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@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ _`,_ : ∀ {Γ} → Env Γ → Value → Env (Γ , ★)
(γ `, v) (S x) = γ x
We can recover the initial environment from an extended environment,
and the last value. Putting them back together again takes us where we started.
We can recover the previous environment from an extended environment,
and the last value. Putting them together again takes us back to where we started.
init : ∀ {Γ} → Env (Γ , ★) → Env Γ
init γ x = γ (S x)
@ -256,14 +256,6 @@ init-last {Γ} γ = extensionality lemma
lemma (S x) = refl
The nth function takes a de Bruijn index and finds the corresponding
value in the environment.
nth : ∀{Γ} → (Γ ∋ ★) → Env Γ → Value
nth x ρ = ρ x
We extend the `⊑` relation point-wise to environments with the
following definition.
@ -349,7 +341,7 @@ lambda abstraction results in a single-entry table that maps the input
`v` to the output `w`, provided that evaluating the body in an
environment with `v` bound to its parameter produces the output `w`.
As a simple example of this rule, we can see that the identity function
maps `⊥` to `⊥`.
maps `⊥` to `⊥` and also that it maps `⊥ ↦ ⊥` to `⊥ ↦ ⊥`.
id : ∅ ⊢ ★
@ -357,11 +349,11 @@ id = ƛ # 0
denot-id : ∀ {γ v} → γ ⊢ id ↓ v ↦ v
denot-id = ↦-intro var
denot-id1 : ∀ {γ} → γ ⊢ id ↓ ⊥ ↦ ⊥
denot-id1 = ↦-intro var
denot-id-two : ∀ {γ v w} → γ ⊢ id ↓ (v ↦ v) ⊔ (w ↦ w)
denot-id-two = ⊔-intro denot-id denot-id
denot-id2 : ∀ {γ} → γ ⊢ id ↓ (⊥ ↦ ⊥) ↦ (⊥ ↦ ⊥)
denot-id2 = ↦-intro var
Of course, we will need tables with many rows to capture the meaning
@ -374,12 +366,12 @@ abstraction, it pre-evaluates the function on a bunch of randomly
chosen arguments, using many instances of the rule `↦-intro`, and then
joins them into a big table using many instances of the rule `⊔-intro`.
In the following we show that the identity function produces a table
containing both of the previous results, `⊥ ↦ ⊥` and `(⊥ ↦ ⊥) ↦ (⊥ ↦
containing both of the previous results, `⊥ ↦ ⊥` and
`(⊥ ↦ ⊥) ↦ (⊥ ↦ ⊥)`.
denot-id3 : `∅ ⊢ id ↓ (⊥ ↦ ⊥) ⊔ (⊥ ↦ ⊥) ↦ (⊥ ↦ ⊥)
denot-id3 = denot-id-two
denot-id3 = ⊔-intro denot-id1 denot-id2
We most often think of the judgment `γ ⊢ M ↓ v` as taking the
@ -408,20 +400,21 @@ id-app-id : ∀ {u : Value} → `∅ ⊢ id · id ↓ (u ↦ u)
id-app-id {u} = ↦-elim (↦-intro var) (↦-intro var)
Next we revisit the Church numeral two. This function has two
parameters: a function and an arbitrary value `u`, and it applies the
function twice. So the function must map `u` to some value, which
we'll name `v`. Then for the second application, it must map `v` to
some value. Let's name it `w`. So the parameter's table must contain
two entries, both `u ↦ v` and `v ↦ w`. For each application of the
table, we extract the appropriate entry from it using the `sub` rule.
In particular, we use the ⊑-conj-R1 and ⊑-conj-R2 to select `u ↦ v` and `v
↦ w`, respectively, from the table `u ↦ v ⊔ v ↦ w`. So the meaning of
twoᶜ is that it takes this table and parameter `u`, and it returns `w`.
Indeed we derive this as follows.
Next we revisit the Church numeral two: `λ f. λ u. (f (f u))`.
