diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index 13e9d65a..468dfb80 100644
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
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- [Maps: Total and Partial Maps]({{ "/Maps" | relative_url }})
- [Stlc: The Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus]({{ "/Stlc" | relative_url }})
- [StlcProp: Properties of STLC]({{ "/StlcProp" | relative_url }})
+ - [StlcPhil: The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus (Phil's version)]({{ "/StlcPhil | relative_url }})
diff --git a/src/Stlc.lagda b/src/Stlc.lagda
index 1c9bdddb..e8a31a52 100644
--- a/src/Stlc.lagda
+++ b/src/Stlc.lagda
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permalink : /Stlc
+This chapter defines the simply-typed lambda calculus.
+## Imports
-open import Maps using (Id; id; _≟_; PartialMap; module PartialMap)
-open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
-open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
-open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; suc; zero; _+_)
-open import Data.Product using (∃; ∄; _,_)
-open import Function using (_∘_; _$_)
-open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
-open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
+-- open import Data.Sum renaming (_⊎_ to _+_)
+open import Data.Sum
+open import Data.Product
+open import Data.Nat
+open import Data.List
+open import Data.String
+open import Data.Bool
+open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
+open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
+## Identifiers
-The simply typed lambda-calculus (STLC) is a tiny core
-calculus embodying the key concept of _functional abstraction_,
-which shows up in pretty much every real-world programming
-language in some form (functions, procedures, methods, etc.).
+[Replace this by $Id$ from $Map$]
-We will follow exactly the same pattern as in the previous chapter
-when formalizing this calculus (syntax, small-step semantics,
-typing rules) and its main properties (progress and preservation).
-The new technical challenges arise from the mechanisms of
-_variable binding_ and _substitution_. It which will take some
-work to deal with these.
+data Id : Set where
+ id : String → Id
-## Overview
-The STLC is built on some collection of _base types_:
-booleans, numbers, strings, etc. The exact choice of base types
-doesn't matter much---the construction of the language and its
-theoretical properties work out the same no matter what we
-choose---so for the sake of brevity let's take just $$bool$$ for
-the moment. At the end of the chapter we'll see how to add more
-base types, and in later chapters we'll enrich the pure STLC with
-other useful constructs like pairs, records, subtyping, and
-mutable state.
-Starting from boolean constants and conditionals, we add three
- - variables
- - function abstractions
- - application
-This gives us the following collection of abstract syntax
-constructors (written out first in informal BNF notation---we'll
-formalize it below).
- \begin{array}{rll}
- \text{Terms}\;s,t,u
- ::= & x & \text{variable} \\
- \mid & \lambda x : A . t & \text{abstraction} \\
- \mid & s\;t & \text{application} \\
- \mid & true & \text{constant true} \\
- \mid & false & \text{constant false} \\
- \mid & \text{if }s\text{ then }t\text{ else }u & \text{conditional}
- \end{array}
-In a lambda abstraction $$\lambda x : A . t$$, the variable $$x$$ is called the
-_parameter_ to the function; the term $$t$$ is its _body_. The annotation $$:A$$
-specifies the type of arguments that the function can be applied to.
-Some examples:
- - The identity function for booleans:
- $$\lambda x:bool. x$$.
- - The identity function for booleans, applied to the boolean $$true$$:
- $$(\lambda x:bool. x)\;true$$.
- - The boolean "not" function:
- $$\lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }false\text{ else }true$$.
- - The constant function that takes every (boolean) argument to $$true$$:
- $$\lambda x:bool. true$$.
- - A two-argument function that takes two booleans and returns the
- first one:
- $$\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x$$.
- As in Agda, a two-argument function is really a
- one-argument function whose body is also a one-argument function.
- - A two-argument function that takes two booleans and returns the
- first one, applied to the booleans $$false$$ and $$true$$:
- $$(\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x)\;false\;true$$.
- As in Agda, application associates to the left---i.e., this
- expression is parsed as
- $$((\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x)\;false)\;true$$.
- - A higher-order function that takes a _function_ $$f$$ (from booleans
- to booleans) as an argument, applies $$f$$ to $$true$$, and applies
- $$f$$ again to the result:
- $$\lambda f:bool\rightarrow bool. f\;(f\;true)$$.
- - The same higher-order function, applied to the constantly $$false$$
- function:
- $$(\lambda f:bool\rightarrow bool. f\;(f\;true))\;(\lambda x:bool. false)$$.
-As the last several examples show, the STLC is a language of
-_higher-order_ functions: we can write down functions that take
-other functions as arguments and/or return other functions as
-The STLC doesn't provide any primitive syntax for defining _named_
-functions---all functions are "anonymous." We'll see in chapter
-`MoreStlc` that it is easy to add named functions to what we've
-got---indeed, the fundamental naming and binding mechanisms are
-exactly the same.
-The _types_ of the STLC include $$bool$$, which classifies the
-boolean constants $$true$$ and $$false$$ as well as more complex
-computations that yield booleans, plus _arrow types_ that classify
- \text{Types}\;A,B ::= bool \mid A \rightarrow B
-For example:
- - $$\lambda x:bool. false$$ has type $$bool\rightarrow bool$$;
- - $$\lambda x:bool. x$$ has type $$bool\rightarrow bool$$;
- - $$(\lambda x:bool. x)\;true$$ has type $$bool$$;
- - $$\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x$$ has type
- $$bool\rightarrow bool\rightarrow bool$$
- (i.e., $$bool\rightarrow (bool\rightarrow bool)$$)
- - $$(\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x)\;false$$ has type $$bool\rightarrow bool$$
- - $$(\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x)\;false\;true$$ has type $$bool$$
+_===_ : Id → Id → Bool
+(id s) === (id t) = s == t
## Syntax
-We begin by formalizing the syntax of the STLC.
-Unfortunately, $$\rightarrow$$ is already used for Agda's function type,
-so we will STLC's function type as `_⇒_`.
