starting to explain rewrite
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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
- [RelationsAns: Solutions to exercises](RelationsAns)
- [Logic: Logic](Logic)
- [LogicAns: Solutions to exercises](LogicAns)
- [Equivalence: Equivalence and equational reasoning](Equivalence)
## Part 2: Programming Language Foundations
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title : "Equivalence: Martin Löf equivalence"
title : "Equivalence: Equivalence and equational reasoning"
layout : page
permalink : /Equivalence
@ -10,6 +10,15 @@ are interchangeable. So far we have taken equivalence as a primitive,
but in fact it can be defined using the machinery of inductive
## Imports
This chapter has no imports. Pretty much every module in the Agda
standard library, and every chapter in this book, imports the standard
definition of equivalence. Since we define equivalence here, any
import would create a conflict.
## Equivalence
We declare equivalence as follows.
@ -32,6 +41,7 @@ which means it binds less tightly than any arithmetic operator.
It associates neither to the left nor right; writing `x ≡ y ≡ z`
is illegal.
## Equivalence is an equivalence relation
An equivalence relation is one which is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
@ -101,12 +111,10 @@ then they remain so after the same function is applied to both.
cong : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (f : A → B) {x y : A} → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
cong f refl = refl
autocong : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} {f : A → B} {x y : A} → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
autocong refl = refl
Once more, a useful exercise is to carry out an interactive development.
## Tabular reasoning
A few declarations allow us to support the form of tabular reasoning
@ -180,13 +188,12 @@ always ends in the form `trans e refl` even though `e` alone would do,
where `e` is a proof of an equivalence.
## Tabular reasoning, another example
As an example, we consider the proof that zero is a right identity for
As a second example of tabular reasoning, we consider the proof that zero is a right identity for
addition. We first repeat the definitions of naturals and addition.
We cannot import them, because the relevant modules import equivalence
from the Agda standard library, and hence importing would report an
attempt to redefine equivalence.
We cannot import them because (as noted at the beginning of this chapter)
it would cause a conflict.
data ℕ : Set where
zero : ℕ
@ -215,71 +222,80 @@ We now repeat the proof that zero is a right identity.
suc m
Tabular proofs begin with `begin`, end with `∎`
(which is sometimes pronounced "qed" or "tombstone")
and consist of a string of equations. Let's begin by
considering the second proof. Due to the relevant
infix declarations, it parses as follows.
The tabular reasoning here is similar to that in the
preceding section, the one addition being the use of
`_≡⟨⟩_`, which we use when no justification is required.
One can think of occurrences of `≡⟨⟩` as an equivalent
to `≡⟨ refl ⟩`.
begin (... ≡⟨⟩ (... ≡⟨ ... ⟩ (... ∎)))
Agda always treats a term as equivalent to its
simplified term. The reason that one can write
The first argument to `_≡⟨⟩_` is a term (in this
case, `suc m + zero`, and the second is the proof of
an equation (in this case, of `suc (m + zero) ≡ suc m`).
As far as Agda is concerned, `suc m + zero` and
`suc (m + zero)` are identical, because the first
simplifies to the second, so no justification is required.
Similarly, the first argument to `_≡⟨_⟩_` is a term
(in this case, `suc (m + zero)`) and the third argument
is the proof of an equation (in this case, of `suc m ≡ suc m`),
and the justification is also a proof of an equation
(in this case,
zero + zero
is because Agda treats `zero + zero` and `zero` as the
same thing. This also means that one could instead write
the proof in the form
The form
`_≡⟨⟩_` is used for an equation that requires no justification,
because both sides simplify to the same term.
The form `_≡⟨_⟩_` gives
Each case involves equational reasoning set out in
tabular form, beginning with `begin`, ending with `∎`
(sometimes pronounced "qed" or "tombstone"), and with
a sequence of equations and justifications. The form
`≡⟨⟩` is used for an equation that needs no justification,
and the
pWhen the argument is zero,
we must
show `zero + zero ≡ zero`, which follows by simple
zero + zero
and Agda would not object. Agda only checks that the terms
separated by `≡⟨⟩` are equivalent; it's up to us to write
them in an order that will make sense to the reader.
## Rewriting by an equation
Pretty much every module in the Agda standard library imports the
library's definition of equivalence, as does every other chapter in this
book. To avoid a conflict with the definition of equivalence given here,
we eschew imports and instead repeat the relevant definitions.
Consider a property of natural numbers, such as being even.
data even : ℕ → Set where
ev0 : even zero
ev+2 : ∀ {n : ℕ} → even n → even (suc (suc n))
In the previous section, we proved `m + zero ≡ m`.
So given evidence that `even (m + zero)` holds,
we ought also to be able to take that as evidence
that `even m` holds. Here is a proof of that claim
in Agda.
even-id : ∀ (m : ℕ) → even (m + zero) → even m
even-id m ev with m + zero | +-identity m
... | .m | refl = ev
even-id : ∀ (m : ℕ) → even (m + zero) → even m
even-id m ev with m + zero | +-identity m
... | u | v = {!!}
Goal: even m
ev : even u
v : u ≡ m
u : ℕ
m : ℕ
even-id : ∀ (m : ℕ) → even (m + zero) → even m
even-id m ev with +-identity m
... | refl = ev
> Cannot solve variable m of type ℕ with solution m + zero because
> the variable occurs in the solution, or in the type one of the
> variables in the solution
> when checking that the pattern refl has type (m + zero) ≡ m
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