updated derivations in Stlc
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 79 additions and 62 deletions
@ -11,17 +11,9 @@ This chapter defines the simply-typed lambda calculus.
open import Maps using (Id; id; _≟_; PartialMap; module PartialMap)
open PartialMap using (∅) renaming (_,_↦_ to _,_∶_)
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; suc; zero; _+_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary using (Preorder)
import Relation.Binary.PreorderReasoning as PreorderReasoning
-- open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
-- open import Data.Product using (∃; ∄; _,_)
-- open import Function using (_∘_; _$_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
@ -49,21 +41,15 @@ data Term : Set where
if_then_else_ : Term → Term → Term → Term
Some examples.
Example terms.
f x y : Id
f x : Id
f = id "f"
x = id "x"
y = id "y"
I I² K not : Term
I = λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] var x
I² = λ[ f ∶ 𝔹 ⇒ 𝔹 ] λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] var f · var x
K = λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] λ[ y ∶ 𝔹 ] var x
not two : Term
not = λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] (if var x then false else true)
check : not ≡ λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] (if var x then false else true)
check = refl
two = λ[ f ∶ 𝔹 ⇒ 𝔹 ] λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] var f · (var f · var x)
## Values
@ -99,23 +85,23 @@ infix 10 _⟹_
data _⟹_ : Term → Term → Set where
β⇒ : ∀ {x A N V} → Value V →
(λ[ x ∶ A ] N) · V ⟹ N [ x ∶= V ]
γ⇒₁ : ∀ {L L' M} →
γ⇒₀ : ∀ {L L' M} →
L ⟹ L' →
L · M ⟹ L' · M
γ⇒₂ : ∀ {V M M'} →
γ⇒₁ : ∀ {V M M'} →
Value V →
M ⟹ M' →
V · M ⟹ V · M'
β𝔹₁ : ∀ {M N} →
β𝔹₀ : ∀ {M N} →
if true then M else N ⟹ M
β𝔹₂ : ∀ {M N} →
β𝔹₁ : ∀ {M N} →
if false then M else N ⟹ N
γ𝔹 : ∀ {L L' M N} →
L ⟹ L' →
if L then M else N ⟹ if L' then M else N
## Reflexive and transitive closure of a relation
## Reflexive and transitive closure
Rel : Set → Set₁
@ -127,63 +113,52 @@ data _* {A : Set} (R : Rel A) : Rel A where
⟨⟩ : ∀ {x : A} → (R *) x x
⟨_⟩ : ∀ {x y : A} → R x y → (R *) x y
_>>_ : ∀ {x y z : A} → (R *) x y → (R *) y z → (R *) x z
infix 10 _⟹*_
_⟹*_ : Rel Term
_⟹*_ = (_⟹_) *
## Notation for setting out reductions
⟹*-Preorder : Preorder _ _ _
⟹*-Preorder = record
{ Carrier = Term
; _≈_ = _≡_
; _∼_ = _⟹*_
; isPreorder = record
{ isEquivalence = P.isEquivalence
; reflexive = λ {refl → ⟨⟩}
; trans = _>>_
infixr 2 _⟹⟨_⟩_
infix 3 _∎
open PreorderReasoning ⟹*-Preorder
using (_IsRelatedTo_; begin_; _∎) renaming (_≈⟨_⟩_ to _≡⟨_⟩_; _∼⟨_⟩_ to _⟹*⟨_⟩_)
_⟹⟨_⟩_ : ∀ L {M N} → L ⟹ M → M ⟹* N → L ⟹* N
L ⟹⟨ L⟹M ⟩ M⟹*N = ⟨ L⟹M ⟩ >> M⟹*N
infixr 2 _⟹*⟪_⟫_
_⟹*⟪_⟫_ : ∀ x {y z} → x ⟹ y → y IsRelatedTo z → x IsRelatedTo z
x ⟹*⟪ x⟹y ⟫ yz = x ⟹*⟨ ⟨ x⟹y ⟩ ⟩ yz
_∎ : ∀ M → M ⟹* M
M ∎ = ⟨⟩
Example evaluation.