-### Types
+Syntax of types and terms. All source terms are labeled with $ᵀ$.
data Type : Set where
- bool : Type
- _⇒_ : Type → Type → Type
+ 𝔹 : Type
+ _⟶_ : Type → Type → Type
-infixr 5 _⇒_
-### Terms
data Term : Set where
- var : Id → Term
- app : Term → Term → Term
- abs : Id → Type → Term → Term
- true : Term
- false : Term
- if_then_else_ : Term → Term → Term → Term
+ varᵀ : Id → Term
+ λᵀ_∷_⟶_ : Id → Type → Term → Term
+ _·ᵀ_ : Term → Term → Term
+ trueᵀ : Term
+ falseᵀ : Term
+ ifᵀ_then_else_ : Term → Term → Term → Term
+Some examples.
-infixr 8 if_then_else_
+f x y : Id
+f = id "f"
+x = id "x"
+y = id "y"
+I[𝔹] I[𝔹⟶𝔹] K[𝔹][𝔹] not[𝔹] : Term
+I[𝔹] = (λᵀ x ∷ 𝔹 ⟶ (varᵀ x))
+I[𝔹⟶𝔹] = (λᵀ f ∷ (𝔹 ⟶ 𝔹) ⟶ (λᵀ x ∷ 𝔹 ⟶ ((varᵀ f) ·ᵀ (varᵀ x))))
+K[𝔹][𝔹] = (λᵀ x ∷ 𝔹 ⟶ (λᵀ y ∷ 𝔹 ⟶ (varᵀ x)))
+not[𝔹] = (λᵀ x ∷ 𝔹 ⟶ (ifᵀ (varᵀ x) then falseᵀ else trueᵀ))
-Note that an abstraction $$\lambda x:A.t$$ (formally, `abs x A t`) is
-always annotated with the type $$A$$ of its parameter, in contrast
-to Agda (and other functional languages like ML, Haskell, etc.),
-which use _type inference_ to fill in missing annotations. We're
-not considering type inference here.
-We introduce $$x, y, z$$ as names for variables. The pragmas ensure
-that $$id 0, id 1, id 2$$ display as $$x, y, z$$.
+## Values
-x = id 0
-y = id 1
-z = id 2
-{-# DISPLAY id zero = x #-}
-{-# DISPLAY id (suc zero) = y #-}
-{-# DISPLAY id (suc (suc zero)) = z #-}
+data value : Term → Set where
+ value-λᵀ : ∀ x A N → value (λᵀ x ∷ A ⟶ N)
+ value-trueᵀ : value (trueᵀ)
+ value-falseᵀ : value (falseᵀ)
-Some examples...
-$$\text{idB} = \lambda x:bool. x$$.
+## Substitution
-idB = (abs x bool (var x))
+_[_≔_] : Term → Id → Term → Term
+(varᵀ x) [ y ≔ P ] = if x === y then P else (varᵀ x)
+(λᵀ x ∷ A ⟶ N) [ y ≔ P ] = λᵀ x ∷ A ⟶ (if x === y then N else (N [ y ≔ P ]))
+(L ·ᵀ M) [ y ≔ P ] = (L [ y ≔ P ]) ·ᵀ (M [ y ≔ P ])
+(trueᵀ) [ y ≔ P ] = trueᵀ
+(falseᵀ) [ y ≔ P ] = falseᵀ
+(ifᵀ L then M else N) [ y ≔ P ] = ifᵀ (L [ y ≔ P ]) then (M [ y ≔ P ]) else (N [ y ≔ P ])
-$$\text{idBB} = \lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x$$.
-idBB = (abs x (bool ⇒ bool) (var x))
-$$\text{idBBBB} = \lambda x:(bool\rightarrow bool)\rightarrow (bool\rightarrow bool). x$$.
-idBBBB = (abs x ((bool ⇒ bool) ⇒ (bool ⇒ bool)) (var x))
-$$\text{k} = \lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x$$.
-k = (abs x bool (abs y bool (var x)))
-$$\text{notB} = \lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }false\text{ else }true$$.
-notB = (abs x bool (if (var x) then false else true))
-{-# DISPLAY abs 0 bool (var 0) = idB #-}
-{-# DISPLAY abs 0 (bool ⇒ bool) (var 0) = idBB #-}
-{-# DISPLAY abs 0 ((bool ⇒ bool) ⇒ (bool ⇒ bool)) (var 0) = idBBBB #-}
-{-# DISPLAY abs 0 bool (abs y bool (var 0)) = k #-}
-{-# DISPLAY abs 0 bool (if (var 0) then false else true) = notB #-}
-## Operational Semantics
-To define the small-step semantics of STLC terms, we begin,
-as always, by defining the set of values. Next, we define the
-critical notions of _free variables_ and _substitution_, which are
-used in the reduction rule for application expressions. And
-finally we give the small-step relation itself.
-### Values
-To define the values of the STLC, we have a few cases to consider.
-First, for the boolean part of the language, the situation is
-clear: $$true$$ and $$false$$ are the only values. An $$\text{if}$$
-expression is never a value.
-Second, an application is clearly not a value: It represents a
-function being invoked on some argument, which clearly still has
-work left to do.
-Third, for abstractions, we have a choice:
- - We can say that $$\lambda x:A. t$$ is a value only when $$t$$ is a
- value---i.e., only if the function's body has been
- reduced (as much as it can be without knowing what argument it
- is going to be applied to).
- - Or we can say that $$\lambda x:A. t$$ is always a value, no matter
- whether $$t$$ is one or not---in other words, we can say that
- reduction stops at abstractions.
-Agda makes the first choice---for example,
-test_normalizeUnderLambda : (λ (x : ℕ) → 3 + 4) ≡ (λ (x : ℕ) → 7)
-test_normalizeUnderLambda = refl
-Most real-world functional programming languages make the second
-choice---reduction of a function's body only begins when the
-function is actually applied to an argument. We also make the
-second choice here.
-data Value : Term → Set where
- abs : ∀ {x A t}
- → Value (abs x A t)
- true : Value true
- false : Value false
-Finally, we must consider what constitutes a _complete_ program.
-Intuitively, a "complete program" must not refer to any undefined
-variables. We'll see shortly how to define the _free_ variables
-in a STLC term. A complete program is _closed_---that is, it
-contains no free variables.
