) colimitExists ECoLimit DCoCone. (*CLEARED*)
Definition Unfold : DInf =-> (ob F DInf DInf) := (*CLEAR*) colimitExists DCoLimit ECoCone. (*CLEARED*)
Lemma FU_id : Fold << Unfold =-= Id.
apply tset_trans with (y:=colimitExists DCoLimit DCoLimit).
- refine (@colimitUnique _ DCoLimit DCoLimit _ _). move => i. unfold Fold. unfold Unfold.
simpl. rewrite <- (ccomp_eq (umet_complete (chainFPE DCoCone)) (umet_complete (chainPEc ECoCone))).
have a:=frespect ( (ccomp _ _ _)) (pair_limit (chainFPE DCoCone) (chainPEc ECoCone)).
rewrite -> (nonexp_continuous (ccomp _ _ _)(cchain_pair (chainFPE DCoCone) (chainPEc ECoCone)) ) in a.
rewrite <- a. clear a.
have ne:= nonexp_continuous (exp_fun (@ccomp M _ _ _ << <|pi2,pi1|>) (Embeddings i)) (liftc (ccomp DInf FCone DCoCone)
(cchain_pair (chainFPE DCoCone) (chainPEc ECoCone))).
simpl in ne.
rewrite -> (@ccomp_eq M _ _ _ (umet_complete (liftc (ccomp DInf FCone DCoCone)
(cchain_pair (chainFPE DCoCone) (chainPEc ECoCone)))) (Embeddings i)) in ne.
rewrite -> ne. clear ne. rewrite -> (cut_complete_eq i _).
apply (tset_trans (tset_sym (umet_complete_const (Embeddings i:cmetricMorph _ _)))).
apply umet_complete_ext => j. simpl.
rewrite ccomp_eq. simpl.
apply: (tset_trans _ (tset_sym (comp_eq_compat (ccomp_eq _ _) (tset_refl _)))).
do 3 rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_assoc _ _ (Embeddings (i + j) << Projection (i + j))).
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Embeddings (i + j)) (Projections (i + j)) (Projections (i + j)) (Embeddings (i + j))).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (emp (i+j) (i+j)) (emp (i+j) (i+j))).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (t_nn_ID DTower (i+j)) (t_nn_ID DTower (i+j))).
rewrite morph_id. rewrite comp_idR. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (Injection (i+j))).
rewrite retract_IP. rewrite comp_idR. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite -> emp.
apply: (coconeCom_l DCoCone). by apply leq_addr.
- apply tset_sym. apply: (@colimitUnique _ DCoLimit DCoLimit _ _). move => n. simpl. by rewrite -> comp_idL.
Lemma UF_id : Unfold << Fold =-= Id.
apply tset_trans with (y:=colimitExists ECoLimit ECoLimit).
- apply (@colimitUnique _ ECoLimit ECoLimit). move => i. unfold Fold. unfold Unfold.
simpl. rewrite <- (ccomp_eq (umet_complete (chainPEc ECoCone)) (umet_complete (chainFPE DCoCone))).
have a:=frespect ( (ccomp _ _ _)) (pair_limit (chainPEc ECoCone) (chainFPE DCoCone)).
rewrite -> (nonexp_continuous (ccomp _ _ _) (cchain_pair (chainPEc ECoCone) (chainFPE DCoCone)) ) in a.
rewrite <- a. clear a.
have ne:= nonexp_continuous (exp_fun (@ccomp M _ _ _ << <|pi2,pi1|>) (morph F _ _ _ _ (Projections i,Embeddings i) << Injection i)) (liftc (ccomp _ _ _ )
(cchain_pair (chainPEc ECoCone) (chainFPE DCoCone))).
simpl in ne.
rewrite -> (@ccomp_eq M _ _ _ (umet_complete (liftc (ccomp _ _ _)
(cchain_pair (chainPEc ECoCone) (chainFPE DCoCone)))) (morph F _ _ _ _ (Projections i,Embeddings i) << Injection i)) in ne.
rewrite -> ne. clear ne. rewrite -> (cut_complete_eq i _).
apply (tset_trans (tset_sym (umet_complete_const (morph F _ _ _ _ (Projections i, Embeddings i) << Injection i:cmetricMorph _ _)))).
apply umet_complete_ext => j. simpl.
rewrite ccomp_eq. simpl.
apply: (tset_trans _ (tset_sym (comp_eq_compat (ccomp_eq _ _) (tset_refl _)))).
do 3 rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (Embeddings (i+j))). rewrite -> (emp (i+j) (i+j)).
rewrite t_nn_ID. rewrite comp_idR. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (morph F _ _ _ _ (Projections i, Embeddings i))).
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Embeddings (i+j)) (Projections (i+j)) (Projections (i)) (Embeddings (i))).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (emp i (i+j)) (emp (i+j) i)). rewrite morph_tnm.
rewrite <- (comp_assoc (Injection i)). rewrite <- (t_nmEmbedding DTower i (i+j).+1).
rewrite <- (comp_assoc _ (Projection (i+j))). rewrite <- (t_nmProjection DTower).
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite <- (@t_nmEmbedding2 DTower _ _ (leq_addr j i)). rewrite -> t_nmEmbedding.
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- morph_tnm. rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Projections (i + j)) (Embeddings (i + j))
(t_nm DTower (i + j) i) (t_nm DTower i (i + j))).
by rewrite <- (morph_eq_compat F (coneCom_l (L DTower) (leq_addr j i)) (coconeCom_l DCoCone (leq_addr j i))).
- apply tset_sym. apply (@colimitUnique _ ECoLimit ECoLimit). move => n. by rewrite -> comp_idL.
(*=End *)
End RecursiveDomains.
End Msolution.

View file

@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
* NSetoid.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Export Categories.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(** printing >-> %\ensuremath{>}\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{>}% *)
(** printing :> %\ensuremath{:>}% *)
(** printing Canonical %\coqdockw{Canonical}% *)
Open Scope S_scope.
Definition setoid_respect (T T':setoidType) (f: T -> T') :=
forall x y, x =-= y -> (f x) =-= (f y).
Module FSet.
Section fset.
Variable O1 O2 : setoidType.
Record mixin_of (f:O1 -> O2) := Mixin { ext :> setoid_respect f}.
Notation class_of := mixin_of (only parsing).
Section ClassDef.
Structure type : Type := Pack {sort : O1 -> O2; _ : class_of sort; _ : O1 -> O2}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Funclass.
Definition class cT := let: Pack _ c _ := cT return class_of cT in c.
Definition unpack K (k : forall T (c : class_of T), K T c) cT :=
let: Pack T c _ := cT return K _ (class cT) in k _ c.
Definition repack cT : _ -> Type -> type := let k T c p := p c in unpack k cT.
Definition pack f (c:class_of f) := @Pack f c f.
End ClassDef.
End fset.
Module Import Exports.
Coercion sort : type >-> Funclass.
Notation fset := type.
Notation fsetMixin := Mixin.
Notation fsetType := pack.
End Exports.
End FSet.
Export FSet.Exports.
Lemma frespect (S S':setoidType) (f:fset S S') : setoid_respect f.
case:f => f. case. move => a s. by apply a.
Hint Resolve frespect.
Lemma fset_setoidAxiom (T T' : setoidType) : Setoid.axiom (fun (f g:fset T T') => forall x:T, (f x) =-= (g x)).
split ; last split.
- by move => f.
- move => f g h. simpl. move => X Y e. by apply (tset_trans (X e) (Y e)).
- move => f g. simpl. move => X e. by apply (tset_sym (X e)).
Canonical Structure fset_setoidMixin (T T':setoidType) := Setoid.Mixin (fset_setoidAxiom T T').
Canonical Structure fset_setoidType T T' := Eval hnf in SetoidType (fset_setoidMixin T T').
Definition setmorph_equal (A B: setoidType) : relation (fset A B) :=
(@tset_eq (@fset_setoidType A B)).
Definition setmorph_equal_equivalence (A B: setoidType): Equivalence
(@setmorph_equal A B).
- move => x. by apply: tset_refl.
- move => x y. by apply: tset_sym.
- move => x y z. by apply: tset_trans.
Existing Instance setmorph_equal_equivalence.
Add Parametric Morphism (A B : setoidType) :
(@FSet.sort A B) with signature (@setmorph_equal A B ==> @tset_eq A ==>
@tset_eq B)
as setmorph_eq_compat.
intros f g fg x y xy. apply tset_trans with (g x) ; first by auto.
by apply frespect.
Definition mk_fsetM (O1 O2:setoidType) (f:O1 -> O2) (m:setoid_respect f) := fsetMixin m.
Definition mk_fset (O1 O2:setoidType) (f:O1 -> O2) (m:setoid_respect f) : fset O1 O2 :=
Eval hnf in fsetType (mk_fsetM m).
Lemma ScompP S S' S'' (f:fset S' S'') (g:fset S S') : setoid_respect (T:=S) (T':=S'') (fun x : S => f (g x)).
move => x y e. have a:=frespect g e. by apply (frespect f a).
Definition Scomp S S' S'' (f:fset S' S'') (g:fset S S') : fset S S'' :=
Eval hnf in mk_fset (ScompP f g).
Lemma SidP (S:setoidType) : setoid_respect (id : S -> S).
move => x y X. by apply X.
Definition Sid S : (fset S S) := Eval hnf in mk_fset (@SidP S).
Lemma setoidCatAxiom : Category.axiom Scomp Sid.
split ; last split ; last split.
- by move => S S' x.
- by move => S S' x.
- by move => S0 S1 S2 S3 f g h x.
- move => S0 S1 S2 f f' g g' e e' x. apply tset_trans with (y:= f (g' x)).
+ apply: (frespect f). by apply e'.
+ by apply e.
Canonical Structure setoidCatMixin := CatMixin setoidCatAxiom.
Canonical Structure setoidCat := Eval hnf in CatType setoidCatMixin.
Open Scope C_scope.
Lemma PropP : Setoid.axiom (fun f g : Prop => iff f g).
split ; last split.
- by move => x.
- move => x y z. simpl. move => [X Y] [Z W]. by split ; auto.
- move => x y. simpl. move => [X Y]. by split.
Canonical Structure prop_setoidMixin := Setoid.Mixin PropP.
Canonical Structure prop_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType prop_setoidMixin.
Notation Props := prop_setoidType.
Section SetoidProducts.
Variable A B:setoidType.
Lemma sum_setoidAxiom : Setoid.axiom (fun p0 p1 : A + B => match p0,p1 with inl a, inl b => a =-= b | inr a, inr b => a =-= b | _,_ => False end).
split ; last split.
- by case.
- case => a ; case => b ; case => c ; try done ; by apply tset_trans.
- case => a ; case => b ; try done ; by apply tset_sym.
Canonical Structure sum_setoidMixin := Setoid.Mixin sum_setoidAxiom.
Canonical Structure sum_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType sum_setoidMixin.
Lemma prod_setoidAxiom : Setoid.axiom (fun p0 p1 : A * B => tset_eq (fst p0) (fst p1) /\ tset_eq (snd p0) (snd p1)).
split ; last split.
- case => a b ; by split.
- case => a b ; case => c d ; case => e f ; simpl ; move => [X Y] [Z W].
by split ; [apply (tset_trans X Z) | apply (tset_trans Y W)].
- by case => a b ; case => c d ; simpl ; move => [X Y] ; split ; auto.
Canonical Structure prod_setoidMixin := Setoid.Mixin prod_setoidAxiom.
Canonical Structure prod_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType prod_setoidMixin.
Lemma Sfst_respect : setoid_respect (T:=prod_setoidType) (T':=A) (@fst _ _).
case => a b ; case => c d ; simpl ; unlock tset_eq ; move => [X Y] ; by unlock tset_eq in X ; apply X.
Lemma Ssnd_respect : setoid_respect (T:=prod_setoidType) (T':=B) (@snd _ _).
case => a b ; case => c d ; simpl ; unlock tset_eq ; move => [X Y] ; by unlock tset_eq in Y ; apply Y.
Definition Sfst : prod_setoidType =-> A := Eval hnf in mk_fset Sfst_respect.
Definition Ssnd : prod_setoidType =-> B := Eval hnf in mk_fset Ssnd_respect.
Lemma prod_fun_respect C (f:C =-> A) (g:C =-> B) : setoid_respect (T:=C) (T':=prod_setoidType) (fun c : C => (f c, g c)).
move => c c' e. simpl. unlock tset_eq. by split ; [apply (frespect f e) | apply (frespect g e)].
Definition Sprod_fun C (f:C =-> A) (g:C =-> B) : C =-> prod_setoidType := Eval hnf in mk_fset (prod_fun_respect f g).
Lemma Sin1_respect : @setoid_respect A (sum_setoidType) (@inl _ _).
move => a a' e. by apply e.
Lemma Sin2_respect : @setoid_respect B (sum_setoidType) (@inr _ _).
move => a a' e. by apply e.
Definition Sin1 : A =-> sum_setoidType := Eval hnf in mk_fset Sin1_respect.
Definition Sin2 : B =-> sum_setoidType := Eval hnf in mk_fset Sin2_respect.
Lemma Ssum_fun_respect C (f:A =-> C) (g:B =-> C) : @setoid_respect sum_setoidType C (fun x => match x with inl x => f x | inr x => g x end).
case => x ; case => y => e ; try done ; by apply frespect ; apply e.
Definition Ssum_fun C (f:A =-> C) (g:B =-> C) : sum_setoidType =-> C := Eval hnf in mk_fset (Ssum_fun_respect f g).
Lemma Sprod_fun_unique C (f:C -s> A) (g:C -s> B) (h:C -s> prod_setoidType) :
Scomp Sfst h =-= f -> Scomp Ssnd h =-= g -> h =-= Sprod_fun f g.
move => C f g h. unlock tset_eq. move => X Y x. specialize (X x). specialize (Y x). unlock tset_eq. by split ; auto.
Lemma Sprod_fun_fst C f g : Sfst << (@Sprod_fun C f g) =-= f.
move => C f g. unlock tset_eq. by simpl.
Lemma Sprod_fun_snd C f g : Ssnd << (@Sprod_fun C f g) =-= g.
move => C f g. unlock tset_eq. by simpl.
End SetoidProducts.
Lemma setoidProdCatAxiom : @CatProduct.axiom _ prod_setoidType Sfst Ssnd Sprod_fun.
move => S0 S1 S2 f g. split ; [by split | move => m].
move => [X Y] x. simpl. specialize (X x). by specialize (Y x).
Canonical Structure setoidProdCatMixin := prodCatMixin setoidProdCatAxiom.
Canonical Structure setoidProdCat := Eval hnf in prodCatType (CatProduct.Class setoidProdCatMixin).
Lemma setoidSumCatAxiom : @CatSum.axiom _ sum_setoidType Sin1 Sin2 Ssum_fun.
move => S0 S1 S2 f g. split ; first by split.
move => h [X Y]. by case => x ; simpl ; [apply: X | apply: Y].
Canonical Structure setoidSumCatMixin := sumCatMixin setoidSumCatAxiom.
Canonical Structure setoidSumCat := Eval hnf in sumCatType setoidSumCatMixin.
Section SetoidIProducts.
Variable I : Type.
Variable P : I -> setoidType.
Lemma prodI_setoidP : Setoid.axiom (fun (p0 p1:forall i, P i) => forall i:I, @tset_eq _ (p0 i) (p1 i)).
split ; last split.
- move => X ; simpl ; by [].
- move => X Y Z ; simpl ; move => R S i. by apply (tset_trans (R i) (S i)).
- move => X Y ; simpl ; move => R i. by apply (tset_sym (R i)).
Canonical Structure prodI_setoidMixin := Setoid.Mixin prodI_setoidP.
Canonical Structure prodI_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType prodI_setoidMixin.
Lemma Sproj_respect i : setoid_respect (T:=prodI_setoidType) (T':=P i)
(fun X : prodI_setoidType => X i).
move => a b e. simpl. unlock tset_eq in e. by apply (e i).
Definition Sproj i : prodI_setoidType =-> P i := Eval hnf in mk_fset (Sproj_respect i).
Lemma SprodI_fun_respect C (f:forall i, C =-> P i) : setoid_respect (T:=C) (T':=prodI_setoidType) (fun (c : C) (i : I) => f i c).
move => c c' e. simpl. unlock tset_eq. by move => i ; apply (frespect (f i) e).
Definition SprodI_fun C (f:forall i, C =-> P i) : C =-> prodI_setoidType := Eval hnf in mk_fset (SprodI_fun_respect f).
Lemma SprodI_fun_proj C (f:forall i, C =-> P i) i : Scomp (Sproj i) (SprodI_fun f) =-= f i.
by unlock tset_eq ; simpl.
Lemma SprodI_fun_unique C (f:forall i, C =-> P i) (h:C =-> prodI_setoidType) : (forall i, Scomp (Sproj i) h =-= f i) -> h =-= SprodI_fun f.
move => X. unlock tset_eq. move => x. unlock tset_eq. move => i. unlock tset_eq in X. apply (X i x).
End SetoidIProducts.
Add Parametric Morphism A B : (@pair A B)
with signature (@tset_eq A) ==> (@tset_eq B) ==> (@tset_eq (A * B))
as pair_eq_compat.
by move => x y e x' y' e'.
Lemma spair_respect (A B : setoidType) (x:A) : setoid_respect (fun y:B => (x,y)).
move => y y' e. by split.
Definition spair (A B : setoidType) (x:A) : B =-> A * B := Eval hnf in mk_fset (spair_respect x).
Lemma scurry_respect (A B C : setoidType) (f:A * B =-> C) : setoid_respect (fun x => f << spair _ x).
move => x x' e y. simpl. by rewrite -> e.
Definition scurry (A B C : setoidType) (f:A * B =-> C) : A =-> (fset_setoidType B C) := Eval hnf in mk_fset (scurry_respect f).
Definition setoid_respect2 (S S' S'' : setoidType) (f:S -> S' -> S'') :=
(forall s', setoid_respect (fun x => f x s')) /\ forall s, setoid_respect (f s).
Lemma setoid2_morphP (S S' S'' : setoidType) (f:S -> S' -> S'') (C:setoid_respect2 f) :
setoid_respect (T:=S) (T':=S' =-> S'')
(fun x : S => FSet.Pack (FSet.Mixin (proj2 C x)) (f x)).
move => x y E. unfold tset_eq. simpl. move => s'. apply (proj1 C s' _ _ E).
Definition setoid2_morph (S S' S'' : setoidType) (f:S -> S' -> S'') (C:setoid_respect2 f) :
S =-> (fset_setoidType S' S'') := Eval hnf in mk_fset (setoid2_morphP C).
Definition Sprod_map (A B C D:setoidType) (f:A =-> C) (g:B =-> D) := <| f << pi1, g << pi2 |>.
Lemma ev_respect B A : setoid_respect (fun (p:(fset_setoidType B A) * B) => fst p (snd p)).
case => f b. case => f' b'. simpl.
case ; simpl. move => e e'. rewrite -> e. by rewrite -> e'.
Definition Sev B A : (fset_setoidType B A) * B =-> A := Eval hnf in mk_fset (@ev_respect B A).
Implicit Arguments Sev [A B].
Lemma setoidExpAxiom : @CatExp.axiom _ fset_setoidType (@Sev) (@scurry).
move => X Y Z h. split ; first by case.
move => h' A x y. specialize (A (x,y)). by apply A.
Canonical Structure setoidExpMixin := expCatMixin setoidExpAxiom.
Canonical Structure setoidExpCat := Eval hnf in expCatType setoidExpMixin.
Lemma const_respect (M M':setoidType) (x:M') : setoid_respect (fun _ : M => x).
by [].
Definition sconst (M M':setoidType) (x:M') : M =-> M' := Eval hnf in mk_fset (const_respect x).
Lemma unit_setoidP : Setoid.axiom (fun _ _ : unit => True).
by [].
Canonical Structure unit_setoidMixin := Setoid.Mixin unit_setoidP.
Canonical Structure unit_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType unit_setoidMixin.
Lemma setoidTerminalAxiom : CatTerminal.axiom unit_setoidType.
move => C h h' x. case (h x). by case (h' x).
Canonical Structure setoidTerminalMixin := terminalCatMixin (fun T => sconst T tt) setoidTerminalAxiom.
Canonical Structure setoidTerminalCat := Eval hnf in terminalCatType (CatTerminal.Class setoidTerminalMixin).
Lemma emp_setoid_axiom : Setoid.axiom (fun x y : Empty => True).
split ; last split ; by move => x.
Canonical Structure emp_setoidMixin := SetoidMixin emp_setoid_axiom.
Canonical Structure emp_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType emp_setoidMixin.
Lemma setoidInitialAxiom : CatInitial.axiom emp_setoidType.
move => C h h'. by case.
Lemma SZero_initial_unique D (f g : emp_setoidType =-> D) : f =-= g.
by move => x.
Lemma SZero_respect (D:setoidType) : setoid_respect (fun (x:Empty) => match x with end : D).
by [].
Definition SZero_initial D : emp_setoidType =-> D := Eval hnf in mk_fset (SZero_respect D).
Canonical Structure setoidInitialMixin := initialCatMixin SZero_initial setoidInitialAxiom.
Canonical Structure setoidInitialCat := Eval hnf in initialCatType (CatInitial.Class setoidInitialMixin).
Section Subsetoid.
Variable (S:setoidType) (P:S -> Prop).
Lemma sub_setoidP : Setoid.axiom (fun (x y:{e : S | P e}) => match x,y with exist x' _, exist y' _ => x' =-= y' end).
split ; last split.
- by case => x Px.
- case => x Px. case => y Py. case => z Pz. by apply tset_trans.
- case => x Px. case => y Py. apply tset_sym.
Canonical Structure sub_setoidMixin := Setoid.Mixin sub_setoidP.
Canonical Structure sub_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType sub_setoidMixin.
Lemma forget_respect : setoid_respect (fun (x:sub_setoidType) => match x with exist x' _ => x' end).
by case => x Px ; case => y Py.
Definition Sforget : sub_setoidType =-> S := Eval hnf in mk_fset forget_respect.
Lemma InheretFun_respect (N : setoidType) (f:N =-> S) (c:(forall n, P (f n))) : setoid_respect (fun n => exist (fun x => P x) (f n) (c n)).
move => n n' e. simpl. by apply (frespect f e).
Definition sInheritFun (N : setoidType) (f:N =-> S) (c:forall n, P (f n)) :
N =-> sub_setoidType := Eval hnf in mk_fset (InheretFun_respect c).
Lemma Sforget_mono M (f:M =-> sub_setoidType) g : Sforget << f =-= Sforget << g -> f =-= g.
move => C x. specialize (C x). case_eq (f x). move => fx Pf. case_eq (g x). move => gx Pg.
move => e e'. have ee:(Sforget (f x) =-= Sforget (g x)) by []. rewrite e in ee. rewrite e' in ee. simpl in ee.
apply ee.
End Subsetoid.
Section Option.
Variable S:setoidType.
Lemma option_setoid_axiom :
Setoid.axiom (fun x y : option S => match x,y with None,None => True | Some x, Some y => x =-= y | _,_ => False end).
split ; last split.
- by case.
- case ; first (move => x ; case ; [move => y ; case ; by [move => z ; apply tset_trans | by []] | by []]).
case ; first by []. by case.
- case ; [move => x ; case ; [move => y ; apply tset_sym | by []] | by case].
Canonical Structure option_setoidMixin := SetoidMixin option_setoid_axiom.
Canonical Structure option_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType option_setoidMixin.
End Option.
Arguments Scope fset_setoidType [S_scope S_scope].
Notation "'Option'" := option_setoidType : S_scope.
Lemma some_respect (S:setoidType) : setoid_respect (@Some S).
by [].
Definition Ssome (S:setoidType) : S =-> Option S := Eval hnf in mk_fset (@some_respect S).
Lemma sbind_respect (S S':setoidType) (f:S =-> Option S') : setoid_respect (fun x => match x with None => None | Some x => f x end).
case ; last by case.
move => x. case ; last by []. move => y e. apply (frespect f). by apply e.
Definition Soptionbind (S S':setoidType) (f:S =-> Option S') : Option S =-> Option S' :=
Eval hnf in mk_fset (sbind_respect f).
Lemma discrete_setoidAxiom (T:Type) : Setoid.axiom (fun x y : T => x = y).
split ; first by [].
split ; first by apply: trans_equal.
by apply:sym_equal.
Definition discrete_setoidMixin T := SetoidMixin (discrete_setoidAxiom T).
Definition discrete_setoidType T := Eval hnf in SetoidType (discrete_setoidMixin T).
Lemma setAxiom T : @Setoid.axiom (T -> Prop) (fun X Y => forall x, X x <-> Y x).
split ; last split.
- move => a. simpl. by [].
- move => a. simpl. move => y z A B x. rewrite <- B. by rewrite <- A.
- move => a. simpl. move => b A x. by rewrite A.
Canonical Structure setMixin T := SetoidMixin (setAxiom T).
Canonical Structure setType T := Eval hnf in SetoidType (setMixin T).
Close Scope S_scope.
Close Scope C_scope.

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* PredomAll.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Export PredomCore.
Require Export PredomSum.
Require Export PredomLift.
Require Export PredomKleisli.
Require Export PredomFix.
Implicit Arguments eta [D].

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
* PredomFix.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Definition of fixpoints and associated lemmas
Require Import PredomCore.
Require Import PredomLift.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(** ** Fixpoints *)
Section Fixpoints.
Variable D : cppoType.
Variable f : cpoCatType D D.
Fixpoint iter_ n : D := match n with O => PBot | S m => f (iter_ m) end.
Lemma iter_incr : forall n, iter_ n <= f (iter_ n).
elim ; first by apply: leastP.
move => n L. simpl. apply: fmonotonic. by apply L.
Hint Resolve iter_incr.
Lemma iter_m : monotonic iter_.
move => n n'. elim: n' n.
- move => n. move => L. unfold Ole in L. simpl in L.
rewrite -> (leqn0 n) in L. by rewrite (eqP L).
- move => n IH n' L. unfold Ole in L. simpl in L. rewrite leq_eqVlt in L.
case_eq (n' == n.+1) => E ; rewrite E in L. by rewrite (eqP E).
specialize (IH _ L). by rewrite -> IH ; simpl.
Definition iter : natO =-> D := mk_fmono (iter_m).
Definition fixp : D := lub iter.
Lemma fixp_le : fixp <= f fixp.
unfold fixp.
apply Ole_trans with (lub (ocomp f iter)).
- apply: lub_le_compat. move => x. simpl. by apply iter_incr.
- by rewrite -> lub_comp_le.
Hint Resolve fixp_le.
Lemma fixp_eq : fixp =-= f fixp.
apply: Ole_antisym; first by [].
unfold fixp. rewrite {2} (lub_lift_left iter (S O)).
rewrite -> (fcontinuous f iter). by apply: lub_le_compat => i.
Lemma fixp_inv : forall g, f g <= g -> fixp <= g.
unfold fixp; intros g l.
apply: lub_le. elim. simpl. by apply: leastP.
move => n L. apply: (Ole_trans _ l). apply: (fmonotonic f). by apply L.
End Fixpoints.
Hint Resolve fixp_le fixp_eq fixp_inv.
Definition fixp_cte (D:cppoType) : forall (d:D), fixp (const D d) =-= d.
intros; apply fixp_eq with (f:=const D d); red; intros; auto.
Hint Resolve fixp_cte.
Add Parametric Morphism (D:cppoType) : (@fixp D)
with signature (@Ole _ : ((D:cpoType) =-> D) -> (D =-> D) -> Prop) ++> (@Ole _)
as fixp_le_compat.
move => x y l. unfold fixp.
apply: lub_le_compat. elim ; first by [].
move => n IH. simpl. rewrite -> IH. by apply l.
Hint Resolve fixp_le_compat.
Add Parametric Morphism (D:cppoType) : (@fixp D)
with signature (@tset_eq _) ==> (@tset_eq D)
as fixp_eq_compat.
by intros x y H; apply Ole_antisym ; apply: (fixp_le_compat _) ; case: H.
Hint Resolve fixp_eq_compat.
Lemma fixp_mon (D:cppoType) : monotonic (@fixp D).
move => x y e. by rewrite -> e.
Definition Fixp (D:cppoType) : ordCatType (D -=> D) D := Eval hnf in mk_fmono (@fixp_mon D).
Lemma Fixp_simpl (D:cppoType) : forall (f:D =-> D), Fixp D f = fixp f.
Lemma iter_mon (D:cppoType) : monotonic (@iter D).
move => x y l. elim ; first by [].
move => n IH. simpl. rewrite -> IH. by apply l.
Definition Iter (D:cppoType) : ordCatType (D -=> D) (fmon_cpoType natO D) :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono (@iter_mon D).
Lemma IterS_simpl (D:cppoType) : forall f n, Iter D f (S n) = f (Iter _ f n).
Lemma iterS_simpl (D:cppoType) : forall (f:cpoCatType D D) n, iter f (S n) = f (iter f n).
Lemma iter_continuous (D:cppoType) :
forall h : natO =-> D -=> D,
iter (lub h) <= lub (Iter D << h).
move => h. elim ; first by apply: leastP.
move => n IH. simpl. rewrite fcont_app_eq. rewrite -> IH. rewrite <- fcont_app_eq.
rewrite fcont_app_continuous. rewrite lub_diag. by apply lub_le_compat => i.
Hint Resolve iter_continuous.
Lemma iter_continuous_eq (D:cppoType) :
forall h : natO =-> (D -=> D),
iter (lub h) =-= lub (Iter _ << h).
intros; apply: Ole_antisym; auto.
exact (lub_comp_le (Iter _ (*D*)) h).
Lemma fixp_continuous (D:cppoType) : forall (h : natO =-> (D -=> D)),
fixp (lub h) <= lub (Fixp D << h).
move => h. unfold fixp. rewrite -> iter_continuous_eq.
apply: lub_le => n. simpl.
apply: lub_le => m. simpl. rewrite <- (le_lub _ m). simpl. unfold fixp. by rewrite <- (le_lub _ n).
Hint Resolve fixp_continuous.
Lemma fixp_continuous_eq (D:cppoType) : forall (h : natO =-> (D -=> D)),
fixp (lub h) =-= lub (Fixp D << h).
intros; apply: Ole_antisym; auto.
by apply (lub_comp_le (Fixp D) h).
Lemma Fixp_cont (D:cppoType) : continuous (@Fixp D).
move => c.
rewrite Fixp_simpl. by rewrite -> fixp_continuous_eq.
Definition FIXP (D:cppoType) : (D -=> D) =-> D := Eval hnf in mk_fcont (@Fixp_cont D).
Implicit Arguments FIXP [D].
Lemma FIXP_simpl (D:cppoType) : forall (f:D=->D), FIXP f = fixp f.
Lemma FIXP_le_compat (D:cppoType) : forall (f g : D =-> D),
f <= g -> FIXP f <= FIXP g.
move => f g l. by rewrite -> l.
Hint Resolve FIXP_le_compat.
Lemma FIXP_eq (D:cppoType) : forall (f:D=->D), FIXP f =-= f (FIXP f).
intros; rewrite FIXP_simpl.
by apply: (fixp_eq).
Hint Resolve FIXP_eq.
Lemma FIXP_com: forall E D (f:E =-> (D -=> D)) , FIXP << f =-= ev << <| f, FIXP << f |>.
intros E D f. apply: fmon_eq_intro. intros e. simpl. by rewrite {1} fixp_eq.
Lemma FIXP_inv (D:cppoType) : forall (f:D=->D)(g : D), f g <= g -> FIXP f <= g.
intros; rewrite FIXP_simpl; apply: fixp_inv; auto.
(** *** Iteration of functional *)
Lemma FIXP_comp_com (D:cppoType) : forall (f g:D=->D),
g << f <= f << g-> FIXP g <= f (FIXP g).
intros; apply FIXP_inv.
apply Ole_trans with (f (g (FIXP g))).
assert (X:=H (FIXP g)). simpl. by apply X.
apply: fmonotonic.
case (FIXP_eq g); trivial.
Lemma FIXP_comp (D:cppoType) : forall (f g:D=->D),
g << f <= f << g -> f (FIXP g) <= FIXP g -> FIXP (f << g) =-= FIXP g.
intros; apply: Ole_antisym.
- apply FIXP_inv. simpl.
apply Ole_trans with (f (FIXP g)) ; last by []. by rewrite <- (FIXP_eq g).
- apply: FIXP_inv.
assert (g (f (FIXP (f << g))) <= f (g (FIXP (f << g)))).
specialize (H (FIXP (f << g))). apply H.
case (FIXP_eq (f<<g)); intros.
apply Ole_trans with (2:=H3).
apply Ole_trans with (2:=H1).
apply: fmonotonic.
apply FIXP_inv. simpl. apply: fmonotonic.
apply Ole_trans with (1:=H1); auto.
Fixpoint fcont_compn (D:cppoType) (f:D =->D) (n:nat) {struct n} : D =->D :=
match n with O => f | S p => fcont_compn f p << f end.
Add Parametric Morphism (D1 D2 D3 : cpoType) : (@ccomp D1 D2 D3)
with signature (@Ole (D2 -=> D3) : (D2 =-> D3) -> (D2 =-> D3) -> Prop ) ++> (@Ole (D1 -=> D2)) ++> (@Ole (D1 -=> D3))
as fcont_comp_le_compat.
move => f g l h k l' x. simpl. rewrite -> l. by rewrite -> l'.
Lemma fcont_compn_com (D:cppoType) : forall (f:D =->D) (n:nat),
f << (fcont_compn f n) <= fcont_compn f n << f.
induction n; first by [].
simpl fcont_compn. rewrite -> comp_assoc. by apply: (fcont_comp_le_compat _ (Ole_refl f)).
Lemma FIXP_compn (D:cppoType) :
forall (f:D =->D) (n:nat), FIXP (fcont_compn f n) =-= FIXP f.
move => f. case ; first by []. simpl.
move => n. apply: FIXP_comp ; first by apply fcont_compn_com.
elim: n. simpl. by rewrite <- (FIXP_eq f).
move => n IH. simpl. rewrite <- (FIXP_eq f). by apply IH.
Lemma fixp_double (D:cppoType) : forall (f:D=->D), FIXP (f << f) =-= FIXP f.
intros; exact (FIXP_compn f (S O)).
(** *** Induction principle *)
(*=Adm *)
Definition admissible (D:cpoType) (P:D -> Prop) :=
forall f : natO =-> D, (forall n, P (f n)) -> P (lub f).
Lemma fixp_ind (D:cppoType) : forall (F: D =-> D)(P:D -> Prop),
admissible P -> P PBot -> (forall x, P x -> P (F x)) -> P (fixp F). (*CLEAR*)
move => F P Adm B I.
apply Adm. by elim ; simpl ; auto.
(*=End *)
Definition admissibleT (D:cpoType) (P:D -> Type) :=
forall f : natO =-> D, (forall n, P (f n)) -> P (lub f).
Section SubCPO.
Variable D E:cpoType.
Variable P : D -> Prop.
Variable I:admissible P.
Definition Subchainlub (c:natO =-> (sub_ordType P)) : sub_ordType P.
exists (@lub D (Forgetm P << c)).
unfold admissible in I. specialize (@I (Forgetm P << c)).
apply I. intros i. simpl. case (c i). auto.
Lemma subCpoAxiom : CPO.axiom Subchainlub.
intros c e n. unfold Subchainlub. split. case_eq (c n). intros x Px cn.
refine (Ole_trans _ (@le_lub _ (Forgetm P << c) n)).
simpl. rewrite cn. auto.
intros C. simpl.
case_eq e. intros dd pd de.
refine (lub_le _). intros i. simpl. specialize (C i).
case_eq (c i). intros d1 pd1 cn. rewrite cn in C.
simpl in C. rewrite de in C. auto.
Canonical Structure sub_cpoMixin := CpoMixin subCpoAxiom.
Canonical Structure sub_cpoType := Eval hnf in CpoType sub_cpoMixin.
Lemma InheritFun_cont (f:E =-> D) (p:forall d, P (f d)) : continuous (InheritFunm _ p).
move => c. simpl. unfold Ole. simpl. rewrite (fcontinuous f). by apply lub_le_compat => i.
Definition InheritFun (f:E =-> D) (p:forall d, P (f d)) : E =-> sub_cpoType :=
Eval hnf in mk_fcont (InheritFun_cont p).
Lemma InheritFun_simpl (f:E =-> D) (p:forall d, P (f d)) d : InheritFun p d = InheritFunm _ p d.
by [].
Lemma Forgetm_cont : continuous (Forgetm P).
by move => c.
Definition Forget : sub_cpoType =-> D := Eval hnf in mk_fcont Forgetm_cont.
Lemma forgetlub (c:natO =-> (sub_ordType P)) :
Forget (Subchainlub c) = (@lub D (Forgetm P << c)).
Lemma ForgetP d : P (Forget d).
intros. case d. auto.
End SubCPO.
Lemma Forget_leinj: forall (D:cpoType) (P:D -> Prop) (I:admissible P) (d:sub_cpoType I) e, Forget I d <= Forget I e -> d <= e.
intros D P I d e. case e. clear e. intros e Pe. case d. clear d. intros d Pd.
Hint Resolve Forget_leinj.
Lemma Forget_inj : forall (D:cpoType) (P:D -> Prop) (I:admissible P) (d:sub_cpoType I) e, Forget I d =-= Forget I e -> d =-= e.
intros. by split ; case: H ; case: d ; case: e.
Hint Resolve Forget_inj.
Lemma Forget_leinjp: forall (D E:cpoType) (P:D -> Prop) (I:admissible P) (d:E =-> sub_cpoType I) e,
Forget I << d <= Forget I << e -> d <= e.
intros D E P I d e C x. specialize (C x). simpl in C. unfold FCont.fmono. simpl.
case: (e x) C => e' Pe. case: (d x) => d' Pd l. by apply l.
Lemma Forget_injp: forall (D E:cpoType) (P:D -> Prop) (I:admissible P) (d:E =-> sub_cpoType I) e,
Forget I << d =-= Forget I << e -> d =-= e.
intros D E P I d e C.
apply: fmon_eq_intro. intros x. assert (CC:=fmon_eq_elim C x). simpl in CC.
unfold FCont.fmono. simpl. clear C.
case: (e x) CC. clear e. intros e Pe. case (d x). clear d. intros d Pd.
Lemma InheritFun_eq_compat D E Q Qcc f g X XX : f =-= g ->
(@InheritFun D E Q Qcc f X) =-= (@InheritFun D E Q Qcc g XX).
intros. refine (fmon_eq_intro _). intros d. have A:=fmon_eq_elim H d. clear H. by split ; case: A.
Lemma ForgetInherit (D E:cpoType) (P:D -> Prop) PS f B : Forget PS << @InheritFun D E P PS f B =-= f.
by refine (fmon_eq_intro _).
Lemma InheritFun_comp: forall D E F P I (f:E =-> F) X (g:D =-> E) XX,
@InheritFun F _ P I f X << g =-= @InheritFun _ _ P I (f << g) XX.
intros. refine (fmon_eq_intro _). intros d. simpl.
split ; simpl ; by [].

