updated index with Ghica course

This commit is contained in:
wadler 2020-06-23 17:53:06 +01:00
commit 36ef980840
16 changed files with 349 additions and 129 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -21,5 +21,8 @@ Gemfile.lock
## EPUB files
## Emacs files

View file

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ script:
- travis_retry curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plfa/git-tools/master/git-restore-mtime | python
- agda --version
- acknowledgements --version
- pandoc --version
- make test-offline # disable to only build cache

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash
AGDA := $(shell find . -type f -and \( -path '*/src/*' -or -path '*/courses/*' \) -and -name '*.lagda.md')
AGDAI := $(shell find . -type f -and \( -path '*/src/*' -or -path '*/courses/*' \) -and -name '*.agdai')
LUA := $(shell find . -type f -and -path '*/epub/*' -and -name '*.lua')
MARKDOWN := $(subst courses/,out/,$(subst src/,out/,$(subst .lagda.md,.md,$(AGDA))))
PLFA_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ endif
# Build PLFA and test hyperlinks
test: build
test: build epub
ruby -S bundle exec htmlproofer '_site'
@ -35,6 +36,42 @@ statistics:
mkdir -p out/
# EPUB generation notes
# - The "Apple Books" app on Mac does not show syntax highlighting.
# The Thorium app on Mac, however, does.
# - Regarding --epub-chapter-level, from the docs (https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html):
# "Specify the heading level at which to split the EPUB into separate “chapter”
# files. The default is to split into chapters at level-1 headings. This option
# only affects the internal composition of the EPUB, not the way chapters and
# sections are displayed to users. Some readers may be slow if the chapter
# files are too large, so for large documents with few level-1 headings, one
# might want to use a chapter level of 2 or 3."
#TODO: embedded fonts not working (path problem?)
epub: out/plfa.epub
out/plfa.epub: out/ $(AGDA) $(LUA) epub/main.css
pandoc --strip-comments \
--css=epub/main.css \
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--standalone \
--fail-if-warnings \
--toc --toc-depth=2 \
--epub-chapter-level=2 \
-o "$@" \
# Convert literal Agda to Markdown
define AGDA_template
@ -120,7 +157,8 @@ travis-setup:\
.phony: travis-setup
@ -133,6 +171,11 @@ $(HOME)/.local/bin/acknowledgements:
cd $(HOME)/acknowledgements-master;\
stack install
# The version of pandoc on Xenial is too old.
curl -L https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/ -o $(HOME)/pandoc.deb
sudo dpkg -i $(HOME)/pandoc.deb
rm -rf $(HOME)/acknowledgements-master/
rm $(HOME)/.local/bin/acknowledgements
@ -185,4 +228,4 @@ travis-uninstall-agda-stdlib:
travis-reinstall-agda-stdlib: travis-uninstall-agda-stdlib travis-install-agda-stdlib
.phony: travis-install-agda-stdlib travis-uninstall-agda-stdlib travis-reinstall-agda-stdlib
.phony: travis-install-agda-stdlib travis-uninstall-agda-stdlib travis-reinstall-agda-stdlib epub

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ authors:
corresponding: true
github_username: wenkokke
twitter_username: wenkokke
- name: Jeremy Siek
- name: Jeremy G. Siek
email: jsiek@indiana.edu
corresponding: true
github_username: jsiek

