updated Logic, added extra Gentzen

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ function, dependent product, Martin Löf equivalence).
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning
open import Data.Nat using ()
This chapter introduces the basic concepts of logic, including
@ -48,7 +49,6 @@ record _≃_ (A B : Set) : Set where
fro : B → A
invˡ : ∀ (x : A) → fro (to x) ≡ x
invʳ : ∀ (y : B) → to (fro y) ≡ y
open _≃_
Let's unpack the definition. An isomorphism between sets `A` and `B` consists
@ -57,53 +57,112 @@ of four things:
+ A function `fro` from `B` back to `A`,
+ Evidence `invˡ` asserting that `to` followed by `from` is the identity,
+ Evidence `invʳ` asserting that `from` followed by `to` is the identity.
The declaration `open _≃_` makes avaialable the names `to`, `fro`,
`invˡ`, and `invʳ`, otherwise we would need to write `_≃_.to` and so on.
The above is our first example of a record declaration. It is equivalent
to a corresponding inductive data declaration.
data _≃_ : Set → Set → Set where
mk-≃′ : ∀ {A B : Set} →
∀ (to : A → B) →
∀ (fro : B → A) →
∀ (invˡ : (∀ (x : A) → fro (to x) ≡ x)) →
∀ (invʳ : (∀ (y : B) → to (fro y) ≡ y)) →
A ≃′ B
to : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A ≃′ B) → (A → B)
to (mk-≃′ f g gfx≡x fgy≡y) = f
fro : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A ≃′ B) → (B → A)
fro (mk-≃′ f g gfx≡x fgy≡y) = g
invˡ : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A≃B : A ≃′ B) → (∀ (x : A) → fro A≃B (to A≃B x) ≡ x)
invˡ (mk-≃′ f g gfx≡x fgy≡y) = gfx≡x
invʳ : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A≃B : A ≃′ B) → (∀ (y : B) → to A≃B (fro A≃B y) ≡ y)
invʳ (mk-≃′ f g gfx≡x fgy≡y) = fgy≡y
We construct values of the record type with the syntax:
{ to = f
; fro = g
; invˡ = gfx≡x
; invʳ = fgy≡y
which corresponds to using the constructor of the corresponding
inductive type:
mk-≃′ f g gfx≡x fgy≡y
where `f`, `g`, `gfx≡x`, and `fgy≡y` are values of suitable types.
Isomorphism is an equivalence, meaning that it is reflexive, symmetric,
and transitive. To show isomorphism is reflexive, we take both `to`
and `fro` to be the identity function.
≃-refl : ∀ {A : Set} → A ≃ A
≃-refl =
record { to = λ x → x ; fro = λ y → y ; invˡ = λ x → refl ; invʳ = λ y → refl }
{ to = λ x → x
; fro = λ y → y
; invˡ = λ x → refl
; invʳ = λ y → refl
To show isomorphism is symmetric, we simply swap the roles of `to`
and `fro`, and `invˡ` and `invʳ`.
≃-sym : ∀ {A B : Set} → A ≃ B → B ≃ A
≃-sym A≃B =
record { to = fro A≃B ; fro = to A≃B ; invˡ = invʳ A≃B ; invʳ = invˡ A≃B }
{ to = fro A≃B
; fro = to A≃B
; invˡ = invʳ A≃B
; invʳ = invˡ A≃B
To show isomorphism is symmetric, we compose the `to` and `fro` functions, and use
To show isomorphism is transitive, we compose the `to` and `fro` functions, and use
equational reasoning to combine the inverses.
≃-tran : ∀ {A B C : Set} → A ≃ B → B ≃ C → A ≃ C
≃-tran A≃B B≃C =
record {
to = λ x → to B≃C (to A≃B x);
fro = λ y → fro A≃B (fro B≃C y);
invˡ = λ x →
fro A≃B (fro B≃C (to B≃C (to A≃B x)))
≡⟨ cong (fro A≃B) (invˡ B≃C (to A≃B x)) ⟩
fro A≃B (to A≃B x)
≡⟨ invˡ A≃B x ⟩
∎ ;
invʳ = λ y →
to B≃C (to A≃B (fro A≃B (fro B≃C y)))
≡⟨ cong (to B≃C) (invʳ A≃B (fro B≃C y)) ⟩
to B≃C (fro B≃C y)
≡⟨ invʳ B≃C y ⟩
{ to = λ x → to B≃C (to A≃B x)
; fro = λ y → fro A≃B (fro B≃C y)
; invˡ = λ x →
fro A≃B (fro B≃C (to B≃C (to A≃B x)))
≡⟨ cong (fro A≃B) (invˡ B≃C (to A≃B x)) ⟩
fro A≃B (to A≃B x)
≡⟨ invˡ A≃B x ⟩
; invʳ = λ y →
to B≃C (to A≃B (fro A≃B (fro B≃C y)))
≡⟨ cong (to B≃C) (invʳ A≃B (fro B≃C y)) ⟩
to B≃C (fro B≃C y)
≡⟨ invʳ B≃C y ⟩
## Conjunction
We will make good use of isomorphisms in what follows to demonstrate
that operations on types such as product and sum satisfy properties
akin to associativity, commutativity, and distributivity.