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@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
* PredomKleisli.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Import PredomCore.
Require Import PredomLift.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Definition kleislit D E (f: D -> Stream E) :=
(*=kl *)
cofix kl (l:Stream D) := match l with Eps l => Eps (kl l) | Val d => f d end.
(*=End *)
Lemma kleisli_inv : forall D0 D1 (f: D0 -> Stream D1) (l : Stream D0), kleislit f l =
match l with Eps l' => Eps (kleislit f l')
| Val d => f d
move=> D0 D1 f l.
transitivity (match kleislit f l with Eps x => Eps x | Val d => Val d end).
apply (DL_inv (D:=D1)).
case l ; auto.
move => d.
apply DL_inv.
(* Monad stuff *)
Lemma left_unit : forall D0 (D1:ordType) (d:D0) (f : D0 -> Stream D1), kleislit f (Val d) =-= f d.
intros; auto. rewrite kleisli_inv ; auto.
Lemma kleisli_Eps: forall D E (x : Stream D) (f:D -> Stream E), kleislit f (Eps x) = Eps (kleislit f x).
intros ; rewrite kleisli_inv. auto.
Lemma kleisli_Val: forall D E (d:D) (f:D -> Stream E), kleislit f (Val d) = f d.
rewrite kleisli_inv.
(* Revising kleislival to work with nats first cos that'll make the induction work better... *)
Lemma kleislipredValVal : forall D (E:ordType) k (e:E) (M:lift_ordType D) (f : D -> lift_ordType E),
pred_nth (kleislit f M) k = Val e -> exists d, M =-= Val d /\ f d =-= Val e.
move => D E. elim.
- move => e M f P.
simpl in P. rewrite kleisli_inv in P.
case: M P => t Eq ; first by [].
exists t. by rewrite Eq.
- move => n IH e M f P.
rewrite kleisli_inv in P.
case: M P => t Eq.
+ specialize (IH e t f Eq). case: IH => d [A B]. exists d. split ; last by [].
by apply (Oeq_trans (predeq (Eps t))).
+ exists t. split ; first by [].
apply Oeq_sym. apply (@Val_exists_pred_eq _ (f t)). by exists (S n).
Lemma kleisli_Valeq: forall (D E:ordType) v (d:D) (f : D =-> lift_ordType E), v =-= Val d ->
kleislit f v =-= (f d:lift_ordType E).
move => D E v d M. case => [v1 v2].
case: (DLle_Val_exists_pred v2) => n [dd [pd ld]].
have DD:dd =-= d.
- apply Ole_antisym. have xx:=DLle_pred_nth_left n v1. rewrite pd in xx.
apply vleinj. apply xx. by apply ld.
have X:stable M by []. specialize (X _ _ DD).
rewrite <- X. clear ld DD X d v1 v2.
elim: n v pd.
- move => v. simpl. move => e. rewrite e. by rewrite kleisli_Val.
- move => n IH. case.
+ simpl. move => x e. rewrite -> kleisli_Eps. specialize (IH _ e). rewrite <- IH.
by apply: (Oeq_trans (predeq _)).
+ move => x. simpl. case => e. rewrite e. by rewrite kleisli_Val.
Hint Resolve DLle_leVal.
Lemma kleisli_ValVal : forall D E (M: lift_ordType D) (f : D =-> lift_ordType E) e,
kleislit f M =-= Val e -> exists d, M =-= Val d /\ f d =-= Val e.
move => D E M N e [kv1 kv2].
case: (DLvalval kv2) => n [d [pd ld]].
case: (kleislipredValVal pd) => md [vm ndm].
exists md. split ; first by [].
refine (Oeq_trans ndm _). move: kv1. rewrite (kleisli_Valeq N vm). rewrite -> ndm.
move => kv1.
split ; first by [].
by apply: DLle_leVal.
Lemma kleislit_mono D E (X:D =-> lift_ordType E) : monotonic (kleislit X).
move => x y L. simpl. apply: DLless_cond => e C.
case: (kleisli_ValVal C) => dd [P Q].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq X P).
rewrite -> P in L.
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_eq L) as [y0 [yv Py]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq X yv). by apply fmonotonic.
Definition kleislim D E (X:D =-> lift_ordType E) : lift_ordType D =-> lift_ordType E :=
mk_fmono (kleislit_mono X).
Lemma eta_val: forall D f, @eta D f = Val f.
Lemma eta_injp D E (f g :D =-> E) : eta << f =-= eta << g -> f =-= g.
move => C. apply: fmon_eq_intro.
move=> d. assert (X:=fmon_eq_elim C d).
apply: vinj. apply X.
Lemma eta_leinjp D E (f g :D =-> E) : eta << f <= eta << g -> f <= g.
move => C d.
assert (X:= C d). apply vleinj. apply X.
Lemma kleisli_cont (D0 D1: cpoType) (f:D0 =-> D1 _BOT) : continuous (kleislim f).
unfold continuous.
intros h.
apply: DLless_cond.
intros xx C.
destruct (kleisli_ValVal C) as [x' [P Q]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq f P).
apply Ole_trans with (y:=@lub (D1 _BOT) (kleislim f << h)) ; auto.
clear C Q xx.
destruct (lubval P) as [k [hk [hkv Pk]]].
destruct (DLvalgetchain hkv) as [c Pc].
apply Ole_trans with (y:=((lub ((f:ordCatType _ _) << c)))).
- assert (continuous f) as cf by auto. rewrite <- cf. apply fmonotonic.
apply vleinj. rewrite <- P. apply Ole_trans with (y:=eta (lub c)) ; last by [].
rewrite -> (@lub_comp_eq _ _ eta c).
rewrite -> (lub_lift_left _ k). refine (lub_le_compat _).
intros n. by destruct (Pc n) ; auto.
- rewrite -> (@lub_lift_left (D1 _BOT) (kleislim f << h) k).
refine (lub_le_compat _).
intros n.
apply Ole_trans with (y:=kleislit f (h (k+n)%N)) ; last by auto.
specialize (Pc n). by rewrite -> (kleisli_Valeq f Pc).
Definition kleisliX (D0 D1: cpoType) (f:D0 =-> D1 _BOT) : (D0 _BOT) =-> D1 _BOT :=
Eval hnf in mk_fcont (kleisli_cont f).
Definition kleisli (D0 D1: cpoType) (f:D0 =-> D1 _BOT) : (D0 _BOT) =-> D1 _BOT := locked (kleisliX f).
Lemma kleisliValVal : forall D E (M: D _BOT) (f : D =-> E _BOT) e,
kleisli f M =-= Val e -> exists d, M =-= Val d /\ f d =-= Val e.
intros D E M N e kv. unlock kleisli in kv.
apply (kleisli_ValVal kv).
Lemma kleisli_simpl (D0 D1: cpoType) (f:D0 =-> D1 _BOT) v : kleisli f v = kleislit f v.
by unlock kleisli.
Lemma kleisliVal D E d (f:D =-> E _BOT) : kleisli f (Val d) =-= f d.
apply (@Oeq_trans _ _ (kleislit f (Val d))) ; first by unlock kleisli.
by rewrite kleisli_Val.
Lemma kleisli_mono (D0 D1 : cpoType) : monotonic (@kleisli D0 D1).
unfold monotonic. move => f g fgL x.
simpl. apply: DLless_cond => e C.
case: (kleisliValVal C) => d [P Q]. unlock kleisli. simpl.
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq f P).
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq g P).
by apply fgL.
Definition Kleisli (D0 D1 : cpoType) : ordCatType (D0 -=> D1 _BOT) (D0 _BOT -=> D1 _BOT) :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono (@kleisli_mono D0 D1).
Lemma Kleisli_simpl (D0 D1 : cpoType) (f:D0 =-> D1 _BOT) : Kleisli _ _ f = kleisli f.
by [].
Lemma Kleisli_cont (D0 D1: cpoType) : continuous (@Kleisli D0 D1).
move => c d0. simpl.
apply: DLless_cond.
intros e C.
destruct (@kleisliValVal D0 D1 d0 ((lub c)) e C) as [d [V hd]]. simpl. unlock kleisli. simpl.
rewrite (@kleisli_Valeq _ _ _ _ ((fcont_lub c)) V). simpl.
refine (lub_le_compat _). move => n. simpl. rewrite -> V. by rewrite kleisliVal.
Definition KLEISLI (D0 D1: cpoType) : (D0 -=> D1 _BOT) =-> D0 _BOT -=> D1 _BOT :=
Eval hnf in mk_fcont (@Kleisli_cont D0 D1).
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1:cpoType) : (@kleisli D0 D1)
with signature (@Ole (D0 -=> D1 _BOT)) ++> (@Ole (D0 _BOT -=> D1 _BOT))
as kleisli_le_compat.
move => f f' m. apply: (Ole_trans (y:=KLEISLI _ _ f)) ; first by [].
have X:monotonic (KLEISLI D0 D1) by apply: fmonotonic.
specialize (X _ _ m). by rewrite -> X.
Add Parametric Morphism (D0 D1:cpoType) : (@kleisli D0 D1)
with signature (@tset_eq _) ==> (@tset_eq _)
as kleisli_eq_compat.
move => f f' e. split ; [apply (kleisli_le_compat (proj1 e)) | apply (kleisli_le_compat (proj2 e))].
Implicit Arguments KLEISLI [D0 D1].
Lemma KLEISLI_simpl (D0 D1: cpoType) (f:D0 =-> D1 _BOT) : KLEISLI f = kleisli f.
Definition total D E (f:D -> lift_ordType E) := forall d, exists e, f d =-= eta_m e.
Definition DLgetelem D (x :lift_ordType D) (P:exists x', x =-= Val x') : D.
assert (hasVal x). unfold hasVal. destruct P as [x' E].
destruct (eqValpred E) as [n [d [X Eq]]].
exists n. exists d. apply X.
apply (extract (exist (@hasVal D) x H)).
Lemma total_mono D (E : ordType) (f:D =-> lift_ordType E) (Tot:total f) : monotonic (fun d => @DLgetelem E (f d) (Tot _)).
move => x y L. apply: extractmono. simpl. assert (monotonic f) as m by auto.
by apply m.
Definition totalLmX D (E : ordType) (f:D =-> lift_ordType E) (Tot:total f) : D =-> E :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono (total_mono Tot).
Definition totalLm D (E : ordType) (f:D =-> lift_ordType E) (Tot:total f) : D =-> E :=
locked (totalLmX Tot).
Lemma total_cont (D E : cpoType) (f:D =-> E _BOT) (Tot:total f) : continuous (totalLmX Tot).
unfold continuous. intros c. simpl. apply vleinj.
unfold DLgetelem. rewrite <- extractworks. simpl projj.
rewrite (fcontinuous f). rewrite -> (@lub_comp_eq _ _ eta (totalLmX Tot << c)).
refine (lub_le_compat _) => n. simpl.
apply (Oeq_le). simpl. unfold DLgetelem. simpl. by apply: (Oeq_trans _ (extractworks _)).
Definition totalLX (D E :cpoType) (f:D =-> E _BOT) (Tot:total f) : D =-> E :=
Eval hnf in mk_fcont (total_cont Tot).
Definition totalL (D E :cpoType) (f:D =-> E _BOT) (Tot:total f) : D =-> E := locked (totalLX Tot).
Lemma DLgetelem_eta D (x : lift_ordType D) (P:exists x', x =-= Val x') : Val (DLgetelem P) =-= x.
unfold DLgetelem.
rewrite <- extractworks. simpl. auto.
Lemma totalLm_eta D (E :ordType) (f:D =-> lift_ordType E) (Tot:total f) : eta_m << totalLm Tot =-= f.
apply: fmon_eq_intro => n. simpl. unlock totalLm. simpl. by apply DLgetelem_eta.
Lemma totalL_eta D (E :cpoType) (f:D =-> E _BOT) (Tot:total f) : eta << totalL Tot =-= f.
assert (x:= totalLm_eta Tot).
apply: fmon_eq_intro.
intros d.
assert (xx := fmon_eq_elim x d).
rewrite <- xx. unlock totalL. by unlock totalLm.
Lemma eta_m_total D (f : D =-> lift_ordType D) : f =-= eta_m -> total f.
move => P.
unfold total. intros d.
exists d.
apply (fmon_eq_elim P d).
Lemma eta_total D (f : D =-> D _BOT) : f =-= eta -> total f.
move => P.
unfold total. intros d.
exists d.
apply (fmon_eq_elim P d).
Lemma totalLm_etap D E (f : D =-> lift_ordType E) (Tot : total f) d : eta_m (totalLm Tot d) =-= f d.
apply (fmon_eq_elim (totalLm_eta Tot) d).
Lemma totalL_etap D E (f : D =-> E _BOT) (Tot : total f) d : eta (totalL Tot d) =-= f d.
apply (fmon_eq_elim (totalL_eta Tot) d).
Lemma valtotalm D (E :ordType) (f:D =-> lift_ordType E) (Tot:total f) x : Val (totalLm Tot x) =-= f x.
assert (X := fmon_eq_elim (totalLm_eta Tot) x). by apply X.
Lemma valtotal D (E :cpoType) (f:D =-> E _BOT) (Tot:total f) x : Val (totalL Tot x) =-= f x.
assert (X := fmon_eq_elim (totalL_eta Tot) x). by apply X.
Lemma kleislit_comp: forall D E F (f : E _BOT =-> F _BOT) (g:D =-> E _BOT) d,
(forall x xx, f x =-= Val xx -> exists y, x =-= Val y) ->
kleislit (f << g) d =-= f (kleislit g d).
intros D E F f g d S. split. simpl.
apply: DLless_cond.
intros ff kv.
destruct (kleisli_ValVal (f:= (f << g)) kv) as [dd [dv fdd]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq ( (f << g)) dv). rewrite -> fdd.
assert (f (g dd) =-= f (kleisli g d)). apply: fmon_stable. rewrite -> dv. by rewrite kleisliVal.
unlock kleisli in H. simpl in H. rewrite <- H. by auto.
simpl. apply: DLless_cond.
intros xx fx.
specialize (S _ _ fx).
destruct S as [e ke].
destruct (kleisli_ValVal ke) as [dd [de ge]].
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq ( (f << g)) de). apply: fmonotonic. rewrite <- ge in ke.
by auto.
Lemma kleisli_comp: forall D0 D1 D2 (f:D0 =-> D1 _BOT) (g:D1 =-> D2 _BOT),
kleisli g << kleisli f =-= kleisli (kleisli g << f).
refine (fmon_eq_intro _) => d. simpl. unlock {2} kleisli. simpl.
rewrite <- (@kleislit_comp _ _ _ (kleisli g) f d) ; first by unlock kleisli.
intros e ff.
intros kl. destruct (kleisliValVal kl) as [dd [edd gd]].
exists dd. by auto.
Lemma kleisli_leq: forall (D E F:cpoType) a b (f:D =-> E _BOT) (g: F =-> E _BOT),
(forall aa, a =-= Val aa -> exists bb, b =-= Val bb /\ f aa <= g bb) ->
@kleisli D E f a <= @kleisli F E g b.
intros D E F a b f g V. simpl. apply: DLless_cond.
intros xx [_ kl].
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_pred kl) as [n [dd [pd ld]]]. unlock kleisli in pd.
destruct (kleislipredValVal pd) as [aa [va fa]]. rewrite -> va. rewrite kleisliVal.
specialize (V _ va).
destruct V as [bb [vb fg]]. rewrite -> vb. rewrite kleisliVal. by apply fg.
Lemma kleisli_eq: forall (D E F:cpoType) a b (f:D =-> E _BOT) (g: F =-> E _BOT),
(forall aa, a =-= Val aa -> exists bb, b =-= Val bb /\ f aa =-= g bb) ->
(forall bb, b =-= Val bb -> exists aa, a =-= Val aa /\ f aa =-= g bb) ->
@kleisli D E f a =-= @kleisli F E g b.
intros D E F a b f g V1 V2.
apply: Ole_antisym.
apply kleisli_leq.
intros aa va. destruct (V1 _ va) as [bb [vb fa]].
exists bb. by auto.
apply kleisli_leq. intros bb vb.
destruct (V2 _ vb) as [aa [f1 f2]].
exists aa. by auto.
Lemma kleislim_eta_com: forall D E f, @kleislim D E f << eta_m =-= f.
intros D E f. refine (fmon_eq_intro _) => d.
simpl. by rewrite kleisli_Val.
Lemma kleisli_eta_com: forall D E f, @kleisli D E f << eta =-= f.
intros D E f.
refine (fmon_eq_intro _) => d. simpl. by apply (kleisliVal d f).
Lemma kleisli_point_unit: forall D (d:lift_ordType D), kleislit (eta_m) d =-= d.
intros D d.
split. simpl. apply: DLless_cond.
intros dd kl.
assert (kleislit eta_m d =-= Val dd) as kkl by auto.
destruct (kleisli_ValVal kkl) as [d1 [P1 P2]].
simpl in P2. rewrite -> P2 in P1.
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq (eta_m) P1) ; auto.
simpl. apply: DLless_cond.
intros dd kl.
rewrite (kleisli_Valeq eta_m kl). auto.
Lemma kleislim_unit: forall D, kleislim (@eta_m D) =-= Id.
intros D. refine (fmon_eq_intro _) => d. simpl.
by rewrite kleisli_point_unit.
Lemma kleisli_unit: forall D, kleisli (@eta D) =-= Id.
intros D. refine (fmon_eq_intro _) => d. unlock kleisli. simpl. by rewrite kleisli_point_unit.
Lemma kleisli_comp2: forall D E F (f:D =-> E) (g:E =-> F _BOT),
kleisli (g << f) =-= kleisli g << kleisli (eta << f).
intros D E F f g.
refine (fmon_eq_intro _) => d.
refine (kleisli_eq _ _).
intros dd dv. exists (f dd). split ; last by auto.
rewrite -> dv. by rewrite -> (kleisliVal dd (eta << f)).
intros ee kl.
destruct (kleisliValVal kl) as [dd P]. exists dd.
split. destruct P ; auto. case: P => _ P.
simpl in P. apply: (fmon_stable g). by apply (vinj P).
Definition mu D := @kleisli (D _BOT) D Id.
Lemma mu_natural D E (f:D =-> E) :
kleisli (eta << f) << mu _ =-= mu _ << kleisli (eta << (kleisli (eta << f))).
unfold mu. rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite -> kleisli_comp.
rewrite -> comp_idR. by rewrite comp_idL.
Lemma mumu D : mu _ << kleisli (eta << mu _) =-= mu D << mu _.
unfold mu.
rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite kleisli_comp. rewrite comp_idL. by rewrite comp_idR.
Lemma mukl D : mu D << kleisli (eta << eta) =-= Id.
unfold mu.
rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite comp_idL. by rewrite kleisli_unit.
Definition SWAP (C:prodCat) (X Y : C) : (X * Y) =-> (Y * X) := <| pi2, pi1 |>.
Implicit Arguments SWAP [C X Y].
Definition Application := fun (D0 D1:cpoType) => exp_fun ((uncurry (@KLEISLI (D0 -=> D1 _BOT) D1)) <<
<| exp_fun ((uncurry KLEISLI) << SWAP) << pi2, pi1 |>).
Definition Operator2 := fun A B C (F: A * B =-> C _BOT) =>
locked ((Application _ _) << (kleisli (eta << (exp_fun F)))).
Definition Smash := fun A B => @Operator2 _ _ (A * B) eta.
Definition LStrength := fun A B => (uncurry (Smash A B)) << eta >< Id.
Definition RStrength := fun A B => (uncurry (Smash A B)) << Id >< eta.
Definition KLEISLIR := fun A B C (f: A * B =-> C _BOT) => locked (kleisli f << LStrength A B).
Definition KLEISLIL := fun A B C (f: A * B =-> C _BOT) => locked (kleisli f << RStrength A B).
Lemma Operator2Val: forall (D E F:cpoType) (h:D * E =-> F _BOT) d e f,
Operator2 h d e =-= Val f -> exists d', exists e', d =-= Val d' /\ e =-= Val e' /\ h (d',e') =-= Val f.
intros D E F h d e f. unlock Operator2.
move => X.
destruct (kleisliValVal X) as [f' [cc1 cc2]]. clear X.
destruct (kleisliValVal cc2) as [e' [eeq feeq]]. clear cc2.
destruct (kleisliValVal cc1) as [d' [deq deeq]]. clear cc1. simpl in eeq, feeq.
exists d'. exists e'. split ; first by []. split ; first by []. rewrite <- feeq.
by apply (fmon_eq_elim (vinj deeq) e').
Lemma Operator2_simpl: forall (E F D:cpoType) (f:E * F =-> D _BOT) v1 v2,
Operator2 f (Val v1) (Val v2) =-= f (v1,v2).
move => E F D f v1 v2. unlock Operator2. simpl. rewrite kleisliVal. simpl.
rewrite kleisliVal. simpl. rewrite kleisliVal. by simpl.
Lemma strength_proj D E: kleisli (eta << pi2) << LStrength E D =-= pi2.
apply: fmon_eq_intro. case => e d. unfold LStrength. unfold Smash. unlock Operator2.
repeat (rewrite kleisliVal ; simpl). unfold id.
apply Oeq_trans with (y:=(kleisli (eta << pi2) << kleisli (eta << PAIR D e)) d) ; first by [].
rewrite kleisli_comp. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
have ee:pi2 << PAIR D e =-= Id by apply: fmon_eq_intro. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite ee.
rewrite comp_idR. by rewrite kleisli_unit.
Hint Resolve tset_refl.
Lemma const_post_comp (X Y Z : cpoType) (f:Y =-> Z) e : f << const X e =-= const X (f e).
by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
Lemma strength_assoc D E F :
LStrength _ _ << <| pi1 , LStrength _ _ << pi2 |> << prod_assoc D E (F _BOT) =-=
kleisli (eta << prod_assoc _ _ _) << LStrength _ _.
unfold LStrength. unfold Smash. do 3 rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite (comp_assoc (prod_assoc _ _ _)). rewrite prod_map_prod_fun. do 2 rewrite comp_idL.
refine (fmon_eq_intro _). case => p df. case: p => d e. simpl. unlock Operator2. simpl.
repeat rewrite kleisli_Val. unfold id. rewrite (kleisliVal d). simpl.
repeat (rewrite kleisliVal ; simpl).
apply (@Oeq_trans _ _ ((kleisli (eta << PAIR _ d) << (kleisli (eta << PAIR _ e))) df)) ; first by [].
apply Oeq_trans with (y:=(kleisli (eta << prod_assoc _ _ _) << kleisli (eta << PAIR _ (d,e))) df) ; last by [].
rewrite -> kleisli_comp. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
rewrite -> kleisli_comp. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
apply: (fmon_eq_elim _ df). apply: kleisli_eq_compat.
do 2 rewrite <- comp_assoc. refine (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl eta) _). by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
Lemma strength_eta D E : LStrength D E << <| pi1, eta << pi2 |> =-= eta.
apply: fmon_eq_intro. case => d e. unfold LStrength. unfold Smash. simpl.
by rewrite Operator2_simpl.
Lemma KLEISLIL_eq (A A' B B' C:cpoType) : forall (f:A * B =-> C _BOT) (f': A' * B' =-> C _BOT)
a b a' b',
(forall aa aa', a =-= Val aa -> a' =-= Val aa' -> f (aa,b) =-= f' (aa',b')) ->
(forall aa, a =-= Val aa -> exists aa', a' =-= Val aa') ->
(forall aa', a' =-= Val aa' -> exists aa, a =-= Val aa) ->
@KLEISLIL A B C f (a,b) =-= @KLEISLIL A' B' C f' (a',b').
intros f f' a b a' b' V1 V2 V3. unlock KLEISLIL. simpl. unfold Smash, id.
refine (kleisli_eq _ _).
intros aa sa.
destruct (Operator2Val sa) as [a1 [b1 [Pa1 [Pb1 pv]]]].
destruct (V2 _ Pa1) as [aa' Paa].
exists (aa', b'). specialize (V1 a1 aa' Pa1 Paa). rewrite <- V1.
split. rewrite -> Paa.
by rewrite Operator2_simpl. have X:=Oeq_sym (vinj pv). rewrite -> X. by rewrite (vinj Pb1).
intros bb ob. destruct (Operator2Val ob) as [aa' [bb' [av P]]].
specialize (V3 _ av). destruct V3 as [aa va].
specialize (V1 _ _ va av).
exists (aa,b).
split. rewrite -> va.
rewrite Operator2_simpl. rewrite eta_val. by auto.
refine (Oeq_trans V1 _). case: P => P1 P2. rewrite <- (vinj P2). by rewrite (vinj P1).
Lemma KLEISLIR_eq (A A' B B' C:cpoType) : forall (f:A * B =-> C _BOT) (f': A' * B' =-> C _BOT)
a b a' b',
(forall aa aa', b =-= Val aa -> b' =-= Val aa' -> f (a,aa) =-= f' (a',aa')) ->
(forall aa, b =-= Val aa -> exists aa', b' =-= Val aa') ->
(forall aa', b' =-= Val aa' -> exists aa, b =-= Val aa) ->
@KLEISLIR A B C f (a,b) =-= @KLEISLIR A' B' C f' (a',b').
intros f f' a b a' b' V1 V2 V3. unlock KLEISLIR.
unfold LStrength. unfold Smash. simpl. unfold id.
refine (kleisli_eq _ _).
intros aa sa.
destruct (Operator2Val sa) as [a1 [b1 [Pa1 [Pb1 pv]]]].
destruct (V2 _ Pb1) as [aa' Paa].
exists (a',aa'). specialize (V1 _ aa' Pb1 Paa). rewrite <- V1.
split. rewrite -> Paa.
by rewrite Operator2_simpl. rewrite <- (vinj pv). by rewrite -> (vinj Pa1).
intros bb ob. destruct (Operator2Val ob) as [aa' [bb' [av [bv P]]]].
specialize (V3 _ bv). destruct V3 as [aa va].
specialize (V1 _ _ va bv).
exists (a,aa).
split. rewrite -> va.
rewrite Operator2_simpl. by auto.
refine (Oeq_trans V1 _). rewrite <- (vinj P). by rewrite (vinj av).
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F:cpoType) : (@KLEISLIL D E F)
with signature (@tset_eq (D * E =-> F _BOT)) ==> (@tset_eq (D _BOT * E =-> F _BOT))
as KLEISLIL_eq_compat.
intros f0 f1 feq.
apply: fmon_eq_intro. intros de. unlock KLEISLIL. simpl. by rewrite -> feq.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F:cpoType) : (@KLEISLIR D E F)
with signature (@tset_eq (D * E =-> F _BOT)) ==> (@tset_eq (D * (E _BOT) =-> F _BOT))
as KLEISLIR_eq_compat.
intros f0 f1 feq.
apply: fmon_eq_intro. intros de. unlock KLEISLIR. simpl. by rewrite -> feq.
Lemma KLEISLIL_comp D E F G (f:D * E =-> F _BOT) (g:G =-> D _BOT) h :
KLEISLIL f << <| g, h|> =-= KLEISLIL (f << Id >< h ) << <|g, Id|>.
apply: fmon_eq_intro. simpl. move => gg. unfold id. refine (KLEISLIL_eq _ _ _).
intros d0 d1 vd0 vd1. rewrite -> vd0 in vd1. by rewrite (vinj vd1).
intros d0 vd0. by exists d0. intros aa vv. by eexists ; apply vv.
Lemma KLEISLIL_comp2 D E F G H (f:D * E =-> F _BOT) (g:G =-> D) (h:H =-> E) :
KLEISLIL f << kleisli (eta << g) >< h =-= KLEISLIL (f << g >< h).
apply: fmon_eq_intro. case => gg hh. simpl. apply: KLEISLIL_eq.
- intros d0 d1 vd0 vd1. simpl. rewrite -> vd1 in vd0. rewrite -> kleisliVal in vd0.
by rewrite -> (vinj vd0).
intros d0 vd0.
destruct (kleisliValVal vd0) as [g0 [ggl P]]. by exists g0.
intros d0 vd0.
exists (g d0). simpl. simpl in vd0. rewrite -> vd0. by rewrite kleisliVal.
Lemma KLEISLIR_comp: forall D E F G (f:D * E =-> F _BOT) (g:G =-> E _BOT) h,
KLEISLIR f << <|h, g|> =-= KLEISLIR (f << h >< Id) << <|Id, g|>.
move => D E F G f g h.
apply: fmon_eq_intro.
intros gg.
refine (KLEISLIR_eq _ _ _).
intros d0 d1 vd0 vd1. simpl. unfold id. rewrite -> vd0 in vd1. by rewrite (vinj vd1).
intros d0 vd0. by exists d0. intros aa vv. by eexists ; apply vv.
Lemma KLEISLIL_unit: forall D E F G (f: D * E =-> F _BOT) (g:G =-> D) h,
KLEISLIL f << <| eta << g, h |> =-= f << <| g, h |>.
refine (fmon_eq_intro _). intros gg. unlock KLEISLIL. simpl. unfold id. unfold Smash. rewrite Operator2_simpl.
simpl. by rewrite kleisliVal.
Lemma KLEISLIR_unit: forall D E F G (f:E * D =-> F _BOT) (g:G =-> D) h,
KLEISLIR f << <| h, eta << g|> =-= f << <| h, g|>.
refine (fmon_eq_intro _). intros gg. unlock KLEISLIR. simpl. unfold Smash. rewrite Operator2_simpl.
by rewrite kleisliVal.
Lemma KLEISLIR_ValVal: forall D E F (f:D * E =-> F _BOT) e d r, KLEISLIR f (d,e) =-= Val r ->
exists ee, e =-= Val ee /\ f (d,ee) =-= Val r.
intros D E F f e d r. unlock KLEISLIR. simpl. unfold Smash. unfold id.
intros klv. destruct (kleisliValVal klv) as [dd [Pdd PP]].
destruct (Operator2Val Pdd) as [d1 [e1 [Pd1 [Pe1 XX]]]]. exists e1.
split. by auto. rewrite <- (vinj Pd1) in XX. by rewrite -> (vinj XX).
Lemma KLEISLIL_ValVal: forall D E F (f: D * E =-> F _BOT) e d r, KLEISLIL f (d,e) =-= Val r ->
exists dd, d =-= Val dd /\ f (dd,e) =-= Val r.
intros D E F f e d r. simpl. unlock KLEISLIL. simpl. unfold Smash. unfold id.
intros klv. destruct (kleisliValVal klv) as [dd [Pdd PP]].
destruct (Operator2Val Pdd) as [d1 [e1 [Pd1 [Pe1 XX]]]]. exists d1. split ; first by [].
rewrite <- (vinj Pe1) in XX. by rewrite (vinj XX).
Lemma Operator2_Valeq D E F (f:D * E =-> F _BOT) d dl e el :
dl =-= Val d -> el =-= Val e -> Operator2 f dl el =-= f (d,e).
move => X Y. rewrite -> X. rewrite -> Y. by rewrite Operator2_simpl.
Lemma KLEISLIL_Valeq D E F (g:D * E =-> F _BOT) dl d e : dl =-= Val d -> KLEISLIL g (dl,e) =-= g (d,e).
move => X. unlock KLEISLIL. simpl. unfold Smash. unfold id. rewrite -> X. rewrite Operator2_simpl.
by rewrite kleisliVal.
Lemma KLEISLIL_simpl D E F (g:D * E =-> F _BOT) d e : KLEISLIL g (Val d,e) =-= g (d,e).
intros. refine (KLEISLIL_Valeq g _ (Oeq_refl _)).
Lemma KLEISLIL_comp3 D E F G (g : F =-> G _BOT) (f:D * E =-> F) : KLEISLIL (g << f) =-= kleisli g << KLEISLIL (eta << f).
apply:fmon_eq_intro => x. case: x => dl e. simpl.
split ; apply: DLless_cond.
- intros gg kl. destruct (KLEISLIL_ValVal kl) as [d [Pdl P]]. rewrite -> (pair_eq_compat Pdl (tset_refl e)).
do 2 rewrite KLEISLIL_simpl. simpl. by rewrite kleisliVal.
- move => gg k. destruct (kleisliValVal k) as [ff [Pk P]].
destruct (KLEISLIL_ValVal Pk) as [d [dlv Pd]]. rewrite -> (pair_eq_compat dlv (tset_refl e)).
do 2 rewrite KLEISLIL_simpl. simpl. by rewrite kleisliVal.
Lemma KLEISLIL_comp4 D E F G H (f:E * G =-> H _BOT) (g:D =-> E _BOT) (h:F =-> G) :
KLEISLIL (KLEISLIL f << g >< h) =-= KLEISLIL f << kleisli g >< h.
intros. apply: fmon_eq_intro => x. case: x => dl df.
split ; simpl ; apply: DLless_cond ; unfold id, Smash.
intros hh kh. destruct (KLEISLIL_ValVal kh) as [d0 [dlv Pd]].
destruct (KLEISLIL_ValVal Pd) as [e0 [elv Pe]]. unlock KLEISLIL.
simpl. rewrite -> dlv. rewrite Operator2_simpl. by do 2 rewrite kleisliVal.
intros hh hv. destruct (KLEISLIL_ValVal hv) as [e0 [elv Pe]].
destruct (kleisliValVal elv) as [d0 [dlv Pd]]. unlock KLEISLIL. simpl. rewrite -> dlv. rewrite Operator2_simpl.
do 2 rewrite kleisliVal. simpl. rewrite -> Pd. by rewrite Operator2_simpl.
Definition liftCppoType (D:cpoType) := Eval hnf in CppoType (Pointed.class (@liftOrdPointedType D)).
Lemma strictVal: forall D E (f: D _BOT =-> E _BOT), (forall d e, f d =-= Val e -> exists dd, d =-= Val dd) -> strict f.
intros. unfold strict. split ; last by apply: leastP.
simpl. apply: DLless_cond.
intros xxx Fx. specialize (H _ _ Fx). destruct H as [d incon].
simpl in incon.
assert (yy := eqValpred incon).
destruct yy as [n [dd [pp _]]]. have F:False ; last by [].
move: pp. clear. elim: n ; unfold Pointed.least ; simpl.
- by rewrite DL_bot_eq.
- move => n IH X. apply IH. by apply X.
Lemma kleisli_bot: forall D E (f:D =-> E _BOT), kleisli f PBot =-= PBot.
refine (strictVal (f:=kleisli f) _).
intros d e.
intros kl. destruct (kleisliValVal kl) as [dd [P _]]. by exists dd.