View file

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
title : Table of Contents (Beta)
layout : page
permalink : /beta/
This book is an introduction to programming language theory using the
proof assistant Agda.
Comments on all matters---organisation, material to add, material to
remove, parts that require better explanation, good exercises, errors,
and typos---are welcome. The book repository is on [GitHub].
Pull requests are encouraged.
## Front matter
- [Dedication]({{ site.baseurl }}/Dedication/)
- [Preface]({{ site.baseurl }}/Preface/)
## Part 1: Logical Foundations
- [Naturals]({{ site.baseurl }}/Naturals/): Natural numbers
- [Induction]({{ site.baseurl }}/Induction/): Proof by induction
- [Relations]({{ site.baseurl }}/Relations/): Inductive definition of relations
- [Equality]({{ site.baseurl }}/Equality/): Equality and equational reasoning
- [Isomorphism]({{ site.baseurl }}/Isomorphism/): Isomorphism and embedding
- [Connectives]({{ site.baseurl }}/Connectives/): Conjunction, disjunction, and implication
- [Negation]({{ site.baseurl }}/Negation/): Negation, with intuitionistic and classical logic
- [Quantifiers]({{ site.baseurl }}/Quantifiers/): Universals and existentials
- [Decidable]({{ site.baseurl }}/Decidable/): Booleans and decision procedures
- [Lists]({{ site.baseurl }}/Lists/): Lists and higher-order functions
## Part 2: Operational Semantics
- [Lambda]({{ site.baseurl }}/Lambda/): Introduction to Lambda Calculus
- [Properties]({{ site.baseurl }}/Properties/): Progress and Preservation
- [DeBruijn]({{ site.baseurl }}/DeBruijn/): Intrinsically-typed de Bruijn representation
- [More]({{ site.baseurl }}/More/): Additional constructs of simply-typed lambda calculus
- [Bisimulation]({{ site.baseurl }}/Bisimulation/): Relating reductions systems
- [Inference]({{ site.baseurl }}/Inference/): Bidirectional type inference
- [Untyped]({{ site.baseurl }}/Untyped/): Untyped lambda calculus with full normalisation
- [Confluence]({{ site.baseurl }}/Confluence/): Confluence of untyped lambda calculus 🚧
- [BigStep]({{ site.baseurl }}/BigStep/): Big-step semantics of untyped lambda calculus 🚧
## Part 3: Denotational Semantics
- [Denotational]({{ site.baseurl }}/Denotational/): Denotational semantics of untyped lambda calculus 🚧
- [Compositional]({{ site.baseurl }}/Compositional/): The denotational semantics is compositional 🚧
- [Soundness]({{ site.baseurl }}/Soundness/): Soundness of reduction with respect to denotational semantics 🚧
- [Adequacy]({{ site.baseurl }}/Adequacy/): Adequacy of denotational semantics with respect to operational semantics 🚧
- [ContextualEquivalence]({{ site.baseurl }}/ContextualEquivalence/): Denotational equality implies contextual equivalence 🚧
## Appendix
- [Substitution]({{ site.baseurl }}/Substitution/): Substitution in untyped lambda calculus
## Backmatter
- [Acknowledgements]({{ site.baseurl }}/Acknowledgements/)
- [Fonts]({{ site.baseurl }}/Fonts/): Test page for fonts
- [Statistics]({{ site.baseurl }}/Statistics/): Line counts for each chapter
## Related
- Mailing lists for PLFA:
* [plfa-interest@inf.ed.ac.uk](http://lists.inf.ed.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/plfa-interest): <br />
A mailing list for users of the book. <br />
This is the place to ask and answer questions, or comment on the content of the book.
* [plfa-dev@inf.ed.ac.uk](http://lists.inf.ed.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/plfa-dev): <br />
A mailing list for contributors. <br />
This is the place to discuss changes and new additions to the book in excruciating detail.
- Courses taught from the textbook:
* Philip Wadler, University of Edinburgh,
[2018]({{ site.baseurl }}/TSPL/2018/),
[2019]({{ site.baseurl }}/TSPL/2019/)
* David Darais, University of Vermont,
* John Leo, Google Seattle, 2018--2019
* Philip Wadler, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio),
[2019]({{ site.baseurl }}/PUC/2019/)
* Prabhakar Ragde, University of Waterloo,
* Adrian King,
San Francisco Types, Theorems, and Programming Languages Meetup
* Jeremy Siek, Indiana University,
- A paper describing the book appeared in [SBMF][SMBF].
- [NextJournal][NextJournal] has built a notebook version of PLFA, which lets you edit and execute the book via a web interface.
[GitHub]: https://github.com/plfa/plfa.github.io/
[SMBF]: https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/agda.html#sbmf
[NextJournal]: https://nextjournal.com/plfa/ToC
[UVM-CS-295A-2018]: https://web.archive.org/web/20190324115921/http://david.darais.com/courses/fa2018-cs295A/
[IU-B522-2020]: https://jsiek.github.io/B522-PL-Foundations/
[SFPL-Meetup-2020]: http://meet.meetup.com/wf/click?upn=ZDzXt-2B-2BZmzYir6Bq5X7vEQ2iNYdgjN9-2FU9nWKp99AU8rZjrncUsSYODqOGn6kV-2BqW71oirCo-2Bk8O1q2FtDFhYZR-2B737CPhNWBjt58LuSRC-2BWTj61VZCHquysW8z7dVtQWxB5Sorl3chjZLDptP70L7aBZL14FTERnKJcRQdrMtc-3D_IqHN4t3hH47BvE1Cz0BakIxV4odHudhr6IVs-2Fzslmv-2FBuORsh-2FwQmOxMBdyMHsSBndQDQmt47hobqsLp-2Bm04Y9LwgV66MGyucsd0I9EgDEUB-2FjzdtSgRv-2Fxng8Pgsa3AZIEYILOhLpQ5ige5VFYTEHVN1pEqnujCHovmTxJkqAK9H-2BIL15-2FPxx97RfHcz7M30YNyqp6TOYfgTxyUHc6lufYKFA75Y7MV6MeDJMxw9-2FYUxR6CEjdoagQBmaGkBVzN
[UW-CS-842-2019]: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~plragde/842/