This function has two parameters: a function `f` and an arbitrary value
`u`, and it applies `f` twice. So `f` must map `u` to some value, which
we'll name `v`. Then for the second application,
`f` must map `v` to some value. Let's name it `w`. So the function's
table must include two entries, both `u ↦ v` and `v ↦ w`. For each
application of the table, we extract the appropriate entry from it
using the `sub` rule. In particular, we use the ⊑-conj-R1 and
⊑-conj-R2 to select `u ↦ v` and `v ↦ w`, respectively, from the table
`u ↦ v ⊔ v ↦ w`. So the meaning of twoᶜ is that it takes this table
and parameter `u`, and it returns `w`. Indeed we derive this as
denot-twoᶜ : ∀{u v w : Value} → `∅ ⊢ twoᶜ ↓ ((u ↦ v ⊔ v ↦ w) ↦ (u ↦ w))
denot-twoᶜ : ∀{u v w : Value} → `∅ ⊢ twoᶜ ↓ ((u ↦ v ⊔ v ↦ w) ↦ u ↦ w)
denot-twoᶜ {u}{v}{w} =
↦-intro (↦-intro (↦-elim (sub var lt1) (↦-elim (sub var lt2) var)))
where lt1 : v ↦ w ⊑ u ↦ v ⊔ v ↦ w
@ -716,27 +709,26 @@ same or larger than the original values. This generalization is useful
in proving that reduction implies denotational equality.
As before, we need an extension lemma to handle the case where we
proceed underneath a lambda abstraction. Here, the nth function
performs lookup in the environment, analogous to `Γ ∋ A`. Now suppose
that `ρ` is a renaming that maps variables in `γ` into variables with
equal or larger values in `δ`. This lemmas says that extending the
renaming producing a renaming `ext r` that maps `γ , v` to `δ , v`.
proceed underneath a lambda abstraction. Suppose that `ρ` is a
renaming that maps variables in `γ` into variables with equal or
larger values in `δ`. This lemmas says that extending the renaming
producing a renaming `ext r` that maps `γ , v` to `δ , v`.
ext-nth : ∀ {Γ Δ v} {γ : Env Γ} {δ : Env Δ}
ext- : ∀ {Γ Δ v} {γ : Env Γ} {δ : Env Δ}
→ (ρ : Rename Γ Δ)
γ `⊑ (δ ∘ ρ)
→ (γ `, v) `⊑ ((δ `, v) ∘ ext ρ)
ext-nth ρ lt Z = ⊑-refl
ext-nth ρ lt (S n) = lt n
ext- ρ lt Z = ⊑-refl
ext- ρ lt (S n) = lt n
We proceed by cases on the de Bruijn index `n`.
* If it is `Z`, then we just need to show that `v ≡ v`, which we have by `refl`.
* If it is `S n`, then the goal simplifies to `nth n γ ≡ nth (ρ n) δ`,
* If it is `S n`, then the goal simplifies to `γ n ≡ δ (ρ n)`,
which is an instance of the premise.
Now for the renaming lemma. Suppose we have a renaming that maps
@ -756,7 +748,7 @@ rename-pres ρ lt (var {x = x}) = sub var (lt x)
rename-pres ρ lt (↦-elim d d₁) =
↦-elim (rename-pres ρ lt d) (rename-pres ρ lt d₁)
rename-pres ρ lt (↦-intro d) =
↦-intro (rename-pres (ext ρ) (ext-nth ρ lt) d)
↦-intro (rename-pres (ext ρ) (ext- ρ lt) d)
rename-pres ρ lt ⊥-intro = ⊥-intro
rename-pres ρ lt (⊔-intro d d₁) =
⊔-intro (rename-pres ρ lt d) (rename-pres ρ lt d₁)
@ -767,23 +759,23 @@ rename-pres ρ lt (sub d lt) =
The proof is by induction on the semantics of `M`. As you can see, all
of the cases are trivial except the cases for variables and lambda.
* For a variable `x`, we make use of the premise to
show that `nth x γ ≡ nth (ρ x) δ`.
* For a variable `x`, we make use of the premise to show that
`γ x ≡ δ (ρ x)`.
* For a lambda abstraction, the induction hypothesis requires us to
extend the renaming. We do so, and use the `ext-nth` lemma to show
extend the renaming. We do so, and use the `ext-` lemma to show
that the extended renaming maps variables to ones with equivalent
## Identity renamings and environment strengthening
## Environment strengthening and identity renaming
We shall need a corollary of the renaming lemma that says that if `M`
results in `v`, then we can replace a value in the environment with a
larger one (a stronger one), and `M` still results in `v`. In
We shall need a corollary of the renaming lemma that says that
replacing the environment with a larger one (a stronger one) does not
change whether a term `M` results in particular value `v`. In
particular, if `γ ⊢ M ↓ v` and `γ ⊑ δ`, then `δ ⊢ M ↓ v`. What does
this have to do with renaming? It's renaming with the identity
function. So we apply the renaming lemma with the identity renaming,
function. We apply the renaming lemma with the identity renaming,
which gives us `δ ⊢ rename (λ {A} x → x) M ↓ v`, and then we apply the
`rename-id` lemma to obtain `δ ⊢ M ↓ v`.
