diff --git a/src/Connectives-old.lagda b/src/Connectives-old.lagda new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc8ba6b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Connectives-old.lagda @@ -0,0 +1,817 @@ +--- +title : "Connectives: Conjunction, Disjunction, and Implication" +layout : page +permalink : /Connectives +--- + +This chapter introduces the basic logical connectives, by observing +a correspondence between connectives of logic and data types, +a principal known as *Propositions as Types*. + ++ *conjunction* is *product* ++ *disjunction* is *sum* ++ *true* is *unit type* ++ *false* is *empty type* ++ *implication* is *function space* + + +## Imports + +\begin{code} +import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq +open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong) +open Eq.≡-Reasoning +open import Isomorphism using (_≃_; ≃-sym; ≃-trans; _≲_) +open Isomorphism.≃-Reasoning +open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _*_) +open import Data.Nat.Properties.Simple using (+-suc) +open import Function using (_∘_) +\end{code} + +We assume [extensionality][extensionality]. +\begin{code} +postulate + extensionality : ∀ {A B : Set} {f g : A → B} → (∀ (x : A) → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g +\end{code} + +[extensionality]: Equality/index.html#extensionality + + +## Conjunction is product + +Given two propositions `A` and `B`, the conjunction `A × B` holds +if both `A` holds and `B` holds. We formalise this idea by +declaring a suitable inductive type. +\begin{code} +data _×_ : Set → Set → Set where + _,_ : ∀ {A B : Set} → A → B → A × B +\end{code} +Evidence that `A × B` holds is of the form +`(M , N)`, where `M` is evidence that `A` holds and +`N` is evidence that `B` holds. By convention, we +parenthesise pairs, even though `M , N` is also +accepted by Agda. + +Given evidence that `A × B` holds, we can conclude that either +`A` holds or `B` holds. +\begin{code} +proj₁ : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B → A +proj₁ (x , y) = x + +proj₂ : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B → B +proj₂ (x , y) = y +\end{code} +If `L` is evidence that `A × B` holds, then `fst L` is evidence +that `A` holds, and `proj₂ L` is evidence that `B` holds. + +Equivalently, we could also declare conjunction as a record type. +\begin{code} +record _×′_ (A B : Set) : Set where + field + proj₁′ : A + proj₂′ : B +open _×′_ +\end{code} +Here record construction + + record + { proj₁′ = M + ; proj₂′ = N + } + +corresponds to the term + + ( M , N ) + +where `M` is a term of type `A` and `N` is a term of type `B`. + +When `(_,_)` appears on the right-hand side of an equation we +refer to it as a *constructor*, and when it appears on the +left-hand side we refer to it as a *destructor*. We also refer +to `proj₁` and `proj₂` as destructors, since they play a similar role. +Other terminology refers to constructor as *introducing* a conjunction, +and to a destructor as *eliminating* a conjunction. +Indeed, `proj₁` and `proj₂` are sometimes given the names +`×-elim₁` and `×-elim₂`. + +Applying each destructor and reassembling the results with the +constructor is the identity over products. +\begin{code} +η-× : ∀ {A B : Set} (w : A × B) → (proj₁ w , proj₂ w) ≡ w +η-× (x , y) = refl +\end{code} +The pattern matching on the left-hand side is essential, since +replacing `w` by `(x , y)` allows both sides of the equation to +simplify to the same term. + +We set the precedence of conjunction so that it binds less +tightly than anything save disjunction, and of the pairing +operator so that it binds less tightly than any arithmetic +operator. +\begin{code} +infixr 2 _×_ +infixr 4 _,_ +\end{code} +Thus, `m ≤ n × n ≤ p` parses as `(m ≤ n) × (n ≤ p)` and +`(m * n , p)` parses as `((m * n) , p)`. + +Given two types `A` and `B`, we refer to `A x B` as the +*product* of `A` and `B`. In set theory, it is also sometimes +called the *cartesian product*, and in computing it corresponds +to a *record* type. Among other reasons for +calling it the product, note that if type `A` has `m` +distinct members, and type `B` has `n` distinct members, +then the type `A × B` has `m * n` distinct members. +For instance, consider a type `Bool` with two members, and +a type `Tri` with three members. +\begin{code} +data Bool : Set where + true : Bool + false : Bool + +data Tri : Set where + aa : Tri + bb : Tri + cc : Tri +\end{code} +Then the type `Bool × Tri` has six members: + + (true , aa) (true , bb) (true , cc) + (false , aa) (false , bb) (false , cc) + +For example, the following function enumerates all +possible arguments of type `Bool × Tri`: +\begin{code} +×-count : Bool × Tri → ℕ +×-count (true , aa) = 1 +×-count (true , bb) = 2 +×-count (true , cc) = 3 +×-count (false , aa) = 4 +×-count (false , bb) = 5 +×-count (false , cc) = 6 +\end{code} + +Product on types also shares a property with product on numbers in +that there is a sense in which it is commutative and associative. In +particular, product is commutative and associative *up to +isomorphism*. + +For commutativity, the `to` function swaps a pair, taking `(x , y)` to +`(y , x)`, and the `from` function does the same (up to renaming). +Instantiating the patterns correctly in `from∘to` and `to∘from` is essential. +Replacing the definition of `from∘to` by `λ w → refl` will not work; +and similarly for `to∘from`, which does the same (up to renaming). +\begin{code} +×-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A × B) ≃ (B × A) +×-comm = + record + { to = λ{ (x , y) → (y , x)} + ; from = λ{ (y , x) → (x , y)} + ; from∘to = λ{ (x , y) → refl } + ; to∘from = λ{ (y , x) → refl } + } +\end{code} + +Being *commutative* is different from being *commutative up to +isomorphism*. Compare the two statements: + + m * n ≡ n * m + A × B ≃ B × A + +In the first case, we might have that `m` is `2` and `n` is `3`, and +both `m * n` and `n * m` are equal to `6`. In the second case, we +might have that `A` is `Bool` and `B` is `Tri`, and `Bool × Tri` is +*not* the same as `Tri × Bool`. But there is an isomorphism +between the two types. For +instance, `(true , aa)`, which is a member of the former, corresponds +to `(aa , true)`, which is a member of the latter. + +For associativity, the `to` function reassociates two uses of pairing, +taking `((x , y) , z)` to `(x , (y , z))`, and the `from` function does +the inverse. Again, the evidence of left and right inverse requires +matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplification. +\begin{code} +×-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A × B) × C) ≃ (A × (B × C)) +×-assoc = + record + { to = λ{ ((x , y) , z) → (x , (y , z)) } + ; from = λ{ (x , (y , z)) → ((x , y) , z) } + ; from∘to = λ{ ((x , y) , z) → refl } + ; to∘from = λ{ (x , (y , z)) → refl } + } +\end{code} + +Being *associative* is not the same as being *associative +up to isomorphism*. Compare the two statements: + + (m * n) * p ≡ m * (n * p) + (A × B) × C ≃ A × (B × C) + +For example, the type `(ℕ × Bool) × Tri` is *not* the same as `ℕ × +(Bool × Tri)`. But there is an isomorphism between the two types. For +instance `((1 , true) , aa)`, which is a member of the former, +corresponds to `(1 , (true , aa))`, which is a member of the latter. + +## Truth is unit + +Truth `⊤` always holds. We formalise this idea by +declaring a suitable inductive type. +\begin{code} +data ⊤ : Set where + tt : ⊤ +\end{code} +Evidence that `⊤` holds is of the form `tt`. + +Given evidence that `⊤` holds, there is nothing more of interest we +can conclude. Since truth always holds, knowing that it holds tells +us nothing new. + +The nullary case of `η-×` is `η-⊤`, which asserts that any +term of type `⊤` must be equal to `tt`. +\begin{code} +η-⊤ : ∀ (w : ⊤) → tt ≡ w +η-⊤ tt = refl +\end{code} +The pattern matching on the left-hand side is essential. Replacing +`w` by `tt` allows both sides of the equation to simplify to the +same term. + +We refer to `⊤` as the *unit* type. And, indeed, +type `⊤` has exactly once member, `tt`. For example, the following +function enumerates all possible arguments of type `⊤`: +\begin{code} +⊤-count : ⊤ → ℕ +⊤-count tt = 1 +\end{code} + +For numbers, one is the identity of multiplication. Correspondingly, +unit is the identity of product *up to isomorphism*. For left +identity, the `to` function takes `(tt , x)` to `x`, and the `from` +function does the inverse. The evidence of left inverse requires +matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplification. +\begin{code} +⊤-identityˡ : ∀ {A : Set} → (⊤ × A) ≃ A +⊤-identityˡ = + record + { to = λ{ (tt , x) → x } + ; from = λ{ x → (tt , x) } + ; from∘to = λ{ (tt , x) → refl } + ; to∘from = λ{ x → refl } + } +\end{code} + +Having an *identity* is different from having an identity +*up to isomorphism*. Compare the two statements: + + 1 * m ≡ m + ⊤ × A ≃ A + +In the first case, we might have that `m` is `2`, and both +`1 * m` and `m` are equal to `2`. In the second +case, we might have that `A` is `Bool`, and `⊤ × Bool` is *not* the +same as `Bool`. But there is an isomorphism between the two types. +For instance, `(tt, true)`, which is a member of the former, +corresponds to `true`, which is a member of the latter. + +Right identity follows from commutativity of product and left identity. +\begin{code} +⊤-identityʳ : ∀ {A : Set} → (A × ⊤) ≃ A +⊤-identityʳ {A} = + ≃-begin + (A × ⊤) + ≃⟨ ×-comm ⟩ + (⊤ × A) + ≃⟨ ⊤-identityˡ ⟩ + A + ≃-∎ +\end{code} +Here we have used a chain of isomorphisms, +analogous to that used for equality. + + +## Disjunction is sum + +Given two propositions `A` and `B`, the disjunction `A ⊎ B` holds +if either `A` holds or `B` holds. We formalise this idea by +declaring a suitable inductive type. +\begin{code} +data _⊎_ : Set → Set → Set where + inj₁ : ∀ {A B : Set} → A → A ⊎ B + inj₂ : ∀ {A B : Set} → B → A ⊎ B +\end{code} +Evidence that `A ⊎ B` holds is either of the form `inj₁ M`, where `M` +is evidence that `A` holds, or `inj₂ N`, where `N` is evidence that +`B` holds. + +Given evidence that `A → C` and `B → C` both hold, then given +evidence that `A ⊎ B` holds we can conclude that `C` holds. +\begin{code} +⊎-elim : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A → C) → (B → C) → (A ⊎ B → C) +⊎-elim f g (inj₁ x) = f x +⊎-elim f g (inj₂ y) = g y +\end{code} +Pattern matching against `inj₁` and `inj₂` is typical of how we exploit +evidence that a disjunction holds. + +When `inj₁` and `inj₂` appear on the right-hand side of an equation we +refer to them as *constructors*, and when they appears on the +left-hand side we refer to them as *destructors*. We also refer +to `⊎-elim` as a destructor, since it plays a similar role. +Other terminology refers to constructors as *introducing* a disjunction, +and to a destructors as *eliminating* a disjunction. + +Applying the destructor to each of the constructors is the identity. +\begin{code} +η-⊎ : ∀ {A B : Set} (w : A ⊎ B) → ⊎-elim inj₁ inj₂ w ≡ w +η-⊎ (inj₁ x) = refl +η-⊎ (inj₂ y) = refl +\end{code} +More generally, we can also throw in an arbitrary function from a disjunction. +\begin{code} +uniq-⊎ : ∀ {A B C : Set} (h : A ⊎ B → C) (w : A ⊎ B) → + ⊎-elim (h ∘ inj₁) (h ∘ inj₂) w ≡ h w +uniq-⊎ h (inj₁ x) = refl +uniq-⊎ h (inj₂ y) = refl +\end{code} +The pattern matching on the left-hand side is essential. Replacing +`w` by `inj₁ x` allows both sides of the equation to simplify to the +same term, and similarly for `inj₂ y`. + +We set the precedence of disjunction so that it binds less tightly +than any other declared operator. +\begin{code} +infix 1 _⊎_ +\end{code} +Thus, `A × C ⊎ B × C` parses as `(A × C) ⊎ (B × C)`. + +Given two types `A` and `B`, we refer to `A ⊎ B` as the +*sum* of `A` and `B`. In set theory, it is also sometimes +called the *disjoint union*, and in computing it corresponds +to a *variant record* type. Among other reasons for +calling it the sum, note that if type `A` has `m` +distinct members, and type `B` has `n` distinct members, +then the type `A ⊎ B` has `m + n` distinct members. +For instance, consider a type `Bool` with two members, and +a type `Tri` with three members, as defined earlier. +Then the type `Bool ⊎ Tri` has five +members: + + (inj₁ true) (inj₂ aa) + (inj₁ false) (inj₂ bb) + (inj₂ cc) + +For example, the following function enumerates all +possible arguments of type `Bool ⊎ Tri`: +\begin{code} +⊎-count : Bool ⊎ Tri → ℕ +⊎-count (inj₁ true) = 1 +⊎-count (inj₁ false) = 2 +⊎-count (inj₂ aa) = 3 +⊎-count (inj₂ bb) = 4 +⊎-count (inj₂ cc) = 5 +\end{code} + +Sum on types also shares a property with sum on numbers in that it is +commutative and associative *up to isomorphism*. + +For commutativity, the `to` function swaps the two constructors, +taking `inj₁ x` to `inj₂ x`, and `inj₂ y` to `inj₁ y`; and the `from` +function does the same (up to renaming). Replacing the definition of +`from∘to` by `λ w → refl` will not work; and similarly for `to∘from`, which +does the same (up to renaming). +\begin{code} +⊎-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A ⊎ B) ≃ (B ⊎ A) +⊎-comm = record + { to = λ{ (inj₁ x) → (inj₂ x) + ; (inj₂ y) → (inj₁ y) + } + ; from = λ{ (inj₁ y) → (inj₂ y) + ; (inj₂ x) → (inj₁ x) + } + ; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ x) → refl + ; (inj₂ y) → refl + } + ; to∘from = λ{ (inj₁ y) → refl + ; (inj₂ x) → refl + } + } +\end{code} +Being *commutative* is different from being *commutative up to +isomorphism*. Compare the two statements: + + m + n ≡ n + m + A ⊎ B ≃ B ⊎ A + +In the first case, we might have that `m` is `2` and `n` is `3`, and +both `m + n` and `n + m` are equal to `5`. In the second case, we +might have that `A` is `Bool` and `B` is `Tri`, and `Bool ⊎ Tri` is +*not* the same as `Tri ⊎ Bool`. But there is an isomorphism between +the two types. For instance, `inj₁ true`, which is a member of the +former, corresponds to `inj₂ true`, which is a member of the latter. + +For associativity, the `to` function reassociates, and the `from` function does +the inverse. Again, the evidence of left and right inverse requires +matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplification. +\begin{code} +⊎-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A ⊎ B) ⊎ C) ≃ (A ⊎ (B ⊎ C)) +⊎-assoc = record + { to = λ{ (inj₁ (inj₁ x)) → (inj₁ x) + ; (inj₁ (inj₂ y)) → (inj₂ (inj₁ y)) + ; (inj₂ z) → (inj₂ (inj₂ z)) + } + ; from = λ{ (inj₁ x) → (inj₁ (inj₁ x)) + ; (inj₂ (inj₁ y)) → (inj₁ (inj₂ y)) + ; (inj₂ (inj₂ z)) → (inj₂ z) + } + ; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ (inj₁ x)) → refl + ; (inj₁ (inj₂ y)) → refl + ; (inj₂ z) → refl + } + ; to∘from = λ{ (inj₁ x) → refl + ; (inj₂ (inj₁ y)) → refl + ; (inj₂ (inj₂ z)) → refl + } + } +\end{code} + +Again, being *associative* is not the same as being *associative +up to isomorphism*. For example, the type `(ℕ + Bool) + Tri` +is *not* the same as `ℕ + (Bool + Tri)`. But there is an +isomorphism between the two types. For instance `inj₂ (inj₁ true)`, +which is a member of the former, corresponds to `inj₁ (inj₂ true)`, +which is a member of the latter. + +## False is empty + +False `⊥` never holds. We formalise this idea by declaring +a suitable inductive type. +\begin{code} +data ⊥ : Set where + -- no clauses! +\end{code} +There is no possible evidence that `⊥` holds. + +Given evidence that `⊥` holds, we might conclude anything! Since +false never holds, knowing that it holds tells us we are in a +paradoxical situation. This is a basic principle of