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
-- Source:
-- https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/2104#issuecomment-595878750
-- Assign a code class to all code blocks lacking one. Unlike the
-- command-line flag "--indented-code-classes", which only applies
-- to indented code blocks, this lua filter applies to all inline
-- code elements, including fenced code blocks.
local default_code_classes = {}
function add_default_code_class(el)
if #(el.classes) == 0 then
el.classes = default_code_classes
return el
function get_default_code_class(meta)
if meta['default-code-class'] then
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return {{Meta = get_default_code_class},
{Code = add_default_code_class},
{CodeBlock = add_default_code_class}}

epub/include-files.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
--- include-files.lua filter to include Markdown files
--- Copyright: © 20192020 Albert Krewinkel
--- Copyright: © 2020 Michael Reed
--- License: MIT see LICENSE file for details
--- Created by Albert Krewinkel. Slightly modified by Michael Reed for use in
--- generating the EPUB for "Programming Language Foundations in Agda".
--- For documentation, see: https://github.com/pandoc/lua-filters/tree/master/include-files
-- pandoc's List type
local List = require 'pandoc.List'
--- Shift headings in block list by given number
function shift_headings(blocks, shift_by)
if not shift_by then
return blocks
local shift_headings_filter = {
Header = function (header)
header.level = header.level + shift_by
return header
return pandoc.walk_block(pandoc.Div(blocks), shift_headings_filter).content
--- Filter function for code blocks
function CodeBlock(cb)
-- ignore code blocks which are not of class "include".
if not cb.classes:includes 'include' then
-- Markdown is used if this is nil.
local format = cb.attributes['format']
local shift_heading_level_by =
local blocks = List:new()
for line in cb.text:gmatch('[^\n]+') do
if line:sub(1,2) ~= '//' then
-- Read in the document at the file path specified by `line`.
local fh = io.open(line)
local document = pandoc.read(fh:read '*a', format)
-- Before shifting headings, add a title heading at the beginning of the chapter.
local heading = pandoc.Header(1, pandoc.Str(pandoc.utils.stringify(document.meta.title)))
document.blocks:insert(1, heading)
-- Shift all headings by the user-specified amount, which is 0 by default.
local chapter = shift_headings(document.blocks, shift_heading_level_by)
-- Concatenate the chapter blocks (discarding the metadata) to the current document.
return blocks

epub/index.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
title: Programming Language Foundations in Agda
- Philip Wadler
- Wen Kokke
- Jeremy G. Siek
description: This book is an introduction to programming language theory using the proof assistant Agda.
rights: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
language: en-US
# Front matter
``` {.include shift-heading-level-by=1}
# Part 1: Logical Foundations
``` {.include shift-heading-level-by=1}
# Part 2: Operational Semantics
``` {.include shift-heading-level-by=1}
# Part 3: Denotational Semantics
``` {.include shift-heading-level-by=1}
# Appendix
``` {.include shift-heading-level-by=1}
# Backmatter
``` {.include shift-heading-level-by=1}
<!-- TODO: include the rest of the stuff on https://plfa.github.io/ -->

epub/main.css Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
/* This is Pandoc's default ebook CSS, modified slightly. */
/* https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/blob/master/data/epub.css */
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a.footnote-ref { vertical-align: super; }
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code{ white-space: pre-wrap; }
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/* Workaround for iBooks issue; see #6242 */
@media screen {
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overflow: visible !important;
white-space: pre-wrap !important;