-Having made the choice not to reduce under abstractions, we don't
-need to worry about whether variables are values, since we'll
-always be reducing programs "from the outside in," and that means
-the small-step relation will always be working with closed terms.
-### Substitution
-Now we come to the heart of the STLC: the operation of
-substituting one term for a variable in another term. This
-operation is used below to define the operational semantics of
-function application, where we will need to substitute the
-argument term for the function parameter in the function's body.
-For example, we reduce
-$$(\lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }true\text{ else }x)\;false$$
-$$\text{if }false\text{ then }true\text{ else }false$$
-by substituting $$false$$ for the parameter $$x$$ in the body of the
-In general, we need to be able to substitute some given term $$s$$
-for occurrences of some variable $$x$$ in another term $$t$$. In
-informal discussions, this is usually written $$[x:=s]t$$ and
-pronounced "substitute $$x$$ with $$s$$ in $$t$$."
-Here are some examples:
- - $$[x:=true](\text{if }x\text{ then }x\text{ else }false)$$
- yields $$\text{if }true\text{ then }true\text{ else }false$$
- - $$[x:=true]x$$
- yields $$true$$
- - $$[x:=true](\text{if }x\text{ then }x\text{ else }y)$$
- yields $$\text{if }true\text{ then }true\text{ else }y$$
- - $$[x:=true]y$$
- yields $$y$$
- - $$[x:=true]false$$
- yields $$false$$ (vacuous substitution)
- - $$[x:=true](\lambda y:bool. \text{if }y\text{ then }x\text{ else }false)$$
- yields $$\lambda y:bool. \text{if }y\text{ then }true\text{ else }false$$
- - $$[x:=true](\lambda y:bool. x)$$
- yields $$\lambda y:bool. true$$
- - $$[x:=true](\lambda y:bool. y)$$
- yields $$\lambda y:bool. y$$
- - $$[x:=true](\lambda x:bool. x)$$
- yields $$\lambda x:bool. x$$
-The last example is very important: substituting $$x$$ with $$true$$ in
-$$\lambda x:bool. x$$ does _not_ yield $$\lambda x:bool. true$$! The reason for
-this is that the $$x$$ in the body of $$\lambda x:bool. x$$ is _bound_ by the
-abstraction: it is a new, local name that just happens to be
-spelled the same as some global name $$x$$.
-Here is the definition, informally...
- \begin{aligned}
- &[x:=s]x &&= s \\
- &[x:=s]y &&= y \;\{\text{if }x\neq y\} \\
- &[x:=s](\lambda x:A. t) &&= \lambda x:A. t \\
- &[x:=s](\lambda y:A. t) &&= \lambda y:A. [x:=s]t \;\{\text{if }x\neq y\} \\
- &[x:=s](t1\;t2) &&= ([x:=s]t1) ([x:=s]t2) \\
- &[x:=s]true &&= true \\
- &[x:=s]false &&= false \\
- &[x:=s](\text{if }t1\text{ then }t2\text{ else }t3) &&=
- \text{if }[x:=s]t1\text{ then }[x:=s]t2\text{ else }[x:=s]t3
- \end{aligned}
-... and formally:
-[_:=_]_ : Id -> Term -> Term -> Term
-[ x := v ] (var y) with x ≟ y
-... | yes x=y = v
-... | no x≠y = var y
-[ x := v ] (app s t) = app ([ x := v ] s) ([ x := v ] t)
-[ x := v ] (abs y A t) with x ≟ y
-... | yes x=y = abs y A t
-... | no x≠y = abs y A ([ x := v ] t)
-[ x := v ] true = true
-[ x := v ] false = false
-[ x := v ] (if s then t else u) =
- if [ x := v ] s then [ x := v ] t else [ x := v ] u
-infix 9 [_:=_]_
-_Technical note_: Substitution becomes trickier to define if we
-consider the case where $$s$$, the term being substituted for a
-variable in some other term, may itself contain free variables.
-Since we are only interested here in defining the small-step relation
-on closed terms (i.e., terms like $$\lambda x:bool. x$$ that include
-binders for all of the variables they mention), we can avoid this
-extra complexity here, but it must be dealt with when formalizing
-richer languages.
-#### Exercise: 3 stars (subst-correct)
-The definition that we gave above defines substitution as a _function_.
-Suppose, instead, we wanted to define substitution as an inductive _relation_.
-We've begun the definition by providing the `data` header and
-one of the constructors; your job is to fill in the rest of the constructors
-and prove that the relation you've defined coincides with the function given
-data [_:=_]_==>_ (x : Id) (s : Term) : Term -> Term -> Set where
- var1 : [ x := s ] (var x) ==> s
- {- FILL IN HERE -}
- subst-correct : ∀ s x t t'
- → [ x := s ] t ≡ t'
- → [ x := s ] t ==> t'
-### Reduction
-The small-step reduction relation for STLC now follows the
-same pattern as the ones we have seen before. Intuitively, to
-reduce a function application, we first reduce its left-hand
-side (the function) until it becomes an abstraction; then we
-reduce its right-hand side (the argument) until it is also a
-value; and finally we substitute the argument for the bound
-variable in the body of the abstraction. This last rule, written
-informally as
-(\lambda x : A . t) v \Longrightarrow [x:=v]t
-is traditionally called "beta-reduction".
