progress :) finished Progress

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Jeremy Siek 2020-07-16 17:29:21 -04:00
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commit 1e14534a8d

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@ -450,6 +450,9 @@ The proof is by induction on the derivations of `A <: B` and `B <: C`.
## Contexts
We choose to represent variables with de Bruijn indices, so contexts
are sequences of types.
data Context : Set where
∅ : Context
@ -458,6 +461,9 @@ data Context : Set where
## Variables and the lookup judgment
The lookup judgement is a three-place relation, with a context, a de
Bruijn index, and a type.
data _∋_⦂_ : Context → → Type → Set where
@ -471,13 +477,27 @@ data _∋_⦂_ : Context → → Type → Set where
→ Γ , B ∋ (suc x) ⦂ A
* The index `0` has the type at the front of the context.
* For the index `suc x`, we recursively look up its type in the
remaining context `Γ`.
## Terms and the typing judgment
As mentioned above, variables are de Bruijn indices, which we
represent with natural numbers.
Id : Set
Id =
Our terms are extrinsic, so we define a `Term` data type similar to
the one in the [Lambda](./ chapter, but adapted for de
Bruijn indices. The two new term constructors are for record creation
and field access.
data Term : Set where
`_ : Id → Term
@ -491,6 +511,12 @@ data Term : Set where
_#_ : Term → Name → Term
In a record ` ls := Ms `, we refer to the vector of terms `Ms` as
the *field initializers*.
The typing judgment takes the form `Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A` and relies on an
auxiliary judgement `Γ ⊢* Ms ⦂ As` for typing a vector of terms.
data _⊢*_⦂_ : Context → ∀ {n} → Vec Term n → Vec Type n → Set
@ -559,15 +585,39 @@ data _⊢*_⦂_ where
→ Γ ⊢* (M ∷ Ms) ⦂ (A ∷ As)
Most of the typing rules are adapted from those in the [Lambda](./
chapter. Here we discuss the three new rules.
* Rule `⊢rcd`: A record is well-typed if the field initializers `Ms`
have types `As`, to match the record type. Also, the vector of field
names is required to be distinct.
* Rule `⊢#`: A field access is well-typed if the term `M` has record type,
the field `l` is at some index `i` in the record type's vector of field names,
and the result type `A` is at index `i` in the vector of field types.
* Rule `⊢<:`: (Subsumption) If a term `M` has type `A`, and `A <: B`,
then term `M` also has type `B`.
## Renaming and Substitution
In preparation of defining the reduction rules for this language, we
define simultaneous substitution using the same recipe as in the
[DeBruijn](./ chapter, but adapted to extrinsic
terms. Thus, the `subst` function is split into two parts: a raw
`subst` function that operators on terms and a `subst-pres` lemma that
proves that substitution preserves types. Likewise for `rename`.
We begin by defining the `ext` function on renamings.
ext : (Id → Id) → (Id → Id)
ext ρ 0 = 0
ext ρ (suc x) = suc (ρ x)
The `rename` function is defined mutually with the auxiliary
`rename-vec` function, which is needed in the case for records.
rename-vec : (Id → Id) → ∀{n} → Vec Term n → Vec Term n
@ -587,12 +637,16 @@ rename-vec ρ [] = []
rename-vec ρ (M ∷ Ms) = rename ρ M ∷ rename-vec ρ Ms
With the `rename` function in hand, we can define the `exts` function
on substitutions.
exts : (Id → Term) → (Id → Term)
exts σ 0 = ` 0
exts σ (suc x) = rename suc (σ x)
We define `subst` mutually with the auxilliary `subst-vec` function,
which is needed in the case for records.
subst-vec : (Id → Term) → ∀{n} → Vec Term n → Vec Term n
@ -612,6 +666,8 @@ subst-vec σ [] = []
subst-vec σ (M ∷ Ms) = (subst σ M) ∷ (subst-vec σ Ms)
As usuual, we implement single substitution using simultaneous
subst-zero : Term → Id → Term
subst-zero M 0 = M
@ -623,6 +679,11 @@ _[_] N M = subst (subst-zero M) N
## Values
We extend the definition of `Value` to include a clause for records.
In a call-by-value language, a record is usually only considered a
value if all its field initializers are values. Here we instead treat
records in a lazy fashion, declaring any record to be a value, to save
on some extra bookkeeping.
data Value : Term → Set where
@ -693,16 +754,29 @@ data _—→_ : Term → Term → Set where
→ M —→ M
→ M # l —→ M # l
β-# : ∀ {n}{ls : Vec Name n}{vs : Vec Term n} {lⱼ}{j : Fin n}
β-# : ∀ {n}{ls : Vec Name n}{Ms : Vec Term n} {lⱼ}{j : Fin n}
→ lookup ls j ≡ lⱼ
ls := vs # lⱼ —→ lookup vs j
ls := Ms # lⱼ —→ lookup Ms j
We have just two new reduction rules:
* Rule `ξ-#`: A field access expression `M # l` reduces to `M # l`
provided that `M` reduces to `M`.