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@ -1,899 +0,0 @@
* PredomLift.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Import PredomCore.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(** ** Lifting *)
Section Lift_type.
(** ** Definition of underlying stream type *)
(** printing Eps %\eps% *)
(** printing Val %\val% *)
(** printing Stream %\Stream% *)
Variable D : Type.
(*=Stream *)
CoInductive Stream := Eps : Stream -> Stream | Val : D -> Stream.
(*=End *)
Lemma DL_inv : forall d, d = match d with Eps x => Eps x | Val d => Val d end.
destruct d; auto.
Hint Resolve DL_inv.
(** ** Removing Eps steps *)
Definition pred d : Stream := match d with Eps x => x | Val _ => d end.
Fixpoint pred_nth (d:Stream) (n:nat) {struct n} : Stream :=
match n with 0 => d
|S m => match d with Eps x => pred_nth x m
| Val _ => d
Lemma pred_nth_val : forall x n, pred_nth (Val x) n = Val x.
destruct n; simpl; trivial.
Hint Resolve pred_nth_val.
Lemma pred_nth_Sn_acc : forall n d, pred_nth d (S n) = pred_nth (pred d) n.
destruct d; simpl; auto.
Lemma pred_nth_Sn : forall n d, pred_nth d (S n) = pred (pred_nth d n).
induction n; intros; auto.
destruct d.
exact (IHn d).
rewrite pred_nth_val; rewrite pred_nth_val; simpl; trivial.
Lemma pred_nth_sum : forall x m n, pred_nth x (m+n) = pred_nth (pred_nth x m) n.
induction m.
intro n; replace (S m + n)%N with (m + S n)%N; intuition ; last by rewrite addSn ; rewrite addnS.
rewrite IHm.
rewrite (@pred_nth_Sn_acc n (pred_nth x m)).
rewrite pred_nth_Sn.
End Lift_type.
Section Lift_ord.
Variable D : ordType.
(** ** Order *)
(*=DLle *)
CoInductive DLle : Stream D -> Stream D -> Prop :=
| DLleEps : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle (Eps x) (Eps y)
| DLleEpsVal : forall x d, DLle x (Val d) -> DLle (Eps x) (Val d)
| DLleVal : forall d d' n y, pred_nth y n = Val d' -> d <= d' -> DLle (Val d) y.
(*=End *)
Hint Constructors DLle.
(*=DLle_rec *)
Lemma DLle_rec : forall R : Stream D -> Stream D -> Prop,
(forall x y, R (Eps x) (Eps y) -> R x y) ->
(forall x d, R (Eps x) (Val d) -> R x (Val d)) ->
(forall d y, R (Val d) y -> exists n, exists d', pred_nth y n = Val d' /\ d <= d')
-> forall x y, R x y -> DLle x y.
(*=End *)
move => R REps REpsVal RVal; cofix; case => x.
- case => y H.
+ apply DLleEps. apply DLle_rec. by apply REps.
+ by apply DLleEpsVal; apply DLle_rec; auto.
move => y H.
case (RVal _ _ H); move => n [d [X L]].
by apply DLleVal with d n.
(** *** Properties of the order *)
Lemma DLle_refl : forall x, DLle x x.
intros x. apply DLle_rec with (R:= fun x y => forall n, pred_nth x n = pred_nth y n) ; try (clear x).
intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). simpl in C. auto.
intros x d C n. specialize (C (S n)). simpl in C. rewrite C. case n ; auto.
intros d y C. exists 0. exists d. simpl. specialize (C 0). simpl in C. auto.
intros n ; auto.
Hint Resolve DLle_refl.
Lemma DLvalval : forall d x, DLle (Val d) x ->
exists n, exists d', pred_nth x n = Val d' /\ d<=d'.
intros d x H.
inversion H.
exists n; exists d'.
Lemma pred_nth_epsS n (x y:Stream D): Eps y = pred_nth x n -> y = pred_nth x (S n).
elim:n x y. move => x y E. simpl in E. rewrite <- E. simpl. auto.
move => n IH x. case x ; clear x. intros x y. intros E. simpl in E. specialize (IH _ _ E). auto.
intros x y. simpl. intros incon. inversion incon.
Lemma pred_nth_valS n d (y:Stream D): Val d = pred_nth y n -> Val d = pred_nth y (S n).
elim: n d y.
- move => d y E. simpl in E. by rewrite <- E.
- move => n IH d. case => y E.
+ simpl in E. by rewrite (IH _ _ E).
+ apply E.
Lemma pred_nth_comp (y:Stream D) : forall m0 n1 m1 : nat,
m0 == (n1 + m1)%N -> pred_nth y m0 = pred_nth (pred_nth y n1) m1.
move => m0.
elim: m0 y.
- move => y n1 m1 E. have X:=addn_eq0 n1 m1. rewrite <- (eqP E) in X. rewrite eq_refl in X.
have Y:=proj1 (andP (sym_eq X)). rewrite (eqP Y). simpl. by rewrite (eqP (proj2 (andP (sym_eq X)))).
- move => m0 IH y n1. case.
+ rewrite addn0. case: n1 ; first by [].
case: y ; last by [].
simpl. move => y n E. specialize (IH y n 0). by rewrite IH ; last rewrite addn0.
+ move => n. rewrite addnS => E. simpl. case_eq (pred_nth y n1).
* move => y' X. case: y X ; last by case: n1 E.
move => y X. rewrite (pred_nth_epsS (sym_eq X)). simpl. by apply IH.
* move => y' X. case: y X => y.
- case: n1 E ; first by []. move => n1 E. simpl.
specialize (IH y n1). move => X. rewrite X in IH. specialize (IH n.+1). rewrite addnS in IH. specialize (IH E).
by apply IH.
- move => X. have EE:= (pred_nth_val y n1). rewrite EE in X. by apply X.
Lemma DLle_pred_nth x y n : DLle x y -> DLle (pred_nth x n) (pred_nth y n).
elim: n x y ; first by [].
move => n IH x y C. case: x y / C.
- move => x y C. simpl. apply IH. by apply C.
- move => x d C. simpl. specialize (IH _ _ C). rewrite pred_nth_val in IH. by apply IH.
- move => d d' m y E L. specialize (IH (Val d)).
case: y E.
+ move => y. specialize (IH y). move => X. simpl. rewrite (pred_nth_val) in IH. apply IH.
case: m X ; first by [].
move => m X. simpl in X. by apply:(DLleVal X).
+ move => y. rewrite pred_nth_val. case. move => E. simpl. rewrite E.
by apply DLleVal with d' 0 ; last by [].
Lemma DLleEps_right : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle x (Eps y).
intros x y C. apply DLle_rec with (R:= fun x y => forall n, DLle (pred_nth x n) (pred_nth y (S n))).
clear x y C. intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). auto.
clear x y C. intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). auto.
clear x y C. intros d y C. specialize (C 0).
assert (DLle (Val d) (pred_nth y 1)) as CC by auto. clear C.
destruct (DLvalval CC) as [n [dd [X Y]]]. exists (S n). exists dd. split ; auto.
generalize X. clear X. destruct y. simpl. auto. simpl. case n ; auto.
intros n. simpl.
apply DLle_pred_nth ; auto.
Hint Resolve DLleEps_right.
Lemma DLleEps_left : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle (Eps x) y.
intros x y C. apply DLle_rec with (R:= fun x y => forall n, DLle (pred_nth x (S n)) (pred_nth y n)).
clear x y C. intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). auto.
clear x y C. intros x y C n. specialize (C (S n)). destruct n ; auto.
clear x y C. intros d y C. specialize (C 0).
simpl in C.
destruct (DLvalval C) as [n [dd [X Y]]]. exists n. exists dd. split ; auto.
intros n. simpl. apply DLle_pred_nth ; auto.
Hint Resolve DLleEps_left.
Lemma DLle_pred_left : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle (pred x) y.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; intros; trivial.
inversion H; auto.
inversion H; trivial.
Lemma DLle_pred_right : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle x (pred y).
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; intros; trivial.
inversion H; auto.
inversion H; trivial.
destruct n; simpl in H1.
discriminate H1.
apply DLleVal with d' n; auto.
Hint Resolve DLle_pred_left DLle_pred_right.
Lemma DLle_pred : forall x y, DLle x y -> DLle (pred x) (pred y).
Hint Resolve DLle_pred.
Lemma DLle_pred_nth_left : forall n x y, DLle x y -> DLle (pred_nth x n) y.
induction n; intros.
simpl; auto.
rewrite pred_nth_Sn; auto.
Lemma DLle_pred_nth_right : forall n x y,
DLle x y -> DLle x (pred_nth y n).
induction n; intros.
simpl; auto.
rewrite pred_nth_Sn; auto.
Hint Resolve DLle_pred_nth_left DLle_pred_nth_right.
(* should be called leq *)
Lemma DLleVal_leq : forall x y, DLle (Val x) (Val y) -> x <= y.
intros x y H; inversion H.
destruct n; simpl in H1; injection H1;intro; subst y; auto.
Hint Immediate DLleVal_leq.
(* New *)
Lemma DLle_leVal : forall x y, x<=y -> DLle (Val x) (Val y).
intros x y H.
apply (DLle_rec (R := fun x' y' => x'=Val x /\ y'=Val y)).
destruct H0; discriminate.
destruct H0; discriminate.
destruct H0.
subst y0.
exists 0.
exists y.
split; trivial.
injection H0.
intro; subst d; auto.
Lemma DLnvalval : forall n y d z, pred_nth y n = Val d -> DLle y z ->
exists m, exists d', pred_nth z m = Val d' /\ d <= d'.
- move => y d z E L. simpl in E. case: L E ; [by [] | by [] | idtac].
move => d1 d2 n y' E L. case => E'. rewrite E' in L. clear E' d1.
exists n. exists d2. by split.
- move => n IH y d z E L. specialize (IH (pred y) d z). rewrite pred_nth_Sn_acc in E.
specialize (IH E). apply IH. by apply DLle_pred_left.
Lemma DLleEpsn n x z xx : pred_nth x n = Val xx -> DLle (Val xx) z -> DLle x z.
elim:n x z xx => x.
- move => z xx. simpl => E. by rewrite E.
- move => IH. case.
+ move => d z xx. simpl. move => C DD.
specialize (IH d z xx C DD). by apply: (DLle_pred_right (DLleEps _)).
+ move => d z xx. simpl. case => e. by rewrite e.
Lemma DLle_trans : forall x y z, DLle x y -> DLle y z -> DLle x z.
move => x y z D0 D1.
apply DLle_rec with (R:=fun x z => (forall xx n, pred_nth x n = Val xx -> DLle x z)).
- clear x y z D0 D1. move => x y C xx n X.
specialize (C xx (S n) X). by apply (DLle_pred C).
- clear x y z D0 D1. move => x y C xx n X. specialize (C _ (S n) X).
by apply (DLle_pred_left C).
- move => d yy C. specialize (C d 0).
case (fun Z => DLvalval (C Z)) ; first by [].
move => n [dd [ZZ Z]]. exists n. exists dd. by split.
- move => xx n C. case (DLnvalval C D0) => m [yy [P Q]].
case (DLnvalval P D1) => k [zz [Pz Qz]].
apply (DLleEpsn C). apply (DLleVal Pz). by apply (Ole_trans Q Qz).
(** *** Declaration of the ordered set *)
Lemma LiftOrdAxiom : PreOrd.axiom DLle.
move => x. split ; first by [].
move => y z. by apply DLle_trans.
Canonical Structure lift_ordMixin := OrdMixin LiftOrdAxiom.
Canonical Structure lift_ordType := Eval hnf in OrdType lift_ordMixin.
Lemma ordSetoidAxiom (X:ordType) : Setoid.axiom (@tset_eq X).
split ; first by [].
split ; last by apply: tset_sym.
by apply: tset_trans.
Canonical Structure ordSetoidMixin D := SetoidMixin (ordSetoidAxiom D).
Canonical Structure ordSetoidType D := Eval hnf in SetoidType (ordSetoidMixin D).
Lemma lift_setoidAxiom : @Setoid.axiom (Stream D) (@tset_eq lift_ordType).
split ; last split ; first by [].
move => x y z. by apply tset_trans.
move => x y ; by apply tset_sym.
Canonical Structure lift_setoidMixin := SetoidMixin lift_setoidAxiom.
Canonical Structure lift_setoidType := Eval hnf in SetoidType lift_setoidMixin.
(** ** Definition of the cpo structure *)
Lemma eq_Eps : forall x, x =-= Eps x.
intros; apply: Ole_antisym; repeat red; auto.
Hint Resolve eq_Eps.
(** *** Bottom is given by an infinite chain of Eps *)
(** printing DL_bot %\DLbot% *)
CoFixpoint DL_bot : lift_ordType := Eps DL_bot.
Lemma DL_bot_eq : DL_bot = Eps DL_bot.
transitivity match DL_bot with Eps x => Eps x | Val d => Val d end ; auto.
destruct DL_bot ; auto.
Lemma DLless_cond : forall x y, (forall xx, x =-= Val xx -> x <= y) -> DLle x y.
move => x y P. apply DLle_rec with (R:=fun x y => forall xx, x =-= Val xx -> x <= y).
- move => d0 d1 IH d00 dv.
rewrite -> (eq_Eps d0) in dv. rewrite -> (eq_Eps d0). specialize (IH _ dv).
by rewrite -> (eq_Eps d1).
- move => d0 d1 IH dd dv. rewrite -> (eq_Eps d0) in dv. specialize (IH _ dv).
by rewrite -> (eq_Eps d0).
- move => d0 d1 IH. specialize (IH _ (Oeq_refl _)). by apply (DLvalval IH).
- by apply P.
Lemma DL_bot_least : forall x, DL_bot <= x.
move => x. apply DLless_cond => xx [_ C].
case (DLvalval C) => n [dd [P Q]].
have F:False ; last by [].
elim: n P ; first by rewrite DL_bot_eq.
move => n IH. rewrite DL_bot_eq. by apply IH.
(** *** More properties of elements in the lifted domain *)
(* This is essentially the same, when fixed up, as DLvalval that I proved above
I've repeated it here, though
Lemma DLle_Val_exists_pred :
forall x d, Val d <= x -> exists k, exists d', pred_nth x k = Val d'
/\ d <= d'.
intros x d H; inversion H; eauto.
Lemma Val_exists_pred_le :
forall x d, (exists k, pred_nth x k = Val d) -> Val d <= x.
destruct 1; intros.
apply DLleVal with d x0; trivial.
Hint Immediate DLle_Val_exists_pred Val_exists_pred_le.
Lemma Val_exists_pred_eq :
forall x d, (exists k, pred_nth x k = Val d) -> (Val d:lift_ordType) =-= x.
move => x d X. split. simpl. case: X => k e. by apply: (DLleVal e).
case: X => n X. rewrite <- X. by apply DLle_pred_nth_right.
(** *** Construction of least upper bounds *)
Definition isEps (x:Stream D) := match x with Eps _ => True | _ => False end.
Lemma isEps_Eps : forall x, isEps (Eps x).
repeat red; auto.
Lemma not_isEpsVal : forall d, ~ (isEps (Val d)).
repeat red; auto.
Hint Resolve isEps_Eps not_isEpsVal.
Lemma isEpsEps (x x': Stream D) : x = Eps x' -> isEps x.
move => E. by rewrite E.
Definition isEps_dec (x: Stream D) : {d:D|x=Val d}+{isEps x} :=
match x as x0 return x = x0 -> {d:D|x=Val d}+{isEps x} with
| Eps x' => fun E => inright _ (isEpsEps E)
| Val d => fun E => inleft _ (exist _ d E)
end (refl_equal x).
(* Slightly more radical rewrite, trying to use equality *)
Lemma allvalsfromhere : forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType) n d i,
c n =-= Val d -> exists d', c (n+i)%N =-= Val d' /\ d <= d'.
move => c n d i [Hnv1 Hnv2].
have X:Val d <= c (n+i)%N. apply Ole_trans with (c n) ; first by []. apply fmonotonic. by apply: leq_addr.
case (DLle_Val_exists_pred X) => k [d' [P Q]].
exists d'. split ; last by [].
apply Oeq_sym. apply Val_exists_pred_eq. by exists k.
Definition hasVal (x:Stream D) := exists j, exists d, pred_nth x j = Val d.
Definition valuable := {x | hasVal x}.
Definition projj (x:valuable) : lift_ordType :=
match x with exist x X => x end.
(* Redoing extract using constructive epsilon *)
Require Import ConstructiveEpsilon.
Lemma hasValEps x x' : x = Eps x' -> hasVal x -> hasVal x'.
move => e. rewrite e. clear e x.
case => n. case => d e. case: n e ; first by []. move => n. simpl => e. exists n. exists d. by apply e.
Definition inc x' (X:{kd : nat * D | let (k, d) := kd in pred_nth x' k = Val d}) :
{kd : nat * D | let (k, d) := kd in pred_nth (Eps x') k = Val d} :=
match X with exist (k,d) X0 =>
exist (fun kd : nat * D => let (k, d) := kd in pred_nth (Eps x') k = Val d) (k.+1,d) X0
Lemma pred_nth_notEps x' : ~ (exists d : D, pred_nth (Eps x') 0 = Val d).
by case.
Lemma pred_nthvalval d' n : (exists d : D, pred_nth (Val d') n = Val d).
exists d'. by case: n.
Fixpoint hasVal_dec x n : { (exists d : D, pred_nth x n = Val d) } + {~ (exists d : D, pred_nth x n = Val d)} :=
match x,n return { (exists d : D, pred_nth x n = Val d) } + {~ (exists d : D, pred_nth x n = Val d)} with
| Eps x', S n => hasVal_dec x' n
| Eps x', O => right (exists d : D, pred_nth (Eps x') O = Val d) (@pred_nth_notEps x')
| Val d, n' => left (~ (exists d' : D, pred_nth (Val d) n = Val d')) (pred_nthvalval d n)
Fixpoint getVal x n :=
match x as x0, n as n0 return (exists d, pred_nth x0 n0 = Val d) -> D with
| Eps x', S n' => getVal x' n'
| Eps x', O => fun P => match pred_nth_notEps P with end
| Val d, n => fun _ => d
Lemma getValVal n x (P:exists d, pred_nth x n = Val d) : pred_nth x n = Val (@getVal x n P).
elim: n x P.
- by case ; first by move => x [d F].
- move => n IH. by case; first by apply IH.
Definition findindexandval (x:valuable) : {kd | match kd with (k,d) => (pred_nth (projj x) k) = Val d end} :=
match x as x0 return {kd | match kd with (k,d) => (pred_nth (projj x0) k) = Val d end} with
| exist x' P =>
match @constructive_indefinite_description_nat (fun n => exists d:D, pred_nth x' n = Val d) (hasVal_dec x') P
with exist n Px => exist (fun kd => match kd with (k,d) => (pred_nth x' k) = Val d end) (n,getVal Px) (getValVal Px)
Definition extract (x:valuable) : D :=
match (findindexandval x) with exist (n,d) _ => d end.
Lemma extractworks x : projj x =-= Val (extract x).
unfold extract. case (findindexandval x).
case => n d. move => X. apply Oeq_sym. apply Val_exists_pred_eq. exists n. by apply X.
Lemma vinj : forall d d', (Val d:lift_ordType) =-= Val d' -> d =-= d'.
intros d d' (H1,H2). by split ; apply DLleVal_leq.
Lemma vleinj : forall d d', Val d <= Val d' -> d <= d'.
Lemma extractmono : forall (x y : valuable), (projj x) <= (projj y) -> extract x <= extract y.
intros x y H.
apply vleinj.
rewrite <- (extractworks x).
rewrite <- (extractworks y).
(* This is the simpler one that just takes an equality *)
Lemma pred_nth_eq k x : pred_nth x k =-= x.
elim: k x; first by [].
move => n IH. case ; last by [].
simpl. move => x. rewrite -> (IH x). split ; first by apply DLleEps_right. by apply DLleEps_left.
Lemma eqValpred : forall x d, x =-= Val d -> exists k, exists d', pred_nth x k = Val d' /\ d=-=d'.
move => x d [H1 H2].
case (DLle_Val_exists_pred H2) => k [d' [H L]].
exists k; exists d';split ; first by [].
split ; first by [].
apply vleinj. rewrite <- H. clear L d' H.
rewrite <- H1. by rewrite -> pred_nth_eq.
Lemma hasValShift (c:natO -=> lift_ordType) k d (Hck:c k =-= Val d) n : hasVal (c (n + k)%N).
rewrite addnC. case: (allvalsfromhere n Hck) => d' [A L].
case: (eqValpred A) => i [dd [XX _]]. exists i. by exists dd.
Definition makechain (c:natO -=> lift_ordType) k d (Hck:c k =-= Val d) : nat -> D :=
fun n => @extract (exist hasVal (c (n+k)%N) (hasValShift Hck n)).
Lemma makechan_mono (c:natO -=> lift_ordType) k d (Hck:c k =-= Val d) : monotonic (makechain Hck).
move => n n' L. apply extractmono. simpl. apply fmonotonic. by apply: (leq_add L).
Definition makechainm (c:natO -=> lift_ordType) k d (Hck:c k =-= Val d) : natO =-> D :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono (makechan_mono Hck).
Lemma pred_mono (c:natO =-> lift_ordType) : monotonic (fun n => pred (c n)).
move => x y H. apply: DLle_pred. by apply (fmonotonic c).
Definition cpred (c:natO =-> lift_ordType) : natO =-> lift_ordType := Eval hnf in mk_fmono (pred_mono c).
Lemma fValIdx : forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType) (n : nat),
{dk: (D*nat)%type | match dk with (d,k) => k<n /\ c k =-= Val d end} + {(forall k, k<n -> isEps (c k))}.
move => c. elim ; first by right.
move => n. case.
- case. case => d k [H ck]. left. exists (d,k). split ; last by []. rewrite ltn_neqAle in H.
by apply (proj2 (andP H)).
- move => X. case: (isEps_dec (c n)).
+ case => d E. left. exists (d,n). by rewrite E.
+ move => E. right => k. case_eq (k == n) => EE ; first by rewrite (eqP EE).
move => L. rewrite ltnS in L. rewrite leq_eqVlt in L. rewrite EE in L. by apply X.
Definition createchain (c:natO =-> lift_ordType) (n:nat)
(X:{dk: (D*nat)%type | match dk with (d,k) => k<n /\ c k =-= Val d end}) :
(natO =-> D) :=
match X with | exist (d,k) (conj Hk Hck) => @makechainm c k d Hck
Lemma makechainworks : forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType) k dk (H2:c k =-= Val dk) i (d:D), c (k+i)%N =-= (Val d) -> makechain H2 i =-= d.
move => c k dk Hck i d e.
apply vinj.
rewrite <- e.
apply Oeq_sym.
unfold makechain.
rewrite <- extractworks.
simpl. by rewrite addnC.
Lemma eqDLeq : forall d d', d =-= d' -> Val d =-= (Val d').
move => d d'. by case ; split ; apply DLle_leVal.
Lemma predeq : forall x, x =-= pred x.
move => x. case: x ; last by [].
move => x. simpl. by rewrite <-( @pred_nth_eq 1 (Eps x)).
(* Just realized I should have had Val as a morphism ages ago *)
Add Parametric Morphism : (@Val D)
with signature (@tset_eq D) ==> (@tset_eq lift_ordType)
as Val_eq_compat.
apply eqDLeq.
Add Parametric Morphism : (@Val D)
with signature (@Ole D) ++> (@Ole lift_ordType)
as Val_le_compat.
apply DLle_leVal.
Lemma DLle_Val_exists_eq : forall y d, Val d <= y -> exists d', y =-= Val d' /\ d <= d'.
intros y d H; inversion H.
exists d'.
apply Val_exists_pred_eq.
exists n; trivial.
Lemma DLvalgetchain: forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType) k d, c k =-= Val d -> exists c':natO =-> D, forall n, c(k+n)%N =-= Val (c' n).
intros c k d chk.
exists (makechainm chk).
intros n.
destruct (allvalsfromhere n chk) as [d' [chd ld]].
refine (Oeq_trans chd _).
apply eqDLeq.
apply (Oeq_sym (makechainworks chk chd)).
Hint Immediate DLle_leVal.
Lemma eta_mono : monotonic (@Val D).
move => x y L. by rewrite -> L.
Definition eta_m : D =-> lift_ordType := Eval hnf in mk_fmono eta_mono.
End Lift_ord.
Implicit Arguments eta_m [D].
Section Lift_cpo.
Variable D:cpoType.
CoFixpoint DL_lubn (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D) (n:nat) : lift_ordType D :=
match fValIdx c n with inleft X => Val (lub (createchain X))
| inright _ => Eps (DL_lubn (cpred c) (S n))
Lemma DL_lubn_inv : forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D) (n:nat), DL_lubn c n =
match fValIdx c n with inleft X => Val (lub (createchain X))
| inright _ => Eps (DL_lubn (cpred c) (S n))
intros; rewrite (DL_inv (DL_lubn c n)).
simpl; case (fValIdx c n); trivial.
Lemma chainluble : forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D) k dk (Hkdk : c k =-= Val dk) k' dk' (Hkdk': c k' =-= Val dk'),
lub (makechainm Hkdk) <= lub (makechainm Hkdk').
intros;apply lub_le.
intro n.
assert (Hkn := allvalsfromhere n Hkdk).
destruct Hkn as (dkn,(Hckn,Hdkdkn)).
setoid_replace (makechainm Hkdk n) with (dkn).
destruct (allvalsfromhere (n+k) Hkdk') as [dkk'n [Hckk'n Hddd]].
apply Ole_trans with dkk'n.
apply vleinj; rewrite <- Hckn; rewrite <- Hckk'n.
apply fmonotonic. rewrite addnC. by apply: (leq_addl k').
setoid_replace dkk'n with (makechainm Hkdk' (n+k)%N).
apply le_lub.
unfold makechainm.
apply Oeq_sym; apply makechainworks.
unfold makechainm; apply makechainworks.
Lemma chainlubinv : forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D) k dk (Hkdk : c k =-= Val dk) k' dk' (Hkdk': c k' =-= Val dk'),
lub (makechainm Hkdk) =-= lub (makechainm Hkdk').
intros;split;apply chainluble.
Lemma pred_lubn_Val : forall (d:D)(n k p:nat) (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D),
(n <k+p)%nat -> pred_nth (c n) k = Val d
-> exists d', DL_lubn c p =-= Val d'.
move => d n. elim.
- move => p c L E. rewrite (DL_lubn_inv c p). simpl in E.
case: (fValIdx c p).
+ case.
* move => [d' k] [H1 H2]. simpl. by exists (lub (makechainm H2)).
* move => X. specialize (X _ L). by rewrite E in X.
+ move => k IH p c L E. rewrite (DL_lubn_inv c p).
case: (fValIdx c p).
* unfold createchain. case. case. move => d' k'. case => LL EE.
by exists (lub (makechainm EE)).
* move => X. rewrite addSn in L. rewrite <- addnS in L.
have A: (pred_nth (cpred c n) k = Val d) by simpl ; rewrite <- pred_nth_Sn_acc.
specialize (IH (S p) (cpred c) L A).
case: IH => d' IH. exists d'. rewrite <- IH. by rewrite <- eq_Eps.
Lemma cpredsamelub : forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D) k dk (H1:c k =-= Val dk) (H2: (cpred c) k =-= Val dk),
lub (makechainm H1) =-= lub (makechainm H2).
intros; split.
apply: lub_le; intro.
setoid_replace (makechainm H1 n) with (makechainm H2 n).
apply le_lub.
assert (Hkn := allvalsfromhere n H1).
destruct Hkn as (dkn,(Hckn,Hdkdkn)).
unfold makechainm; simpl.
setoid_rewrite (makechainworks H1 Hckn).
assert (HH : ((cpred c) (k+n)%N =-= Val dkn)).
unfold cpred; simpl.
rewrite <- Hckn.
apply Oeq_sym; apply predeq.
setoid_rewrite (makechainworks H2 HH).
apply: lub_le; intro.
setoid_replace (makechainm H2 n) with (makechainm H1 n).
apply le_lub.
destruct (allvalsfromhere n H2) as (dkn,(Hckn,Hdkdkn)).
unfold makechainm; simpl.
setoid_rewrite (makechainworks H2 Hckn).
assert (HH : ((c) (k+n)%N =-= Val dkn)).
unfold cpred in Hckn; simpl in Hckn.
rewrite <- Hckn; apply predeq.
setoid_rewrite (makechainworks H1 HH); auto.
Lemma attempt2 : forall kl (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D) p d, pred_nth (DL_lubn c p) kl = Val d
-> exists k, exists dk, exists Hkdk:c k =-= Val dk, d =-= lub (makechainm Hkdk).
- simpl. move => c p d E. rewrite -> DL_lubn_inv in E.
case: (fValIdx c p) E ; last by [].
move => s. case => e. rewrite <- e. clear d e.
case: s. case => d n [L E]. simpl. exists n. exists d. by exists E.
- move => k IH c p d E. simpl in E. unfold createchain in E.
have HH:=IH (cpred c) (S p) d.
case: (fValIdx c p) E.
+ case. case => d' n [P Q] E.
specialize (IH c p d). rewrite E in IH. apply IH. by apply pred_nth_val.
+ move => X E. case: (HH E) => n [x [P Q]].
exists n. exists x. have PP:=P. simpl in PP. have P0:=Oeq_trans (predeq _) P. exists P0. rewrite -> Q.
by apply (Oeq_sym (cpredsamelub P0 P)).
(* first just wrap pred_lubn_Val to use equality *)
Lemma chainVallubnVal : forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D) n d p, c n =-= Val d -> exists d', DL_lubn c p =-= Val d'.
destruct (eqValpred H) as (k,(d'',(Hcnk,Hdd''))).
apply (pred_lubn_Val (n:=n) (k:=k+n+1) (p:=p) (c:=c) (d:=d'')).
apply ltn_addr. rewrite <- addnA. apply ltn_addl. rewrite addnS. rewrite addn0. by apply ltnSn.
rewrite addnS. rewrite addn0. rewrite <- addnS.
rewrite pred_nth_sum.
rewrite Hcnk. by [].
Lemma chainVallubnlub : forall (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D) n d (H : c n =-= Val d) p, exists d', DL_lubn c p =-= Val d' /\ d' =-= lub (makechainm H).
destruct (chainVallubnVal p H) as (d',HH).
exists d'.
split. assumption.
destruct (eqValpred HH) as (k,(d'',(Hk,Hd'd''))).
destruct (attempt2 Hk) as (p',(dp',(Hp',Heq))).
rewrite Hd'd''.
rewrite -> Heq.
apply chainlubinv.
Definition DL_lub (c:natO =-> lift_ordType D) := DL_lubn c 1.
Lemma DL_lub_upper : forall c:natO =-> lift_ordType D, forall n, c n <= DL_lub c.
intros c n. simpl. apply: DLless_cond.
intros d C.
destruct (chainVallubnlub C 1) as [d' [Ln L]].
unfold DL_lub. rewrite -> Ln.
assert (X:=makechainworks C). specialize (X 0 d). rewrite addn0 in X.
specialize (X C). apply Ole_trans with (y:=Val d). by auto.
assert (pred_nth (Val d') 0 = Val d') as Y by auto.
apply (DLleVal Y). rewrite -> L.
apply Ole_trans with (y:=(makechainm (c:=c) (k:=n) (d:=d) C) 0). simpl. by auto.
by apply le_lub.
Lemma DL_lub_least : forall (c : natO =-> lift_ordType D) a,
(forall n, c n <= a) -> DL_lub c <= a.
intros c a C. simpl.
apply: DLless_cond. intros d X.
destruct (eqValpred X) as [n [dd [P Q]]].
destruct (attempt2 P) as [m [d' [cm Y]]].
apply Ole_trans with (y:= (Val dd)).
refine (proj2 (Val_exists_pred_eq _)). exists n. auto.
assert (Z:= C m). rewrite -> cm in Z.
destruct (DLvalval Z) as [mm [e [R S]]].
apply (DLleVal R). rewrite -> Y.
apply lub_le.
intros nn.
assert (A:=makechainworks cm).
specialize (A nn).
clear S Y Z.
destruct (allvalsfromhere nn cm) as [nnv [S T]].
specialize (A _ S). rewrite -> A. clear A.
assert (a =-= Val e) as E.
apply Oeq_sym.
apply (Val_exists_pred_eq). exists mm. apply R.
assert (Z := C (m+nn)%N).
rewrite -> E in Z. rewrite -> S in Z. apply (vleinj Z).
(** *** Declaration of the lifted cpo *)
Lemma DLCpoAxiom : CPO.axiom DL_lub.
move => x y n.
split ; first by apply DL_lub_upper.
by apply DL_lub_least.
Canonical Structure lift_cpoMixin := CpoMixin DLCpoAxiom.
Canonical Structure lift_cpoType := Eval hnf in CpoType lift_cpoMixin.
Lemma lubval: forall (c:natO =-> lift_cpoType) d, lub c =-= Val d ->
exists k, exists d', c k =-= Val d' /\ d' <= d.
intros c d l.
destruct l as [lubval1 lubval2].
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_pred lubval2) as [k xx].
destruct xx as [f' [lubval lf]].
assert (lub c =-= Val f') as lubval'.
apply: Ole_antisym.
eapply Ole_trans. apply lubval1. by apply: DLle_leVal.
apply: (DLleVal). apply lubval. apply Ole_refl.
assert (f' <= d).
destruct lubval' as [v1 v2].
assert (Val f' <= Val d).
apply (Ole_trans v2 lubval1).
apply (DLleVal_leq H).
assert (d =-= f') as feq. auto.
clear H lubval1 lubval2 lf.
assert (xx:=attempt2 lubval).
destruct xx as [n [f0 [chnval lf']]].
exists n. exists f0. split. apply chnval.
assert (w:=makechainworks chnval).
specialize (w 0 f0). rewrite addn0 in w.
specialize (w chnval).
destruct w as [_ L2].
refine (Ole_trans L2 (Ole_trans (le_lub (makechainm chnval) 0) _)).
rewrite <- lf'. by auto.
(** printing eta %\ensuremath{\eta}% *)
Lemma eta_cont : continuous (@eta_m D).
move => c. simpl. unfold lub. simpl. unfold DL_lub. rewrite -> DL_lubn_inv. simpl.
apply: DLle_leVal.
apply lub_le => n. apply: (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ n)). simpl.
rewrite -> makechainworks. by apply Ole_refl. by apply Oeq_refl.
Definition eta : D =-> lift_cpoType := Eval hnf in mk_fcont eta_cont.
End Lift_cpo.
Implicit Arguments eta [D].
(** printing _BOT %\LIFTED% *)
Notation "x '_BOT'" := (lift_cpoType x) (at level 28).
Lemma liftOrdPointed (D:ordType) : Pointed.axiom (DL_bot D).
move => x. by apply DL_bot_least.
Canonical Structure liftOrdPointedMixin D := PointedMixin (@liftOrdPointed D).
Canonical Structure liftOrdPointedType D := Eval hnf in PointedType (liftOrdPointedMixin D).
Lemma liftCpoPointed (D:cpoType) : Pointed.axiom (DL_bot D).
move => x. by apply DL_bot_least.
Canonical Structure liftCppoMixin D := PointedMixin (@liftCpoPointed D).
Canonical Structure liftCppoType D := Eval hnf in CppoType (liftCppoMixin D).
Canonical Structure liftCpoPointedType (D:cpoType) := Eval hnf in @PointedType (D _BOT) (liftCppoMixin D).
Lemma liftFunPointed C (D:pointedType) : Pointed.axiom (@fmon_cte C D PBot).
move => f x. simpl. by apply leastP.
Canonical Structure funOrdPointedMixin C D := PointedMixin (@liftFunPointed C D).
Canonical Structure funOrdPointedType C D := Eval hnf in PointedType (funOrdPointedMixin C D).
Lemma PBot_app D (E:cppoType) : forall d, (PBot:D -=> E) d =-= PBot.
move => d. by simpl.
Lemma PBot_incon (D:cpoType) (x:D) : eta x <= PBot -> False.
move => incon.
inversion incon. subst. clear x H1 incon.
elim: n H0.
- simpl. unfold Pointed.least. simpl. by rewrite -> DL_bot_eq.
- move => n IH. unfold Pointed.least. simpl. by apply IH.
Lemma PBot_incon_eq (D:cpoType) (x:D) : eta x =-= PBot -> False.
intros [incon _].
apply (PBot_incon incon).