- \frac{value(v)}{(\lambda x : A . t) v \Longrightarrow [x:=v]t}&(red)\\\\
- \frac{s \Longrightarrow s'}{s\;t \Longrightarrow s'\;t}&(app1)\\\\
- \frac{value(v)\quad t \Longrightarrow t'}{v\;t \Longrightarrow v\;t'}&(app2)
-... plus the usual rules for booleans:
- \frac{}{(\text{if }true\text{ then }t_1\text{ else }t_2) \Longrightarrow t_1}&(iftrue)\\\\
- \frac{}{(\text{if }false\text{ then }t_1\text{ else }t_2) \Longrightarrow t_2}&(iffalse)\\\\
- \frac{s \Longrightarrow s'}{\text{if }s\text{ then }t_1\text{ else }t_2
- \Longrightarrow \text{if }s\text{ then }t_1\text{ else }t_2}&(if)
-data _==>_ : Term → Term → Set where
- red : ∀ {x A s t}
- → Value t
- → app (abs x A s) t ==> [ x := t ] s
- app1 : ∀ {s s' t}
- → s ==> s'
- → app s t ==> app s' t
- app2 : ∀ {s t t'}
- → Value s
- → t ==> t'
- → app s t ==> app s t'
- if : ∀ {s s' t u}
- → s ==> s'
- → if s then t else u ==> if s' then t else u
- iftrue : ∀ {s t}
- → if true then s else t ==> s
- iffalse : ∀ {s t}
- → if false then s else t ==> t
-infix 1 _==>_
-data Multi (R : Term → Term → Set) : Term → Term → Set where
- refl : ∀ {x} -> Multi R x x
- step : ∀ {x y z} -> R x y -> Multi R y z -> Multi R x z
-_==>*_ : Term → Term → Set
-_==>*_ = Multi _==>_
-{-# DISPLAY Multi _==>_ = _==>*_ #-}
-### Examples
-$$((\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x) (\lambda x:bool. x)) \Longrightarrow^* (\lambda x:bool. x)$$.
-step-example1 : (app idBB idB) ==>* idB
-step-example1 = step (red abs)
- $ refl
-$$(\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x) \;((\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x)\;(\lambda x:bool. x))) \Longrightarrow^* (\lambda x:bool. x)$$.
-step-example2 : (app idBB (app idBB idB)) ==>* idB
-step-example2 = step (app2 abs (red abs))
- $ step (red abs)
- $ refl
-$$((\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x)\;(\lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }false\text{ else }true))\;true\Longrightarrow^* false$$.
-step-example3 : (app (app idBB notB) true) ==>* false
-step-example3 = step (app1 (red abs))
- $ step (red true)
- $ step iftrue
- $ refl
-$$((\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x)\;((\lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }false\text{ else }true)\;true))\Longrightarrow^* false$$.
-step-example4 : (app idBB (app notB true)) ==>* false
-step-example4 = step (app2 abs (red true))
- $ step (app2 abs iftrue)
- $ step (red false)
- $ refl
-#### Exercise: 2 stars (step-example5)
- step-example5 : (app (app idBBBB idBB) idB) ==>* idB
-## Typing
-Next we consider the typing relation of the STLC.
-### Contexts
-_Question_: What is the type of the term "$$x\;y$$"?
-_Answer_: It depends on the types of $$x$$ and $$y$$!
-I.e., in order to assign a type to a term, we need to know
-what assumptions we should make about the types of its free
-This leads us to a three-place _typing judgment_, informally
-written $$\Gamma\vdash t : A$$, where $$\Gamma$$ is a
-"typing context"---a mapping from variables to their types.
-Informally, we'll write $$\Gamma , x:A$$ for "extend the partial function
-$$\Gamma$$ to also map $$x$$ to $$A$$." Formally, we use the function `_,_∶_`
-(or "update") to add a binding to a context.
-Ctxt : Set
-Ctxt = PartialMap Type
-∅ : Ctxt
-∅ = PartialMap.empty
-_,_∶_ : Ctxt -> Id -> Type -> Ctxt
-_,_∶_ = PartialMap.update
-infixl 3 _,_∶_
-### Typing Relation
- \begin{array}{cl}
- \frac{\Gamma\;x = A}{\Gamma\vdash{x:A}}&(var)\\\\
- \frac{\Gamma,x:A\vdash t:B}{\Gamma\vdash (\lambda x:A.t) : A\rightarrow B}&(abs)\\\\
- \frac{\Gamma\vdash s:A\rightarrow B\quad\Gamma\vdash t:A}{\Gamma\vdash (s\;t) : B}&(app)\\\\
- \frac{}{\Gamma\vdash true : bool}&(true)\\\\
- \frac{}{\Gamma\vdash false : bool}&(true)\\\\
- \frac{\Gamma\vdash s:bool \quad \Gamma\vdash t1:A \quad \Gamma\vdash t2:A}{\Gamma\vdash\text{if }s\text{ then }t1\text{ else }t2 : A}&(if)
- \end{array}
-We can read the three-place relation $$\Gamma\vdash (t : A)$$ as:
-"to the term $$t$$ we can assign the type $$A$$ using as types for
-the free variables of $$t$$ the ones specified in the context
-data _⊢_∶_ : Ctxt -> Term -> Type -> Set where
- var : ∀ {Γ} x {A}
- → Γ x ≡ just A
- → Γ ⊢ var x ∶ A
- abs : ∀ {Γ} {x} {A} {B} {s}
- → Γ , x ∶ A ⊢ s ∶ B
- → Γ ⊢ abs x A s ∶ A ⇒ B
- app : ∀ {Γ} {A} {B} {s} {t}
- → Γ ⊢ s ∶ A ⇒ B
- → Γ ⊢ t ∶ A
- → Γ ⊢ app s t ∶ B
- true : ∀ {Γ}
- → Γ ⊢ true ∶ bool
- false : ∀ {Γ}
- → Γ ⊢ false ∶ bool
- if_then_else_ : ∀ {Γ} {s} {t} {u} {A}
- → Γ ⊢ s ∶ bool
- → Γ ⊢ t ∶ A
- → Γ ⊢ u ∶ A
- → Γ ⊢ if s then t else u ∶ A
-infix 1 _⊢_∶_
-### Examples
-typing-example1 : ∅ ⊢ idB ∶ bool ⇒ bool
-typing-example1 = abs (var x refl)
-Another example:
-$$\varnothing\vdash \lambda x:A. \lambda y:A\rightarrow A. y\;(y\;x) : A\rightarrow (A\rightarrow A)\rightarrow A$$.