epub/rewrite-links.lua Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
local currentChapter = nil
-- Reassigns identifiers for all all Headers level 2 and higher. Level 2 Headers
-- correspond to chapters, and are identified by the first word in their content
-- field. Headers of level more than 2 are identified by "#<chapter>-<anchor>",
-- where "<chapter>" is the identifier of the chapter this header is nested in,
-- and "<anchor>" is this Header's existing identifier.
function Header (el)
if el.level == 2 then
local title = pandoc.utils.stringify(el.content[1])
currentChapter = title:match("%w+")
el.identifier = currentChapter
elseif el.level > 2 then
el.identifier = currentChapter .. '-' .. el.identifier
return el
-- Performs the following transformations on Link targets:
-- Case 1:
-- [text]({{ site.baseurl }}/chapter/#more-stuff) -> [text](#chapter-more-stuff)
-- Case 2:
-- [text]({{ site.baseurl }}/chapter/) -> [text](#chapter)
-- All other Links are ignored.
function Link (el)
local n
-- When parsing a markdown link such as "[stuff]({{ site.baseurl }}/Naturals",
-- pandoc encodes the link's URL with percent-encoding, resulting in the
-- link "[stuff](%7B%7B%20site.baseurl%20%7D%7D/Naturals)".
local baseurl = "%%7B%%7B%%20site%.baseurl%%20%%7D%%7D"
el.target, n = el.target:gsub("^" .. baseurl .. "/(%w+)/#([%w-]+)$", -- case 1
if n == 0 then
el.target = el.target:gsub("^" .. baseurl .. "/(%w+)/$", -- case 2
return el

View file

@ -38,6 +38,21 @@ Pull requests are encouraged.
- [Bisimulation]({{ site.baseurl }}/Bisimulation/): Relating reductions systems
- [Inference]({{ site.baseurl }}/Inference/): Bidirectional type inference
- [Untyped]({{ site.baseurl }}/Untyped/): Untyped lambda calculus with full normalisation
- [Confluence]({{ site.baseurl }}/Confluence/): Confluence of untyped lambda calculus 🚧
- [BigStep]({{ site.baseurl }}/BigStep/): Big-step semantics of untyped lambda calculus 🚧
## Part 3: Denotational Semantics
- [Denotational]({{ site.baseurl }}/Denotational/): Denotational semantics of untyped lambda calculus 🚧
- [Compositional]({{ site.baseurl }}/Compositional/): The denotational semantics is compositional 🚧
- [Soundness]({{ site.baseurl }}/Soundness/): Soundness of reduction with respect to denotational semantics 🚧
- [Adequacy]({{ site.baseurl }}/Adequacy/): Adequacy of denotational semantics with respect to operational semantics 🚧
- [ContextualEquivalence]({{ site.baseurl }}/ContextualEquivalence/): Denotational equality implies contextual equivalence 🚧
## Appendix
- [Substitution]({{ site.baseurl }}/Substitution/): Substitution in untyped lambda calculus
## Backmatter
@ -86,16 +101,16 @@ Pull requests are encouraged.
- A paper describing the book appeared in [SBMF][SBMF] and [SCP][SCP].
- [NextJournal][NextJournal] has built a notebook version of PLFA, which lets you edit and execute the book via a web interface.
[BHAM-2019]: https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/internal/modules/2019/06-26943/
[GitHub]: https://github.com/plfa/plfa.github.io/
[SBMF]: https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/agda.html#sbmf
[SCP]: https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/agda.html#scp
[NextJournal]: https://nextjournal.com/plfa/ToC
[UVM-2018]: https://web.archive.org/web/20190324115921/http://david.darais.com/courses/fa2018-cs295A/
[IU-2020]: https://jsiek.github.io/B522-PL-Foundations/
[SFPL-Meetup-2020]: http://meet.meetup.com/wf/click?upn=ZDzXt-2B-2BZmzYir6Bq5X7vEQ2iNYdgjN9-2FU9nWKp99AU8rZjrncUsSYODqOGn6kV-2BqW71oirCo-2Bk8O1q2FtDFhYZR-2B737CPhNWBjt58LuSRC-2BWTj61VZCHquysW8z7dVtQWxB5Sorl3chjZLDptP70L7aBZL14FTERnKJcRQdrMtc-3D_IqHN4t3hH47BvE1Cz0BakIxV4odHudhr6IVs-2Fzslmv-2FBuORsh-2FwQmOxMBdyMHsSBndQDQmt47hobqsLp-2Bm04Y9LwgV66MGyucsd0I9EgDEUB-2FjzdtSgRv-2Fxng8Pgsa3AZIEYILOhLpQ5ige5VFYTEHVN1pEqnujCHovmTxJkqAK9H-2BIL15-2FPxx97RfHcz7M30YNyqp6TOYfgTxyUHc6lufYKFA75Y7MV6MeDJMxw9-2FYUxR6CEjdoagQBmaGkBVzN
[UT-2020]: https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~wcook/Courses/386L/Sp2020-GradPL.pdf
[UW-2019]: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~plragde/842/
[UT-2020]: https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~wcook/Courses/386L/Sp2020-GradPL.pdf
[BHAM-2019]: https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/internal/modules/2019/06-26943/
[EUSA-2020]: https://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/representation/campaigns/teachingawards2020/
[SBMF]: https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/agda.html#sbmf
[SCP]: https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/agda.html#scf
[NextJournal]: https://nextjournal.com/plfa/ToC

