added agda-count.hs

This commit is contained in:
wadler 2018-07-04 21:20:32 -03:00
parent 117495f7c4
commit 41939ad031
3 changed files with 85 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ test: $(markdown)
ruby -S bundle exec jekyll build -d _test/plfa/
ruby -S bundle exec htmlproofer _test
mkdir -p out/

hs/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ghc -o agda-count agda-count.hs

hs/agda-count.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import Prelude
prefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
prefix xs ys = take (length xs) ys == xs
test0 :: Bool
test0 = prefix "abc" "abcde" &&
prefix "abc" "abc" &&
not (prefix "abc" "ab")
strip :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
strip b e [] = []
strip b e xs =
let us = (drop 1 . dropWhile (not . b)) xs in
let vs = takeWhile (not . e) us in
let ws = (drop 1 . dropWhile (not . e)) us in
vs : strip b e ws
ex1 = "xbyexxbyyexxxbyyyexxxx"
test1 :: Bool
test1 = strip (== 'b') (== 'e') ex1 == ["y","yy","yyy",""]
count :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
count b e = sum . map length . strip b e
test2 :: Bool
test2 = count (== 'b') (== 'e') ex1 == 6
agda :: String -> Int
agda = count (prefix begin) (prefix end) . lines
begin = "\\begin{code}"
end = "\\end{code}"
wc :: String -> Int
wc = length . lines
type Name = String
info :: String -> (Int, Int)
info xs = (wc xs, agda xs)
pad :: Int -> String -> String
pad n s = take n (s ++ repeat ' ')
rjust :: Int -> String -> String
rjust n = reverse . pad n . reverse
format :: Name -> (Int, Int) -> String
format name (wc, ag) =
(replicate 4 ' ' ++
pad 28 name ++
rjust 4 (show wc) ++
replicate 4 ' ' ++
rjust 4 (show ag))
process :: Name -> IO String
process "--" = return ""
process name =
do xs <- readFile (pre ++ name ++ post)
return (format name (info xs))
pre = "../src/plfa/"
post = ".lagda"
header :: String
header =
[" total code",
" ----- ----"]
main :: IO ()
main =
do config <- readFile "config.txt"
content <- sequence (map process (lines config))
putStrLn (header ++ unlines content)