-typing-example2 : ∅ ⊢
- (abs x bool
- (abs y (bool ⇒ bool)
- (app (var y)
- (app (var y) (var x)))))
- ∶ (bool ⇒ (bool ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool)
-typing-example2 =
- (abs
- (abs
- (app (var y refl)
- (app (var y refl) (var x refl) ))))
-#### Exercise: 2 stars (typing-example3)
-Formally prove the following typing derivation holds:
-$$\exists A, \varnothing\vdash \lambda x:bool\rightarrow B. \lambda y:bool\rightarrow bool. \lambda z:bool. y\;(x\;z) : A$$.
- typing-example3 : ∃ λ A → ∅ ⊢
- (abs x (bool ⇒ bool)
- (abs y (bool ⇒ bool)
- (abs z bool
- (app (var y) (app (var x) (var z)))))) ∶ A
-We can also show that terms are _not_ typable. For example, let's
-formally check that there is no typing derivation assigning a type
-to the term $$\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x\;y$$---i.e.,
-$$\nexists A, \varnothing\vdash \lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x\;y : A$$.
- typing-nonexample1 : ∄ λ A → ∅ ⊢
- (abs x bool
- (abs y bool
- (app (var x) (var y)))) ∶ A
-#### Exercise: 3 stars, optional (typing-nonexample2)
-Another nonexample:
-$$\nexists A, \exists B, \varnothing\vdash \lambda x:A. x\;x : B$$.
- typing-nonexample2 : ∄ λ A → ∃ λ B → ∅ ⊢
- (abs x B (app (var x) (var x))) ∶ A
diff --git a/src/StlcOld.lagda b/src/StlcOld.lagda
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fbe3bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/StlcOld.lagda
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+title : "StlcOld: The Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus (Old)"
+layout : page
+permalink : /StlcOld
+open import Maps using (Id; id; _≟_; PartialMap; module PartialMap)
+open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
+open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
+open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; suc; zero; _+_)
+open import Data.Product using (∃; ∄; _,_)
+open import Function using (_∘_; _$_)
+open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
+open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
+The simply typed lambda-calculus (STLC) is a tiny core
+calculus embodying the key concept of _functional abstraction_,
+which shows up in pretty much every real-world programming
+language in some form (functions, procedures, methods, etc.).
+We will follow exactly the same pattern as in the previous chapter
+when formalizing this calculus (syntax, small-step semantics,
+typing rules) and its main properties (progress and preservation).
+The new technical challenges arise from the mechanisms of
+_variable binding_ and _substitution_. It which will take some
+work to deal with these.
+## Overview
+The STLC is built on some collection of _base types_:
+booleans, numbers, strings, etc. The exact choice of base types
+doesn't matter much---the construction of the language and its
+theoretical properties work out the same no matter what we
+choose---so for the sake of brevity let's take just $$bool$$ for
+the moment. At the end of the chapter we'll see how to add more
+base types, and in later chapters we'll enrich the pure STLC with
+other useful constructs like pairs, records, subtyping, and
+mutable state.
+Starting from boolean constants and conditionals, we add three
+ - variables
+ - function abstractions
+ - application
+This gives us the following collection of abstract syntax
+constructors (written out first in informal BNF notation---we'll
+formalize it below).
+ \begin{array}{rll}
+ \text{Terms}\;s,t,u
+ ::= & x & \text{variable} \\
+ \mid & \lambda x : A . t & \text{abstraction} \\
+ \mid & s\;t & \text{application} \\
+ \mid & true & \text{constant true} \\
+ \mid & false & \text{constant false} \\
+ \mid & \text{if }s\text{ then }t\text{ else }u & \text{conditional}
+ \end{array}
+In a lambda abstraction $$\lambda x : A . t$$, the variable $$x$$ is called the
+_parameter_ to the function; the term $$t$$ is its _body_. The annotation $$:A$$
+specifies the type of arguments that the function can be applied to.
+Some examples:
+ - The identity function for booleans:
+ $$\lambda x:bool. x$$.
+ - The identity function for booleans, applied to the boolean $$true$$:
+ $$(\lambda x:bool. x)\;true$$.
+ - The boolean "not" function:
+ $$\lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }false\text{ else }true$$.
+ - The constant function that takes every (boolean) argument to $$true$$:
+ $$\lambda x:bool. true$$.
+ - A two-argument function that takes two booleans and returns the
+ first one:
+ $$\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x$$.
+ As in Agda, a two-argument function is really a
+ one-argument function whose body is also a one-argument function.
+ - A two-argument function that takes two booleans and returns the
+ first one, applied to the booleans $$false$$ and $$true$$:
+ $$(\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x)\;false\;true$$.
+ As in Agda, application associates to the left---i.e., this
+ expression is parsed as
+ $$((\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x)\;false)\;true$$.
+ - A higher-order function that takes a _function_ $$f$$ (from booleans
+ to booleans) as an argument, applies $$f$$ to $$true$$, and applies
+ $$f$$ again to the result:
+ $$\lambda f:bool\rightarrow bool. f\;(f\;true)$$.
+ - The same higher-order function, applied to the constantly $$false$$
+ function:
+ $$(\lambda f:bool\rightarrow bool. f\;(f\;true))\;(\lambda x:bool. false)$$.
+As the last several examples show, the STLC is a language of
+_higher-order_ functions: we can write down functions that take
+other functions as arguments and/or return other functions as
+The STLC doesn't provide any primitive syntax for defining _named_
+functions---all functions are "anonymous." We'll see in chapter
+`MoreStlc` that it is easy to add named functions to what we've
+got---indeed, the fundamental naming and binding mechanisms are
+exactly the same.
+The _types_ of the STLC include $$bool$$, which classifies the
+boolean constants $$true$$ and $$false$$ as well as more complex
+computations that yield booleans, plus _arrow types_ that classify
+ \text{Types}\;A,B ::= bool \mid A \rightarrow B
+For example:
+ - $$\lambda x:bool. false$$ has type $$bool\rightarrow bool$$;
+ - $$\lambda x:bool. x$$ has type $$bool\rightarrow bool$$;
+ - $$(\lambda x:bool. x)\;true$$ has type $$bool$$;
+ - $$\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x$$ has type
+ $$bool\rightarrow bool\rightarrow bool$$
+ (i.e., $$bool\rightarrow (bool\rightarrow bool)$$)
+ - $$(\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x)\;false$$ has type $$bool\rightarrow bool$$
+ - $$(\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x)\;false\;true$$ has type $$bool$$
+## Syntax
+We begin by formalizing the syntax of the STLC.
