completed Inference

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wadler 2018-07-22 22:02:40 +02:00
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@ -37,5 +37,11 @@ extensionality2 : ∀ {A B C : Set} → {f g : A → B → C} → (∀ (x : A) (
extensionality2 fxy≡gxy = extensionality (λ x → extensionality (λ y → fxy≡gxy x y))
Confirm for the resulting type rules that inputs of the conclusion
(and output of any preceding hypothesis) determine inputs of each
hypothesis, and outputs of the hypotheses determine the output of the

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@ -117,17 +117,6 @@ decoration. The idea is to break the normal typing judgement into two
judgements, one that produces the type as an output (as above), and
another that takes it as an input.
#### Exercise (`decoration`)
What additional decorations are required for the full
lambda calculus with naturals and fixpoints?
Confirm for the extended syntax that
inputs of the conclusion
(and output of any preceding hypothesis)
determine inputs of each hypothesis,
and outputs of the hypotheses
determine the output of the conclusion.
## Synthesising and inheriting types
@ -331,7 +320,7 @@ plus = (μ "p" ⇒ ƛ "m" ⇒ ƛ "n" ⇒
The only change is to decorate with down and up arrows as required.
The only type decoration required is for `plus`.
Next, computing two plus two on Church numerals.
Next, computing two plus two with Church numerals.
Ch : Type
Ch = (` ⇒ `) ⇒ ` ⇒ `
@ -423,11 +412,11 @@ data _⊢_↓_ where
→ Γ ⊢ μ x ⇒ N ↓ A
⊢↑ : ∀ {Γ M A A}
⊢↑ : ∀ {Γ M A B}
→ Γ ⊢ M ↑ A
→ A ≡ A
→ Γ ⊢ (M ↑) ↓ A
→ A ≡ B
→ Γ ⊢ (M ↑) ↓ B
We follow the same convention as
Chapter [Lambda]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link out/plfa/ %}),
@ -601,13 +590,13 @@ translates to
where `P`, `Q` are Agda patterns, and `L`, `M`, `N` are Agda terms.
Extending our notation to allow a pattern to the left of a turnstyle, we have:
Γ ⊢ L : I A
Γ , P : A ⊢ N : I B
Γ , Q : A ⊢ M : I B
Γ ⊢ (do P ← L
where Q → M
N) : I B
Γ ⊢ L : I A
Γ , P : A ⊢ N : I B
Γ , Q : A ⊢ M : I B
Γ ⊢ (do P ← L
where Q → M
N) : I B
One can read this form as follows: Evaluate `M`; if it fails, yield
the error message; if it succeeds, match `P` to the value returned and
@ -615,7 +604,7 @@ evaluate `N` (which may contain variables matched by `P`); otherwise
match `Q` to the value returned and evaluate `M` (which may contain
variables matched by `Q`); one of `P` and `Q` must match.
The notations extend to any number of bindings. Thus,
The notations extend to any number of bindings or patterns. Thus,
do x₁ ← M₁
@ -665,7 +654,7 @@ There are three cases.
return its corresponding type.
* If the variable does not appear in the most recent binding,
we invoke recurse.
we recurse.
## Synthesize and inherit types
@ -682,7 +671,7 @@ synthesize : ∀ (Γ : Context) (M : Term⁺) → I (∃[ A ](Γ ⊢ M ↑ A))
inherit : ∀ (Γ : Context) (M : Term⁻) (A : Type) → I (Γ ⊢ M ↓ A)
We first consider the code for synthesis.
synthesize Γ (` x) =
do ⟨ A , ⊢x ⟩ ← lookup Γ x
@ -695,7 +684,23 @@ synthesize Γ (L · M) =
synthesize Γ (M ↓ A) =
do ⊢M ← inherit Γ M A
return ⟨ A , ⊢↓ ⊢M ⟩
There are three cases.
* If the term is a variable, we use lookup as defined above.