* Rule `β-#`: When field access is applied to a record,
and if the label is at position `j` in the vector of field names,
then result is the term at position `j` in the field initializers.
## Canonical Forms
As in the [Properties](./ chapter, we define a
`Canonical V ⦂ A` relation that characterizes the well-typed values.
The presence of subtyping and the subsumption rule impacts its
definition because we must allow the type of the value `V` to be a
subtype of `A`.
infix 4 Canonical_⦂_
@ -745,16 +819,34 @@ canonical (⊢suc ⊢V) (V-suc VV) = C-suc (canonical ⊢V VV)
canonical (⊢case ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) ()
canonical (⊢μ ⊢M) ()
canonical (⊢rcd ⊢Ms d) VV = C-rcd {dls = d} ⊢Ms d <:-refl
canonical (⊢<: M <:-nat) VV = canonical M VV
canonical (⊢<: M (<:-fun A<:B A<:B)) VV
with canonical ⊢M VV
... | C-ƛ ⊢N AB<:CD = C-ƛ N (<:-trans AB<:CD (<:-fun A<:B A<:B))
canonical (⊢<: M (<:-rcd {d2 = dls} lsks lsSs<:ksTs)) VV
with canonical ⊢M VV
... | C-rcd {dls = d} ⊢Ms dks As<:Ss =
C-rcd {dls = distinct-relevant dls} ⊢Ms dks (<:-trans As<:Ss (<:-rcd lsks lsSs<:ksTs))
canonical (⊢<: V <:-nat) VV = canonical V VV
canonical (⊢<: V (<:-fun {A}{B}{C}{D} C<:A B<:D)) VV
with canonical ⊢V VV
... | C-ƛ {N}{A}{B}{A}{B} ⊢N AB<:AB = C-ƛ N (<:-trans AB<:AB (<:-fun C<:A B<:D))
canonical (⊢<: V (<:-rcd {ks = ks}{ls = ls}{d2 = dls} lsks lsSs<:ksTs)) VV
with canonical ⊢V VV
... | C-rcd {ks = ks} ⊢Ms dks As<:Ss =
C-rcd {dls = distinct-relevant dls} ⊢Ms dks (<:-trans As<:Ss (<:-rcd lsks lsSs<:ksTs))
The case for subsumption (`⊢<:`) is interesting. We proceed by
cases on the derivation of subtyping.
* If the last rule is `<:-nat`, then we have `∅ ⊢ V ⦂ `
and the induction hypothesis gives us `Canonical V ⦂ `.
* If the last rule is `<:-fun`, then we have `A ⇒ B <: C ⇒ D`
and `∅ ⊢ ƛ N ⦂ A ⇒ B`. By the induction hypothesis,
we have `∅ , A ⊢ N ⦂ B` and `A ⇒ B <: A ⇒ B` for some `A` and `B`.
We conclude that `Canonical (ƛ N) ⦂ C ⇒ D` by rule `C-ƛ` and the transitivity of subtyping.
* If the last rule is `<:-rcd`, then we have ` ls ⦂ Ss <: ks ⦂ Ts `
and `∅ ⊢ ks := Ms ks ⦂ Ss `. By the induction hypothesis,
we have `∅ ⊢* Ms ⦂ As`, `distinct ks`, and ` ks ⦂ As <: ks ⦂ Ss `.
We conclude that `Canonical ks := Ms ks ⦂ Ts `
by rule `C-rcd` and the transitivity of subtyping.
If a term is canonical, then it is also a value.
value : ∀ {M A}
→ Canonical M ⦂ A
@ -766,11 +858,12 @@ value (C-suc CM) = V-suc (value CM)
value (C-rcd _ _ _) = V-rcd
A canonical value is a well-typed value.
typed : ∀ {M A}
→ Canonical M ⦂ A
typed : ∀ {V A}
→ Canonical V ⦂ A
→ ∅ ⊢ M ⦂ A
→ ∅ ⊢ V ⦂ A
typed (C-ƛ ⊢N AB<:CD) = <: (ƛ N) AB<:CD
typed C-zero = ⊢zero
typed (C-suc c) = ⊢suc (typed c)
@ -779,6 +872,12 @@ typed (C-rcd ⊢Ms dks As<:Bs) = ⊢<: (⊢rcd ⊢Ms dks) As<:Bs
## Progress
The Progress theorem states that a well-typed term may either take a
reduction step or it is already a value. The proof of Progress is like
the one in the [Properties](./; it proceeds by
induction on the typing derivation and most of the cases remain the
same. Below we discuss the new cases for records and subsumption.