@ -795,8 +787,8 @@ which gives us `δ ⊢ rename (λ {A} x → x) M ↓ v`, and then we apply the
→ δ ⊢ M ↓ v
⊑-env{Γ}{γ}{δ}{M}{v} d lt
with rename-pres{Γ}{Γ}{v}{γ}{δ}{M} (λ {A} x → x) lt d
... | d rewrite rename-id {Γ}{★}{M} =
... | δ⊢id[M]↓v rewrite rename-id {Γ}{★}{M} =
In the proof that substitution reflects denotations, in the case for
@ -809,11 +801,11 @@ up-env : ∀ {Γ} {γ : Env Γ} {M v u₁ u₂}
→ u₁ ⊑ u₂
→ (γ `, u₂) ⊢ M ↓ v
up-env d lt = ⊑-env d (nth-le lt)
up-env d lt = ⊑-env d (ext-le lt)
nth-le : ∀ {γ u₁ u₂} → u₁ ⊑ u₂ → (γ `, u₁) `⊑ (γ `, u₂)
nth-le lt Z = lt
nth-le lt (S n) = ⊑-refl
ext-le : ∀ {γ u₁ u₂} → u₁ ⊑ u₂ → (γ `, u₁) `⊑ (γ `, u₂)
ext-le lt Z = lt
ext-le lt (S n) = ⊑-refl
@ -961,59 +953,59 @@ function, we want to show that `v ↦ w ⊑ u` implies that `u` includes
a set of function values such that the join of their domains is less
than `v` and the join of their codomains is greater than `w`.
To this end we define the following dom and cod functions. Given some
value `u` (that represents a set of entries), `dom u` returns the join of
their domains and `cod u` returns the join of their codomains.
To this end we define the following `⨆dom` and `⨆cod` functions. Given some
value `u` (that represents a set of entries), `dom u` returns the join of
their domains and `cod u` returns the join of their codomains.
dom : (u : Value) → Value
dom ⊥ = ⊥
dom (v ↦ w) = v
dom (u ⊔ u) = dom u ⊔ dom u
dom : (u : Value) → Value
dom ⊥ = ⊥
dom (v ↦ w) = v
dom (u ⊔ u) = dom u ⊔ dom u
cod : (u : Value) → Value
cod ⊥ = ⊥
cod (v ↦ w) = w
cod (u ⊔ u) = cod u ⊔ cod u
cod : (u : Value) → Value
cod ⊥ = ⊥
cod (v ↦ w) = w
cod (u ⊔ u) = cod u ⊔ cod u
We need just one property each for `dom` and `cod`. Given a collection of
We need just one property each for `dom` and `cod`. Given a collection of
functions represented by value `u`, and an entry `v ↦ w ∈ u`, we know
that `v` is included in the domain of `v`.
↦∈→⊆dom : ∀{u v w : Value}
↦∈→⊆dom : ∀{u v w : Value}
→ all-funs u → (v ↦ w) ∈ u
→ v ⊆ dom u
↦∈→⊆dom {⊥} fg () u∈v
↦∈→⊆dom {v ↦ w} fg refl u∈v = u∈v
↦∈→⊆dom {u ⊔ u} fg (inj₁ v↦w∈u) u∈v =
let ih = ↦∈→⊆dom (λ z → fg (inj₁ z)) v↦w∈u in
→ v ⊆ dom u
↦∈→⊆dom {⊥} fg () u∈v
↦∈→⊆dom {v ↦ w} fg refl u∈v = u∈v
↦∈→⊆dom {u ⊔ u} fg (inj₁ v↦w∈u) u∈v =
let ih = ↦∈→⊆dom (λ z → fg (inj₁ z)) v↦w∈u in
inj₁ (ih u∈v)
↦∈→⊆dom {u ⊔ u} fg (inj₂ v↦w∈u) u∈v =
let ih = ↦∈→⊆dom (λ z → fg (inj₂ z)) v↦w∈u in
↦∈→⊆dom {u ⊔ u} fg (inj₂ v↦w∈u) u∈v =
let ih = ↦∈→⊆dom (λ z → fg (inj₂ z)) v↦w∈u in
inj₂ (ih u∈v)
Regarding `cod`, suppose we have a collection of functions represented
by `u`, but all of them are just copies of `v ↦ w`. Then the `cod u` is
Regarding `cod`, suppose we have a collection of functions represented
by `u`, but all of them are just copies of `v ↦ w`. Then the `cod u` is
included in `w`.
