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@ -65,41 +65,44 @@ first, then the formal version.
_Proof_: By induction on the derivation of `∅ ⊢ M ∶ A`.
- The last rule of the derivation cannot be `var`,
- The last rule of the derivation cannot be `Ax`,
since a variable is never well typed in an empty context.
- The `λ`, `true`, and `false` cases are trivial, since in
each of these cases we can see by inspecting the rule that
the term is a value.
- If the last rule of the derivation is `⇒-I`, `𝔹-I₁`, or `𝔹-I₂`
then, trivially, the term is a value.
- If the last rule of the derivation is `⇒-E`, then the term has the
form `L · M` for some `L` and `M`, where we know that
`L` and `M` are also well typed in the empty context; in particular,
there exists types `A` and `B` such that `∅ ⊢ L ∶ A ⇒ B` and
`∅ ⊢ M ∶ A`. By the induction hypothesis, either `L` is a
value or it can take a reduction step.
form `L · M` for some `L` and `M`, where we know that `L` and `M`
are also well typed in the empty context, giving us two induction
hypotheses. By the first induction hypothesis, either `L` is a
value or it can take a step.
- If `L` is a value, then consider `M`, which by the other
induction hypothesis must also either be a value or take a step.
- If `L` is a value then consider `M`. By the second induction
hypothesis, either `M` is a value or it can take a step.
- Suppose `M` is a value. Since `L` is a value with a
function type, it must be a lambda abstraction;
hence `L · M` can take a step by `β⇒`.
- If `M` is a value, then since `L` is a value with a
function type we know it must be a lambda abstraction,
and hence `L · M` can take a step by `β⇒`.
- Otherwise, `M` can take a step to `M′`, and hence so
can `L · M` by `γ⇒₂`.
- If `M` can take a step, then so can `L · M` by `γ⇒₂`.
- If `t_1` can take a step, then so can `t_1 t_2` by `app1`.
- If `L` can take a step, then so can `L · M` by `γ⇒₁`.
- If the last rule of the derivation is `if`, then `t = \text{if }t_1
\text{ then }t_2\text{ else }t_3`, where `t_1` has type `bool`. By
the IH, `t_1` either is a value or takes a step.
- If the last rule of the derivation is `𝔹-E`, then the term has
the form `if L then M else N` where `L` has type `𝔹`.
By the induction hypothesis, either `L` is a value or it can
take a step.
- If `t_1` is a value, then since it has type `bool` it must be
either `true` or `false`. If it is `true`, then `t` steps
to `t_2`; otherwise it steps to `t_3`.
- If `L` is a value, then since it has type boolean it must be
either `true` or `false`.
- Otherwise, `t_1` takes a step, and therefore so does `t` (by `if`).
- If `L` is `true`, then then term steps by `β𝔹₁`
- If `L` is `false`, then then term steps by `β𝔹₂`
- If `L` can take a step, then so can `if L then M else N` by `γ𝔹`.
This completes the proof.
progress (Ax ())
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