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@ -1,885 +0,0 @@
* PredomRec.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Export Categories PredomCore NSetoid.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(** printing T0 %\ensuremath{T_0}% *)
(** printing T1 %\ensuremath{T_1}% *)
(** printing T2 %\ensuremath{T_2}% *)
(** printing T3 %\ensuremath{T_3}% *)
(** printing T4 %\ensuremath{T_4}% *)
(** printing T5 %\ensuremath{T_5}% *)
(** printing T6 %\ensuremath{T_6}% *)
Open Scope C_scope.
(*=Enriched *)
Module BaseCat.
Record mixin_of (O:Type) (M:O -> O -> cppoType) := Mixin
{ catm :> Category.mixin_of M;
terminal :> CatTerminal.mixin_of (Category.Pack catm O);
comp : forall X Y Z : O, M Y Z * M X Y =-> M X Z;
comp_comp : forall X Y Z m m', comp X Y Z (m,m') =-= Category.tcomp catm m m'
}. (*CLEAR*)
Notation class_of := mixin_of (only parsing).
Section ClassDef.
Definition base2 T (M:T -> T -> cppoType) (c:class_of M) := CatTerminal.Class c. (*CLEAR*)
Local Coercion base2 : class_of >-> CatTerminal.class_of.
Structure cat := Pack {object; morph : object -> object -> cppoType ; _ : class_of morph; _ : Type}.
Local Coercion object : cat >-> Sortclass.
Local Coercion morph : cat >-> Funclass.
Definition class cT := let: Pack _ _ c _ := cT return class_of (@morph cT) in c.
Definition unpack (K:forall O (M:O -> O -> cppoType) (c:class_of M), Type)
(k : forall O (M: O -> O -> cppoType) (c : class_of M), K _ _ c) (cT:cat) :=
let: Pack _ M c _ := cT return @K _ _ (class cT) in k _ _ c.
Definition repack cT : _ -> Type -> cat := let k T M c p := p c in unpack k cT.
Definition pack T M c := @Pack T M c T.
Definition terminalCat (cT:cat) : terminalCat := CatTerminal.Pack (class cT) cT.
Definition catType (cT:cat) : catType := Category.Pack (class cT) cT. (*CLEAR*)
Definition ordType (cT:cat) (X Y:cT) : ordType := PreOrd.Pack (CPPO.class (morph X Y)) (cT X Y).
Definition cpoType (cT:cat) (X Y:cT) : cpoType := CPO.Pack (CPPO.class (morph X Y)) (cT X Y).
Definition cppoType (cT:cat) (X Y:cT) : cppoType :=
CPPO.Pack (CPPO.class (morph X Y)) (cT X Y). (*CLEAR*)
Definition pointedType (cT:cat) (X Y:cT) : pointedType := Pointed.Pack (CPPO.class (morph X Y)) (cT X Y).
End ClassDef.
Module Import Exports.
Coercion terminalCat : cat >->
Coercion base2 : class_of >-> CatTerminal.class_of.
Coercion object : cat >-> Sortclass.
Coercion morph : cat >-> Funclass.
Canonical Structure BaseCat.terminalCat.
Canonical Structure BaseCat.catType.
Canonical Structure BaseCat.ordType.
Canonical Structure BaseCat.cpoType.
Canonical Structure BaseCat.pointedType.
Canonical Structure BaseCat.cppoType.
Notation cppoMorph := BaseCat.cppoType. (*CLEAR*)
Notation cppoECat :=
Notation CppoECatMixin := BaseCat.Mixin.
Notation CppoECatType := BaseCat.pack.
End Exports.
End BaseCat. (*CLEAR*)
Export BaseCat.Exports.
(*=End *)
Definition getmorph (C:cppoECat) (X Y : C) (f:CPPO.cpoType (@BaseCat.cppoType C X Y)) : C X Y := f.
Coercion getmorph : cppoECat >-> Funclass.
Definition ccomp (cT:cppoECat) (X Y Z : cT) : cppoMorph Y Z * cppoMorph X Y =-> cppoMorph X Z := BaseCat.comp (BaseCat.class cT) X Y Z.
Lemma ccomp_eq (cT:cppoECat) (X Y Z : cT) (f : cT Y Z) (f' : cT X Y) : ccomp X Y Z (f,f') =-= f << f'.
unfold Category.comp. unfold ccomp. simpl. case:cT X Y Z f f'. simpl.
move => O M. case. simpl.
move => C T comp ce T' X Y Z f g. by apply: ce.
Add Parametric Morphism (M:cppoECat) (X Y Z:M) : (@Category.comp M X Y Z)
with signature (@Ole (cppoMorph Y Z)) ++> (@Ole (cppoMorph X Y)) ++> (@Ole (cppoMorph X Z))
as comp_le_compat.
move => f f' l g g' l'.
have e:= (ccomp_eq f g). have e':=ccomp_eq f' g'. rewrite <- e. rewrite <- e'. apply: fmonotonic.
by split.
Section Msolution.
Variable M:cppoECat.
Open Scope C_scope.
Open Scope S_scope.
(*=BiFunctor *)
Record BiFunctor : Type := mk_functor
{ ob : M -> M -> M ;
morph : forall (T0 T1 T2 T3 : M), (cppoMorph T1 T0) * (cppoMorph T2 T3) =->
(cppoMorph (ob T0 T2) (ob T1 T3)) ;
morph_comp: forall T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 (f:M T4 T1) (g:M T3 T5) (h:M T1 T0)
(k:M T2 T3), getmorph (morph T1 T4 T3 T5 (f,g)) << (morph T0 T1 T2 T3 (h, k)) =-=
morph _ _ _ _ (h << f, g << k) ;
morph_id : forall T0 T1, morph T0 T0 T1 T1 (Id:M _ _, Id:M _ _) =-= (Id : M _ _)}.
(*=End *)
Definition eppair T0 T1 (f:M T0 T1) (g:M T1 T0) :=
g << f =-= Id /\ f << g <= M _.
(*=Tower *)
Record Tower : Type := mk_tower
{ tobjects : nat -> M;
tmorphisms : forall i, (tobjects (S i)) =-> (tobjects i);
tmorphismsI : forall i, (tobjects i) =-> (tobjects (S i));
teppair : forall i, eppair (tmorphismsI i) (tmorphisms i)}.
(*=End *)
(*=Cone *)
Record Cone (To:Tower) : Type := mk_basecone
{ tcone :> M;
mcone : forall i, tcone =-> (tobjects To i);
mconeCom : forall i, tmorphisms To i << mcone (S i) =-= mcone i }.
(*=End *)
Record CoCone (To:Tower) : Type := mk_basecocone
{ tcocone :> M;
mcocone : forall i, (tobjects To i) =-> tcocone;
mcoconeCom : forall i, mcocone (S i) << tmorphismsI To i =-= mcocone i }.
(*=CoLimit *)
Record CoLimit (To:Tower) : Type := mk_basecolimit
{ lcocone :> CoCone To;
colimitExists : forall (A:CoCone To), (tcocone lcocone) =-> (tcocone A) ;
colimitCom : forall (A:CoCone To), forall n, mcocone A n =-= colimitExists A << mcocone lcocone n;
colimitUnique : forall (A:CoCone To) (h: (tcocone lcocone) =-> (tcocone A))
(C:forall n, mcocone A n =-= h << mcocone lcocone n), h =-= colimitExists A }.
(*=End *)
(*=Limit *)
Record Limit (To:Tower) : Type := mk_baselimit
{lcone :> Cone To;
limitExists : forall (A:Cone To), (tcone A) =-> (tcone lcone);
limitCom : forall (A:Cone To), forall n, mcone A n =-= mcone lcone n << limitExists A;
limitUnique : forall (A:Cone To) (h: (tcone A) =-> (tcone lcone))
(C:forall n, mcone A n =-= mcone lcone n << h), h =-= limitExists A }.
Variable L:forall T:Tower, Limit T.
(*=End *)
Section RecursiveDomains.
Variable F : BiFunctor.
Add Parametric Morphism C X Y Z W : (fun (x: Y =-> X) (y: Z =-> W) => @morph C X Y Z W (pair x y))
with signature (@tset_eq _) ==> (@tset_eq _) ==> (@tset_eq _)
as morph_eq_compat.
move => x x' e y y' e'. apply: fmon_stable. by split ; split ;case: e ; case: e'.
Lemma BiFuncRtoR: forall (T0 T1:M) (f: T0 =-> T1) (g: T1 =-> T0), eppair f g ->
eppair (morph F _ _ _ _ (g,f)) (morph F _ _ _ _ (f,g)).
move => A B f g. case => e r. split.
- rewrite -> (morph_comp F f g g f). rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F e e).
by rewrite morph_id.
- rewrite morph_comp. rewrite -> (pair_le_compat r r). by rewrite morph_id.
Section Tower.
Variable DTower : Tower.
Lemma lt_gt_dec n m : (n < m) + (m = n) + (m < n).
case: (ltngtP m n) => e.
- by right.
- left. by left.
- left. by right.
Lemma leqI m n : (m <= n)%N = false -> n <= m.
move => I. have t:=(leq_total m n). rewrite I in t. by apply t.
Lemma lt_subK n m : m < n -> n = (n - m + m)%N.
move => l. apply sym_eq. apply subnK. have x:= (leqnSn m). by apply (leq_trans x l).
(*=Projections *)
Definition Diter_coercion n m : n = m ->
M (tobjects DTower n) (tobjects DTower m) :=
fun e => eq_rect_r (fun n : nat => M (tobjects DTower n) _) Id e.
Fixpoint Projection_nm m (n:nat) :
(tobjects DTower (n+m)) =-> (tobjects DTower m) :=
match n with
| O => Id
| S n => Projection_nm m n << tmorphisms DTower (n+m)%N
Fixpoint Injection_nm m (n:nat) :
(tobjects DTower m) =-> (tobjects DTower (n+m)) :=
match n with
| O => Id
| S n => tmorphismsI DTower (n+m) << Injection_nm m n
Definition t_nm n m : (tobjects DTower n) =-> (tobjects DTower m) :=
match (lt_gt_dec m n) with
| inl (inl ee) =>
(Projection_nm m (n - m)%N) << (Diter_coercion (lt_subK ee))
| inl (inr ee) => Diter_coercion ee
| inr ee => Diter_coercion (sym_eq (lt_subK ee)) << Injection_nm n (m - n)
(*=End *)
Lemma Diter_coercion_simpl: forall n (Eq:n = n), Diter_coercion Eq = Id.
intros n Eq. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance Eq (refl_equal _)).
Lemma Proj_left_comp : forall k m, Projection_nm m (S k) =-=
tmorphisms DTower m << Projection_nm (S m) k << Diter_coercion (sym_eq (addnS k m)).
- move => m. simpl.
rewrite comp_idL. rewrite comp_idR.
rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). by rewrite -> comp_idR.
- move => n IH m. simpl. simpl in IH. rewrite -> IH.
have P:=(sym_eq (addnS n m)). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (addnS n m)) P).
have Q:=(sym_eq (addnS n.+1 m)). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (addnS n.+1 m)) Q).
move: P Q. unfold addn. simpl. fold addn. move => P. generalize P. rewrite P. clear P.
move => P Q. do 2 rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
do 2 rewrite comp_idR. clear P Q. by rewrite comp_assoc.
Lemma Inject_right_comp: forall k m, Injection_nm m (S k) =-=
Diter_coercion (addnS k m) << Injection_nm (S m) k << tmorphismsI DTower m.
- move => m. simpl. do 2 rewrite comp_idR. rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). by rewrite -> comp_idL.
- move => n IH m. simpl. simpl in IH. rewrite -> IH. clear IH.
have P:= (addnS n.+1 m). have Q:=(addnS n m). rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ P).
rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ Q). move: P Q. unfold addn. simpl. fold addn.
move => P Q. generalize P Q. rewrite <- Q. clear P Q. move => P Q. do 2 rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
do 2 rewrite comp_idL. by rewrite comp_assoc.
Lemma Diter_coercion_comp: forall x y z (Eq1:x = y) (Eq2 : y = z),
Diter_coercion Eq2 << Diter_coercion Eq1 =-= Diter_coercion (trans_equal Eq1 Eq2).
intros x y z Eq1. generalize Eq1. rewrite Eq1. clear x Eq1.
intros Eq1 Eq2. generalize Eq2. rewrite <- Eq2. clear Eq2. intros Eq2.
repeat (rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl). by rewrite -> comp_idL.
Lemma Diter_coercion_eq n m (e e': n = m) : Diter_coercion e =-= Diter_coercion e'.
by rewrite (eq_irrelevance e e').
Lemma lt_gt_dec_lt n m : n < m -> exists e, lt_gt_dec n m = inl _ (inl _ e).
move => e. case_eq (lt_gt_dec n m) ; first case.
- move => i _. by exists i.
- move => f. rewrite f in e. by rewrite ltnn in e.
- move => f. have a:=leq_trans (leqnSn _) f. have Ff:=leq_ltn_trans a e. by rewrite ltnn in Ff.
Lemma lt_gt_dec_gt n m : m < n -> exists e, lt_gt_dec n m = (inr _ e).
move => e. case_eq (lt_gt_dec n m) ; first case.
- move => i _. have a:=leq_trans (leqnSn _) i. have Ff:=leq_ltn_trans a e. by rewrite ltnn in Ff.
- move => f. rewrite f in e. by rewrite ltnn in e.
- move => i _. by exists i.
Lemma lt_gt_dec_eq n m : forall e : m = n, lt_gt_dec n m = (inl _ (inr _ e)).
move => e ; generalize e ; rewrite e. clear e m => e.
case_eq (lt_gt_dec n n) ; first case.
- move => i _. have f:=i. by rewrite ltnn in f.
- move => f _. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance e f).
- move => i _. have f:=i. by rewrite ltnn in f.
Lemma t_nmProjection: forall n m, t_nm n m =-= tmorphisms DTower m << t_nm n (S m).
move => n m. unfold t_nm. case (lt_gt_dec m n) ; first case.
- case (lt_gt_dec m.+1 n) ; first case.
+ move => l l'. rewrite comp_assoc.
have X:=Proj_left_comp (n - m.+1) m. have XX:= addnS (n - m.+1) m.
have Y:=comp_eq_compat X (tset_refl (Diter_coercion XX)).
repeat (rewrite <- comp_assoc in Y). rewrite -> Diter_coercion_comp in Y.
rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl in Y. rewrite -> comp_idR in Y. rewrite <- Y.
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite Diter_coercion_comp.
have P:=(trans_equal (lt_subK l) XX). have Q:=(lt_subK l').
rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ P). rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ Q).
generalize P. have e:= (ltn_subS l'). have ee:(n - m).-1 = (n - m.+1). by rewrite e.
rewrite <- ee. clear ee e P. have e:0 < n - m. rewrite <- ltn_add_sub. by rewrite addn0.
move => P. have PP:n = ((n - m).-1.+1 + m)%N. rewrite (ltn_predK e). apply Q.
rewrite (eq_irrelevance P PP). move: PP. rewrite (ltn_predK e). clear. move => PP.
by rewrite (eq_irrelevance Q PP).
+ move => e. generalize e. rewrite e. clear n e. move => e i. have x:= subSnn m.
have a:=(lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) i). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) i) a).
move: a. rewrite x. clear x. move => a. rewrite (eq_irrelevance e a). simpl. by rewrite comp_idL.
+ move => i j. have Ff:=leq_trans i j. by rewrite ltnn in Ff.
- move => e. generalize e. rewrite e. clear n e. move => e. destruct (lt_gt_dec_gt (leqnn (S m))) as [p A].
rewrite A. clear A.
have ee:=subSnn m. have x:=(sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) p)).
rewrite <- (eq_irrelevance x (sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) p))). move: x. rewrite ee. simpl.
move => x. do 2 rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite comp_idL. rewrite comp_idR.
unfold addn. simpl. by rewrite -> (proj1 (teppair DTower m)).
- move => i. have l:=leq_trans i (leqnSn m). destruct (lt_gt_dec_gt l) as [p A]. rewrite A. clear A l.
have x:=(sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=n) p)). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=n) p)) x).
move: x. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. simpl. move => x. do 2 rewrite comp_assoc.
refine (comp_eq_compat _ (tset_refl (Injection_nm n (m-n)))). have y:=(sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m) (m:=n) i)).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (lt_subK (n:=m) (m:=n) i)) y). have a:=(trans_eq (sym_eq (addSn _ _)) x).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance x a).
apply tset_trans with (y:=(tmorphisms DTower m << Diter_coercion a) << tmorphismsI DTower (m - n + n)) ; last by [].
move: a. generalize y. rewrite -> y. clear. move => y a. do 2 rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
rewrite comp_idR. by rewrite (proj1 (teppair DTower m)).
Lemma t_nn_ID: forall n, t_nm n n =-= Id.
intros n.
unfold t_nm. rewrite (lt_gt_dec_eq (refl_equal n)). by rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
Lemma t_nmProjection2 n m : (m <= n) % nat -> t_nm (S n) m =-= (t_nm n m) << tmorphisms DTower n.
move => nm.
assert (exists x, n - m = x) as X by (exists (n - m) ; auto).
destruct X as [x X]. elim: x n m X nm.
- move => n m E EE. have e:=eqn_leq n m. rewrite EE in e. have l:(n <= m)%N. unfold leq. by rewrite E.
rewrite l in e. have ee:=eqP e. rewrite ee. rewrite t_nn_ID. rewrite comp_idL.
rewrite -> t_nmProjection. rewrite t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idR.
- move => nm IH. case ; first by []. move => n m e l. have ll:n.+1 - m > 0 by rewrite e. rewrite subn_gt0 in ll.
rewrite leq_subS in e ; last by []. specialize (IH n m). have ee: n - m = nm by auto.
rewrite -> (IH ee ll).
clear IH. have l0:=leq_trans ll (leqnSn _). destruct (lt_gt_dec_lt l0) as [p A].
unfold t_nm. rewrite A. clear A. case_eq (lt_gt_dec m n) ; first case.
+ move => p' _. have x:=(lt_subK (n:=n.+2) (m:=m) p). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=n.+2) (m:=m) p) x).
move: x. have x:n.+2 - m = (n-m).+2. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. rewrite leq_subS ; by [].
rewrite x. clear x. move => x. simpl. do 4 rewrite <- comp_assoc.
refine (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (Projection_nm m _)) _).
have x':=(lt_subK (n:=n) (m:=m) p'). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=n) (m:=m) p') x').
have x1:((n - m).+2 + m)%N = ((n - m) + m).+2 by [].
have x2:=trans_eq x x1.
apply tset_trans with (y:=tmorphisms DTower (n - m + m) << (tmorphisms DTower (S(n - m + m)) << Diter_coercion x2)) ;
first by simpl ; rewrite (eq_irrelevance x2 x).
move: x2. generalize x' ; rewrite <- x'. clear x' x x1 p p'. move => x x'. do 2 rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl).
rewrite comp_idR. by rewrite -> comp_idL.
+ move => e'. generalize e'. move: p. rewrite e'. clear e' n l ll e l0 ee. move => p e _.
rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite comp_idL.
have x:=(lt_subK (n:=m.+2) (m:=m) p).
have ee:(m.+2 - m) = (m - m).+2. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. rewrite leq_subS ; by [].
rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=m.+2) (m:=m) p) x). generalize x. rewrite ee. clear ee. rewrite subnn.
move => xx. clear x e p. simpl. rewrite comp_idL.
rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). by rewrite -> comp_idR.
+ move => f. have lx:=leq_trans f ll. by rewrite ltnn in lx.
Lemma t_nmEmbedding: forall n i, t_nm n i =-= (t_nm (S n) i) << tmorphismsI DTower n.
intros n m. unfold t_nm. case (lt_gt_dec m n) ; first case.
- move => i. have l:=leq_trans i (leqnSn _). destruct (lt_gt_dec_lt l) as [p A]. rewrite A. clear A l.
have x:=((lt_subK p)). rewrite (eq_irrelevance ((lt_subK p)) x).
move: x. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. simpl. move => x. do 2 rewrite <- comp_assoc.
refine (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (Projection_nm _ _)) _). have y:=((lt_subK i)).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance ((lt_subK i)) y). have a:=(trans_eq x ((addSn _ _))).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance x a).
apply tset_trans with (y:=tmorphisms DTower (n - m + m) << (Diter_coercion a << tmorphismsI DTower n)) ; last by [].
move: a. generalize y. rewrite <- y. clear. move => y a. do 2 rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl.
rewrite comp_idL. by rewrite <- (proj1 (teppair DTower n)).
- move => e. generalize e. rewrite e. clear n e. move => e. destruct (lt_gt_dec_lt (leqnn (S m))) as [p A].
rewrite A. clear A.
have ee:=subSnn m. have x:=((lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) p)).
rewrite <- (eq_irrelevance x ((lt_subK (n:=m.+1) (m:=m) p))). move: x. rewrite ee. simpl.
move => x. do 2 rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite comp_idR. rewrite comp_idL.
by rewrite -> (proj1 (teppair DTower m)).
- case (lt_gt_dec m n.+1) ; first case.
+ move => i j. have Ff:=leq_trans i j. by rewrite ltnn in Ff.
+ move => e. generalize e. rewrite <- e. clear m e. move => e i. have x:= subSnn n.
have a:=(lt_subK i). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK i) a).
move: a. rewrite x. clear x. move => a. rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq a) e).
simpl. by rewrite comp_idR.
+ move => l l'. rewrite <- comp_assoc. have X:=Inject_right_comp (m - n.+1) n. have XX:= sym_eq (addnS (m - n.+1) n).
have Y:=comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (Diter_coercion XX)) X. rewrite -> comp_assoc in Y.
rewrite -> (comp_assoc (Injection_nm _ _)) in Y. rewrite -> Diter_coercion_comp in Y.
rewrite Diter_coercion_simpl in Y. rewrite -> comp_idL in Y. rewrite <- Y.
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite Diter_coercion_comp.
have ee:=(trans_equal XX (sym_eq (lt_subK l))). rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ ee).
clear XX X Y. have e:m - n.+1 = (m - n).-1. by rewrite (ltn_subS l').
move: ee. rewrite -> e. have ll:0 < (m - n). rewrite <- ltn_add_sub. by rewrite addn0.
move => Q.
have PP:((m - n).-1.+1 + n)%N = m. rewrite -> (ltn_predK ll). by rewrite (sym_eq (lt_subK l')).
rewrite (eq_irrelevance Q PP). move: PP. have P:=(sym_eq (lt_subK l')). rewrite -> (eq_irrelevance _ P).
move: P. clear Q. clear e. move => P Q. move: P. rewrite -{1 2 3 4} (ltn_predK ll).
move => P. by rewrite (eq_irrelevance P Q).
Lemma t_nmEmbedding2: forall n m, (n <= m) % nat -> t_nm n (S m) =-= tmorphismsI DTower m << t_nm n m.
move => n m nm.
assert (exists x, m - n = x) as X by (eexists ; apply refl_equal).
destruct X as [x X]. elim: x n m X nm.
- move => n m E EE. have e:=eqn_leq n m. rewrite EE in e. have l:(m <= n)%N. unfold leq. by rewrite E.
rewrite l in e. have ee:=eqP e. rewrite ee. rewrite -> t_nn_ID. rewrite comp_idR.
rewrite -> t_nmEmbedding. rewrite t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idL.
- move => nm IH. move => n. case ; first by []. move => m e l. have ll:m.+1 - n > 0 by rewrite e. rewrite subn_gt0 in ll.
rewrite leq_subS in e ; last by []. specialize (IH n m). have ee:m - n = nm by auto.
rewrite (IH ee ll). clear IH. have l0:=leq_trans ll (leqnSn _). destruct (lt_gt_dec_gt l0) as [p A].
unfold t_nm. rewrite A. clear A. case_eq (lt_gt_dec m n) ; first case.
+ move => f. have lx:=leq_trans f ll. by rewrite ltnn in lx.
+ move => e'. generalize e'. move: p. rewrite e'. clear e' n l ll e l0 ee. move => p e _.
rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite comp_idR. have x:=(lt_subK p).
have ee:(m.+2 - m) = (m - m).+2. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. rewrite leq_subS ; by [].
rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK (n:=m.+2) (m:=m) p) x). generalize x. rewrite ee. clear ee. rewrite subnn.
move => xx. clear x e p. simpl. rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl). rewrite -> comp_idL. by rewrite comp_idR.
+ move => p' _. have x:=(lt_subK p). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (lt_subK p) x).
move: x. have x:m.+2 - n = (m-n).+2. rewrite leq_subS ; last by []. rewrite leq_subS ; by [].
rewrite x. clear x. move => x. simpl. do 4 rewrite -> comp_assoc. refine (comp_eq_compat _ (tset_refl (Injection_nm _ _))).
have x':=sym_eq(lt_subK p'). rewrite (eq_irrelevance (sym_eq (lt_subK _)) x').
have x1:((m - n).+2 + n)%N = ((m - n) + n).+2 by [].
have x2:=sym_eq (trans_eq x x1).
apply tset_trans with (y:=(Diter_coercion x2 << tmorphismsI DTower (S (m - n + n))) << tmorphismsI DTower ((m - n + n))) ;
first by simpl ; rewrite (eq_irrelevance x2 (sym_eq x)).
move: x2. generalize x' ; rewrite x'. clear x' x x1 p p'. move => x x'. do 2 rewrite (Diter_coercion_simpl).
rewrite -> comp_idR. by rewrite comp_idL.
Lemma t_nm_EP i n : (i <= n)%N -> eppair (t_nm i n) (t_nm n i).
have e:exists x, x == n - i by eexists.
case: e => x e. elim: x i n e.
- move => i n e l. have ee:i = n. apply anti_leq. rewrite l. simpl. unfold leq. by rewrite <- (eqP e).
rewrite -> ee. split.
+ rewrite t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idL.
+ apply Oeq_le. rewrite t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idL.
- move => x IH i. case ; first by rewrite sub0n.
move => n e l. have ll:(i <= n)%N. have aa:0 < n.+1 - i. by rewrite <- (eqP e). rewrite subn_gt0 in aa. by apply aa.
clear l. specialize (IH i n). rewrite (leq_subS ll) in e. specialize (IH e ll). split.
+ rewrite (t_nmProjection2 ll). rewrite -> (t_nmEmbedding2 ll). rewrite comp_assoc.
rewrite <- (comp_assoc (tmorphismsI _ _)). rewrite (proj1 (teppair DTower n)). rewrite comp_idR. by apply (proj1 IH).
+ rewrite -> (t_nmEmbedding2 ll). rewrite (t_nmProjection2 ll).
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (t_nm n i)).
rewrite -> (comp_le_compat (comp_le_compat (Ole_refl _) (proj2 IH)) (Ole_refl _)).
rewrite comp_idR. by rewrite -> (proj2 (teppair DTower n)).
Definition coneN (n:nat) : Cone DTower.
exists (tobjects DTower n) (t_nm n).
move => m. simpl. by rewrite ->(t_nmProjection n m).
Lemma coneCom_l (X:Cone DTower) n i : (i <= n)%nat -> mcone X i =-= t_nm n i << mcone X n.
move => l.
assert (exists x, n - i = x) as E by (eexists ; auto).
destruct E as [x E]. elim: x n i l E.
- move => n i l E. have A:=@anti_leq n i. rewrite l in A. unfold leq in A. rewrite E in A.
rewrite andbT in A. specialize (A (eqtype.eq_refl _)). rewrite A. clear l E A n.
rewrite t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idL.
- move => x IH n i l E. rewrite -> (comp_eq_compat (t_nmProjection n i) (tset_refl _)).
rewrite <- comp_assoc. specialize (IH n i.+1). have l0:i < n by rewrite <- subn_gt0 ; rewrite E.
have ee:n - i.+1 = x. have Y:= subn_gt0 i n. rewrite E in Y. rewrite ltn_subS in E ; first by auto. by rewrite <- Y.
specialize (IH l0 ee). rewrite <- IH.
by rewrite -> (mconeCom X i).
Lemma coconeCom_l (X:CoCone DTower) n i : (n <= i)%nat -> mcocone X n =-= mcocone X i << (t_nm n i).
move => l.
assert (exists x, i - n = x) as E by (eexists ; auto).
destruct E as [x E]. elim: x n i l E.
- move => n i l E. have A:=@anti_leq n i. rewrite l in A. unfold leq in A. rewrite E in A.
specialize (A is_true_true). rewrite A. rewrite -> t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idR.
- move => x IH n i l E. rewrite -> t_nmEmbedding.
rewrite -> comp_assoc. specialize (IH n.+1 i).
have ll:n < i by rewrite <- subn_gt0 ; rewrite E.
have ee:i - n.+1 = x by have Y:= subn_gt0 n i ; rewrite E in Y ;
rewrite ltn_subS in E ; try rewrite <- Y ; by auto.
rewrite <- (IH ll ee). by apply (tset_sym (mcoconeCom X n)).
Lemma chainPEm (C:CoCone DTower) (C':Cone DTower) : monotonic (fun n => (mcocone C n << mcone C' n) : cppoMorph _ _).
move => i j l.
have E:exists x, j - i = x by exists (j - i).
case: E l => x. elim: x i j.
- move => i j e l. have l':(j <= i)%N. unfold leq. by rewrite e.
have ee: j <= i <= j. rewrite l'. by apply l.
by rewrite (anti_leq ee).
- move => x IH i. case ; first by rewrite sub0n.
move => j l _. specialize (IH i.+1 j.+1). rewrite subSS in IH. rewrite <- IH.
+ have EE:= comp_eq_compat (mcoconeCom C i) (mconeCom C' i).
rewrite <- comp_assoc in EE. rewrite -> (comp_assoc (mcone C' _)) in EE.
have ll:= (proj2 (teppair DTower i)).
rewrite -> (proj2 EE).
apply: comp_le_compat ; first by [].
rewrite -> (comp_le_compat ll (Ole_refl _)). by rewrite comp_idL.
+ clear IH. have ll:(i < j.+1)%N. rewrite <- subn_gt0. by rewrite l.
rewrite (@leq_subS i j ll) in l. by auto.
+ have ll:(i < j.+1)%N. rewrite <- subn_gt0. by rewrite l. by apply ll.
Definition chainPE (C:CoCone DTower) (C':Cone DTower) : natO =-> cppoMorph _ _ := mk_fmono (@chainPEm C C').
End Tower.
(*=Diter *)
Fixpoint Diter (n:nat) :=
match n return M with | O => One | S n => ob F (Diter n) (Diter n) end.
Fixpoint Injection (n:nat) : (Diter n) =-> (Diter (S n)) :=
match n with
| O => PBot
| S n => morph F _ _ _ _ (Projection n, Injection n)
end with Projection (n:nat) : (Diter (S n)) =-> (Diter n) :=
match n with
| O => terminal_morph _
| S n => morph F _ _ _ _ (Injection n,Projection n)
Variable comp_left_strict : forall (X Y Z:M) (f:M X Y),
(PBot:Y =-> Z) << f =-= (PBot:X =-> Z).
Lemma eppair_IP: forall n, eppair (Injection n) (Projection n).
(*=End *)
- split ; first by apply:terminal_unique.
simpl. rewrite -> (comp_left_strict _ (terminal_morph _)). by apply: leastP.
- move => n IH. split.
+ simpl. rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Injection n) (Projection n) (Projection n) (Injection n)).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (proj1 IH) (proj1 IH)). by rewrite morph_id.
+ simpl. rewrite morph_comp.
rewrite -> (pair_le_compat (proj2 IH) (proj2 IH)). by rewrite morph_id.
(*=DTower *)
Definition DTower := mk_tower eppair_IP.
(*=End *)
(*=DInf *)
Definition DInf : M := tcone (L DTower).
(*=End *)
Definition Embeddings n : (tobjects DTower n) =-> DInf := limitExists (L DTower) (coneN DTower n).
Definition Projections n : DInf =-> Diter n := mcone (L DTower) n.
Lemma coCom i : Embeddings i.+1 << Injection i =-= Embeddings i.
unfold Embeddings.
rewrite -> (limitUnique (h:=(Embeddings (S i) << Injection _ : (tcone (coneN DTower i)) =-> DInf))) ; first by [].
move => m. simpl. unfold Embeddings. rewrite -> comp_assoc. have e:= (limitCom (L DTower) (coneN DTower i.+1) m).
simpl in e. rewrite <- e. by rewrite -> (t_nmEmbedding DTower).
Definition DCoCone : CoCone DTower := @mk_basecocone _ DInf Embeddings coCom.
Lemma retract_EP n : Projections n << Embeddings n =-= Id.
unfold eppair.
unfold Projections. unfold Embeddings.
- rewrite <- (limitCom (L DTower) (coneN DTower n) n). simpl. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
Lemma emp: forall i j, Projections i << Embeddings j =-= t_nm DTower j i.
intros i j. have A:= leq_total i j. case_eq (i <= j)%N ; move => X ; rewrite X in A.
- unfold Projections. rewrite -> (comp_eq_compat (coneCom_l (L DTower) X) (tset_refl _)).
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite -> (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl _) (retract_EP j)). by rewrite -> comp_idR.
- simpl in A. have e:= (coconeCom_l DCoCone A). simpl in e. rewrite -> e.
rewrite -> comp_assoc. rewrite -> (retract_EP i). by rewrite comp_idL.
Definition chainPEc (C:CoCone DTower) : natO =-> (cppoMorph DInf (tcocone C)) := chainPE C (L DTower).
Lemma lub_comp_left (X Y:M) (f:X =-> Y) Z (c:natO =-> cppoMorph Y Z) :
(lub c:M _ _) << f =-= lub ( (exp_fun (ccomp _ _ _ << <|pi2,pi1|>) f:ordCatType _ _) << c).
rewrite <- (ccomp_eq (lub c) f). by rewrite <- (lub_comp_eq _ c).
Lemma lub_comp_right (Y Z:M) (f:Y =-> Z) X (c:natO =-> cppoMorph X Y) :
f << lub c =-= lub ( (exp_fun (ccomp _ _ _) f:ordCatType _ _) << c).
rewrite <- (ccomp_eq f (lub c)). by rewrite <- lub_comp_eq.
Lemma lub_comp_both (X Y Z:M) (c:natO =-> cppoMorph X Y) (c':natO =-> cppoMorph Y Z) :
(lub c':M _ _) << lub c =-= lub ((ccomp _ _ _ : ordCatType _ _) << <|c', c|>).
rewrite <- lub_comp_eq.
rewrite {3} /lub. simpl. unfold prod_lub. rewrite prod_fun_fst. rewrite prod_fun_snd.
by rewrite -> ccomp_eq.
Lemma EP_id : (lub (chainPEc DCoCone) : M _ _) =-= Id.
rewrite <- (tset_sym (@limitUnique _ (L DTower) (L DTower) Id (fun n => tset_sym (comp_idR _)))).
apply: limitUnique. move => n. rewrite -> lub_comp_right.
rewrite -> (lub_lift_left _ n). apply: Ole_antisym. rewrite <- (le_lub _ O). simpl. rewrite addn0.
have e:= comp_eq_compat (retract_EP n) (tset_refl (mcone (L DTower) n)).
rewrite -> comp_idL in e. unfold Projections in e. rewrite <- comp_assoc in e.
rewrite ccomp_eq. by rewrite e.
apply: lub_le. move => i. simpl. rewrite ccomp_eq. rewrite -> comp_assoc.
rewrite -> (emp n (n+i)). by rewrite (coneCom_l _ (leq_addr i n)).
Lemma chainPE_simpl X n : chainPEc X n = mcocone X n << Projections n.
by [].
Definition DCoLimit : CoLimit DTower.
exists DCoCone (fun C => lub (chainPEc C)).
- move => C n. simpl. rewrite -> lub_comp_left. apply Ole_antisym.
+ apply: (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ n)).
simpl. rewrite -> ccomp_eq.
have e:= comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (mcocone C n)) (emp n n). rewrite -> t_nn_ID in e.
rewrite -> comp_idR in e. rewrite -> comp_assoc in e. by rewrite -> e.
+ rewrite -> (lub_lift_left _ n). apply: lub_le => k.
simpl. rewrite -> ccomp_eq.
have e:=comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (mcocone C (n+k))) (emp (n+k) n). rewrite -> comp_assoc in e.
rewrite <- (coconeCom_l C (leq_addr k n)) in e. by rewrite e.
- move => C h X. rewrite <- (comp_idR h). rewrite <- (EP_id).
apply tset_trans with (y:=exp_fun (ccomp _ _ _) h (lub (chainPEc DCoCone))) ; first by apply: (tset_sym (ccomp_eq _ _)).
rewrite -> (@lub_comp_eq _ _ ( (exp_fun (ccomp _ _ _) h)) (chainPEc DCoCone)).
apply: lub_eq_compat. apply fmon_eq_intro => n. simpl. specialize (X n).
rewrite ccomp_eq.
rewrite comp_assoc. by rewrite <- X.
Definition ECoCone : CoCone DTower.
exists (ob F DInf DInf) (fun i => (morph F _ _ _ _ (Projections i, Embeddings i):M _ _) << Injection i).
move => i. simpl. rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Projections i.+1) (Embeddings i.+1) (Projection i) (Injection i)).
by rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (mconeCom (L DTower) i) (mcoconeCom DCoCone i)).
Definition FCone : Cone DTower.
exists (ob F DInf DInf) (fun n => Projection n << morph F _ _ _ _ (Embeddings n, Projections n)).
move => i. refine (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl _) _). unfold Projections.
rewrite <- (morph_eq_compat F (coCom i) (mconeCom (L DTower) i)). simpl.
apply: morph_comp.
Definition chainFPE (C:CoCone DTower) := chainPE C FCone.
Lemma subS_leq j i m : j.+1 - i == m.+1 -> i <= j.
move => X. have a:=subn_gt0 i (j.+1). have x:=ltn0Sn m.
rewrite <- (eqP X) in x. rewrite a in x. by [].
Lemma morph_tnm n m : morph F _ _ _ _ (t_nm DTower m n, t_nm DTower n m) =-= t_nm DTower n.+1 m.+1.
have t:= (leq_total n m). case_eq (n <= m)%N ; move => l ; rewrite l in t.
clear t. have M':exists x, m - n == x by eexists ; by []. destruct M' as [x M'].
elim: x m n l M'.
- move => j i l e. rewrite subn_eq0 in e.
have A:= @anti_leq i j. rewrite l in A. rewrite e in A. specialize (A is_true_true).
rewrite A. rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (t_nn_ID DTower j) (t_nn_ID DTower j)).
rewrite -> morph_id. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
- move => m IH. case.
+ move=> i l e. rewrite leqn0 in l. have ee:=eqP l. rewrite ee.
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (t_nn_ID DTower O) (t_nn_ID DTower O)).
rewrite -> morph_id. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
+ move => j i e l. specialize (IH j i). have l':=l. have l0:=subS_leq l'. rewrite (leq_subS l0) in l.
specialize (IH l0 l). clear l l' e.
have e:= morph_eq_compat F (t_nmProjection2 DTower l0) (t_nmEmbedding2 DTower l0).
rewrite <- morph_comp in e. rewrite -> e. rewrite -> IH. clear e.
have a:= (tset_sym (t_nmEmbedding2 DTower _)).
specialize (a i.+1 j.+1 l0). by apply a.
simpl in t. clear l.
have M':exists x, n - m == x by eexists ; by []. destruct M' as [x M'].
elim: x m n t M'.
- move => j i l e. rewrite subn_eq0 in e.
have A:= @anti_leq i j. rewrite l in A. rewrite e in A. specialize (A is_true_true).
rewrite A. rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (t_nn_ID DTower j) (t_nn_ID DTower j)).
rewrite -> morph_id. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
- move => m IH i. case.
+ move=> l e. rewrite leqn0 in l. have ee:=eqP l. rewrite ee.
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (t_nn_ID DTower O) (t_nn_ID DTower O)).
rewrite -> morph_id. by rewrite -> t_nn_ID.
+ move => j e l. specialize (IH i j). have l':=l. have l0:=subS_leq l'. rewrite (leq_subS l0) in l.
specialize (IH l0 l). clear l l' e.
have e:= morph_eq_compat F (t_nmEmbedding2 DTower l0) (t_nmProjection2 DTower l0).
rewrite <-morph_comp in e. rewrite -> e. simpl. rewrite -> IH.
clear e. have a:= (tset_sym (t_nmProjection2 DTower _)).
specialize (a j.+1 i.+1 l0). by apply a.
Lemma ECoLCom : forall (A : CoCone DTower) (n : nat),
mcocone A n =-= (lub (chainFPE A):M _ _) << mcocone ECoCone n.
move => C n. simpl.
rewrite -> lub_comp_left. apply Ole_antisym.
* rewrite <- (le_lub _ n). simpl. rewrite -> ccomp_eq. do 2 rewrite comp_assoc.
rewrite <- (comp_assoc (morph F _ _ _ _ _ : M _ _)).
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Embeddings n) (Projections n) (Projections n) (Embeddings n)).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (tset_trans (emp n n) (t_nn_ID _ _))
(tset_trans (emp n n) (t_nn_ID _ _))).
rewrite -> morph_id. rewrite comp_idR. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite -> (proj1 (teppair DTower n)).
by rewrite comp_idR.
* rewrite -> (lub_lift_left _ n). apply: lub_le => k. simpl. apply Oeq_le.
rewrite -> ccomp_eq. do 2 rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (morph F _ _ _ _ _:M _ _)).
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Embeddings (n+k)) (Projections (n+k)) (Projections n) (Embeddings n)).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (emp n (n+k)) (emp (n+k) n)).
rewrite morph_tnm. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite <- (t_nmEmbedding DTower n (n+k).+1).
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite <- (t_nmProjection DTower n (n+k)).
by rewrite <- (coconeCom_l C (leq_addr k n)).
Open Scope D_scope.
Open Scope C_scope.
Lemma pair_lub (D E:cpoType) (c:natO =-> D) (c':natO =-> E) : @tset_eq (CPO.setoidType _) (lub c,lub c') (lub (<|c,c'|>)).
rewrite {3} /lub. simpl. unfold prod_lub.
split ; split ; simpl ; apply lub_le_compat ; apply Oeq_le ; try (by rewrite prod_fun_fst) ; by rewrite prod_fun_snd.
Lemma CoLimitUnique : forall (A : CoCone DTower) h,
(forall n : nat, mcocone A n =-= h << mcocone ECoCone n) ->
h =-= lub (chainFPE A).
move => C h X. rewrite <- (comp_idR h).
have a:= morph_eq_compat F EP_id EP_id. rewrite -> morph_id in a.
rewrite <- a. clear a.
have b:= (pair_lub (chainPEc DCoCone) (chainPEc DCoCone)).
have S:= (fmon_stable (morph F _ _ _ _) b). rewrite -> (Oeq_trans S (lub_comp_eq _ _)).
clear b S. rewrite -> lub_comp_right. rewrite -> (lub_lift_left (chainFPE C) 1).
apply: lub_eq_compat. apply fmon_eq_intro => n. simpl.
rewrite -> (ccomp_eq h (morph F _ _ _ _ (Embeddings n << mcone (L DTower) n,
Embeddings n << mcone (L DTower) n))).
specialize (X n.+1). simpl in X.
rewrite -> X. rewrite (morph_comp F (Projections n.+1) (Embeddings n.+1) (Projection n) (Injection n)).
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Injection n) (Projection n) (Embeddings (1 + n)) (Projections (1 + n))).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (mconeCom (L DTower) n) (mcoconeCom DCoCone n)).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (mcoconeCom DCoCone n) (mconeCom (L DTower) n)).
rewrite <- comp_assoc.
by rewrite -> (morph_comp F (mcone (L DTower) n) (mcocone DCoCone n) (mcocone DCoCone n) (mcone (L DTower) n)).
Definition ECoLimit : CoLimit DTower.
exists ECoCone (fun C => lub (chainFPE C)).
by apply ECoLCom.
by apply CoLimitUnique.
(*=Iso *)
Definition Fold : (ob F DInf DInf) =-> DInf := (* ... *) (*CLEAR*) colimitExists ECoLimit DCoCone. (*CLEARED*)
Definition Unfold : DInf =-> (ob F DInf DInf) := (*CLEAR*) colimitExists DCoLimit ECoCone. (*CLEARED*)
Lemma FU_id : Fold << Unfold =-= Id. Proof.
apply tset_trans with (y:=colimitExists DCoLimit DCoLimit).
- refine (@colimitUnique _ DCoLimit DCoLimit _ _). move => i. unfold Fold. unfold Unfold.
simpl. rewrite -> lub_comp_both. rewrite -> lub_comp_left. apply Ole_antisym.
* apply: (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ i)).
simpl. apply Oeq_le. rewrite ccomp_eq. rewrite ccomp_eq.
do 3 rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (morph F _ _ _ _ _ :M _ _)).
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Embeddings i) (Projections i) (Projections i) (Embeddings i)).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (tset_trans (emp i i) (t_nn_ID _ _)) (tset_trans (emp i i) (t_nn_ID _ _))).
rewrite -> morph_id. rewrite comp_idR. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (Injection i)).
rewrite -> (proj1 (teppair DTower i)). rewrite comp_idR. rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite -> (emp i i). rewrite t_nn_ID. by rewrite comp_idR.
* rewrite -> (lub_lift_left _ i). apply: lub_le => k. simpl.
apply Oeq_le. rewrite -> ccomp_eq. rewrite ccomp_eq.
do 3 rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (morph F _ _ _ _ _:M _ _)).
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Embeddings (i + k)) (Projections (i + k)) (Projections (i + k)) (Embeddings (i + k))).
rewrite (morph_eq_compat F (tset_trans (emp _ _) (t_nn_ID _ _)) (tset_trans (emp _ _) (t_nn_ID _ _))).
rewrite -> morph_id. rewrite comp_idR. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (Injection (i+k))).
rewrite -> (proj1 (teppair DTower (i+k))). rewrite comp_idR. rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite -> (emp (i+k) (i)).
by apply (tset_sym (@coconeCom_l DTower DCoCone _ _ (leq_addr k i))).
- apply tset_sym. apply: (@colimitUnique _ DCoLimit DCoLimit _ _). move => n. simpl. by rewrite -> comp_idL.
Lemma UF_id : Unfold << Fold =-= Id.
apply tset_trans with (y:=colimitExists ECoLimit ECoLimit).
- apply (@colimitUnique _ ECoLimit ECoLimit). move => i. unfold Fold. unfold Unfold.
simpl. rewrite -> lub_comp_both. rewrite -> lub_comp_left. apply Ole_antisym.
* apply: (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ i)).
apply Oeq_le. simpl. do 2 rewrite -> ccomp_eq. simpl.
do 3 rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (Embeddings i)).
rewrite (emp i i). rewrite t_nn_ID. rewrite comp_idR.
rewrite <- (comp_assoc (morph F _ _ _ _ _:M _ _)).
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Embeddings i) (Projections i)(Projections i) (Embeddings i)).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (tset_trans (emp i i) (t_nn_ID _ _)) (tset_trans (emp i i) (t_nn_ID _ _))).
rewrite -> morph_id. rewrite comp_idR. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (Injection i)).
rewrite -> (proj1 (teppair DTower i)). by rewrite comp_idR.
* rewrite -> (lub_lift_left _ i). apply: lub_le => k. simpl.
apply Oeq_le. do 2 rewrite ccomp_eq.
do 3 rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (Embeddings (i+k))).
rewrite (emp _ _). rewrite t_nn_ID. rewrite comp_idR.
rewrite <- (comp_assoc (morph F _ _ _ _ _:M _ _)).
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Embeddings (i + k)) (Projections (i + k)) (Projections i) (Embeddings i)).
rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (emp i (i+k)) (emp (i+k) i)).
rewrite -> morph_tnm. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite <- (t_nmEmbedding DTower i (i + k).+1).
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite <- (t_nmProjection DTower i (i+k)). rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite <- (t_nmEmbedding2 DTower (leq_addr k i)). rewrite t_nmEmbedding. rewrite comp_assoc.
rewrite <- morph_tnm.
rewrite -> (morph_comp F (Projections (i+k)) (Embeddings (i+k)) (t_nm DTower (i+k) i) (t_nm DTower i (i+k))).
by rewrite <- (morph_eq_compat F (@coneCom_l DTower (L DTower) _ _ (leq_addr k i)) (@coconeCom_l DTower DCoCone _ _ (leq_addr k i))).
- apply tset_sym. apply (@colimitUnique _ ECoLimit ECoLimit). move => n. by rewrite -> comp_idL.
(*=End *)
Add Parametric Morphism C X Y Z W : (@morph C X Y Z W)
with signature (@Ole ((cppoMorph Y X) * (cppoMorph Z W))) ==> (@Ole _)
as morph_le_compat.
case => x x'. case => y y' e.
by apply: fmonotonic.
Lemma delta_mon : monotonic (fun e => Fold << morph F _ _ _ _ (e,e) << Unfold).
move => e e' X. simpl.
by apply: (comp_le_compat (comp_le_compat (Ole_refl _) (morph_le_compat F (pair_le_compat X X))) (Ole_refl _)).
Definition deltat : ordCatType (cppoMorph DInf DInf) (cppoMorph DInf DInf) := Eval hnf in mk_fmono delta_mon.
Lemma comp_lub_eq (D0 D1 D2 :M) (f:D1 =-> D2) (c:natO =-> cppoMorph D0 D1) :
f << lub c =-= lub ((exp_fun (ccomp D0 D1 D2) f : ordCatType _ _) << c).
have a:=@lub_comp_eq _ _ ( (exp_fun (ccomp _ _ _) f)).
specialize (a D0 c). simpl in a. rewrite <- a. by rewrite ccomp_eq.
Lemma lub_comp (D0 D1 D2 : M) (f:D0 =-> D1) (c:natO =-> cppoMorph D1 D2) :
(lub c : M _ _) << f =-= lub ((exp_fun (ccomp D0 D1 D2 << <|pi2,pi1|>) f : ordCatType _ _) << c).
have a:=@lub_comp_eq _ _ ( (exp_fun (ccomp _ _ _ << <|pi2,pi1|>) f)).
specialize (a D2 c). rewrite <- a. simpl. by rewrite ccomp_eq.
Lemma delta_cont : continuous deltat.
move => c. simpl. have S:=fmon_stable (morph F _ _ _ _).
specialize (S _ _ _ _ _ _ (pair_lub c c)).
rewrite -> (@lub_comp_eq _ _ ( (morph F _ _ _ _)) (<|c:natO =-> cppoMorph _ _,c|>)) in S.
rewrite -> S. clear S. rewrite comp_lub_eq. rewrite lub_comp.
apply: lub_le_compat => n. simpl. rewrite -> ccomp_eq. by rewrite ccomp_eq.
Definition delta : (cppoMorph DInf DInf) =-> (cppoMorph DInf DInf) :=
Eval hnf in mk_fcont delta_cont.
(*=Delta *)
Lemma delta_simpl e : delta e = Fold << morph F _ _ _ _ (e,e) << Unfold.
by [].
Qed. (*CLEARED*)
(*=End *)
Require Import PredomFix.
Definition retract (C:catType) (A B : C) (f: A =-> B) (g : B =-> A) := f << g =-= Id.
Lemma retract_eq (C:catType) (X Y Z : C) (f:X =-> Y) g h (k:Z =-> X) : retract g f -> h =-= f << k -> g << h =-= k.
move => R A.
have B:=comp_eq_compat (tset_refl g) A. rewrite -> comp_assoc in B. rewrite -> R in B.
by rewrite -> comp_idL in B.
Lemma delta_iter_id k : iter delta k <= ( M _:cppoMorph _ _).
elim:k ; first by apply: leastP.
move => n IH. simpl.
rewrite -> (comp_le_compat (comp_le_compat (Ole_refl (Fold:cppoMorph _ _))
(morph_le_compat F (pair_le_compat IH IH))) (Ole_refl (Unfold:cppoMorph _ _))).
rewrite -> morph_id. rewrite comp_idR. by rewrite FU_id.
Lemma delta_id_id : delta ( M _:cppoMorph DInf DInf) =-= M _.
rewrite delta_simpl. rewrite morph_id. rewrite comp_idR. by rewrite FU_id.
(*=FIXDelta *)
Lemma id_min : (FIXP delta : M _ _) =-= Id.
(*=End *)
rewrite <- EP_id.
apply: (tset_trans (@limitUnique DTower (L DTower) (L DTower) _ _) _).
- move => n. simpl. unfold fixp. rewrite -> lub_comp_right. apply Ole_antisym.
+ rewrite <- (le_lub _ n). simpl. rewrite ccomp_eq.
elim: n. simpl. apply Oeq_le. have a:= terminal_unique. specialize (a M). by apply: a.
move => n IH. simpl. unfold Unfold. unfold Fold. simpl.
rewrite <- (comp_le_compat (Ole_refl (Projections n.+1:cppoMorph _ _)) (comp_le_compat (comp_le_compat (le_lub (chainFPE DCoCone) n.+1) (Ole_refl (morph F _ _ _ _ (iter_ delta n, iter_ delta n)))) (le_lub (chainPEc ECoCone) n.+1))).
simpl. repeat rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite -> (emp n.+1 n.+1). rewrite t_nn_ID. rewrite comp_idL.
rewrite morph_comp. rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (mcoconeCom (DCoCone) n) (mconeCom (L DTower) n)).
rewrite morph_comp. rewrite <- (comp_assoc (morph F _ _ _ _ (Projection n, Injection n):M _ _)).
rewrite morph_comp. rewrite -> (morph_eq_compat F (mconeCom (L DTower) n) (mcoconeCom DCoCone n)).
rewrite morph_comp.
have a:= (Ole_trans _ (comp_le_compat (morph_le_compat F (pair_le_compat ((Oeq_le (tset_sym (comp_assoc _ (iter_ delta n:M _ _) _)))) (Ole_refl _))) (Ole_refl _))). apply: a.
have aa:= (comp_le_compat (morph_le_compat F (pair_le_compat (comp_le_compat IH (Ole_refl _)) (comp_le_compat IH (Ole_refl _)))) (Ole_refl _)). rewrite <- aa. clear aa.
rewrite (emp n n). rewrite t_nn_ID. rewrite morph_id. by rewrite comp_idL.
+ apply: lub_le => k. simpl.
rewrite ccomp_eq.
rewrite -> (comp_le_compat (Ole_refl _) (delta_iter_id k)). by rewrite comp_idR.
- apply tset_sym. apply limitUnique. move => n.
rewrite EP_id. by rewrite comp_idR.
End RecursiveDomains.
End Msolution.

