updated Maps

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wadler 2017-06-20 14:20:47 +01:00
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@ -35,10 +35,11 @@ standard library, wherever they overlap.
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.Nat using ()
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Nat using ()
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
@ -55,17 +56,29 @@ function for ids and its fundamental property.
data Id : Set where
id : → Id
id : String → Id
_≟_ : (x y : Id) → Dec (x ≡ y)
id x ≟ id y with x Data.Nat.≟ y
id x ≟ id y | yes x=y rewrite x=y = yes refl
id x ≟ id y | no x≠y = no (x≠y ∘ id-inj)
id x ≟ id y with x Data.String.≟ y
id x ≟ id y | yes refl = yes refl
id x ≟ id y | no x≠y = no (x≠y ∘ id-inj)
id-inj : ∀ {x y} → id x ≡ id y → x ≡ y
id-inj refl = refl
id-inj refl = refl
-- contrapositive : ∀ {P Q} → (P → Q) → (¬ Q → ¬ P)
-- contrapositive p→q ¬q p = ¬q (p→q p)
We define some identifiers for future use.
x y z : Id
x = id "x"
y = id "y"
z = id "z"
## Total Maps
@ -105,31 +118,43 @@ applied to any id.
empty : ∀ {A} → A → TotalMap A
empty x = λ _ → x
empty v x = v
More interesting is the `update` function, which (as before) takes
a map $$m$$, a key $$x$$, and a value $$v$$ and returns a new map that
takes $$x$$ to $$v$$ and takes every other key to whatever $$m$$ does.
More interesting is the update function, which (as before) takes
a map $$ρ$$, a key $$x$$, and a value $$v$$ and returns a new map that
takes $$x$$ to $$v$$ and takes every other key to whatever $$ρ$$ does.
update : ∀ {A} → TotalMap A -> Id -> A -> TotalMap A
update m x v y with x ≟ y
_,_↦_ : ∀ {A} → TotalMap A → Id → A → TotalMap A
(ρ , x ↦ v) y with x ≟ y
... | yes x=y = v
... | no x≠y = m y
... | no x≠y = ρ y
This definition is a nice example of higher-order programming.
The `update` function takes a _function_ $$m$$ and yields a new
function $$\lambda x'.\vdots$$ that behaves like the desired map.
The update function takes a _function_ $$ρ$$ and yields a new
function that behaves like the desired map.
For example, we can build a map taking ids to bools, where `id
3` is mapped to `true` and every other key is mapped to `false`,
like this:
We define handy abbreviations for updating a map two, three, or four times.
examplemap : TotalMap Bool
examplemap = update (update (empty false) (id 1) false) (id 3) true
_,_↦_,_↦_ : ∀ {A} → TotalMap A → Id → A → Id → A → TotalMap A
ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁ , x₂ ↦ v₂ = (ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁), x₂ ↦ v₂
_,_↦_,_↦_,_↦_ : ∀ {A} → TotalMap A → Id → A → Id → A → Id → A → TotalMap A
ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁ , x₂ ↦ v₂ , x₃ ↦ v₃ = ((ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁), x₂ ↦ v₂), x₃ ↦ v₃
_,_↦_,_↦_,_↦_,_↦_ : ∀ {A} → TotalMap A → Id → A → Id → A → Id → A → Id → A → TotalMap A
ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁ , x₂ ↦ v₂ , x₃ ↦ v₃ , x₄ ↦ v₄ = (((ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁), x₂ ↦ v₂), x₃ ↦ v₃), x₄ ↦ v₄
For example, we can build a map taking ids to naturals, where $$x$$
maps to 42, $$y$$ maps to 69, and every other key maps to 0, as follows:
ρ₀ : TotalMap
ρ₀ = empty 0 , x ↦ 42 , y ↦ 69
This completes the definition of total maps. Note that we don't
@ -137,57 +162,52 @@ need to define a `find` operation because it is just function
test_examplemap0 : examplemap (id 0) ≡ false
test_examplemap0 = refl
test₁ : ρ₀ x ≡ 42
test = refl
test_examplemap1 : examplemap (id 1) ≡ false
test_examplemap1 = refl
test₂ : ρ₀ y ≡ 69
test = refl
test_examplemap2 : examplemap (id 2) ≡ false
test_examplemap2 = refl
test_examplemap3 : examplemap (id 3) ≡ true
test_examplemap3 = refl
test₃ : ρ₀ z ≡ 0
test₃ = refl
To use maps in later chapters, we'll need several fundamental
facts about how they behave. Even if you don't work the following
exercises, make sure you thoroughly understand the statements of
the lemmas! (Some of the proofs require the functional
extensionality axiom, which is discussed in the [Logic]
chapter and included in the Agda standard library.)
exercises, make sure you understand the statements of
the lemmas!