+Unfortunately, $$\rightarrow$$ is already used for Agda's function type,
+so we will STLC's function type as `_⇒_`.
+### Types
+data Type : Set where
+ bool : Type
+ _⇒_ : Type → Type → Type
+infixr 5 _⇒_
+### Terms
+data Term : Set where
+ var : Id → Term
+ app : Term → Term → Term
+ abs : Id → Type → Term → Term
+ true : Term
+ false : Term
+ if_then_else_ : Term → Term → Term → Term
+infixr 8 if_then_else_
+Note that an abstraction $$\lambda x:A.t$$ (formally, `abs x A t`) is
+always annotated with the type $$A$$ of its parameter, in contrast
+to Agda (and other functional languages like ML, Haskell, etc.),
+which use _type inference_ to fill in missing annotations. We're
+not considering type inference here.
+We introduce $$x, y, z$$ as names for variables. The pragmas ensure
+that $$id 0, id 1, id 2$$ display as $$x, y, z$$.
+x = id 0
+y = id 1
+z = id 2
+{-# DISPLAY id zero = x #-}
+{-# DISPLAY id (suc zero) = y #-}
+{-# DISPLAY id (suc (suc zero)) = z #-}
+Some examples...
+$$\text{idB} = \lambda x:bool. x$$.
+idB = (abs x bool (var x))
+$$\text{idBB} = \lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x$$.
+idBB = (abs x (bool ⇒ bool) (var x))
+$$\text{idBBBB} = \lambda x:(bool\rightarrow bool)\rightarrow (bool\rightarrow bool). x$$.
+idBBBB = (abs x ((bool ⇒ bool) ⇒ (bool ⇒ bool)) (var x))
+$$\text{k} = \lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x$$.
+k = (abs x bool (abs y bool (var x)))
+$$\text{notB} = \lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }false\text{ else }true$$.
+notB = (abs x bool (if (var x) then false else true))
+{-# DISPLAY abs 0 bool (var 0) = idB #-}
+{-# DISPLAY abs 0 (bool ⇒ bool) (var 0) = idBB #-}
+{-# DISPLAY abs 0 ((bool ⇒ bool) ⇒ (bool ⇒ bool)) (var 0) = idBBBB #-}
+{-# DISPLAY abs 0 bool (abs y bool (var 0)) = k #-}
+{-# DISPLAY abs 0 bool (if (var 0) then false else true) = notB #-}
+## Operational Semantics
+To define the small-step semantics of STLC terms, we begin,
+as always, by defining the set of values. Next, we define the
+critical notions of _free variables_ and _substitution_, which are
+used in the reduction rule for application expressions. And
+finally we give the small-step relation itself.
+### Values
+To define the values of the STLC, we have a few cases to consider.
+First, for the boolean part of the language, the situation is
+clear: $$true$$ and $$false$$ are the only values. An $$\text{if}$$
+expression is never a value.
+Second, an application is clearly not a value: It represents a
+function being invoked on some argument, which clearly still has
+work left to do.
+Third, for abstractions, we have a choice:
+ - We can say that $$\lambda x:A. t$$ is a value only when $$t$$ is a
+ value---i.e., only if the function's body has been
+ reduced (as much as it can be without knowing what argument it
+ is going to be applied to).
+ - Or we can say that $$\lambda x:A. t$$ is always a value, no matter
+ whether $$t$$ is one or not---in other words, we can say that
+ reduction stops at abstractions.
+Agda makes the first choice---for example,
+test_normalizeUnderLambda : (λ (x : ℕ) → 3 + 4) ≡ (λ (x : ℕ) → 7)
+test_normalizeUnderLambda = refl
+Most real-world functional programming languages make the second
+choice---reduction of a function's body only begins when the
+function is actually applied to an argument. We also make the
+second choice here.
+data Value : Term → Set where
+ abs : ∀ {x A t}
+ → Value (abs x A t)
+ true : Value true
+ false : Value false
+Finally, we must consider what constitutes a _complete_ program.
+Intuitively, a "complete program" must not refer to any undefined
+variables. We'll see shortly how to define the _free_ variables
+in a STLC term. A complete program is _closed_---that is, it
+contains no free variables.
+Having made the choice not to reduce under abstractions, we don't
+need to worry about whether variables are values, since we'll
+always be reducing programs "from the outside in," and that means
+the small-step relation will always be working with closed terms.
+### Substitution
+Now we come to the heart of the STLC: the operation of
+substituting one term for a variable in another term. This
+operation is used below to define the operational semantics of
+function application, where we will need to substitute the
+argument term for the function parameter in the function's body.
+For example, we reduce
+$$(\lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }true\text{ else }x)\;false$$
+$$\text{if }false\text{ then }true\text{ else }false$$
+by substituting $$false$$ for the parameter $$x$$ in the body of the
+In general, we need to be able to substitute some given term $$s$$
+for occurrences of some variable $$x$$ in another term $$t$$. In
+informal discussions, this is usually written $$[x:=s]t$$ and
+pronounced "substitute $$x$$ with $$s$$ in $$t$$."
+Here are some examples:
+ - $$[x:=true](\text{if }x\text{ then }x\text{ else }false)$$
+ yields $$\text{if }true\text{ then }true\text{ else }false$$
+ - $$[x:=true]x$$
+ yields $$true$$
+ - $$[x:=true](\text{if }x\text{ then }x\text{ else }y)$$
+ yields $$\text{if }true\text{ then }true\text{ else }y$$
+ - $$[x:=true]y$$
+ yields $$y$$
+ - $$[x:=true]false$$
+ yields $$false$$ (vacuous substitution)
+ - $$[x:=true](\lambda y:bool. \text{if }y\text{ then }x\text{ else }false)$$
+ yields $$\lambda y:bool. \text{if }y\text{ then }true\text{ else }false$$
+ - $$[x:=true](\lambda y:bool. x)$$
+ yields $$\lambda y:bool. true$$
+ - $$[x:=true](\lambda y:bool. y)$$
+ yields $$\lambda y:bool. y$$
+ - $$[x:=true](\lambda x:bool. x)$$
+ yields $$\lambda x:bool. x$$
+The last example is very important: substituting $$x$$ with $$true$$ in
+$$\lambda x:bool. x$$ does _not_ yield $$\lambda x:bool. true$$! The reason for
+this is that the $$x$$ in the body of $$\lambda x:bool. x$$ is _bound_ by the
+abstraction: it is a new, local name that just happens to be
+spelled the same as some global name $$x$$.