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@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
* PredomSum.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Definition of co-products and associated lemmas
Require Import PredomCore.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Order-theoretic definitions
Section OrdSum.
Variable O1 O2 : ordType.
Lemma sum_ordAxiom : PreOrd.axiom (fun (x y:O1+O2) => match x, y with | inl x, inl y => x <= y | inr x, inr y => x <= y | _,_ => False end).
case => x0. split ; first by []. by case => x1 ; case => x2 ; try apply Ole_trans.
split ; first by []. by case => x1 ; case => x2 ; try apply Ole_trans.
Canonical Structure sum_ordMixin := OrdMixin sum_ordAxiom.
Canonical Structure sum_ordType := Eval hnf in OrdType sum_ordMixin.
Lemma inl_mono : monotonic (@inl O1 O2).
by move => x y l.
Definition Inl : O1 =-> sum_ordType := Eval hnf in mk_fmono inl_mono.
Lemma inr_mono : monotonic (@inr O1 O2).
by move => x y l.
Definition Inr : O2 =-> sum_ordType := Eval hnf in mk_fmono inr_mono.
Lemma sum_fun_mono (O3:ordType) (f:O1 =-> O3) (g:O2 =-> O3) : monotonic (fun x => match x with inl x => f x | inr y => g y end).
by case => x ; case => y ; try done ; move => X ; apply fmonotonic.
Definition Osum_fun (O3:ordType) (f:O1 =-> O3) (g:O2 =-> O3) := Eval hnf in mk_fmono (sum_fun_mono f g).
End OrdSum.
Lemma sumOrdAxiom : @CatSum.axiom _ (sum_ordType) (@Inl) (@Inr) (@Osum_fun).
move => O0 O1 O2 f g. split ; first by split ; apply: fmon_eq_intro.
move => m [A B]. apply: fmon_eq_intro. case => x.
- by apply (fmon_eq_elim A x).
- by apply (fmon_eq_elim B x).
Canonical Structure sum_ordCatMixin := sumCatMixin sumOrdAxiom.
Canonical Structure sum_ordCatType := Eval hnf in sumCatType sum_ordCatMixin.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F:ordType) : (@Osum_fun D E F)
with signature (@Ole _ : (D =-> F) -> (D =-> F) -> Prop) ++> (@Ole _ : (E =-> F) -> (E =-> F) -> Prop) ++>
(@Ole (sum_ordType _ _ -=> _) : ((D + E) =-> F) -> (_ =-> _) -> Prop)
as Osum_fun_le_compat.
intros f f' lf g g' lg.
simpl. intros x ; case x ; clear x ; auto.
Add Parametric Morphism (D E F:ordType) : (@Osum_fun D E F)
with signature (@tset_eq _ : (D =-> F) -> (D =-> F) -> Prop ) ==>
(@tset_eq _ : (E =-> F) -> (E =-> F) -> Prop) ==> (@tset_eq ((sum_ordType D E) -=> F))
as Osum_fun_eq_compat.
intros f f' lf g g' lg.
simpl. apply fmon_eq_intro.
destruct lg. destruct lf.
intros x ; split ; case x ; clear x ; auto.
Section CPOSum.
Variable D1 D2 : cpoType.
Lemma sum_left_mono (c:natO =-> sum_ordType D1 D2) (ex:{d| c O = inl D2 d}) :
monotonic (fun x => match c x with | inl y => y | inr _ => projT1 ex end).
case:ex => x X. simpl.
move => z z' l. simpl.
have H:= fmonotonic c (leq0n z). have HH:=fmonotonic c (leq0n z').
rewrite -> X in H,HH.
have A:=fmonotonic c l. case: (c z) H A ; last by [].
move => x0 _. by case: (c z') HH.
Definition sum_left (c:natO =-> sum_ordType D1 D2) (ex:{d| c O = inl D2 d}) : natO =-> D1 :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono (sum_left_mono ex).
Lemma sum_right_mono (c:natO =-> sum_ordType D1 D2) (ex:{d| c O = inr D1 d}) :
monotonic (fun x => match c x with | inr y => y | inl _ => projT1 ex end).
case:ex => x X. simpl.
move => z z' l. simpl.
have H:= fmonotonic c (leq0n z). have HH:=fmonotonic c (leq0n z').
rewrite -> X in H,HH.
have A:=fmonotonic c l. case: (c z) H A ; first by [].
move => x0 _. by case: (c z') HH.
Definition sum_right (c:natO =-> sum_ordType D1 D2) (ex:{d| c O = inr D1 d}) : natO =-> D2 :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono (sum_right_mono ex).
Definition SuminjProof (c:natO =-> sum_ordType D1 D2) (n:nat) :
{d | c n = inl D2 d} + {d | c n = inr D1 d}.
case: (c n) => cn.
- left. by exists cn.
- right. by exists cn.
Definition sum_lub (c: natO =-> sum_ordType D1 D2) : sum_ordType D1 D2 :=
match (SuminjProof c 0) with
| inl X => (inl D2 (lub (sum_left X)))
| inr X => (inr D1 (lub (sum_right X)))
Domain-theoretic definitions
Lemma Dsum_ub (c : natO =-> sum_ordType D1 D2) (n : nat) : c n <= sum_lub c.
have L:=fmonotonic c (leq0n n).
unfold sum_lub. case: (SuminjProof c 0) ; case => c0 e ; rewrite e in L.
- move: L. case_eq (c n) ; last by []. move => cn e' L. apply: (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ n)).
simpl. by rewrite e'.
- move: L. case_eq (c n) ; first by []. move => cn e' L. apply: (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ n)).
simpl. by rewrite e'.
Lemma Dsum_lub (c : natO =-> sum_ordType D1 D2) (x : sum_ordType D1 D2) :
(forall n : natO, c n <= x) -> sum_lub c <= x.
case x ; clear x ; intros x cn. unfold sum_lub.
case (SuminjProof c 0).
- intros s. assert (lub (sum_left s) <= x).
apply (lub_le). intros n. specialize (cn n). destruct s as [d c0].
simpl. case_eq (c n).
+ intros dn dnl. rewrite dnl in cn. by auto.
+ intros dn cnr. rewrite cnr in cn. by inversion cn.
by auto.
- intros s. destruct s. simpl. specialize (cn 0). rewrite e in cn. by inversion cn.
- unfold sum_lub. case (SuminjProof c 0) ; first case.
+ move => y e. simpl. specialize (cn 0). rewrite e in cn. by inversion cn.
+ intros s. assert (lub (sum_right s) <= x).
* apply lub_le. intros n. specialize (cn n). destruct s as [d c0].
simpl. case_eq (c n).
- intros dl cnl. rewrite cnl in cn. by inversion cn.
- intros dl dll. rewrite dll in cn. by auto.
by auto.
Lemma sum_cpoAxiom : CPO.axiom sum_lub.
move => c s n.
split ; first by apply Dsum_ub.
by apply Dsum_lub.
Canonical Structure sum_cpoMixin := CpoMixin sum_cpoAxiom.
Canonical Structure sum_cpoType := Eval hnf in CpoType sum_cpoMixin.
(** Printing +c+ %\ensuremath{+}% *)
Infix "+c+" := Dsum (at level 28, left associativity).*)
Variable D3:cpoType.
Lemma SUM_fun_cont (f:D1 =-> D3) (g:D2 =-> D3) : @continuous sum_cpoType _ (Osum_fun f g).
intros c. simpl.
case_eq (lub c).
- move => ll sl. unfold lub in sl. simpl in sl. unfold sum_lub in sl. destruct (SuminjProof c 0) ; last by [].
case: sl => e. rewrite <- e. clear ll e. rewrite -> (fcontinuous f (sum_left s)).
apply lub_le_compat => n. simpl. case: s => d s. simpl. move: (fmonotonic c (leq0n n)).
case: (c 0) s ; last by []. move => s e. rewrite -> e ; clear s e. by case: (c n).
- move => ll sl. unfold lub in sl. simpl in sl. unfold sum_lub in sl. destruct (SuminjProof c 0) ; first by [].
case: sl => e. rewrite <- e. clear ll e. rewrite -> (fcontinuous g (sum_right s)).
apply lub_le_compat => n. simpl. case: s => d s. simpl. move: (fmonotonic c (leq0n n)).
case: (c 0) s ; first by []. move => s e. rewrite -> e ; clear s e. by case: (c n).
Definition SUM_funX (f:D1 =-> D3) (g:D2 =-> D3) : sum_cpoType =-> D3 := Eval hnf in mk_fcont (SUM_fun_cont f g).
Definition SUM_fun f g := locked (SUM_funX f g).
Lemma SUM_fun_simpl f g x : SUM_fun f g x =-= match x with inl x => f x | inr x => g x end.
unlock SUM_fun. simpl. by case: x.
(** printing [| %\ensuremath{[} *)
(** printing |] %\ensuremath{]} *)
(* Notation "'[|' f , g '|]'" := (SUM_fun f g) (at level 30).*)
Lemma Inl_cont : continuous (Inl D1 D2).
move => c. simpl. by apply: lub_le_compat => n.
Definition INL : D1 =-> sum_cpoType := Eval hnf in mk_fcont Inl_cont.
Lemma Inr_cont : continuous (Inr D1 D2).
move => c. simpl. by apply: lub_le_compat => n.
Definition INR : D2 =-> sum_cpoType := Eval hnf in mk_fcont Inr_cont.
End CPOSum.
Lemma sumCpoAxiom : @CatSum.axiom _ sum_cpoType (@INL) (@INR) (@SUM_fun).
move => D0 D1 D2 f g. split. unlock SUM_fun. apply: (proj1 (@sumOrdAxiom D0 D1 D2 f g)).
move => m. unlock SUM_fun. apply: (proj2 (@sumOrdAxiom D0 D1 D2 f g)).
Canonical Structure cpoSumCatMixin := sumCatMixin sumCpoAxiom.
Canonical Structure cpoSumCatType := Eval hnf in sumCatType cpoSumCatMixin.
Lemma SUM_fun_simplx (X Y Z : cpoType) (f:X =-> Z) (g : Y =-> Z) x : [|f,g|] x =-= match x with inl x => f x | inr x => g x end.
case:x => x ; unfold sum_fun ; simpl ; by rewrite SUM_fun_simpl.
Definition getmorph (D E : cpoType) (f:D -=> E) : D =-> E := ev << <| const _ f, Id |>.
Lemma SUM_Fun_mon (D E F:cpoType) : monotonic (fun (P:(D -=> F) * (E -=> F)) => [|getmorph (fst P), getmorph (snd P)|]).
case => f g. case => f' g'. case ; simpl => l l' x.
unfold sum_fun. simpl. do 2 rewrite SUM_fun_simpl.
by case x ; [apply l | apply l'].
Definition SUM_Funm (D E F:cpoType) : fmono_ordType ((D -=> F) * (E -=> F)) (D + E -=> F) :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono (@SUM_Fun_mon D E F).
Lemma SUM_Fon_cont (D E F:cpoType) : continuous (@SUM_Funm D E F).
move => c. simpl. unfold getmorph. unfold sum_fun. simpl.
by case => x ; simpl ; rewrite SUM_fun_simpl ; apply: lub_le_compat => n ; simpl ; rewrite SUM_fun_simpl.
Definition SUM_Fun (D E F:cpoType) : ((D -=> F) * (E -=> F)) =-> (D + E -=> F) := Eval hnf in mk_fcont (@SUM_Fon_cont D E F).
Implicit Arguments SUM_Fun [D E F].
Lemma SUM_Fun_simpl (D E F:cpoType) (f:D =-> F) (g:E =-> F) : SUM_Fun (f,g) =-= SUM_fun f g.
apply: fmon_eq_intro => x. simpl. unfold sum_fun. simpl. by do 2 rewrite SUM_fun_simpl.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
* typedadequacy.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Require Import utility.*)
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import typedlambda.
Require Import typedopsem.
Require Import typeddensem.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Logical relation between semantics and terms, used to prove adequacy
See Winskel Chapter 11, Section 11.4.
(** printing senv %\ensuremath{\rho}% *)
(** printing d1 %\ensuremath{d_1}% *)
(* Lift a value-relation to a computation-relation *)
(*=liftRel *)
Definition liftRel t (R : SemTy t -> CValue t -> Prop) :=
fun d e => forall d', d =-= Val d' -> exists v, e =>> v /\ R d' v. (*CLEAR*)
(* = End *)
(* Logical relation between semantics and closed value terms *)
Unset Implicit Arguments.
(* = relValEnvExp *)
Fixpoint relVal t : SemTy t -> CValue t -> Prop :=
match t with
| Int => fun d v => v = TINT d
| Bool => fun d v => v = TBOOL d
| t1 --> t2 => fun d v => exists e, v = TFIX e /\
forall d1 v1, relVal t1 d1 v1 -> liftRel (relVal t2) (d d1) (subExp [ v1, v ] e)
| t1 ** t2 => fun d v => exists v1, exists v2,
v = TPAIR v1 v2 /\ relVal t1 (fst d) v1 /\ relVal t2 (snd d) v2
end. (*CLEAR*)
Fixpoint relEnv E : SemEnv E -> Sub E nil -> Prop :=
match E with
| nil => fun _ _ => True
| t :: E => fun d s => relVal t (snd d) (hdMap s) /\ relEnv E (fst d) (tlMap s)
Definition relExp ty := liftRel (relVal ty).
(*=End *)
(* Computation relation, already inlined into relVal *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Lemma relVal_lower_lift :
forall ty,
(forall d d' (v:CValue ty), d <= d' -> relVal ty d' v -> relVal ty d v) ->
(forall d d' (e:CExp ty), d <= d' -> relExp ty d' e -> relExp ty d e).
rewrite /relExp /liftRel. move => t IH d d' e l R d0 eq.
rewrite -> eq in l. clear d eq. case: (DLle_Val_exists_eq l) => d'v [e0 l1].
specialize (R _ e0). case: R => v [ev rv]. exists v. split ; first by [].
by apply (IH _ _ _ l1).
(* Lemma 11.12 (ii) from Winskel *)
(*=relValLower *)
Lemma relVal_lower: forall t d d' v, d <= d' -> relVal t d' v -> relVal t d v.
(* Int *)
simpl. move => d d' v. by case => e ; rewrite e.
(* Bool *)
simpl. move => d d' v. by case: d ; case: d'.
(* Arrow *)
move => t IH t' IH' d d' v l /=. case => b. case => e ; rewrite e. clear v e.
move => C. exists b. split ; first by []. move => d1 v1 r1. specialize (C d1 v1 r1).
apply (relVal_lower_lift IH' (l d1)). by apply C.
(* Pair *)
move => t IH t' IH' p1 p2 v L. case => v0 ; case => v1 [e l]. rewrite e. clear v e.
simpl. exists v0. exists v1. split ; first by [].
specialize (IH _ _ v0 (proj1 L)). specialize (IH' _ _ v1 (proj2 L)). split ; [apply IH | apply IH'] ; apply l.
Add Parametric Morphism ty (v:CValue ty) : (fun d => relVal ty d v)
with signature (@tset_eq (SemTy ty)) ==> iff as relVal_eq_compat.
intros x y xyeq.
destruct xyeq as [xy1 xy2].
split; apply relVal_lower; trivial.
Add Parametric Morphism t (v:CExp t) : (fun d => relExp t d v)
with signature (@tset_eq ((SemTy t)_BOT)) ==> iff as relExp_eq_compat.
intros x y xyeq.
destruct xyeq as [xy1 xy2].
split; apply (relVal_lower_lift (relVal_lower (t:=t))); trivial.
(* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== *)
Lemma rel_admissible_lift : forall ty,
(forall v, admissible (fun d => relVal ty d v)) ->
(forall e, admissible (fun d => relExp ty d e)).
rewrite /admissible /relExp /liftRel. move => t IH e c C d eq.
case: (lubval eq) => k [dv [ck dvd]].
case: (C _ _ ck) => v [ev rv].
exists v. split ; first by [].
destruct (DLvalgetchain ck) as [c' P].
specialize (IH v c').
have El: ((@lub (SemTy t) c') =-= d). apply: vinj. rewrite <- eq.
apply tset_trans with (y:=eta (lub c')) ; first by [].
rewrite -> (lub_comp_eq). rewrite (lub_lift_left c k). apply: lub_eq_compat.
apply fmon_eq_intro => n. simpl. by rewrite <- P.
refine (relVal_lower (proj2 El) _).
apply IH => n.
specialize (P n). specialize (C _ _ P). case: C => v' [ev' rv'].
rewrite (Determinacy ev ev'). by apply rv'.
(* Lemma 11.12 (iii) from Winskel *)
(*CLEARED*)Lemma rel_admissible: forall t v, admissible (fun d => relVal t d v).
(*=End *)
(* Int *)
intros v c C. simpl. apply (C 0).
(* Bool *)
intros v c C. simpl. specialize (C 0). simpl in C. have e:lub c = c 0.
unfold lub. simpl. unfold sum_lub. simpl. case: (SuminjProof c 0).
+ simpl. case. case. move => e. by rewrite {2} e.
+ simpl. case. case. move => e. by rewrite {2} e.
by rewrite e.
(* Arrow *)
rewrite /admissible => t IH t' IH' v c C.
assert (rv := C 0). simpl in rv. destruct rv as [b [tbeq C0]].
exists b.
split; first by [].
intros d1 v1 R1.
refine (rel_admissible_lift _ _).
intros vv cc CC. apply IH'. apply CC.
intros n. unfold relExp. unfold liftRel.
intros d' CC.
assert (Cn := C n). simpl in Cn.
destruct Cn as [bb [tteq Cn]]. rewrite tteq in tbeq C C0 Cn. rewrite tteq. clear v tteq.
assert (b = bb) as bbeq by apply (TFIX_injective (sym_equal tbeq)).
rewrite <- bbeq in C0, C, Cn. rewrite <- bbeq. clear tbeq bb bbeq.
specialize (Cn _ _ R1).
unfold liftRel in Cn. specialize (Cn _ CC). by apply Cn.
(* Pair *)
unfold admissible.
move => t IH t' IH' v c C. simpl. unfold prod_lub.
generalize C.
destruct (ClosedPair v) as [v1 [v2 veq]]. subst.
intros _.
exists v1. exists v2.
split;first by [].
specialize (IH v1). specialize (IH' v2).
- apply: IH. move => n. specialize (C n). case: C => v3 [v4 [veq [C1 C2]]].
destruct (TPAIR_injective veq) as [E1 E2]. subst. by apply C1.
- apply: IH'. move => n. specialize (C n). case: C => v3 [v4 [veq [C1 C2]]].
destruct (TPAIR_injective veq) as [E1 E2]. subst. by apply C2.
Lemma SemEnvCons : forall t E (env : SemEnv (t :: E)), exists d, exists ds, env =(ds, d).
intros. dependent inversion env. exists s0. by exists s.
Lemma Discrete_injective : forall t (v1 v2:discrete_cpoType t), v1 =-= v2 -> v1 = v2.
intros t v1 v2 eq.
destruct eq. destruct H. destruct H0. trivial.
Lemma relEnv_ext env senv s s' : (forall x y, s x y = s' x y) -> relEnv env senv s -> relEnv env senv s'.
elim:env senv s s' ; first by [].
move => a E IH env s s' C r.
simpl. simpl in r. destruct r as [rl rr].
split. unfold hdMap. rewrite <- (C a (ZVAR E a)). by apply rl.
unfold tlMap.
refine (IH _ _ _ _ rr). intros x y. by specialize (C x (SVAR a y)).
(*=FT *)
Theorem FundamentalTheorem E:
(forall t v senv s, relEnv E senv s -> relVal t (SemVal v senv) (subVal s v)) /\
(forall t e senv s, relEnv E senv s -> liftRel (relVal t) (SemExp e senv) (subExp s e)).
(*=End *)
move: E ; apply ExpVal_ind.
(* TINT *)
by simpl; auto.
(* TBOOL *)
simpl. move=> E. by case.
(* TVAR *)
intros E t v env s Renv.
induction v.
destruct (SemEnvCons env) as [d [ds eq]]. subst. simpl. fold SemEnv in *.
simpl in Renv. destruct Renv as [R1 _]. by trivial.
destruct (SemEnvCons env) as [d [ds eq]]. subst. simpl. fold SemEnv in *.
simpl in Renv. destruct Renv as [_ R2].
specialize (IHv ds (tlMap s) R2). by auto.
(* TFIX *)
intros E t1 t2 e IH env s R.
simpl SemVal.
rewrite substTFIX.
apply (@fixp_ind _ ((exp_fun (exp_fun (SemExp e)) env)) _ (@rel_admissible (t1 --> t2) _)).
simpl. exists (subExp (liftSub t1 (liftSub (t1 --> t2) s)) e) ; split ; auto.
intros d1 v1 rv1. unfold liftRel. intros dd.
intros CC. by destruct (PBot_incon_eq (Oeq_sym CC)).
intros f rf.
exists (subExp (liftSub t1 (liftSub (t1 --> t2) s)) e). split ; first by [].
intros d1 v1 rv1. unfold liftRel. intros dd fd.
assert (SemExp e (env,f,d1) =-= Val dd) as se by auto. clear fd.
rewrite <- (proj2 (substComposeSub _)).
rewrite <- substTFIX.
assert (relEnv ((t1 :: t1 --> t2 :: E)) (env,f,d1) (consMap v1 (consMap (subVal (env':=nil) s (TFIX e)) s))).
simpl relEnv. split.
unfold hdMap. simpl. by apply rv1. split.
unfold tlMap. unfold hdMap. simpl. rewrite substTFIX. exists (subExp
(liftSub t1 (liftSub (t1 --> t2) s)) e). split ; first by [].
intros d2 v2 rv2.
simpl in rf. destruct rf as [bb [bbeq Pb]].
assert (bb = (subExp (liftSub t1 (liftSub (t1 --> t2) s)) e)) as beq.
apply (TFIX_injective (sym_equal bbeq)).
rewrite beq in bbeq, Pb. clear bb beq bbeq. specialize (Pb d2 v2 rv2). by apply Pb.
simpl. unfold tlMap. simpl.
refine (relEnv_ext _ R). by intros x y ; auto.
specialize (IH _ _ H). unfold liftRel in IH. specialize (IH _ se).
rewrite composeCons. rewrite composeCons.
rewrite composeSubIdLeft. by apply IH.
(* TP *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
exists (subVal s v1). exists (subVal s v2). by split; auto.
(* TFST *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d1 eq.
rewrite substTFST.
destruct (ClosedPair (subVal s v)) as [v1 [v2 veq]].
rewrite veq in IH. rewrite veq. clear veq.
exists v1. split. apply: e_Fst. simpl relVal in IH.
destruct IH as [v3 [v4 [veq [gl1 gl2]]]]. destruct (TPAIR_injective veq) as [v1eq v2eq]. subst. clear veq.
assert (H := vinj eq).
by apply (relVal_lower (proj2 H) gl1).
(* TSND *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH env s R.
simpl. fold SemTy. specialize (IH env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d2 eq.
rewrite substTSND.
destruct (ClosedPair (subVal s v)) as [v1 [v2 veq]].
rewrite veq in IH. rewrite veq. clear veq.
exists v2. split. apply e_Snd. simpl relVal in IH.
destruct IH as [v3 [v4 [veq [gl1 gl2]]]]. destruct (TPAIR_injective veq) as [v1eq v2eq]. subst. clear veq.
assert (H := vinj eq).
by apply (relVal_lower (proj2 H) gl2).
(* TOP *)
intros E op v1 IH1 v2 IH2 env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d eq.
rewrite substTOP.
destruct (ClosedInt (subVal s v1)) as [i1 eq1].
destruct (ClosedInt (subVal s v2)) as [i2 eq2].
rewrite -> eq1 in IH1. rewrite eq1. rewrite eq2 in IH2. rewrite eq2. clear eq1 eq2.
exists (TINT (op i1 i2)).
split. apply e_Op. simpl in IH1, IH2. case: IH1 => IH1. rewrite -> IH1.
case: IH2 => e ; rewrite -> e. case: (vinj eq). simpl => ee. by rewrite <- ee.
(* TGT *)
intros E v1 IH1 v2 IH2 env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d eq. have H:=vinj eq.
rewrite substTGT.
destruct (ClosedInt (subVal s v1)) as [i1 eq1].
destruct (ClosedInt (subVal s v2)) as [i2 eq2].
rewrite -> eq1 in IH1. rewrite eq1. rewrite eq2 in IH2. rewrite eq2. clear eq1 eq2.
exists (TBOOL (i2 <= i1)%N).
split. apply e_Gt. simpl in IH1,IH2. case: IH1 => e ; rewrite e. clear e. case: IH2 => e ; rewrite e. clear e.
have HH:(if (SemVal v2 env <= SemVal v1 env)%N then INL _ _ tt else INR _ _ tt) =-= d by apply H. clear H.
case: (SemVal v2 env <= SemVal v1 env)%N HH ; simpl ; clear eq ; case: d ; simpl ; case ; by case.
(* VAL *)
intros E t v IH env s R.
simpl. specialize (IH env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d eq. have H:=vinj eq. clear eq.
exists (subVal s v).
split. apply e_Val.
apply (relVal_lower (proj2 H) IH).
(* TLET *)
intros E t1 t2 e1 IH1 e2 IH2 env s R.
unfold liftRel. intros d2 d2eq.
specialize (IH1 env s R). unfold liftRel in *.
simpl in d2eq.
rewrite substTLET.
destruct (KLEISLIR_ValVal d2eq) as [d1 [d1eq d2veq]]. clear d2eq.
specialize (IH1 _ d1eq).
destruct IH1 as [v1 [ev1 R1]].
specialize (IH2 (env,d1) (consMap v1 s)).
assert (RR : relEnv (t1::E) (env,d1) (consMap v1 s)).
simpl relEnv. split ; first by [].
by rewrite tlConsMap.
specialize (IH2 RR d2 d2veq).
destruct IH2 as [v2 [ev2 R2]].
exists v2. split.
refine (e_Let ev1 _).
rewrite <- (proj2 (substComposeSub _)). rewrite composeCons. rewrite composeSubIdLeft. apply ev2. by assumption.
(* TAPP *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 env s R.
specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
unfold liftRel. intros d eq. rewrite substTAPP.
destruct (ClosedFunction (subVal s v1)) as [e1 eq1].
unfold relVal in IH1. fold relVal in IH1. destruct IH1 as [e1' [eq' R']].
rewrite eq' in eq1.
assert (H := TFIX_injective eq1).
subst. clear eq1.
specialize (R' (SemVal v2 env) (subVal s v2) IH2).
clear IH2.
unfold liftRel in R'. specialize (R' d eq).
destruct R' as [v [ev Rv]].
exists v. rewrite eq' in ev.
assert (H := e_App ev).
split. simpl. rewrite eq'. apply H.
by apply Rv.
(* TIF *)
intros E t v IH e1 IH1 e2 IH2 env s R.
specialize (IH env s R). specialize (IH1 env s R). specialize (IH2 env s R).
unfold liftRel in *. intros d eq.
rewrite substTIF.
destruct (ClosedBool (subVal s v)) as [b beq].
rewrite beq in IH.
unfold relVal in IH.
inversion IH. clear IH.
simpl subExp. rewrite beq.
rewrite H0 in beq. rewrite H0. clear b H0. simpl in eq.
case: (SemVal v env) eq beq ; case => eq beq.
- specialize (IH1 _ eq). case: IH1 => v0 [S0 R0]. exists v0. split ; last by [].
by apply (e_IfTrue _ S0).
- specialize (IH2 _ eq). case: IH2 => v0 [S0 R0]. exists v0. split ; last by [].
by apply (e_IfFalse _ S0).
(*=Adequacy *)
Corollary Adequacy: forall t (e : CExp t) d, SemExp e tt =-= Val d -> exists v, e =>> v.
(*=End *)
intros t e d val.
destruct (FundamentalTheorem nil) as [_ FT].
specialize (FT t e tt (idSub nil)).
have X: (relEnv nil tt (idSub nil)) by [].
specialize (FT X). unfold liftRel in FT. specialize (FT d val).
destruct FT as [v [ev _]]. exists v. by rewrite (proj2 (applyIdSub _)) in ev.

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@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
* typeddensem.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Export typedlambda.
Require Import PredomAll.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Open Scope C_scope.
Open Scope D_scope.
Open Scope S_scope.
Meaning of types and contexts
Delimit Scope Ty_scope with Ty.
Open Scope Ty_scope.
(*=SemTy *)
Fixpoint SemTy t : cpoType :=
match t with
| Int => nat_cpoType
| Bool => (One:cpoType) + One
| t1 --> t2 => SemTy t1 -=> (SemTy t2)_BOT
| t1 ** t2 => SemTy t1 * SemTy t2
Fixpoint SemEnv E : cpoType :=
match E with
| nil => One
| t :: E => SemEnv E * SemTy t
(*=End *)
(* Lookup in an environment *)
(*=SemVarExpVal *)
Fixpoint SemVar E t (var : Var E t) : SemEnv E =-> SemTy t :=
match var with
| ZVAR _ _ => pi2
| SVAR _ _ _ v => SemVar v << pi1
end. (*CLEAR*)
Lemma SimpleB_mon (A B :Type) (C:ordType) (op : A -> B -> C:Type) : monotonic (fun p:discrete_ordType A * discrete_ordType B => op (fst p) (snd p)).
case => x0 y0. case => x1 y1. case ; simpl. move => L L'.
have e:x0 = x1 by []. have e':y0 = y1 by []. rewrite e. by rewrite e'.
Definition SimpleBOpm (A B :Type) (C:ordType) (op : A -> B -> C:Type) : discrete_ordType A * discrete_ordType B =-> C :=
mk_fmono (SimpleB_mon op).
Lemma SimpleB_cont (A B:Type) (C:cpoType) (op : A -> B -> C:Type) :
@continuous (discrete_cpoType A * discrete_cpoType B) C (SimpleBOpm op).
move => c. simpl. apply: (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ 0)). simpl.
by [].
Definition SimpleBOp (A B:Type) (C:cpoType) (op : A -> B -> C:Type) : discrete_cpoType A * discrete_cpoType B =-> C :=
Eval hnf in mk_fcont (SimpleB_cont op).
Lemma choose_cont (Y Z: cpoType) (a:Z =-> Y) (b : Z =-> Y) (c:Z =-> (One:cpoType) + One) :
forall x,
(fun y => match c y with inl y' => a x | inr y' => b x end) x =-=
(ev << <| SUM_Fun << <| exp_fun ((uncurry (const One a)) << SWAP),
exp_fun ((uncurry (const One b)) << SWAP) |>, c|>) x.
move => x. simpl. rewrite SUM_fun_simplx. by case_eq (c x) ; case => e.
Definition choose (Y Z: cpoType) (a:Z =-> Y) (b : Z =-> Y) (c:Z =-> (One:cpoType) + One) :=
Eval hnf in gen_cont (choose_cont a b c).
Lemma choose_comp (Y Z W : cpoType) (a:Z =-> Y) (b : Z =-> Y) (c:Z =-> (One:cpoType) + One)
(h : W =-> Z) : choose a b c << h =-= choose (a << h) (b << h) (c << h).
by apply: fmon_eq_intro => x.
Add Parametric Morphism (A B:cpoType) : (@choose A B)
with signature (@tset_eq _) ==> (@tset_eq _) ==> (@tset_eq _) ==> (@tset_eq _)
as choose_eq_compat.
move => f f' e g g' e' x x' ex.
apply: fmon_eq_intro => y. simpl. move: (fmon_eq_elim ex y). clear ex. unfold FCont.fmono. simpl.
case: (x y) ; case: (x' y) ; case ; case ; (try by case) ; move => _. by rewrite e. by rewrite e'.
(* SemExpVal *)
Fixpoint SemExp E t (e : Exp E t) : SemEnv E =-> (SemTy t) _BOT :=
match e with
| TOP op v1 v2 => eta << SimpleBOp op << <| SemVal v1 , SemVal v2 |>
| TGT v1 v2 => eta << SimpleBOp (fun x y => if leq x y then inl _ tt else inr _ tt)
<< <| SemVal v2 , SemVal v1 |>
| TAPP _ _ v1 v2 => ev << <| SemVal v1 , SemVal v2 |>
| TVAL _ v => eta << SemVal v
| TLET _ _ e1 e2 => KLEISLIR (SemExp e2) << <| Id , SemExp e1 |>
| TIF _ v e1 e2 => choose (SemExp e1) (SemExp e2) (SemVal v)
| TFST _ _ v => eta << pi1 << SemVal v
| TSND _ _ v => eta << pi2 << SemVal v
end with SemVal E t (v : Value E t) : SemEnv E =-> SemTy t :=
match v with
| TINT n => const _ n
| TBOOL b => const _ (if b then inl _ tt else inr _ tt)
| TVAR _ i => SemVar i
| TFIX t1 t2 e => (FIXP : cpoCatType _ _) << exp_fun (exp_fun (SemExp e))
| TPAIR _ _ v1 v2 => <| SemVal v1 , SemVal v2 |>
(*=End *)