View file

@ -13,17 +13,18 @@ Thank you to:
A special thank you, for inventing ideas on which
this book is based, and for hand-holding:
* Conor McBride
* James McKinna
* Ulf Norell
* Andreas Abel
<ul class="list-of-contributors">
<li>Andreas Abel</li>
<li>Catarina Coquand</li>
<li>Thierry Coquand</li>
<li>David Darais</li>
<li>Per Martin-Löf</li>
<li>Lena Magnusson</li>
<li>Conor McBride</li>
<li>James McKinna</li>
<li>Ulf Norell</li>
For a note showing how much more compact it is to avoid raw terms:
* David Darais
<span class="force-end-of-list"></span>
{%- if site.contributors or site.extra_contributors -%}
For pull requests big and small, and for answering questions on the Agda mailing list:
<ul class="list-of-contributors">
@ -50,6 +51,6 @@ For pull requests big and small, and for answering questions on the Agda mailing
For support:
* EPSRC Programme Grant EP/K034413/1
* NSF Grant No. 1814460
* NSF Grant No. 1814460
* Foundation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris (FSMP)
Distinguised Professor Fellowship

View file

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ permalink : /Dedication/
next : /Preface/
<h2>de Philip, para Wanda</h2>
<h3><em>amor da minha vida</em></h3>
<h4><em>knock knock knock</em></h4>
<p style="text-align:center;">
<p style="font-size:1.5em">de Philip, para Wanda</p>
<p style="font-size:1.17em">amor da minha vida</p>
<p style="font-size:1em">knock knock knock</p>
<p style="font-size:1em">...</p>

View file

@ -1236,8 +1236,8 @@ to use them inside other binding contexts as well as at the top level.
Here the two lookup judgments `∋m` and `∋m` refer to two different
bindings of variables named `"m"`. In contrast, the two judgments `∋n` and
`∋n` both refer to the same binding of `"n"` but accessed in different
contexts, the first where "n" is the last binding in the context, and
the second after "m" is bound in the successor branch of the case.
contexts, the first where `"n"` is the last binding in the context, and
the second after `"m"` is bound in the successor branch of the case.
And here are typings for the remainder of the Church example:

View file

@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ side to be well typed.
## Test examples
We repeat the [test examples]({{ site.baseurl }}/DeBruijn/#examples) from Chapter [DeBruijn]({{ site.baseurl }}/DeBruijn),
We repeat the [test examples]({{ site.baseurl }}/DeBruijn/#examples) from Chapter [DeBruijn]({{ site.baseurl }}/DeBruijn/),
in order to make sure we have not broken anything in the process of extending our base calculus.
two : ∀ {Γ} → Γ ⊢ `

View file

@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ other term will itself be closed and well typed. Repeat. We will
either loop forever, in which case evaluation does not terminate, or
we will eventually reach a value, which is guaranteed to be closed and
of the same type as the original term. We will turn this recipe into
Agda code that can compute for us the reduction sequence of `plus ·
two · two`, and its Church numeral variant.
Agda code that can compute for us the reduction sequence of `plus · two · two`,
and its Church numeral variant.
(The development in this chapter was inspired by the corresponding
development in _Software Foundations_, Volume _Programming Language
@ -775,6 +775,14 @@ Where the construct introduces a bound variable we need to compare it
with the substituted variable, applying the drop lemma if they are
equal and the swap lemma if they are distinct.
For Agda it makes a difference whether we write `x ≟ y` or
`y ≟ x`. In an interactive proof, Agda will show which residual `with`
clauses in the definition of `_[_:=_]` need to be simplified, and the
`with` clauses in `subst` need to match these exactly. The guideline is
that Agda knows nothing about symmetry or commutativity, which require
invoking appropriate lemmas, so it is important to think about order of
arguments and to be consistent.
#### Exercise `subst` (stretch)
Rewrite `subst` to work with the modified definition `_[_:=_]`
@ -942,6 +950,7 @@ data Steps (L : Term) : Set where
The evaluator takes gas and evidence that a term is well typed,
and returns the corresponding steps:
eval : ∀ {L A}
→ Gas
→ ∅ ⊢ L ⦂ A