⊆↦→cod⊆ : ∀{u v w : Value}
⊆↦→cod⊆ : ∀{u v w : Value}
→ u ⊆ v ↦ w
→ cod u ⊆ w
⊆↦→cod⊆ {⊥} s refl with s {⊥} refl
cod u ⊆ w
⊆↦→cod⊆ {⊥} s refl with s {⊥} refl
... | ()
⊆↦→cod⊆ {C ↦ C} s m with s {C ↦ C} refl
⊆↦→cod⊆ {C ↦ C} s m with s {C ↦ C} refl
... | refl = m
⊆↦→cod⊆ {u ⊔ u} s (inj₁ x) = ⊆↦→cod⊆ (λ {C} z → s (inj₁ z)) x
⊆↦→cod⊆ {u ⊔ u} s (inj₂ y) = ⊆↦→cod⊆ (λ {C} z → s (inj₂ z)) y
⊆↦→cod⊆ {u ⊔ u} s (inj₁ x) = ⊆↦→cod⊆ (λ {C} z → s (inj₁ z)) x
⊆↦→cod⊆ {u ⊔ u} s (inj₂ y) = ⊆↦→cod⊆ (λ {C} z → s (inj₂ z)) y
With the `dom` and `cod` functions in hand, we can make precise the
With the `dom` and `cod` functions in hand, we can make precise the
conclusion of the inversion principle for functions, which we package
into the following predicate named `factor`. We say that `v ↦ w`
_factors_ `u` into `u` if `u` is a included in `u`, if `u` contains only
@ -1022,15 +1014,25 @@ than `w`.
factor : (u : Value) → (u : Value) → (v : Value) → (w : Value) → Set
factor u u v w = all-funs u × u ⊆ u × dom u ⊑ v × w ⊑ cod u
factor u u v w = all-funs u × u ⊆ u × ⨆dom u ⊑ v × w ⊑ ⨆cod u
So the inversion principle for functions can be stated as
v ↦ w ⊑ u
→ factor u u v w
We prove the inversion principle for functions by induction on the
derivation of the less-than relation. To make the induction hypothesis
stronger, we broaden the premise to `u₁ ⊑ u₂` (instead of `v ↦ w ⊑
u`), and strengthen the conclusion to say that for _every_ function
value `v ↦ w ∈ u₁`, we have that `v ↦ w` factors `u₂` into some
value `u₃`.
stronger, we broaden the premise `v ↦ w ⊑ u` to `u₁ ⊑ u₂`, and
strengthen the conclusion to say that for _every_ function value
`v ↦ w ∈ u₁`, we have that `v ↦ w` factors `u₂` into some value `u₃`.
→ u₁ ⊑ u₂
→ ∀{v w} → v ↦ w ∈ u₁ → Σ[ u₃ ∈ Value ] factor u₂ u₃ v w
### Inversion of less-than for functions, the case for ⊑-trans
@ -1046,7 +1048,7 @@ so we have `all-funs u` and `u ⊆ u`.
By the induction hypothesis for `u ⊑ u₂`, we know
that for any `v ↦ w ∈ u`, `v ↦ w` factors `u₂` into `u₃`.
With these facts in hand, we proceed by induction on `u`
to prove that `(dom u) ↦ (cod u)` factors `u₂` into `u₃`.
to prove that `(dom u) ↦ (cod u)` factors `u₂` into `u₃`.
We discuss each case of the proof in the text below.