View file

@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
* typedlambda.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Call-by-value simply-typed lambda-calculus with recursion, pairs, and arithmetic
Require Import Program.Equality.
Require Export ssreflect ssrnat seq eqtype.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Set Printing Implicit Defensive.
Types and contexts
(*=Ty *)
Inductive Ty := Int | Bool | Arrow (ty1 t2 : Ty) | Prod (ty1 t2 : Ty).
Infix " --> " := Arrow (at level 55, right associativity).
Infix " ** " := Prod (at level 55).
Definition Env := seq Ty.
(*=End *)
(* begin hide *)
Notation "[ x , .. , y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..) : list_scope.
(* end hide *)
Typed terms in context
(*=VarValueExp *)
Inductive Var : Env -> Ty -> Type :=
| ZVAR : forall E t, Var (t :: E) t
| SVAR : forall E t t', Var E t -> Var (t' :: E) t.
Inductive Value E : Ty -> Type :=
| TINT : nat -> Value E Int
| TBOOL : bool -> Value E Bool
| TVAR :> forall t, Var E t -> Value E t
| TFIX : forall t1 t2, Exp (t1 :: t1 --> t2 :: E) t2 -> Value E (t1 --> t2)
| TPAIR : forall t1 t2, Value E t1 -> Value E t2 -> Value E (t1 ** t2)
with Exp E : Ty -> Type :=
| TFST : forall t1 t2, Value E (t1 ** t2) -> Exp E t1
| TSND : forall t1 t2, Value E (t1 ** t2) -> Exp E t2
| TOP : (nat -> nat -> nat) -> Value E Int -> Value E Int -> Exp E Int
| TGT : Value E Int -> Value E Int -> Exp E Bool
| TVAL : forall t, Value E t -> Exp E t
| TLET : forall t1 t2, Exp E t1 -> Exp (t1 :: E) t2 -> Exp E t2
| TAPP : forall t1 t2, Value E (t1 --> t2) -> Value E t1 -> Exp E t2
| TIF : forall t, Value E Bool -> Exp E t -> Exp E t -> Exp E t.
Definition CExp t := Exp nil t.
Definition CValue t := Value nil t.
(*=End *)
Implicit Arguments TBOOL [E].
Implicit Arguments TINT [E].
(* begin hide *)
Scheme Val_rec2 := Induction for Value Sort Set
with Exp_rec2 := Induction for Exp Sort Set.
Scheme Val_type2 := Induction for Value Sort Type
with Exp_type2 := Induction for Exp Sort Type.
Scheme Val_ind2 := Induction for Value Sort Prop
with Exp_ind2 := Induction for Exp Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme ExpVal_ind from Val_ind2, Exp_ind2.
(* end hide *)
Variable-domain maps.
By instantiating P with Var we get renamings.
By instantiating P with Val we get substitutions.
Definition Map (P:Env -> Ty -> Type) E E' := forall t, Var E t -> P E' t.
(* Head, tail and cons *)
Definition tlMap P E E' t (m:Map P (t::E) E') : Map P E E' := fun t' v => m t' (SVAR t v).
Definition hdMap P E E' t (m:Map P (t::E) E') : P E' t := m t (ZVAR _ _).
Implicit Arguments tlMap [P E E' t].
Implicit Arguments hdMap [P E E' t].
Definition cast P (E E' : Env) (t : Ty) (x:P E t) (p:E=E') : P E' t.
subst. exact x.
Program Definition consMap P E E' t (v:P E' t) (m:Map P E E') : Map P (t::E) E' :=
fun t' (var:Var (t::E) t') =>
match var with
| ZVAR _ _ => v
| SVAR _ _ _ var => m _ var
Implicit Arguments consMap [P E E' t].
Axiom MapExtensional : forall P E E' (r1 r2 : Map P E E'), (forall t var, r1 t var = r2 t var) -> r1 = r2.
Lemma hdConsMap : forall P env env' ty (v : P env' ty) (s : Map P env env'), hdMap (consMap v s) = v. Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma tlConsMap : forall P env env' ty (v : P env' ty) (s : Map P env env'), tlMap (consMap v s) = s. Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. auto. Qed.
Lemma consMapInv : forall P env env' ty (m:Map P (ty :: env) env'), exists m', exists v, m = consMap v m'.
intros. exists (tlMap m). exists (hdMap m).
apply MapExtensional. dependent destruction var; auto.
Package of operations used with a Map
vr maps a Var into Var or Value (so is either the identity or TVAR)
vl maps a Var or Value to a Value (so is either TVAR or the identity)
wk weakens a Var or Value (so is either SVAR or renaming through SVAR on a value)
Record MapOps (P : Env -> Ty -> Type) :=
vr : forall E ty, Var E ty -> P E ty;
vl : forall E ty, P E ty -> Value E ty;
wk : forall E ty ty', P E ty -> P (ty' :: E) ty
Section MapOps.
Variable P : Env -> Ty -> Type.
Variable ops : MapOps P.
Program Definition lift env env' ty (m : Map P env env') : Map P (ty :: env) (ty :: env') :=
fun ty' => fun var => match var with
| ZVAR _ _ => vr ops (ZVAR _ _)
| SVAR _ _ _ x => wk ops _ (m _ x)
Implicit Arguments lift [env env'].
Definition shiftMap env env' ty (m : Map P env env') : Map P env (ty :: env') := fun ty' => fun var => wk ops _ (m ty' var).
Implicit Arguments shiftMap [env env'].
Lemma shiftConsMap : forall env env' ty (m : Map P env env') (x : P env' ty) ty', shiftMap ty' (consMap x m) = consMap (wk ops _ x) (shiftMap ty' m).
intros env env' ty m x ty'. apply MapExtensional.
intros ty0 var0. dependent destruction var0; auto.
Fixpoint travVal env env' ty (v : Value env ty) : Map P env env' -> Value env' ty :=
match v with
| TINT i => fun m => TINT i
| TBOOL b => fun m => TBOOL b
| TVAR _ v => fun m => vl ops (m _ v)
| TFIX _ _ e => fun m => TFIX (travExp e (lift _ (lift _ m)))
| TPAIR _ _ e1 e2 => fun m => TPAIR (travVal e1 m) (travVal e2 m)
with travExp env env' ty (e : Exp env ty) : Map P env env' -> Exp env' ty :=
match e with
| TOP op e1 e2 => fun m => TOP op (travVal e1 m) (travVal e2 m)
| TGT e1 e2 => fun m => TGT (travVal e1 m) (travVal e2 m)
| TFST _ _ e => fun m => TFST (travVal e m)
| TSND _ _ e => fun m => TSND (travVal e m)
| TVAL _ v => fun m => TVAL (travVal v m)
| TIF _ v e1 e2 => fun m => TIF (travVal v m) (travExp e1 m) (travExp e2 m)
| TAPP _ _ e1 e2 => fun m => TAPP (travVal e1 m) (travVal e2 m)
| TLET _ _ e1 e2 => fun m => TLET (travExp e1 m) (travExp e2 (lift _ m))
Definition mapVal env env' ty m v := @travVal env env' ty v m.
Definition mapExp env env' ty m e := @travExp env env' ty e m.
Variable env env' : Env.
Variable m : Map P env env'.
Variable t1 t2 : Ty.
Lemma mapTVAR : forall (var : Var _ t1), mapVal m (TVAR var) = vl ops (m var). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTINT : forall n, mapVal m (TINT n) = TINT n. auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTBOOL : forall n, mapVal m (TBOOL n) = TBOOL n. auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTPAIR : forall (v1 : Value _ t1) (v2 : Value _ t2), mapVal m (TPAIR v1 v2) = TPAIR (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTFST : forall (v : Value _ (t1 ** t2)), mapExp m (TFST v) = TFST (mapVal m v). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTSND : forall (v : Value _ (t1 ** t2)), mapExp m (TSND v) = TSND (mapVal m v). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTFIX : forall (e : Exp (t1 :: t1-->t2 :: _) t2), mapVal m (TFIX e) = TFIX (mapExp (lift _ (lift _ m)) e). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTOP : forall op v1 v2, mapExp m (TOP op v1 v2) = TOP op (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTGT : forall v1 v2, mapExp m (TGT v1 v2) = TGT (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTVAL : forall (v : Value _ t1), mapExp m (TVAL v) = TVAL (mapVal m v). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTLET : forall (e1 : Exp _ t1) (e2 : Exp _ t2), mapExp m (TLET e1 e2) = TLET (mapExp m e1) (mapExp (lift _ m) e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTIF : forall v (e1 e2 : Exp _ t1), mapExp m (TIF v e1 e2) = TIF (mapVal m v) (mapExp m e1) (mapExp m e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma mapTAPP : forall (v1 : Value _ (t1 --> t2)) v2, mapExp m (TAPP v1 v2) = TAPP (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). auto. Qed.
End MapOps.
Hint Rewrite mapTVAR mapTINT mapTBOOL mapTPAIR mapTFST mapTSND mapTFIX mapTOP mapTGT mapTVAL mapTLET mapTIF mapTAPP : mapHints.
Implicit Arguments lift [P env env'].
Implicit Arguments shiftMap [P env env'].
Variable renamings: Map Var
Definition Ren := Map Var.
Definition RenMapOps := (Build_MapOps (fun _ _ v => v) TVAR SVAR).
Definition renameVal := mapVal RenMapOps.
Definition renameExp := mapExp RenMapOps.
Definition liftRen := lift RenMapOps.
Implicit Arguments liftRen [env env'].
Definition shiftRen := shiftMap RenMapOps.
Implicit Arguments shiftRen [env env'].
Section RenDefs.
Variable env env' : Env.
Variable r : Ren env env'.
Variable t1 t2 : Ty.
Lemma renameTVAR : forall (var : Var env t1), renameVal r (TVAR var) = TVAR (r var). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTINT : forall n, renameVal r (TINT n) = TINT n. auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTBOOL : forall n, renameVal r (TBOOL n) = TBOOL n. auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTPAIR : forall (v1 : Value _ t1) (v2 : Value _ t2), renameVal r (TPAIR v1 v2) = TPAIR (renameVal r v1) (renameVal r v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTFST : forall (v : Value _ (t1 ** t2)), renameExp r (TFST v) = TFST (renameVal r v). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTSND : forall (v : Value _ (t1 ** t2)), renameExp r (TSND v) = TSND (renameVal r v). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTFIX : forall (e : Exp (t1 :: t1-->t2 :: _) t2), renameVal r (TFIX e) = TFIX (renameExp (liftRen _ (liftRen _ r)) e). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTOP : forall op v1 v2, renameExp r (TOP op v1 v2) = TOP op (renameVal r v1) (renameVal r v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTGT : forall v1 v2, renameExp r (TGT v1 v2) = TGT (renameVal r v1) (renameVal r v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTVAL : forall (v : Value env t1), renameExp r (TVAL v) = TVAL (renameVal r v). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTLET : forall (e1 : Exp _ t1) (e2 : Exp _ t2), renameExp r (TLET e1 e2) = TLET (renameExp r e1) (renameExp (liftRen _ r) e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTIF : forall v (e1 e2 : Exp _ t1), renameExp r (TIF v e1 e2) = TIF (renameVal r v) (renameExp r e1) (renameExp r e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma renameTAPP : forall (v1 : Value _ (t1-->t2)) v2, renameExp r (TAPP v1 v2) = TAPP (renameVal r v1) (renameVal r v2). auto. Qed.
End RenDefs.
Hint Rewrite renameTVAR renameTINT renameTBOOL renameTPAIR renameTFST renameTSND renameTFIX renameTOP renameTGT renameTVAL renameTLET renameTIF renameTAPP : renameHints.
Lemma LiftRenDef : forall env env' (r : Ren env' env) ty, liftRen _ r = consMap (ZVAR _ ty) (shiftRen _ r).
intros. apply MapExtensional. auto. Qed.
Identity renaming
Definition idRen env : Ren env env := fun ty (var : Var env ty) => var.
Implicit Arguments idRen [].
Lemma liftIdRen : forall E t, liftRen _ (idRen E) = idRen (t::E).
intros. apply MapExtensional.
dependent destruction var; auto.
Lemma applyIdRen env :
(forall ty (v : Value env ty), renameVal (idRen env) v = v)
/\ (forall ty (e : Exp env ty), renameExp (idRen env) e = e).
move: env. apply ExpVal_ind;
(intros; try (autorewrite with renameHints using try rewrite liftIdRen; try rewrite liftIdRen; try rewrite H; try rewrite H0; try rewrite H1); auto).
Lemma idRenDef : forall ty env, idRen (ty :: env) = consMap (ZVAR _ _) (shiftRen ty (idRen env)).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros. dependent destruction var; auto. Qed.
Composition of renaming
Definition composeRen P env env' env'' (m : Map P env' env'') (r : Ren env env') : Map P env env'' := fun t var => m _ (r _ var).
Lemma liftComposeRen P ops E env' env'' t (m:Map P env' env'') (r:Ren E env') : lift ops t (composeRen m r) = composeRen (lift ops t m) (liftRen t r).
apply MapExtensional. intros t0 var.
dependent destruction var; auto.
Lemma applyComposeRen env :
(forall ty (v : Value env ty) P ops env' env'' (m:Map P env' env'') (s : Ren env env'),
mapVal ops (composeRen m s) v = mapVal ops m (renameVal s v))
/\ (forall ty (e : Exp env ty) P ops env' env'' (m:Map P env' env'') (s : Ren env env'),
mapExp ops (composeRen m s) e = mapExp ops m (renameExp s e)).
move: env.
apply ExpVal_ind; intros;
autorewrite with mapHints renameHints; try rewrite liftComposeRen; try rewrite liftComposeRen; try rewrite <- H;
try rewrite <- H0; try rewrite <- H1; auto.
Lemma composeRenAssoc :
forall P env env' env'' env''' (m : Map P env'' env''') r' (r : Ren env env'),
composeRen m (composeRen r' r) = composeRen (composeRen m r') r.
by []. Qed.
Lemma composeRenIdLeft : forall env env' (r : Ren env env'), composeRen (idRen _) r = r.
Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. auto. Qed.
Lemma composeRenIdRight : forall P env env' (m:Map P env env'), composeRen m (idRen _) = m.
Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. auto. Qed.
Definition Sub := Map Value.
Definition SubMapOps := Build_MapOps TVAR (fun _ _ v => v) (fun env ty ty' => renameVal (fun _ => SVAR ty')).
(* Convert a renaming into a substitution *)
Definition renamingToSub env env' (r : Ren env env') : Sub env env' := fun ty => fun v => TVAR (r ty v).
Definition subVal := mapVal SubMapOps.
Definition subExp := mapExp SubMapOps.
Definition shiftSub := shiftMap SubMapOps.
Implicit Arguments shiftSub [env env'].
Definition liftSub := lift SubMapOps.
Implicit Arguments liftSub [env env'].
Section SubDefs.
Variable env env' : Env.
Variable s : Sub env env'.
Variable t1 t2 : Ty.
Lemma substTVAR : forall (var : Var env t1), subVal s (TVAR var) = s var. auto. Qed.
Lemma substTINT : forall n, subVal s (TINT n) = TINT n. auto. Qed.
Lemma substTBOOL : forall n, subVal s (TBOOL n) = TBOOL n. auto. Qed.
Lemma substTPAIR : forall (v1 : Value _ t1) (v2:Value _ t2), subVal s (TPAIR v1 v2) = TPAIR (subVal s v1) (subVal s v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTFST : forall (v : Value _ (t1 ** t2)), subExp s (TFST v) = TFST (subVal s v). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTSND : forall (v : Value _ (t1 ** t2)), subExp s (TSND v) = TSND (subVal s v). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTFIX : forall (e : Exp (t1 :: t1-->t2 :: _) t2), subVal s (TFIX e) = TFIX (subExp (liftSub _ (liftSub _ s)) e). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTOP : forall op v1 v2, subExp s (TOP op v1 v2) = TOP op (subVal s v1) (subVal s v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTGT : forall v1 v2, subExp s (TGT v1 v2) = TGT (subVal s v1) (subVal s v2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTVAL : forall (v : Value _ t1), subExp s (TVAL v) = TVAL (subVal s v). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTLET : forall (e1 : Exp _ t1) (e2 : Exp _ t2), subExp s (TLET e1 e2) = TLET (subExp s e1) (subExp (liftSub _ s) e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTIF : forall v (e1 e2 : Exp _ t1), subExp s (TIF v e1 e2) = TIF (subVal s v) (subExp s e1) (subExp s e2). auto. Qed.
Lemma substTAPP : forall (v1:Value _ (t1 --> t2)) v2, subExp s (TAPP v1 v2) = TAPP (subVal s v1) (subVal s v2). auto. Qed.
End SubDefs.
Hint Rewrite substTVAR substTPAIR substTINT substTBOOL substTFST substTSND substTFIX substTOP substTGT substTVAL substTLET substTIF substTAPP : substHints.
Identity substitution
Definition idSub env : Sub env env := fun ty (x:Var env ty) => TVAR x.
Implicit Arguments idSub [].
Lemma liftIdSub : forall env ty, liftSub ty (idSub env) = idSub (ty :: env).
intros env ty. apply MapExtensional. unfold liftSub. intros.
dependent destruction var; auto.
Lemma applyIdSub env :
(forall ty (v : Value env ty), subVal (idSub env) v = v)
/\ (forall ty (e : Exp env ty), subExp (idSub env) e = e).
move: env ; apply ExpVal_ind; intros; autorewrite with substHints; try rewrite liftIdSub; try rewrite liftIdSub; try rewrite H; try rewrite H0; try rewrite H1; auto.
Notation "[ x , .. , y ]" := (consMap x .. (consMap y (idSub _)) ..) : Sub_scope.
Delimit Scope Sub_scope with subst.
Arguments Scope subExp [_ _ Sub_scope].
Arguments Scope subVal [_ _ Sub_scope].
Lemma LiftSubDef : forall env env' ty (s : Sub env' env), liftSub ty s = consMap (TVAR (ZVAR _ _)) (shiftSub ty s).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros. dependent destruction var; auto. Qed.
Composition of substitution followed by renaming
Definition composeRenSub env env' env'' (r : Ren env' env'') (s : Sub env env') : Sub env env'' := fun t var => renameVal r (s _ var).
Lemma liftComposeRenSub : forall E env' env'' t (r:Ren env' env'') (s:Sub E env'), liftSub t (composeRenSub r s) = composeRenSub (liftRen t r) (liftSub t s).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros t0 var. dependent induction var; auto.
simpl. unfold composeRenSub. unfold liftSub. simpl. unfold renameVal at 1.
rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)). unfold renameVal. rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)).
Lemma applyComposeRenSub E :
(forall t (v:Value E t) env' env'' (r:Ren env' env'') (s : Sub E env'),
subVal (composeRenSub r s) v = renameVal r (subVal s v))
/\ (forall t (e:Exp E t) env' env'' (r:Ren env' env'') (s : Sub E env'),
subExp (composeRenSub r s) e = renameExp r (subExp s e)).
move: E ; apply ExpVal_ind;
(intros; try (autorewrite with substHints renameHints using try rewrite liftComposeRenSub; try rewrite liftComposeRenSub; try rewrite H; try rewrite H0; try rewrite H1); auto).
Composition of substitutions
Definition composeSub env env' env'' (s' : Sub env' env'') (s : Sub env env') : Sub env env'' := fun ty var => subVal s' (s _ var).
Arguments Scope composeSub [_ _ _ Sub_scope Sub_scope].
Lemma liftComposeSub : forall env env' env'' ty (s' : Sub env' env'') (s : Sub env env'), liftSub ty (composeSub s' s) = composeSub (liftSub ty s') (liftSub ty s).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros t0 var. dependent destruction var. auto.
unfold composeSub. simpl.
rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRenSub _)). unfold composeRenSub. unfold subVal.
rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)). auto.
Lemma substComposeSub env :
(forall ty (v : Value env ty) env' env'' (s' : Sub env' env'') (s : Sub env env'),
subVal (composeSub s' s) v = subVal s' (subVal s v))
/\ (forall ty (e : Exp env ty) env' env'' (s' : Sub env' env'') (s : Sub env env'),
subExp (composeSub s' s) e = subExp s' (subExp s e)).
move: env ; apply ExpVal_ind;
(intros; try (autorewrite with substHints using try rewrite liftComposeSub; try rewrite liftComposeSub; try rewrite H; try rewrite H0; try rewrite H1); auto).
Lemma composeCons : forall env env' env'' ty (s':Sub env' env'') (s:Sub env env') (v:Value _ ty),
composeSub (consMap v s') (liftSub ty s) = consMap v (composeSub s' s).
intros. apply MapExtensional. intros t0 var. dependent destruction var. auto.
unfold composeSub. simpl. unfold subVal. rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)). unfold composeRen. simpl.
assert ((fun (t0:Ty) (var0:Var env' t0) => s' t0 var0) = s') by (apply MapExtensional; auto).
rewrite H. auto.
Lemma composeSubIdLeft : forall env env' (s : Sub env env'), composeSub (idSub _) s = s.
Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. intros. unfold composeSub. apply (proj1 (applyIdSub _)). Qed.
Lemma composeSubIdRight : forall env env' (s:Sub env env'), composeSub s (idSub _) = s.
Proof. intros. apply MapExtensional. auto.
Constructors are injective
Lemma TPAIR_injective :
forall env t1 t2 (v1 : Value env t1) (v2 : Value env t2) v3 v4,
TPAIR v1 v2 = TPAIR v3 v4 ->
v1 = v3 /\ v2 = v4.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Lemma TFST_injective :
forall env t1 t2 (v1 : Value env (t1 ** t2)) v2,
TFST v1 = TFST v2 ->
v1 = v2.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Lemma TSND_injective :
forall env t1 t2 (v1 : Value env (t1 ** t2)) v2,
TSND v1 = TSND v2 ->
v1 = v2.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Lemma TVAL_injective :
forall env ty (v1 : Value env ty) v2,
TVAL v1 = TVAL v2 ->
v1 = v2.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Lemma TFIX_injective :
forall env t1 t2 (e1 : Exp (t1 :: _ :: env) t2) e2,
TFIX e1 = TFIX e2 ->
e1 = e2.
intros. dependent destruction H. auto.
Closed forms
Lemma ClosedFunction : forall t1 t2 (v : CValue (t1 --> t2)), exists b, v = TFIX b.
unfold CValue.
intros t1 t2 v.
dependent destruction v.
(* TVAR case: impossible *)
dependent destruction v.
(* TFIX case *)
exists e. trivial.
Lemma ClosedPair : forall t1 t2 (v : CValue (t1 ** t2)), exists v1, exists v2, v = TPAIR v1 v2.
unfold CValue.
intros t1 t2 v.
dependent destruction v.
(* TVAR case: impossible *)
dependent destruction v.
(* TPAIR case *)
exists v1. exists v2. trivial.
Lemma ClosedInt : forall (v : CValue Int), exists i, v = TINT i.
unfold CValue.
intros v. dependent destruction v.
exists n. trivial.
dependent destruction v.
Lemma ClosedBool : forall (v : CValue Bool), exists b, v = TBOOL b.
unfold CValue.
intros v. dependent destruction v.
exists b. trivial.
dependent destruction v.
Unset Implicit Arguments.

View file

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
* typedopsem.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import typedlambda.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Evaluation relation
(** printing =>> %\ensuremath{\Downarrow}% *)
(** printing n1 %\ensuremath{n_1}% *)
(** printing n2 %\ensuremath{n_2}% *)
(** printing v1 %\ensuremath{v_1}% *)
(** printing v2 %\ensuremath{v_2}% *)
(** printing e1 %\ensuremath{e_1}% *)
(** printing e2 %\ensuremath{e_2}% *)
Open Scope Sub_scope.
Notation "x '<v=' y" := (x <= y)%N (at level 55).
Reserved Notation "e =>> v" (at level 70, no associativity).
(*=Ev *)
Inductive Ev: forall t, CExp t -> CValue t -> Prop :=
| e_Val: forall t (v : CValue t), TVAL v =>> v
| e_Op: forall op n1 n2, TOP op (TINT n1) (TINT n2) =>> TINT (op n1 n2)
| e_Gt : forall n1 n2, TGT (TINT n1) (TINT n2) =>> TBOOL (n2 <v= n1)
| e_Fst : forall t1 t2 (v1 : CValue t1) (v2 : CValue t2), TFST (TPAIR v1 v2) =>> v1
| e_Snd : forall t1 t2 (v1 : CValue t1) (v2 : CValue t2), TSND (TPAIR v1 v2) =>> v2
| e_App : forall t1 t2 e (v1 : CValue t1) (v2 : CValue t2),
subExp [ v1, TFIX e ] e =>> v2 -> TAPP (TFIX e) v1 =>> v2
| e_Let : forall t1 t2 e1 e2 (v1 : CValue t1) (v2 : CValue t2),
e1 =>> v1 -> subExp [ v1 ] e2 =>> v2 -> TLET e1 e2 =>> v2
| e_IfTrue : forall t (e1 e2 : CExp t) v, e1 =>> v -> TIF (TBOOL true) e1 e2 =>> v
| e_IfFalse : forall t (e1 e2 : CExp t) v, e2 =>> v -> TIF (TBOOL false) e1 e2 =>> v
where "e '=>>' v" := (Ev e v).
(*=End *)
Determinacy of evaluation
Lemma Determinacy: forall ty, forall (e : CExp ty) v1, e =>> v1 -> forall v2, e =>> v2 -> v1 = v2.
intros ty e v1 Ev1.
induction Ev1.
(* e_Val *)
intros v2 Ev2. dependent destruction Ev2; trivial.
(* e_Op *)
intros v2 Ev2. dependent destruction Ev2; trivial.
(* e_Gt *)
intros v2 Ev2. dependent destruction Ev2; trivial.
(* e_Fst *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; trivial.
(* e_Snd *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; trivial.
(* e_App *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; auto.
(* e_Let *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3. rewrite (IHEv1_1 _ Ev3_1) in IHEv1_2. auto.
(* e_IfTrue *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; auto.
(* e_IfFalse *)
intros v3 Ev3. dependent destruction Ev3; auto.
Unset Implicit Arguments.

View file

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
* typedsoundness.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import typeddensem.
Require Import typedopsem.
Require Import typedsubst.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(*=Soundness *)
Theorem Soundness: forall t (e : CExp t) v, e =>> v -> SemExp e =-= eta << SemVal v.
(*=End *)
intros t e v Ev.
induction Ev.
(* e_Val *)
simpl. trivial.
(* e_Op *)
simpl. rewrite <- comp_assoc. by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
(* e_Gt *)
simpl. by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
(* e_Fst *)
simpl. rewrite <- comp_assoc. by rewrite prod_fun_fst.
(* e_Snd *)
simpl. rewrite <- comp_assoc. by rewrite prod_fun_snd.
(* e_App *)
rewrite <- IHEv. clear IHEv. clear Ev.
rewrite <- (proj2 (SemCommutesWithSub _) _ e nil (consMap v1 (consMap (TFIX e) (idSub _)))).
simpl. rewrite hdConsMap. rewrite -> (terminal_unique _ Id). simpl.
have a:= (@prod_fun_eq_compat cpoProdCatType _ _ _ _ _ (FIXP_com (exp_fun (exp_fun (SemExp e)))) _).
specialize (a _ (SemVal v1) (SemVal v1) (tset_refl _)). rewrite a. clear a.
rewrite - [FIXP << exp_fun _] comp_idL.
rewrite - {1} [exp_fun _] comp_idR.
rewrite - prod_map_prod_fun. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite exp_com.
rewrite - {1} [SemVal _] comp_idL. rewrite - prod_map_prod_fun. rewrite comp_assoc. by rewrite exp_com.
(* e_Let *)
simpl. rewrite <- IHEv2. clear IHEv2.
rewrite <- (proj2 (SemCommutesWithSub _) _ _ _).
simpl. rewrite <- (KLEISLIR_unit (SemExp e2) (SemVal v1) _).
rewrite <- IHEv1. clear IHEv1.
by rewrite <- (terminal_unique Id _).
(* e_Iftrue *)
simpl. rewrite IHEv. by apply: fmon_eq_intro.
(* e_Iffalse *)
simpl. rewrite IHEv. by apply: fmon_eq_intro.

View file

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
* typedsubst.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import typedlambda.
Require Import typeddensem.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(* Need this for nice pretty-printing *)
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Semantics of substitution and renaming
Section SEMMAP.
Variable P : Env -> Ty -> Type.
Variable ops : MapOps P.
Variable Sem : forall E t, P E t -> SemEnv E =-> SemTy t.
Variable SemVl : forall E t (v : P E t), Sem v =-= SemVal (vl ops v).
Variable SemVr : forall E t, Sem (vr ops (ZVAR E t)) =-= pi2.
Variable SemWk : forall E t (v:P E t) t', Sem (wk ops t' v) =-= Sem v << pi1.
(* Apply semantic function pointwise to a renaming or substitution *)
(*=SemSub *)
Fixpoint SemMap E E' : Map P E' E -> SemEnv E =-> SemEnv E' :=
match E' with
| nil => fun m => terminal_morph (SemEnv E)
| _ :: _ => fun m => <| SemMap (tlMap m) , Sem (hdMap m) |>
(*=End *)
Lemma SemShift : forall E E' (m : Map P E E') t, SemMap (shiftMap ops t m) =-= SemMap m << pi1.
Proof. elim.
- move => E' m t. by apply: terminal_unique.
- move => t s IH E' m ty.
simpl. destruct (consMapInv m) as [r' [var eq]].
subst. simpl. rewrite hdConsMap. rewrite tlConsMap.
rewrite -> (IH E' r' ty). rewrite prod_fun_compl. unfold shiftMap, hdMap. by rewrite SemWk.
Lemma SemLift : forall E E' (m : Map P E E') t, SemMap (lift ops t m) =-= SemMap m >< Id.
Proof. move => E E' m t. simpl. unfold tlMap, hdMap. simpl lift. rewrite SemVr. rewrite SemShift.
apply: prod_unique. rewrite prod_fun_fst. by rewrite prod_fun_fst.
rewrite prod_fun_snd. rewrite prod_fun_snd. by rewrite comp_idL.
Lemma SemId : forall E E' (m : Map P E E'), SemMap (fun t (v:Var E t) => vr ops v) =-= Id.
Proof. elim.
- intros. simpl. by apply: terminal_unique.
- intros. simpl. apply:prod_unique. simpl. rewrite <- H. simpl in H. rewrite H. simpl. rewrite H. rewrite tlConsMap hdConsMap. rewrite SemShift. rewrite IH. rewrite comp_idL. rewrite SemVr.
apply: prod_unique. rewrite prod_fun_fst. by rewrite comp_idR. rewrite prod_fun_snd. by rewrite comp_idR.
Lemma SemCommutesWithMap E:
(forall t (v : Value E t) E' (r : Map _ E E'), SemVal v << SemMap r =-= SemVal (mapVal ops r v))
/\ (forall t (exp : Exp E t) E' (r : Map _ E E'), SemExp exp << SemMap r =-= SemExp (mapExp ops r exp)).
Proof. move: E ; apply ExpVal_ind.
(* TINT *) by [].
(* TBOOL *) intros. simpl. by rewrite <- const_com.
(* TVAR *)
intros E ty var E' r.
induction var.
simpl. rewrite prod_fun_snd.
destruct (consMapInv r) as [r' [v eq]]. subst.
simpl. rewrite hdConsMap. unfold mapVal. unfold travVal. by rewrite SemVl.
destruct (consMapInv r) as [r' [v eq]]. subst.
specialize (IHvar r').
rewrite <- IHvar. rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite tlConsMap. by rewrite prod_fun_fst.
(* TFIX *)
intros E t t1 body IH E' s.
specialize (IH _ (lift ops _ (lift ops _ s))).
rewrite mapTFIX.
simpl SemVal. rewrite <- comp_assoc.
do 2 rewrite exp_comp. rewrite <- IH. rewrite SemLift. by rewrite SemLift.
(* TPAIR *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite mapTPAIR. simpl. rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2. by rewrite <- prod_fun_compl.
(* TFST *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH E' s. rewrite mapTFST. simpl. rewrite <- IH. by repeat (rewrite comp_assoc).
(* TSND *)
intros E t1 t2 v IH E' s. rewrite mapTSND. simpl. rewrite <- IH. by repeat (rewrite comp_assoc).
(* TOP *)
intros E n v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite mapTOP. simpl.
repeat (rewrite <- comp_assoc). rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2. by rewrite prod_fun_compl.
(* TGT *)
intros E v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite mapTGT. simpl.
repeat (rewrite <- comp_assoc). rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2. by rewrite prod_fun_compl.
(* TVAL *)
intros E t v IH E' s. rewrite mapTVAL. simpl.
rewrite <- IH. by rewrite <- comp_assoc.
(* TLET *)
intros E t1 t2 e2 IH2 e1 IH1 E' s. rewrite mapTLET. simpl.
rewrite <- comp_assoc.
specialize (IH2 _ s).
specialize (IH1 _ (lift ops _ s)).
rewrite prod_fun_compl. rewrite KLEISLIR_comp.
rewrite <- IH2. rewrite <- IH1. rewrite SemLift.
by do 2 rewrite comp_idL.
(* TAPP *)
intros E t1 t2 v1 IH1 v2 IH2 E' s. rewrite mapTAPP. simpl.
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite <- IH1. rewrite <- IH2. by rewrite prod_fun_compl.
(* TIF *)
intros E t ec IHc te1 IH1 te2 IH2 E' s. rewrite mapTIF. simpl.
rewrite choose_comp. rewrite -> IH1. rewrite -> IH2. by rewrite -> IHc.
Definition SemRen := SemMap SemVar.
Definition SemSub := SemMap SemVal.
Lemma SemCommutesWithRen E:
(forall t (v : Value E t) E' (r : Ren E E'), SemVal v << SemRen r =-= SemVal (renameVal r v))
/\ (forall t (e : Exp E t) E' (r : Ren E E'), SemExp e << SemRen r =-= SemExp (renameExp r e)).
Proof. by apply SemCommutesWithMap. Qed.
Lemma SemShiftRen : forall E E' (r : Ren E E') t, SemRen (shiftRen t r) =-= SemRen r << pi1.
Proof. by apply SemShift. Qed.
Lemma SemIdRen : forall E, SemRen (idRen E) =-= Id.
- simpl. by apply: terminal_unique.
- move => t E IH. simpl. rewrite idRenDef. rewrite tlConsMap.
rewrite SemShiftRen. rewrite IH. rewrite comp_idL.
by apply: prod_unique ; [rewrite prod_fun_fst | rewrite prod_fun_snd] ; rewrite comp_idR.
(*=Substitution *)
Lemma SemCommutesWithSub E:
(forall t (v : Value E t) E' (s : Sub E E'), SemVal v << SemSub s =-= SemVal (subVal s v))
/\ (forall t (e : Exp E t) E' (s : Sub E E'), SemExp e << SemSub s =-= SemExp (subExp s e)).
(*=End *)
move: E. apply SemCommutesWithMap.
+ by []. + by []. + intros. simpl.
rewrite <- (proj1 (SemCommutesWithRen E)). assert (SSR := SemShiftRen). unfold shiftRen in SSR. unfold shiftMap in SSR. simpl in SSR.
specialize (SSR E E (fun t v => v) t'). simpl in SSR.
assert ((fun ty' (var : Var E ty') => SVAR t' var) = (fun t0 => SVAR t')). apply MapExtensional. auto. rewrite H in SSR. rewrite SSR.
rewrite SemIdRen. by rewrite comp_idL.

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@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
* unii.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Unityped lambda calculus, well-scoped by construction *)
Require Export ssreflect ssrnat.
Require Import Program.
Require Import Fin.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Ltac Rewrites E :=
(intros; simpl; try rewrite E;
repeat (match goal with | [H : context[eq _ _] |- _] => rewrite H end);
Definition Env := nat.
Inductive Value E :=
| VAR: Fin E -> Value E
| INT: nat -> Value E
| LAMBDA: Exp E.+1 -> Value E
with Exp E :=
| VAL: Value E -> Exp E
| APP: Value E -> Value E -> Exp E
| LET: Exp E -> Exp E.+1 -> Exp E
| IFZ: Value E -> Exp E -> Exp E -> Exp E
| OP: (nat -> nat -> nat) -> Value E -> Value E -> Exp E.
Implicit Arguments INT [E].
Scheme Value_ind2 := Induction for Value Sort Prop
with Exp_ind2 := Induction for Exp Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme ExpValue_ind from Value_ind2, Exp_ind2.
Variable-domain maps.
By instantiating P with Var we get renamings.
By instantiating P with Value we get substitutions.
Module Map.
Section MAP.
Variable P : Env -> Type.
Definition Map E E' := FMap E (P E').
Package of operations used with a Map
vr maps a Var into Var or Value (so is either the identity or TVAR)
vl maps a Var or Value to a Value (so is either TVAR or the identity)
wk weakens a Var or Value (so is either SVAR or renaming through SVAR on a value)
Record Ops :=
vr : forall E, Fin E -> P E;
vl : forall E, P E -> Value E;
wk : forall E, P E -> P E.+1;
wkvr : forall E (var : Fin E), wk (vr var) = vr (FinS var);
vlvr : forall E (var : Fin E), vl (vr var) = VAR var
Variable ops : Ops.
Definition shift E E' (m : Map E E') : Map E E'.+1 := fun var => wk ops (m var).
Definition id E : Map E E := fun (var : Fin E) => vr ops var.
Definition lift E E' (m : Map E E') : Map E.+1 E'.+1 := cons (vr ops (FinZ _)) (shift m).
Lemma shiftCons : forall E E' (m : Map E E') (x : P E'), shift (cons x m) = cons (wk ops x) (shift m).
Proof. move => E E' m x. extFMap var; by []. Qed.
Fixpoint mapVal E E' (m : Map E E') (v : Value E) : Value E' :=
match v with
| VAR v => vl ops (m v)
| INT i => INT i
| LAMBDA e => LAMBDA (mapExp (lift m) e)
with mapExp E E' (m : Map E E') (e : Exp E) : Exp E' :=
match e with
| VAL v => VAL (mapVal m v)
| APP v0 v1 => APP (mapVal m v0) (mapVal m v1)
| LET e0 e1 => LET (mapExp m e0) (mapExp (lift m) e1)
| OP op v0 v1 => OP op (mapVal m v0) (mapVal m v1)
| IFZ v e0 e1 => IFZ (mapVal m v) (mapExp m e0) (mapExp m e1)
Variable E E' : Env.
Variable m : Map E E'.
Lemma mapVAR : forall (var : Fin _), mapVal m (VAR var) = vl ops (m var). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapINT : forall n, mapVal m (INT n) = INT n. by []. Qed.
Lemma mapLAMBDA : forall (e : Exp _), mapVal m (LAMBDA e) = LAMBDA (mapExp (lift m) e). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapOP : forall op v1 v2, mapExp m (OP op v1 v2) = OP op (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapVAL : forall (v : Value _), mapExp m (VAL v) = VAL (mapVal m v). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapLET : forall (e1 : Exp _) (e2 : Exp _), mapExp m (LET e1 e2) = LET (mapExp m e1) (mapExp (lift m) e2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapIFZ : forall v (e1 e2 : Exp _), mapExp m (IFZ v e1 e2) = IFZ (mapVal m v) (mapExp m e1) (mapExp m e2). by []. Qed.
Lemma mapAPP : forall (v1 : Value _) v2, mapExp m (APP v1 v2) = APP (mapVal m v1) (mapVal m v2). by []. Qed.
Lemma liftId : lift (@id E) = @id E.+1.
Proof. extFMap var; [by [] | by apply wkvr].
Lemma idAsCons : @id E.+1 = cons (vr ops (FinZ _)) (shift (@id E)).
Proof. extFMap var; first by []. unfold id, shift. simpl. by rewrite wkvr. Qed.
End MAP.
Hint Rewrite mapVAR mapINT mapLAMBDA mapOP mapVAL mapLET mapIFZ mapAPP : mapHints.
Implicit Arguments id [P].
Lemma applyId P (ops:Ops P) E :
(forall (v : Value E), mapVal ops (id ops E) v = v)
/\ (forall (e : Exp E), mapExp ops (id ops E) e = e).
Proof. move: E ; apply ExpValue_ind; intros; autorewrite with mapHints; Rewrites liftId. by apply vlvr. Qed.
End Map.
Variable renamings: Map Var
Definition Ren := Map.Map Fin.
Definition RenOps : Map.Ops Fin. refine (@Map.Build_Ops _ (fun _ v => v) VAR FinS _ _). by []. by []. Defined.
Definition renVal := Map.mapVal RenOps.
Definition renExp := Map.mapExp RenOps.
Definition liftRen := Map.lift RenOps.
Definition shiftRen := Map.shift RenOps.
Definition idRen := RenOps.
Composition of renaming
Definition composeRen P E E' E'' (m : Map.Map P E' E'') (r : Ren E E') : Map.Map P E E'' := fun var => m (r var).
Lemma liftComposeRen : forall E E' E'' P ops (m:Map.Map P E' E'') (r:Ren E E'), Map.lift ops (composeRen m r) = composeRen (Map.lift ops m) (liftRen r).
Proof. move => E E' E'' P ops m r. extFMap var; by []. Qed.
Lemma applyComposeRen E :
(forall (v : Value E) E' E'' P ops (m:Map.Map P E' E'') (s : Ren E E'),
Map.mapVal ops (composeRen m s) v = Map.mapVal ops m (renVal s v))
/\ (forall (e : Exp E) E' E'' P ops (m:Map.Map P E' E'') (s : Ren E E'),
Map.mapExp ops (composeRen m s) e = Map.mapExp ops m (renExp s e)).
Proof. move: E ; apply ExpValue_ind; intros; autorewrite with mapHints; Rewrites liftComposeRen. Qed.
Definition Sub := Map.Map Value.
Definition SubOps : Map.Ops Value. refine (@Map.Build_Ops _ VAR (fun _ v => v) (fun E => renVal (fun v => FinS v)) _ _). by []. by []. Defined.
Definition subVal := Map.mapVal SubOps.
Definition subExp := Map.mapExp SubOps.
Definition shiftSub := Map.shift SubOps.
Definition liftSub := Map.lift SubOps.
Definition idSub := SubOps.
Ltac UnfoldRenSub := (unfold subVal; unfold subExp; unfold renVal; unfold renExp; unfold liftSub; unfold liftRen).
Ltac FoldRenSub := (fold subVal; fold subExp; fold renVal; fold renExp; fold liftSub; fold liftRen).
Ltac SimplMap := (UnfoldRenSub; autorewrite with mapHints; FoldRenSub).
Composition of substitution followed by renaming
Definition composeRenSub E E' E'' (r : Ren E' E'') (s : Sub E E') : Sub E E'' := fun var => renVal r (s var).
Lemma liftComposeRenSub : forall E E' E'' (r:Ren E' E'') (s:Sub E E'), liftSub (composeRenSub r s) = composeRenSub (liftRen r) (liftSub s).
intros. extFMap var; first by [].
unfold composeRenSub, liftSub. simpl. unfold renVal at 1 3. by do 2 rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)).
Lemma applyComposeRenSub E :
(forall (v:Value E) E' E'' (r:Ren E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subVal (composeRenSub r s) v = renVal r (subVal s v))
/\ (forall (e:Exp E) E' E'' (r:Ren E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subExp (composeRenSub r s) e = renExp r (subExp s e)).
Proof. move: E ; apply ExpValue_ind; intros; SimplMap; Rewrites liftComposeRenSub. Qed.
Composition of substitutions
Definition composeSub E E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E') : Sub E E'' := fun var => subVal s' (s var).
Lemma liftComposeSub : forall E E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E'), liftSub (composeSub s' s) = composeSub (liftSub s') (liftSub s).
intros. extFMap var; first by [].
unfold composeSub. simpl. rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRenSub _)). unfold composeRenSub, subVal. by rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)).
Lemma applyComposeSub E :
(forall (v : Value E) E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subVal (composeSub s' s) v = subVal s' (subVal s v))
/\ (forall (e : Exp E) E' E'' (s' : Sub E' E'') (s : Sub E E'),
subExp (composeSub s' s) e = subExp s' (subExp s e)).
Proof. move: E ; apply ExpValue_ind; intros; SimplMap; Rewrites liftComposeSub. Qed.
Lemma composeCons : forall E E' E'' (s':Sub E' E'') (s:Sub E E') (v:Value _),
composeSub (cons v s') (liftSub s) = cons v (composeSub s' s).
Proof. intros. extFMap var; first by [].
unfold composeSub. unfold subVal. simpl. rewrite <- (proj1 (applyComposeRen _)). unfold composeRen.
simpl. replace ((fun (var0:Fin E') => s' var0)) with s' by (by apply Extensionality). by [].
Lemma composeSubIdLeft : forall E E' (s : Sub E E'), composeSub (@idSub _) s = s.
Proof. intros. extFMap var; by apply (proj1 (Map.applyId _ _)). Qed.
Lemma composeSubIdRight : forall E E' (s:Sub E E'), composeSub s (@idSub _) = s.
Proof. intros. extFMap var; by []. Qed.
Notation "[ x , .. , y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y ( _ SubOps _)) ..) : Sub_scope.
Arguments Scope composeSub [_ _ _ Sub_scope Sub_scope].
Arguments Scope subExp [_ _ Sub_scope].
Arguments Scope subVal [_ _ Sub_scope].
Delimit Scope Sub_scope with sub.
Lemma composeSingleSub : forall E E' (s:Sub E E') (v:Value _), composeSub [v] (liftSub s) = cons v s.
Proof. intros. rewrite composeCons. by rewrite composeSubIdLeft. Qed.