* If the term is an application, we recurse to synthesize the type of
the function. We check that the synthesied type is a function of
the form `A ⇒ B`. If it is not (e.g., it is of type `` ` ``), then
we report an error. The argument is typed by inheriting `A`, and
type `B` is returned as the synthesised type of the term as a whole.
* If the term switches from synthesized to inherited, then the type
decoration `A` in the contained term is typed by inheriting `A`, and
`A` is also returned as the synthesized type of the term as a whole.
We next consider the code for inheritance.
inherit Γ (ƛ x ⇒ N) (A ⇒ B) =
do ⊢N ← inherit (Γ , x ⦂ A) N B
return (⊢ƛ ⊢N)
@ -727,38 +732,69 @@ inherit Γ (M ↑) B =
where no _ → error⁻ "inheritance and synthesis conflict" (M ↑) [ A , B ]
return (⊢↑ ⊢M A≡B)
There are nine cases. We consider those for abstraction
and for switching from inherited to synthesized.
## Test Cases
* If the term is an abstraction and the inherited type is of the form `A ⇒ B`
then we extend the context by giving the variable type `A` and
recuse to type the body by inheriting type `B`.
* If the term is an abstraction and the inherited type is not a function
(e.g., of the form `` ` ``), then we report an error.
* If the term switches from inherited to synthesised, then
we synthesise the type of the contained term and compare it
to the inherited type. If they are not equal, we raise an error.
The remaining cases are similar, and their code can pretty much be
read directly from the corresponding typing rules.
## Testing the example terms
First, we copy a function introduced ealier that makes it easy to
compute the evidence that two variable names are distinct.
_≠_ : ∀ (x y : Id) → x ≢ y
x ≠ y with x ≟ y
... | no x≢y = x≢y
... | yes _ = ⊥-elim impossible
where postulate impossible : ⊥
Here is the result of typing two plus two on naturals.
⊢2+2 : ∅ ⊢ 2+2 ↑ `
⊢2+2 =
(⊢case (Ax (S (_≠_ "m" "n") Z)) (⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(⊢case (Ax (S ("m" "n") Z)) (⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(S (_≠_ "p" "m")
(S (_≠_ "p" "n")
(S (_≠_ "p" "m") Z)))
(S ("p" "m")
(S ("p" "n")
(S ("p" "m") Z)))
· ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "n" "m") Z)) refl)
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S ("n" "m") Z)) refl)
· ⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)
· ⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero))
We confirm that synthesis on the relevant term returns
natural as the type and the above derivation.
_ : synthesize ∅ 2+2 ≡ return ⟨ ` , ⊢2+2 ⟩
_ = refl
Indeed, the above derivation was computed by evaluating the
term on the left, and editing. The only editing required is to
replace Agda's representation of the evidence that two strings are
unequal (which it can print not read) by equivalent calls to `≠`.
Here is the result of typing two plus two with Church numerals.
⊢2+2ᶜ : ∅ ⊢ 2+2ᶜ ↑ `
⊢2+2ᶜ =
@ -768,16 +804,16 @@ _ = refl
(S (_≠_ "m" "z")
(S (_≠_ "m" "s")
(S (_≠_ "m" "n") Z)))
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z)) refl
(S ("m" "z")
(S ("m" "s")
(S ("m" "n") Z)))
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S ("s" "z") Z)) refl
(S (_≠_ "n" "z")
(S (_≠_ "n" "s") Z))
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z)) refl
(S ("n" "z")
(S ("n" "s") Z))
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S ("s" "z") Z)) refl
· ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
@ -785,27 +821,35 @@ _ = refl
(Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z) ·
⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z) · ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(Ax (S ("s" "z") Z) ·
⊢↑ (Ax (S ("s" "z") Z) · ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z) ·
⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z) · ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(Ax (S ("s" "z") Z) ·
⊢↑ (Ax (S ("s" "z") Z) · ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
· ⊢ƛ (⊢suc (⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl))
· ⊢zero
We confirm that synthesis on the relevant term returns
natural as the type and the above derivation.