## Conjunction is product
Given two propositions `A` and `B`, the conjunction `A × B` holds
if both `A` holds and `B` holds. We formalise this idea by
if both `A` holds and `B` holds.
We formalise this idea by
declaring a suitable inductive type.
data _×_ : Set → Set → Set where
@ -111,8 +170,42 @@ data _×_ : Set → Set → Set where
If `A` and `B` are propositions then `A × B` is
also a proposition. Evidence that `A × B` holds is of the form
`a , b`, where `a` is evidence that `A` holds and
`b` is evidence that `B` holds.
`(x , y)`, where `x` is evidence that `A` holds and
`y` is evidence that `B` holds.
Given evidence that `A × B` holds, we can conclude that either
`A` holds or `B` holds.
fst : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B → A
fst (x , y) = x
snd : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B → B
snd (x , y) = y
If `w` is evidence that `A × B` holds, then `fst w` is evidence
that `A` holds, and `snd w` is evidence that `B` holds.
Equivalently, we could also declare products as a record type.
record _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
fst : A
snd : B
open _×_
We construct values of the record type with the syntax:
{ fst = x
; snd = y
which corresponds to using the constructor of the corresponding
inductive type:
( x , y)
where `x` is a value of type `A` and `y` is a value of type `B`.
We set the precedence of conjunction so that it binds less
tightly than anything save disjunction, and of the pairing
@ -122,21 +215,115 @@ operator.
infixr 2 _×_
infixr 4 _,_
Thus, `m ≤ n × n ≤ p` parses as `(m ≤ n) × (n ≤ p)` and
`(m * n , p)` parses as `((m * n) , p)`.
Product is associative and commutative up to isomorphism.
Given two types `A` and `B`, we refer to `A x B` as the
*product* of `A` and `B`. In set theory, it is also sometimes
called the *cartesian product*. Among other reasons for
calling it the product, note that if type `A` has `m`
distinct members, and type `B` has `n` distinct members,
then the type `A × B` has `m * n` distinct members.
For instance, consider a type `Bool` with three members, and
a type `Tri` with three members.
data Bool : Set where
true : Bool
false : Bool
data Tri : Set where
aa : Tri
bb : Tri
cc : Tri
Then the type `Bool × Tri` has six members:
(true , aa) (true , bb) (true , cc)
(false , aa) (false , bb) (false , cc)
For example, the following function enumerates all
possible arguments of type `Bool × Tri`:
×-count : Bool × Tri →
×-count (true , aa) = 1
×-count (true , bb) = 2
×-count (true , cc) = 3
×-count (false , aa) = 4
×-count (false , bb) = 5
×-count (false , cc) = 6
Product on types also shares a property with product on numbers in
that there is a sense in which it is commutative and associative. In
particular, product is commutative and associative *up to
For commutativity, the `to` function swaps a pair,
taking `(x , y)` to `(y , x)`, and
the `fro` function does the inverse
(which also swaps a pair). Replacing `invˡ`
or `invʳ` by `λ w → refl` will not work.
×-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A × B) ≃ (B × A)
×-comm = record
{ to = λ { (x , y) → (y , x)}
; fro = λ { (y , x) → (x , y)}
; invˡ = λ { (x , y) → refl }
; invʳ = λ { (y , x) → refl }
Being *commutative* is different from being *commutative up to
isomorphism*. Compare the two statements:
m * n ≡ n * m
A × B ≃ B × A
In the first case, we might have that `m` is `2` and `n` is `3`, and
both `m * n` and `n * m` are equal to `6`. In the second case, we
might have that `A` is `Bool` and `B` is `Tri`, and `Bool × Tri` is
*not* the same as `Tri × Bool`. But there is an isomorphism---a
one-to-one correspondence---between the two types. For
instance, `(true , aa)`, which is a member of the former, corresponds
to `(aa , true)`, which is a member of the latter.
For associativity, the `to` function reassociates a pair of pairs,
taking `((x , y) , z)` to `(x , (y , z))`, and the `fro` function does
the inverse. Again, the evidence of left and right inverse requires
matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplificition.