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@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
* uniiade.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Adequacy of semantics for unityped lambda calculus *)
Require Import unii.
Require Export uniisem uniiop Fin.
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import KnasterTarski.
Require Import NSetoid.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Open Scope C_scope.
Definition RelKind : setoidType := CPO.setoidType VInf * discrete_setoidType (Value O).
Lemma RelV_respect (R S:RelKind =-> Props) : setoid_respect
(fun (p:RelKind) => match p with (d,v) => match v with
| INT m => d =-= inl m
| VAR _ => False
| LAMBDA e =>
exists f, d =-= inr f /\
forall (d1:VInf) (v1:Value O), R (d1,v1) ->
forall dv, kleisli (eta << Unroll) (f (Roll d1)) =-= Val dv ->
exists v2, subExp ([v1]) e =>> v2 /\ S (dv,v2)
end end).
case => d1 v1. case => d2 v2. case => e0 e1. simpl in e0,e1. case: e1 => e1.
rewrite e1 ; clear e1 v1. case: v2 ; first by [].
- move => n. split => e ; by rewrite <- e ; auto.
- move => e. by split ; case => f [e1 P] ; exists f ; rewrite <- e1 ; split ; auto.
Definition RelV (R S:RelKind =-> Props) : (RelKind =-> Props) :=
Eval hnf in mk_fset (RelV_respect R S).
Definition imageD (f:VInf =-> VInf _BOT) (R S:RelKind =-> Props) :=
(forall x, R x -> let (d,v) := x in forall dd, (f d) =-= Val dd -> S (dd,v)).
Definition RAdm (R : RelKind =-> Props) := forall (S : RelKind =-> Props)
(c : natO =-> (VInf -=> VInf _BOT)), (forall n, imageD (c n) S R) ->
imageD (lub c) S R.
Lemma RAdm_inf : forall S : set_clatType RelKind -> Prop,
(forall t : set_clatType RelKind, S t -> RAdm t) -> RAdm (@inf (set_clatType RelKind) S).
intros S C. unfold RAdm in *.
intros R c A. unfold imageD. intros de. case de ; clear de. intros d e Rd dd ldd.
simpl. intros Si SSi.
specialize (C _ SSi R c).
assert ((forall n : natO, imageD (c n) R Si)) as xx.
intros nn. specialize (A nn). simpl in A. unfold imageD in A. unfold imageD.
intros x ; case x ; clear x. intros d1 v1 R1. specialize (A _ R1). simpl in A.
intros dd1 ddv1. specialize (A _ ddv1 _ SSi). apply A.
specialize (C xx). unfold imageD in C.
specialize (C _ Rd _ ldd). apply C.
Definition RelAdm := @sub_clatType (set_clatType RelKind) RAdm RAdm_inf.
Definition RelAdmop := op_latType RelAdm.
Lemma ev_determ: forall e v1, e =>> v1 -> forall v2, e =>> v2 -> v1 = v2.
intros v v1 ev. induction ev ; try (intros ; inversion H ; auto ; fail).
intros v3 ev. inversion ev. subst. rewrite <- (IHev1 _ H1) in *. apply (IHev2 _ H3).
Lemma sum_right_simpl: forall (D E:cpoType) (c:natO =-> (D + E)) T k e, c k =-= inr e -> sum_right (D1:=D) (c:=c) T k =-= e.
intros D E c T k e. case T. simpl. clear T. intros x c0. clear c0. case: (c k). move => s. by case.
move => s A. by apply A.
Lemma single_set_respect (T:setoidType) (v:T) : setoid_respect (fun y => y =-= v).
move => y y' e.
by split => e' ; rewrite <- e' ; rewrite e.
Definition single_set (T:setoidType) (v:T) : T =-> Props := Eval hnf in mk_fset (single_set_respect v).
Lemma Kab_mono (D1 D2:cpoType) : monotonic (fun x:D2 => @const D1 D2 x:D1 -=> D2).
by move => x y l.
Definition Kab (D1 D2:cpoType) : ordCatType D2 (D1 -=> D2) := Eval hnf in mk_fmono (@Kab_mono D1 D2).
Lemma inv_image_respect (T T':setoidType) (f: T =-> T') (Y:T' =-> Props) : setoid_respect (fun x => Y (f x)).
move => x y e. simpl. by rewrite -> e.
Definition inv_image (T T':setoidType) (f: T =-> T') (Y:T' =-> Props) : (T =-> Props) :=
Eval hnf in mk_fset (inv_image_respect f Y).
Lemma RelVA_adm (R : set_clatType RelKind)
(AR : RAdm R) (S : set_clatType RelKind) (AS : RAdm S) : RAdm (RelV R S).
unfold RAdm.
simpl. move => A c C.
unfold imageD. intros e ; case e ; clear e. intros d v Ad dd lubdd.
simpl in lubdd.
assert (xx:=lubval lubdd). destruct xx as [k [dd' [ck Pdd]]].
destruct (DLvalgetchain ck) as [c' Pc'].
generalize Ad. clear Ad.
case v ; clear v. simpl. intros n. Require Import Program. by dependent destruction n.
intros n cA. simpl. specialize (C k). unfold imageD in C.
specialize (C _ cA _ ck).
assert (lub (fcont_app c d) =-= Val (lub c')) as lc.
rewrite <- eta_val. rewrite -> (lub_comp_eq _ c').
rewrite -> (lub_lift_left _ k).
refine (lub_eq_compat _). refine (fmon_eq_intro _) => m.
simpl. apply (Pc' m). simpl in lc. rewrite -> lc in lubdd.
assert (ll := vinj lubdd). clear lubdd.
rewrite <- ll in *. clear ll. simpl in C. rewrite -> C in Pdd.
assert (c' 0%N =-= @INL (discrete_cpoType nat) (DInf -=> DInf _BOT) n).
specialize (Pc' O). rewrite addn0 in Pc'.
rewrite -> ck in Pc'. assert (xx := vinj Pc'). rewrite <- xx. rewrite -> C. by auto.
assert (forall x, @INL (discrete_cpoType nat) (DInf -=> DInf _BOT) n <= x -> exists d, x =-= inl d).
intros x. simpl. case x. intros t nt. simpl. exists t ; auto.
intros t FF. inversion FF. specialize (H0 _ Pdd).
destruct H0 as [nn sn].
rewrite -> sn in Pdd. simpl in Pdd. rewrite <- Pdd in *. by apply sn.
intros ee Cc. assert (C0 := C k). unfold imageD in C0. specialize (C0 _ Cc). simpl in C0.
specialize (C0 _ ck).
destruct (C0) as [f [cf _]].
case (SuminjProof c' 0). intros incon. case incon. clear incon.
intros ff incon. specialize (Pc' O). rewrite -> addn0 in Pc'. rewrite incon in Pc'. simpl in Pc'.
rewrite -> ck in Pc'. have Pcc:=vinj Pc'. rewrite -> cf in Pcc. by case: Pcc.
intros T. exists (lub (sum_right T)).
assert (dd =-=
inr (* nat *)
(@lub (DInf -=> DInf _BOT)
(sum_right (D1:=discrete_cpoType nat) (D2:=DInf -=> DInf _BOT) (c:=c') T))) as ldd.
have CI:(continuous ( (@INR (discrete_cpoType nat) (DInf -=> DInf _BOT)))) by auto.
assert (forall x, Inr (discrete_ordType nat) (DInf -=> DInf _BOT) x = inr x).
intros x. by auto. rewrite <- H. clear H. rewrite -> (lub_comp_eq (INR (discrete_cpoType nat) _) (sum_right T)).
assert (lub (fcont_app c d) =-= Val (lub c')) as lc.
rewrite <- eta_val. rewrite -> (lub_comp_eq _ c').
refine (Oeq_trans (lub_lift_left (fcont_app c d) k) _).
refine (lub_eq_compat _). refine (fmon_eq_intro _).
intros m. simpl. apply (Pc' m). simpl in lc. rewrite -> lc in lubdd.
assert (ll := vinj lubdd). clear lubdd.
rewrite <- ll. assert (xx:=@lub_eq_compat _ c'). simpl in xx. simpl. apply xx.
refine (fmon_eq_intro _). intros m. simpl.
assert (exists dd, c' m =-= inr (* (discrete_cpoType nat) *) dd). assert (c' O <= c' m) as cm.
assert (monotonic c') as cm' by auto. by apply cm'. simpl. case T. intros x c'0.
simpl in c'0.
generalize cm. clear cm. case (c' m). intros t incon. simpl in incon. rewrite c'0 in incon. inversion incon.
intros t cm. exists t. auto. destruct H as [c'm cm].
assert (yy := sum_right_simpl T cm). rewrite -> cm. simpl.
assert (stable (@INR (discrete_cpoType nat) (DInf -=> DInf _BOT))) by auto.
simpl in H. refine (H _ _ _). clear H.
rewrite <- yy. by auto.
split. apply ldd.
intros d1 v1 Sd1 dv rdv.
rewrite fcont_lub_simpl in rdv.
rewrite -> (lub_comp_eq _ (fcont_app (sum_right T) (Roll d1))) in rdv.
destruct (lubval rdv) as [kk [dkk [ckk dkkl]]].
destruct (DLvalgetchain ckk) as [c1' cP]. simpl in ckk.
assert (D := C (k+kk)%N). unfold imageD in D. specialize (D _ Cc). simpl in D.
assert (xx:= Pc' kk). specialize (D _ xx).
case: D => ff. case => c0 P.
specialize (P _ v1 Sd1).
assert (cp0:= cP O).
assert (bla:=sum_right_simpl T c0). simpl in cp0. rewrite addn0 in cp0.
assert (stable ((kleisli (eta << Unroll)))) as su by apply: fmon_stable.
specialize (su _ _ (fmon_eq_elim bla (Roll (d1)))). rewrite -> su in cp0.
specialize (P _ cp0). destruct P as [v2 [ev2 S2]].
exists v2. split. by apply ev2. clear bla su cp0 xx S2 c0 ff.
unfold RAdm in AS.
specialize (AS (inv_image (@Ssnd _ _) (single_set (v2:discrete_setoidType (Value O))))).
specialize (AS (Kab _ (VInf _BOT) << (eta_m << c1'))).
have AA:(forall n : natO,
imageD ((Kab VInf (VInf _BOT) << (eta_m << c1')) n)
(Ssnd (CPO.setoidType VInf) (discrete_setoidType (Value 0)))
(single_set (v2:discrete_setoidType (Value 0)))) S).
intros n. unfold imageD. simpl. intros x ; case x; clear x. simpl.
intros d0 v0 veq. unfold tset_eq in veq. simpl in veq. rewrite veq. clear v0 veq. intros d00.
move => vv. have vvv:=vinj vv. clear vv.
specialize (C (k+kk+n)%N).
unfold imageD in C. specialize (C _ Cc). simpl in C.
specialize (cP n).
assert (c (k + kk + n)%N d =-= Val (c' (kk + n))%N).
specialize (Pc' (kk+n)%N). rewrite <- Pc'.
by rewrite addnA.
specialize (C _ H).
destruct C as [fn [c'n Pn']].
specialize (Pn' _ _ Sd1). simpl in cP. clear H.
assert (xx:=sum_right_simpl T c'n).
assert (stable ( (kleisli (eta << Unroll)))) as su by apply:fmon_stable.
specialize (su _ _ (fmon_eq_elim xx (Roll d1))). rewrite -> su in cP.
clear su xx. specialize (Pn' _ cP).
destruct Pn' as [v3 [ev3 S3]]. have e0:=ev_determ ev3 ev2. rewrite -> e0 in S3. clear ev3 v3 e0.
have e0:S (d00, v2) =-= S (c1' n,v2). apply frespect. split ; last by []. simpl. by rewrite -> vvv.
apply (proj2 e0). by apply S3. specialize (AS AA).
unfold imageD in AS.
specialize (AS (d,v2)). simpl in AS.
refine (AS _ _ _) ; first by [].
assert (xx := fcont_lub_simpl (Kab VInf (VInf _BOT) << (eta_m << c1')) d).
simpl in xx. rewrite xx. clear xx.
rewrite <- rdv.
assert (aa:=@lub_eq_compat (VInf _BOT)).
simpl in aa.
refine (Oeq_trans _ (Oeq_sym (lub_lift_left _ kk))).
refine (aa _ _ _). refine (fmon_eq_intro _). intros n.
specialize (cP n). auto using cP.
Definition RelVA : RelAdmop -> RelAdm -> RelAdm.
intros R S. case R. clear R. intros R AR. case S. clear S. intros S AS.
exists (RelV R S). by apply RelVA_adm.
Definition RelVAop : RelAdm -> RelAdmop -> RelAdmop := fun X Y => RelVA X Y.
Lemma RelVm_mon : monotonic (fun (p:prod_clatType RelAdmop RelAdm) =>
(RelVAop (lsnd _ _ p) (lfst _ _ p), RelVA (lfst _ _ p) (lsnd _ _ p))).
unfold monotonic. intros x. case x. clear x. intros x0 y0 y. case y. clear y. intros x1 y1.
simpl. case x1. clear x1. intros x1 rx1. case x0. clear x0. intros x0 rx0.
case y0 ; clear y0 ; intros y0 ry0. case y1 ; clear y1 ; intros y1 ry1.
intros [sx sy]. split. simpl.
intros dv. case dv. clear dv. intros d v. simpl. case v ; [by auto | by auto | idtac].
clear v. intros e C. destruct C as [f [df P]]. exists f. split ; first by auto.
intros d1 v1 y01. specialize (P d1 v1).
specialize (sy (d1,v1) y01). intros dv rdv. specialize (P sy dv rdv).
destruct P as [v2 [ev2 P]]. exists v2. split; [by apply ev2 | by apply (sx (dv,v2) P)].
intros dv. case dv. clear dv. intros d v. simpl.
case v ; auto. clear v. intros v C. destruct C as [f [df C]].
exists f. split ; first by auto. intros d1 v1 c1. specialize (C d1 v1).
specialize (sx (d1,v1) c1). intros dv dvr. specialize (C sx dv dvr).
destruct C as [v2 [ev2 C]]. exists v2. split; [by apply ev2 | by apply (sy (dv,v2) C)].
Definition RelVm : ordCatType (prod_clatType RelAdmop RelAdm) (prod_clatType RelAdmop RelAdm) :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono RelVm_mon.
Definition Delta := lsnd _ _ (lfp RelVm).
Definition Deltam := lfst _ _ (lfp RelVm).
Lemma RelV_fixedD: Delta =-= (RelVA Deltam Delta).
unfold Delta, Deltam. assert (xx:=lfp_fixedpoint RelVm).
generalize xx. clear xx.
case ((@lfp (prod_clatType RelAdmop RelAdm) RelVm)).
intros d0 d1. simpl. intros X. case: X. simpl. case => A B. case => X Y. by split.
Lemma RelV_fixedDm : Deltam =-= (RelVA Delta Deltam).
unfold Deltam,Delta. assert (xx := lfp_fixedpoint RelVm).
generalize xx ;clear xx.
case (lfp RelVm).
intros d0 d1. simpl. case. simpl. case => A B. case => X Y. by split.
Lemma RelV_least: forall R S, R <= RelVA S R -> (RelVA R S) <= S ->
R <= Deltam /\ Delta <= S.
intros R S.
assert (xx:=@lfp_least _ RelVm).
intros Rsub Ssub. simpl in Rsub, Ssub.
assert (RelVm (R,S) <= (R,S)). simpl. split. by apply Rsub. by apply Ssub.
specialize (xx _ H).
assert (lfp RelVm =-= (Deltam,Delta)) as L.
unfold Deltam, Delta. by split.
rewrite -> L in xx.
by destruct xx ; split ; auto.
Require Import uniirec.
Lemma RelV_F_action: forall (f:VInf =-> VInf _BOT) (R S:RelKind =-> Props), imageD f R S ->
imageD (eta << [|in1,
(in2 <<
((exp_fun (CCOMP _ _ _:cpoCatType _ _) (kleisli (kleisli (eta << Roll) << f << Unroll)) : cpoCatType _ _) <<
((CCOMP DInf _ (DInf _BOT)) <<
SWAP) ((kleisli (eta << Roll) << f << Unroll)) : cpoCatType _ _) << KLEISLI)))|]) (RelV S R) (RelV R S).
move => f R S X.
case => d. case ; first by [].
- move => n. simpl. move => e dd. move => A. have A':=vinj A. clear A. rewrite -> e in A'. clear d e.
rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in A'. by apply (Oeq_sym A').
- move => e. simpl. case => f' [e' P] dd ee.
exists (kleisli ((kleisli (eta << Roll) << f) << Unroll) <<
(kleisli f' << ((kleisli (eta << Roll) << f) << Unroll))).
have ee':=vinj ee. clear ee. rewrite -> e' in ee'. rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in ee'.
simpl in ee'. rewrite <- ee'. split ; first by [].
clear dd d e' ee'. move => d1 v1 R1 dv. simpl.
rewrite -> (fmon_eq_elim UR_id d1). simpl. move => A.
destruct (kleisliValVal A) as [d2 [B Q]]. have e1 := vinj Q. clear Q A.
destruct (kleisliValVal B) as [d3 [C Q]]. clear B. destruct (kleisliValVal C) as [d4 [C0 Q0]].
clear C. destruct (kleisliValVal C0) as [d5 [C1 Q1]]. clear C0. have X':= (X (d1,v1) R1 _ C1).
specialize (P _ v1 X'). have Q2:=vinj Q1. clear Q1. rewrite <- Q2 in Q0. clear Q2 d4.
destruct (kleisliValVal Q) as [d4 [P' Q']]. clear Q. have e2:=vinj Q'. clear Q'.
have ee:kleisli (eta << Unroll) (f' (Roll d5)) =-= Val (Unroll d3). rewrite -> Q0. by rewrite kleisliVal.
specialize (P _ ee). case: P => v2 Ev. exists v2. case: Ev => Ev P. split. apply Ev.
specialize (X _ P _ P'). rewrite <- e2 in e1. clear e2 d2. have e2:=fmon_eq_elim UR_id d4.
rewrite -> e2 in e1. simpl in e1. clear e2. have ea:= (frespect S).
have eb:S (dv, v2) =-= S (d4, v2). apply frespect. split ; last by []. by rewrite -> e1.
by apply (proj2 eb).
Lemma imageD_eq: forall f g X Y, f =-= g -> imageD f X Y -> imageD g X Y.
intros f g X Y fg. unfold imageD. intros C. intros x ; case x ; clear x.
intros d v. simpl. specialize (C (d,v)). intros Xd. specialize (C Xd).
simpl in C. intros dd gd. assert (ff := fmon_eq_elim fg d). rewrite <- ff in gd.
specialize (C _ gd). apply C.
Lemma imageD_eqS : forall (X Y Z W:RelKind =-> Props) f, @Ole (set_ordType _) Z X ->
@Ole (set_ordType RelKind) Y W -> imageD f X Y -> imageD f Z W.
move => X Y Z W f l x y. case => e v Ze.
specialize (l (e,v) Ze). specialize (y (e,v)). simpl in y. move => fe E.
specialize (y l _ E). by apply x.
Lemma Delta_l: Delta =-= Deltam.
split. apply (proj1 (RelV_least (proj1 RelV_fixedD) (proj1 (RelV_fixedDm)))).
case_eq Delta. intros D AD Deq. case_eq Deltam. intros Dm ADm Dmeq. simpl.
intros dv. case dv. clear dv. intros d v. unfold RAdm in AD.
intros Dmdv. assert (imageD (eta << Unroll << Id << Roll) Dm D).
assert (AA:=AD Dm).
assert (admissible (fun (X:DInf -=> DInf _BOT) => imageD (((kleisli (eta << Unroll) << X) << Roll)) Dm D /\
X <= eta)) as Ad.
unfold admissible. intros c C1.
split. assert (C := fun n => proj1 (C1 n)). clear C1.
have a:= comp_eq_compat (comp_lub_eq (kleisli (eta << Unroll)) c) (tset_refl Roll).
rewrite -> lub_comp in a.
apply: (imageD_eq (Oeq_sym a)). clear a.
apply AD. simpl. move => n. by apply C.
apply lub_le => n. by apply (proj2 (C1 n)).
have ee:(((eta << Unroll) << Id) << Roll) =-= kleisli (eta << Unroll) << (FIXP delta) << Roll.
rewrite <- id_min. rewrite kleisli_eta_com. by rewrite comp_idR.
refine (imageD_eq (Oeq_sym ee) _). clear ee.
rewrite FIXP_simpl.
refine (proj1 (fixp_ind Ad _ _)). unfold imageD. split.
intros x ; case x ; clear x. simpl.
intros dd vv. intros ddC d0. repeat (rewrite fcont_comp_simpl).
move => F. rewrite -> kleisli_bot in F. by case: (@PBot_incon _ _ (proj2 F)).
by apply: leastP.
intros f imaf. split ; last by rewrite -> (fmonotonic ( delta) (proj2 imaf)) ; rewrite -> delta_eta.
destruct imaf as [imaf fless].
have aa:=comp_eq_compat (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (kleisli (eta << Unroll))) (delta_simpl f)) (tset_refl Roll).
repeat rewrite -> comp_assoc in aa. rewrite -> kleisli_eta_com in aa.
do 3 rewrite <- (comp_assoc Roll) in aa. rewrite -> UR_id in aa. simpl. rewrite -> comp_idR in aa.
apply (imageD_eq (Oeq_sym aa)).
assert (X1:=RelV_fixedD).
assert (X2:=RelV_fixedDm).
rewrite Deq in X1, X2. rewrite Dmeq in X1, X2.
assert (D =-= RelV Dm D) by auto.
assert (Dm =-= RelV D Dm) by auto.
clear X1 X2.
apply (imageD_eqS (proj1 H0) (proj2 H)).
have e0:((kleisli (eta << Roll) <<
((kleisli (eta << Unroll) << f) << Roll)) << Unroll) =-= f.
repeat rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite RU_id. rewrite comp_idR.
rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite RU_id. rewrite comp_idR.
rewrite kleisli_unit. by rewrite comp_idL.
apply: (imageD_eq _ (RelV_F_action imaf)). rewrite -> e0. repeat rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite UR_id. by rewrite comp_idR.
unfold imageD in H. specialize (H _ Dmdv). simpl in H.
specialize (H d). apply H. unfold id. apply: (fmon_stable eta).
by rewrite -> (fmon_eq_elim UR_id d).
Definition LR : RelKind =-> Props := match Delta with exist D _ => D end.
Lemma LR_fix: LR =-= (RelV LR LR) /\ RAdm LR.
unfold LR.
assert (Dfix:=RelV_fixedD). assert (monotonic RelVm) by auto.
assert (M:= H (Delta,Delta) (Deltam,Delta)).
specialize (H (Deltam,Delta) (Delta,Delta)).
assert (xx:=Delta_l). split.
assert (((Deltam, Delta) : (prod_clatType RelAdmop RelAdm)) <= (Delta, Delta)). destruct xx as [X0 X1].
split. auto. auto. specialize (H H0).
assert (((Delta, Delta) : (prod_clatType RelAdmop RelAdm)) <= (Deltam, Delta)). destruct xx as [X0 X1].
split ; auto.
specialize (M H1). clear H0 H1.
generalize H M Dfix xx. clear Dfix xx H M.
case Delta. intros D Rd.
case Deltam. intros Dm RDm.
intros H M Dfix yy.
assert (D =-= RelV Dm D) by auto.
assert (Dm =-= D) by auto. clear yy Dfix.
case: H. case: M. simpl. unfold Ole. simpl. rewrite {1 3} / Ole. simpl.
move => R0 R1 R2 R3. split => A.
- apply R3. by apply (proj1 H0).
- apply (proj2 H0). by apply R1.
case Delta. simpl. by auto.
Definition ELR := fun ld e, forall d, ld =-= Val d -> exists v, exists ev:e =>> v, (RelV LR LR) (d,v).
Lemma RelV_simpl: forall R S d v, (RelV R S) (d,v) =
match v with
| INT m => d =-= inl(* _ *) m
| VAR _ => False
| LAMBDA e => exists f, d =-= inr (* _*) f /\
forall (d1:VInf) (v1:Value O), R (d1,v1) ->
forall dv, kleisli (eta << Unroll) (f (Roll d1)) =-= Val dv ->
exists v2, subExp (cons v1 (@idSub _)) e =>> v2 /\ S (dv,v2)
end. intros R S d v. simpl. case v ; auto.
Fixpoint LRsubst E : SemEnv E -> unii.Sub E 0 -> Prop :=
match E with
| O => fun d m => True
| S n' => fun d m => LR (snd d, hd m) /\ LRsubst (fst d) (tl m)
Add Parametric Morphism (O0 O1:cpoType) : (@pair O0 O1)
with signature (@tset_eq _ : O0 -> O0 -> Prop) ==> (@tset_eq _ : O1 -> O1 -> Prop) ==> (@tset_eq (O0 * O1))
as pair_eq_compat.
move => x y e x' y' e'. split. by rewrite -> e ; rewrite -> e'.
by rewrite <- e ; rewrite <- e'.
(*=Fundamental *)
Theorem FundamentalTheorem n :
(forall (v:Value n) sl d, LRsubst d sl -> (RelV LR LR) (SemVal v d, subVal sl v)) /\
forall (e:Exp n) sl d, LRsubst d sl -> ELR (SemExp e d) (subExp sl e).
(*=End *)
rewrite (lock LR).
move: n ; apply ExpValue_ind.
(* VAR *)
- intros n v sl d C.
dependent induction v.
+ destruct C as [Ch Ct]. fold LRsubst in Ct. rewrite -lock.
have X:= ((proj1 LR_fix) _). by apply (proj1 (X _)).
+ destruct C as [Ch Ct]. fold LRsubst in Ct. rewrite -lock. rewrite (consEta sl). rewrite -lock in IHv. by apply (IHv _ _ Ct).
(* INT *)
- by [].
(* LAMBDA *)
- move => n e IH s d C. simpl SemVal. SimplMap.
exists ((exp_fun ((kleisli (eta << Roll) << SemExp e) << Id >< Unroll)) d).
split ; first by [].
+ intros d1 v1 c1 dv. simpl.
move => X.
have Y:=Oeq_trans (fmon_eq_elim (kleisli_comp2 _ _) _) X. clear X.
case: (kleisliValVal Y) => v [se P]. rewrite <- comp_assoc in P. rewrite -> UR_id in P.
rewrite -> P in se. clear P v Y.
specialize (IH (cons v1 s) (d,d1)).
have: (LRsubst ((d,d1):SemEnv (n.+1)) (cons v1 s)). split.
* rewrite -lock in c1. by apply c1.
* simpl. rewrite tlCons. by apply C.
move => H. specialize (IH H).
unfold ELR in IH. specialize (IH dv).
have S: (SemExp e (d, d1) =-= Val dv). rewrite <- se.
by rewrite -> (pair_eq_compat (tset_refl _) (fmon_eq_elim UR_id d1)).
rewrite -> (pair_eq_compat (tset_refl _) (fmon_eq_elim UR_id d1)) in se. specialize (IH se).
case: IH => v [ev evH]. exists v. split. rewrite <- (proj2 (applyComposeSub _)). rewrite composeSingleSub. by apply ev. rewrite -lock. by apply (proj2 (proj1 LR_fix _)).
(* VAL *)
- move => n v IH s d l d' H.
specialize (IH s d l). exists (subVal s v). exists (e_Val (subVal s v)). rewrite -lock in IH.
simpl in H. have e:=vinj H. clear H.
refine (proj1 (frespect (RelV LR LR) _) IH). by apply NSetoid.pair_eq_compat.
(* APP *)
- move => n v0 IH0 v1 IH1 s d l d' e. SimplMap.
simpl in e. specialize (IH0 s d l). specialize (IH1 s d l).
simpl in IH0. case: (subVal s v0) IH0 ; first by [].
+ move=> m ee. rewrite -> ee in e. rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in e. simpl in e. rewrite -> kleisli_bot in e.
by case: (PBot_incon (proj2 e)).
+ move => e'. case => f [e0 P]. rewrite -> e0 in e. rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in e.
rewrite -lock in IH1. have IH:= proj2 (proj1 LR_fix _) IH1. clear IH1.
rewrite -lock in P.
specialize (P _ _ IH _ e). case: P => v. case => ev lr.
exists v. exists (e_App ev). by apply (proj1 (proj1 LR_fix _)).
(* LET *)
- move => n e0 IH0 e1 IH1 s d l. simpl SemExp. SimplMap.
specialize (IH0 s d l). simpl.
move => d' X.
case: (KLEISLIR_ValVal X). clear X.
move => d0 [D0 D1]. specialize (IH0 d0 D0). case: IH0 => v0 [ev0 r0].
specialize (IH1 (cons v0 s) (d,d0)). have rr:=proj2 (proj1 LR_fix _) r0. clear r0.
unfold LRsubst in IH1. fold LRsubst in IH1. rewrite hdCons tlCons in IH1.
specialize (IH1 (conj rr l)). unfold ELR in IH1. specialize (IH1 d' D1). destruct IH1 as [v [ev H]].
exists v.
split ; last by apply H.
refine (e_Let ev0 _). rewrite <- (proj2 (applyComposeSub _)). rewrite composeSingleSub. by apply ev.
(* IFZ *)
- move => n v0 IH0 e1 IH1 e2 IH2 s d l d' X.
specialize (IH0 s d l). simpl in IH0. SimplMap.
simpl in X.
case: (subVal s v0) IH0 ; first by [].
+ move => ii ee. simpl SemExp in X. simpl in X. rewrite -> ee in X. rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in X. unfold id in X.
specialize (IH1 s d l d'). specialize (IH2 s d l d').
case: ii X ee.
* move => Y ee. simpl in Y. rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in Y. simpl in Y.
specialize (IH1 Y). case: IH1 => v [ev rv]. exists v. split. apply (e_Ifz1 _ ev). by apply rv.
* move => ii Y ee. simpl in Y. rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in Y. simpl in Y.
specialize (IH2 Y). case: IH2 => v [ev rv]. exists v. split. simpl. apply (e_Ifz2 _ _). apply ev. by apply rv.
+ move => e. case => f [F _]. rewrite -> F in X. rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in X.
simpl in X. by case: (PBot_incon (proj2 X)).
(* OP *)
- move => n op v0 IH0 v1 IH1 s d l d' X. simpl in X.
specialize (IH0 s d l). specialize (IH1 s d l). simpl in IH0. simpl in IH1. SimplMap.
case: (kleisliValVal X) => dd [Y Z]. clear X.
case: (subVal s v0) IH0 IH1 ; first by [].
+ move => i0 ee. case: (subVal s v1) ; first by [].
* move => i1 ee'. rewrite -> ee in Y. rewrite -> ee' in Y. clear ee ee'.
do 2 rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in Y. simpl in Y. unfold Smash in Y.
rewrite -> Operator2_simpl in Y. have e:=vinj Y. clear Y.
rewrite <- e in Z. clear e dd. exists (@INT 0 (op i0 i1)). exists (e_Op op i0 i1).
simpl in Z. simpl. by rewrite <- (vinj Z).
* move => e1. case => f [F _]. rewrite -> F in Y. rewrite -> ee in Y.
do 2 rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in Y. simpl in Y. unfold Smash in Y.
rewrite -> Operator2_strictR in Y. by case: (PBot_incon (proj2 Y)).
+ move => e1. case => f [F _]. rewrite -> F in Y. do 2 rewrite -> SUM_fun_simplx in Y. simpl in Y.
unfold Smash in Y. rewrite -> Operator2_strictL in Y.
by case: (PBot_incon (proj2 Y)).
(*=Adequate *)
Corollary Adequacy (e:Exp O) d : SemExp e tt =-= Val d -> exists v, e =>> v.
(*=End *)
move => S.
assert (xx:=proj2 (FundamentalTheorem _) e (@idSub _) tt).
simpl in xx. unfold ELR in xx. specialize (xx I _ S). destruct xx as [v P]. exists v.
have ee:subExp (@idSub _) e = e by apply (proj2 (Map.applyId _ _)). rewrite ee in P. by apply P.