logic, +known in medieval times by the latin phrase *ex falso*, +and known to children through phrases such as +"if pigs had wings, then I'd be the Queen of Sheba". +We formalise it as follows. +\begin{code} +⊥-elim : ∀ {A : Set} → ⊥ → A +⊥-elim () +\end{code} +This is our first use of the *absurd pattern* `()`. +Here since `⊥` is a type with no members, we indicate that it is +*never* possible to match against a value of this type by using +the pattern `()`. + +The nullary case of `uniq-⊎` is `uniq-⊥`, which asserts that `⊥-elim` +is equal to any arbitrary function from `⊥`. +\begin{code} +uniq-⊥ : ∀ {C : Set} (h : ⊥ → C) (w : ⊥) → ⊥-elim w ≡ h w +uniq-⊥ h () +\end{code} +The pattern matching on the left-hand side is essential. Using +the absurd pattern asserts there are no possible values for `w`, +so the equation holds trivially. + +We refer to `⊥` as *empty* type. And, indeed, +type `⊥` has no members. For example, the following function +enumerates all possible arguments of type `⊥`: +\begin{code} +⊥-count : ⊥ → ℕ +⊥-count () +\end{code} +Here again the absurd pattern `()` indicates that no value can match +type `⊥`. + +For numbers, zero is the identity of addition. Correspondingly, +empty is the identity of sums *up to isomorphism*. +For left identity, the `to` function observes that `inj₁ ()` can never arise, +and takes `inj₂ x` to `x`, and the `from` function +does the inverse. The evidence of left inverse requires matching against +a suitable pattern to enable simplification. +\begin{code} +⊥-identityˡ : ∀ {A : Set} → (⊥ ⊎ A) ≃ A +⊥-identityˡ = + record + { to = λ{ (inj₁ ()) + ; (inj₂ x) → x + } + ; from = λ{ x → inj₂ x + } + ; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ ()) + ; (inj₂ x) → refl + } + ; to∘from = λ{ x → refl + } + } +\end{code} + +Having an *identity* is different from having an identity +*up to isomorphism*. Compare the two statements: + + 0 + m ≡ m + ⊥ ⊎ A ≃ A + +In the first case, we might have that `m` is `2`, and both `0 + m` and +`m` are equal to `2`. In the second case, we might have that `A` is +`Bool`, and `⊥ ⊎ Bool` is *not* the same as `Bool`. But there is an +isomorphism between the two types. For instance, `inj₂ true`, which is +a member of the former, corresponds to `true`, which is a member of +the latter. + +Right identity follows from commutativity of sum and left identity. +\begin{code} +⊥-identityʳ : ∀ {A : Set} → (A ⊎ ⊥) ≃ A +⊥-identityʳ {A} = + ≃-begin + (A ⊎ ⊥) + ≃⟨ ⊎-comm ⟩ + (⊥ ⊎ A) + ≃⟨ ⊥-identityˡ ⟩ + A + ≃-∎ +\end{code} + +## Implication is function {#implication} + +Given two propositions `A` and `B`, the implication `A → B` holds if +whenever `A` holds then `B` must also hold. We formalise implication using +the function type, which has appeared throughout this book. + +Evidence that `A → B` holds is of the form + + λ (x : A) → N x + +where `N x` is a term of type `B` containing as a free variable `x` of type `A`. +Given a term `L` providing evidence that `A → B` holds, and a term `M` +providing evidence that `A` holds, the term `L M` provides evidence that +`B` holds. In other words, evidence that `A → B` holds is a function that +converts evidence that `A` holds into evidence that `B` holds. + +Put another way, if we know that `A → B` and `A` both hold, +then we may conclude that `B` holds. +\begin{code} +→-elim : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A → B) → A → B +→-elim L M = L M +\end{code} +In medieval times, this rule was known by the name *modus ponens*. +It corresponds to function application. + +Defining a function, with an named definition or a lambda expression, +is referred to as *introducing* a function, +while applying a function is referred to as *eliminating* the function. + +Elimination followed by introduction is the identity. +\begin{code} +η-→ : ∀ {A B : Set} (f : A → B) → (λ (x : A) → f x) ≡ f +η-→ {A} {B} f = extensionality η-helper + where + η-helper : (x : A) → (λ (x : A) → f x) x ≡ f x + η-helper x = refl +\end{code} +The proof depends on extensionality. + + + +Implication binds less tightly than any other operator. Thus, `A ⊎ B → +B ⊎ A` parses as `(A ⊎ B) → (B ⊎ A)`. + +Given two types `A` and `B`, we refer to `A → B` as the *function* +space from `A` to `B`. It is also sometimes called the *exponential*, +with `B` raised to the `A` power. Among other reasons for calling +it the exponential, note that if type `A` has `m` distinct +members, and type `B` has `n` distinct members, then the type +`A → B` has `n ^ m` distinct members. For instance, consider a +type `Bool` with two members and a type `Tri` with three members, +as defined earlier. The the type `Bool → Tri` has nine (that is, +three squared) members: + + λ{true → aa; false → aa} λ{true → aa; false → bb} λ{true → aa; false → cc} + λ{true → bb; false → aa} λ{true → bb; false → bb} λ{true → bb; false → cc} + λ{true → cc; false → aa} λ{true → cc; false → bb} λ{true → cc; false → cc} + +For example, the following function enumerates all possible +arguments of the type `Bool → Tri`: +\begin{code} +→-count : (Bool → Tri) → ℕ +→-count f with f true | f false +... | aa | aa = 1 +... | aa | bb = 2 +... | aa | cc = 3 +... | bb | aa = 4 +... | bb | bb = 5 +... | bb | cc = 6 +... | cc | aa = 7 +... | cc | bb = 8 +... | cc | cc = 9 +\end{code} + +Exponential on types also share a property with exponential on +numbers in that many of the standard identities for numbers carry +over to the types. + +Corresponding to the law + + (p ^ n) ^ m = p ^ (n * m) + +we have the isomorphism + + A → (B → C) ≃ (A × B) → C + +Both types can be viewed as functions that given evidence that `A` holds +and evidence that `B` holds can return evidence that `C` holds. +This isomorphism sometimes goes by the name *currying*. +The proof of the right inverse requires extensionality. +\begin{code} +currying : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A → B → C) ≃ (A × B → C) +currying = + record + { to = λ{ f → λ{ (x , y) → f x y }} + ; from = λ{ g → λ{ x → λ{ y → g (x , y) }}} + ; from∘to = λ{ f → refl } + ; to∘from = λ{ g → extensionality λ{ (x , y) → refl }} + } +\end{code} + +Currying tells us that instead of a function that takes a pair of arguments, +we can have a function that takes the first argument and returns a function that +expects the second argument. Thus, for instance, our way of writing addition: + + _+_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ + +is isomorphic to a function that accepts a pair of arguments: + + _+′_ : (ℕ × ℕ) → ℕ + +Agda is optimised for currying, so `2 + 3` abbreviates `_+_ 2 3`. +In a language optimised for pairing, we would take `2 +′ 3` as +an abbreviation for `_+′_ (2 , 3)`. + +Corresponding to the law + + p ^ (n + m) = (p ^ n) * (p ^ m) + +we have the isomorphism + + (A ⊎ B) → C ≃ (A → C) × (B → C) + +That is, the assertion that if either `A` holds or `B` holds then `C` holds +is the same as the assertion that if `A` holds then `C` holds and if +`B` holds then `C` holds. The proof of the left inverse requires extensionality. +\begin{code} +→-distrib-⊎ : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A ⊎ B → C) ≃ ((A → C) × (B → C)) +→-distrib-⊎ = + record + { to = λ{ f → ( (λ{ x → f (inj₁ x) }) , (λ{ y → f (inj₂ y) }) ) } + ; from = λ{ (g , h) → λ{ (inj₁ x) → g x ; (inj₂ y) → h y } } + ; from∘to = λ{ f → extensionality λ{ (inj₁ x) → refl ; (inj₂ y) → refl } } + ; to∘from = λ{ (g , h) → refl } + } +\end{code} + +Corresponding to the law + + (p * n) ^ m = (p ^ m) * (n ^ m) + +we have the isomorphism + + A → B × C ≃ (A → B) × (A → C) + +That is, the assertion that if either `A` holds then `B` holds and `C` holds +is the same as the assertion that if `A` holds then `B` holds and if +`A` holds then `C` holds. The proof of left inverse