## Example reductions
example₀ : not · true ⟹* false
example₀ =
not · true
⟹*⟪ β⇒ value-true ⟫
⟹⟨ β⇒ value-true ⟩
if true then false else true
⟹*⟪ β𝔹₁ ⟫
⟹⟨ β𝔹₀ ⟩
example₁ : I² · I · (not · false) ⟹* true
example₁ : two · not · true ⟹* true
example₁ =
I² · I · (not · false)
⟹*⟪ γ⇒₁ (β⇒ value-λ) ⟫
(λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] I · var x) · (not · false)
⟹*⟪ γ⇒₂ value-λ (β⇒ value-false) ⟫
(λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] I · var x) · (if false then false else true)
⟹*⟪ γ⇒₂ value-λ β𝔹₂ ⟫
(λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] I · var x) · true
⟹*⟪ β⇒ value-true ⟫
I · true
⟹*⟪ β⇒ value-true ⟫
two · not · true
⟹⟨ γ⇒₀ (β⇒ value-λ) ⟩
(λ[ x ∶ 𝔹 ] not · (not · var x)) · true
⟹⟨ β⇒ value-true ⟩
not · (not · true)
⟹⟨ γ⇒₁ value-λ (β⇒ value-true) ⟩
not · (if true then false else true)
⟹⟨ γ⇒₁ value-λ β𝔹₀ ⟩
not · false
⟹⟨ β⇒ value-false ⟩
if false then false else true
⟹⟨ β𝔹₁ ⟩
@ -207,9 +182,9 @@ data _⊢_∶_ : Context → Term → Type → Set where
Γ ⊢ L ∶ A ⇒ B →
Γ ⊢ M ∶ A →
Γ ⊢ L · M ∶ B
𝔹-I₁ : ∀ {Γ} →
𝔹-I₀ : ∀ {Γ} →
Γ ⊢ true ∶ 𝔹
𝔹-I₂ : ∀ {Γ} →
𝔹-I₁ : ∀ {Γ} →
Γ ⊢ false ∶ 𝔹
𝔹-E : ∀ {Γ L M N A} →
Γ ⊢ L ∶ 𝔹 →
@ -217,3 +192,45 @@ data _⊢_∶_ : Context → Term → Type → Set where
Γ ⊢ N ∶ A →
Γ ⊢ if L then M else N ∶ A
## Example type derivations
example₂ : ∅ ⊢ not ∶ 𝔹 ⇒ 𝔹
example₂ = ⇒-I (𝔹-E (Ax refl) 𝔹-I₁ 𝔹-I₀)
example₃ : ∅ ⊢ two ∶ (𝔹 ⇒ 𝔹) ⇒ 𝔹 ⇒ 𝔹
example₃ = ⇒-I (⇒-I (⇒-E (Ax refl) (⇒-E (Ax refl) (Ax refl))))
Construction of a type derivation is best done interactively.
We start with the declaration:
`example₂ : ∅ ⊢ not ∶ 𝔹 ⇒ 𝔹`
`example₂ = ?`
Typing control-L causes Agda to create a hole and tell us its expected type.
`example₂ = { }0`
`?0 : ∅ ⊢ not ∶ 𝔹 ⇒ 𝔹`
Now we fill in the hole, observing that the outermost term in `not` in a `λ`,
which is typed using `⇒-I`. The `⇒-I` rule in turn takes one argument, which
we again specify with a hole.
`example₂ = ⇒-I { }0`
`?0 : ∅ , x ∶ 𝔹 ⊢ if var x then false else true ∶ 𝔹`
Again we fill in the hole, observing that the outermost term is now
`if_then_else_`, which is typed using `𝔹-E`. The `𝔹-E` rule in turn takes
three arguments, which we again specify with holes.
`example₂ = ⇒-I (𝔹-E { }0 { }1 { }2)`
`?0 : ∅ , x ∶ 𝔹 ⊢ var x ∶ 𝔹`
`?1 : ∅ , x ∶ 𝔹 ⊢ false ∶ 𝔹`
`?2 : ∅ , x ∶ 𝔹 ⊢ true ∶ 𝔹`
Filling in the three holes gives the derivation above.
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