@ -1054,7 +1056,7 @@ sub-inv-trans : ∀{u u₂ u : Value}
→ all-funs u → u ⊆ u
→ (∀{v w} → v ↦ w ∈ u → Σ[ u₃ ∈ Value ] factor u₂ u₃ v w)
→ Σ[ u₃ ∈ Value ] factor u₂ u₃ (dom u) (cod u)
→ Σ[ u₃ ∈ Value ] factor u₂ u₃ (dom u) (cod u)
sub-inv-trans {⊥} {u₂} {u} fu u⊆u IH =
⊥-elim (contradiction (fu refl) ¬Fun⊥)
sub-inv-trans {u₁ ↦ u₂} {u₂} {u} fg u⊆u IH = IH (↦⊆→∈ u⊆u)
@ -1082,18 +1084,18 @@ sub-inv-trans {u₁ ⊔ u₂} {u₂} {u} fg u⊆u IH
* Suppose `u ≡ u₁ ↦ u₂`. Then `u₁ ↦ u₂ ∈ u` and we can apply the
premise (the induction hypothesis from `u ⊑ u₂`) to obtain that
`u₁ ↦ u₂` factors of `u₂ into u₂`. This case is complete because
`dom u ≡ u₁` and `cod u ≡ u₂`.
`dom u ≡ u₁` and `cod u ≡ u₂`.
* Suppose `u ≡ u₁ ⊔ u₂`. Then we have `u₁ ⊆ u` and `u₂ ⊆ u`. We also
have `all-funs u₁` and `all-funs u₂`, so we can apply the induction hypothesis
for both `u₁` and `u₂`. So there exists values `u₃₁` and `u₃₂` such that
`(dom u₁) ↦ (cod u₁)` factors `u` into `u₃₁` and
`(dom u₂) ↦ (cod u₂)` factors `u` into `u₃₂`.
We will show that `(dom u) ↦ (cod u)` factors `u` into `u₃₁ ⊔ u₃₂`.
`(dom u₁) ↦ (cod u₁)` factors `u` into `u₃₁` and
`(dom u₂) ↦ (cod u₂)` factors `u` into `u₃₂`.
We will show that `(dom u) ↦ (cod u)` factors `u` into `u₃₁ ⊔ u₃₂`.
So we need to show that
dom (u₃₁ ⊔ u₃₂) ⊑ dom (u₁ ⊔ u₂)
cod (u₁ ⊔ u₂) ⊑ cod (u₃₁ ⊔ u₃₂)
dom (u₃₁ ⊔ u₃₂) ⊑ dom (u₁ ⊔ u₂)
cod (u₁ ⊔ u₂) ⊑ cod (u₃₁ ⊔ u₃₂)
But those both follow directly from the factoring of
`u` into `u₃₁` and `u₃₂`, using the monotonicity of `⊔` with respect to `⊑`.
@ -1191,10 +1193,10 @@ Let `v` and `w` be arbitrary values.
By the induction hypothesis for `u ⊑ u₂`, we know
that for any `v ↦ w ∈ u`, `v ↦ w` factors `u₂`.
Now we apply the lemma sub-inv-trans, which gives us
some `u₃` such that `(dom u) ↦ (cod u)` factors `u₂` into `u₃`.
some `u₃` such that `(dom u) ↦ (cod u)` factors `u₂` into `u₃`.
We show that `v ↦ w` also factors `u₂` into `u₃`.
From `dom u₃ ⊑ dom u` and `dom u ⊑ v`, we have `dom u₃ ⊑ v`.
From `w ⊑ cod u` and `cod u ⊑ cod u₃`, we have `w ⊑ cod u₃`,
From `dom u₃ ⊑ dom u` and `dom u ⊑ v`, we have `dom u₃ ⊑ v`.
From `w ⊑ cod u` and `cod ucod u₃`, we have `w ⊑ cod u₃`,
and this case is complete.
* Case `⊑-fun`.
@ -1205,7 +1207,7 @@ Let `v` and `w` be arbitrary values.
Given that `v ↦ w ∈ u₁₁ ↦ u₁₂`, we have `v ≡ u₁₁` and `w ≡ u₁₂`.
We show that `u₁₁ ↦ u₁₂` factors `u₂₁ ↦ u₂₂` into itself.
We need to show that `dom (u₂₁ ↦ u₂₂) ⊑ u₁₁` and `u₁₂ ⊑ cod (u₂₁ ↦ u₂₂)`,
We need to show that `dom (u₂₁ ↦ u₂₂) ⊑ u₁₁` and `u₁₂ ⊑ cod (u₂₁ ↦ u₂₂)`,
but that is equivalent to our premises `u₂₁ ⊑ u₁₁` and `u₁₂ ⊑ u₂₂`.
* Case `⊑-dist`.