requires both extensionality +and the rule `η-×` for products. +\begin{code} +→-distrib-× : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A → B × C) ≃ (A → B) × (A → C) +→-distrib-× = + record + { to = λ{ f → ( (λ{ x → proj₁ (f x) }) , (λ{ y → proj₂ (f y)}) ) } + ; from = λ{ (g , h) → λ{ x → (g x , h x) } } + ; from∘to = λ{ f → extensionality λ{ x → η-× (f x) } } + ; to∘from = λ{ (g , h) → refl } + } +\end{code} + + +## Distribution + +Products distributes over sum, up to isomorphism. The code to validate +this fact is similar in structure to our previous results. +\begin{code} +×-distrib-⊎ : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A ⊎ B) × C ≃ (A × C) ⊎ (B × C) +×-distrib-⊎ = + record + { to = λ{ ((inj₁ x) , z) → (inj₁ (x , z)) + ; ((inj₂ y) , z) → (inj₂ (y , z)) + } + ; from = λ{ (inj₁ (x , z)) → ((inj₁ x) , z) + ; (inj₂ (y , z)) → ((inj₂ y) , z) + } + ; from∘to = λ{ ((inj₁ x) , z) → refl + ; ((inj₂ y) , z) → refl + } + ; to∘from = λ{ (inj₁ (x , z)) → refl + ; (inj₂ (y , z)) → refl + } + } +\end{code} + +Sums do not distribute over products up to isomorphism, but it is an embedding. +\begin{code} +⊎-distrib-× : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A × B) ⊎ C ≲ (A ⊎ C) × (B ⊎ C) +⊎-distrib-× = + record + { to = λ{ (inj₁ (x , y)) → (inj₁ x , inj₁ y) + ; (inj₂ z) → (inj₂ z , inj₂ z) + } + ; from = λ{ (inj₁ x , inj₁ y) → (inj₁ (x , y)) + ; (inj₁ x , inj₂ z) → (inj₂ z) + ; (inj₂ z , _ ) → (inj₂ z) + } + ; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ (x , y)) → refl + ; (inj₂ z) → refl + } + } +\end{code} +Note that there is a choice in how we write the `from` function. +As given, it takes `(inj₂ z , inj₂ z′)` to `(inj₂ z)`, but it is +easy to write a variant that instead returns `(inj₂ z′)`. We have +an embedding rather than an isomorphism because the +`from` function must discard either `z` or `z′` in this case. + +In the usual approach to logic, both of the distribution laws +are given as equivalences, where each side implies the other: + + A & (B ∨ C) ⇔ (A & B) ∨ (A & C) + A ∨ (B & C) ⇔ (A ∨ B) & (A ∨ C) + +But when we consider the two laws in terms of evidence, where `_&_` +corresponds to `_×_` and `_∨_` corresponds to `_⊎_`, then the first +gives rise to an isomorphism, while the second only gives rise to an +embedding, revealing a sense in which one of these laws is "more +true" than the other. + + +### Exercise (`×⊎-implies-⊎×`) + +Show that a conjunct of disjuncts implies a disjunct of conjuncts. +\begin{code} +×⊎-Implies-⊎× = ∀ {A B C D : Set} → (A ⊎ B) × (C ⊎ D) → (A × C) ⊎ (B × D) +\end{code} +Does the converse hold? If so, prove; if not, explain why. + + +### Exercise (`⇔-refl`, `⇔-sym`, `⇔-trans`) + +Define equivalence of propositions (also known as "if and only if") as follows. +\begin{code} +record _⇔_ (A B : Set) : Set where + field + to : A → B + from : B → A +\end{code} +Show that equivalence is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. + + +### Exercise (`⇔-iso`) + +Show that `A ⇔ B` is isomorphic to `(A → B) × (B → A)`. + + +## Standard library + +Definitions similar to those in this chapter can be found in the standard library. +\begin{code} +import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂) +import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt) +import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂) renaming ([_,_] to ⊎-elim) +import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim) +\end{code} + + +## Unicode + +This chapter uses the following unicode. + + × U+00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN (\x) + ⊎ U+228E MULTISET UNION (\u+) + ⊤ U+22A4 DOWN TACK (\top) + ⊥ U+22A5 UP TACK (\bot) + η U+03B7 GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA (\eta) + ₁ U+2081 SUBSCRIPT ONE (\_1) + ₂ U+2082 SUBSCRIPT TWO (\_2) + ⇔ U+21D4 LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW (\<=>)