added Devil story to Negation

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wadler 2018-03-15 13:02:32 -03:00
parent f3fa5ff5fd
commit 77ebd9b67f
3 changed files with 160 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -552,8 +552,13 @@ providing evidence that `A` holds, the term `L M` provides evidence that
converts evidence that `A` holds into evidence that `B` holds.
Put another way, if we know that `A → B` and `A` both hold,
then we may conclude that `B` holds. In medieval times, this rule was
known by the name *modus ponens*.
then we may conclude that `B` holds.
→-elim : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A → B) → A → B
→-elim f x = f x
In medieval times, this rule was known by the name *modus ponens*.
It corresponds to function application.
Defining a function, with an named definition or a lambda expression,
is referred to as *introducing* a function,
@ -564,13 +569,10 @@ Elimination followed by introduction is the identity.
η-→ : ∀ {A B : Set} (f : A → B) → (λ{x → f x}) ≡ f
η-→ {A} {B} f = extensionality η-helper
η-lhs : A → B
η-lhs = λ{x → f x}
η-helper : (x : A) → η-lhs x ≡ f x
η-helper : (x : A) → (λ (x : A) → f x) x ≡ f x
η-helper x = refl
The proof depends essentially on extensionality.
The proof depends on extensionality.
@ -582,14 +584,6 @@ always simplify the resulting term. Thus
simplifies to `N[x := M]`, where `N[x := M]` stands for the term `N` with each
free occurrence of `x` replaced by `M`.
Given evidence that `A → B` holds and that `A` holds, we can conclude that
`B` holds.
→-elim : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A → B) → A → B
→-elim f x = f x
In medieval times, this rule was known by the latin name *modus ponens*.
Implication binds less tightly than any other operator. Thus, `A ⊎ B →

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@ -108,24 +108,30 @@ and `from` to be the identity function.
; to∘from = λ{y → refl}
This is our first use of *lambda expressions*, provide a compact way to
This is our first use of *lambda expressions*, which provide a compact way to
define functions without naming them. A term of the form
λ{p₁ → e₁; ⋯ ; pᵢ → eᵢ}
λ{ P₁ → N₁; ⋯ ; Pᵢ → Nᵢ }
is equivalent to a function `f` defined by the equations
f p₁ = e₁
f P₁ = e₁
f pᵢ = eᵢ
f Pᵢ = eᵢ
where the `pᵢ` are patterns (left-hand sides of an equation) and the
`eᵢ` are expressions (right-hand side of an equation). Often using an
anonymous lambda expression is more convenient than using a named
function: it avoids a lengthy type declaration; and the definition
appears exactly where the function is used, so there is no need for
the writer to remember to declare it in advance, or for the reader to
search for the definition elsewhere in the code.
where the `Pᵢ` are patterns (left-hand sides of an equation) and the
`Nᵢ` are expressions (right-hand side of an equation). In the case that
the pattern is a variable, we may also use the syntax
λ (x : A) → N
which is equivalent to `λ{ x → N }` but allows one to specify the
domain of the function. Often using an anonymous lambda expression is
more convenient than using a named function: it avoids a lengthy type
declaration; and the definition appears exactly where the function is
used, so there is no need for the writer to remember to declare it in
advance, or for the reader to search for the definition elsewhere in
the code.
In the above, `to` and `from` are both bound to identity functions,
and `from∘to` and `to∘from` are both bound to functions that discard
@ -319,4 +325,4 @@ This chapter uses the following unicode.

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ to the conclusion `⊥` (a contradiction), then we must have `¬ A`.
Evidence that `¬ A` holds is of the form
λ (x : A) → N
λ{ x → N }
where `N` is a term of type `⊥` containing as a free variable `x` of type `A`.
In other words, evidence that `¬ A` holds is a function that converts evidence
@ -45,56 +45,56 @@ Given evidence that both `¬ A` and `A` hold, we can conclude that `⊥` holds.
In other words, if both `¬ A` and `A` hold, then we have a contradiction.
¬-elim : ∀ {A : Set} → ¬ A → A → ⊥
¬-elim ¬a a = ¬a a
¬-elim ¬x x = ¬x x
Here we write `¬a` for evidence of `¬ A` and `a` for evidence of `A`. This
means that `¬a` must be a function of type `A → ⊥`, and hence the application
a a` must be of type `⊥`. Note that this rule is just a special case of `→-elim`.
Here we write `¬x` for evidence of `¬ A` and `x` for evidence of `A`. This
means that `¬x` must be a function of type `A → ⊥`, and hence the application
x x` must be of type `⊥`. Note that this rule is just a special case of `→-elim`.
We set the precedence of negation so that it binds more tightly
than disjunction and conjunction, but more tightly than anything else.
than disjunction and conjunction, but less tightly than anything else.
infix 3 ¬_
Thus, `¬ A × ¬ B` parses as `(¬ A) × (¬ B)`.
Thus, `¬ A × ¬ B` parses as `(¬ A) × (¬ B)` and `¬ m ≡ n` as `¬ (m ≡ n)`.
In *classical* logic, we have that `A` is equivalent to `¬ ¬ A`.