data Progress (M : Term) : Set where
@ -819,18 +918,30 @@ progress (⊢case ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) with progress ⊢L
... | C-zero = step β-zero
... | C-suc CL = step (β-suc (value CL))
progress (⊢μ ⊢M) = step β-μ
progress (⊢# {Γ}{A}{M}{n}{ls}{As}{d}{i}{f} ⊢R lif liA)
with progress ⊢R
... | step R—→R = step (ξ-# R—→R)
... | done VR
with canonical ⊢R VR
... | C-rcd ⊢Ms dks (<:-rcd lsls' _)
with lookup-⊆ {i = i} ls⊆ls'
... | ⟨ k , eq ⟩ rewrite eq = step (β-# {j = k} lif)
progress (⊢# {n}{Γ}{A}{M}{l}{ls}{As}{i}{d} ⊢M ls[i]=l As[i]=A)
with progress ⊢M
... | step M—→M = step (ξ-# M—→M)
... | done VM
with canonical ⊢M VM
... | C-rcd {ks = ms}{As = Bs} ⊢Ms _ (<:-rcd ls⊆ms _)
with lookup-⊆ {i = i} ls⊆ms
... | ⟨ k , ls[i]=ms[k] ⟩ = step (β-# {j = k} (trans (sym ls[i]=ms[k]) ls[i]=l))
progress (⊢rcd x d) = done V-rcd
progress (⊢<: {A = A}{B} M A<:B) = progress M
* Case `⊢#`: We have `Γ ⊢ M ⦂ ls ⦂ As `, `lookup ls i ≡ l`, and `lookup As i ≡ A`.
By the induction hypothesis, either `M —→ M` or `M` is a value. In the later case we
conclude that `M # l —→ M # l` by rule `ξ-#`. On the other hand, if `M` is a value,
we invoke the canonical forms lemma to show that `M` has the form ` ms := Ms `
where `∅ ⊢* Ms ⦂ Bs` and `ls ⊆ ms`. By lemma `lookup-⊆`, we have
`lookup ls i ≡ lookup ms k` for some `k`. Thus, we have `lookup ms k ≡ l`
and we conclude ` ms := Ms # l —→ lookup Ms k` by rule `β-#`.
* Case `⊢rcd`: we immediately characterize the record as a value.
* Case `⊢<:`: we invoke the induction hypothesis on subderivation of `Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A`.
## Preservation
@ -866,7 +977,7 @@ rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ (⊢ƛ ⊢N) = ⊢ƛ (rename-pres {ρ = ext ρ} (
rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ (⊢· ⊢L ⊢M)= ⊢· (rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ ⊢L) (rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ ⊢M)
rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ (⊢μ ⊢M) = ⊢μ (rename-pres {ρ = ext ρ} (ext-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂) ⊢M)
rename-pres ρ⦂ (⊢rcd ⊢Ms dls) = ⊢rcd (ren-vec-pres ρ⦂ ⊢Ms ) dls
rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ (⊢# {d = d} ⊢R lif liA) = ⊢# {d = d}(rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ ⊢R) lif liA
rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ (⊢# {d = d} ⊢M lif liA) = ⊢# {d = d}(rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ ⊢M) lif liA
rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ⦂ (⊢<: M lt) = <: (rename-pres {ρ = ρ} ρ M) lt
rename-pres ρ⦂ ⊢zero = ⊢zero
rename-pres ρ⦂ (⊢suc ⊢M) = ⊢suc (rename-pres ρ⦂ ⊢M)
@ -911,8 +1022,8 @@ subst-pres {σ = σ} σ⦂ (⊢ƛ ⊢N) = ⊢ƛ (subst-pres{σ = exts σ}(ext
subst-pres {σ = σ} σ⦂ (⊢· ⊢L ⊢M) = ⊢· (subst-pres{σ = σ} σ⦂ ⊢L) (subst-pres{σ = σ} σ⦂ ⊢M)
subst-pres {σ = σ} σ⦂ (⊢μ ⊢M) = ⊢μ (subst-pres{σ = exts σ} (exts-pres{σ = σ} σ⦂) ⊢M)
subst-pres σ⦂ (⊢rcd ⊢Ms dls) = ⊢rcd (subst-vec-pres σ⦂ ⊢Ms ) dls
subst-pres {σ = σ} σ⦂ (⊢# {d = d} ⊢R lif liA) =
⊢# {d = d} (subst-pres {σ = σ} σ⦂ ⊢R) lif liA
subst-pres {σ = σ} σ⦂ (⊢# {d = d} ⊢M lif liA) =
⊢# {d = d} (subst-pres {σ = σ} σ⦂ ⊢M) lif liA
subst-pres {σ = σ} σ⦂ (⊢<: N lt) = <: (subst-pres {σ = σ} σ N) lt
subst-pres σ⦂ ⊢zero = ⊢zero
subst-pres σ⦂ (⊢suc ⊢M) = ⊢suc (subst-pres σ⦂ ⊢M)