@ -1231,13 +1233,13 @@ sub-inv-fun : ∀{v w u₁ : Value}
→ (v ↦ w) ⊑ u₁
→ Σ[ u₂ ∈ Value ] all-funs u₂ × u₂ ⊆ u₁
× (∀{v w} → (v ↦ w) ∈ u₂ → v ⊑ v) × w ⊑ cod u₂
× (∀{v w} → (v ↦ w) ∈ u₂ → v ⊑ v) × w ⊑ cod u₂
sub-inv-fun{v}{w}{u₁} abc
with sub-inv abc {v}{w} refl
... | ⟨ u₂ , ⟨ f , ⟨ u₂⊆u₁ , ⟨ db , cc ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ =
⟨ u₂ , ⟨ f , ⟨ u₂⊆u₁ , ⟨ G , cc ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
where G : ∀{D E} → (D ↦ E) ∈ u₂ → D ⊑ v
G{D}{E} m = ⊑-trans (⊆→⊑ (↦∈→⊆dom f m)) db
G{D}{E} m = ⊑-trans (⊆→⊑ (↦∈→⊆dom f m)) db
The second corollary is the inversion rule that one would expect for
@ -1255,8 +1257,8 @@ less-than with functions on the left and right-hand sides.
... | ⟨ u , ⟨ u , u↦u∈Γ ⟩ ⟩
with Γ⊆v34 u↦u∈Γ
... | refl =
let codΓ⊆w = ⊆↦→cod⊆ Γ⊆v34 in
⟨ lt1 u↦u∈Γ , ⊑-trans lt2 (⊆→⊑ codΓ⊆w) ⟩
let codΓ⊆w = ⊆↦→cod⊆ Γ⊆v34 in
⟨ lt1 u↦u∈Γ , ⊑-trans lt2 (⊆→⊑ codΓ⊆w) ⟩
@ -1364,6 +1366,7 @@ This chapter uses the following unicode:
⊔ U+2294 SQUARE CUP (\lub)
⊑ U+2291 SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO (\sqsubseteq)
⊢ U+22A2 RIGHT TACK (\|- or \vdash)

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@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ The proof is by cases on the de Bruijn index `x`.
which we have by rule `var`.
* If it is `S x`,then we need to show that
`δ , v ⊢ rename S_ (σ x) ↓ nth x γ`,
`δ , v ⊢ rename S_ (σ x) ↓ γ x`,
which we obtain by the `rename-pres` lemma.
With the extension lemma in hand, the proof that simultaneous
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ subst-pres σ s (sub d lt) = sub (subst-pres σ s d) lt
The proof is by induction on the semantics of `M`. The two interesting
cases are for variables and lambda abstractions.
* For a variable `x`, we have that `v ⊑ nth x γ` and we need to show that
* For a variable `x`, we have that `v ⊑ γ x` and we need to show that
`δ ⊢ σ x ↓ v`. From the premise applied to `x`, we have that
`δ ⊢ σ x ↓ nth x γ`, so we conclude by the `sub` rule.
`δ ⊢ σ x ↓ γ x`, so we conclude by the `sub` rule.
* For a lambda abstraction, we must extend the substitution
for the induction hypothesis. We apply the `subst-ext` lemma
@ -170,12 +170,12 @@ To use the lemma, we just need to show that `subst-zero M` maps
variables to terms that produces the same values as those in `γ , v`.
Let `y` be an arbitrary variable (de Bruijn index).
* If it is `Z`, then `(subst-zero M) y = M` and `nth y (γ , v) = v`.
* If it is `Z`, then `(subst-zero M) y = M` and `(γ , v) y = v`.
By the premise we conclude that `γ ⊢ M ↓ v`.
* If it is `S x`, then `(subst-zero M) (S x) = x` and
`nth (S x) (γ , v) = nth x γ`. So we conclude that
`γ ⊢ x ↓ nth x γ` by rule `var`.
`(γ , v) (S x) = γ x`. So we conclude that
`γ ⊢ x ↓ γ x` by rule `var`.
### Reduction preserves denotations
@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ if `δ ⊢ rename ρ M ↓ v`, then `γ ⊢ M ↓ v`, where `(δ ∘ ρ) `⊑ γ
First, we need a variant of a lemma given earlier.
nth-ext : ∀ {Γ Δ v} {γ : Env Γ} {δ : Env Δ}
ext-⊑′ : ∀ {Γ Δ v} {γ : Env Γ} {δ : Env Δ}
→ (ρ : Rename Γ Δ)
→ (δ ∘ ρ) `⊑ γ
→ ((δ `, v) ∘ ext ρ) `⊑ (γ `, v)
nth-ext ρ lt Z = ⊑-refl
nth-ext ρ lt (S x) = lt x
ext-⊑′ ρ lt Z = ⊑-refl
ext-⊑′ ρ lt (S x) = lt x
The proof is then as follows.