#### Exercise: 1 star, optional (apply-empty)
First, the empty map returns its default element for all keys:
apply-empty : ∀ {A x v} → empty {A} v x ≡ v
apply-empty : ∀ {A} (v : A) (x : Id) → empty v x ≡ v
<div class="hidden">
apply-empty : ∀ {A x v} → empty {A} v x ≡ v
apply-empty = refl
apply-empty : ∀ {A} (v : A) (x : Id) → empty v x ≡ v
apply-empty v x = refl
#### Exercise: 2 stars, optional (update-eq)
Next, if we update a map $$m$$ at a key $$x$$ with a new value $$v$$
and then look up $$x$$ in the map resulting from the `update`, we get
Next, if we update a map $$ρ$$ at a key $$x$$ with a new value $$v$$
and then look up $$x$$ in the map resulting from the update, we get
back $$v$$:
update-eq : ∀ {A v} (m : TotalMap A) (x : Id)
→ (update m x v) x ≡ v
update-eq : ∀ {A} (ρ : TotalMap A) (x : Id) (v : A)
→ (ρ , x ↦ v) x ≡ v
<div class="hidden">
update-eq : ∀ {A v} (m : TotalMap A) (x : Id)
→ (update m x v) x ≡ v
update-eq m x with x ≟ x
update-eq : ∀ {A} (ρ : TotalMap A) (x : Id) (v : A)
→ (ρ , x ↦ v) x ≡ v
update-eq ρ x v with x ≟ x
... | yes x=x = refl
... | no x≠x = ⊥-elim (x≠x refl)
@ -199,56 +219,54 @@ then look up a _different_ key $$y$$ in the resulting map, we get
the same result that $$m$$ would have given:
update-neq : ∀ {A v} (m : TotalMap A) (x y : Id)
→ x ≢ y → (update m x v) y ≡ m y
update-neq m x y x≠y with x ≟ y
... | yes x=y = ⊥-elim (x≠y x=y)
update-neq : ∀ {A} (ρ : TotalMap A) (x : Id) (v : A) (y : Id)
→ x ≢ y → (ρ , x ↦ v) y ≡ ρ y
update-neq ρ x v y x≢y with x ≟ y
... | yes x≡y = ⊥-elim (x≢y x≡y)
... | no _ = refl
#### Exercise: 2 stars, optional (update-shadow)
If we update a map $$m$$ at a key $$x$$ with a value $$v_1$$ and then
update again with the same key $$x$$ and another value $$v_2$$, the
If we update a map $$ρ$$ at a key $$x$$ with a value $$v$$ and then
update again with the same key $$x$$ and another value $$w$$, the
resulting map behaves the same (gives the same result when applied
to any key) as the simpler map obtained by performing just
the second `update` on $$m$$:
the second update on $$ρ$$:
update-shadow : ∀ {A v1 v2} (m : TotalMap A) (x y : Id)
→ (update (update m x v1) x v2) y ≡ (update m x v2) y
update-shadow : ∀ {A} (ρ : TotalMap A) (x : Id) (v w : A) (y : Id)
→ (ρ , x ↦ v , x ↦ w) y ≡ (ρ , x ↦ w) y
<div class="hidden">
update-shadow : ∀ {A v1 v2} (m : TotalMap A) (x y : Id)
→ (update (update m x v1) x v2) y ≡ (update m x v2) y
update-shadow m x y
update-shadow : ∀ {A} (ρ : TotalMap A) (x : Id) (v w : A) (y : Id)
→ ((ρ , x ↦ v) , x ↦ w) y ≡ (ρ , x ↦ w) y
update-shadow ρ x v w y
with x ≟ y
... | yes x=y = refl
... | no x≠y = update-neq m x y x≠y
... | yes xy = refl
... | no x≢y = update-neq ρ x v y x≢y
#### Exercise: 2 stars (update-same)
Prove the following theorem, which states that if we update a map to
assign key $$x$$ the same value as it already has in $$m$$, then the
result is equal to $$m$$:
Prove the following theorem, which states that if we update a map $$ρ$$ to
assign key $$x$$ the same value as it already has in $$ρ$$, then the
result is equal to $$ρ$$:
update-same : ∀ {A} (m : TotalMap A) (x y : Id)
→ (update m x (m x)) y ≡ m y
update-same : ∀ {A} (ρ : TotalMap A) (x y : Id) → (ρ , x ↦ ρ x) y ≡ ρ y
<div class="hidden">
update-same : ∀ {A} (m : TotalMap A) (x y : Id)
→ (update m x (m x)) y ≡ m y
update-same m x y
update-same : ∀ {A} (ρ : TotalMap A) (x y : Id) → (ρ , x ↦ ρ x) y ≡ ρ y
update-same ρ x y
with x ≟ y
... | yes x=y rewrite x=y = refl
... | no x≠y = refl
... | yes refl = refl
... | no x≢y = refl
@ -259,23 +277,20 @@ updates.