×-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A × B) × C) ≃ (A × (B × C))
×-assoc =
record {
to = λ { ((x , y) , z) → (x , (y , z)) };
fro = λ { (x , (y , z)) → ((x , y) , z) };
invˡ = λ { ((x , y) , z) → refl } ;
invʳ = λ { (x , (y , z)) → refl }
×-assoc = record
{ to = λ { ((x , y) , z) → (x , (y , z)) }
; fro = λ { (x , (y , z)) → ((x , y) , z) }
; invˡ = λ { ((x , y) , z) → refl }
; invʳ = λ { (x , (y , z)) → refl }
Again, being *associative* is not the same as being *associative
up to isomorphism*. For example, the type `( × Bool) × Tri`
is *not* the same as ` × (Bool × Tri)`. But there is an
isomorphism between the two types. For instance `((1 , true) , aa)`,
which is a member of the former, corresponds to `(1 , (true , aa)`,
which is a member of the latter.
## Disjunction
Here we have used lambda-expressions with pattern matching.
For instance, the term
λ { (x , y) → (y , x) }
corresponds to the function `h`, where `h` is defined by
h : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B → B × A
h (x , y) = (y , x)
Often using an anonymous lambda expression is more convenient than
using a named function: it avoids a lengthy type declaration; and the
definition appears exactly where the function is used, so there is no
need for the writer to remember to declare it in advance, or the reader
to search for the definition elsewhere in the code.
## Disjunction is sum
Given two propositions `A` and `B`, the disjunction `A ⊎ B` holds
if either `A` holds or `B` holds. We formalise this idea by
@ -148,21 +335,134 @@ data _⊎_ : Set → Set → Set where
If `A` and `B` are propositions then `A ⊎ B` is
also a proposition. Evidence that `A ⊎ B` holds is either of the form
`inj₁ a`, where `a` is evidence that `A` holds, or `inj₂ b`, where
`b` is evidence that `B` holds.
`inj₁ x`, where `x` is evidence that `A` holds, or `inj₂ y`, where
`y` is evidence that `B` holds.
Given evidence that `A → C` and `B → C` both hold, then given
evidence that `A ⊎ B` holds we can conlude that `C` holds.
⊎-elim : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A → C) → (B → C) → (A ⊎ B → C)
⊎-elim f g (inj₁ x) = f x
⊎-elim f g (inj₂ y) = g y
Pattern matching against `inj₁` and `inj₂` is typical of how we exploit
evidence that a disjunction holds.
We set the precedence of disjunction so that it binds less tightly
than any other operator.
infix 1 _⊎_
Thus, `m ≤ n ⊎ n ≤ m` parses as `(m ≤ n) ⊎ (n ≤ m)`,
and `A × C ⊎ B × C` parses as `(A × C) ⊎ (B × C)`.
Thus, `A × C ⊎ B × C` parses as `(A × C) ⊎ (B × C)`.
Given two types `A` and `B`, we refer to `A ⊎ B` as the
*sum* of `A` and `B`. In set theory, it is also sometimes
called the *disjoint union*. Among other reasons for
calling it the sum, note that if type `A` has `m`
distinct members, and type `B` has `n` distinct members,
then the type `A ⊎ B` has `m + n` distinct members.
For instance, consider a type `Bool` with three members, and
a type `Tri` with three members, as defined earlier.
Then the type `Bool ⊎ Tri` has five members:
(inj₁ true) (inj₂ aa)
(inj₁ false) (inj₂ bb)
(inj₂ cc)
For example, the following function enumerates all
possible arguments of type `Bool ⊎ Tri`:
⊎-count : Bool ⊎ Tri →
⊎-count (inj₁ true) = 1
⊎-count (inj₁ false) = 2
⊎-count (inj₂ aa) = 3
⊎-count (inj₂ bb) = 4
⊎-count (inj₂ cc) = 5
Sum on types also shares a property with sum on numbers in
that there is a sense in which it is commutative and associative. In
particular, product is commutative and associative *up to
For commutativity, the `to` function swaps a pair,
taking `(x , y)` to `(y , x)`, and
the `fro` function does the inverse
(which also swaps a pair). Replacing `invˡ`
or `invʳ` by `λ w → refl` will not work.
×-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A × B) ≃ (B × A)
×-comm = record
{ to = λ { (x , y) → (y , x)}
; fro = λ { (y , x) → (x , y)}
; invˡ = λ { (x , y) → refl }
; invʳ = λ { (y , x) → refl }
Being *commutative* is different from being *commutative up to
isomorphism*. Compare the two statements:
m * n ≡ n * m
A × B ≃ B × A
In the first case, we might have that `m` is `2` and `n` is `3`, and
both `m * n` and `n * m` are equal to `6`. In the second case, we
might have that `A` is `Bool` and `B` is `Tri`, and `Bool × Tri` is
*not* the same as `Tri × Bool`. But there is an isomorphism---a
one-to-one correspondence---between the two types. For
instance, `(true , aa)`, which is a member of the former, corresponds
to `(aa , true)`, which is a member of the latter.
