Fix #488
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 27 additions and 20 deletions
@ -53,12 +53,13 @@ four.
## Imports
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
open import Data.String using (String; _≟_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (∃-syntax; _×_)
open import Data.String using (String; _≟_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
## Syntax of terms
@ -582,7 +583,7 @@ replaces the formal parameter by the actual parameter.
If a term is a value, then no reduction applies; conversely,
if a reduction applies to a term then it is not a value.
We will show in the next chapter that
We will show in the next chapter that
this exhausts the possibilities: every well-typed term
either reduces or is a value.
@ -788,24 +789,30 @@ while if the top two lines stand for a single reduction
step and the bottom two stand for zero or more reduction
steps it is called the diamond property. In symbols:
confluence : ∀ {L M N} → ∃[ P ]
( ((L —↠ M) × (L —↠ N))
→ ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P)) )
confluence : ∀ {L M N}
→ ((L —↠ M) × (L —↠ N))
→ ∃[ P ] ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P))
diamond : ∀ {L M N} → ∃[ P ]
( ((L —→ M) × (L —→ N))
→ ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P)) )
diamond : ∀ {L M N}
→ ((L —→ M) × (L —→ N))
→ ∃[ P ] ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P))
The reduction system studied in this chapter is deterministic.
In symbols:
deterministic : ∀ {L M N}
→ L —→ M
→ L —→ N
→ M ≡ N
deterministic : ∀ {L M N}
→ L —→ M
→ L —→ N
→ M ≡ N
It is easy to show that every deterministic relation satisfies
the diamond property, and that every relation that satisfies
@ -1104,13 +1111,13 @@ infix 4 _⊢_⦂_
data _⊢_⦂_ : Context → Term → Type → Set where
-- Axiom
-- Axiom
⊢` : ∀ {Γ x A}
→ Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
→ Γ ⊢ ` x ⦂ A
-- ⇒-I
-- ⇒-I
⊢ƛ : ∀ {Γ x N A B}
→ Γ , x ⦂ A ⊢ N ⦂ B
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