+Here is the definition, informally...
+ \begin{aligned}
+ &[x:=s]x &&= s \\
+ &[x:=s]y &&= y \;\{\text{if }x\neq y\} \\
+ &[x:=s](\lambda x:A. t) &&= \lambda x:A. t \\
+ &[x:=s](\lambda y:A. t) &&= \lambda y:A. [x:=s]t \;\{\text{if }x\neq y\} \\
+ &[x:=s](t1\;t2) &&= ([x:=s]t1) ([x:=s]t2) \\
+ &[x:=s]true &&= true \\
+ &[x:=s]false &&= false \\
+ &[x:=s](\text{if }t1\text{ then }t2\text{ else }t3) &&=
+ \text{if }[x:=s]t1\text{ then }[x:=s]t2\text{ else }[x:=s]t3
+ \end{aligned}
+... and formally:
+[_:=_]_ : Id -> Term -> Term -> Term
+[ x := v ] (var y) with x ≟ y
+... | yes x=y = v
+... | no x≠y = var y
+[ x := v ] (app s t) = app ([ x := v ] s) ([ x := v ] t)
+[ x := v ] (abs y A t) with x ≟ y
+... | yes x=y = abs y A t
+... | no x≠y = abs y A ([ x := v ] t)
+[ x := v ] true = true
+[ x := v ] false = false
+[ x := v ] (if s then t else u) =
+ if [ x := v ] s then [ x := v ] t else [ x := v ] u
+infix 9 [_:=_]_
+_Technical note_: Substitution becomes trickier to define if we
+consider the case where $$s$$, the term being substituted for a
+variable in some other term, may itself contain free variables.
+Since we are only interested here in defining the small-step relation
+on closed terms (i.e., terms like $$\lambda x:bool. x$$ that include
+binders for all of the variables they mention), we can avoid this
+extra complexity here, but it must be dealt with when formalizing
+richer languages.
+#### Exercise: 3 stars (subst-correct)
+The definition that we gave above defines substitution as a _function_.
+Suppose, instead, we wanted to define substitution as an inductive _relation_.
+We've begun the definition by providing the `data` header and
+one of the constructors; your job is to fill in the rest of the constructors
+and prove that the relation you've defined coincides with the function given
+data [_:=_]_==>_ (x : Id) (s : Term) : Term -> Term -> Set where
+ var1 : [ x := s ] (var x) ==> s
+ {- FILL IN HERE -}
+ subst-correct : ∀ s x t t'
+ → [ x := s ] t ≡ t'
+ → [ x := s ] t ==> t'
+### Reduction
+The small-step reduction relation for STLC now follows the
+same pattern as the ones we have seen before. Intuitively, to
+reduce a function application, we first reduce its left-hand
+side (the function) until it becomes an abstraction; then we
+reduce its right-hand side (the argument) until it is also a
+value; and finally we substitute the argument for the bound
+variable in the body of the abstraction. This last rule, written
+informally as
+(\lambda x : A . t) v \Longrightarrow [x:=v]t
+is traditionally called "beta-reduction".
+ \frac{value(v)}{(\lambda x : A . t) v \Longrightarrow [x:=v]t}&(red)\\\\
+ \frac{s \Longrightarrow s'}{s\;t \Longrightarrow s'\;t}&(app1)\\\\
+ \frac{value(v)\quad t \Longrightarrow t'}{v\;t \Longrightarrow v\;t'}&(app2)
+... plus the usual rules for booleans:
+ \frac{}{(\text{if }true\text{ then }t_1\text{ else }t_2) \Longrightarrow t_1}&(iftrue)\\\\
+ \frac{}{(\text{if }false\text{ then }t_1\text{ else }t_2) \Longrightarrow t_2}&(iffalse)\\\\
+ \frac{s \Longrightarrow s'}{\text{if }s\text{ then }t_1\text{ else }t_2
+ \Longrightarrow \text{if }s\text{ then }t_1\text{ else }t_2}&(if)
+data _==>_ : Term → Term → Set where
+ red : ∀ {x A s t}
+ → Value t
+ → app (abs x A s) t ==> [ x := t ] s
+ app1 : ∀ {s s' t}
+ → s ==> s'
+ → app s t ==> app s' t
+ app2 : ∀ {s t t'}
+ → Value s
+ → t ==> t'
+ → app s t ==> app s t'
+ if : ∀ {s s' t u}
+ → s ==> s'
+ → if s then t else u ==> if s' then t else u
+ iftrue : ∀ {s t}
+ → if true then s else t ==> s
+ iffalse : ∀ {s t}
+ → if false then s else t ==> t
+infix 1 _==>_
+data Multi (R : Term → Term → Set) : Term → Term → Set where
+ refl : ∀ {x} -> Multi R x x
+ step : ∀ {x y z} -> R x y -> Multi R y z -> Multi R x z
+_==>*_ : Term → Term → Set
+_==>*_ = Multi _==>_
+{-# DISPLAY Multi _==>_ = _==>*_ #-}
+### Examples
+$$((\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x) (\lambda x:bool. x)) \Longrightarrow^* (\lambda x:bool. x)$$.
+step-example1 : (app idBB idB) ==>* idB
+step-example1 = step (red abs)
+ $ refl
+$$(\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x) \;((\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x)\;(\lambda x:bool. x))) \Longrightarrow^* (\lambda x:bool. x)$$.