update-permute : ∀ {A v1 v2} (m : TotalMap A) (x1 x2 y : Id)
→ x1 ≢ x2 → (update (update m x2 v2) x1 v1) y
≡ (update (update m x1 v1) x2 v2) y
update-permute : ∀ {A} (ρ : TotalMap A) (x : Id) (v : A) (y : Id) (w : A) (z : Id)
→ x ≢ y → (ρ , x ↦ v , y ↦ w) z ≡ (ρ , y ↦ w , x ↦ v) z
<div class="hidden">
update-permute : ∀ {A v1 v2} (m : TotalMap A) (x1 x2 y : Id)
→ x1 ≢ x2 → (update (update m x2 v2) x1 v1) y
≡ (update (update m x1 v1) x2 v2) y
update-permute {A} {v1} {v2} m x1 x2 y x1≠x2
with x1 ≟ y | x2 ≟ y
... | yes x1=y | yes x2=y = ⊥-elim (x1≠x2 (trans x1=y (sym x2=y)))
... | no x1≠y | yes x2=y rewrite x2=y = update-eq m y
... | yes x1=y | no x2≠y rewrite x1=y = sym (update-eq m y)
... | no x1≠y | no x2≠y =
trans (update-neq m x2 y x2≠y) (sym (update-neq m x1 y x1≠y))
update-permute : ∀ {A} (ρ : TotalMap A) (x : Id) (v : A) (y : Id) (w : A) (z : Id)
→ x ≢ y → (ρ , x ↦ v , y ↦ w) z ≡ (ρ , y ↦ w , x ↦ v) z
update-permute {A} ρ x v y w z x≢y with x ≟ z | y ≟ z
... | yes x≡z | yes y≡z = ⊥-elim (x≢y (trans x≡z (sym y≡z)))
... | no x≢z | yes y≡z rewrite y≡z = {!!} -- sym (update-eq ρ z w)
... | yes x≡z | no y≢z rewrite x≡z = {!!} -- update-eq ρ z v
... | no x≢z | no y≢z = {!!}
-- trans (update-neq ρ y w z y≢z) (sym (update-neq ρ x v z x≢z))
@ -300,41 +315,52 @@ module PartialMap where
update : ∀ {A} (m : PartialMap A) (x : Id) (v : A) → PartialMap A
update m x v = TotalMap.update m x (just v)
_,_↦_ : ∀ {A} (ρ : PartialMap A) (x : Id) (v : A) → PartialMap A
ρ , x ↦ v = TotalMap._,_↦_ ρ x (just v)
We can now lift all of the basic lemmas about total maps to
partial maps.
As before, we define handy abbreviations for updating a map two, three, or four times.
update-eq : ∀ {A v} (m : PartialMap A) (x : Id)
→ (update m x v) x ≡ just v
update-eq m x = TotalMap.update-eq m x
_,_↦_,_↦_ : ∀ {A} → PartialMap A → Id → A → Id → A → PartialMap A
ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁ , x₂ ↦ v₂ = (ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁), x₂ ↦ v₂
_,_↦_,_↦_,_↦_ : ∀ {A} → PartialMap A → Id → A → Id → A → Id → A → PartialMap A
ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁ , x₂ ↦ v₂ , x₃ ↦ v₃ = ((ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁), x₂ ↦ v₂), x₃ ↦ v₃
_,_↦_,_↦_,_↦_,_↦_ : ∀ {A} → PartialMap A → Id → A → Id → A → Id → A → Id → A → PartialMap A
ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁ , x₂ ↦ v₂ , x₃ ↦ v₃ , x₄ ↦ v₄ = (((ρ , x₁ ↦ v₁), x₂ ↦ v₂), x₃ ↦ v₃), x₄ ↦ v₄
We now lift all of the basic lemmas about total maps to partial maps.