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ rename-reflect : ∀ {Γ Δ v} {γ : Env Γ} {δ : Env Δ} { M : Γ ⊢ ★}
rename-reflect {M = ` x} all-n d with var-inv d
... | lt = sub var (⊑-trans lt (all-n x))
rename-reflect {M = ƛ N}{ρ = ρ} all-n (↦-intro d) =
↦-intro (rename-reflect (nth-ext ρ all-n) d)
↦-intro (rename-reflect (ext-⊑′ ρ all-n) d)
rename-reflect {M = ƛ N} all-n ⊥-intro = ⊥-intro
rename-reflect {M = ƛ N} all-n (⊔-intro d₁ d₂) =
⊔-intro (rename-reflect all-n d₁) (rename-reflect all-n d₂)
@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ We cannot prove this lemma by induction on the derivation of
`δ ⊢ rename ρ M ↓ v`, so instead we proceed by induction on `M`.
* If it is a variable, we apply the inversion lemma to obtain
that `v ⊑ nth (ρ x) δ`. Instantiating the premise to `x` we have
`nth (ρ x) δ = nth x γ`, so we conclude by the `var` rule.
that `v ⊑ δ (ρ x)`. Instantiating the premise to `x` we have
`δ (ρ x) = γ x`, so we conclude by the `var` rule.
* If it is a lambda abstraction `ƛ N`, we have
rename `ρ (ƛ N) = ƛ (rename (ext ρ) N)`.
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ rename-inc-reflect d = rename-reflect `⊑-refl d
We are almost ready to begin proving that simultaneous substitution
reflects denotations. That is, if `γ ⊢ (subst σ M) ↓ v`, then
`γσ k ↓ nth k δ` and `δ ⊢ M ↓ v` for any `k` and some `δ`.
`γσ k ↓ δ k` and `δ ⊢ M ↓ v` for any `k` and some `δ`.
We shall start with the case in which `M` is a variable `x`.
So instead the premise is `γσ x ↓ v` and we need to show that
`δ ⊢ x ↓ v` for some `δ`. The `δ` that we choose shall be the
@ -361,11 +361,11 @@ same-const-env {x = x} rewrite var≟-refl x = refl
and `const-env x v` maps `y` to `⊥, so long as `x ≢ y`.
diff-nth-const-env : ∀{Γ} {x y : Γ ∋ ★} {v}
diff-const-env : ∀{Γ} {x y : Γ ∋ ★} {v}
→ x ≢ y
→ const-env x v y ≡ ⊥
diff-nth-const-env {Γ} {x} {y} neq with x var≟ y
diff-const-env {Γ} {x} {y} neq with x var≟ y
... | yes eq = ⊥-elim (neq eq)
... | no _ = refl
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ subst-reflect-var {Γ}{Δ}{γ}{x}{v}{σ} xv
const-env-ok : γ `⊢ σ ↓ const-env x v
const-env-ok y with x var≟ y
... | yes x≡y rewrite sym x≡y | same-const-env {Γ}{x}{v} = xv
... | no x≢y rewrite diff-nth-const-env {Γ}{x}{y}{v} x≢y = ⊥-intro
... | no x≢y rewrite diff-const-env {Γ}{x}{y}{v} x≢y = ⊥-intro
@ -527,8 +527,8 @@ subst-reflect (sub d lt) eq
By the lemma `var-inv` we have `v ⊑ v₁`, so by the `up-env` lemma we
have `(δ′ , v₁) ⊢ M ↓ v₂` and therefore `δ′ ⊢ ƛ M ↓ v₁ → v₂`. We
also need to show that `δ `σ ↓ δ′`. Fix `k`. We have
`(δ , v₁) ⊢ rename S_ σ k ↓ nth k δ′`. We then apply the lemma
`rename-inc-reflect` to obtain `δ ⊢ σ k ↓ nth k δ′`, so this case is
`(δ , v₁) ⊢ rename S_ σ k ↓ δ k`. We then apply the lemma
`rename-inc-reflect` to obtain `δ ⊢ σ k ↓ δ k`, so this case is
* Case `⊥-intro`: We choose `⊥` for `δ`.