As we discuss below, in Agda we use *intuitionistic* logic, wher
As we discuss below, in Agda we use *intuitionistic* logic, where
we have only half of this equivalence, namely that `A` implies `¬ ¬ A`.
¬¬-intro : ∀ {A : Set} → A → ¬ ¬ A
¬¬-intro a ¬a = ¬a a
¬¬-intro x ¬x = ¬x x
Let `a` be evidence of `A`. We will show that assuming
Let `x` be evidence of `A`. We will show that assuming
`¬ A` leads to a contradiction, and hence `¬ ¬ A` must hold.
Let `¬a` be evidence of `¬ A`. Then from `A` and `¬ A`
we have a contradiction (evidenced by `¬a a`). Hence, we have
Let `¬x` be evidence of `¬ A`. Then from `A` and `¬ A`
we have a contradiction (evidenced by `¬x x`). Hence, we have
shown `¬ ¬ A`.
We cannot show that `¬ ¬ A` implies `A`, but we can show that
`¬ ¬ ¬ A` implies `¬ A`.
¬¬¬-elim : ∀ {A : Set} → ¬ ¬ ¬ A → ¬ A
¬¬¬-elim ¬¬¬a a = ¬¬¬a (¬¬-intro a)
¬¬¬-elim ¬¬¬x x = ¬¬¬x (¬¬-intro x)
Let `¬¬¬a` be evidence of `¬ ¬ ¬ A`. We will show that assuming
Let `¬¬¬x` be evidence of `¬ ¬ ¬ A`. We will show that assuming
`A` leads to a contradiction, and hence `¬ A` must hold.
Let `a` be evidence of `A`. Then by the previous result, we
can conclude `¬ ¬ A` (evidenced by `¬¬-intro a`). Then from
Let `x` be evidence of `A`. Then by the previous result, we
can conclude `¬ ¬ A` (evidenced by `¬¬-intro x`). Then from
`¬ ¬ ¬ A` and `¬ ¬ A` we have a contradiction (evidenced by
`¬¬¬a (¬¬-intro a)`. Hence we have shown `¬ A`.
`¬¬¬x (¬¬-intro x)`. Hence we have shown `¬ A`.
Another law of logic is the *contrapositive*,
stating that if `A` implies `B`, then `¬ B` implies `¬ A`.
contrapositive : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A → B) → (¬ B → ¬ A)
contrapositive a→b ¬b a = ¬b (a→b a)
contrapositive f ¬y x = ¬y (f x)
Let `a→b` be evidence of `A → B` and let `¬b` be evidence of `¬ B`. We
Let `f` be evidence of `A → B` and let `¬y` be evidence of `¬ B`. We
will show that assuming `A` leads to a contradiction, and hence
`¬ A` must hold. Let `a` be evidence of `A`. Then from `A → B` and
`A` we may conclude `B` (evidenced by `a→b a`), and from `B` and `¬ B`
we may conclude `⊥` (evidenced by `¬b (a→b a)`). Hence, we have shown
`¬ A` must hold. Let `x` be evidence of `A`. Then from `A → B` and
`A` we may conclude `B` (evidenced by `f x`), and from `B` and `¬ B`
we may conclude `⊥` (evidenced by `¬y (f x)`). Hence, we have shown
`¬ A`.
Given the correspondence of implication to exponentiation and
@ -110,32 +110,26 @@ Indeed, there is exactly one proof of `⊥ → ⊥`.
id : ⊥ → ⊥
id x = x
However, there are no possible values of type `Bool → ⊥`
or ` → bot`.
However, there are no possible values of type ` → ⊥`,
or indeed of type `A → ⊥` when `A` is anything other than `⊥` itself.
[TODO?: Give the proof that one cannot falsify law of the excluded middle,
including a variant of the story from Call-by-Value is Dual to Call-by-Name.]
The law of the excluded middle is irrefutable.
excluded-middle-irrefutable : ∀ {A : Set} → ¬ ¬ (A ⊎ ¬ A)
excluded-middle-irrefutable k = k (inj₂ (λ a → k (inj₁ a)))
*Exercise* (`¬⊎≃׬`)
### Exercise (`⊎-dual-×`)
Show that conjunction, disjunction, and negation are related by a
version of De Morgan's Law.
¬⊎≃׬ : ∀ {A B : Set} → ¬ (A ⊎ B) ≃ (¬ A) × (¬ B)
⊎-Dual-× : Set₁
⊎-Dual-× = ∀ {A B : Set} → ¬ (A ⊎ B) ≃ (¬ A) × (¬ B)
Show there is a term of type `⊎-Dual-×`.
This result is an easy consequence of something we've proved previously.
Do we also have the following?
¬ (A × B) ≃ (¬ A) ⊎ (¬ B)
Is there also a term of the following type?
×-Dual-⊎ : Set₁
×-Dual-⊎ = ∀ {A B : Set} → ¬ (A × B) ≃ (¬ A) ⊎ (¬ B)
If so, prove; if not, explain why.
@ -144,10 +138,10 @@ If so, prove; if not, explain why.