_ : synthesize ∅ 2+2ᶜ ≡ return ⟨ ` , ⊢2+2ᶜ ⟩
_ = refl
Again, the above derivation was computed by evaluating the
term on the left, and editing.
## Testing all possible errors
## Testing the error cases
It is important not just to check that code works as intended,
but also that it fails as intended. Here is one test case to
exercise each of the possible error messages.
_ : synthesize ∅ ((ƛ "x" ⇒ ` "y" ↑) ↓ (` ⇒ `)) ≡
error⁺ "variable not bound" (` "y") []
@ -845,15 +889,33 @@ _ = refl
## Erasure
From the evidence that a decorated term has the correct type it is
easy to extract the corresponding inherently typed term. We use the
name `DB` to refer to the code in
Chapter [DeBruijn]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link out/plfa/ %}).
It is easy to define an _erasure_ function that takes evidence of a
type judgement into the corresponding inherently typed term.
First, we give code to erase a context.
∥_∥Γ : Context → DB.Context
∥ ∅ ∥Γ = DB.∅
∥ Γ , x ⦂ A ∥Γ = ∥ Γ ∥Γ DB., A
It simply drops the variable names.
Next, we give code to erase a lookup judgment.
∥_∥∋ : ∀ {Γ x A} → Γ ∋ x ⦂ A → ∥ Γ ∥Γ DB.∋ A
∥ Z ∥∋ = DB.Z
∥ S w≢ ⊢w ∥∋ = DB.S ∥ ⊢w ∥∋
∥ S x≢ ⊢x ∥∋ = DB.S ∥ ⊢x ∥∋
It just drops the evidence that variable names are distinct.
Finally, we give the code to erase a typing judgement.
Just as there are two mutually recursive typing judgements,
there are two mutually recursive erasure functions.
∥_∥⁺ : ∀ {Γ M A} → Γ ⊢ M ↑ A → ∥ Γ ∥Γ DB.⊢ A
∥_∥⁻ : ∀ {Γ M A} → Γ ⊢ M ↓ A → ∥ Γ ∥Γ DB.⊢ A
@ -868,9 +930,14 @@ _ = refl
∥ ⊢μ ⊢M ∥⁻ = DB.μ ∥ ⊢M ∥⁻
∥ ⊢↑ ⊢M refl ∥⁻ = ∥ ⊢M ∥⁺
Erasure replaces constructors for each typing judgement
by the corresponding term constructor from `DB`. The
constructors that correspond to switching from synthesized
to inherited or vice versa are dropped.
Testing erasure
We confirm that the erasure of the type derivations in
this chapter yield the corresponding inherently typed terms
from the earlier chapter.
_ : ∥ ⊢2+2 ∥⁺ ≡ DB.2+2
_ = refl
@ -878,3 +945,33 @@ _ = refl
_ : ∥ ⊢2+2ᶜ ∥⁺ ≡ DB.2+2ᶜ
_ = refl
Thus, we have confirmed that bidirectional type inference to
convert decorated versions of the lambda terms from
Chapter [Lambda]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link out/plfa/ %})
to the inherently typed terms of
Chapter [DeBruijn]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link out/plfa/ %}).
#### Exercise (`decoration`)
Extend bidirectional inference to include each of the constructs in
Chapter [More]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link out/plfa/ %}).
## Bidirectional inference in Agda
Agda itself uses bidirection inference. This explains why constructors
can be overloaded while other defined names cannot — here by _overloaded_
we mean that the same name can be used for constructors of different
types. It is because constructors are typed by inheritance, and so the
name is available when resolving the constructor, whereas variables are
typed by synthesis, and so each variable must have a unique type.
## Unicode
This chapter uses the following unicode
↓ U+2193: DOWNWARDS ARROW (\d)
↑ U+2191: UPWARDS ARROW (\u)
← U+2190: LEFTWARDS ARROW (\l)
∥ U+2225: PARALLEL TO (\||)