For associativity, the `to` function reassociates a pair of pairs,
taking `((x , y) , z)` to `(x , (y , z))`, and the `fro` function does
the inverse. Again, the evidence of left and right inverse requires
matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplificition.
×-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A × B) × C) ≃ (A × (B × C))
×-assoc = record
{ to = λ { ((x , y) , z) → (x , (y , z)) }
; fro = λ { (x , (y , z)) → ((x , y) , z) }
; invˡ = λ { ((x , y) , z) → refl }
; invʳ = λ { (x , (y , z)) → refl }
Again, being *associative* is not the same as being *associative
up to isomorphism*. For example, the type `( × Bool) × Tri`
is *not* the same as ` × (Bool × Tri)`. But there is an
isomorphism between the two types. For instance `((1 , true) , aa)`,
which is a member of the former, corresponds to `(1 , (true , aa)`,
which is a member of the latter.
Here we have used lambda-expressions with pattern matching.
For instance, the term
λ { (x , y) → (y , x) }
corresponds to the function `h`, where `h` is defined by
h : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B → B × A
h (x , y) = (y , x)
Often using an anonymous lambda expression is more convenient than
using a named function: it avoids a lengthy type declaration; and the
definition appears exactly where the function is used, so there is no
need for the writer to remember to declare it in advance, or the reader
to search for the definition elsewhere in the code.
## Distribution
Distribution of `×` over `⊎` is an isomorphism.
×-distributes-+ : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A ⊎ B) × C) ≃ ((A × C) ⊎ (B × C))
×-distributes-+ =
record {
@ -175,6 +475,7 @@ Distribution of `×` over `⊎` is an isomorphism.
invʳ = λ { (inj₁ (a , c)) → refl ;
(inj₂ (b , c)) → refl }
Distribution of `⊎` over `×` is half an isomorphism.

src/extra/Gentzen.lagda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
## A brief history of logic
Formulations of logic go back to Aristotle in the third century BCE,
but the modern approach to symbolic logic did not get started until
the 18th century with the work of Boole. Universal and existential
quantification were introduced by Frege and Pierce, and Peano
introduced the notations `(x)A` and `(∃x)A` to stand for them.
Peano's notation was adopted by Russell and Whitehead for use in
*Principia Mathematica*.
The formulation of logic most widely used today is *Natural
Deduction*, introduced by Gerhard Gentzen in 1935, in what was in
effect his doctoral dissertation. Gentzen's major insight was to
write the rules of logic in *introduction* and *elimination* pairs.
By the way, that same work of Gentzen also introduced Sequent
Calculus, the second most widely used formulation of logic, and the
symbol ∀ to mean *for all*---so there is a goal for you if you are
about to write your doctoral dissertation!
## Natural Deduction
Here are the inference rules for Natural Deduction annotated with Agda terms.
M : A N : B
---------------- ×-I
(M , N) : A × B
L : A × B
--------- ×-E₁
fst L : A
L : A × B
--------- ×-E₂
snd L : B
M : A
-------------- ⊎-I₁
inj₁ M : A ⊎ B
N : B
-------------- ⊎-I₂
inj₂ N : A ⊎ B
(x : A) (y : B)
L : A ⊎ B Px : C Qy : C
---------------------------------------- ⊎-E
(λ { inj₁ x → Px ; inj₂ y → Qy }) L : C
(x : A)
Nx : B
------------------- →-I
(λ x → Nx) : A → B
L : A → B M : A
------------------- →-E
L M : B
(x : A)
Nx : Bx
----------------------------- ∀-I
(λ x → Nx) : ∀ (x : A) → Bx
L : ∀ (x : A) → Bx M : A
---------------------------- ∀-E
L M : Bx [ x := M ]
M : A Nx [ x := M ] : Bx [ x := M ]
-------------------------------------- ∃-I
(M , Nx) : ∃ A (λ x → Bx)
(x : A, y : Bx)
L : ∃ A (λ x → Bx) Pxy : C
------------------------------------ ∃-E
(λ { (x , y) → Pxy }) L : C
[These rules---especially toward the end---are rather complicated.
Is this really the best way to explain this material? Maybe it
is better to give a less formal explanation for now, and introduce
the more formal rules when giving a model of Barendregt's generalised
lambda calculus toward the end of the book, if I get that far.]
These rules differ only slightly from Gentzen's original. We
have written `A × B` where Gentzen wrote `A & B`, for reasons
that will become clear later.
[following not used in above: We also adopt an idea from Gentzen's
sequent calculus, writing `Γ ⊢ A` to make explicit the set of
assumptions `Γ` from which proposition `A` follows.]