+step-example2 : (app idBB (app idBB idB)) ==>* idB
+step-example2 = step (app2 abs (red abs))
+ $ step (red abs)
+ $ refl
+$$((\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x)\;(\lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }false\text{ else }true))\;true\Longrightarrow^* false$$.
+step-example3 : (app (app idBB notB) true) ==>* false
+step-example3 = step (app1 (red abs))
+ $ step (red true)
+ $ step iftrue
+ $ refl
+$$((\lambda x:bool\rightarrow bool. x)\;((\lambda x:bool. \text{if }x\text{ then }false\text{ else }true)\;true))\Longrightarrow^* false$$.
+step-example4 : (app idBB (app notB true)) ==>* false
+step-example4 = step (app2 abs (red true))
+ $ step (app2 abs iftrue)
+ $ step (red false)
+ $ refl
+#### Exercise: 2 stars (step-example5)
+ step-example5 : (app (app idBBBB idBB) idB) ==>* idB
+## Typing
+Next we consider the typing relation of the STLC.
+### Contexts
+_Question_: What is the type of the term "$$x\;y$$"?
+_Answer_: It depends on the types of $$x$$ and $$y$$!
+I.e., in order to assign a type to a term, we need to know
+what assumptions we should make about the types of its free
+This leads us to a three-place _typing judgment_, informally
+written $$\Gamma\vdash t : A$$, where $$\Gamma$$ is a
+"typing context"---a mapping from variables to their types.
+Informally, we'll write $$\Gamma , x:A$$ for "extend the partial function
+$$\Gamma$$ to also map $$x$$ to $$A$$." Formally, we use the function `_,_∶_`
+(or "update") to add a binding to a context.
+Ctxt : Set
+Ctxt = PartialMap Type
+∅ : Ctxt
+∅ = PartialMap.empty
+_,_∶_ : Ctxt -> Id -> Type -> Ctxt
+_,_∶_ = PartialMap.update
+infixl 3 _,_∶_
+### Typing Relation
+ \begin{array}{cl}
+ \frac{\Gamma\;x = A}{\Gamma\vdash{x:A}}&(var)\\\\
+ \frac{\Gamma,x:A\vdash t:B}{\Gamma\vdash (\lambda x:A.t) : A\rightarrow B}&(abs)\\\\
+ \frac{\Gamma\vdash s:A\rightarrow B\quad\Gamma\vdash t:A}{\Gamma\vdash (s\;t) : B}&(app)\\\\
+ \frac{}{\Gamma\vdash true : bool}&(true)\\\\
+ \frac{}{\Gamma\vdash false : bool}&(true)\\\\
+ \frac{\Gamma\vdash s:bool \quad \Gamma\vdash t1:A \quad \Gamma\vdash t2:A}{\Gamma\vdash\text{if }s\text{ then }t1\text{ else }t2 : A}&(if)
+ \end{array}
+We can read the three-place relation $$\Gamma\vdash (t : A)$$ as:
+"to the term $$t$$ we can assign the type $$A$$ using as types for
+the free variables of $$t$$ the ones specified in the context
+data _⊢_∶_ : Ctxt -> Term -> Type -> Set where
+ var : ∀ {Γ} x {A}
+ → Γ x ≡ just A
+ → Γ ⊢ var x ∶ A
+ abs : ∀ {Γ} {x} {A} {B} {s}
+ → Γ , x ∶ A ⊢ s ∶ B
+ → Γ ⊢ abs x A s ∶ A ⇒ B
+ app : ∀ {Γ} {A} {B} {s} {t}
+ → Γ ⊢ s ∶ A ⇒ B
+ → Γ ⊢ t ∶ A
+ → Γ ⊢ app s t ∶ B
+ true : ∀ {Γ}
+ → Γ ⊢ true ∶ bool
+ false : ∀ {Γ}
+ → Γ ⊢ false ∶ bool
+ if_then_else_ : ∀ {Γ} {s} {t} {u} {A}
+ → Γ ⊢ s ∶ bool
+ → Γ ⊢ t ∶ A
+ → Γ ⊢ u ∶ A
+ → Γ ⊢ if s then t else u ∶ A
+infix 1 _⊢_∶_
+### Examples
+typing-example1 : ∅ ⊢ idB ∶ bool ⇒ bool
+typing-example1 = abs (var x refl)
+Another example:
+$$\varnothing\vdash \lambda x:A. \lambda y:A\rightarrow A. y\;(y\;x) : A\rightarrow (A\rightarrow A)\rightarrow A$$.
+typing-example2 : ∅ ⊢
+ (abs x bool
+ (abs y (bool ⇒ bool)
+ (app (var y)
+ (app (var y) (var x)))))
+ ∶ (bool ⇒ (bool ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool)
+typing-example2 =
+ (abs
+ (abs
+ (app (var y refl)
+ (app (var y refl) (var x refl) ))))
+#### Exercise: 2 stars (typing-example3)
+Formally prove the following typing derivation holds:
+$$\exists A, \varnothing\vdash \lambda x:bool\rightarrow B. \lambda y:bool\rightarrow bool. \lambda z:bool. y\;(x\;z) : A$$.
+ typing-example3 : ∃ λ A → ∅ ⊢
+ (abs x (bool ⇒ bool)
+ (abs y (bool ⇒ bool)
+ (abs z bool
+ (app (var y) (app (var x) (var z)))))) ∶ A
+We can also show that terms are _not_ typable. For example, let's
+formally check that there is no typing derivation assigning a type
+to the term $$\lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x\;y$$---i.e.,
+$$\nexists A, \varnothing\vdash \lambda x:bool. \lambda y:bool. x\;y : A$$.
+ typing-nonexample1 : ∄ λ A → ∅ ⊢
+ (abs x bool
+ (abs y bool
+ (app (var x) (var y)))) ∶ A
+#### Exercise: 3 stars, optional (typing-nonexample2)
+Another nonexample:
+$$\nexists A, \exists B, \varnothing\vdash \lambda x:A. x\;x : B$$.
+ typing-nonexample2 : ∄ λ A → ∃ λ B → ∅ ⊢
+ (abs x B (app (var x) (var x))) ∶ A