In Gilbert and Sullivan's *The Gondoliers*, Casilda is told that
as an infant she was married to the heir of the King of Batavia, but
that due to a mix-up no one knows which of two individuals, Marco or
Giuseppe, is the heir. Alarmed, she wails ``Then do you mean to say
Giuseppe, is the heir. Alarmed, she wails "Then do you mean to say
that I am married to one of two gondoliers, but it is impossible to
say which?'' To which the response is ``Without any doubt of any kind
say which?" To which the response is "Without any doubt of any kind
Logic comes in many varieties, and one distinction is between
*classical* and *intuitionistic*. Intuitionists, concerned
@ -180,18 +174,107 @@ formula `A ⊎ B` is provable exactly when one exhibits either a proof
of `A` or a proof of `B`, so the type corresponding to disjunction is
a disjoint sum.
(The passage above is taken from "Propositions as Types", Philip Wadler,
(Parts of the above are adopted from "Propositions as Types", Philip Wadler,
*Communications of the ACM*, December 2015.)
**Exercise** Prove the following five formulas are equivalent.
## Excluded middle is irrefutable
The law of the excluded middle can be formulated as follows.
¬¬-elim excluded-middle peirce implication de-morgan : Set₁
¬¬-elim = ∀ {A : Set} → ¬ ¬ A → A
excluded-middle = ∀ {A : Set} → A ⊎ ¬ A
peirce = ∀ {A B : Set} → (((A → B) → A) → A)
implication = ∀ {A B : Set} → (A → B) → ¬ A ⊎ B
de-morgan = ∀ {A B : Set} → ¬ (A × B) → ¬ A ⊎ ¬ B
EM : Set₁
EM = ∀ {A : Set} → A ⊎ ¬ A
As we noted, the law of the excluded middle does not hold in
intuitionistic logic. However, we can show that it is *irrefutable*,
meaning that the negation of its negation is provable (and hence that
its negation is never provable).
em-irrefutable : ∀ {A : Set} → ¬ ¬ (A ⊎ ¬ A)
em-irrefutable k = k (inj₂ λ{ x → k (inj₁ x) })
The best way to explain this code is to develop it interactively.
em-irrefutable k = ?
Given evidence `k` that `¬ (A ⊎ ¬ A)`, that is, a function that give a
value of type `A ⊎ ¬ A` returns a value of the empty type, we must fill
in `?` with a term that returns a value of the empty type. The only way
we can get a value of the empty type is by applying `k` itself, so let's
expand the hole accordingly.
em-irrefutable k = k ?
We need to fill the new hole with a value of type `A ⊎ ¬ A`. We don't have
a value of type `A` to hand, so let's pick the second disjunct.
em-irrefutable k = k (inj₂ λ{ x → ? })
The second disjunct accepts evidence of `¬ A`, that is, a function
that given a value of type `A` returns a value of the empty type. We
bind `x` to the value of type `A`, and now we need to fill in the hole
with a value of the empty type. Once again, he only way we can get a
value of the empty type is by applying `k` itself, so let's expand the
hole accordingly.
em-irrefutable k = k (inj₂ λ{ x → k ? })
This time we do have a value of type `A` to hand, namely `x`, so we can
pick the first disjunct.
em-irrefutable k = k (inj₂ λ{ x → k (inj₁ x) })
There are no holes left! This completes the proof.
The following story illustrates the behaviour of the term we have created.
(With apologies to Peter Selinger, who tells a similar story
about a king, a wizard, and the Philosopher's stone.)
Once upon a time, the devil approached a man and made an offer:
"Either (a) I will give you one billion dollars, or (b) I will grant
you any wish if you pay me one billion dollars.
Of course, I get to choose whether I offer (a) or (b)."
The man was wary. Did he need to sign over his soul?
No, said the devil, all the man need do is accept the offer.
The man pondered. If he was offered (b) it was unlikely that he would
ever be able to buy the wish, but what was the harm in having the
opportunity available?
"I accept," said the man at last. "Do I get (a) or (b)?"
The devil paused. "I choose (b)."
The man was disappointed but not surprised. That was that, he thought.
But the offer gnawed at him. Imagine what he could do with his wish!
Many years passed, and the man began to accumulate money. To get the
money he sometimes did bad things, and dimly he realized that
this must be what the devil had in mind.
Eventually he had his billion dollars, and the devil appeared again.
"Here is a billion dollars," said the man, handing over a valise
containing the money. "Grant me my wish!"
The devil took possession of the valise. Then he said, "Oh, did I say
(b) before? I'm so sorry. I meant (a). It is my great pleasure to
give you one billion dollars."
And the devil handed back to the man the same valise that the man had
just handed to him.
(Parts of the above are adopted from "Call-by-Value is Dual to Call-by-Name",
Philip Wadler, *International Conference on Functional Programming*, 2003.)
### Exercise
Prove the following four formulas are equivalent to each other,
and to the formulas `EM` and `⊎-Dual-+` given earlier.
¬¬-Elim Peirce Implication : Set₁
¬¬-Elim = ∀ {A : Set} → ¬ ¬ A → A
Peirce = ∀ {A B : Set} → (((A → B) → A) → A)
Implication = ∀ {A B : Set} → (A → B) → ¬ A ⊎ B