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
* uniiop.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
Require Export unii.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Reserved Notation "e '=>>' v" (at level 75).
(*=Evaluation *)
Inductive Evaluation : Exp O -> Value O -> Prop :=
| e_Val : forall v, VAL v =>> v
| e_App : forall e1 v2 v, subExp [v2] e1 =>> v -> APP (LAMBDA e1) v2 =>> v
| e_Let : forall e1 v1 e2 v2, e1 =>> v1 -> subExp [v1] e2 =>> v2 -> LET e1 e2 =>> v2
| e_Ifz1 : forall e1 e2 v1, e1 =>> v1 -> IFZ (INT 0) e1 e2 =>> v1
| e_Ifz2 : forall e1 e2 v2 n, e2 =>> v2 -> IFZ (INT (S n)) e1 e2 =>> v2
| e_Op : forall op n1 n2, OP op (INT n1) (INT n2) =>> INT (op n1 n2)
where "e =>> v" := (Evaluation e v).
(*=End *)

View file

@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
* uniirec.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* Construction of recursive domain for interpreting unityped lambda calculus *)
Require Export PredomAll.
Require Import PredomRec.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(*=kcpoCat *)
Lemma kcpoCatAxiom : @Category.axiom cpoType
(fun X Y => exp_cppoType X (liftCppoType Y)) (fun X Y Z f g => kleisli f << g) (@eta).
split ; last split ; last split.
- move => D0 D1 f. simpl. rewrite kleisli_unit. by rewrite comp_idL.
- move => D0 D1 f. simpl. by rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
- move => D0 D1 D2 D3 f g h. simpl. rewrite <- kleisli_comp. by rewrite comp_assoc.
- move => D0 D1 D2 f f' g g'. simpl. move => e e'. rewrite e. by rewrite e'.
(*CLEARED*)Canonical Structure kcpoCatMixin := CatMixin kcpoCatAxiom.
Canonical Structure kcpoCatType := Eval hnf in CatType kcpoCatMixin.
(*=End *)
Module Type RecDom.
Variable DInf : cpoType.
Definition VInf := discrete_cpoType nat + (DInf -=> DInf _BOT).
Variable Roll : VInf =-> DInf.
Variable Unroll : DInf =-> VInf.
Variable RU_id : Roll << Unroll =-= Id.
Variable UR_id : Unroll << Roll =-= Id.
Variable delta : (DInf -=> DInf _BOT) =-> (DInf -=> DInf _BOT).
Variable delta_simpl : forall e, delta e =-= eta << Roll << ([| in1,
(in2 <<
((exp_fun (CCOMP DInf (DInf _BOT) (DInf _BOT):cpoCatType _ _) (kleisli e) : cpoCatType _ _) <<
((CCOMP DInf (DInf _BOT) (DInf _BOT)) << SWAP) e :cpoCatType _ _) << KLEISLI))) |]) << Unroll.
Variable delta_eta : delta eta =-= eta.
Variable id_min : eta =-= @FIXP _ delta.
End RecDom.
Module RD : RecDom.
Lemma kcpoTerminalAxiom : CatTerminal.axiom (Zero: kcpoCatType).
simpl. move => D x y. split.
move => i. simpl. apply: DLless_cond. by case.
move => i. simpl. apply:DLless_cond. by case.
Canonical Structure kcpoTermincalCatMixin :=
@terminalCatMixin kcpoCatType (Zero: kcpoCatType)
(fun X => const _ (PBot: (liftCpoPointedType Zero))) kcpoTerminalAxiom.
Canonical Structure kcpoTerminalCat := Eval hnf in @terminalCatType kcpoCatType kcpoTermincalCatMixin.
Lemma kcpo_comp_eq (X Y Z : cpoType) m m' : ((CCOMP X (Y _BOT) (Z _BOT)) << KLEISLI >< Id) (m,m') =-= Category.tcomp kcpoCatMixin m m'.
by [].
Definition kcpoBaseCatMixin := CppoECatMixin kcpoTermincalCatMixin kcpo_comp_eq.
(*=kcpoBaseCat *)
Canonical Structure kcpoBaseCatType := Eval hnf in CppoECatType kcpoBaseCatMixin.
Lemma leftss : (forall (X Y Z : kcpoBaseCatType) (f : kcpoBaseCatType X Y),
(PBot:kcpoCatType _ _) << f =-= (PBot: X =-> Z)).
(*=End *)
move => X Y Z f. apply: fmon_eq_intro.
move => x. split ; last by apply: leastP.
apply: DLless_cond.
move => z. move => A. case: (kleisliValVal A) => y [_ F]. by case: (PBot_incon_eq (Oeq_sym F)).
Definition ProjSet (T:Tower kcpoBaseCatType) := fun (d:prodi_cpoType (fun n => tobjects T n _BOT)) => forall n,
PROJ (fun n => tobjects T n _BOT) n d =-=
kleisli (tmorphisms T n) (PROJ (fun n => tobjects T n _BOT) (S n) d) /\
exists n, exists e, PROJ (fun n => tobjects T n _BOT) n d =-= Val e.
Lemma ProjSet_inclusive T : admissible (@ProjSet T).
unfold ProjSet. unfold admissible.
intros c C n.
split. do 3 rewrite -> lub_comp_eq.
refine (lub_eq_compat _).
refine (fmon_eq_intro _).
intros m. simpl. specialize (C m n). by apply (proj1 C).
specialize (C 0 0). destruct C as [_ C]. clear n.
destruct C as [n [e P]].
exists n.
assert (forall n, continuous ((PROJ (fun n0 : nat => tobjects T n0 _BOT) n))) as Cp by auto.
assert (PROJ (fun n : nat => tobjects T n _BOT) n (c 0) <= PROJ (fun n : nat => tobjects T n _BOT) n (lub c)) as L by
(apply: fmonotonic ; auto).
rewrite -> P in L.
destruct (DLle_Val_exists_eq L) as [dn [Y X]].
exists dn. by apply Y.
Definition kcpoCone (T:Tower kcpoBaseCatType) : Cone T.
exists (sub_cpoType (@ProjSet_inclusive T)) (fun i:nat => PROJ _ i << Forget (@ProjSet_inclusive T)).
move => i. apply: fmon_eq_intro. case => d Pd.
by apply (Oeq_sym (proj1 (Pd i))).
Implicit Arguments InheritFun [D E P].
Lemma retract_total D E (f:D =-> E _BOT) (g:E =-> D _BOT) : kleisli f << g =-= eta -> total g.
unfold total. move => X d. have X':=fmon_eq_elim X d.
case: (kleisliValVal X'). move => e [Y _]. exists e. by apply Y.
Lemma xx (T:Tower kcpoBaseCatType) i : (forall d : tobjects T i, ProjSet (PRODI_fun (t_nm T i) d)).
move => d n. split. simpl.
by rewrite -> (fmon_eq_elim (t_nmProjection T i n) d).
exists i. exists d. simpl. by rewrite t_nn_ID.
Definition kcpoCocone (T:Tower kcpoBaseCatType) : CoCone T.
exists (sub_cpoType (@ProjSet_inclusive T)) (fun i => eta << @InheritFun _ _ _ (@ProjSet_inclusive T) (PRODI_fun (t_nm T i)) (@xx T i)).
move => i. rewrite {1} /Category.comp. simpl. apply: fmon_eq_intro => d. split.
- apply: DLless_cond. case => x Px C. case: (kleisliValVal C). clear C.
move => y [md X].
apply Ole_trans with (kleisli (eta << InheritFun (@ProjSet_inclusive T) (PRODI_fun (t_nm T i.+1)) (@xx T _)) (Val y)) ;
first by rewrite <- md.
rewrite kleisliVal. rewrite -> X. apply: (fmonotonic (@eta_m _)). unfold Ole. simpl.
move => n. simpl. have Y:=vinj X.
case: (fmon_stable (Forget (@ProjSet_inclusive T)) Y). clear Y. simpl. move => Y Y'.
specialize (Y' n). rewrite -> Y'. rewrite -> (fmon_eq_elim (t_nmEmbedding T i n) d). simpl.
rewrite -> md. by rewrite kleisliVal.
- case: (retract_total (proj1 (teppair T i)) d). move => x e.
apply Ole_trans with (y:=kleisli (eta << InheritFun (@ProjSet_inclusive T) (PRODI_fun (t_nm T i.+1)) (@xx T _)) (Val x)) ;
last by rewrite <- e.
rewrite kleisliVal. apply: DLle_leVal. move => n. simpl.
apply Ole_trans with (y:=(kleisli (t_nm T i.+1 n) (Val x))) ; last by rewrite kleisliVal.
rewrite <- e. by apply (proj1 (fmon_eq_elim (t_nmEmbedding T i n) d)).
Lemma limit_def (T:Tower kcpoBaseCatType) (C:Cone T) d n e' : mcone C n d =-= Val e' ->
exists e, lub (chainPE (kcpoCocone T) C) d =-= Val e.
move => X. simpl.
have aa:exists e, (fcont_app (chainPE (kcpoCocone T) C) d) n =-= Val e.
exists (@InheritFun _ _ _ (@ProjSet_inclusive T) (PRODI_fun (t_nm T n)) (@xx T n) e').
apply (@Oeq_trans _ _ (kleisli (eta << InheritFun (@ProjSet_inclusive T) (PRODI_fun (t_nm T n)) (@xx T _)) (mcone C n d))) ; first by [].
rewrite -> X. by rewrite kleisliVal.
case: aa => e aa. case: (chainVallubnVal 1 aa) => x bb. exists x. by apply bb.
(*=kcpoLimit *)
Definition kcpoLimit (T:Tower kcpoBaseCatType) : Limit T.
(*=End *)
exists (kcpoCone T) (fun C : Cone T => lub (chainPE (@kcpoCocone T) C)).
move => C n. simpl. split.
- apply: (Ole_trans _ (comp_le_compat (Ole_refl _) (le_lub (chainPE (kcpoCocone T) C) n))).
simpl. rewrite {1} /Category.comp. simpl. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- kleisli_comp2.
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite -> ForgetInherit. rewrite prodi_fun_pi. rewrite t_nn_ID. rewrite kleisli_unit.
by rewrite comp_idL. simpl.
rewrite {1} / Category.comp. simpl.
refine (Ole_trans (Oeq_le (PredomCore.comp_lub_eq _ (chainPE (kcpoCocone T) C))) _).
rewrite (lub_lift_left _ n). apply: lub_le => i. simpl. rewrite comp_assoc.
rewrite <- (kleisli_comp2 (InheritFun (@ProjSet_inclusive T) (PRODI_fun (t_nm T (n + i))) (@xx T _))
(PROJ (fun n0 : nat => tobjects T n0 _BOT) n << Forget (@ProjSet_inclusive T))).
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite ForgetInherit. rewrite prodi_fun_pi. by apply (proj2 ((coneCom_l C (leq_addr i n)))).
- move => C h X. apply: fmon_eq_intro => d. simpl in h. split.
+ apply: DLless_cond. case => x Px E. case: (proj2 (Px 0)) => n. case => y Py. rewrite -> E.
have A:=(fmon_eq_elim (X n) d). have AA:=tset_trans A (fmon_stable (kleisli _) E). clear A.
have A:=tset_trans AA (kleisliVal _ _). clear AA. simpl in A. rewrite -> Py in A.
case: (limit_def A) => lc e. rewrite -> e. apply: DLle_leVal. case: lc e => lc Plc e. unfold Ole. simpl.
move => i. specialize (X i). have Xi:=fmon_eq_elim X d.
have Xii: (mcone C i) d =-= (kleisli (PROJ _ i << Forget (@ProjSet_inclusive T)) ( h d)) by apply Xi.
rewrite -> E in Xii. rewrite -> kleisliVal in Xii. simpl in Xii.
rewrite <- Xii. clear Xi Xii.
simpl in e. have aa := Ole_trans (le_lub _ i) (proj1 e). clear e h X E. simpl in aa.
have bb:kleisli (eta << (@InheritFun _ _ _ (@ProjSet_inclusive T) (PRODI_fun (t_nm T (i))) (@xx T (i))))
((mcone C i) d) <= Val (exist (fun x : forall i : nat, Stream (tobjects T i) => ProjSet x)
lc Plc) by apply aa. clear aa.
apply: DLless_cond => di X. rewrite -> X in bb. rewrite -> kleisliVal in bb. rewrite -> X.
have aa:=vleinj bb. clear bb. unfold Ole in aa. simpl in aa. specialize (aa i). simpl in aa.
rewrite <- aa. by rewrite -> (fmon_eq_elim (t_nn_ID T i) di).
+ simpl. apply: lub_le => n. specialize (X n). have Y:=fmon_eq_elim X d. clear X.
simpl mcone in Y. simpl. apply Ole_trans with (y:=kleisli (eta << (@InheritFun _ _ _ (@ProjSet_inclusive T) (PRODI_fun (t_nm T n)) (@xx T n))) ( (mcone C n) d)) ; first by [].
rewrite -> Y.
apply Ole_trans with (y:=(kleisli (eta << InheritFun (@ProjSet_inclusive T) (PRODI_fun (t_nm T n)) (@xx T _)) <<
kleisli (PROJ (fun n0 : nat => tobjects T n0 _BOT) n << Forget (@ProjSet_inclusive T)))
( h d)) ; first by [].
apply: DLless_cond. move => aa X. rewrite -> X. case: (kleisliValVal X) => b [P Q]. clear X.
case: (kleisliValVal P) => hd [P' Q']. rewrite -> P'. apply: DLle_leVal.
rewrite <- (vinj Q). clear P Q aa h d Y P'. unfold Ole. case: hd Q' => x Px Q.
simpl. simpl in Q. move => i. simpl.
case: (ltngtP n i).
* move => l. have a:= comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (t_nm T n i)) (coneCom_l (kcpoCone T) (ltnW l)).
rewrite -> comp_assoc in a. have yy:t_nm T n i << mcone (kcpoCone T) n <= mcone (kcpoCone T) i.
rewrite -> a. rewrite -> (comp_le_compat (proj2 (t_nm_EP T (ltnW l))) (Ole_refl _)).
by rewrite comp_idL.
specialize (yy (exist _ x Px)). simpl in yy. rewrite -> Q in yy. rewrite -> kleisliVal in yy.
by apply yy.
* move => l. have a:= (proj2 (fmon_eq_elim (coneCom_l (kcpoCone T) (ltnW l)) (exist _ x Px))).
simpl in a. have aa:(kleisli ( (t_nm T n i)) (x n)) <= (x i) by apply a.
rewrite -> Q in aa. rewrite -> kleisliVal in aa. by apply aa.
* move => e. rewrite <- e. clear i e. rewrite -> (proj1 (fmon_eq_elim (t_nn_ID T n) b)). by rewrite -> Q.
Lemma summ_mon (F G : BiFunctor kcpoBaseCatType)
X Y Z W : monotonic (fun p => [|kleisli (eta << in1) << (morph F X Y Z W p : (ob F X Z) =-> (ob F Y W)),
kleisli (eta << in2) << (morph G X Y Z W p : (ob G X Z) =-> (ob G Y W))|]).
move => p p' l. simpl.
unfold sum_fun. simpl. unfold in1. simpl. unfold in2. simpl.
move => x. simpl. do 2 rewrite -> SUM_fun_simpl. case: x.
- move => s. simpl. by rewrite -> l.
- move => s. simpl. by rewrite -> l.
Definition summ (F G : BiFunctor kcpoBaseCatType) X Y Z W := Eval hnf in mk_fmono (@summ_mon F G X Y Z W).
Lemma sumc (F G : BiFunctor kcpoBaseCatType) X Y Z W : continuous (@summ F G X Y Z W).
move => c. simpl. unfold sum_fun. simpl. move => x. simpl. rewrite -> SUM_fun_simpl. simpl.
case:x ; simpl => s.
- do 2 rewrite lub_comp_eq. simpl. apply lub_le_compat => i. simpl. unfold sum_fun. simpl. by rewrite SUM_fun_simpl.
- do 2 rewrite lub_comp_eq. simpl. apply lub_le_compat => i. simpl. unfold sum_fun. simpl. by rewrite SUM_fun_simpl.
Definition sum_func (F G : BiFunctor kcpoBaseCatType) X Y Z W := Eval hnf in mk_fcont (@sumc F G X Y Z W).
Lemma sum_func_simpl F G X Y Z W x : @sum_func F G X Y Z W x = [|kleisli (eta << in1) << (morph F X Y Z W x : (ob F X Z) =-> (ob F Y W)),
kleisli (eta << in2) << (morph G X Y Z W x : (ob G X Z) =-> (ob G Y W))|].
by [].
Definition biSum (F G : BiFunctor kcpoBaseCatType) : BiFunctor kcpoBaseCatType.
exists (fun X Y => (ob F X Y) + (ob G X Y)) (fun X Y Z W => @sum_func F G X Y Z W).
move => T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 f g h k. simpl.
apply: (@sum_unique cpoSumCatType).
- rewrite sum_fun_fst. rewrite {2} / Category.comp. simpl. rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite sum_fun_fst. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite sum_fun_fst.
rewrite <- (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (kleisli (eta << in1))) (@morph_comp _ F T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 f g h k)).
rewrite {6} /Category.comp. simpl. rewrite comp_assoc. by rewrite kleisli_comp.
- rewrite sum_fun_snd. rewrite {2} / Category.comp. simpl. rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite sum_fun_snd. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite sum_fun_snd.
rewrite <- (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (kleisli (eta << in2))) (@morph_comp _ G T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 f g h k)).
rewrite {6} /Category.comp. simpl. rewrite comp_assoc. by rewrite kleisli_comp.
- move => T0 T1. simpl. apply: (@sum_unique cpoSumCatType).
+ simpl. rewrite sum_fun_fst. rewrite (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (kleisli (eta << in1))) (morph_id F _ _)).
by rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
+ simpl. rewrite sum_fun_snd. rewrite (comp_eq_compat (tset_refl (kleisli (eta << in2))) (morph_id G _ _)).
by rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
Lemma bifunm
X Y Z W : monotonic (fun (p:@cppoMorph kcpoBaseCatType Y X * @cppoMorph kcpoBaseCatType Z W) =>
eta << (exp_fun (CCOMP _ _ _ :cpoCatType _ _) (kleisli (snd p) : cpoCatType _ _)) << (exp_fun ((CCOMP _ _ _) << SWAP) (fst p)) << KLEISLI).
move => p p' l f.
simpl. apply: DLle_leVal. case: l => l l'. rewrite l. by rewrite -> (kleisli_le_compat l').
Add Parametric Morphism (D:cpoType) : (@Val D)
with signature (@Ole D: D -> D -> Prop) ++> (@Ole (D _BOT))
as Val_le_cpo_compat.
apply: DLle_leVal.
Lemma bifunc X Y Z W : continuous (mk_fmono (@bifunm X Y Z W)).
move => c x. simpl.
apply Ole_trans with (y:=eta (((KLEISLI (lub (pi2 << (c:natO =-> _))):cpoCatType _ _) <<
exp_fun (CCOMP _ _ (_ _BOT):cpoCatType _ _)
(kleisli x) (lub (pi1 << (c:natO =-> _)))))) ; first by [].
do 2 rewrite lub_comp_eq. rewrite -> PredomCore.lub_comp_both.
rewrite lub_comp_eq. by apply lub_le_compat => n.
Definition bi_fun (X Y Z W : kcpoBaseCatType) : (@cppoMorph kcpoBaseCatType Y X * cppoMorph Z W) =->
(@cppoMorph kcpoBaseCatType (fcont_cpoType X (Z _BOT)) (fcont_cpoType Y (W _BOT)))
:= Eval hnf in mk_fcont (@bifunc X Y Z W).
Lemma bi_fun_simpl T0 T2 T4 T5 f g x : (bi_fun T0 T4 T2 T5) (f,g) x = Val (kleisli g << (kleisli x << f)).
by [].
Definition biFun : BiFunctor kcpoBaseCatType.
exists (fun X Y => fcont_cpoType X (Y _BOT)) (fun X Y Z W => @bi_fun X Y Z W).
move => T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 f g h k. apply: fmon_eq_intro => x.
apply Oeq_trans with (y:=kleisli ((bi_fun T1 T4 T3 T5) (f, g)) ((bi_fun T0 T1 T2 T3) (h, k) x)) ; first by [].
rewrite bi_fun_simpl. rewrite kleisliVal. rewrite bi_fun_simpl.
apply Oeq_trans with (y:= (bi_fun T0 T4 T2 T5) (h << f, g << k) x) ; last by [].
rewrite bi_fun_simpl. apply: (fmon_stable eta).
rewrite <- kleisli_comp. rewrite <- kleisli_comp. rewrite {6 8} /Category.comp. simpl.
rewrite <- kleisli_comp. by repeat rewrite comp_assoc.
move => X Y. apply: fmon_eq_intro => x. apply: (fmon_stable eta).
simpl. rewrite kleisli_unit. rewrite comp_idL. by rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
Definition biVar : BiFunctor kcpoBaseCatType.
exists (fun X Y => Y) (fun X Y Z W => pi2).
by [].
by [].
Definition biConst (D:kcpoBaseCatType) : BiFunctor kcpoBaseCatType.
exists (fun (X Y:kcpoBaseCatType) => D) (fun (X Y Z W:kcpoBaseCatType) => const _ eta).
move => T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 f g h k. simpl. unfold Category.comp. simpl.
rewrite kleisli_unit. by rewrite comp_idL.
move => T0 T1. by [].
(*=FS *)
Definition FS := biSum (biConst (discrete_cpoType nat)) biFun.
(*=End *)
(*=DInf *)
Definition DInf : cpoType := @DInf kcpoBaseCatType kcpoLimit FS leftss.
Definition VInf := (discrete_cpoType nat) + (DInf -=> DInf _BOT).
Definition Fold : VInf =-> DInf _BOT := Fold kcpoLimit FS leftss.
Definition Unfold : DInf =-> VInf _BOT := Unfold kcpoLimit FS leftss.
(*=End *)
Lemma FU_iso : kleisli Fold << Unfold =-= eta.
by apply (FU_id kcpoLimit FS leftss).
Lemma UF_iso : kleisli Unfold << Fold =-= eta.
by apply (UF_id kcpoLimit FS leftss).
Lemma ob X Y : ob FS X Y = discrete_cpoType nat + (X -=> (Y _BOT)).
by simpl.
Lemma morph1 X Y Z W f g x : morph FS X Y Z W (f,g) (INL _ _ x) =-= Val (INL _ _ x).
simpl. unfold sum_fun. simpl. unlock SUM_fun. simpl. by rewrite kleisliVal.
Lemma morph2 X Y Z W f g x : morph FS X Y Z W (f,g) (INR _ _ x) =-= Val (INR _ _ (kleisli g << (kleisli x << f))).
simpl. unfold sum_fun. simpl. unlock SUM_fun. simpl; by rewrite kleisliVal.
(*=Delta *)
Definition delta : (DInf -=> DInf _BOT) =-> (DInf -=> DInf _BOT) := delta kcpoLimit FS leftss.
(*=End *)
Lemma eta_mono X Y (f g : X =-> Y) : eta << f =-= eta << g -> f =-= g.
move => A.
apply: fmon_eq_intro => x.
have A':=fmon_eq_elim A x. by apply (vinj A').
(*=ROLL *)
Lemma foldT : total Fold.
move => x. simpl.
have X:=fmon_eq_elim UF_iso x. case: (kleisliValVal X). clear X. move => y [P Q]. exists y. by apply P.
(*CLEARED*)Lemma unfoldT : total Unfold. (*CLEAR*)
move => x. simpl.
have X:=fmon_eq_elim FU_iso x. case: (kleisliValVal X). clear X. move => y [P Q]. exists y. by apply P.
Qed. (*CLEARED*)
Definition Roll : VInf =-> DInf := totalL foldT.
Definition Unroll : DInf =-> VInf := totalL unfoldT.
Lemma RU_id : Roll << Unroll =-= Id. (*CLEAR*)
apply eta_mono.
have X:=FU_iso.
have A:eta << Roll =-= Fold by apply totalL_eta.
rewrite <- A in X. clear A.
have A:eta << Unroll =-= Unfold by apply totalL_eta.
rewrite <- A in X. clear A.
rewrite -> comp_assoc in X. rewrite -> kleisli_eta_com in X.
rewrite <- comp_assoc in X. rewrite X. by rewrite comp_idR.
Qed. (*CLEARED*)
Lemma UR_id : Unroll << Roll =-= Id.
(*=End *)
(*=End *)
apply eta_mono.
have X:=UF_iso.
have A:eta << Roll =-= Fold by apply totalL_eta.
rewrite <- A in X. clear A.
have A:eta << Unroll =-= Unfold by apply totalL_eta.
rewrite <- A in X. clear A.
rewrite -> comp_assoc in X. rewrite -> kleisli_eta_com in X.
rewrite <- comp_assoc in X. rewrite X. by rewrite comp_idR.
Lemma delta_simpl (e:DInf =-> DInf _BOT) : delta e =-=
eta << Roll << ([| in1,
(in2 <<
((exp_fun (CCOMP DInf (DInf _BOT) (DInf _BOT):cpoCatType _ _) (kleisli e) : cpoCatType _ _) <<
((CCOMP DInf _ (DInf _BOT)) <<
SWAP) e : cpoCatType _ _) << KLEISLI))) |]) << Unroll.
rewrite (@delta_simpl _ kcpoLimit FS leftss e).
fold Fold. fold Unfold. fold DInf. simpl. rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite {1 2} /Category.comp. simpl. have A:eta << Unroll =-= Unfold by apply totalL_eta.
rewrite <- A. rewrite (comp_assoc Unroll eta). rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
rewrite comp_assoc. apply: (comp_eq_compat _ (tset_refl Unroll)).
have B:eta << Roll =-= Fold by apply totalL_eta.
rewrite <- B. rewrite <- (comp_eq_compat (kleisli_eta_com (eta << Roll)) (tset_refl ([| _,_|]))).
rewrite <- (comp_assoc _ eta). apply comp_eq_compat ; first by [].
rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
do 4 rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite kleisli_eta_com. simpl. apply: sum_unique.
- rewrite sum_fun_fst. do 2 rewrite <- comp_assoc. by rewrite sum_fun_fst.
- rewrite sum_fun_snd. repeat rewrite <- comp_assoc. by rewrite sum_fun_snd.
(*=minimal *)
Lemma id_min : eta =-= FIXP delta.
(*=End *)
apply tset_sym. rewrite <- (id_min kcpoLimit FS leftss). fold delta.
simpl. apply:fmon_eq_intro => n. simpl. apply lub_eq_compat. by apply fmon_eq_intro => m.
Lemma delta_eta : delta eta =-= eta.
by apply (delta_id_id kcpoLimit FS leftss).
End RD.

View file

@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
* uniisem.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* semantics of unityped lambda calculus in recursive domain *)
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import Fin unii uniirec.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Export RD.
(*=SemEnv *)
Fixpoint SemEnv E : cpoType := match E with O => One | S E => SemEnv E * VInf end.
Fixpoint SemVar E (v : Fin E) : SemEnv E =-> VInf :=
match v with
| FinZ _ => pi2
| FinS _ v => SemVar v << pi1
(*=End *)
Canonical Structure nat_cpoType := Eval hnf in discrete_cpoType nat.
Canonical Structure bool_cpoType := Eval hnf in discrete_cpoType bool.
Lemma zeroCase_mon : monotonic (fun (n:nat_cpoType) => match n with | O => @in1 _ (One:cpoType) _ tt | S m => @in2 _ _ (discrete_cpoType nat) m end).
move => x y. case. move => e ; rewrite e. clear x e. by case: y.
Definition zeroCasem : ordCatType (discrete_cpoType nat) ((One:cpoType) + nat_cpoType) :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono zeroCase_mon.
Lemma zeroCase_cont : continuous zeroCasem.
move => c. simpl. have e:lub c = c 0. by []. rewrite e. simpl.
by apply: (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ O)).
(*=zeroCase *)
Definition zeroCase : nat_cpoType =-> (One:cpoType) + nat_cpoType :=
Eval hnf in mk_fcont zeroCase_cont.
(*=End *)
Lemma zeroCase_simplS: forall n, zeroCase (S n) = @in2 _ _ (discrete_cpoType nat) n.
intros n ; auto.
Lemma zeroCase_simplO: zeroCase O = @in1 _ (One:cpoType) _ tt.
Lemma SimpleB_mon (A B :Type) (C:ordType) (op : A -> B -> C:Type) : monotonic (fun p:discrete_ordType A * discrete_ordType B => op (fst p) (snd p)).
case => x0 y0. case => x1 y1. case ; simpl. move => L L'.
have e:x0 = x1 by []. have e':y0 = y1 by []. rewrite e. by rewrite e'.
Definition SimpleBOpm (A B :Type) (C:ordType) (op : A -> B -> C:Type) : discrete_ordType A * discrete_ordType B =-> C :=
Eval hnf in mk_fmono (SimpleB_mon op).
Lemma SimpleB_cont (A B:Type) (C:cpoType) (op : A -> B -> C:Type) :
@continuous (discrete_cpoType A * discrete_cpoType B) C (SimpleBOpm op).
move => c. simpl. apply: (Ole_trans _ (le_lub _ 0)). simpl.
by [].
Definition SimpleBOp (A B:Type) (C:cpoType) (op : A -> B -> C:Type) : discrete_cpoType A * discrete_cpoType B =-> C :=
Eval hnf in mk_fcont (SimpleB_cont op).
(*=SemValExp *)
Fixpoint SemVal E (v:Value E) : SemEnv E =-> VInf :=
match v return SemEnv E =-> VInf with
| INT i => in1 << const _ i
| VAR m => SemVar m
| LAMBDA e => in2 << exp_fun (kleisli (eta << RD.Roll) << SemExp e << Id >< RD.Unroll)
end with SemExp E (e:Exp E) : SemEnv E =-> RD.VInf _BOT :=
match e with
| VAL v => eta << SemVal v
| APP v1 v2 => kleisli (eta << RD.Unroll) << ev <<
<| [| @const _ (exp_cppoType _ _) PBot , Id|] << SemVal v1, RD.Roll << SemVal v2 |>
| LET e1 e2 => ev << <| exp_fun (KLEISLIR (SemExp e2)), SemExp e1 |>
| OP op v0 v1 => kleisli (eta << in1 << SimpleBOp op) << uncurry (Smash _ _) <<
<| [| eta, const _ PBot|] << SemVal v0, [| eta, const _ PBot|] << SemVal v1|>
| IFZ v e1 e2 => ev <<
[| [| exp_fun (SemExp e1 << pi2), exp_fun (SemExp e2 << pi2)|] << zeroCase ,
@const _ (exp_cppoType _ _) PBot |] >< Id << <|SemVal v, Id|>
(*=End *)
Lemma Operator2_strictL A B C (f:A * B =-> C _BOT) d : Operator2 f PBot d =-= PBot.
apply: Ole_antisym ; last by apply: leastP.
unlock Operator2. simpl. by do 2 rewrite kleisli_bot.
Lemma Operator2_strictR A B C (f:A * B =-> C _BOT) d : Operator2 f d PBot =-= PBot.
apply: Ole_antisym ; last by apply: leastP.
unlock Operator2. simpl.
apply: (Ole_trans (proj2 (fmon_eq_elim (kleisli_comp2 _ _) d))).
apply: DLless_cond. move => c X.
case: (kleisliValVal X) => a [e P]. rewrite -> e. clear d e X.
simpl in P. rewrite -> kleisli_bot in P.
by case: (PBot_incon (proj2 P)).
Add Parametric Morphism E (e:Exp E) : (SemExp e)
with signature (@tset_eq _ : SemEnv E -> SemEnv E -> Prop) ==> (@tset_eq _ : VInf _BOT -> VInf _BOT -> Prop)
as SemExp_eq_compat.
intros e0 e1 eeq. by apply (fmon_stable (SemExp e)).
Add Parametric Morphism E (v:Value E) : (SemVal v)
with signature (@tset_eq _ : SemEnv E -> SemEnv E -> Prop) ==> (@tset_eq _ : VInf -> VInf -> Prop)
as SemVal_eq_compat.
intros e0 e1 eeq. by apply (fmon_stable (SemVal v)).

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@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
* uniisound.v *
* Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages *
* Nick Benton, Lars Birkedal, Andrew Kennedy and Carsten Varming *
* Jan 2012 *
* Build with Coq 8.3pl2 plus SSREFLECT *
(* soundness of semantics of unityped lambda calculus *)
Require Import PredomAll.
Require Import ssrnat.
Require Import uniisem uniiop Fin.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Section SEMMAP.
Variable P : Env -> Type.
Variable ops : Map.Ops P.
Variable Sem : forall E, P E -> SemEnv E =-> VInf.
Variable SemVl : forall E (v : P E), Sem v =-= SemVal (Map.vl ops v).
Variable SemVr : forall E, Sem (Map.vr ops (FinZ E)) =-= pi2.
Variable SemWk : forall E (v : P E), Sem (Map.wk ops v) =-= Sem v << pi1.
Fixpoint SemMap E E' : Map.Map P E' E -> SemEnv E =-> SemEnv E' :=
match E' with
| O => fun m => terminal_morph (SemEnv E)
| S _ => fun m => <| SemMap (tl m), Sem (hd m) |>
Lemma SemShift : forall E E' (m : Map.Map P E E'), SemMap (Map.shift ops m) =-= SemMap m << pi1.
Proof. elim.
- move => E' m. by apply: terminal_unique.
- move => E IH E' m.
rewrite -> (consEta m) at 1. rewrite Map.shiftCons. simpl. rewrite -> (IH E' (tl m)). rewrite prod_fun_compl. unfold Map.shift, hd. by rewrite SemWk.
Lemma SemLift : forall E E' (m : Map.Map P E E'), SemMap (Map.lift ops m) =-= SemMap m >< Id.
Proof. move => E E' m. simpl. unfold tl, hd. simpl Map.lift. rewrite SemVr. rewrite SemShift.
apply: prod_unique. rewrite prod_fun_fst. by rewrite prod_fun_fst.
rewrite prod_fun_snd. rewrite prod_fun_snd. by rewrite comp_idL.
Lemma SemId : forall E, SemMap ( P ops E) =-= Id.
Proof. elim.
- simpl. by apply: terminal_unique.
- move => env IH. rewrite Map.idAsCons. simpl. rewrite tlCons hdCons. rewrite SemShift. rewrite IH. rewrite comp_idL. rewrite SemVr.
apply: prod_unique. rewrite prod_fun_fst. by rewrite comp_idR. rewrite prod_fun_snd. by rewrite comp_idR.
Lemma SemCommutesWithMap E :
(forall (v : Value E) E' (r : Map.Map _ E E'), SemVal v << SemMap r =-= SemVal (Map.mapVal ops r v))
/\ (forall (e : Exp E) E' (r : Map.Map _ E E'), SemExp e << SemMap r =-= SemExp (Map.mapExp ops r e)).
Proof. move: E ; apply ExpValue_ind.
(* VAR *)
- move => n v n' s. SimplMap. simpl.
induction v.
+ rewrite (consEta s). simpl. rewrite prod_fun_snd hdCons. by rewrite SemVl.
+ rewrite (consEta s). simpl. rewrite <- IHv. rewrite <- comp_assoc. by rewrite prod_fun_fst tlCons.
(* INT *)
- move => n body n' s. SimplMap. simpl. rewrite <- comp_assoc. by rewrite <- const_com.
(* LAMBDA *)
- move => n body IH n' s. SimplMap. simpl SemVal.
rewrite <- (IH _ (Map.lift _ s)). rewrite SemLift. do 4 rewrite <- comp_assoc. apply: comp_eq_compat ; first by [].
apply: exp_unique. rewrite <- (comp_assoc pi1 (SemMap s)). rewrite <- prod_map_prod_fun.
rewrite (comp_assoc _ _ ev). rewrite exp_com. do 2 rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_map_prod_fun. rewrite comp_idL.
rewrite prod_fun_compl. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_fun_fst. rewrite prod_fun_snd. by do 2 rewrite comp_idL.
(* VAL *)
- move => n v IH n' s. SimplMap. simpl. rewrite <- comp_assoc. by rewrite IH.
(* APP *)
- move => n v IH v' IH' n' s. SimplMap. simpl. rewrite <- IH. rewrite <- IH'.
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_fun_compl. by repeat (rewrite <- comp_assoc).
(* LET *)
- move => n e IH e' IH' n' s. SimplMap. simpl.
rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_fun_compl. rewrite IH. rewrite exp_comp. rewrite <- IH'. rewrite SemLift.
rewrite <- (comp_idL (SemExp (Map.mapExp ops s e))). rewrite <- (comp_idR (exp_fun _)).
rewrite <- (prod_map_prod_fun (exp_fun (KLEISLIR (SemExp e') << SemMap s >< Id))).
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite exp_com. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_map_prod_fun.
rewrite comp_idR. rewrite comp_idL.
rewrite <- (comp_idR (exp_fun _)). rewrite <- (comp_idL (SemExp (Map.mapExp ops s e))). rewrite <- prod_map_prod_fun.
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite exp_com. rewrite KLEISLIR_comp. by do 2 rewrite comp_idL.
(* IFZ *)
- move => n v IH e0 IH0 e1 IH1 n' s.
SimplMap. simpl. repeat rewrite <- comp_assoc. repeat rewrite prod_fun_compl.
repeat rewrite comp_idL. do 2 rewrite prod_fun_snd. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_fun_fst.
rewrite IH. clear IH. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_fun_fst.
apply: fmon_eq_intro => x. simpl. case: ((SemVal (Map.mapVal _ s v)) x) ; simpl.
+ case.
* simpl. do 2 rewrite SUM_fun_simplx. simpl. do 2 rewrite SUM_fun_simplx. apply: (fmon_eq_elim (IH0 _ s) x).
* simpl => nn. do 2 rewrite SUM_fun_simplx. simpl. do 2 rewrite SUM_fun_simplx. apply (fmon_eq_elim (IH1 _ s) x).
+ simpl. move => m. do 2 rewrite SUM_fun_simplx. by split ; apply: leastP.
(* OP *)
- move => n op v0 IH0 v1 IH1 v s.
SimplMap. simpl.
by (repeat rewrite <- comp_assoc; repeat rewrite prod_fun_compl; repeat rewrite <- comp_assoc; rewrite IH1; rewrite IH0).
Definition SemRen := SemMap SemVar.
Definition SemSub := SemMap SemVal.
Lemma SemCommutesWithRen E:
(forall (v : Value E) E' (r : Ren E E'), SemVal v << SemRen r =-= SemVal (renVal r v))
/\ (forall (e : Exp E) E' (r : Ren E E'), SemExp e << SemRen r =-= SemExp (renExp r e)).
Proof. by apply SemCommutesWithMap. Qed.
Lemma SemShiftRen : forall E E' (r : Ren E E'), SemRen (shiftRen r) =-= SemRen r << pi1.
Proof. by apply SemShift. Qed.
Lemma SemIdRen : forall E, SemRen (@idRen E) =-= Id.
Proof. by apply SemId. Qed.
(*=Substitution *)
Lemma SemCommutesWithSub E:
(forall (v : Value E) E' (s : Sub E E'), SemVal v << SemSub s =-= SemVal (subVal s v))
/\ (forall (e : Exp E) E' (s : Sub E E'), SemExp e << SemSub s =-= SemExp (subExp s e)).
(*=End *)
Proof. move: E ; apply SemCommutesWithMap.
+ by []. + by []. + intros. simpl. rewrite <- (proj1 (SemCommutesWithRen E)). rewrite SemShiftRen. rewrite SemIdRen. by rewrite comp_idL.
(*=Soundness *)
Lemma Soundness e v : (e =>> v) -> SemExp e =-= eta << SemVal v.
(*=End *)
Proof. move => D. elim: e v / D.
- by [].
- move => e v v' D IH. simpl.
repeat rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite <- (comp_idR ([|_,_|] << _)). rewrite <- (comp_idL (Roll << _)).
rewrite <- prod_map_prod_fun.
rewrite (comp_assoc _ _ ev). rewrite (comp_assoc _ in2). rewrite sum_fun_snd.
rewrite (comp_idL (exp_fun _)). rewrite exp_com. repeat rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite <- kleisli_comp2. rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite UR_id. rewrite comp_idR. rewrite kleisli_unit. rewrite comp_idL.
rewrite prod_map_prod_fun. rewrite comp_idR. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite UR_id.
rewrite comp_idL.
rewrite <- (proj2 (SemCommutesWithSub _) e _ ([v] %sub)) in IH.
rewrite <- IH. simpl. rewrite (terminal_unique Id _). by [].
- move => e0 v0 e1 v1 D0 IH0 D1 IH1.
simpl. rewrite IH0. clear IH0 D0.
rewrite <- (comp_idL (eta << _)). rewrite <- (comp_idR (exp_fun _)). rewrite <- prod_map_prod_fun.
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite exp_com. rewrite KLEISLIR_unit.
rewrite <- (proj2 (SemCommutesWithSub 1%N) e1 _ ([ v0]%sub)) in IH1. simpl in IH1.
rewrite <- IH1. rewrite (terminal_unique Id (terminal_morph One)). by [].
- move => e0 e1 v0 _ IH. simpl. repeat rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_map_prod_fun.
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite sum_fun_fst. rewrite <- IH. clear IH.
rewrite <- comp_assoc.
have X:(zeroCase << @const One (discrete_cpoType nat) 0%N) =-= in1 by apply: fmon_eq_intro ; case.
rewrite X. clear X. rewrite sum_fun_fst. rewrite <- (comp_idR (exp_fun _)). rewrite <- prod_map_prod_fun.
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite exp_com. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_fun_snd. by rewrite comp_idR.
- move => e0 e1 v0 n _ IH. simpl. repeat rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_map_prod_fun.
rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite sum_fun_fst. rewrite <- IH. clear IH.
rewrite <- comp_assoc.
have X:(zeroCase << @const One (discrete_cpoType nat) n.+1%N) =-= in2 << @const One (discrete_cpoType nat) n by apply: fmon_eq_intro ; case.
rewrite X. clear X. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite sum_fun_snd.
rewrite <- prod_map_prod_fun. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite exp_com. rewrite <- comp_assoc. rewrite prod_fun_snd.
by rewrite comp_idR.
- move => op n n'. simpl. repeat rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite sum_fun_fst. simpl.
rewrite <- (prod_map_prod_fun eta). do 2 rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite (comp_assoc _ _ ev). rewrite - {1} (comp_idL pi2).
rewrite (comp_assoc _ (eta >< eta)).
have e:((ev << Smash (discrete_cpoType nat) (discrete_cpoType nat) >< Id) <<
eta >< eta) =-= eta by apply: fmon_eq_intro => a; simpl ; unfold Smash ; simpl ; rewrite Operator2_simpl ; case: a.
rewrite -> e. clear e. rewrite comp_assoc. rewrite kleisli_eta_com.
rewrite <- comp_assoc. by apply:fmon_eq_intro.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ in other words that the term
reduces to `` `suc `suc `suc `suc `zero ``.
#### Exercise `mul`
#### Exercise `mul` (recommended)
Write out the definition of a lambda term that multiplies
two natural numbers.
@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ or explain why there are no such types.
2. `` ∅ , "x" ⦂ A , "y" ⦂ B ⊢ ƛ "z" ⇒ ` "x" · (` "y" · ` "z") ⦂ C ``
#### Exercise `mul-type`
#### Exercise `mul-type` (recommended)
Using the term `mul` you defined earlier, write out the derivation
showing that it is well-typed.

View file

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_; _*_; _∸_; _≤_; s≤s; z≤n
open import Data.Nat.Properties using
(+-assoc; +-identityˡ; +-identityʳ; *-assoc; *-identityˡ; *-identityʳ)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Data.Product using (_×_) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; ∃; ∃-syntax) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Level using (Level)
open import plfa.Isomorphism using (_≃_; _⇔_)
@ -616,14 +616,14 @@ so the fold function takes two arguments, `e` and `_⊕_`
In general, a data type with _n_ constructors will have
a corresponding fold function that takes _n_ arguments.
#### Exercise `product`
#### Exercise `product` (recommended)
Use fold to define a function to find the product of a list of numbers.
For example,
product [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] ≡ 24
#### Exercise `foldr-++`
#### Exercise `foldr-++` (recommended)
Show that fold and append are related as follows.
@ -954,7 +954,8 @@ showing that the conjuction of two decidable propositions is itself
decidable, using `_∷_` rather than `⟨_,_⟩` to combine the evidence for
the head and tail of the list.
#### Exercise `any?`
#### Exercise `any?` (stretch)
Just as `All` has analogues `all` and `all?` which determine whether a
predicate holds for every element of a list, so does `Any` have
@ -962,6 +963,18 @@ analogues `any` and `any?` which determine whether a predicates holds
for some element of a list. Give their definitions.
#### Exercise `filter?` (stretch)
Define the following variant of the traditional `filter` function on lists,
which given a list and a decidable predicate returns all elements of the
list satisfying the predicate.
filter? : ∀ {A : Set} {P : A → Set}
→ (P? : Decidable P) → List A → ∃[ ys ]( All P ys )
## Standard Library
Definitions similar to those in this chapter can be found in the standard library.

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@ -225,13 +225,26 @@ postulate
If so, prove; if not, explain why.
#### Exercise `any?`
#### Exercise `any?` (stretch)
Just as `All` has analogues `all` and `all?` which determine whether a
predicate holds for every element of a list, so does `Any` have
analogues `any` and `any?` which determine whether a predicates holds
for some element of a list. Give their definitions.
#### Exercise `filter?` (stretch)
Define the following variant of the traditional `filter` function on lists,
which given a list and a decidable predicate returns all elements of the
list satisfying the predicate.
filter? : ∀ {A : Set} {P : A → Set}
→ (P? : Decidable P) → List A → ∃[ ys ]( All P ys )
## Lambda
#### Exercise `mul` (recommended)