update-eq : ∀ {A} (ρ : PartialMap A) (x : Id) (v : A)
→ (ρ , x ↦ v) x ≡ just v
update-eq ρ x v = TotalMap.update-eq ρ x (just v)
update-neq : ∀ {A v} (m : PartialMap A) (x y : Id)
→ x ≢ y → (update m x v) y ≡ m y
update-neq m x y x≠y = TotalMap.update-neq m x y x≠y
update-neq : ∀ {A} (ρ : PartialMap A) (x : Id) (v : A) (y : Id)
→ x ≢ y → (ρ , x ↦ v) y ≡ ρ y
update-neq ρ x v y x≢y = TotalMap.update-neq ρ x (just v) y x≢y
update-shadow : ∀ {A v1 v2} (m : PartialMap A) (x y : Id)
→ (update (update m x v1) x v2) y ≡ (update m x v2) y
update-shadow m x y = TotalMap.update-shadow m x y
update-shadow : ∀ {A} (ρ : PartialMap A) (x : Id) (v w : A) (y : Id)
→ (ρ , x ↦ v , x ↦ w) y ≡ (ρ , x ↦ w) y
update-shadow ρ x v w y = TotalMap.update-shadow ρ x (just v) (just w) y
update-same : ∀ {A v} (m : PartialMap A) (x y : Id)
m x ≡ just v
→ (update m x v) y ≡ m y
update-same m x y mx=v rewrite sym mx=v = TotalMap.update-same m x y
update-same : ∀ {A} (ρ : PartialMap A) (x : Id) (v : A) (y : Id)
ρ x ≡ just v
→ (ρ , x ↦ v) y ≡ ρ y
update-same ρ x v y ρx≡v rewrite sym ρx≡v = TotalMap.update-same ρ x y
update-permute : ∀ {A v1 v2} (m : PartialMap A) (x1 x2 y : Id)
→ x1 ≢ x2 → (update (update m x2 v2) x1 v1) y
≡ (update (update m x1 v1) x2 v2) y
update-permute m x1 x2 y x1≠x2 = TotalMap.update-permute m x1 x2 y x1≠x2
update-permute : ∀ {A} (ρ : PartialMap A) (x : Id) (v : A) (y : Id) (w : A) (z : Id)
→ x ≢ y → (ρ , x ↦ v , y ↦ w) z ≡ (ρ , y ↦ w , x ↦ v) z
update-permute ρ x v y w z x≢y = TotalMap.update-permute ρ x (just v) y (just w) z x≢y

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@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ This chapter defines the simply-typed lambda calculus.
-- open import Data.Sum renaming (_⊎_ to _+_)
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.List
-- open import Data.Sum
-- open import Data.Product
-- open import Data.Nat
-- open import Data.List
open import Data.String
open import Data.Bool
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
-- open import Data.Bool
-- open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
## Identifiers
@ -85,3 +85,33 @@ _[_:=_] : Term → Id → Term → Term
(ifᵀ L then M else N) [ y := P ] = ifᵀ (L [ y := P ]) then (M [ y := P ]) else (N [ y := P ])
## Reduction rules
data _⟹_ : Term → Term → Set where
β⟶ᵀ : ∀ {x A N V} → value V →
((λᵀ x ∷ A ⟶ N) ·ᵀ V) ⟹ (N [ x := V ])
κ·ᵀ₁ : ∀ {L L' M} →
L ⟹ L' →
(L ·ᵀ M) ⟹ (L' ·ᵀ M)
κ·ᵀ₂ : ∀ {V M M'} → value V →
M ⟹ M' →
(V ·ᵀ M) ⟹ (V ·ᵀ M)
βifᵀ₁ : ∀ {M N} →
(ifᵀ trueᵀ then M else N) ⟹ M
βifᵀ₂ : ∀ {M N} →
(ifᵀ falseᵀ then M else N) ⟹ N
κifᵀ : ∀ {L L' M N} →
L ⟹ L' →
(ifᵀ L then M else N) ⟹ (ifᵀ L' then M else N)
## Type rules
Environment : Set
Environment = Map Type
data _⊢_∈_ : Environment → Term → Set where